"Dear Students,The Fault Lie In Our Conducts Which Runs Along Evil Lines.Fortunately We  Found Our Original Father, Chaitanya, He Is Our Mother, Teacher, Creator ,Administrator Ancestor, And Creation .That is Our Tuition is To Turn Our Acts,   Thoughts And Talks Along Marvelous  Manners and , Moralities .This Is Our Mission Lines. .Why? To Transform Ourselves Towards Conscience , (Right Not wrong), Compassion That's the Greatest Thanks Giving God Consciousness. Is To  Improve Our Happiness Peace And Pleasure Permanently?." 
"Surely Our Dedication in This Education With Devotion Is Our Medication 💊  In The Form of Meditation For liberation 🧘‍♂️So We Must Equip Us With Decent ,Discipline and Devotions. Why? To Discover The Reality of Humanity Through Out Our Daily Life in Sincerity". 

"God 🙏 Morning Everyone 🌄🙏! 

"Good morning Krishna Anna ☀️"

     "Happy Krishna  Jeyanthy Anna "

  "Thanks indeed appreciate it ".

"Little prayer in honour of Krishna Jeyanthy please 🙏"

"No....no..no!!!That's not important  it's a matter of power 🚉 Station there is no one behind  Creations".

"Pardon Peter?"

" My Dad's point of view..."

"Oh dear that's not fair!" 

"Doesn't  Adwaita's education teacher ,Shankar Achariyar emphasis the God as a  matter of pure consciousness. And the creation cause by illusion or Maya also it's the Brahma Jyothi Itself ?"

"But...haven't we  been learning He has  got some mental condition ?"

"Ha...ha... hospital doctors must prove it Krishna Anna ".

"He doesn't agree the Personality of Lord is Krishna. Why !".

"Sorry about it the Adwaita  Vedanda philosophy deeply denied it. Krishna Anna !".

"You mean for him , it's a matter of  Impersonal spiritual Peter?"

"Yeah! Yeah....Yeah...All are one God or man or material, are automatically caused just by the  Divine Power Point Krishna Anna". 

"Does  Dvaita say the same ?"

"Wow...wow...wow...hold on ...hold on...hold on.. what does  Dvaita mean Krishna   ?"

"Who is the teacher of Dvwaita?"

"Hinduism is a complicated dating  back more than 5000 years Krishna Anna stop  it ?."

'That's what my Mum's guru told her it's a River just give up and keep up practice the prayer on my pictures" 

'Who is it Sudah?"

"Hugging Amma with white saree".

"Don't be lazy... study, study and study not only about our outter bodies, but also inner bodies"

"Yeah we search...search ...and research for fact from fault and challenging against the mistaken philosophy like Madhava Achariya against Shankarasarya and Ramanuchariyar against impersonalism Krishna Anna ".

"Thanks !These  three major philosophies   are organised amazingly in original line with points evidences and explanation no nonsense ".

"When was it?"

"Madahva was 1238 AD".

 " According Adwaita's point of view,  it's a matter of Oneness Krishna Anna " .
" What about Dwaita philosophy?"

"It's a matter of Dual KRISHNA Anna ,man and God".

"That's all?"
"1) Man 
2) universe and
 3) Brahman ,but Effulgence, (Jyothi) and universe Absolutely no question of Krisna or Visnu all are automatic".


Interesting indeed inspiring it is the transparency of conspiracy in Srilanka "

" Excuse me Krishna Anna could we  ask Sam please?"

"Obviously Meera ....

"Hi Sam ! What do you think  of our topic talk now? "

"Please do not confuse with three Sam one in our class".  

 "Now your turn Sam"

" Basically !Apart from Advaita and Dvaita ,there is   Vishistavaita".

"Ohhhhhhhh Goodness Whaaaaat is  it never ever heard of it Sam?" 

"Suuuuu Sam you carry on please 🙏 !!!". 

  "Vishistavaita   emphasis on the fact that individual soul is part and parcel of the Supreme Soul. HOWEVER  not the  same like Shankarasarya's decision ".

"Ha...ha...to be frank it's out standing !!!"

"Let Sam complete it Meera". 

"According  to Advaita and Dvaita points of views based on Vedas' .

"Was it based on Vedas?'

"Yes whoever do not understands and disagrees, talk called Vedanta philosophy Meera". 

'Thanks 👍 Krishna Anna '.

"Can I?"

'Dvaita decently described the Divinity is Krisna; the Personality is Krishna,   Advaita said it's not a question of Oneness or Bramah Jyothy".

"Why... why?"

"Krishna...is distinguish!!? in spite of being human beings as Atman format ,He is being as Paramatman format , the  Chief Living Being of all living beings ,the Supreme Personality of Godhead".


"Overall, all three are free to value (emphasis) their own  researches results . The greatest news is ,that all three of them   do not Deny Divine, nonetheless the last one Vishtavaita is confirmed the visible ,(Vedas Vastra) Embodiment of Divine is Visnu/Krishna".

"Thaaaaaaanks Meeeeeeeera!" 


"Which Vidya saying that there is no God visible please?" 

"Adwaita School Krishna Anna "

"Sorry Peter?"

"Their teaching ,the Subjective and the objective are the Braman Jyothi, as a matter of power point ".

"Which philosophy is supported by Bhagavad-Gita Dvaita or Advaita?
"Dwaita involved in Gita Krisna Anna "

"What we all  think of God please 🙏?"

"Anyway,  Dvaita and Vishistavaita provided plenty of proves of too much cultural baggages Both of them emphasis on the Personal aspect of the Godhead" 

"Are you certain Krishna Anna ?"

"Definitly ,Being Hindus, having  learned  Vedas based Vedanta ,created  dialogues, causing complications correct ?' 

"Conflict and chaos Krishna Anna lack of torch of knowledge?" 

"Bravooooooo 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏  you are a brilliant Krishna Anna !!!"

"I know it ha....ha..."

"We consider it's a matter of power  fight like a weapon for success of our material life as in cinema because of Avidya could  not comprehend Vedanta's words"

"Example please Krishna Anna 🙏?".

"Open the yellow curtain please Peter 🙏"


"I'm pretty proud of being the devotee of Sriman Narayana, (Lord Krishna). 

"Yes  Krishna Anna!" 

"Rather than an ordinary person practicing for power to empower of material success on temporary basis ".

"Obviously Tulsy".

"What kind of 🍵 tea you are drinking Anna?"

"Is it hard to swallow?".

 "We can help you a bit  Menan Anna ha...ha...?"

"May be it's a hot tea?".



"We don't drink  🍵 tea "



"By the way, a little question "

"I am hearing"

"What kind of tea is hard to swallow Menan Anna?"

" Ohhhhhhh I think it is the "Divinity"
( tea)." 

"Ha...ha...Ambiguous language Anna?"

" You mean the spirituality is hard to swallow??"

"Definitely friends it's free,  but no one takes it " 

"Sorry for that".
..see...see our Originator is in prayer we are not but enjoy in  playstation !"

"Watch what Chaitanya doing?"

"Oh goodness! Does He keep saying the Mantra ?"

"Sure, "

 "Evidence please Krisna Anna we are seeing many dying people again in Srilanka?"

"Hurry up!"

 "Have a go ; have a look how the Krishna devotees are being  beautifully dancing all over the world". 


"Don't be pessimistic please"

"Pardon Krishna Anna?"

"Is it the opposite of optimistic ?.

"Absolutely hopefulness "

"Excuse  meeee Krishna ! How Maha Mantra effects the environment and our enlightenment positively please 🙏

"How please ?"

"We learned how the cinema sounds produced at the radio stations pass through the atmosphere and affect the nature". 

"How Krishna?" 

"The vibration travelling from far,  far  and affecting  vast,vast areas and attacking and damaging the nature."

 "What...Who are the victims ?"

"Like the person who get anger,is the first  victim, by his own anger , those who inhale  the polluted air are the victims as the Virus does" 

"How  the Mandra going to prevent it Krishna Anna?"

"The Vedic Vaccination is the medication 💊 💊 💊 💊 💊 💊 💊 💊 💊 💊 💊 
"So the atmosphere affects the people !"

"Yes it's like the plants get affected by filthy films songs sound waves 🔊 🔉 ".

"Our Miraculous Mandra chanting sound waves 🔊 🔉  🎶  like the devotee we just watched , purify the atmospheres and consequently save the plants which supply the grain"

"Oh my God !!!"


"No rain no grain agree?"

 "Similarly the   grain is the basis of our brain and the meal in turn shape our characters correctly".

"Bravooooooo! Krishna Anna 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 !"

"Eventually the  Omicron more likely  to be defeated by the battle of good viruses in ourselves".

"How many viruses combined and   made a man?"

"Many many millions Krishna Anna".

"Which are battling and  supporting our immunity system  from the current vaccinations' assistance".

"Even though seeing the pity people are deprived from Bhackthy-Yoga,  🧘‍♀️ we feel really regret for their future ?".

" In this circumstances, let us learn a godly guidline "

"We didn't catch up you Krisna?"

"Every man has five facts don't we regularly and repeatedly learn?"

 "Definitely.. definitely worth it Krishna?" 

"What  facts???

Hold... hold on a minute !!! How many FIVE 


"In fact, we have been  taught already . Still I am going to simplify it".


"Kally-Yuga short memories Krishna Anna ".


"First we need to know the way of recovering from the Corona Coverings Krishna Anna".

"Oh the God Head Sri Krishna which is the remedy?".

" Fantastic 👏!👏! ... 

"What are they Krishna Anna?"

1) ...Maya 
2) Maya... 
3) Maya...
4) Maya and 
5) Maya.
"Excuse me Anna what types of Mayas are these five elements?".

"Yeeeee!!!!How can we comprehend within our feeble (weak) five faculties (mental or physical power) ?" 

"Each person has his own Personality according to each of his faculties".

"Am I correct?"
" Why?"

 "We are what we are please ?"

"Because  of our characters , consciousness and subconscious"


"Our consciousness work with our subconscious" 

"Subconscious ?"

"Yes the  SUBCONSIOUSNESS from far  far away of our 

past lives memories, too together . 

"What is the evidence of the subconscious please Krisna Anna?".

"How does a blind person dream?"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness what kind of question is this?!!!!" 

"Rhetorical questions".

" Yeah Rudra.
 How does a newly born child dream?"

 "Wow what  kinds  of rhetorical questions?"

"Yes, I just asked the rhetorical questions to wake you up and answer them by myself ".

"Thank goodness 🙏!" 

"All because the blind person was not blind in his past lives".
In addition , 
"the images from past lives running in his memories 


"Why our characters are characterised differently from each other , good bad and.. and... and?"

"As each person has got his individuality with his consciousness and subconscious" 

"You mean which make our present  personality ?"


"There are five  INDIVIDUALITY OF MAYA in one's personality"

"What are they please  🙏".

1) Mental Maya
2) Material Maya
3)  Vital (absolute necessary )Maya
4) Intellectual Maya
5) Ananda Maya.

"Which are wrapped  in  5 Maya packages like we have contracts with the telephone and computer 🖥 ☎️broad band companies" . 

"For example , the hero, smiling Sam had unwrapped all the packages :

1)  📦 Mental
2)  📦 Intellectual 

3)  📦Spiritual
 4)   📦Vital
5)  📦 Material 

"Karmis the people engaged in activities using all their faculties only... only enjoying desires, don't want to  unwrap the Maya mentalities of individualities to change their pretty Personality due to their consciousness and subconscious".

 "So this is  what we  do not comprehend  the IDENTITY OF ETERNITY RELEVANT TO THE DIVINITY?"


We interested only in sense gratification ,work harder and harder for our better future don't care of scriptures or Vedas's lectures like animals . 

"Are we Karmis?"

"Exactly! There are three Types of karmas"...

1) Good Karma mean we work following the vedic principles". 

2) Akarma means Cancellation of Karma grace of pleasing our Originator, Papa. (Papa in Maha Mandra chanting ).

3) Vikarma, Ignorance of Karma and abuse the freedom". 

"At the same time, some fortunate people are meeting formidable fellows who are following the footsteps of forefathers God steps".
"Certainly you are talking about the mother of Keerthika?"

And the second vedio illustrates the MAGNATIC of Super Star."

"Moreover, at this age, he is defeating the young age actors easily and happily !".

"Appreciate it".

"He is expressing the ENERGETIC, of faculty improved by  magnetic and  divinic."

"Does it  grace of God guidelines?". 

"Why not?". 

"Aren't we are handling handsomely with the rules of three Krisna Anna?".

" Certainly rules of three, simplify, beautify and specify in savings the wordings".

"Again rules of three of languages technology Anna?".

"Definitely delighted". 

" So Rajany is a man of vedic?"

"Absolutely  yes he is."

"Very...very nice 👌 we entertain his films and at the same time maintain our divine line !".

"Why not ...why not?"

"Why K.Soul Nava uses repetitive language very often Krishna?"

For instance, you repeated WHY  NOT...WHY NOT TWICE?"

"Oh it is to make it significant or highlight it". 
It is also a language technique".

"Krishna Anna, why don't you introduce a video vedically valuable like last time?"

"No problem today we enclosed a blessed boy".

"Who is him?"

Abhigya Anand  

"What ?"

"He is talking about the planetary planning of pandemic by the nasty nature".


"As we are in Kally-Yuga"

"When did he speak?"

"Just a few days 

"Why we should listen to him?"

"He  belongs to a blessing family, teaching him about the Originator "

"He is already 🎓 👨‍🎓 graduated in many vedic knowledge we know him Krishna. "

"In what class he is knowledgeable ?"

Cosmology, Astrology and Metaphysical PHENOMENON"

Now press , hold the  link and click on YouTube


"Please 🙏 we need some bless break Krishna Anna"

"Make a pardon ?" 

"Our Ruby Romance ❤" 

"Correct 😎! 

"Concentrate,  steady... ready go a head!!!!"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness!!!" 

"What was it ?"

"Whenever the prettiest both love birds 🐦🐦💘 would be in the beach, park or library  🏖️🏖️, Marina would be chanting the merriest music 🎵 🎶  softly and sweetly".

"What does mean MERRIEST?"


"With her soul mate, Smiling Sam". 
"Sam  would be hearing happily?"

"Oh 😳😳

"Is ... is it because of that they named Marina Beach 🏖️🏖️ in Srilanka ?"


"Listen 👂👂👂 this is why Sam and Marina were considered to be blessed 🐦🐦 birds".

"We are going to back up''

 "What was it Meera?

"We would like to carry on our back up of press reports Krishna!"

"Ha...ha...are you going to carry on your journalism questions again and again sweeties I thought you forgot     !!"

"We love it Krisna and we have to do a performance at school in our exam".

"Speak directly to the author" 

"Oooooh my God 🙏?"

"Why  you're scared of media sir?"


"So what is the topic matter can be given for today's interview, Peter ?"

"Press Release Questionnaire", 

"Trending I mean interesting chocolates 🍫💕🍫💕".

See you later thanks bye 👋!


Prabhu Prabhupada 🌹❤️