"Union Is Strenght"…  

"God is Great...
 Anyone Knows How Great He is?"

"God Morning 🌄 Krishna  🙏"

God Morning  Sacred  Students 🌄!

"What is today's subject matter Krishna ?"

"We all know God is Great and we wish we knew how great He is Krishna"

"Yes Krshna there are  people consider people as temple, humble and sample of God Krishna as an example our teacher sang my father's favourite song Krishna. Would we watch it together Krishna?"

"Our pleasure Pamitta "

" To be fair, after hearing  this, we feel fresh ,in this pretty atmosphere , make sure that our habitations I mean  houses where the Sacred Soul and Super Soul living (In Atman and Paramatman Versions) have to be treated as temples in devotion so regular ruby readers !
We are the prisoners in this world wouldn't we want to be priest?"

"No Krishna it's impossible to get out of the three subtle roots rooted from our previous innumerable births Krishna ".

 "So better be pity prisoners that is up to us... see the way cinema science with the blue sari sacred soul! ".

" no not me I don't  feel any freshness or  responsibility  and not much  interested in divinity Krishna because of my mind, ego and intelligence don't move even a millimetres Krishna " 
"Why Rudra ?".
" Such a hard of learning the  Supreme Science  Krishna how do we easily do  it Krishna ?"

"Is it our duty  krishna are we in debt of these duties Krishna?"

"Well said welcoming your questions" 

"Listen  eveveryone: 

 1) The first debt  is Deva-Rna
2) The second debt is Rishi-Rna
3) The third debt is Pithr-Rna".

"Oh luckily Mr Rishi is our prime minister in London Krishna we can help him by voting , one duty is done  "

"Ha...ha...he is so trangener Krishna!".

"Carry on Rudra!" 

"Good luck we already follow-up Krishna Consciousness grace of our great gurus means we have been paying the rishi rna debt and only parents left Krishna" 

"Why Rudra ?"

"Because  we don't need to pay  we didn't ask them to get married Krishna ...ha...ha..."

"Did...did we ask them Krishna?"

"Suuuuuuu silence Rudra !"

"Ha...ha... this is what my elder brother  often feels fear of get married Rudra".

"Better be friends Krishna"

"Ha...ha... like you  with Rosy Rudra "

"Suuuuuuu silence  !"

" To be honest, even we treat the  temples as wedding Hall Krishna". 

"Ye Krishna like studying schools Krishna ".

"and dancing theaters Krishna...ha...ha... ?"

"Besicaly  we cannot do it Krishna simply we can share some demigods pictures with some wordings with friends and families, that's it... game over like my parents do Krishna ".

"Exactly... that's it...
 what else Krishna?"

"The Holy thoughts ,words and deeds only in the class of The Great Hearts Krishna."

 "When we go out of the class , we are entering in our own classes of ignorance, passion and  ...and...and....not goodness class Krishna please let us continue " 

"Do not demean it by using it for low trivial and  unholy tasks or resolutions students "

"We are so sorry 🙏 Krishna,  but it is the real nature; it is our culture Krishna  "

"Yes Krishna you mind your business Krishna ha...ha..."

"Krishna, we have been borne and brought up to set up materials Please don't frustrate us with upsetting spiritual mission OK Krishna ".

"Our  ambition is to do with upgrading and overcoming obstacles Krishna".

"Pardon Peter why you speak like that today?".

"Because of our original ambitions originated from our past memories Krishna he is correct we all are corrupt Krishna '.

 "I can't wait to meet my guru students you all are upsetting me so badly students".

"We love the material mansion with non stopping tuitions based on  material science ,competitions in  educations and birthday parties ,wedding parties that party and this party you only stick with Arjuna party Krishna it's boring Krishna .

"Overall ,we love drink parties Krishna all our papas drive when we attend the parties and all our Mums  drive home  when  we end the parties  home as papas are totally  drunk "

"However, our elder brothers  and sisters are quite generous  when they  go to the university, they do not do like our parents, but both boys and girls generously drinking and dancing,  quickly get married and quietly get separated ha...ha..."

"Yes Krishna not  to enter the Mansion of God Krishna"


"We... we confronted by these desires doors  and defame divine interpreting it's a forces because the cause of all causes are the temporary material science manipulation management Krishna like our generation who have taught us Krishna"


"That's what we study in science krisna" 

" Like our guru said, "The desire doors are bolted by egoism and Envy Krishna ".

"SuuuWherever you are,  whatever you do, have these in mind set ready  and strong."

"What is it Krishna?"

"In any case ;at any cost and in any circumstances , make sure that our habitations I mean Holy houses where the Sacred Soul and Super Soul living  (Atman and Paramatman) have to be treated as temples in delightful devotion chanting  the Maha Mantra not staying in five stars hotel and and and end up in hell that is  a spell, of a witch  ".

"These all are  the greatest tasks of the God Krishna why...why...why Krishna?"

"The Divine current that flows and functions in every living being ,is the One Universal Father He is the Engineering Entity that is the Reality and rest are the dum...dum..,dum...doom....doom and doom means death or another terrible fate part like fantasy festival cinema". 

"Watch this ! An absolute fancy means kind of  fantasy sort of sexual attractive; a pleasant imagined situation,but Rajany, although he is an actor,  his route is royal root  ".

"So Krishna you meant to show us through the video that it's the transparency of a matter of fantasy and  crazy life?"

Another example,  look at this song in the same film with transgender peoples ".

"Why Krishna?"

"To help them in order to survive, Rajani had adopted them in cinema to teach the society that they are humanity need  protection like normal citizens"

"Wow we understand why we watched it Krisna ?"

"In every country they have been isolated,  insulted and rejected Krishna "

"They are particularly transgender victims in Srilanka Krishna. "

 "For sure ,as a result , they are helpless, homeless and  hopeless undergoing serious stresses and strains, leading them to kill  themselves instead of  ending up  mixed married and become more and more vulnerable". 

 "To be honest, we never ever thought of  them in this way  that  they too  have the  right to live like everybody else Krishna we have to safe them by sharing our worldly worthiest welfares tuition Krishna ".

"Why Subathra?" 

"We never know whether our future children would be or wouldn't be in this type of karmatic circumstances by the  force of "Free Will " lack of Divine Will Krishna". 

"Yes Krishna the nasty nature could lead us through any kind of unkind humankind Krishna....who knows who would be the victims?".  

"Correct unless the law allows them to be legalised like many other countries already allowed them, otherwise it will be a serious pandemic tragic like virus Krishna ".

"Excuse me...  When you get a bit time Krishna could we please watch this video and support them to save the world they have been penalised pathetically Krishna."

"Thanks siva".

"Oh my God... Baba doesn't like allowing his devotees to leave them in this serious situation we always challenging with Swami Baba in comparison to Bona-fide spiritual master, Swami Bhaktivetananta but we don't fail to follow up his dedicated education based on Vedas Krishna"

"Krishna, it is indeed a great deed of sharing it in our Mission of  Tuition. Wow! Now we consider this is the real learning "Central Center "of university as the greatest godly  guidance of safety and security of the society". 

"Thanks Meera... would you like to say a happy "HELLO" to Rajesh Kanna now?"

"Whaaaaaat we  don't believe our ears Krishna!"

"We just thought of him Krishna can you imagine it Krishna?!!!".

"Does he come to visit Krishna?"

"To be honest, please tell us how these kinds of coincidences work Krishna!!!"

"Yeeeeeeeees we really,  really regretted regarding  Rajeskanna's unfortunate situation Krishna".

"Just a minute please 🙏
Could I present you Rajesh Kanna?"

"You don't need to ...

...ha...ha...I'm already here" 


"Okay Krishna Anna" 

"Hi everyone! Pretty pleased to see you".

"Hello Rajesh Kanna ! We... we love you sooo much 💖"

"Yeah we all love you Massively   Rajesh Kanna!".

 "True Rajesh Kanna it's  true we felt so so sorry for your fearful situation due to the  force of circumstances Rajesh Kanna 

"We wish we were there in Srilankan Rajesh Kanna ".

Ye we  wish you  the very  best of luck and a the greatest future Rajesh Kanna ❤️".

"We have a video to welcome you  following up the Diwali Rajesh Kanna "

"Could we play please?"

"I have not expected students I don't mind".

"Wow we wake up and  cheer up wishing you as you live in that greatest outlook  in the end view of Sam's life Rajesh Kanna. 

"God bless you all Happy Diwali".

"Surely Lord bless you with pretty  prosperity,too Rajesh Kanna ".

"Thank you... thank you and I too
 pretty privileged to meet you all...
that's why I am in a tremendous temptation to see you !".

"Waite a minute we heard that word from devotee doctor teacher of devotion Rajesh Kanna ".

"What does it mean again  we have forgotten Krishna ?".

"Temptation the Mataji , divine doctor repeatedly saying that word many times Krishna ?".

"Yes didn't she Krishna ?"

"TEMPTATION means entice someone to do something against their
better judgment". 

"What does  entice exactly stands for please 🙏 Krishna?".

"Attract by offering something desirable". 

"Do you think meeting us is not a good choice Rajesh Kanna?"

" I am so sorry as I am on  the way to work in the  middle suddenly have a temptation to talk to you too that's what I meant ".

"We thank you so much  Krishna having said that, we appreciated this perfect opportunity Krishna".

 "We don't even know  why we are curious and excited Krishna "

"Yeeeeeeeees don't even know we adore of you Rajesh Kanna?"


"We learned lessons from  your loyal life style Rajesh kanna Anna".

"Has he  got a few minutes spare to be with us Krishna?".

"To be fair Rajesh Kanna has got to do something?"

"Sure !!!"

"Could we at least ask him a few questions please Krisna ?"

"I don't mind students".

"Thanks 🙏!"

"Excuse us we would like to know whether your path way is Rama's pathway or Krisna's pathway Rajesh Kanna?"

"Difficult very difficult question like  my tricky case work today ".

"You are joking!"

"Does it difficult to... to answer our question Rajesh Kanna?"


"In my unfortunate circumstances ,I couldn't follow up Rama's Road to be honest".

"We understand Rajesh Kanna ... we like you and we know the terrible circumstances which put you in this complicated condition".


"Go a head!". 

" By the way, let me ask you," why you like Krishna please students?"

"  it because He is the kindest Only God Who knows everything Rajesh Kanna?".
"Overall ,He is all that's all Rajesh Kanna"

" He is the soul and super soul ha...ha...doesn't He?"

"Sure Krishna sorry Rajesh Kanna "

"Then why people insulting Krishna Rajesh Kanna?"

"Simple they are not humble aren't they Krishna...
 pardon Rajesh Kanna?" 

"They are not consulting the Vedas's VERDICTS ".

"I'm sorry Krishna my apology Rajesh kanna ?". 
"What is the evidence that He is the kindest and greatest than Rama Krishna?".

"Please ask Rajesh Kanna ".

"Hadn't He incarnated in his real Supreme form of all attractive on the request of Rama students?"

"Ohhhhhhh why was it please Rajesh Kanna?".

 "In order to fulfil  His hardest and horrifically unbelievable major mission ". 
"That doesn't make sense Rajesh Kanna Anna!".

"Didn't  He accept everyone who falls in love with Him ."

"With whom you mean Rama and Krishna are the same?"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness was it Rama's request to Krisnan Anna?"

"Can I interphere ?".


"What you think of Devaky's brother ,Khamsa?"

"He is the kindest brother ever".

"Do you really meant it Rajesh Kanna?".

"Yes, in terms of material motivation, he was the best in terms of Science of Self-Realisation ,he is the worst like some audience of The Great Hearts dull headed like we are watering  some dead trees ".

"Why you think he is the kindest brother while the whole world think he is a miser wicket person?" 

"He is not a miser. Miser means a person do not spend. As a prove, he provided 400 chariots of dowry to his sister, Devaky".

"Woooooow was he...was he Krishna?"

"Then why he was prepared to murder his sister Krishna?"

"Unfortunately he is unaware of Kanna 's sacred soul doesn't subject to decay ; doesn't subject to decline and doesn't subject to dead that is Atman and Paramatman like some serious Sivan devotees although they have been suffering from serious medical condition and taking tons of tablets abundantly or plentifully  besides being with Ravana."

"Excuse meeee Rajesh Kanna!!!"


"If he was aware of Krishna, Atman and Paramatman, he wouldn't have scared of his death?".

"Fantastic glad to have high quantity  conversation with you all !"

"What do we  do when our family members are seriously sick although they are sufficiently aged ?"

 "What you say... say it again Peter ?"

"What do we  do when our family members are seriously sick although they are sufficiently aged ?"


"Don't we polish up our entire bank balance to safe them or make a difference in their medical condition Krishna ?"

"Absolutely that is beyond our control because we all are behind the demigods ; behaving accordingly as we have no torch of knowledge". 

"Why not 
... didn't we    try to safe Renuga by any cost?"

"Because...because of love children she is too young! "

"So our Bona-fide guru expressed educationally and scientifically how to die by saying the Maha Mantra not (matras )we mean not  bag full of drugs only to abolish the bank balance of our families and countries  future protections?"

"Pardoned didn't catch up? "

 "I mean  like in London, lots of budget tragedy is simply because of some serious treatments of some ignorance class illnesses such as chain smokers, daily drinkers and enormous eaters as a consequence the innocent tax payers are pathetically penalised ".

 "Alright can I go now  you are arguing seriously the way very  pleased to meet  you everyone?!" 

"Ohhhhhhh goodness  as a consequence, he didn't know the consequence of killing his own  sister ,Devaky Krishna Anna?." 

"OK then see you later!". 

" Last question please...please ".

"Why he had arrested his own father, king Ukrain Rajeshkanna ?"

"Because the King was against his son's arrogant attitudes and irresponsible idiotic ideas".

"Don't you think Sri Krisna is a victime because of Rama Rajesh Kanna?"

"Sorry... say it again!!!!

...I couldn't get it say it again?".

"Why people are accusing Lord Krishna as a womanizing person?".

"Being the God, providing the  request, isn't it part of His responsibilities 🙏??? Otherwise what is the point of being a Creator?"

"Sure sure" 

"Who is better Rama or Krisna Rajesh Anna?" 

" Benze  said it is  Krishna".

"Did  she?
She is a child Krishna Anna ".

"Isn't it because...".

"What was it Meera do not hesitate speak out loud?"

"No I don't want to say... ".

"What was it speak out I really like all of your lovely 🌹❤️ inquiries which really inspired me that is my aspirations I mean ambition ,too?"

" Didn't Rama send his wife back to the forest after all, she was a pregnant woman ?"

"Definitely Durga that's what Benz too said and worried".
"What is your favourite song Rajesh Kanna?"

"Heart doesn't forget and it doesn't loose the memories "

"Could we share the song please 🙏Krishna Anna?"

"We have it on video is it OK for everyone?"

"Doesn't matter Krishna Anna "

Three two one:

"Is it your favourite song Rajesh Kanna?"


"We love 💘 you Rajesh kanna!".

"Sorry that's what my previous girl friend used to say ha...ha...".

"Ha...ha...See you later!".

"Thanks Rajesh  Kanna bye ...bye!!!."

"We would like to continue the flash 📸 back of the Great 💕 Hearts 💕 Krishna"

"Alright Durga let's get started"

"One two three:"

"One second! 
...Next week we have an exam in English  comprehention Krishna".

"How can I help you students except grammar because I am not good at?"

"It's  matter of test from a text from which we have to discuss successfully Krishna a text will be given we ought to examine and analyse the  writer's  
  INGREDIENT, elements and writing skills Krishna".

"  Krishna it's  just  ANNOTATION only we have to discuss of  the writer's use of :

1) language
2) Relationship
 3) plot
4) setting 
5) Characterisation 

"Brilliant I already knew all these proceed Retna ".

"Here the writer trying to create an atmosphere of competition of God Consciousness and comprehention of the peoples' Selflessness and Selfishness Krishna"

"Sure the atmosphere of tension and fear seems like Rowdy Ragu similar to Devaky's brother Khan Krishna". 

"Ohhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees keep it up... keep it up bright students".

 "Can I record it Krishna?" 

"No problem Balaraman no problem ...ha...ha...I thought you are asking some kinds of ingredients to cook something ha..,ha.. ".

"The Great Hearts  By K.Soul Nava in this story , Sam has gone for a walk in the park and had a very vedic history of glory in the form of his class mate ,Marina. 

We are going to look for INGREDIENTS:
1) language
2) Relationship
 3) plot
4) setting 
5) Characterisation 

We love the story in line of main Divine  we mean  Sam and Rowdy Ragu already seems like Ravana and Rama  ".

"Sure students the writer  is doing it for students education purpose  both school study and soul study as double wings of a bird" 

"Certainly Krishna. We love the first part where Sam met his lover. However, left her in a matter of minutes as his mother met him simultaneously. Finding no option, he missed her ."

"Nevertheless,  from the very begining of  the episodes ,  we all are impatient of their reunion as the writer described decently how they look like ;how they speak and behave even how they think and feel especially how they get on with each other characters. ". 

"Well said Peter to be frank, I am not one of you guys, but one of the charaters guys".

"Oh yeah 🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍 that's the distinct in this story Krishna!" 

"We love the characterisation of both of them Krishna"

Seriously the settings of Benz when she was after tuition was unbelievable Krishna .

Worst of all, in Kandy when Marina was chased by Ragu rowdy... Krishna 

... Oh goodness! There was a sense that the landscape began to turn against Marina in the dark uphill road she was unable to walk  . It was an sense of menace it was  built up through the description of the circumstances Krishna".

"What does it mean Rudra ?"

"Characterisations of the pair is important because it help us understand the why they both were so frightened of their mother Krishna  ".

"Sure they both are sensitive quite easily frightened due to their respectful relationship of their parents Krishna".

"Elegant intelligent next please". 

"However , remembering the past  terrible incidents during the consecutive speeches, Sam became famous over night and step by step he became a brave boy Krishna ".

"Doesn't he Krishna?"

"Yes. He is angry with himself for being scared of Rugu Rowdy. Moreover,  following these fearful events what  he had experienced, 
now he became much more mature, brave  because of being bullied by rowdies of the  opponents party". 

"Thanks Krishna so it is a fantastic story of exciting and also traumatic. It's a story of being followed by their affection and devotion and it is told from the victim's point of views Krishna "

"Sure so that the readers can identify closely with them students".

" There are some episodes have the double build-up of tension, Krishna".

Yeah the previous episodes we think where Sam was on the way to Marina's home meanwhile, Rajesh Kanna and ...and... and were at his home where the tension mounts when they heard his saddened and gladdened story following  Marina's contact Krishna  ".

" these are the ingredients students you all are absolutely amazing ".

"There is a continued build-up of tention to the follow up episodes when they returned again for dinner Krishna ".


"Best of all, we often appreciate the settings Krishna the location are pretty perfect  Krishna". 


"Especially the isolation  of  Marina in a city far ,far away from Sam Krishna" 

"Yes we wonder while reading the plot in this scenario the story is so exciting and dramatic ,too Krishna". 

"Me., does it mean plot Krishna are they gangsters of Srilanka Krishna?"

"Suuuu here the plot means what happens in a  story especially the turning point like climax it is not a matter of the sequence of the story, but beginning, middle and the end".

"Isn't it the series of events that unfolds from start to  finish Krishna?"


 "To be frank, it is a history of being blessed ,chased and followed the target to get out of wicket way  of the entire characters from ignorance class to goodness class Krishna".


"It is told entirely from the victim's point of view Krishna ".

"Correct so that the audience can comprehend compassionately students "

"No wonder why Sam is being different because his relationship of lordship between Rowdy Ragu and his gangsters  Krishna". 

"Excellent effort!The power of the competition increased through reference to the speech competition that's what  I thrilled personally students". 

"Finally fantastic fact is ,the relationship of the hero and the heroine  made us feel faithful and seem very isolated inspiring pair  Krishna ".

"Most importantly, use of language of the Great Hearts is pretty powerful such as  language structure especially the smallest paragraphs are quite quick and simple this keeps the story moving at a quick pace Krishna".

"Some sentences are particularly short.  This is a distinct divice used by writer to build up dramatic tension and suspense Krishna." 

"The dialogues move pretty fast Krishna with the perfect punctuation described decently Krishna".

"Yes, there is extensive details about the Supreme Science, making it seem more mesmerizing Krishna." 

"Lots of language techniques ,plenty of alliteration ,metaphorical language , personification colour words, ambitious language, puns, togetherness and humour Krishna ".

"Choice of vocabularies, adjective, adverbs sentences structure imagery,simile, metaphor ,personifications description of  the five senses are well detailed.

The regular repetitions minor details become more major matters. For information the gross body and the subtle body study seems unbelievable and when it was confirmed by Doctor , we felt proud of us Krishna".

"Alright cool down let get started our actual lesson Krishna remember to remember in your exam please provide Prove by quoting and  underlining and highlighting the particular elements of the languages features. That is the examiners expectations  otherwise , no marks mind it everyone 

"True Krishna luckily you reminded us thank you so much Krishna ".

"Last if all, Krishna!
We really ,really enjoyed the orientation we mean the information that help us to understand the account of recount ,the author was setting the scene by using words:
1)  where 
2) when,
3) who, 
 4) what and 
5)why is fabulous Krishna ".

" Absolutely let us get started Krishna 😊😊😊😁😁!".

"OKAY!!!!Joyous James and his friend with his sister  came to visit again".

"Oh yeah he is a British guy wasn't he Krishna?!"

"We know him he is a rough 💎 diamond  sir said"

"What does mean "a rough diamond"💎  Krishna Anna?"

"A well like person of rough manner, Subathra.

"Who is James's sister we would like to know more of her please?"

As we already know , his sister's name is Renuga Jonathan

"Who is Renuga ?"

"I think  you remember, once she had  borrowed some jewellery and lost them all  ?"

"Oh yeah". 

"Who is his friend Krishna ?"

"Rajesh Kanna 🌹🥀🏵?

"He is one of the best friends of Sam,too Krishna?".

"But bad luck they just missed Sam only a five minutes ago".

"Why was it Krishna?". 
He didn't even know he went without knowing that they all are coming".

"Has the house of Sam  has any name Krishna "

"Yeah Krishna doesn't it  look  palacious Krishna?"

 "Have you ever been there Krishna?"

"Sure sure, it's called" Krishna Home" 

"Krishna Home ?"

What a  woooooow house?!" 
"Correct Christina" 

"Interesting...interesting every thing in the world belongs to Lord Krishna that's what his house has been named accordingly".

"Sam's every single action and word has a reasonable reason and his 🎬  actions reflecting in the charm house 🏠 too unbelievablly. Krishna" 

"Ha...ha... people often say that Rudra" 

" All of them are  his class mates  Krishna?"

"Certainly Retna except Renuga"

"So are they  going to have a 🥳  party today Krishna?"

"They are not at his home , but  Silva's home , and sadly sitting and talking about Sam only?".

"Why they came back today Krisna?"

"Why! Why... why... not?" 

" Sure .They came home as  Sam  was off". .

"Plus point is, Sam is on his holiday and everyone knows,he is a champion in cherishing I mean protect and care of loving  gusts and bath them in his Supreme path way intelligently.
Doesn't he Krishna?".

"Certainly he does Subathra 👍"

"We got it Krishna".

"Pardon Peter?"

 "As a result,intelligent people like us  interested his friendship Krishna ".

 "Sure the reason why they  would like to see him from time to time to renew their Divinely torch of knowledge ".
"👏 Well said Peter !👏 👌 👍 "

"Only those who are fortunate appreciate him whereas the unfortunate disregarded him because it is misfortune for them Krishna". 

" Erm !"
"What was it Krishna?"

"Yes ! For their bitter surprise, Sam didn't call them."

" wasn't...wasn't he Krisna?",
"Oh yeah That is why  they all are scared for him Krishna ".

 "Correct concerned compassionately!!!" 

  "Why didn't they call Sam to check whether he was  available before hand Krishna Anna?"

"Of course, they tried to call Sam , but was in vain.''

"They were so surprised and bitterly and worried thinking what would went wrong!?"

"Didn't  they know that he was on the way to see merrily Marina Krishna  Anna?".

"No Rudra 👎!"

..."Obviously  they worried as they were unable to see his bright beaming smile Krishna Anna?" 

"Have you seen him sweet hearts when you were in the orange 🍊🍊🍊💕🍊🍊🍊🍊 orchard??💕 ♥ ❤?"

"We would like, but he was not in a good mood in the orange orchard ?"

"Oh I see" 

"However, we saw more or less of his loving eyes and we heard his good words 💗"

"True! He really does  🌹 💐🏵🥀 Krishna ".
"Why does he is being different from others  Krishna ?"
"Is it because he knows the Divine Doer and the Knower or the the Splendor Creator Krishna ?". 

"You got it Siva knowledge is power and character is respect and attractive".

"Knowledge is the power of attraction 

"Undoubtedly ".

"For example Krishna?"

 "When his friendly friends run out of energy. "

"Pardon Krishna?" 

"I mean by following nonstopping material activities."

"Oh so they straightaway pay a visit Krishna Home Krishna?".

"Absolutely Meera ".

"We know why Krishna".

"Why Rosy?"

"They  would like to see him to hear Supreme Science Krishna 💞"

"Correct ".

"Why... don't they  read the Bhagavad-Gita by themselves Krishna ?"

"Ha...ha...!!!He is a silver tongue, Retna"Ha...ha..."

" Such an eloquent .Dosen't he Krisna?". 

"Excuse me I never heard Krishna Anna what does mean eloquent".

"Skillful or persuasive Rata". 

"Kind of golden-voiced".

"Oh...oh you mean pleasing to hear his words Krishna 💞 👂?"


" More over ,they heard some kind of bad news the reason why they visited again all together" .

"True Krishna no smoke without fire ".

"What it would be Krishna Anna?"
"Pardon Sarah?" 

"Has he got some issues apart from Marina's matter Krishna?"

"Suuuuuuuuu!!!!!Let.... let Krishna Anna 🙏 narrate it little freely Rudra". 
 "Yeah it's true I have many things to say sweethearts. 
Are you ready ?"

"Ever-ready Krishna ". 

"Alright, all of a sudden, Benz's parents, Mr and Mrs Silva began to say something which they couldn't believe... that was incredibe for them:"

"What was it Krishna?".

Mr Silva said regrettably: 

"Honestly, we did not know that Marina knew our child , Ram. Who had passed away" 

"When our daughter, Benz found Marina  last night in a village ,sort of country side"

"Why they went there Krishna?"

 "Please listen what Krishna say ".

"They said, "where we went to see a relative after long journey luckily we met Marina there ."
Mrs Silva interrupted, 

"At that point, our daughter accidentally told her about Ram's tragic death when she was talking about him, she was in a shock".

"Especially, hearing about his act of donating  his own organs for 5 children on condition they need to be married to the women who are unable to pay their dowry ...not to expect any single penny from their poor life partners". 

"Hearing this, Renuga  raised her sorrowful gaze from her parents to Benz!

 "As she was already badly worried and cried in wiping her tears". 

"James and Rajeshkanna;  eyes too brightened like diamonds glittering salt water from their eyes. 

"Further Marina sympathetically requested us to take care of him 💞

She really said that with so so compassionately to have an eye on her Sam because he was all alone"...

Mrs Silva replied. 
 "On our arrival home, we tried to wake up Sam, as he was just laying in his sofa! or settee. 

"Benz began to worry , calling him please don't leave us like Ram did please Sam Anna . I cannot survive"

" He didn't wake up!"

"We suddenly saddened and alarmed! We couldn't stand ,but we wouldn't like to leave him in that pretty pity status!" 

"Moreover,the gate, doors and the windows  were entirely opened! " 

cried Benz breathlessly her tears were already washed her up".

She was suddenly  taking a white tissue from the blue packet,

'He is such a nice person wouldn't expect any one's assistance. He always do his own duties ...

For instance, while teaching although the tissue was just next to me, but a bit far to reach his hand , instead of asking me to pass it, he would be walking around to pick it  up!".

"I don't know I am so fond of him".

Silva interrupted:

"The kitchen was filled with burned foods stuff and the smell was still remained in the house", 

"Benz  said  worriedly wiping up her running nose with a white tissue  ". 

"As long as Marina explained about her telephone conversation and the way she interrupted the call because of her  running out of credit, she was concerned that Sam might have been left helpless in the midst of his dinner cooking "

Answered Vanitha,Benz's mother. 

"No surprise,he was asleep  laying leather settee with his dress unchanged  including his sandals on."

"We were about to seek medical advice as soon as we found a sleeping tablets box next to him".

"We all began to cry hugging him up"

"It's true! We were frightened, scared....
 Benz was on the floor rolling everywhere banging her hands and head on the floor." 

Yelled Mr Silva. 

"Suddenly everyone    ... frightened  Rajeskanna stood unexpectedly,he adore of this great  guy!!!!!" 

"But only a single sleeping tablet was taken from the brand new box !!!", 

Vanitha smiled. 

"Thank God!"

"Said all three together and sat back relaxly with a sigh relieve breath. 
"It was the biggest even massive relieve for us and then Benz helped him to take some dinner as a mother...  

She is so fond of him from so little  . Needn't to say, we had read a poem when she was feeding him motherly ;he ate without opening his eyes at least a bit",

Mr Silva said silently and sadly."

Mr Silva's voice was blocked and his reddened eyes were hidden by tears...he attempted to say something, but couldn't  words cought in the throat and then he managed to say:
...: I think he couldn't sleep following the call from Marina "

"Rajesh kanna was  nummbed his nice nose was running which is the sign of eyes rain. 

However,  clearing his throat he was trying to talk nevertheless he couldn't". 

"Watching  him emotionally, James wiped away his nose with a white tissue . 

"We known how hard and emotional situation for them because we too feel fond of him 💞 Krishna .".

"By the  way, I escape it's so hard to me you better carry on with tutor my apologies".

"We understand Krishna ".

"I know why Krishna".

"How do you know Sarah?." 

"Because he was trying to prevent the tears and his nose began to run as same as Rajesh Kanna Krishna 💞". 

"Meanwhile Renuga regrettable shocked and frozen fearfully"

Thanks spend a couple of seconds what the video is chanting:

Continue .....


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