"Excuse me Krishna what does it mean?" 

"What's  that Peter?"

"What's the people should understand Krishna?"

"Yeah we understand everything Krishna and what else we need to understand Krishna ?"

 "Simple it's being written below Krishna's pretty picture above Sarah which was taken from the Bhagavad-Gita"

"Oh the  science of Self-Realisation Krishna?" 

"Yeah the God and the relationship with God knowing it , the worship ?".

"Otherwise Krishna?".

"Titanic Ship Sam" 

"The  subject of   Bhagavad-Gita  As It Is Entails everything ".

"What does it mean, Krishna?"

"Sorry say it again".

" ENTAILS Krishna?"

"Involved as necessary part Pamitta "

"What's it Krishna?"

"The comprehension of Five Basic Truths ".

"What are they please Krishna how many five ...five...five...
 why we waste our  time in learning  Lord's lessons  Krishna?"

" Leave them all and simply  following our parents footsteps by running behind millions of demigods and goddesses and begging them some  material benefits Krishna  ?"

"The science of God which is  explained in Bhagavad-Gita"

"What else Krishna out of five factors of Krishna Science please?"

"What  are they please Krishna, but  in brief Krishna ?"

"  The constitutional position of the living entities."

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness what does it mean Krishna?"

"Constitution mean the principles by which a state is governed or 
a composition of the formation of a  person's physical or mental state according to the dictionary".

"Does CONSTITUTIONAL means in accordance with the constitution of  Krishna mena Anna?"

"Yes ....yes...because of our mistakes and mismanagement ,we ignore the development of enlightenment "

"Does it because of our lack of education and dedication of improvement of material entertainment Krishna?"

"Of course we don't care of the cause of all causes. AM I correct Krishna ?".

"We got the Pot  Krishna"

"Pardon Pamitta ?"

"Ha..ha... the pot ,the Potter and the mud , Krishna "

Good godly guidance...the maintenace Man of Unique of  Universe who is in eveyone Pamitta". 

"Sure who lives in everyone and separated from everyone Krishna?".

"Brilliant boy !"

"And then the second out of the five truths   please Krishna?".

"There is the Science of Isvara to be understood ."

"Oh does it mean the Paramatman feature of Krishna, the Super Soul which we studied previously with a footage standing on a pink lotus flower who is  the Controller Krisna Anna?"

"Thanks Rata mesmerised as you memorised the very important science  " 

"What about the Jivas ' Science    Krishna ?".
"Sure Sciences of  souls ,brahman...there are called jivas , the living entities which are  controlled by Isvara    , 

"You mean  Super Soul  Parabrahman  Krisna ?." 

"Yes Braman is in us as a Free Will  uncontrolled and Parabraman also within us as a 

Divine Will, controller ".

"Please Krishna short and sweet "

"Alright one two three the subject matter of Bhagawad-Gita going to be described in five seconds:
FIRST OF ALL , The Science of God:
The Science of Paramatman/Super Soul

THEN :   The Science of  Athman/ Individual Soul , JEEVA   

(3 )
NEXT :The Science of Nature/ Prakrti (material nature) 

AFTER THAT : The Science of the Time duration of  the whole universe or manifestation of the material nature 

FINALLY: The science of Karma activities. 

"The Science  of Karma Krishna?"

"Yeah!All living entities are engaged in different activities". 

"Aren't we Krishna ?"
"What about the past karma Krishna?".

"All are  souls related; all are included the soul cannot be excluded so does the karma  Tulsy ".

"OOhhhhhhh goodness we thought  only the  present karma is taken in to consideration Krishna".

"I'm afraid, it includes the past and present activities to decide our future Personalities sweet hearts πŸ’• ".

"So the future assure our pleasure or suffer depending of our Science of Self-Realisation Krishna?"

"Definitely Durga!". 

"Doesn't it confusing like the elements actions Krishna?"

"Have you done your home work guys?"

"That's so easy so we didn't bother to do it Krishna".

"Let us sort out it first please" 

"Why Krishna?" 

"We should not ignore it as I did" 

"What was it Krishna?"

"IELTS or PTE ".

"What does mean it Krishna ?"

"Prove of English Language to Travel The World or another country,  request a certificate ".

"Why did you ignore it Krishna?"

"There were four tests I passed all three,  but because of grammar,  I couldn't make the last one ". 

"Why was it Krishna did you make mistake like you do it in  the Blogger ?"

" Ha....ha....! 

"!!!...Because it was easy "

" Krishnaaaaaa!!!!...
"ha...ha...ha...what are the  aspects of tests Krishna?"

"1) Reading 
2) Writing
3) Understanding and
4) Speaking "
"What dress you were wearing as they see everything Krishna".

"I was dressed pretty perfectly" 

"What was it Krishna?" 

"Like I was wearing in India when filming  the video remember guys?".


"Oh  goodness meee why Krishnaaaaaa?"

"Because" can't smile so I at least try to impress them".

"Oh goodness are you kidding Krishna?"

"Alright now we create compound sentences from these simple sentences using the best co-ordinating conjunctions right?. " 

"What are the coordination conjunction please  Krishna in any case you don't know much grammar Krishna ". 

"If you talk like that I won't help you ".

"Cool down  Krishna we won't let you down Krishna !"

"There are seven examples of coordinating conjunctions "

"Ohhhhhhh it's easy Krishna!". 

"Does it a word that joins two elements of equal grammatical rank?".

"Correct Christina !"

"They are :
1) and
2) nor
3) but
4) Or
5) Yet
6) and
7) so."

"Now or never let get done dear students,but one by one".

A) "My grandparent's house has two spare rooms, BUT I have got to share  my sister's room"

"Excellent effort Renuga" 

"Next please "

B)" The day been well YET it got worse and worse ".

"Fantastic Peter another person please!"

C)" The ducks were very well fed  AND they waddled constant out the park."

"Clever Christina ho is the flower?" 

"D) Tom knew he had a late night before him YET he had been up until midnight the  previous day."

"Why not any one else?"

"E) the spring blossom makes the green look gorgeous BUT It only lasts  months."

"Well done Balaraman next one !"

"F) Learning to play  music instrument can be hard, BUT  if you practice,it gets easier". 

"Out standing students Super thank you so much".

"Now another home work of COMPLEX SENTENCES happy?"

"Example Krishna"

 "Complex sentences link ideas together and how the relationship between them".

"Sample please?".

"Despite the rain ,everyone turned up on time."

"What does the first word of the COMPLEX SENTENCES called Krishna?"


"Subordinate clause Krishna ".

"Sorry Sarah?"

"The first word of the complex called DUBORDINATE CLAUSE haven't we learned  recently Krishna?"

"Splendid indeed splendid Sarah !"

I'm not going to support you because you  are still  too much argumentative these are such a childish examples you do them as home work then we revise in  the session work like last time" :

"Please tell us some sample of SUBORDINATES CLAUSES Krishna"

Examples are:
1) despite 
2) although 
3) Even though 
4) Before 
5) while 
6) Since 
7) unless 
8) as long long 
9) after
10) as though
11) until 
12) when .

"Remember we can add a SUBORDINATE CLAUSE to the end of the main clauses or to the begining of the clauses or even after the noun  to create complex sentences interestingly". 

"We are Clueless of clauses Krishna ".

 "They are  the group of words  without objects "

"Ohhhhhhh yeah only subject and Verbs Krishna ".

"Yes "


"Alright one exercise OK?"

"Add a subordinates to the start of the sentence to make complex Sentences of your own :

1) "Athough  thousand of    peoples   are dying in th boat, everyone interested  to go abroad."

"Another  clause which is ending at the end krishna?" 

"Sam and James are best friends eventhough James slapped Sam publicly"

"Could we continue our dialogue Krishna?"

"Please Krishna ,the last one... how we use the subordinate after the noun Krishna"
The house WHICH stands next to the pretty pond is Sam's home

"Did any of you say morning greeting to Krishna?"

"Sorry πŸ™ Krishna!"

"God πŸ™ Morning Krishna Anna"

"How are you doing sacred 

"We are fine are you  copying our tutor's unique style Krishna Anna".


"This is how he often calls us".


"Keep it up Krishna".

"Before beginning our episode, "9A"  let you know that the second
book of The Great πŸ’•Hearts is nearly over"

"Already Krishna Anna?!

  "Are you...kidding ?"...


"Yes ,you are Krishna".

 "I am not joking it's the reality?"

"Ha...ha... would you like to continue Krishna ?"

"  The third book Krishna ".

"I thought that  you have already accumulated sufficient information to be  adherence in Krishna Science?" 

"To be honest, to make a marvelous difference with our inner intelligence, we need to have much more information Krishna Anna".

"Thanks for your complement Rudra".

" Haven't we already  learned through out all our episodes?"

 but we prefer continue it Krishna "

"What does mean , adherence Krishna ?"

"Stick firmly, Sam "

"Is the second book is already ending up on  episode 9B Krishna?"

" Almost   ended sweet πŸ’• hearts?"

" No wonder we
would  like to continue the third book Krishna". 

"Please Krishna Anna"

"No problem... any of you have any queries?"

"No thanks". 

"Because you  I can't answer we need to ask difficult divine details  questions Krishna Anna would you capable of answering?".

"Yeah you cannot clear our  complicated questions Krishna ".

" For instance,  Who is Paramatman please πŸ™ 😒?"

"The Paramatman feature  of the PERSONALITY OF GOD HEAD is 

One of three?"

"Who is He in particular, Krishna Anna?"

"Is he Brahma?".


"Is he Siva?"

 "Is he Vishnu?"
"Where did  these three are derive from Krishna Menan Anna?".

"They drived from the  Personality of God Head, Lord Krishna πŸ™". 

"Who is Him?"

"The Paramatma feature ".

"So He is  the Personality of God Head Krishna?"

"Sure  He is one of three 

plenary expansions."

"How Does this expansion called?


 "Does... does this Divine Vishnu Tattwa pervading within the universe Krishna?".


"Who are  they Krishna Anna?".


1)  Vishna 

2) Bramah 

3)  Siva.

"What is His name Krishna Anna?"

"We already learned Doesn't matter repetitive remind a lot better".  

"Right He is  ONE OF THE THREE PRINCIPAL Deities :

"He is known as the

( 1)     Ksirodaka Sai Vishnu.

"Does He is the all pervading Paramatman Krishna πŸ’žπŸ™?".


"What does it mean pervading ,  please Krishna Anna πŸ™'.'

"Spreading ,presenting or spreading, if you want ".

"Does He  live in  each and every individual living entity Krishna Anna?".

"Yes Ksirodaka Sai Vishnu lives in us as Atman," 

"Does the sacred soul is the Vishnu who lives in everyone Krishna Anna?. "

" Yeeeeeeeees!There is another sacred Super Soul He is is Paramatman feature ".

"Doesn't He has a name like Ksirodaka Sai Vishnu Krishna Anna ?".

"He does ."

"Does the PARAMATMA live like Atman in everyone of us Krishna Anna?".

" Absolutely He does as
Paramatman and atman both like love birds live in us".

"What is His name ?
Who is in  Paramatman Version Krishna Anna?". 

"(2)  The Garbhodaka Sayi Visnu 

That is amazing πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘"

"He is the collective Supper Soul of all living 


"Ohhhhhhh goodness!". 

"Excuse me Krishna ?"
"I am  hearing Renuga".

"Who is laying down in the beach on the snake  and why He accompanied by a gigantic... gigantic  snake ?"

"Yeah beyond these two, who  are in each of us Krishna?".

 Apart from these two , Ksirodaka Vishnu and Garbhodaka Sai Visnu,there is another ONE. 

(3) the third One called Karanodaka Sayi Vishnu which is 

THE "CASUAL OCEAN Krishna Anna?".  

"Who is Him Krishna Anna?

"He is the creator of all the Universes".  



"Ohhhhhhh goodness meee!!!!!"

"Why you all are standing?"


"Just as an  honour Krishna Anna"_. 

" is the Creation of all three Visnus,...demigods and people in His Maya Energy Krishna Anna?".

"Yeah outstanding we all are in blind fold states Meera".

Aren't we  behaving like a child and talking like toddler Krishna Anna".

 "I feel goosebumps Krishna Anna ".

 "Thanks take your seats please πŸ™"

"Last of all, a serious question please!"

"No worries waiting for it!"

 "What is the impersonal brahma Jyothy we mean the people consider as 
the power not the God Krishna?"

"Where is that power radiating from please Krishna?"

"Oh it's interesting indeed inspiring inquiry!!!".

"But I cannot  answer I am sorry". 

"Aren't you joking Krishna Anna?"

"Alright that is the impersonal brahma Jyothy?"

"Yes please!"

"We wonder ,!WHETHER Where does the godly glaring effluents glory influences from Krishna!!! 

"Does it from Lord Krishna ?"

",Certainly !!!This glaring glorious effulgence derives from  the transcendental Body of Lord Krishna

 " Is it  possible to provide 
Prove KrishnaAnna?"

"This is confirmed in the Gita as well as in  the Brahma Samhita".



Fantastic πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 

πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 
πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 

"We just would like to back up the follow up story Krishna" 

"Alright πŸ‘!."

"Ha...ha...alright then  let's get started straightaway" ... 

 "  Just a minute .... one question only please πŸ™?"

"Please πŸ™ proceed Retna".

"How can we stop bad effects  from eatings meats please Krishna πŸ™?" 

" ha...ha... "

"You are not all alone we all are in  the same  boat  ,but little by little by walking on the Lord Lane ,we will learn the lessons how to drive decently on that divine Lane with  disciplines then automatically we will omit them and oppose them  respecting the Omnipotent,Omnipresent and Omniscient "  ".

" Thanks. What a coincidence!"

 "Why Krishna ?"

"Today's episode  in deed related to your questions and answers students".

 "Happy?. ".

"OK then we better carry on 
Krishna Anna".

"Right concentrate "

"Excuse me Krishna!"

"Proceed please".

"We  saw people eating meats πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–πŸ– during the fasting of Ramadan" .

"No wonder !"

 "Don't we eat meats on Christmas day Christina ha...ha...ha...?"

"We do apology Krishna "

"So please cool down and  let's follow up our last  episode of the second book, Rudra it has got all the answers of all your questions... happy?". 

"Alright   thank you so much Krishna Anna". 

"One two three let's go and see Sam... ready?"

"The ☎️ telephone rings!" 

Dum… dum… dum… dumta… Dum… dum…dum… dumta Dum… dum…dum… dumta...Tantana… tana…tintana…teena tantana… tana tintana ,
Hare Krishna…
Hare Krishna...
Krishna Krishna...
Hare Hare...
Hare Rama...
Hare Rama …
Rama Rama... 

" the phone was ringing  ?"
"Sam   should be around there". 

"Sure as  we can hear tremendous music". 

"We don't Krishna Anna".

"We Just touch the link in the blue and yellow πŸ’›Bar   please πŸ™ "


"To... to hear what  he is listening in his  headphone ".

"Thanks Krishna"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness isn't it awesome wow Krishna!"

"You are correct pam" 

"Where is Sam then Krishna??

" His pets  can hear Sam  is taking   shower🚿 🚿 🚿in the  bath room students", 
"Fortunately almost all of his serious of gloomy life style has been turning to bloomy ".

"Isn't it Krishna Anna πŸ˜„πŸ˜„??

"Yeeeeeeeees and significantly reducing his regrets little by little through a single telephone πŸ“ž call from his most preferred person ever".

"I know who is it Krishna?"

" Excellent effort 🌹 πŸ’ 🏡 ".

"Today sooner or later  Sam will be receiving another call from  Mary Marina"

"For them, it is such a long and strong sacred soulsπŸ’— relationship Krishna πŸ’˜ 

"Ha...ha... like a Wi Fi wireless frequencies of Goodness Mode Krishna ". 

"Sure sure ....Now let me tell you  nicely.
You all just listen and you can only talk when there is a nesessary needy!

Ready everybody?"

"OK "

"Sam seemed like he  smelled Lord's perfume and which brighten his  whole world!"

"Marina is in  her best " Backthi Yoga" 🧘‍♀️ Pretty path.

 "Both Sam and Marina are almost completed their students life"

"Now time for their marriage life Krishna Anna".

"After it ?"
"Retirement life,Peter.

 "And finally Krishna ?"


"However Sam's parents are rushing around the world for finding  a bride for him  soon".

"Man proposes God Disposes Krishna ".
" Correct !Nevertheless at the moment Sam felt like being beautifully injected by divine needles".

"Such a shiny sign of divine similar to a diamond road and even his genius genes have been transformed as a divine lane."

 " Sam  becoming little by little a strong man now a days ".


"Sure sure  look ...look knowing  it, even the coolest clouds beautifully  began to fill the sky with fresh πŸ’ 🌹 🌸 🌼  kind of flocks of fragrant flowers πŸ’ πŸ’  similar to some flocks of beautiful  blue πŸ’™ 🐦 🐦 🐦birds.

" Yes  see over there some of the clouds well resembled as a flock of sheep running  and 🏊‍♂️ swimming 🏊‍♂️ with winning smiles Krishna." 
"ha...ha...ha...later ha....ha..., Marina is going to call him Krishna". 

As we all know, she is his softest sacred soul,who had already realized the Supreme Soul Krishna".

"How did we know it Meera?"
"As a prove, Baba went to visit Krishna's temple and praised her with rewards as she was merited Krishna."


"Sure Krishna  yeah she is deserved it Krishna Anna ".

"Absolutely Subathra". 

"No wonder, the whole 🌎  world  has been changing like today's atmosphere at Sam’s home town !" 

 "Suddenly  Sam's ,pretty  parrot 🦜 sang sweetly and danced delightedly, which was a rainbow coloured cutest and intelligent pet🌈 🎡 🎢". 

"Some colourful brilliant  🐦 🐦birds and flowery pretty  parrot, are calling ,Charming Sam softly!"

The house 🏠 filled with scent of  🌹 πŸ₯€ 🌹 πŸ₯€roses. 

" On the other hand, his pets are not ordinary 🦜". 

"The 🦜pretty parrot  is an angelic ✨ pet already realized their fantastic friendship miraculously."
"Who's friendship Krishna Anna ?"
"Marina and Sam".

"Wow! Are you are certain Krishna Anna ?"

"Yeeeeeeeees sure be quite ok ?"

"He is screeching, screaming and even  scratching the cage whenever someone over the phone he doesn't even care of his red chilly "πŸ“ž."

"Why was it Krishna ?"

"Whenever the  telephone ☎️ rings , the pet knows the valid of each of Sam's soul mates so he is alerting to him excitedly and authoritatively, such an authentic pet".

"He was with him from his childhood he knows how good is  this Super Self-Realised soul to the sleeping society. "

 "However,the prettiest pet has got all the freedom.
Somehow today, he had  lost his temper!" ...

"Excuse me !

"Did you say  that the bird lost his temper Krishna?"

" Ha...ha...Suuuuuu just listen what the parrot 🦜 is saying,  and we will know the answer."

"OK Krishna ". 

"Sam! Where are you?" 

"I am in the bath room you keep quiet?" 

"Come quickly  mighty man! Marina going to ring you up soon".
 There was no response from Sam .

"I will bite you up if you don't respond. Come on ! Come out of the bath room immediately?"
...I know you will take hours to return from the bath. 

"Listen it is not a bed room O.K Damn it !" 

"Sam was smiling πŸ˜ƒ while hearing. Still for fun, he remains silver silent".

"Suddenly the parrot danced delightedly as he heard the bathroom door open !". 

"At the same time, Sam's  cute shiny chocolate brown puppy was there whose attitudes are too sweet."

"It was indeed happy by scratching brown bathroom door adorably,he too somehow spotted out that his master is going to have  a kind of friend". 

"So he was sitting on the floor in front of the admirable wooden door wondering how to let him know the miraculous matter of jingle bell 's twinkle call like sunny spells". 

"Are you kidding ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️?"

"Wait and watch somehow the pets smelled that Marina going to ring him up after her lesson at "Saint-Mary", Primary School it'swhere she teaches"
"Nonetheless, hearing the proudest parrot shouting over the limit, the greatest puppy  warned him",

"You are joking Krishna ".
"How Krishna how the dog talks Krishna ?"



bloody fool be cool fool...

 "Ha...ha...Noooo you are exaggerating Krishna ".

" Ye!!!That's what he meant Krishna ?". 

"The pets are surly  good friends, but πŸ‘Ž when the 🦜 parrot shouts at Sam, the puppy dislikes it totally..."

"Why Krishna".

"He didn't want any one talks against his mighty master." 

"He is Krishna's devotee as a matter of fact, some times he would brings Sam's fantastic flute in shiny brown colour and ask him to play".

"Play what Krishna  cinema πŸŽ₯πŸŽ₯πŸŽ₯???"

 "Nooooo the greatest mantra ,looks so cute while he would be  repeating the flute mantra like a baby".

"In addition,they are very supportive pets for the family. They all like them". 

"What kind of dog Krishna ?"

"The puppy is  a kind of pedigree dog with long ears and bushy tail.They always protects the whole πŸ‘ͺ family members." 

"How he is being helpful Krishna ?"

"Especially they save from burglars.  The studies shows that the burglars saying it."

"The dogs put them off breaking in to a house and they are more afraid of dogs than burglar alarms?". 
"I want to tell my mum because she has lots of jewelry".

" is Kalliyuga"

"Sam pleasantly got out of the bath room after having a sweetest shower ever smilingly and drying his shiny hair and fabulous face with a large and long cotton white tremendous towel in cotton".

"He seemed to be delighted and brightened after his tremendous shower ,sandalwood was the favorite soap of his Marina,too".
"Could anyone  of you believes it?" 

"Yes Krishna there is no doubt about it".

 "It's his first shower in the early morning πŸŒ„ πŸŒ„ then another  one 🚿 🚿 🚿 after that, in the evening".  

"Does he Krishna...why he does it  Krishna??"

"He is taking his second shower as daily divine routine."

"Why Krishna we don't bother to have a single bath per day?"
 That is the responsibility of Krishna devotee students!" 

"During the holidays, he takes pretty much care starting  with  a long and strong jogging".

 "Obviously the strong young  man body sweaters generously so he had his second wash reasonably he had an idea to see his friend, Marina as long as she provide her address". 

"On the other hand, for his astonishment,some visitors have been waiting for him in the sitting room near by blooming fragrance from the charming πŸ’ 🌹 🌸 πŸ’ 🌹 🌸🌼 🌻 🌸🏡 🏡 flowers." 

"Sam becomes a forgetful man, forgot to close the doors πŸšͺ after Marina's conversion last evening".
"Who are they Krishna ?"

"They were his  neighbors...

...They  greeted  him with their happiest smiles  and adorable affections as though they did not see him since years. 

Nonetheless, they often see him ha..ha...". 

"The way his pretty parrot's talking talents and  tone of fun and funny are amazing so impressive for them, put  smiles on their faces fantastically although sometimes it talks pretty tough , learnt it from Sam's mother!"
"Sure Krishna ,they are like the children copying their parents like we often do at homes 🏘️🏘️🏘️🏘️🏘️ ".

"Certainly Christina". 



Hare Krishna

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