The Hope Of The Holy Hearts

"God Morning ๐ŸŒ„ Krishna !"
"Hi !!!Happy guys!? "

"Are you alright Krishna?"

"Not bad !...
How are you doing sacred souls ๐Ÿ’— ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’“ ๐Ÿ’›?"

 "We are fine Sun shines, too  Krishna  "

"What about the snow in London students?"

"Oh goodness!!! Amazing and unbelievable... looks like white velvet blankets beautifully covered all around the country Krishna".

"We walk around such a Joyous journey...just in a blink of an eye everything changed wow stunning and outstanding snow Krishna "

"Why don't we study a bit of links words Krisna our school teachers requested to write about the snow but using links words and a theme idealy connected to it Krishna? ".

"No problem I too have some problems like last time with paragraphs problem ha...ha...". 

 "Please proceed the Great Hearts straightaway Krishna don't waste our golden time Krishna ".

"Why ... why don't you tell us your morning duty using some links ?"

"OK what are the links words I need to use Krishna?"

1)  Afterwards 
2)  Later
3)  Meanwhile 
4)  Before 
5)  Then
 6) Next 
7) Soon

"Could you tell us the morning duty of your little siblings Peter".

"No worries Meera ready? Everybody... everybody really ready ?" 

"Yeah ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜ŠPeter!!!"

"Ha...ha...My little  sister woke up and looked out of the window. 
The garden was great "wow" she said a happy "hello " in
welcoming the white ...milk white  snow !!!"




"Soon  my little brother was wake๐Ÿคฃ . 

"The house was filled with laughter ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ!"

Meanwhile our father was making our breakfast really mouth watering smell. Mother was out ,shopping she loves shopping ".

"Exciting Peter ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿฑ ha...ha..."

"Afterwards, they put on their blue and pink coats and black boots upside down and wrong legs!"

"So exciting Peter ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ˜‰!!!"

"Next they put on their grey  gloves on wrong hands ha...ha...

Then they ran outside in laughter... laughter and joy they enjoyed sky high. 

Later it began to Sun smiled  again like Golden glow bulb of God .The sky turned up like an umbrella ☂️☔☔☂️☔☔☂️☂️☔ but beautiful blue only blue" 

Before the snow melted,  I immediately took a photo of them and shared to everyone.

"They... they all said it made their happy day laughter too".

"Fantastic give him  some awesome  applause indeed interesting out standing ๐Ÿ‘ "

"Could we continue  our Mission now?"

"No worries ...Sam's shining and charming car arriving to his affectionate college mate's attractive destination".

" Excuse me Krishna! "

"Krishna please carry on the narration" 

"Yes one by one please Renuga you go a head"

"We...we didn't say anything about the war
...  is it because it's far Krishna".

"Yes Krishna  there are fears everywhere Krishna!" .

"Doesn't it  far..far away from us Rudra
... why we discontinue the tuition in the middle isn't it unfair??"

"But...we...we have to show at least some sympathy with  empathy which is called humanity and it is part of our responsibilities of having  compassion when we are in real  devotion is important Krishna which is the expression of our Mission message Krishna".

"We wonder what is our Hinduism based on please Krishna?"

"Sure listen eveyone ,actually all are related rituals, ceremonies, vows, and rites prescribed in Hinduism are not a matter of Selfishness, but Selflessness with the only God consciousness ".

 "Krishna are these  rituals are directed to the promotion of well being of all living beings that'swhat you meant?"

"Hundred per cent this is the reason why Hinduism is still live active Subathra ".

 "What ...we wonder why we are in racism, separatism even terrorism besides being in Hinduism Krishna that is the concern of our tutor all the time!!!???"

"Ha...ha...Since centuries and millenia, this tremendous devotion have been conducted to the supreme God  Vedically who called Veda Purusa, in other words Lord Krishna",

"No. My grandmother often says it's Lord Shiva". 

"But  ...we worried why we are in racism, separatism besides being in Hinduism Krishna

... after all, life is like the crow stays on the roof of a house like Sam said sensationally!!!???"

"Certainly Christina however how can we teach three different degrees or categories of peoples  Rosy isn't it deeply..,deeply difficult for our tutor ?"

" Indeed krisna it's hard of leading us in line of Superior Standard  is indeed difficult task to ask  the ordinary individuals like us Krishna"

"Why ?"

"That is lack of fund of torch of knowledge unknowning  the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna "

"Yeah isn't Krishna?"

  That's what our Bona-fide spiritual master keep on mentioning many times Krishna?"

"Krishna, aren't we have been separated in to two parties one called  pretty Personalism and the otherone called 
Pity Imperialism  Krishna ๐Ÿ’• ?"

"You mean the people calling it as a matter of Power station   are impersonalism Krishna?"

"Sure there are two major parties so called PERSONALISM AND Impressionists.


"Appreciate it students God guides you all...
 what a mesmerizing questions pretty privileged and honoured to be here as a mental".

" Sorry you mean mentor Krishna?!" 

"Pardon Krishna?"

"Sure I mean mentor,  a person specifically spcelised in acting as an advisor or tutor".

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees!!! In our school there are certain children need to be taught by private tutors so called mentors Krishna".

"So Krishna, is it true that Hinduism itself broke  in to Saivisam and Vaishnavisam?"

"You are right Rudra". 

"What.... why Krishna that's why we are urge to be separated from community to community that's make sense wow!!!! we are born and brought up in an messed  up of our original cultures and scriptures in conflicts, clashes and chaos

"Impressive ! In other words, there was a clash and conflict... a kind of chaos ended up these  separatism students ".

"Basically both based on   Hinduism later turned onto sexism isn't it Krishna?"

"No Rudra sectsism"

"Oh that's what I meant Krishna ".

   "Does ...does ...Saivisam and Vaisnavam mean dualism and monism Krishna?"

"Definitely Durga ".

"Why was it Krishna?"

"Because of the highly honoursble people could not continue with the complaints and complicated conclusions which  are based on the  confusions of Saivisam who were claiming Siva  is Visnu and Visnu is Siva ".

"Ohhhhhhh goodness! So the devotees of Siva are impersonal Krishna?"

"What a wonderful students !!?"

"Certainly it's a matter of Bramah Jothy (power) is   their Brahma or Visnu".

"It... it was not them to be blamed anyway Krishna"

"Krishna, was  the school where they had been taught to be blamed so Krishna, our tutor's nephew was not to be accused only... only the  teaching department to be accused Krishna ".

"Oh we got that point so the power is the God for them, and prepared to pray 33 millions who can bless them with the automated  power service Krishna?"

"Ha...ha... correct that is the corrupt they meant that they are  powered by a power station automatically empowering everything which is the scientists point of view, too  sweetest hearts ๐Ÿ’•  ๐Ÿ’•  ๐Ÿ’•".

  "Had Vaisnavam studied from Vedas that  God is a person and they confirmed that God Krishna is the Supreme Personality? ".

"Correct Christina" 

So they have  One God who is a person blissfully becomes  Personalism that is Krishna". 

"Absolutely !"

"It's seems exactly like the whole world was once... only one  then split up into seven as continents Krishna,". 

 "Definitely that's what Vedas called "Vedas Purusa"  means Krisha?".

"Absolutely Krishna!"

"Why Lord Buddah was against the Sacrifice of animals called   Yajnas Krishna?".

"Simple... he doesn't want the animals to be killed in the name of God  infront of Divine deities".  

"Krishna !
Does this kind of pooya/ prayer is not performed to the benefit of only...only  an  individual or a single person ?"

"Yes Mary "

"What is called yajna that's what our mystic guru ,Baba says ?". 

"Doesn't it to the benefit of a single family Krishna?"

"No Rata"

 "Krishna! Doesn't it to the benefit of a single country?"

"No Tulsy "

"Krishna! Doesn't it to the help of a single sect or those who follow a particular faith? .

"No Sam"

"I'm surprised Krishna I'm so shocked and sorrowful even awful Krishna how on Earth we all are originated from power minded parents who have no idea whatsoever who is the God but being beggars shame on us !!!"

"The aim of rituals ceremonies are for the universal  beneficiaries that's what Baba says from Vedas Krishna?".

"You mean these are in general for the benefits of universal living entities Krishna?".

"Undoubtedly Rudra that is the concept of Hinduism".

"What ????
...we don't catch up or accept this messd up concept Krishna?"

"Based on that concept , unfortunately our monkeys minds are the wicket which leading us towards the war or battle field  sweetest hearts ๐Ÿ’• ".

"Krishna what are you saying please?" 

"Don't be alarmed cool down we are on the royal road ruby readers!!!!"

"Among Yajnas or sacrifice(verdic worship ) there are two types greatest hearts ๐Ÿ’•  ๐Ÿ’• ".

"Krishna among the sacrifice worships , there are only two types Baba wrote referring from Vedas too my grandmother alway advice us?"

"Sure Sarah! The outer worship/ Yajnas   and the inner worship/ Yajnas".

"Oh my goodness Krishna now we can see the traces of God grace!". 

Does .,,does...the outer worship of sacrifices is the reflection of the inner attraction Krishna?"


"Exactly Meera you deserve your divine name so mesmerising Meera". 

"The inner sacrifice worship is the bird in the hand"

" what a Vedic  Vow of  Krishna!!?". 

" Definitely  Durga  the outer is the bird in the bush that's what the so called Hinduism is following".

"Oh my Goooood why Krishna why !!?"

"Since the sanctified vision and urge are absent today, multiplicity manipulating madly towards the materials sweetest hearts ๐Ÿ’• ".

"What does sanctify mean Krishna?"

"It's mean Supreme Importance ".

"Doesn't it look like we  release  the bird in the hand with the attempt of catching the bird in the bush Krishna?". 

"Absolutely that's what Baba proclaimed!!!!
The value and significance of the inner engineer have to be understood first to be the best blessed baby."

"Why Krishna why you are putting us in this pretty puzzling tuition mission?" 

"It involves the awareness of the Divinity that is dormant in our hearts,  He is the very centre of our Reality greatest hearts  ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’•!" 

"Any one answer who is that   One ?"


"Lord Krishna !"


 "Worship Him ,
propitiate Him
 please Him and 
become Him.

"Oh goodness what a God awareness ...what a God consciousness and what a Krishna Consciousness!!!"

'Why we are sticking with Shiva and claiming that he is the supreme personality of Godhead Krishna ๐Ÿ’ž?'

"Not only that, we also claiming that Bramah is the Jothy and the power " 

"Why Krishna?"

Sugasari the son of Veda viyasagar who  spoke the three types of Puranams in Bhagawada Puranam'.

"What are they Krishna"

There are three Classes

"What are they Krishna?" 

1) Sathviga Puranam, 
2) Rahasa puranam
3)Thamasa Puranam 

"Tutor said Sattvika, Raisika and Tamasika"

"Cool down finding faults is our education ha...ha...".

"We didn't get that Krishna?"

1)Goodness means Visnus's devotees 
2)Passion means Brahma's devotees 
3)Ignorance means Siva's devotees

"Which is the goodness class Krishna?"

"Sri Visnu Puranam considered to be Divine Diamond".

Second Rajasa Puranam passion class 

Third Thamasa Puranam Ignorance class 

"Oh good luck for us Krishna" 

'Evidence please Krishna ๐Ÿ™?"

"Out of the eighteen Puranams, six speak of Visnu Goodness :

Second six  speak of  Bramah ,passion class

And third speak of Siva ignorance class 

"Can we continue  our dream, maya , illusory world war of crow life Krishna ha...ha... Our heads are spinning but definitely we are winning the heart of the only GOD ?". 

"Certainly KRISHNA, we thought you are just a Joker,mentor and narrator HO
however now only we really really realizing the reality of spirituality 
Krishna ".

'Inspite of this impressive information,why some audience and students are keep on sticking with Passion demigods Krishna?"

"Ha...ha... the Shiva Puranam established Lord Shiva as the greatest as same as any others scriptures established their deities is it difficult to und?" 

"Despite of  our long term teaching Krishna!?" 

"Ha... .ha...let them carry on and on and learn more lessons as an out come of many many births as the punishment if our own  ignorance sweet hearts ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ".

" By the way, what does it mean propitate Krishna?"

"Win the favour" 

"Thanks Krishna ".

"Excuse me what Baba saying of the SACRIFICE from Vedas please Krishna?"

"He says our monkeys minds must be sacrificed "

"Where Krishna ?"

"Our minds  themselves are considered to be altars great ๐Ÿ’• hearts ".

"Does it make sense Krishna?

"Please to be in peace ,we place the animal that we want to sacrifice and sacrifice it that's it...that's it ".

"What we sacrifice Krishna ?"

"The evil ego Charecters, bad behaviors,arrogant attitudes, etc".

"What the hell Krishna?" 

"Mind your language Retna 

"My apology Krisna "

"We all are  born and  burdened by animal instincts and impulses Baba says  students"

"Oh goodness what are these unfamiliar words Krishna?".

"Yes Krishna what does it mean instincts?"

"It's mean inborn tendency or interest Meera "

 "Oh my God !!! That...that have attached themselves to us during our previous lives Krishna?"

"Sure as we used to be animals ,we have passed through many an animal existed and each has left its mark on our mental make up , just like as the scar on our skin when a wound is healed" .

"What does it mean impulses Krishna?

"Which means a sudden urge to do something Siva"

"So the reason why we sometimes bark angrily then worry humanly all because of our previous scar in our minds Krishna?"

"Undoubtedly Rudra sometimes we are  being totally  fools this is a reactions of our existence once upon a time as a sheep Rudra".


"Some have an inborn tendency to steal haven't we seen even in our mind set?? " . 

"That is Lord who used to steal butter Krishna  "


"Hold don't...!
That was when Lord was a child right?"

Didn't... didn't you say that your  brother urinate on your father's face Peter?"

  "Yes I did Krishna...  my apology Krishna. " 

" Alright this is the expression of existence of a cat birth in previous person...

On the other hand,  some are changing their minds every minute".

"Yes my dad does Krishna he says that he doesn't drink,but next minute , he does how often he changes his mind Krishna!? "


"It's the indication of his past existence of monkey. "

"Oh goodness I never see where his tail might have been hidden krisna "

"The totality of such animal traces must be sacrificed on the altar of our minds as part of our inner Yajna which is the Maha Mantra Krishna am I correct Krishna??".

"Exactly Pamitta please clap our hands ๐Ÿ‘".

What did you ask Rosy?"

"The meaning of altar Krishna". 

 "It means  ALTAR OF THE SACRIFICE the place of sacrifices "

"Oh goodness altar means a table used in religious services Rudra" 

"Alright luckily we all know where we came from and why we are being in terrorism besides being Hinduism or Buddhism,  Krishna."

 "Yeah  now we know why we are  bombarding the tourism in  the Church in Colombo krishna result what we left?."

"Nothing only  printing colourful papers and leaving the poor people in danger boat of abroad to suicide Krishna ".

"Let's get started our conversation 
Krishna !".

"O K ! What was the war we were talking about Rudra?"

"We thought you are aware of it Krishna".

"Yeah !!!We are worried of  world war 3 Krishna!".

"We don't even know what is the purpose of this terrible war Krishna " .

"Only we know that Russia in war with  Ukraine Krishna ?"

"Sorry Sarah?"
"You sound not an intelligent person Krisna ha...ha...".

" Alright ...alright cool down to avoid further  lock down because the nasty nature is in anger as a result lots of disasters, demoniac actions and    destructions all around the globe ".

"How can we cool down Krishna Anna?"

"Yeeeeeeeees Rudra  is right Krishna ".

"Krisna ,
we thought after the  lock down, everything going to be calm down, but everything went upside down Krishna". 

"Why we fear when Lord of the Lord Krishna is there ?"

"Where Krishna?"

"Yeeeeeeeees where Krishna"

" Krishna , where is our Father Krishna please only golden temples?"

"Look lovely students look not forward or backward, but look inward".

"Excuse me Krishna  we can't see anything else than our chest when we look inward ❣️,".
"That is still outward dear"

"If He leaves from our bodies, we are what?"

"Dead bodies Krishna ? ".

"If He leaves us, we are nobodies Krishna Anna".

"Our apologises we would like the  answers of the causes of this war please Krishna".

"Although they are far ,far away from us, we must pray for their bless students".

 "You mean the causes of war which are hidden with history of their countries Krishna anna?".

"Yes of course,  anyone Knows the history of Russian or USSR or Soviet Union ?",


We should have been  silent in the first place Krishna so so sorry Krishna we have no idea whatsoever ".

"The less said the better alright students!"

"We have to behave like the students of  Baba's  campus  Krishna ".

"We have to show the light to the innocence Krishna "

"Alright students we are both Prabhupada and Baba's students and we  must enter the world fully equipped with courage,compassion and inner peace and render kinder services." 

"So prayer is the perfect practice we can afford Krishna". 

"What kind of prayer Krishna?" 
 "All of us  armed with humility, humanity and morality sweetest hearts๐Ÿ’•". 

"Thanks Krishna ".

"Sure students, we are distinguish  in devotion aren't we?"

"Ohhhhhhhh you mean successful Krishna?"

"Exactly Rosy "

"We should  not extinguish our tuition of devotion  witnessing unwanted situations ". 

"Oh put an end of it Krishna?"

"But bad luck it costs money Krishna...mountainous money Krishna and leaving the entire world in danger Krishna ".

"Money comes and goes morality comes and grows Baba said Krishna "

"Our activities and services have to produce the devotion as a reactions it is the best education as our inner compassion which experience the outer form of anger Krishna Prahrabhupada said"

"Who is following the ideas set by the Gurus Krishna?"

"Who stands forth before the world as exemplar Krishna?"

" Dosen't the Ukraine prime minister is an example person of Arjuna Krishna??"

"Why don't you talk about him Krishna?"

"Because empty  vessels make the most sound... he doesn't know anything about him do you Krishna?".

"Alright don't be upset because there were two terrorism in Ukraine".

"Terrorism or separatism  please Krishna?"

"If it is separate state, why they hit the Singapore Airline with about 300 passengers?".

"Have they all died Krishna Anna?".

"Yeah on the spot ever since there is no flight fly over the country". 

"What are the  activists areas' names Krishna?" .

"It's Difficult to remember one is called Fonedtk other Luharsk", LPR and DPR

"Why Ukraine is in war Krishna?"

"It is not only today, but it began a while ago students".

"When was it began Krishna?".

" 2014"

"Reason being Krishna?"

"The Russian government introduced the annexation or connection of another Peninsula".

"What does a Peninsula mean please Krishna?"

"A long piece of land projecting in to the sea".

"Which sea Krishna?" 

"Black sea"

"Why does it a matter ... doesn't  it a pleasant preparation of an amazing annexation with touristic attractions Krishna?" 

"It's a matter of management they don't like the intervention of Russia because they are in doubt that the Russian intervention is the creation of EPR and LTR Krishna " 

"What is the Peninsula called please Krishna Anna?" 

"It's called Crimea".

"Sounds like crime idea ha...ha... Krishna".

"I said CRIMEA ".

"What's wrong with it Krishna Anna?"

"As it was a headache for them since 2014".

"Why  ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ  invading to Ukraine  Krishna ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ?"

"On holly day Subathra".


"Please be patient".

"Why president Putin sending troops Krishna ?"

 "Who are they who is against Ukraine within their own independent country Krishna?"

"Fantastically fabulous question".

"There are two portions of the capital of Ukraine in autonomy".

"What does autonomy mean  Krishna Anna?".

"Self-government or independent Meera".

"Who are they Krishna?"

"DPR and  LPR ".

"Aren't they considered to be terrorists Krishna?"

"Yes by Ukraine ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ"

"Where are they Krishna Anna?"

"In the capital city of Ukraine".

"What is it called we mean the capital of Ukraine Krishna Anna?" 


"Oh we got it Russian already in Kyiv Krishna?"


"How many people died Krishna Anna?"

"Nearly two hundred at the beginning but it's carry on...and on ".

"How many armies of Russia Krishna Anna?"

"Over 1000 just at the beginning".

"What does President of Russia saying Krishna Anna?"

"President Putin saying that they are going to sort out their problems of terrorism and separate and settle them peacefully".

"What does it mean  Krishna?".

 "The matter of both  DPR and the LPR together with black sea Peninsula annexation?"

"You mean the two types of terrorism Krishna?"

"Some say that is Putin's  pretty planning of different motivations which has been proved at the following   movement Krishna?".
"Certainly...certainly this is sounds the motivation of intention  of attachments".

"How we live without attachments Krishna?"

"We don't ask anyone to be in detachment Sarah".

"So what does it mean Krishna?" 

"We...we have to fight for our rights Krishna ".

"Of course...of course... then only we can have a chance of printing and printing  multiple million of notes of nonsense and leave the world in tension in queueing to buy even  an apple for hundred of rupees"

"Where is  the pleasure in our lives Krishna?".

"Anyway anyone Knows what is pleasure?"


"The pleasure isn't it an interval between two pains?"

"You mean Covid 19 and war?"

"Why not?"

"What ?!!"

"Can our joy derive from joy?"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness meee you are correct Krishna Anna!".

"Only the joy can derive from 

pains and sorrows Mena 


"Thank you so much".

"Can a light be bright in the day light".

"Thank you Krishna".

"Why American previous president praised Putin's arrogant attitude Krishna?"

"We all are prey to bad habits willingly or unwillingly".
We have to pray to get out of it".

"What does mean prey Krishna ?"

 "An animal hunted and  and killed for food by another animal?"

"Yes, but also it means a victim Krishna".

"Why the armies are going I mean invading Krishna Anna?"

"Because Ukraine refused the proposal". 

"Who is going to help Ukraine Krishna ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ"

"Western countries including America that is Eastern". 

"Who is going to be with Russia Krishna Anna ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ?".

"May be China ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ".

"Where does India  standing   Krishna ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ?"

"  At the moment it is being  in the  middle". 

"Why Krishna?"

"Peace negotiation". 

"What is USSR please KRISHNA ?" 

"Soviet Union"

"Pardon Krishna?"

"Union of Soviet Socialist Republic?"

"What is it Krishna?"

"Previously they lived politely in unity".

"Then Krishna?"

"They wanted to be separated ?

"Who Krishna?"

"There are 15 already being separated" .

"Ohhhhhhh goodness so previously it was the Super powerful country Krishna?"


"Absolutely they replaced by independent countries now Krishna"

"Why they are no more in union we mean Soviet Union Krishna anna?"

"The Soviet Union was collapsed".

"When was it Krishna?.

"In 1991".

"So the Ukraine became independent in 1991 Krishna?"


"What really the protesters want Krishna?"

"They want to be united with EU".

"So where is the problem Krishna ?'

"We think the President  Putin Prefers Ukraine ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ should be within his control Krishna".

"What action Western have been taking Krishna ?"


"Sorry Krishna ?".
"Means penalty in warnings the Russian".

"What sorts of warnings Krishna Anna?"

 "We know can I?"

"We don't want your goods such as petrol ".

"That's right well said Meera".

"So we all are going to be the victims like Lord Krishna with the thousand of terrorisms against Him ?"

"Ha...ha... sure finally He settled in the middle of the ocean " 

"Where about please Krishna Anna?"

"He was on the water".

"Ohhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees we saw it... it was in the Dwarga City under the  ocean now Krishna!". 

"Astonished how did you know it Sam?"

"Haven't I got the same name as Sam?"


"Wow you some times smile Krishna Anna!"

"Thanks ".

Did  the Russian try to be united with EU Krishna?"

"Fantastic questions".

"Did they try Krishna Anna?"

 "Definitely Durga they tried".

"When was it Krisna Anna?".

"In 2013"

" Was... was not successfully completed Krishna?"

" Correct". 

"And then?".

There was a corruption and rejection". 

"Thank God we feel free now 

could we commence our 

narration please ๐Ÿ™?"

" No problem, oh goodness ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ!!!
Finally Smiling Sam has been reaching her ๐Ÿก home with charm and delightful dreams!!!".

"We... we already saw this house Krishna?"

"Of course we did".

"We couldn't see the car in front of the house Krishna ."

"Is it  fair ?".

"Ha...ha...he would like to give her super surprise by entering her house in silver silent and watch her how she is at home and how she welcome him when she comes"

"I know k whether she is behaving differently or being the same by following the sacred slogan culture even at home ๐Ÿ˜️". 

"Correct Christina" 

"On contrary, his mind was melting like butter left in the hot sun shine?"

"Why  what's wrong with him?"

 " Absence  makes the heart grow fonder, tender and more kinder".

  "Seeing her happy home ,obviously he was in paradise๐Ÿ " .
"Suuuuu Sudah!"

"Oh I got it now" 

"He was scanning the colourful house which is  surrounded by some colourful fruits starting from ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŠ cherry ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐ŸŒฒ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿand... and...
 and  shiny greeny trees, it's her grandmother's home ๐Ÿ  work and hobby", 

" All of a sudden Sam was worried how she could react seeing his brown bandage on  his  indicative finger ". 

Next moment he forgot of it and gladly glanced at the green coconut trees and he felt free for a moment, sounded the sweetest   ever green trees are being surrounded him.
"what a wonderful world".

"Wow smelling flowers were welcoming him smilingly and he feels fantastic and heavenly happily standing around the cool house nicely ".

"Some of the fairest flowers were dancing delightedly with the help of the kindest wind they sensed his sacred soul already!"

" Doesn't he the loviest loyal leader?"

"Definitely Krishna ". 
"He recalled dynamically the past pretty pathetic  ๐Ÿ’œ ❤ ♥ ๐Ÿ’œ pages and cheerful chapters of the stories and glories  ."  

"So Krishna  the knowledge is the power".

"Ye the scriptures captivates" 

"What is captivate Krishna?"

"Attractive and charm Mary"

 "Kind of seductive Krishna?"

 "Kind of productive Meera"

"What is seductive Krishna?"

"It is also attractive, but it is also some thing like cinema sensual way".

"We got it Krishna".

"Some of them are seemed pleasant like  gold mines and some of them are unpleasant painful signs. Overall, all were  beautiful each page represents poem after poem what a realm !".

"There were marvelous even miraculous events. In addition,out of  his life memories some are awesome coincidences which were extremely enchanting".

"No wonder all are historic incidents sounded like pretty painful evidences of Karmas related cancers".

"In his story ,there were many, many glories with tenderly flourish even though based on worries, still splendor sorrows of Superior Science improvement. ".

"More over, there were many commas; many full-stops funny exclamation marks ;sunny ellipsis; destiny dashes;
honey brackets many flowery rainy semicolons many cute colons and  some "u" turns as he did  with his sapphire blue car.
Finding a Christian school on the way to Marina’s home , he heard heart touching tone of melody he was listening emotionally:

 He stopped the car and watching  and hearing what was happily hurting his heart remembering history in many innocents  life including him".  

He was overwhelmingly excited  and he missed out the route just nearing  her  happy home .

" His  silent science mind reminds him how ignorance separating us by bad Nature's hands gripped and leaving us in the orphanage from the only worshipable holy Lord ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™". 
He was thinking ,"what a pretty planetary systems of the cutest creator !!!!"
"Why Krishna??"
"All are designed decently behaving like a spider web"

"How intelligent would be the Elegant Engineer!"

"What a warming up of the house environment and atmosphere so so sweetly designed by the nature?"

"Have a little look ofan example of our life dear ruby readers "




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