The kindest Teacher Ever…

"Excuse meeeeee Krishna !"

"He is Talking to someone on the phone  Rudra ".

"Now he is free Rudra!"

" Excuse me Krishna...we have selected an auspicious song could we share it before beginning our Tuition Mission Krishna?"

"No problem, but remember it is a matter of krisna lesson of Tuition Session alright Rudra ?".

"Of course, please open Krishna?"


"Wow!!! There are two what we do which we watch Krishna? ?"

"Please better watch and slect the best Krishna "

"No problem Rudra ".

"We better slect both of them Krishna because we love both them Krishna " 

"True tremendous value  of Vedas students".

"Now could you describe the  science of Self-Realisation Krishna ?" 

"Best of all , can we listen both of them again?"

"Why Rudra?"

"They are angelic, magnetic and fantastic music indeed  amazing  Krishna ".

"We love it Krishna" 

"What a wonderful day of worship krisna !!!

"By the way, what is devotional group singing and why it has been recommended in vedas Krishna please?"

"To attain perfection and liberation out of ignorance by being out of much desire; much anger and much  fear Balaraman". 

"That's why the devotional group singing for,  Krishna?"

"Of course, all over the world as a worldly welfare Rata?"

"Yeah thanks Peter haven't we learned  about the God and the relationship with God ?".

"Evidence please Krishna?" 

" That is the   subject matter of Bhagavad-Gita  As It Is sacred souls ๐Ÿ’–".

"Does  Bhagavad-Gita  entails this education Krishna?"

"Definitely Durga". 

"What does  it mean , ENTAIL Krisna ?"

"Involved as necessary part  ".

"What is it Krishna?"

"The comprehensin of Five Basic Truths ".

"What are they please Krishna?"

"The science of God which is  explained in Bhagavad-Gita"

"What else Krishna out of the five factors of Krishna's science?"

"What  are they please Krishna?"

"Excuse me Krishna?"

"Krishna we don't know  why Rudra is being so silent since a few days?"

"Does he...?"

"What's wrong with him  Krishna ?"

"No nothing wrong with him in fact, he is strong and  he is right Peter let him practice it successfully".

" You only told him to practice it Krishna".

"Undoubtedly ha...ha..."

"Why Krishna?"

"To be fair, he  asked me that he  wanted to get married ".

"Oh goodness are you crazy Rudra ?"

"Why at this early age Rudra?"

"What ... what did he say Krishna?"

" Basically the conversation started about silent letters "

"We didn't catch up Krishna ?"

"Rudra asked me in English why certain, certain letters have to be silent?".

"OK what is the correlation of his silent Krishna?"

" I asked him, say some example of silent letters  Rudra ?"

He replied :

" First in Tsunami "T "is silent Krishna 

"Then in Honest "H" is silent Krishna" 

" Next in Psychology, "P" is silent Krishna". 

After that ,in Knife "K" is silent Krishna "

"Excellent Rudra ".

"Stop...stop...stop... Krishna ! Finally Krishna told me :

"In Wife  Husband is silent " 


"I asked him Why Krishna ?"

"He answered first proved to be a decent silent person as much as possible Rudra then I can speak to your parents".


"Now the subject matter Krishna "

"We have not much comprehensin of Five Basic Truths Krishna ".

"What are they please Krishna?"

"The science of God which is  explained in Bhagavad-Gita sweet hearts ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’•  "

"What else Krishna out of the five factors of Krishna's science?"

 The constitutional position of the living entities."

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness what does it mean Krishna?"

"Constitution mean the principles by which a state is governed or 
a composition of the formation of a  person's physical or mental state".

"Does CONSTITUTIONAL means in accordance with the constitution of Krishna?"

"Yes  Peter....yes..."

"And then the second  Truth please Krishna?".

" Then there is Isvara."

"Oh does it mean the Paramatman feature of Krishna, the Controller Krisna Anna?"
"Exactly...exactly Balaraman "

"And then Krishna?"

"What about the Jivas krishna?".
"Sure there are jivas ,our souls ,individual souls ,the living entities 

"Are we controlled krishna?"

"Hundred percent Pammita...we  
are  controlled by Isvara, Super Soul ." 

"Please Krishna the Five Truths of the Bhagavad-Gita but short and sweet Krishna"
"No worries ready?"

First of all, The Subjet matter of Bhagawad-Gita Science of God:
The Science of Paramatman/Super Soul

Then  The Science of our individual  Athman/Soul     

(3 )
And then The Science of Nature/ Prakrti (material nature) 

Next The Science of the Time duration of  the whole universe or manifestation of the material nature 

Finally ,The science of Karma , our previous and present activities. 

"The Science  of Karma Krishna?"

"Yeah!All living entities are engaged in different activities. 

Aren't we Krishna?"

"We are Subathra from our past lives too, countable "

"Dosen't it confusing like the elements actions Krishna?"

"Excuse meeeeee! What are the protesters    demanding  Krishna,"

"Of what Sarah ...
...demanding of what?"

"Against the Ukraine war support of Westerns Krishna?"

"Many men are suggesting the path of peace agreement with God enlightenment in mind"

" We cannot talk  in  the middle of the war  Krishna but they are hundred percent correct against this corrupt Krishna?"

" Absolutely !When we are in peace path, it's the message to be harmless with God consciousness". 

" Does devotional direction only have the power of positive impact Krishna?"

"Undoubtedly however everyone mistakingly thinking is a matter of  religion, sectarian or Hindu Culture "

"Yeah thinking kind of Krishna Dance with His Maha Mantra Krishna Anna". 

"Certainly is not so .A Krishna Bhajan is a Devotional Chanting in peace by pleasing Divine Dad"

" Does it   confirms the  basic principles of  being silent ha...ha....ha....pardon praying  Krisna?".

"Certainty  Christina, it  has sweetness of God  Consciousness in eternal effect to get rid of the consecutive cycles of births,deaths, bondage in young age and leading to golden old age by avoiding deadly diseases like virus in the forms of sex attraction at teenage ๐Ÿ’• 

"Wow! When... when we merge with worship-able Maha Mantra Krishna,  are we  out of karma??". 

"Sure! Which action is  attractive and tribute our thanks with our attribute to God in honour" .

"It has the qualities of inspire when we share them with everyone as our aspire in other words ambition Krishna?"

"Correct Balaraman". 

"So Devotional means the Bhajan or Sankirtana we chant must be  addressed to the divine or about the divine subject matter Krisna?". 

"Definitely Durga .Our chanting , sharing and inspiring must be admiring  and invoking devotion in others ,too not provoking anger like the latest early married university leavers who are attracted sexually and quickly get married and then secretly get separated in a matter of months ". 

"Absolutely!When we are self-confidence ,  based on Self-Realisation, it attract,  the mind of mankind will walk and talk of the path of the Science of Self-Realization automatically Krishna". 

"Definitely Durga ".

"Are you talking 
Devotional Group chanting which we are often witnessing all over the world with rainbow colours series and orange cloths of harmonious human beings of Krishna devotees and harmonious music?"

"Yes it  can be one of the most powerful forces to spread the sacred message of Divine  which is called


"Once we chant, we transform ourselves to correct forms to inform the confirmed message to the innocent creatures Krishna?"

"Undoubtedly it is the vibration within the worshipful  Maha Mantra Meditation that merges us with the Divine Form of Papah  Pamitta.

"How Krishna?
Does...does it has the divined distinctive discipline qualities Krishna?".

"Correct .In addition, it is the sacred service of cheerful charity to the community by charging our spiritual blessing batteries studesnts ".

The kindest Teacher Ever…

"God Morning ๐ŸŒ„ ๐Ÿ™ sacred students ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’• 

"God Morning ๐ŸŒ„ Krishna Anna".

"Could we commence our Mission after listening our Happy New Year greetings please?" 

can we ๐ŸŒ„?"

"Yeeeeeeeees Anna!"

"Thanks Krishna such an amazing New Year greeting Krishna ".

"One second please Krishna Anna!"

"Experts fear that increased number of Russians forces may be able to overcome the Ukraine ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ".

"Yeah Russian armed forces will continue to conduct the special military operation until set goals are achieved".

"Who said Anna?"

"The army commander in Russia".

"However, the dead toll raising in Russian side doesn't it Krishna?"

"We wonder why Krishna?"

"Because of the resistance put up Putin dead toll up, Meera ".

"What does it mean toll KRISHNA?"

"The number of casualties arising from the disaster".

"What  does it mean Krishna?".

"Pardon Peter?".
"Casualties Krishna ?"

"The causes".

"Thanks Krishna ๐Ÿ‘".

"Excuse me Krishna!"

"Yes Siva".
"We regret witnessing saddened reports of racism against Indian universities students Krishna".

"Oh Yeeeeeeeees! We worried too Krishna ".

"Why Ukraine citizens do that to our communities Krishna?"

"We have to read the chapter completely". 

"Pardon Krishna ?"

"Then we noticed the same things happened to other Africans too studesnts.

"Why Krishna ?"

"No wonder they all are in pathetic  plight"

"In other words, in dangerous situation whereas we are fleeing Krishna ".

"Correct   they are  fighting for life we are fighting for flight Krishna".

"Isn't it brutal tactics of attacking the Ukrainian Krishna  Anna? "

"Absolutely impossible to imagine their terrified minds sets and our minds sets completely in contradictory Krishna".

"Nevertheless, peoples predict that the Russian invasion is not going very well as they expected Krishna." 

"However, refusing the students getting the transport  and preventing them from moving away from the danger zones is indeed a bad deed ...not humanity Krishna". 

"True there are some complaints of food shortage, petrol shortage and thousands of troops , trucks, tanks and  helicopters are destroyed by Ukraine forces ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ and Russian  forces Krishna .

"When the children's parents are hurt ,is the curse isn't it Krishna anna?".

"Sure if we are  God fearing ,we must be caring the suffering Krishna ".

"Isn't it interpret as racism Krishna ?".

"Definitely we condemned this types of cruel and arrogant attitudes Krishna".

"Certainly we should remember to remember that goes around comes around  Krishna".

"Sure...May be some of them are under the influence of alcohol".

"Pardon Krishna?"

"Yeah as Vodka
is the favourite drink in the coldest countries like that Krishna".

"We ought to take all these facts in to our consideration, too Krishna."

"How many territories are possessed by Russian forces Krishna ?".

"You mean Russian occupied territories of Ukraine ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ Renuga?".

"Sure Krishna"

"Kyiv, Donbas Region, Crimea and...and... on and on Krishna"

"Terror tactics isn't it war crime KRISHNA ?"

"Yes when there is a war,it has all kinds of critics and crimes Krishna". 

"The Vedas says that the human body has arisen out of Divine Will Krishna ". ".

"Yeah it is alive on account of God's Power KRISHNA ".

"Exactly it's able to act as the result of God grace Krishna." 

"How the brutal battle trying to  erace the grace of Divine Krishna?".

"We cannot erase like we erase the letters of pencils on the paper we are Papa's people pretty powerful we will return in new bodies" .

"This is the very vedic purpose for which our births battle are taking place by being Self-realised and get out of the war cycle "

" Not for nonsense  battles of materials motivation and racial rude activities KRISHNA".

"Definitely Durga".

 "President of Ukraine ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ considered to be Arjuna's party or Duriodana's party please Krishna?".

"Important inquiry brilliant...brilliant ๐Ÿ‘!

"We witnessed another video in which he said clearly that God on our side ". 

"Could we hear it please Krishna?"

"My pleasure Peter"

"It's true president pretty clear of knowing his constitutional position Krishna  !"

"Hundred percent ๐Ÿ’ฏ Rata!"

 " Could I say something  Krishna "

"We are listening Siva".

" My uncle was in the front line fighter "

"When was it?"
"During the war 1988 Krishna".

"Where was it Siva?

 "In Srilanka Krishna". 
"Oh really?"

"Ye... when he was only 17 and was killed Krishna".

"Sooo sorry! Our condolences Siva".

"Thank you everyone.
 In  fact, the experts were behind him not in the front line fighters and the leader were not there at all ....uncle had cried over the phone to Mom Krishna".

"Why ! What was it Siva  ?"

"He... he was not a warrior or volunteer they forced him from home KRISHNA".

"Take the tissue Siva cool down cool down please sit down". 

"What is his name Krisna Anna?"

"The president of Ukraine ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ?".

"Yeah Krishna"

"I think Zelenesfly".

"He is the bravest ; the best blessed  brilliant and the godly hero Krishna ๐Ÿ‘".

"Does Russian president was  peoples' elected in election as a democratic government Krisna Anna?".


"Sorry Krishna?" 

"Firstly Mr Putin  he was a deputy mayor".

"Suddenly the previous president 
decided to retire in replacing  Putin as precedent".

"Then why you said NO AND YES Krishna ?"

"Then in the following election he had been elected in 56 percent majority".

"When was it Krishna?"

"In 2020".

"Do you think he is deserved Krishna?".

"That 's what public preferred"

"Are they still in the same state of mind sets Krishna?".

"It's Proved that the M.P s in the assembly accepted the concept of war against Ukraine students ".

"What is his religious KRISHNA ?". 

"He has a Christian mother he has worn a crucifix around his neck for most of his life certainly he is attending Orthodox Church"

"What does it mean ,ORTHODOX Krishna?".

"Holding traditional or generally accepted beliefs".

"So all in all, he knows the soul in all Krishna?".

"That is a question students".

"We need  an answer to know weather he uses religion  as a political tool or he  doesn't know that the Divine is in everyone and separated from everyone eternally despite death, doesn't make any difference Krishna?". 

"Fantastic! Great and  glad to hear all of your intellectual inquiry and pretty proud of you all God bless you."

"As long as we understand, the resurrection ,we cannot deny divine dose not subject to  deteriorate, decay or death".

"Resurrection Krishna?"

"Yes restore life".

"We didn't catch it up Krishna Anna?"

"What Lord Jesus did on the third day of his death?"

"He resurrected Krisna Anna".

"Take your seats everyone".

"We just stood up to honour you Krisna Anna ๐Ÿ™"


"How can we show our solidarity to the people in 
 middle of the war Krishna?".

"Just Mandra Meditation please ๐Ÿง˜‍♀️".

"That is our regular routine Krishna Anna".

"We understand  Rosy , we better say the Maha Mandra additionally".

"How please...please KRISHNA ... ?".

"For example, each time whenever we  watch the news, we worry...."

 "Don’t we?"

"Absolutely Krishna "

"Immediately we worship on their behalf like Cutest Christians do studesnts".

"....If...if we behave blessfully, in gratitude to the divinity, we can conclude , what ever happens, it's happens for all of our goodness which is the Vedas's vedic 

 "Krishna ! Is it ever possible to practice what we teach in this Kalli-Yuga time of bombardment ?"

"Cool down... cool  down without a sacred seed in the past ,there can be no plant at present students ".

"Oh! Do you mean our past devotion is the present education or destruction Krishna?"

" Yes Trust me!!!!the Ukraine peoples inspired the global".

"Krishna  Anna !!! there is a past seed which seed them the present conflict ".

"We don't get it Krishna".

"Take the example of an Eagle it has big body  and strong wings." 

"Does it use it when we ask?"

 "No Krishna".
Only when it will  Krisna Anna". 

"Rright we all are created in what?"

" Divine Will and sacred soul Krishna Anna".

"What is it for ?"

For the Science of Self-Realisation  Krishna 


"To be liberated from recycle Krishna "

"What is It Krishna?"

" You mean Just a power or a Person Krishna?"


"The power and the  Person?"

"Our ,our Originator, Papa"

"Absolutely!!!Being  gratitude ๐Ÿ™ to the chief ๐Ÿ™living being of all living being's sacred souls directed by Divine Will".

"Excuse meeee Krishna!
 Does  the nature  activates our Will Krishna?"

"It does for the ignorance  only".

"Not for the holy Krishna Anna?

"Yes for the holy people's actions  is transforming onto DIVINE WILL".

"So in any of our  attempt and attitude,we have practice in prayer Krishna?".

"Yeeeeeeeees even  Arjuna was forced by Krishna, but President Ukraine  is volunteering !".

"Wow historic... heroic , such a man of distinctive Krishna !". 

" Certainly man of vedic principle".

 " Yes! In addition, the previous prime minister of Ukraine  with other Parliament members including female
Parliament members  are on the battle filed ".
"Certainly Meera !Unbelievable  they are great ".

"Yes, but we are blind before reading the entire episodes".

"Why Krishna?"
 "Lack of learning lessons; lack of understanding the reality and...and...and... lack of torch of  knowledge of the original authority  ".

"Whaaaaat Krishna?"

"The  greatest Power".

"Did we read the Vedas completely?"

"Nooooo Krishna!".

"The same thing happens here".

"Did ...did we read at least the basic  history of USSR?"

"Not yet ,yet we know the subject matter Krisna  ".

 "True it sounds like we are being in  different, different directions or religions, forgetting and ignoring the Divine Will Krishna" 

"Have we all 
 derived from Him Krisna Anna?".

"Undoubtedly  and we claiming different direction , ignoring the reality of the  "WILL" the divine "Will

"We are  lack  of understanding the basic truth Krishna Anna!!?

"Yes Please help us Krishna ?" 

"Pleased to hear better to be briefed,  we share again  a video which will explain our blind believe".

Thank you very much   Krishna Anna".

"Excuse me Krishna?"

"What is the video is all about Krishna?".

1) Who are the USSR?

2) What they are doing?

 3) Why they are not allowed to be separated?
4) When they commenced the conflicts? 
 And...and... and  finally 
5) Where they all derived from  in the first place ".

'No politics Krisna'.

"Thank you soooooooo much Krishna !

"So  the Soviet Union is the ocean Krishna?". 

" The streams and rivers wouldn't like to be  coporative?"

Correct...Correctly said Sarah 

  students""How our worship  would work to them Krishna?"

"Ye .Could we continue our episode unbelievable METAPHYSICAL MATTER Krishna?"

"Definitely !!!"

"Great... thanks Krishna ".

"Hi Great Hearts ready❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ one two three".

"Marina's Grandma unexpectedly saw the drink   next to Sam, just being placed by her mother, Luxmi. Marina didn't even ๐Ÿ™pray before serving him!."

"She dashed in a light speed and told him that she is  taking  the milk, back to the pray room apologetically with her saintly ๐Ÿ˜ƒsmile". 

"While replacing the silver tray , Grandma asked Sam to take his meal at their ๐Ÿก home instead or take the drink  whilst waiting   ." 

"He agreed to do so smilingly."

"Marina's Mum did not like that idea."

"Why Krishna Grandma is right. Sam certainly would be hungry; My Grandma always says that there are four things can'recover in life"  ,

"What are they Renuga?"

1)said words 
2) opportunity missed
3)  time missed and
 4) Trust after lost

"Sam  had been driving ;he has none to cook on his return ; he was sleepless and sensitive he can be easily hurt?"

"Kind of you Christina nevertheless, for her, Sam is an unknown and uninvited individual".  

"Grandma told her that Sam is a brahman he is
 Self-realised scientist Krishna"
"Alright...alright  proud of your comprehention of the story thank you soooo much".

" Don't worry ๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŒน ๐Ÿฅ€ ๐Ÿ’๐ŸŒน ๐Ÿฅ€ Roses Marina's Mum is so submissive to her Grandma".

As a result, Grandma is making a delicious meal that is filling the house with mouth watering aroma.

All from her own garden vegetables. 

"Thank goodness! They are really in the Goodness Class Krishna "

"Correct Christina". 

" In addition, she looked at him so sympathetically as 
 she heard what happened last night ๐ŸŒ™ following Marina's  telephone ☎️ ๐Ÿ“žcall". 

She was really worried still did not tell her, daughter (Marina's Mum) which made her more and more kind of Sam. 

" We wonder how did she know that Krishna  ?"

"She just met a local secondary school ๐Ÿซ  science teacher". 

"But how the Science teacher knew it Krishna  because Sam came all of a sudden all the way from a distance Krishna?"

" Brilliant... Brilliant the local science teacher was contacted by Benz she told her this confidential message through Benz's class teacher".

"Ohhhhhhh!!!! Super so sweet heartened neighbour girl Krishna ".

" Exactly she has the present of mind.  To  be fair,the teacher is friend of Benz's physics teacher as well.

"Oh that's makes sense Krishna ".

"Mouth to mouth publicity has the strongest capacity Krishna ".

 "Definitely Durga!"

"On the other hand, Marina was unable  or hesitating to ask Sam to sleepover at Grandma' s rest-home . 

"Where is it Krishna ?"

"Just back of their house ๐Ÿ  there is a visitors ๐Ÿ  house ,too".

"However, Grandma motherly smiled at her ❤ asking,
 "why ?"

 "Joking ,have ...have you got any motivation Marina ha...ha...?",

"Noooo Grandma ๐Ÿ‘ต ❤" 
She replied in shy.

" Don't worry darling I already planned to stop him when I saw his car behind the house Marina ".

"Did he drive all the way from his house to our house Grandma?"

"Now only I remarked the car when the teacher told me the story darling. "

"Thank you Grandma and... and...
What's wrong Marina come on speak up speak out darling?"

"Tomorrow will be Sam's birthday Grandma" 

"Oh God grace ๐Ÿ™ we will sort it out I will speak to Kamala teacher right now". 

"Just hold on a second darling...I just pop in to her house darling "

"Thank you soooooooo much Grandma". 

"Is his birthday will be tomorrow?"

"Yeah my granddaughter told me teacher "

"Alright then let me  handle it we will give him a sweetest surprise treat with my school children ha...ha... 

...could you tell Marina don't worry about anything just... just bring him to Krishna Temple which is near the ๐Ÿซ school.

"Any way, I will speak to her sooner confirming with the Headteacher who is fond of Sam."




Hare  Krishna 

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