"Does Siva I mean Visnu is Siva? " "Are They Both   The Same" That's What Hinduism Claiming. "Why? "Because of Adi Shankarasarya , Come Up With Avaita/Avidya or Vedanta Tradition  . The Reason why, Saivism and Vaisnavam Separated  . People Could Not Welcome The Wrong  Claim. But Adi Shankar Denied. With Advaita   Hinduism Based Philosophy. In This Condition, Lord Krishna Himself In the Name of Chaitanya Appeared As Krishna Avatar Like Sanniyasi ,Chanting "Hare Krishna Mantra" Which  Frustrated Shankar, he Grew Anger, Argued Arrogantly. But  Unsuccessfully . Finally Shankarasarya Accepted His Wrong Concept .However Except His Followers!.  It's Being Mentioned "Where?" In Gita Chapter 7 Text 3

"We Are The Hindus Do Not Accept”.
As a Witness Prophet  Baba Saying ,

"All Our Misery is Due To The Separation From the Source of All. He is Sath-Chith-Ananda-Swarupa. The Basic Cause of The Universe. And Since We Too Are The  Sparks of The Same First Cause,We Too Are Made of The Same Components. He Is The Embodiment Of All The Will ,Has To Be Adored And Remembered In Gratitude .As The Original Will Wished All of Us To Be Created.He Is The One That Deserves Our Love πŸ’˜Like Gopis."

"So there is someone who lives in everyone Krishna?"

"Defiantly dear students Defiantly that's why our tutor often calling us ,"Divine embodiments "


"How Krishna how ?"

"In which form Krishna how would be the Divine being  resident in each an every student?"

"Have a watch what Baba says in the one minute video great hearts which will echo the answer of your question πŸ’•

"Oh goodness that's great  unbelievable Krishna "

God πŸ™ Morning 

❤️❤️❤️ !

"Good Morning  Krishna ".

"Excuse me is there anything which triggered our tutor to be a writer?"

"Why not watch what a dog does "

"That's not the end "

"What was?"

"Fantastic certainly he had been triggered by another group of divine  dancers with sacred smiles dearest stupendous students sometimes you ask unprecedented questions and it’s not appalling but appealing ".

“No wonder we are the students of the universal university of universal Fathers ha…ha…”

"When was it Krishna Anna?".

 "It might be in 2015 Rosy"

"Where was it!  Krishna Anna?”

"May be in India Rosy"

"What was he doing in that auspicious moment Krishna Anna?"

 "He... he was sitting in an open restaurant  Rosy". 
"What was his reaction Krisna Anna?"

"He was reminding an unknown guru whilst hearing the renowned godly golden crown”

“What was it Krisna?”

“Jai Prabhupadah repeatedly Rosy"

"How was  he feeling ?"

"He was feeling a kind of heart  touching moment Rosy ".

"stop it stupid I am going to kill you...
 now only I understand why Krishna Anna did not bother to test you Rosy".

"shut up don't talk like Adi Shakakarakara !".

"Suuu.. .suuuuuu!!".

Who is that Adi Shankar Krishna Anna?". 

"Ha...ha...,Could we watch it what our tutor did  ?”

Pretty ideal idea please Krisna and see whether it touching our Hearts Krishna Anna ?".

"No worries... commence our 
divine dance recommended by Krishna and Balarama 500 years ago?"

"Yes please thanks Krishna Anna πŸ™"

"Wow wordless in this Godless world!!!Definitely divinity , but today we need to know about, 

"The Great Hearts writer’s point of view πŸ’• 


"What is the subject matter of our writer Krishna Anna?"

 "Simply!!!,The Great Hearts πŸ’•"


"Simply!!!The  readers".

"Whoever understand the Atman and Paramatman,  transforming as 
"The  Great Hearted Humans".but Hinduism satisfied with  Ataman".

"Where is   the  Paramatman?. 

"What is the topic talks please Krishna we are excited while witnessing our tutor's picture?".

 "Argument of  the Supreme Personality of Godhead?"

"Who is Adi  Shankarasarya?

"Was... was he a teacher?  ".


"What was he  talking of the Supreme Personality of Godhead?"

"Shankarasarya said Recognise a unity in multiplicity".

 "Does it mean Lord  Krishna the Seed of multipilicity Krishna?"" 


"What was he talking about?

"Was he a Hindu Krishna?"

"Sure to be brief, we are unlike others ;we all know well that we have no proper prophet like  other religions Krishna"

"All we have some one, nevertheless   we are being separatist from the Vedas"

"Have we ever been worshiping one God Krishna?"


"Do we believe in any  philosophy or Vedas?" 


"Who is the proper person of Hindu Philosophy Krishna?" 

"No one all are mixed up mindset like, a drunken monkey better listen a few seconds which was spoken by renowned guru descended from 32nd guru from the speaker of the Vedas please "

"Wow wordless Krishna!!!"

"Unless we understand what our Guru says , we are innocent or ignorance students "

"Do we following up any accurate rules and regulations Krishna of the Vedas Krishna?"

"Awful Krishna "

"In this condition,  what to talk about Vedas' teaching students ?"

"What  is called VEDANTA Krishna ".

"What is Vedanta Krishna?".


"In this complexity condition, Shankar claims that  Siva is the Supreme not Visnu Krishna "


"What's wrong with him?"

"Is..,is it the truth please Krisna?" 

"How many sets of sects in Hinduism please it's a matter of headache for us Krishna Anna?"

"Yeah!!!!When we watched a film, Mookuthy Amman , Nayanthara had acted against Thirupathi Vengadesh, we totally terrified, but utterly agreed the frodulant cheaters of the  innocent followers claiming Gods and Goddesses and found guilty ".

"How do we call the innocent people behind the false saints Krishna Anna?"

"I think Atheism". 

 "We want to know all of them Krishna Anna" 

" Coool down , we are under the mode of three classes." 

"Are we Krishna?

"Are we are in ignorance class we won't  follow any of them Krishna? "

"When we  are passionate, we talk VEDANTA Krishna". 

"And when we are in Goodness, class we following up Father's footsteps in  respect His words of Vedas "

"We want  to know little bit more better please πŸ™ we often talk of the three classes but there are more and more classes Krishna"

"Formidable  there are some serious separate sections knowing nothing about the Immigration, Emigration and transmigration like we go from country to country, from our home lands, we change our body upon death children gnoring this is not humanity children ".

"How many separatist please Krishna Anna?"
"In fact,  there are five separatism"

 "In Hinduism like Christian Krishna ?"


"What are they Krishna Anna?"

1) Vaisnavam 
2) Saivism 
3) Sathyism
4) Smartism
5) Athiestsm 

"Oh!!!! So Nayanthara acted as Amman kind of Sackthy or Energy unknowing the Energetic,Krishna?"

"Definitely Durga!". 

"We know littel bit of Saivism and Vaisnavam, nonetheless, what is Smartism sound smart Krishna Anna?"

"Sure! They accept  all are as Brahman ,kind of Oneness Concept?"

"Wow!!! They are really smart as Vedas  Claim Krishna, they Claim energy not Energetic guys". 

"Correct Krishna "

"What does the Saivism claiming please ?"

"They claim monism means such as conceived/imagine  the God Shiva manifestation of ultimate reality, 

"Whaaaaaat Krishna ? "

"Does he is the individual soul and Supreme Soul Krishna?"

"Pardon Shiva is a demigod right??"

 "Does he is the Universal Father Krishna ?" 

"No he has repeated births like human "

"Excuse meeee Krishna?" 

"Impersonal  mean there is no person in life it's a matter of Brahma Jyothi".

" What does it mean Krishna?"

"Supreme Effulgennce or Brahma Jyothi"

"We got that point it is where some  people got power point our tutor 's Canada nephew's point of view Krishna?"

"Why not ! Brilliance?"

"πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘!!!! "

"What Vaisnavam say Krishna Anna?"

"They focus on Visnu and his ten incarnations which include Rama and Krishna." 

"Overall, Vedas's words talking of Visnu ".

"Definitely Vaisnavam claimed correctly  Krishna" 

"That's wasn't The Advaita's philosophy claiming for Krishna".

"Whaaaat where it's coming from Krishna?"

"Sure Avaita is his topic philosophy of Shankara". 

"Was he a Hindu Krishna?"


 "What was  the Adi Shankarasarya's subject matter Krishna? ".

"Shankarasarya said recognise a unity in multiplicity Krishna" 

"Sound scientific !Had he invented this new sectarian like hundreds of sectarianism in India Krishna?"

"Yes he  come up with Avaita ,Vedanta Tradition".

" From where he had built up his philosophy Krishna Anna?".

"I wonder how he says it's from  Upanishhads".

"When was it Krishna ?"

"Advaita had commenced in 7th century." 

"Oh so the Vedas were translated by some unprofessional as our Guru, Bhaktivetananta described Krishna?"

"Why not?"

"At best Baba said, the description can be only like when the five blind men examine about the elephant 🐘. "


"So we can conclude the five

 1) Vaisnavam 
2) Saivism 
3) Sathyism
4) Smartism
5) Athiestsm "


"When each laid hold of a particular limb of that animal. 
Isn't it that hard?

"Hundred percent Krishna !"

"Yeah even those who have experienced, cannot explain the Ecstasy, the Peace,the Effulgence and the Love" .

"Can we Krishna? " 

"Absolutely Anna".

"Was...was it headed by Shankarasarya Krishna?"

"Correct Christina "

"When was it Krishna?"

"He began in 8th century". 

"Who recommended to  him this Vedanta's  idea Krishna?"

 "He learned from Govinda Bhagavata and   his Guru."

"Who is Govinda Bhagavata's Guru Krishna?"

"Adi Gaudapada"

 "Oh I seeeeΓ¨e !".

"The Reason why Saivism and Vaisnavam became Dualist Krishna Anna.

"Exactly Meera" 

" Isn’t it a Kind of separatism Krishna?" . 

" Sure! Sort of dual directions "

"Absolutely !People Could Not Welcome The Claim Could we Krishna?". 

"What  Shankar was claiming Krishna ?" .

"Siva was the SUPREME "

"Who started Advidya philosophy Krishna?".

"His guru ,Adi Gaudapada"
"From where Krishna?"

"Advaita School of Hindu Philosophy." 

"Who is Swami Vivekananda's guru Krishna ?"


"Why  Iskon (Hare Krishna  Society) is against Advaita/Avidya or Satan Vedanda and Shankarasarya philosophy Krishna?"

"Because  he brought up a question, whether Siva is Visnu Or Visnu is Siva. From the  Avidya?"
"What is it Krishna"
"Deluding, Deceptive of Diversities. Ignorant persons assume it to be real.
Whereas Bhuddah described it as Sarvam Dukam All sorrow". 

"Oh really!!!! Interesting... indeed inspiring and then  Krishna?"

" Adviya denied the existence of Krishna as Supreme Personality of Godhead."

"Whaaaaat Krishna?"

  "And said even  rendering love for Krishna is a matter of illusion, maya" . 

"Oh goodness!!!! It is ridiculous.. what kind of Hinduism Krishna?".

"Unlike any other religions Hindu does not worship any one God does not belief any one philosophy and does not have any one prophet  Krishna πŸ™„!".

"Then what action  was taken Krishna?"

"Basically where did this idea  came from Krishna?" 

"He came up with Adviya philosophy ,Based on Upanishad Krishna". 

"Oh my God!".

"In This Condition, Lord Krishna, Chaitanya Appeared As  a Sanniyasi Chanting Hare Krishna Mantra".

"Was He wooooow!!!! ...ha..,ha this is the cutest climax ?"


"What did Shankar do Krishna?"

 "He was  Frustrated , he grew Anger, argued arrogantly. But Unsuccessfully Ended. 


"Had he finally accepted his wrong concept Krishna?" .

Absolutely!Except his fans and followers ha....ha...atheist believe in their saints as God!". 

" ha.,,ha....ha...!!!We Are the Hindus what a Hinduism ha....ha....,?" 

"What is the evidence please Krishna πŸ™!"

Statement in the Purana,

"In the first part of kally-Yuga, the Supreme Lord in the golden complexions will be  the husband of Laksmi .Then He will become a Sannyasi and reside near Lord Jagannatha". 

"Who is Chaitanya Krishna ?"

"Was He the incarnation of Lord Vishnu ?"

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeees!!! With...with his golden colour dress in the middle". 

"Who is with blue dress please Krishna?".

"He is Balaraman he also  incarnated as Nithiyanananta ,He was Balaraman in his previous life". 

"Nitiyananda appeared in the year of 1473. In a small village in West Bengal. 
He was the son of a pious brahman,Pandita and Padmavathy

"When was it Krishna?".

"500 years ago".

"Accordingly Sri Chaitanya married His eternal consort Srimathy Laksmi Priya and later took Sannyasa at the age of 24, settled in the Holy city of Jagannath".

"Could we hear the  Maha Mantra Krishna?"

"Please go ahead "

"Ha...ha...we have to thank you Krishna 

"This is fantastic tuition Krishna,  

"Thank goodness fortunately it wouldn't  be the end".

"In addition Baba Saying ,

"All Our Misery is Due To Separation From the Source of All"

"Pardon ?"

"Krishna is Sath-Chith-Ananda-Swarupa. The Basic Cause of The Universe".
BABA further described:

..."And Since We Too  Are The  Sparks of The Same First Cause,We Too Are Made of The Same Components. He Is The Embodiment Of All ,The Will ,Has To Be Adored And Remembered In Gratitude .As The Original Will Wished All of Us To Be Created.He Is The One That Deserves Our Love πŸ’˜Like Gopis."

"Does this exist in Blogger Krishna?"

"Sure Sarah" 

"ADDRESS of logger please ???":

Already given find it below:

"What is writer's brief biography please Krishna?" 

"Author,Writer and Tutor Soul Nava, like everybody, had only been following his ordinary material science study". However, on his own 

ordinary  journey, he discovered the best diamond Destiny". 

What does the author saying of Vedas ?

" I Krishna  Anna?".

"Please proceed Rudra". 




"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees !!!".


"Why not Rudra what do you say again?"






"Ha...ha...ha...he is talking about the Bata Slippers going to say  (data) bye bye Krishna Anna"

"πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ !!!"

THIS IS THE SERIOSNESS OF ONENESS IN HINDUISM Our Krishna is  twinkleTwins ,Atma and Paramatma"

" What a wonderful wording Krishna Anna!!!!!"

"Grace πŸ’— of his Guru, His Divine Grace A.C.

"Bhaktvedanta Swami Prabhupada, our tutor  has committed to be dedicated his life to educate the innocence"..

"From when he  was working ?"

Since his Great hearts was published 2O15" 

"Oh !!

..."Which represents this extraordinary story of

over hundred episodes 

"Sure!...The entire episodes are  followed by  the first published Newest Novel.


'IN 2015?"...

"Is it bast on Vedas we mean,

The Great Hearts?,” 

"Certainly Christina". 

"Isn't it an amazing ,


of a ship?"

"Correct Christina...

"Could we hear it again please πŸ™?"

"Why not go a head Rudra ".

"What attracted him the most?".

"The fantastic flute music ".

"K.Soul  says, our life is a journey on Titanic ship".


"Without Maha Mandra it's likewe are like without the anchor of a ship".

"K.Soul Nava further  quoted of an author of a novel,

"Who was it ?"

Morgan Roberton , 

"Why Krishna?"

Because he wrote the book called ,

"The Wreck of the Titan, or Futility."

"Pardon please πŸ™  ?" 

" Titan quoted?"

"Yes what was it please πŸ™".

"He quoted the Titanic ship had sunk .

"Sorry  ?"

"Did he ✍ write about the real history of the Titanic event in his novel 


"Sure.Mr Morgan  wrote thatTitan that sinks in the North Atlantic after 

striking an iceberg".

"Did he Krishna Anna?"

"Did the author write it  prior to the  evil event which ended up 

killing thousands of passengers Krishna?"


"Was it in real event link with a novel of Morgan Roberton?"

"Yeah. Mr K.Soul Nava'sMarvellous Mission  introducingsome lovely and 
inspirational lessons to ,

The Great  Hearts' readers ".

♥ ❤ πŸ’– πŸ’›. 

"In fact,  we all are recommending and introducing 

this lovely inspirational lessons to the lucky learners".

 "Thank you πŸ’• Meera".sn't it mostly based on the 

facts Krishna?"

"Absolutely Sam "! 

"   Being the Great Hearts readers,recommending

to ♥ ❤ πŸ’• other Great Hearts to share and inspire ".

'Appreciate it Sarah'

'What is it?'

"The torch of knowledge in loyal love story of glory ".

" It's not a theory Anna?".

 "No ....with points, evidences and explanations no prediction".

"Certainly it's a history Krishna Anna".

"Correct Christina" 

"Can anyone measure the ocean with a spoon?"


"Sri Sri Ravi Shankar asked".


"This Great Hearts is the  divine spoon which  can 

cutely measure the ocean with devotion and tremendous tuition".

"Absolutely  we appreciate it Siva".

" Not only the book  based on Vedas  ,but it's a blessing bridge ?".

"What benefits or benediction of sharing this episodes to our friends, families and communities?".

"Ha...ha...Hari Potter will protect us like Papa within us and without us what else we wish?"

Why K.Soul  sacrificed his golden times in this Mission Krishna?"

"We are  engaging in SEVA TO ALL THE SUFFERING JIVAS".

"Why ?"

"IS... is it our occupations?"

" Definitely get out of Karma by realising the Atma/Soul in us students

Which belongs to us for ever, but we must know where it's from".

"Why Krishna?"
"To... to remove the suffering cause called KARMA".

"Wow now we know that  the Atman and Paramatman are  from Father, Lord Krishna".

"THANKS ,why don't we   do puja in thousands of πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ• πŸ•temples instead of this Seva Krishna".

Our Sacred  Seva of the Sacred Soul can be transformed into Purified PUJAS (prayers).


"Our on line work, works as Divine line worship, in line of Vedas' words πŸ™" 

"Yes this amazing gift is a  gratitude to Divine, in order to  remove our cancerous Karma."

"Hundred percent Anna...
it's called NISH-KARMA".

"Who said?"

 Vedas' words Rata  

recommended by Bhaktivetananta Swami Prabhupadah and Baba

"So Anna ,we  introduce it as  our dedication to Divine?." 

"Definitely Durga" ...

"You mean sharing our devotion and discipline in dialogue version of our tuition?"

"Definitely Durga". 

"It is all of   our humble dedication to... our godly Guru".

"Sure": Our guru is a Bona-fide Spiritual Master ,(Speaks what Lord spoke πŸ™) 

"Hundred percent πŸ’―"

"He πŸ™ Blesses all the Greatest Souls, Students



"Have a final go ,

"Of course. Krishna Menan Anna ".

Thanks !



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