"One Man’s Meat Another Man’s Poison".

"Hi welcome you all are stupendous students and  well wishers. In fact, the world will be absolutely advancing grace of our worldly welfare!"

 "Thanks kind of you Krisna !"

"How are you doing  krisna ?"

"Fine our  on line students are encouraging,but  with some pain  "

"Are they Krishna?"

"How come Krishna ?"

"Evidence Krishna ha...ha..

"The number of regular readers have been diminished sweet 💕 hearts ".

"No you are joking Krishna "

"Sure  we can't  believe  it Krishna "

"You're kidding Krisna ...we all  are waking up from fooling by cheating world Krishna".  

"How can the waves be divorced from the oceans Krishna?".

" We noticed that  the number of readers increased  by another 2000 Krishna within a short interval krisna?"

"Ha...ha...whether it  is sunny or rainy; winter or summer; unhappy  or happy, we have to take it easy in  this subject matter Krishna ''

"Sure  students we should not expect anything, but do everything to Papa as that is our original object  matter"

"Sure Krishna " 

"Wow! Why we worry when Vishnu is resident in each of us Krishna?"

"Krishna, we  are teaching that the education is not one wing and we are in the winning way of divine line Krishna Anna ".

"Well said Ruby."

"We are desperate to have a divine bath to become brave rather being crave of temporary happiness without Krishna Consciousness to be  liberated from fearful circumstances like in Turkey Krishna 💞🙏"

"Why not  Mary?"

"We never heard of blessing bath Krishna apart from Godly Ganga river some are using it and some are abusing it Krishna"

"By the way, in our previous episode, we have shared Addi Shankaracharya's worship-able wordings"

"Did...did we Krishna?"

"We thought he was a kind of impersonal, but his wordings proved that we are wrong Krishna grace of Sri Rangan Uncle we came to known  from Frances Krishna ".

"Exactly Meera". 

"So you think  that Shankaracharya is a personal and he  knows who is the Supreme God Krishna and he did not  think that is a matter of material Krishna?".

"That's correct he was behind the super power that's what we assumed Krishna" . 

", Exactly Krishna we  learned that he is teaching Brahma Joythy /effulgence ignoring the person, Lord Krishna from which the joythi/effulgence derives from "

"Certainly Christina fortunately that was not the case remember what Shankaracharya wrote and Sri Rangan Uncle shared recently?"

"What was it Krishna I was absent ? ''

"Shakara  wrote:
" regularly recite from the Gita, meditate on Visnu who is in our  hearts 💕 and chant His thousands glorious glories ".

"Are you joking Krishna?"

"No. Further he mentioned, let man read but a little from the Bhagawadgita,  drink just a drop of water from the Ganga ".

"Oh goodness meeee I can't  believe my ears Krishna !"

" He only wrote:
  whatever is done with the body, speech, mind or the sense organs,  either by discrimination of the intellect,  or by the deeper feelings of the  mind,  the devotee does them  all without ownership and surrenders them at the feet of Sri Narayana?".

'Brilliant thank you Krishna '

"Where it's from Krishna?"

"Source from Srimad Bhagavatam  ? ".

"Thanks Krishna". 

"Where are they  Krishna our Heroes of the episode ?"

"They are  in  the blue 💙 bus "

... Sorry Krishna even at college I'm bad in material science how would you expect me to comprehend the greatest Supreme Abode of Appah Krisna?"

"Certainly I thought that  Shankaracharya was saying about the demigods head Lord Shiva is the superior than Lord Krishna?"

"You are welcome sacred souls  the same thing most of  the people think  lack of Vedas' words"

"Krishna, we some times consider our episodes are  a kind of repetitive, but is competitive and we are in pretty progression of it Krishna "

"Could we straightaway start our joyous journey  sacred  students ?"

"Well said we   are pleased Krishna

"By the way, can we share and inspire ourselves  with a video to echo  a brief history of Lord Jesus please 🙏 Krishna Anna? "
"Up to you Christina  everyone agrees?"

"We agree Krishna why not we even agree when the powerful peoples pretending to  be Papa Krishna"

, but it's in Tamil without lyrics at the moment".

"Could you manage to understand?"

"Of course, it is our course work Krishna  "

"Alright! One two three:"

"Thanks short story in musical song Krishna? !!! "


"What a coincidence!!!!

"Why Krishna ?"

"Now let's get started our journey to find out the cutest coincidences and correlations which are corresponding with the only worship-able". 

"Yeeeeeeeees Krishna hooray...hooray...hooray!!!".

"The blue 🚌 bus passengers are resembled as 
messengers of Lord  Jesus today".

 "They wonder with Sam’s  blue garment and maroon silky loose fit clothing as he resembled a godly gem and benz was with gum,pretty pink Chewing Gum in her pink mouth fragrantly like Srilankan people.. 

"entertaining some sort of lovely  leaves with kind of brown nut in powder Krishna?"

"Ha...ha.... sure I adored, but it turns my milk white teeth to orange like real orange ".

"Just give up Krishna before become addictive of that habit with side affects "

"I'm trying before ending up having black teeth like one of our uncles , I have to give it up students for sure"

"We smell sensational in the class Krishna !"

"where it's from feeling goodness?"

"So Krisna every living entity under the influence of material nature has a particular type of body and particular type of psychology and biology due to astrology?"

"Certainly Balaraman .There are four classes of men functioning in the three material modes of nature"

"What are they Krishna 💞🙏?"

"Those who are Purley in the mode of passion are called ksatriyas" .

"Those who are in the mode of both passion and ignorance Krishna 💞🙏?"

 "They are called vaisyas". 

"Those who are completely in ignorance Krishna 💞🙏?" 

"They  are called sudras  💞🙏"

"Those who are Purley in the mode of Goodness Krishna?"

"They called brahmanas "

"and those who are less than that Krishna?"

"Are...  are animals.
However ,these destinations are not permanent like at the moment we are American, Indian or Srilankan ;Hindu ,Muslim and Christian blessfully, behind these temporary illusory energy entertainment in delusion with demigods devotion temporary bravery, Papa is there with permanent glory prepared to protect the children from illusory energy with torch of knowledge.    "

"Wondering but why we are wandering behind the demigods deities and demigods living gurus Krishna??? !!!"

"Sure ...See for instance,   today we all attracted by the milk white jasmine fragrance flowers of Rosy ".

"Does it the path of Papa in Goodness Class Krishna?"

"Absolutely Rosy in last lesson your dressing with missing bra blouse was indicating an ignorance chracteristic provocative of sexual attractive"

"Today Krishna ?"
"In Goodness Class which is the first floor unfobidden class out of  other classes "

"And besides being learned the greatest Vedas  through sacred Bona-fide gurus, can we be behind some Samis who have no ideas of Supreme Lord Krishna?".

"No  and they only know  the demigods , saying it is the Pramah Joythy so that they can  easily exploit the innocent citizens in declaring ,
"I AM GOD?".

"Then why on earth their devotees  have no ideas of the real worship-able God Krishna?".

"Listen please listen the reason why , Krishna Association keep a distance with certain, certain sections who have been certain certain curtains of the Father's faculty. Result unrealistic activities, manipulation of taking the credits of the Creator great hearts 💕" 

"Brilliant Krishna !!"

"Take your seats students appreciate your obedience as we know that the Vishnu is resident in each of us  please take your seats".

"You mean they masked the message of Vedas for the materialistic men Krishna?".

"Yes ,if ShaShankaracha's devotees or Amma's devotees or even Baba 's think that Lord Krishna is nothing to do with the whole creation of the entire living entities and the universe , who is to be blamed?"

"What about Baba Krishna ?"

"The same applies to Baba ,too if his devotees are deprived from Divine Dad, who is to be blamed ?"

"Baba  doesn't Krishna... he is the one repeatedly saying that Lord Krishna is the Visible Embodiment of the "Will Power " Who Created the Universe and also he repeatedly reading and teaching his devotees about Vedas especially Bhagavad-Gita Krishna ".

"However some of his devotees assumed that He is their God Krishna not Vedas's way of  Krishna "
" Is it the Science of Self-Realisation ?"

"No not at all, Krishna they have to wake up and set up the proper platform before it's going to be too late Krishna" 

"One second please Krishna now we can easily recognise why   K Soul Nava does not appreciate the demigods ha...ha..."

"Why Rudra?" 

"He might have been kicked out of the demigods planet Krishna ha..ha..
"Good joke 😅😅😅"

"Evidence anyway please Rudra " 

"I saw a picture in the  Facebook on which he was coming out of the airport with a black bag on his solder with a sad smile"

"Ha...ha... where was it ?"

"In Germany Krishna "

"Can you show us the picture please "

"May be in another occasion trust me he doesn't like the demigods ha...ha... "

"We understand what picture you are talking about and we wonder the  way you think ha...ha!!! 

"Yes Krisna ! Not a matter of exaggerating. Nevertheless which make us think a lot about the gurus in  Rudra's way of analysis. Rudra's consideration  seems like a King of heavenly planet and he has such a respect at  our tutor Krishna "

"Sure we can introduce the picture in the future and discuss about it and ask K.Soul  weather he was worried as a consequence of kicked out of different planet OKAY Rudra ha...ha...?"

"Thanks Krishna we still remember how Bramhma kicked out six or seven guys who were watching him and mockering him when Bramah was attracted by some young women at his old age in his own planet " 

"Pardon Peter?"

"Yeah tutor taught us previously from Bhagawadam that the boys ended up being the children of Devagy, murdered by King Khan,her own brother ".

"Oh yes there are some more messages had been left in that types of cruel circumstances by the angry and hatred attitude of the demigods Krishna". 💞".

"We are afraid.Now back up and hope we wake up out of the maya/ illusion sponsorship of demigods by hiding the facts of Father from the  Vedas "

"Excuse  us krisna! We thought Sam has no beard Krishna ha...ha...".

"Ha...ha... understand the way you are  changing the subject matter Rudra!"

 Being men, most of us having beard some of us are shaving off rest of us not bothered to shave them up that's up to us.

 Actually Sam has a beautiful beard during their journey Subathra".

 "Beard  becoming   fashion now a days Krishna ".

 "Are you joking Balaraman?"

''No Krishna "

 "Whenever Sam would play his fantastic 
flute,  they felt it's like Aura Energy!"

"We never heard of it Krishna !"

"Here we are hearing it alright Retna!": 

"One two three. I am   just speaking  what was spoken in following the Vedas Sudah everyone ready? ".

"Yes Krishna". 

"Why people called Lord  JESUS 

"Benz asked Marina curiously"

"Pretty perfect peoples are fond of his godly qualities friends" 

"She suddenly looked at Sam compared to the blue picture in her angelic fingers ".

"What is it Krishna...
... compared to what Krishna??"
"Lord Jesus Rosy".

"We can see the pretty picture too Krishna "

"And...and she was watching Sam compassionately and caringly ":

"That is inspiring Krishna !"

 "What are the Godly qualities of Jesus Marina Akkah?"

"There are many"

"What are the best characters of them please?"

" OK Listen first all about his three tremendous qualities are:".

2) His WORDS 
3) His DEEDS"

"Benz again glanced at Sam faithfully". 

" That's all Marina Akkah?"

" Can I say another three cutest characteristics Benz?":


"No trace of
1) ego
No trace of 
2) envy  and no trace of
3) Hatred"

"Benz again looked at Sam so sincerely" 

"That's all Marina Akkah?"

 " Could I say another three  aspects of amazing attraction on him Benz?":"

"Yes please 🙏" 

"Trace of 
1) Love
Trace of 
2) Charity 
And trace of
3) Sympathy"
"What does mean,  trace Marina Akkah?"

"Many meanings, here it's means indication   Benz".

"Then she asked

 "Sam, can I ask you a question?"

''Sam smiled positively".

"The passengers passionated on her inquiry because she was  worrying of Sam's departure as thoughshe is going lose her treasures".

"We know that in five elements on which we all are made of"

 "Aren't we Sam?"

"Sure Sam smiled again people were looking at him smiled ,too without their knowledge 

Does it a matter of  encourage him Krishna?."

"No I'm not sure as I did the same without knowledge great Thanks "

"How fortunate we are having an opportunity of being narrated by one of the characters of the living life like glory Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...Krishna leela students?" 

"How we understand that we are made of the five elements Sam?"

"Ohhhhhhh it's easy Benz grace of our five senses Benz but blessing aspects are, our five senses are functioning on Father's Frequency ha...ha...". 

"What Sam?"

"We used to wonder!How they are functioning Sam?"
"The passengers passionated of her qualitative questions based on Supreme Science and the amazing answers with fragrant smile from Sam". 

"Dammit Krishna all the people who are claiming to be demigods are uncapable and taking the credits of the Creaditor ,the Creator's grace in their own hands ?"

"What's wrong  with you Rudra?" 

" Krisna , we worry why our Gurus  are leaving our parents on the oceans of cyclone?" 

"We couldn't comprehend Krishna why does Rudra interrupting Krishna?"

"Cool down he is trying to teach a tremendous fact please pay attention "

"What fact Krishna he is crazy ha...ha... listen what Sam was saying Rudra"

"The five senses  cannot function without Lord Krisna's sacred  energy so called soul Benz"

"You mean the Aura Energy Sam?"

" Excuse me Krishna,
 Kanna Akkah sent a message from France Krishna"

"What was it Balaraman?"

"Who shared the above black background message Krishna?"

"A young father  and he is a distinct devotee of Baba,  a lawyer he thinks Baba is his God 🙏"

"Now let's talk about Kanna's message first Krishna "

" In which as we witness,This life is yours.
Take the power to choose what want to do and do it well.
Take the power to control your own life .
No one else can do it for you .
Take the power to make your life happy".

"Interesting indeed interesting who was it?"

"By the way, Kanna is your cousin only Krishna" 

"Absolutely Subathra". 

"Krishna please narrate we are late there are thousands of sharing forget about them focus on our lotus feet!" 

"Alright we will focus first on Sam...
one two three:

"You mean the Aura Energy Sam?"

" Yes the Divine energy "

"Why Sam?"
"He smiled again  looking out of the rain".

 "Sam loves 💘 rain especially while experiencing pain".
He looks like Shankaracharya sometimes. 

"What's the matter Krishna this is what I'm trying to tell Krishna" 

"Excuse me Krishna thanks for reminding Lord Shiva". 

"Have a happy Shivarathry students!"

"Have a happiest Maha Shirathiry  you too Krishna".

"Who shared it Krisna?"

"SRI Rangan Uncle from France friends 🇫🇷" 

"Great !!!! Does...does Shankaracharya is Shiva's devotee or Shiva himself Krishna?"

"Did Shakara himself  says the wordings below the picture Krishna ?"

"What was it Retna?"

"I'm not the body,the mind or intellect I'm Shiva?"


"How it would be possible Krisna we thought you are an intelligent Krishna?"

"Krishna, in the above shared black background,Mr Adous Huxlay said the deepest sin against the human mind is to believe  things without evidence  ".

"I never heard of him Krishna!" 

"He is Shankaracharya great hearts 💕 "

"What about a Kanna's message from France Krishna in addition she is your cousin  Krishna?"

" It is a matter of concept she has no idea who said that dear students".

More over, she often shares some beautiful wording like that in the family WhatsApp it's pretty practice of knowing the author before sharing to be honest" 

"Correct  Krishna 💞 "

" Does he is a Krishna's devotee, I mean Shankaracharya ?" 

"He is a Krishna's devotee didn't he say that I'm Shiva?".

"He did Krishna 💞"

"Who's him Krishna?"

"A teacher"

"Does  he claim that he is Shiva Krishna!!!!"

 "It's not a surprise chocolates be brilliants,our Baba also Claims that he is Shiva Krishna"

Tasyaiva hetop prayateta kovido
Na labhyate yad bhramatam upary  adhah
Tal labhyate yad duhkavad anyatah sukham
Kalena sarvtra gabhira ramhasa

"Hold don't please what language is it Krishna?"

"Sanskrit Sudah" 

"From Srimad Bhagavatam 1.5.18"

"What does it mean Krishna?"

"The human being should exert (put forth ,effort,etc ) his divine energy for that thing which we did not get in our many many lives. That's the power Kanna was talking about through some wording of someone ".

"OK krisna "

"Through many, many lives our souls have been in the forms of dogs, demigods, cats, birds and insects. 

"Including demigods Krishna?"

"Definitely Durga Narayana was living in the planet of demigods and kicked out by  his own father to our earth"  

"You mean  the white beard like actor Achith Krishna!?"

"Yes BRAMA,the white beard demigod".

"How many living entities Krishna?"

"There are 8,400,000 material forms. So our transmigration is going on, but everyone of these millions of forms, the business is senses gratification". 

"In detail Krishna ?"

"The dog is busy for senses gratification:
Where is food?
Where is shelter?
Where is mate?
How to defend?".

"We got it Krishna "

"The man is also doing the same business in different ways. 
So this struggle of existence is going on and on life after life sweet hearts 💕 ".

"Who shared the above picture of Shankaracharya Krishna?" 

" We have to ask Srirangan uncle".

"It's been written what is the point of disturbing him Krishna?"

"Because there is no authentic quotation of the wording who said that exactly like Kanna did didn't they Krishna?"

... we need effective evidence Krishna ".

"So Krishna the ignorance are  ignoring God and  the truth . All we are following everything just blindly behind demigods?"

"Quite please out of many thousands among men , one may endeavor for perfection,  and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth!"

"Wow! we remember learning it from Gita Krishna KRISHNA"

"Congratulations what chapter please Peter?"

"Chapter Seven Krishna" 

"You are right and we are advised to listen to the devotees of Lord Krishna if we need blessing advice form the law book of Lord"

"Wordless Krishna we all are in a Godless community Krishna!?"

"How is it that educated philosopher  such as Shankaracharya do not surrender to the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of God Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...because if we surrender , all our Karmas can be cancelled then how can we live in this planet how could we be worried  watching the worst world wars", nicest  natural disasters, such as  Turkey, Ukraine Russia?"

"We don't get the point Krishna don't laugh talk like a teacher of Krishna please?" 

"The Gita answers very frankly...
Can I tell you a bit?"

"Yes please Krishna ".

"Those really learned leaders of society like:
1) Brahma, 
2) Shiva,
3) Kapila,
4) the Kumaras, 
5) Vyasa,
6) Devala,
9) Prahlada,
10) Bali, 

"Those really learned leaders of society Krishna?"

"We thought that they are our gods Krishna!" 

"They are learned and learning leaders still...Still ..still they have no much ideas of Lord Krishna ".

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness please proceed Krishna "

"And..and...and later on
1) Madhaacarya ,
2) Ramanuchariya ,
3) Sri Caitanya

Many  many others who are faithful philosophers educators, scientists, etc 

"Are they 
surrender to the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of God Head, the all powerful Authority Krishna?".

"Absolutely dearest divine Embodiments" 

"But those who are not actually philosophers, scientists ,educators who pose themselves as such for material gain, do not accept the plan of path of the Supreme Lord great hearts 💕 "

"Why Krishna why?"

"They have no idea of God. 
They simply manufacture (make up ) their own worldly plans and consequently complicate the compassionate communities"

"Evidences Krishna?"
"Look at the law book of Lord Krishna sweet hearts 💕 "

"Text 15 Chapter seven happy?"
"God bless you Krishna could we continue our tuition Krishna?!" 
"Sure Sarah" 

"Whatever Sam says, Benz takes it as granted such an obedient student still a bit argumentative girl"

"Sam adjusted his throat looking at his  friends fascinatingly"

"They smiled at him  encouragingly"

"The Aura is part of the  five elements of energies Benz "


"The Aura functions like fire 🔥"  

"Am I correct Sam?"

" Yes Benz,  but  it functions with Divine Energy Benz?" 

"She thrilled."
However. others appreciated him''.


"Passengers puzzled and exclaimed why she thrilled" 

" As it's from the Sacred Soul's energy Benz" 

"How we recognise it Sam?" 

"For instance, when we bath in water, there are some positive Aura within the body reacting within us ". 

"Oh yeee that's why we .....!"

"Yeee we feel fresh active and positive" 

"Marina smiled 💓 ''
You mean she answered correctly Krishna ?'

"Definitely Durga if I say smiled, you should know that she or her responses students".

"Similarly when we bath in the blue bus 🚌 hearing Science of Self-Realisation, the five aspects of air on which the soul floating will be cleansed Rata ok every one?"

"So Krishna,when we learn about Supreme Science,we bath in Father's fire of purity 🔥?"

"Ye in fact, Aura will be activated when we keep on improving our Originator's science  Mary".

 " You mean improving our Self-Realisation Krishna ?"

"Correct Christina 💕!"

"I thought it's just  by repeating the Maha Mantra  Krishna 🧘‍♀️  "✨ 

"Yes excellent Rata it's more effective more than anything !"

"Hold on a a second let's take care of them now"

"Welcome Krishna !"

" After a while, Sam sat silent, which expressed his emotions to everyone".

''Knowing it and understanding his worries,  Benz decided to cool him down as everyone knows how she has been looking after him affectionately and sisterly". 

"Excuse me Sam!"

"How can I help you Benz ?"

His voice was shaking. 

"How the world work place?"

" To be fair ,his friends faces were welcoming their dialogues and feeling fabulous." 

"World works with Vibrant  vibration according to the science". 

"The whole passengers were  passionate and appreciate   what Sam was saying with greatness and God conscioness".

"How we know it's works with vibration Sam?"

"Marina was encouraging her by her body languages as she feels Sam's sadness of leaving all of his world". 

"Sam however forced a smile"

" Is it grace of sound Benz ?":
"He smiled again''

"So Sam's flute music has got godly vibration!", 

"Marina smiled?"

"That is how his friends are feeling Krishna  ".
"Correct Renuga".

"How! Was the  musics have been created with the understanding of human nervous systems Sam?"

"Definitely Marina!" 
This answer astonished others in the bus!.

Sam repeated:

"Ye not all, but classic musics".

"How we can describe to others these phenomenology Sam?" 

Marina again  asked.

"You can explain it in five parts or five layers Marina'.

 "Are you ...are you  


"What are they Sam?"

"Rajeshkanna smiled"
"For instance, Marina has made a handicraft"
And she wrote five actions on the five fingers".

"People widely opened their eyes!"

"He saw it to them" 
They all sweetly surprised reading them it is how It's read :
"Sam, how can we be separated from you?"

"You are our helping hand":

"Krishna  are you reading  what Marina wrote?"


"Can you tell us what Marina wrote  in her Hand which  she made as a gift to Sam Krishna ?"

"Why not Meera?" 

1) " She wrote:

Our Mental Mind set is like your indicative finger Sam"

" 2)Your middle finger reminding our materials need becomes higher and higher Sam" 

3) Your ring finger mentioned our regulative principles that we must follow intellectually and  divinely,Sam 

4)"Your little finger reminding us how little we understand the most 
Vital and absolutely necessary vitamins in Vedas Sam".

"5) Finally your thumb, thumbs up how we must raise up our
 Spiritual Godly guidance SAM" 

"Are you going to leave us SAM??"

"The passengers sympathised and empathetically looking at Marina mesmerisingly their eyes warning up with tears their bellies were shaking!"

 "See how happy we are   when we learn a bit of a 📱 phone Sam".

'It's again Marina's writing Krishna ?'

"Definitely Durga'.

"Doesn't  it looks like the scientists research about bone, in relation of evolution of monkey Sam?". 

"That is how we study of evolution of the creation with you  Sam"

"Don't we feel it Sam that you are our backbone??"

"Don't we see because of the science knowledge of the  stone structure the  scientists understand how old is the 🌎 world is Sam?". 

"And... and... and...
 guest we are missing of learning the  miraculous machine which is capable of discovering the Supreme Science in line with divine guidelines. It's you  Sam ?"

"Are you leaving us Sam?"

"Marina wrote all this with the handicraft Krishna ?"

 Absolutely Rudra 

"There was a silver silence soooo sweet to see each of the passengers graces on their faces they lovingly looking at her heart bleeding words"

"Yeeee that our Journey of blue 🚌 bus often talking of
the Science of Self-Realisation as it is our destiny Krishna ".

"Correct ,thank you Sarah" 

"You mean our body showing the universe  within us Krishna ?"

"Yeah the Universe is a Living Body .He is Krishna the earth 🌎 represents 
 His blood cell sacred souls"

"We love  Marina and her hand made hand handicraft Krishna 💘especially the way she intelligently inspired us using ,stone,phone, bone and finally we are the boon"

"Thank you sooooo much so sweet of you  students."

"What a joyful journey of divine destiny Krishna ?"

"Why not Siva?"

"Where they are at the moment Krishna ?"

"They all are still in the blue 💙 🚌 bus Meera"

"Was it such a long journey Krishna ?"

"Yeah they could have done by train, but they love to be in their company which accompany divine destiny and explains the real journey to many audiences"

 " Ye it's happening in  every journey why Krishna ?"

 " teach our divine destiny Pamitta".
"What have they been doing now Krishna?"

"I know  they would be still sleeping , hearing the  music?".

"Yeah you are correct Peter now they are hearing the  🌎 news on BBC Retna"

"What was the news Krishna ?"

"A sad news, "two British boys had been stabbed to death in Malaysia"

"Pardon where is it exactly Krishna ?"

"In the club"

"At a bar  Krishna ?"

"Yes 🌹 🌹 🌹Roses "

"Why Krishna ?"

"There was  a row with a gang members". 

"Marina was alarmed" 

 "Why Krishna  ?"

"Both British boys were medical final year". 

"It's not humanity !"

" In addition , they are the best🚑 students even they were soft and superior use in studies".

"Why  they went there for ?"

"Let's go back to the characters to listen and learn lessons from them 🌹 🌹 🥀 🌹 Roses "

" We welcome your idea Krishna "

"Why on Earth the medical students drinking alcohol?"...

"Marina asked Sam sorrowfully "

"They went there for work placements  (training) with some more mates it is what we learning in the university Marina".

"Sam responded regrettably".

"What the British government  did?"

 "Rajeshkanna asked sadly"

" The Britain government called the rest of the students back home immediately!”

"James replied promptly". 

"Sam’s heart leap with love and regrets thinking the culture of club life style". 

"CLUB CULTURE Krishna ".

"Life is short so they are making it sweet ",

"that's not true,life is ever lasting and never ending. If the life is short, it would be amazing Krishna ".

"Interesting indeed inspiring Christina" 

Oh goodness! We wake up some morning with no idea that a great happiness or a great sadness is at the door step Sam!"

"Said Menan"

"See the world is changed for the parents of these best boys ! "

"This is why we must secure the soul by remembering the Super Soul, Father of all fathers in every possible opportunity ”.

  "Said saddened Sam emotionally" 

"Everyone needs to be enlightened". All of a sudden,the  blue 🚌 🚏 was passing through the fascinating path surrounded by beautifully genuine, green and great   mighty mountains".

"Suddenly Sam and Marina resettled on their previous places because their mothers have awoken unexpectedly!!!!"

💺 💺 "Marina loved to be next to Sam and she was worried watching the emptied blue 💺 chair".

"After a while when everyone was entertaining the atmosphere sitting comfortably,"

"Sam's mother smiled sensationally and exclaimed , admiring the inspiring views and asked her son", 

"I am just wondering and wanting to know how ,how these miraculously mighty mountains and valleys have been made!?"
"Oh... oh.... inspirational inquiry" 

"Is it  by the stupendous scientists or by the dynamic Divine?"

 "Friends were watching Sam in calm and charm"

"Smiling Sam who was reading a Divine beautiful book 📖 to change his mind a bit, slowly and calmly he looked out of the window at the same time ."

" As he was a bit tired  and sad too so obviously he relaxed"

"I know why he was  sad because they were  separating the seat form Marina Krishna "

"Sure Sarah" 

 "His hands cupped his  head, was seated near the window seat". 

"Since it was of their own company accompany him, they are  enjoying by being seated comfortably any where and everywhere in the blue bus Krishna?".

"Correct Christina Sam legs were  in the air in relaxing on a large blue seat like a child".

"Now and then he shifted his position turned to the side of his Mom in the running massive and  impressive blue 🚌  bus."

"He suddenly turned towards his Mom by running his athletic fingers through his magnificent dark brown hair which often dance delightedly on his long forehead".

"While gazing out in the mighty mountains, all the passengers passionately thinking of Sam's  Mom question and expecting excellent response form her son".

"Wow wonder valleys and milky waterfalls, sensational smells unexpectedly made Sam to  recall the material science subject on which he learned earlier about the plate Boundaries":

"He wondered how the Super Nature has been playing its supreme roles besides the scientists have been misinterpreting,misinterpreting and misinterpreting  the meaning to the innocent students" . 

"He again glanced at the mighty pretty mountains and thought like an intelligent individual" :

"How it was made by using the radio-activities  within the earth based on the divine energy!"

"What an inspiring material , interior energy Krishna ! ?"

 "Absolutely basically based on sun energy Retna?",

"He smiled in hearing his Mom's innocent question".

" aah...atishoo .,,aaahatishoooooo!" 

"Mom sneezed ! The entire bus was shaking!'

"What ..
what a violence 🌋🌋volcanoes!

"Benz was scared!"

 “Are you alright Mom?"

"Sam exclaimed, too !".

"I am alright, but could you answer my question?"
She is proud of her forgotten frog education of university'

"OK Mom! 

"As I often have been saying,the gigantic tectonic plates   marvelously met at boundaries and  made the mighty world known as constructive boundaries as it has been taking place under the oceans,it is unnoticed hundreds of millions of years Mom .”

"Ye Krishna he is talking about the continents how they have been protected by fence of magnificent mountains ⛰ 🙄 😍 as the walls by nature".

"Sure Subathra ".

"James was astonished the way Sam was talking using every small ,small details based on science!?"

"At the same time,Rajesh Kanna smiled 
 in nodding his happy head".

“As plates move apart, magma moves upwards from below in to the gap and cools, which forming the new crust under the oceans eventually constructing the new ,new surfaces to live for all kinds of living organisms called sea spreading mom".

"Krishna Menan was astonished of his sharply stupendous memory of the past studies which we forget often after the exams." 

"Nonetheless, he never ever thought in this way, Sam was the happiest humour for most of the students.He was the humour for the entire school friends".

"Why Krishna ?"

"Whenever he was absent to school, it was like tumor in the brain for James such an intelligent human being." 
"Are you exaggerating Krishna ?"

"Ha...ha... a little bit Balaraman". 

"Certainly he  is different; his mindset was preset  of a professor like an astrologer already told to his father in Thirupathi."  

"We remember it  "

 "👍 good keep it up Ruby "

We 🙏  to stay away from Karma 




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