"God Morning ๐ŸŒ„ Krishna what's the matter you keep on working on Krisna's statues topics why...
... is it the WiFi? !"

" Yes if the Divine's Rooter  does not fix to the broadband  like the Madam, how we would expect the net work Krishna?" 

"Ha ..ha... that's not  rooter that's  different meanings, but  it's a  router which forms networks and manages the flow of data within and between those networks ".

"Router or Rooter Krishna? "

'We spell it router ha...ha...".

"Can we get internet without madam Krishna?"

"Ha ..ha...!!!

It's hard actually it's modem ... ha...!
It's a device that sits between home network and internet provider Like the Brahman and Parapraman within us".

"Oh goodness so we are unchangeable to know the main machine of divine but using it, finding many machines  Krishna?"

"In  real, we are researching ,reviewing and finding the facts of the plots of the episodes sweet hearts ๐Ÿ’•" 

"We could not catch up Krishna "

"Do you want to  back up  in order  to pick up the ideas  why on earth K.Soul had determined to describe the characteristics of his own family in a novel based jewels of scriptures? "

"Ye in turn, it's yielding fragrant of Lord Krishna's treasure garden doesn't it Krishna?"

 "Certainly in order to display and discover our treasures tenancy agreements of sacred souls related life, Mr K. Soul explaining  how his own habits and characterisation had been changed and  give us an anchor of human rights life great hearts ๐Ÿ’• "

"As a book of bridge to safe our sinking ships Krishna?"

"Unmistakably all our life originally links to Lordship ,the Originator ".

"So Krishna, realising scholarship  is much,much more important to get out of our hardship lack of right worship "

"You got it Meera the writer of the Great  Hearts ๐Ÿ’• guides by Papah sweet ๐Ÿ’• hearts. "

" Sure  I'm pretty privileged to bring up to your understanding of the story line or the out line of the episodes which we have been reading in novel  versions ".

"Pardon Krishna?"

"Remember to remember we are not the doers, but the five factors of our endeavour depending in Father's Hand...the Supreme Personality of God Head said:

"It is lust only, Arjuna, which is born of contact with the material mode of passion and later transform into wrath, and which is the all-devouring sinful  enemy of this world ".

"Pardon Krishna what does the word lust mean Krishna ?"

"Strong sensual desire or sexsual desire" 

"Ha...ha...Krishna why you look at  Rudra?"

"Ha...ha we are using of his attitudes as a personification to improve the English... especially our body language count a lot isn't it  Krishna?"

"Example Krishna ?"

"Alright for instance ,the writer  says the river was roaring like angry tigers while Benz was chased by the rowdies near the haunted house in the isolated dark night Krishna ".

"Excellent...excellent effort!!!
 Let us be blessed  right?"

" OK krisna !"

"When a living entity comes in contact with the material creation, his eternal love for Krishna is transformed into lust, but we must overcome it".

"Why Krishna so you mean we shouldn't be returned to this materialy motivated maddened world and  keep on working on and on on forbidden faulty materials world?".

"Definitely Durga as we are presently working on and on for only attraction of the dust and praying the stones in impersonal images as we are in  distraction of the Personal  Divine."

 "Oh goodness you mean we are  working harder and harder for the land not even knowing the Land Lord Krishna?"

"Ha....ha... isn't  it only to return to the same  dust land repeatedly  and being recycled great hearts?"

"Thanks soooo much Krishna "

"Absolutely because in association with the mode  of passion, we worry for ever like me being mad of foreign ha...ha..." ." 

"Therefore,  lust is  the greatest enemy of the living entity Krishna?". 

"However, we have to be friendly with the enemy, too Krishna ".

  "What does the word wrath mean Krishna?"

"Strong vengeful anger or indignation retribution punishment for an offence or crime and chastisement ".

"Example Krishna?"

"Noah saw the flood as a sign of the WRATH of God".

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness !??".

"At the same time listening to our bona-fide guru guys".

"That's what Lord Krishna said Krishna?"


"Where was it Krishna was it in Bhagavad-Gita?".

"Undoubtedly ".

"What Chapter please Krishna?".

"In  Chapter Three. "Karma Yoga".

"Which text krishna?"

"TEXT 37." 

"He is our Appah, Atma and Paramatma Krishna!"


"Why was it Krishna Anna?"

"Guess ... it's  a tremendous tribute for our Father we need to know the seed of our existence to get liberated ?"

"Excuses me ...
what went wrong in Colombo Krishna?".

"People are protesting we are ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™praying on their behalf ๐Ÿ™ ".

" By the way, yesterday I saw some one like you Krishna Anna"


 "With how many members you have born Krishna ?"

" What kind of questions students?"
"Why Krishna?"

...I' ve born all alone others born of their own  separately Rudra"


"Let's  get started our session Krishna !"

"Oooookkkkeeaaaaayyy Krishna" 

"Any story out line of the topic  golden  Rata Krisna statue please?"

"That's the out standing statue our cousin, Krrishna brought up all the way from Canada to London ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ"

" When was it Krishna?"

"It was when he went for a judgment of dance composition remember we used to discuss?"

"Ohhhhhhh yeeeeee please do not come up with any talk of  science topic during ha...ha...the shopping trip in Canada Krishna boring ."

"Certainly however, the statue was one of the remarkable items out of some other items he had brought up to London in two violet and black  baggages,  pretty carefully packed though ".

"By his relations Krishna?"

"Due to the fragile marble Krishna statue, using white  regi form and bubbles paper wrapping".

" Ohhhhhhhh goodness we thought they are not krishna consciousness "

"Whoever had born with silver spoon or blessed boon, only interested in Divine personally" . "

"The rest Krishna?"

"They are following up some kind of impressionists and impersonalist Krishna "

"Ha ..ha... correct "

"Didn't he bring back from Canada his bag, his own bag which he took with him from London to Canada Krishna?"


" Exactly, the person who had offered his own bags carefully packaged and packed the Krishna deity decently"

"What he does  for living Krishna?"

"In fact,  he  is an engineer educational wise not nice of talking about their salary and jobs in foreign" 

"Kanna's sister Krishna?"

"A dance teacher".

" He is her husband Krishna?".

"Sure Sarah". 

"We remember krishna 
wasn't it in their wedding you had been helped by  K.Soul to wear your tie Krishna ha ha ?"

"Yes the chicken hut smelly ha...ha..."

"It was their wedding day Krishna?".

"In that case,  the Canadian families offered the golden statue as a  gift Krishna?"

"Actually that's what K.Soul assumed but cousin, Krrishna financed and obviously they topped up to set up a worthy statue"

"Sorry Krishna?"

"More over, they were adding additional items  such as rainbow colours saris , blue blazer ,brown belt   together with the above golden Krishna statue"

"When was  it Krishna?"

" When he went to  visit his relations' homes ...
obviously they were acting like a  Rajani crew?"

"Are they many families Krishna?"

"Simply  Siblings". 
"Why you say Rajani crew Krishna?"

"As out of the family, Rajani Akkah is the Head ha...ha..."

"Does ...does the word  crew  mean a group of people  who work on and operate a ship, aircraft etc Krishna?"

"Correct K.Soul likes Rajani the most.
 She...she is mastered in science and  from her childhood she is attached to K. Soul soulfully ".

"Evidence Krishna?"

"When K.Soul went to visit after fifteen years french life,  she was telling him each an every event from her three years ".

"That's dose not mean she..."

"Last of all, when he left her  ,she began to cry like a child seeking for her lost mother within the massive crowd which broken down his heat♥ "

"Really how old she was at that time Krishna?"

"Twenty three plus .
 ,Tulsy  was  there with them with her father and mother".

"At... at the airport Krisna?"
"Sure!!! Ha...ha....He wouldn't have gone by bus, train or Ship to France students be brilliants "

"At what time  Krishna?"

" the early morning Krishna" 

"Yeah quite early in the morning ". 

"Emotional.  Wasn't it  fantastic Krishna this is why , K. Soul often avoiding in travelling to Srilanka Krishna?"

 "Absolutely because of these kinds of emotional events . Factually he feels in different way from us Krishna!" 

"More over, whenever K.Soul says something, Rajani listens submissively exactly like Kanna" 

"Oh you mean such as Supreme Science Krishna?".

" her brother loves him, but not submissively listens  him ".


"Had he had some kind of  property issue, too like France sister  Krishna ".

 "Don't know once I remember there was an issue about a property relationship".

"In the house where our newly married couple were living for rent Krishna in Kandy?".

"We don't get your point  Krishna again  K. Soul was the 

Land Lord of that property, too Krishna?"

"Let me talk please!!!". 

"Cool down Krishna" 

"They then  had built their own upstairs house by purchasing some land of the same land lord where they had rented in Kandy" .

"And then Krishna?"

"Hearing that the landlord seeking a buyer  of his house, K.Soul was required and it was in the process of purchasing ".

"With ...with the assistant of the newly married couple Krishna?".

"Correct .However, for his astonishment, he received a telephone call from his favorite sister ".

"Why  Krisna ?"

"She was suggested by her son to  name the property on his name". 

"On her  son's name what ?"

"His mother?

"Was... was she K.Soul 's biological sister Krishna?"

"Yes she had told K.Soul about the kind request of her son Krishna?"

"Was he the teacher who is challenging with K.Soul against lord Krishna's science?". 

"You are right Sarah". 

"Nonetheless, before deciding, the couple already , had written the property on  the buyer, K.Soul's name  ".

"By whom it was carried out again krishna ?"

" the couple  factually his niece, a dance teacher and her husband, his new nephew, an engineer ".

"At that time where was K.Soul's favourite sister's son 
  in Srilanka Krishna??"

"No in ๐ŸCanada ".

"Does it make any sense Krishna?"

"What difference it's going make Krishna?"

"Because there was someone else was targeting it so he decided to secure it that's all ".

 "You...your brother krishna?"

"Yes he is disabled"
"We are talking about Canada Krishna !!?"

"What K.Soul says  Krishna?"

"He often says that Anna is an intelligent and also he said that there are two types of intelligences according to vedas" , 

"What are they Krishna?".

"One in material and the other one in transcendental/spiritual" . 

"We don't catch up Krishna !".

"Wait...did not finish please!!!:

"Nevertheless, the transcendentalists are friends of Lord Krishna".

"Ohhhhhhhh !Yeeeeeeeees that's why the French born children named him Tamy in other  words, Ami in French, FRIEND Krishna".

"Interesting Krishna indeed mind blowing!!!"

"Thanks so much for sharing some sensationally outstanding facts Krishna." 

"We thought no one knows that our tutor is Mr  Fool ha...ha..."

" one knows that he is K.Soul....and every one thinks he is Mr Fool Krishna  ha...ha..."

"Are they all reading the episodes Krishna?"

 "K.Soul doesn't know whether they have a chance of reading the episodes". 

"Best of all, he loves his  Mom"

"Does...does she is K.Soul's favourite sister Krishna?.

"Absolutely ".

"Really krisna?"

"Really krisna?" 

"Did London Krishna used the lovely golden statue  for a dance in London ?"

"Certainly could we watch it Krishna?"

"My pleasure"

"Fantastic magnet  Krishna ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ™"

"Could we back up to our follow up narration Krishna!". 

" Obviously! Over three months rolled up" , 
"Already are you  joking Krishna ?".


"Hold on a second you said that we can discuss in detail of depreciate Srilanka current currency value Krishna".

"Did we?"

"Surely...Ruby is correct Krishna"

 "Could we start our narration first Krishna ?" 
"Our pleasure ,as economy is more important at this crucial circumstances Krishna "

"Alright better be brief Krishna OK?"

"No problem". 

"Bear in mind it is the  five fundamental questions based conversation Krishna". 


"Can I start?"


"When did this begin from bad to worse Krishna Anna?".

"8th of March."

"What happened  on 8th of March ,Thursday Krishna?".

"Our currency fell sharply against the dollar. "

"Why was it Krishna Anna?".
"After the country's Central Bank declared devaluation".

"How many percent Krishna?"


"Why was it please Krishna?".

"Because of the instability or volatility."

"Pardon what does mean volatility Krishna?"

"Liable to change unpredictably". 

"Why did this happen Krishna?".
"Foreign exchange reserves are run out."

"What who are they Krishna?"

 "Why they ran away Krishna?"

"These are  cash in dollars and gold silver etc...etc..."

"I know ever since my parents lost their assets such as  jewellery, cash and...and...,they are so so saddened stop smiling; being short angry parents Krishna". 

"Where was it  Krishna?" 

"When they returned from Sivan temple in London".

"It's happened for other  people as well Krishna   ".

"How Krishna?"

"Some Srilankan robbers broke up in to the houses and took them."

"Who robbed our tons of government gold  dollars assets Krishna?".

"That's the question".

"Of course, the reason why peoples who are protesting Krishna???".


"Any advantage of this action of  devaluation of our currency Krishna Anna?"

"This may boost exports". 

"That's all Krishna?"

"It may string trade deficits".

"You mean Krishna?".

"An excess of money spent over money earned".

"Limit the more expenses than income  Krishna Anna?"

"Correct Christina". 

"It may reduce the cost of interest payments".
"Ohhhhhhh  of what Krishna Anna?"

"On its out standing government debts".

"Out standing Krishna?"

"Outstanding doesn't only mean very good, also very bad debt".

"What a language Krishna ๐Ÿ‘"

"Not yet paid or delt ha...ha..."

"Wow look Krishna Anna you  smile!!!"

"What are the ...."

"Disadvantage Meera?"

"Import will be expensive". 

"Who benefit Krishna?"

"My mum as she thinks her money order exchange rate increases and she loves sending money Krishna ๐Ÿ’ฐ ".

"Ha...ha at the same time, does she know the goods prices are skyrocketed?"

"She doesn't care Krishna...ha...".

"Excuse me why people say the dinner is extremely expensive in Kuwait Krishna?"

"We understand what the people meant.

"What is it Krishna Anna?"

"It is not the dinner, but DINAR "

"Pardon Krishna?"

"Which is their currency that  is the highest currency in the world ".


"How much does it equal to US dollar Krishna?."


"Ohhhhhhh goodness it's considered as highest and strongest in the world Krishna?"

"Certainly Christina". 

"So the cost of  living is sky high Krishna?".

"Sure unless we work and earn in Kuwait, it is costly.

"You mean  for the out siders such as tourists Krishna?". 

"What is the reason why the Central Bank of Sri Lanka devalues rupees Krishna Anna?

"It's the first step towards getting IMF help".


"The International Monentary Fund controls the inflation of the supply fund Krishna?".

"Who Krishna?"

"IMF staff ".

"Does it mean an organisation Krishna?". 

"It's an organisation of 190 Countries".

Wow! Working to foster global monetary cooperations secure financial stability ,facilitate international trade promoted high employment and suitable economies growth and reduces poverty Krishna ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜„"

"Ohhhhhhh  Yeeeeeeeees we love ๐Ÿ’˜this tremendous tuition indeed we in need Krishna".

"There are  too many armies for such a little country Krishna". 

"Doesn't it affect the GDP Krishna?"

"It does for example, we have been doing some agriculture behind the house which is productive and boost the economy Krishna".

"Does it how Krishna?"
"Aren't you joking Krishna?".

"Imagine all of us produce some of our domestic needs aren't we supporting the GDP?"

"What is the percentage of agricultural does in GDP Krishna?"

"It was 38%". 

"No longer Krishna ?".

"Why Krishna?"

"Because of cancellation of import of the  fertilisers".

"What else  a citizen can contribute Krishna?"

"Ideal is cereals".

"Even the grass attributes in our GDP Krishna?"

"Hundred percent such as wheat , paddy nuts or beans are the most missing materials at the moment".

"What else Krishna?"

"Tea, textiles, education, employment boosting businesses ".

"How Krishna?"

"Employment is automatic  we do agriculture Krishna  Anna ".

"Brilliant ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘!!!"

"If ...if...if...each of the foreign family  contributes even a little by little to their own families step by step  encourage them to be corporative and productive Krishna?,"

"You say in  increasing the capital which they received from foreign making some sort of businesses Krishna?".


"Apart from that, small projects, what are the big, and better  projects to boost the economy Anna?".

"Colombo Port City can be used for formidable creations".

"Why Krishna."
"We may have many countries contributions and attributions as it's going to be the best and beautiful international investors inspiring business palace such as elegant entertainments centers, tourists attractions hotels, residence etc...etc."

" Best of all,the Port  is the greatest gate way of imports  exports and support in connecting to multiple countries' beautiful business  centers Krishna".


"Doesn't it belongs to China Krishna?"
" Sure but a certain percentage". 

"We can boost the tax revenue pretty professionally Krishna"

"See for example, the 15% of government tax cut destroyed our economy."

 "Doesn't...doesn't  it Krishna??,!"

"So the IMF has to do these kinds of major management and cut unnecessary armies Krishna?".

"Does Srilanka have more armies than India?".

"Possibly Peter".

"Are you sure Krishna?"

"That's what  I heard "

"Hope for the best do not use hypothetical language Peter". 

" You mean imaginative Krishna Anna?"

"Sure Sarah". 

So how we know a country is poor or rich in a simple statistics Krishna?"


"Sorry Krishna?"

"What does it mean Krishna?".

"Gross Domestic Products".

"What is American GDP Krishna?".

"Gross Domestic Products".
63,543.58 USD".

"You mean in US DOLLAR Krishna?

"Srilanka please Krishna?"

"It is pretty poor state in terms of world bank estimation".

"Especially when we convert GDP In USD isn't it Krisna?"

"Which County has the highest GDP Krishna?".
"May be Canada, but they don't use the same terms or  system I think it's TCP. "

"What does it mean Krishna?"

"Transmission Control Protocol?"

"Ohhhhhhh that's why my Uncle settled there he must be an intelligent to do so Krishna!".

By the way, time for  narration Krishna ". 

"Is it?"

" let's get started!?"

"Our pleasure Krishna!". 

"Sam's parents asked him politely to pay a pilgrimage to India". 

"Why Krishna?"

"As his foreign employment arrangements have been successfully completed" 

"With his parents permission Krishna?." 
 "Correct Christina" 

"Wow ๐Ÿ‘ congratulations for Sam Krishna"
"You are right he is a righteous person we all must bless him ๐Ÿ™ ".

"Where is he going Krishna?"
"Does he  come to the United Kingdom soon Krishna?"
"Yes he does Roses๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŒน 
" When he is  going to take the flight Krishna?"
 "He is going to take the  flight in a few weeks time 
๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŒนRoses". 

"He delightedly  made a minor pretty  party to his best friends -last week". 
"That's  kind of him Krishna"
"Some of the peoples consider him as Buddha because they knew him from his childhood".
"He looked like Buddha".

"Buddha or his son  Krishna Anna?"


"Had Buddha have a boy?"


"Any evidence of his youth life please Krishna Anna?" 

"No worries!"

"Tremendous tuition ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ™„ thanks Krisna Anna ",

"In addition, he is already in India ๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŒนRoses". 

"Please tell us their  joyous journey ๐Ÿ™ how they travelled".

"Alright it was last week he planned 
to do his pilgrim to India with his intimate friends and families   ". 

"How was the journey ๐Ÿ’ž Krishna?"

"Wasn't it  a wonderful chance of seeing all his affectionate friends back Krishna?!"

"Absolutely ๐Ÿ’ฏ" 

"They couldn't believe and couldn't wait a second and wouldn't leave any-one left ".

"Pardon Krishna?"

"He already informed to his friends Sudah!" 

"There were lots of text messages; phone massages and email messages. Out of them,some of them had no touch since ages".

"Ha...ha...exciting moment Krishna!:

"Definitely after ages, they all were going to gather together! It's going to be indeed a great lesson. Such a glory event of the events"...

"It was a day of  meeting his affectionate friends who were well-off in Srilanka".

"Are they all are Tamils Krishna?"
"Some of them were Sinhalese ;some of them were Tamils,but  all of them  speak Sinhalam and Tamil". 

"Are you sure the Sinhalese, speak Tamil?"

"Yeah such intimately fabulous friends. Some of them were  employed in Colombo and some of them in Jaffna: Doctors, engineers,lawyers,managers."
,self employers, teachers, business peoples and ordinary workers,too".

"๐Ÿ‘ Wow!"

"They exchanged worried looks already as they all were going to miss him; some did not contact him since ages who were so busy in their employments still fond of him". 

"They  are earning handsome salaries" 

"Like the people earning in abroad Krishna?"

 "No.Bad... bad luck the valuation of the currency devastatingly diminished" 

"Really Krishna?!"
"Yeah Sam"

"Sad for them krisna"

" True! Their vehicles were expensive so shiny and posh and polished".

" The day they left was unfortunately unbelievable." 

"Why was it Krishna ?"
"Oh my goodness so interesting and inspiring  to share with you ,beautiful banana yellow shining  sun rays  were not brightening as usual!"

"That's all right it's a beautiful country with best weather Krishna".

 " Yes. It sounded a  bit  grey, clouds, from time to time sun shines and showers,but still seemed fresher and feel pleasure ".

"Perhaps it was  making sure of not to be over heated his best friends and families Krishna". 

"Indeed the day seemed heavenly outstanding all would be overwhelmingly exciting while meeting each other Krishna"

" You are right Rata.There  was an excellent scent filled fabulously from their tremendous gardens ". 

" Many of  his main friends were very sorry to leave him out of the country  so they were keen of his last company like teens ...factually they consider him as a  sunny man and also a funny man,too a kind of humour".

"We appreciate it Krishna ,but he is not much fun Krishna".

" Ha....ha...! Once when he was in Primary School his teacher asked him ,

"Why are you late today?"

" You know what he answered to her?"

"What was it Krishna?"
"Teacher because of the sign board!"

"What sign Sam?"

The teacher exclaimed.

"The one that says school a head go slow teacher",

She burst in to laughter,but he did not smile however his eyes did! It... it was indeed splendid.

"Yeah he did Krishna" .

"The multiple pretty colorful fragrant flowers were  welcoming  the smartly  dressed decent and perfect  people charmingly ! "

"The house was  illuminating impressively well because of  the milk white washed walls . Wow white! As every one knows it's the Supreme colour "

"Hold on a second Krishna! Why... why you keep on saying it Supreme colour?" 

"All because overall, the entire colours coming from the white ray of the Sun light right?"

 "Ohhhhhhh you are talking of the spectrum Krishna!"

 "Of course, see the sun light wasn't it divinely made  delightful light  to make the whole world bright?"

"Who cares Krishna?"

 "Krishna, , more over the sun light  providing the whole living entities their needed energies!"

"Exactly Meera !!

"All the colours are  derived/coming from the spectrum, as all the demigods are drived from Lord Krishna Krishna?"

"Yeeee ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน Roses! Still people are not making difference in devotion they will do what they like to do and ignore what they have to do Subathra!" 

"Correct Krishna"

 "We never ever comprehend the human form of life is a best and beautiful boon boat  to get rid of the ocean of births cycles" .

"Hundred percent Retna" 

"However,Sam's friends are the most decent in Divine direction?"

"They learned Vedas"

"We Krishna ?"

"We learned  ๐ŸŽฅ cinema and we are in maya"

"Why Krishna?  

"Aren't we  in the best Mission?"

"My apologize me Sarah" 

" We are talking our culture in togetherness Krishna."

  "We welcome ๐Ÿ™ of your language techniques of togetherness which is indeed important not to hurt anyone mistakingly Krishna"

" Thank you Mary! What we  comprehend?"

"We innocently attached with separatism ,separate states, but we don't want to agree which is the very same Body of the same God in multiplicity".

"You mean such as  the nose ,the eyes,the ears, the mouth the ๐Ÿค˜ Krishna?"

"Ye multiplicity is the indicative of one aspect/thing" 

"Correct Christina"

"Can we say our noses are us or our eyes are us?"
"No that is incorrect and incomplete" 
"Are they are the same  in quality?"
"No  the nose is the nose the eyes are the eyes Krishna"

"This is the Hinduism"
"Why we are unchangeable Krishna?"

"Not all of us, but some of us are blind believers Rudra"
"Why we do so Krishna?"
"Karmic reactions". 

"That is not SATHANA we have to learn and understand the different aspects of worship is a matter of a  part of the sun ray not the whole of the sun rays"

"There are three different aspects in the sun planet ".

"Hundred percent ๐Ÿ’ฏ Peter give him some encouragement the sun rays, the sun surface and the sun planet. Krishna is the planet ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘  "

"May be the multiple worship denotes/means  a different,different part of the Supreme Personality not in quality or quantity in totality sir" .

"Correct basically temporary material management not soul enlightenment Peter". 

"Is it Krishna?"

"Yes Sara just a matter of multiplicity of the same divinity not equal quality of eternity because soul which need Supreme Personality's supports"

 "Yes agreed  that is the lacking point we are suffering".

"Didn't Baba says it in several occasions  Krishna?".

" Correct he did! Thank you".

"So sir, the divinity is in multiplicity is not the correct total capacity or quality?"

 "Brilliant boy you get it keep it up !"

 "So Sam's subject matter is, SADANAI ,trying to explain to the innocent populations about the Unique Personality?"


"Understand the cause of all causes of the universes"

Haven't we often seen angelic ✨ people dancing and chanting delightedly on the streets wearing fragrance flowers garlands Suba?,

"Yeah we do"

"They are the living evidences of the Bhakthy-Yoga 
"Are we the living evidences of the Karma-Yoga",
"To be fair,  can I tell you the way Baba says?"

"Yes Krishna"

" For example,  the modern Karma-Yoga people who are working in the hospital as key workers during the pandemic are karmic"

"So true, so sorry for them and we feel so pity  of them Krishna"

"Are we all understand the multiplicity of the divinity has not the same capacity?"

"Some of us unfortunately interested in tonqus taste such as fried chicken, fish, drinks and ...and... and so automatically we are afraid of approving or approaching the total complete whole ,Lord Krishna because of the restrictions".
"Our  apologise Krishna" 

"No worries !We will change as long as we keep chanting the mandra as a mandatory "

"What is mandate Krishna"
"It's a must for example the government introduced mask is mandatory means 'must' Siva.
"We  don't know the multitude attitudes are not gratitude or fortitude" 
"We appreciate of your wording Ruby" 

"What is fortitude Krishna ?" 

"Courage when facing pain or trouble Sam"

"Thank you sooo much". 

" We don't  know why we are being karmics!"

"So the capacity of divinity of multiplicity has not the same velocity sir?"

"Yes as a consequence, returning repeatedly bad births to chew the same chewing-gum".

Pardon Meera?" 
"What is velocity Krishna?"

"The speed of something in a given direction Meera" 

"Could we chew the chewed?"

"Ha...ha...will cause disease Krishna".

 "Plus we only get in the bond of  bad births and involving in the bond-age in iron- age?"
"Please ๐Ÿ™ better we continue our narration sir"

"It is included of our  Mission Session, too sweet ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’“ hearts  "
"Certainly Christina , "

"Meanwhile, the cooking flavours  were mouth watering....North, South, East and West everywhere the deliciously aroma/smell were sensationally making their senses sweetly delightful and desire to eat eagerly !"

"It was phenomenally inspirational because all his intimate mates were there ".

"Wow we wish we were there too Krishna!"

"Sure sweet ๐Ÿ’• ♥️" 

You know one thing sweet ๐Ÿ’• ♥️๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก❤ hearts?
"What is it Krishna?"

"SADANAI They are in Sathanai/ challenge."
"Meanwhile,Marina was over the moon!"

"What Krishna?" 

"Why Krishna  does she join them too I mean did she?"

 "Yes she was invited". 
"We are pleased for her Krishna"

"Perhaps she is going to join her Sun ... as the sun brights the moon light,the tremendous bright causing her wondrous delight which in turn causing  her sleepless nights, too".
"We were worried for her. For sure,  did she  go with them to India ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ again?"
"Apparently yes that's what she thought"

"Why you keep on using doubting words Krishna?"

"What are they Meera?"

"Perhaps means may be and apparently means seems like Krishna".

"Great comprehensive prove that you are at comprehensive school Meera"

 "Yeah I am in Grammar school Krishna"
 When we use those  words, it's not sure what's the future holds sweet ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’“❤️❤️❤️ Hearts

"Could we continue ?"

"Its actually happened just before they travel to 
 Thirupathy you all must understand it:
"Sure krihna"

"What an ocean of happiness. Marina was like the full moon light.... needn't to say that she was dynamically delighted which wonderfully illuminating her personality impressively."

 "Wow we recognise it Krishna?"

"Grace of her body language such as fascinating face like the golden moon".

"Wow!  Most of her white  blood cells had been turning  into red blood cells because she was running as a rabbit ๐Ÿฐ! Result, she turned as pink as an apple so  emotional so exciting and so sweet  !"

 "It is simply the science.No wonder, her happy born  marrows produced more and more red blood cells due to her over active that made her seductive and attractive".

"What was the time  Krishna?"

"The time was 6;30 AM". 

"Marina was already in the bathroom! She turned on the shower with lots of pleasure which was newly installed in her newly bought glorious house by the help of her heart rendering  miraculous brother".

"Oh we know him who is in London,who clearly talks about his past connection with his cute sincere sister  in reminding one of her fondest Tamil song sir!"

 "Ohhhhhhh yeeeeee  what was the song again  Krishna?"

"Ammavum neeyey appavum neeyey anpudane artherikum thaivamum neeyey”

"She took his prestigious letter and  had a read affectionately in the morning and had an amazing bath". 
"Did she Krishna ?"
"Yes Durga". 

"She was so happy today."

"How do you know Krishna?"

"Ha...ha... what a question after question she felt cooooool on the shower of flowers to be fair."
"Everyone does the same sir!"
"The sensual feel of the perfumed soap on her silk skin was giving the distinctive even sensational look, feel and hook any one and ever one!"

"Oh goodness mee" 
"Then Krishna?

"O God! Her entire body cells seemed like the heavenly bells ringing together with  her ankle bells in partnership with her glittering bangles bells."
"We feel phenomenally  happy for her sir๐Ÿ’•" 

"Why Pamitta?"

"She was a distinctive jewel in the well of jewels when we heard her story in  the blue bus journey"

"What Krishna?"

"No one wouldn't refuse the angel lives in the form of human to save the innocent, ignorance humans who are simply considering  the human life is to sleep, make children and beat them up to fulfill their own missed material dreams through their children Krishna".
" Wait a minute!!!You never speak like that Pamitta!" 

"You never know how badly I have been beaten at home Krishna".

"She is crying Krishna!"

"SUUUUUU leave her alone please!" 

"Why darling?"

"Because of the grammar school competition Krishna"

"Very sorry for you Pamitta".

"As soon as their children had achieved their dreams, it would be the time and age of their departure".

"What do you mean Pamitta wipe up your tears Pamitta?"

 "I am talking about the marriage ๐Ÿ’‘ Krishna"

"They do not care of their own achievement is realizing the divine who maintains the mortal world through his wife,knowingly Super Nature in dividing us in three classes."
"Sorry for you dear?"

"Can we stop or carry on?

 "Don't  stoooooop sir she will be alright soon"

 "Please ๐Ÿ™ do not stop Krishna ๐Ÿ™" 

"Let's  get restarted then:"

"Marina couldn't believe her eyes that she is going to meet her wiser man as treasure a kind of well wisher" 
"We wish them good luck Krishna"

"Thank you Pamitta are you ok now ?"

"Sure krihna"




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