Being Brave Man Doesn't Mean Being  Only  Crave For a Prosperous Future ,Position , Authority and Power, 

But Also Best Men  Crave  for Purity ,Divinity and Morality .How? Simple   being Faith  in Father.
Why? To Be Liberated From Envy, Greedy and Hatred and obviously Blessed in prosperity with liberty at the end

"God Morning 🌄 
" God Morning Every one🌄!

"Are you Alright Krishna   👍?"
 "Yeah so far so good?"

"Again we would like to clear the topic which is crucial to understand the concept in the content Krishna".

"Yeah  my class teacher often says if we are  not clear of the title concept, difficult to get the idea of teaching Krishna".

"What was it Rata?"

Being Brave Men Doesn't mean Only Being  Crave for a Prosperous Future, position authority and power Krishna?

"Obviously we understand apart from a word CRAVE?"

"CRAVE Means feel a strong desire".
"Thanks Krishna" 

 "But Also Best Men Must  Crave  for Purity ,Divinity and Morality ".

"We got it, but how it's possible Krishna ?" 

"With Faith in Father".

..." Is it  harder students?".

"Why Faith in Father not mother Krishna?" 

"To Liberate From Crave, Greedy and Hatred Krishna?". 

"Ho yeah! That's what we are suggesting as  our gurus are requesting".

"Oh you mean the definitions of the topic wordings Krishna 💞?"

"But Also Best Men Must  Crave  for Purity ,Divinity and Morality Krisna" .


"How Krishna Anna How? "

"With Faith on Father Retna".

"Why we are on the streets Krishna ?" 

" Liberate From Mystery, Greedy and Hatred and deep desire or great crave "
"Definitely Durga not for personal material position only, but also  knowing our real constitutional position" 

"Excuse me Krishna ,  what does the word CONSTITUTIONAL  mean please?".

"Set of principles governing a state; or something relating to our nature of physical condition". 

"We are condition souls what does it mean Krishna?"

 "For instant,  when we apply for a job, there are conditions apply whether we are fit or unfit for the employment. Similarly, we are learning enlightenment to be fit for the process of qualifications of human being."

"When we are unfit what what would happen  Krishna?"

"We would be fit to the animal kingdom from human kingdom lack wisdom "

"We didn't catch up Krishna we need evidences "

1) The Earth
2) The Water
3)The Fire
4) The Air
5) The Ether these are the FIVE ELEMENTS right?

"Certainly  Krisna!"

"Let me complete it's not my words but Lord Krisna's :

1) Our Minds 
2)  Our Intelligence  and 
3) Our Ego (the subtitles bodies)


"Pardon Krishna Ohhhhhhhh goodness me!!!?"

"In text 4 Chapter 7 Lord Krishna said...."

"Oh goodness so  removing  Krishna is impossible something trying to divorce the waves from the  water of oceans Krishna!!!!!!!???????

"Ha...ha...!!!He is the pot ,potter and the clay that's why we pray our Papa not to be pity puppies  aiming to be Goppies". 

"You know what Baba asked?"

"What did he ask Krishna?". 
"Should the self take this human form 
if mere Living ?"

"Sorry 🙏 we ought to live our life Krishna to see how the worst war, tsunami, earquick, flooding and forest fire killing us Krishna!"

"Was it the goal?"

"Yes Krishna !"

 "In that case, the soul could have been encased in the form of birds or beasts". 

"Why does it so Krishna?"

"The very fact that man is equipped in with 

1) memory,

2) mind 

3) intelligence

4)  discrimination, 

5) ability to anticipate the future, desire 

to detach oneself from the nonsense and attach with the Originator that is the only T
Absolute Truth children "

"Oh my God !!?"

"This is an indication that we are deserved, designed and destined for some higher goal".

"Who going to understand our tutor's tutorial Krishna?"

"Absolutely Krishna hey does Lord Krishna assist His devotees to  be qualified ?"

"Oh you mean to be entitled of the entrance qualifications in order to be enrolled in His Gologa?"

"Yes Krisna yes"

"Inspite of this, if man craves for lesser consummation with university temporary qualification in trasfoming arrogant insstead of being humble he becoms a papy( sinner)"

"We wonder what we learn in Vedas Vedas Krishna!"

"But he who persists inspite of temptations and obstacles, on the path that leads to Self-fulfilment and self realisation, he is a Gopy  they are the most inspiring example of such souls ".

"You're saying or Baba said Krishna ha...ha...?"

"Baba's wordings Balaraman ".

"Now listen the message from Garuda Purana , Bhagavad-Gita and Sri Isopanisad:

"The science of God analyses the constitutional position of God and His diverse energies".

"Pardon Krishna ?"

"His plenary expansion assumes three Visnus Which enters into all the universe."
"Who Krishna???"
"Oh we already learned that Krishna didn’t  we?

"Certainly Christina ".

1 ) Maha Visnu:
Creates the total material energy known as the Maha tattva.

2) Garbhodaja -Sayi Visnu: 

Enters in to all the universe to creats diversities.

3) Ksirtodaja Sayi Visnu : 

"He is one of  three plenary expansion,  collectively called Visnu tattva".

 diffuse as the all 
pervading Super soul in all the universe and is known as Paramatma.

"Who is the Visnu Krishna?  
He  is one of the three principal deities BRAMAH, VISHNU AND SHIVA Krishna?"

"He is  the Ksirtodaka -Sayi Visnu."

"Oh my God why you complicate us with your Kunnddaka Mannddakka names Krishna haven't you got anything to do kind of sports such as cricket Krishna?"

"Ha...ha......Rudra calm down !"

"We are young we cannot control our crave Krishna " 

"Alright !The Paramatman feature of the Personality of God Head is one of three Krishna right?"

"Correct collectively called  Visnu tattva". 

"What about Visnu-Tattva within the universe Krishna?"

"He is one of the three principal deities Ksirtodaka-Sayi Visnu "

"Is he the Paramatman in each and everyone Krishna?"

"What about the Garbho  Odakachivingi Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...It's not Oddagachivingi which mean Kamel in Tamil  ,but Garbhodaka Sayi Visnu He  is the collective Super soul". ..

"So there are two souls in us one is collectively living in us and other one is individually living in us Krishna?"

"Exactly...exactly!!! The Ksirtodaka-Sayi Visnu is living in us separately one after another individually. " 

"One by one simultaneously in eveyone Krisna?"

"Got it Krishna ".

"And the Garbhodaka Sayi Visnu lives in us collectively mean He lives simultaneously in everyone links in entire living entities great hearts💕".

"Oh my goodness you are  Mr Mystery Krishna we better be with tutor's nephew or Sri Rangan Uncle ha...ha...Aum Nama Shivaya or cricket team following faith in deities devotion Krishna. "

"Yes the  people who  are heading towards demigods have nothing to do with God or studies only ready to accept any body animal or human nobody cares ."

"Correct! We  have much desire or crave Krishna we are young. "

"For an  example, watching what is appearing across the world and  encountering evidences of evil everywhere 😈🤔😳, we cannot predict which person is heading towards the grave sweetest hearts".

"Excuse me!  We understand what is crave, but what does mean a grave Krishna?" 

"A hole dug to burry a body or corpse". 

"So literally, no one knows whether an old or a young is heading forward or looking a head the grave Krishna?"

"Yes it could be sooner or later Krishna ?"

"Yes that was the guidelines of Divine  line we have been teaching on line". 

"Does it  in line of present serious scenarios Krishna?". 

"Oh goodness Krishna"

"Isn't it our Mission of tuition is an enchanting education ?".

"Is our class conversion similar to  Bhagawadam's conversation ?"

"We are  talking about Magaraja Paraksit talks with Sugadeva Goswami Krishna?"

"Where was it Krisna  Anna?"
"Beside the blessing of Gangah River Ruby". 

"What was all about it Krishna?"

"The  godly King  had only a week left to live."

"Whaaaaaat who is the Godly king Krishna?"

"Sugadeva Goswami who was explaining the unexpected or unprecedented unpleasant disaster to the entire living entities like Gita was spoken to Arjunain the beginning of war in Kuruchethira Krishna?"

"Why we are so crazy of materials and passion Krishna?"


"Why Lord Krishna is not affecting eveyone Krishna?"

"It's depending on our devotion and devotional services"
"We did not  understand it Krishna "

"Listen ,the 33 million demigods worship increase the thirsty of prosperity not the divinity "

"Why Krishna ?"

"Because they themselves thirst of materials Krishna?". 

" Definitely  we remember what we have been learning of 

1) Kama, (desire )
2) Lorba ( greedy) and 
3) Krodha I mean (anger)"

"Oh do youuuuuuu?"

"  We learned it can be   called "Krodha" (Anger)Krishna "

"Yeah ?"

 "Why not Sarah?"

"The more we are greedy the less we realise Lord Krishna".

"Absolutely Pammitta". 

"Let's get started the session Krishna " 

"Excuse krishna!!! "

"May I help  you Subathra?"

"Could...could we share a Facebook message of our tutor?"

"Does it important Subathra he is going to involve his family members and criticism  of Hinduism doesn't he??" 

"Obviously whenever our tutor shares any event , is a fence of offence and definitely makes  difference in our education system Krishna ".

"What why ha...ha...I can do better than K.Soul does?"

His pen is a friend of Lord  Krishna he uses it as a unique warrior against the tractor Krishna"

"What's that  tractor does it make sense Rudra?"

"Ha...ha... I think that Rudra  might mean traitor" 

"Does he  Krishna?"

"Exactly a traitor is a person who is not loyal and betrays the truth trust another person has put in him like insulting Lord Krishna to others country people for example."

"When he identified some individuals are  not loyal to Krishna lack of ignorance, he looks in them compassionately due towards their out look of understanding human boon ".

"Can I involve the conversation message of Sri Rangan Uncle Krishna?"

"Sure Christina before that we   better hear the quickest  video of Sri Rangan please Christina"

"Amazing Krishna".

"Now you keep  up your back up Christina "

"A teacher asked his students to blow up beautiful and colourful balloons  and write down  their names on the bloated balloons ".

"Different, different balloons Christina?".

"Yeah and required them to mixed them up in the big room with the help of the fan" 

 "In a big room Christina?"

 "Correct because they were so many adored her as her teaching way was unique she not only covers up the school syllabus but also covered Dharma, morality and discipline, divine discipline based on Vedas nevertheless she noticed the students selfishness couldn't bring them up selflessness which is next to God consciousness".

 "And ask them to discover their own identity within a limited time as an experimentation". 

"After given time was over ,  he was not pleased  no one has  found his own identity   by recovering their named balloons".

"He then told them just take up whatever you found first and  give up to him or her who's  identity on it" .

"Matter of minutes ,they all enabled  to identify each other entertainingly friendly and calmly "

"Similarly our tutor inspiring us in order to share our Originator's identity which in turn teachers our own identity." 

"We indeed learned lesson from Sri Rangan Uncle's identity conversation such as Sri reveals HONOUR and Rangan reveals Krishna it is something sacred study Krishna". 

"Exactly Krishna  whoever getting rid of our tuition, is either considering   it's not our interest or it's not needed . As a consequence, obviously it  seems like we have been thrown in a rushing traffic or speedy train knowing no destination ,simply lack of our intelligence, interest and irresponsible mind set Krishna".

"Thanks students inspiring indeed interesting I must admit your admirable consideration... 
have you been  to any funeral ?"
"Yes Krishna "
"Have you noticed the body?"

"Yes Krishna stay  still like a statue whatever we propose whether it's a mountain of gold or many millions dollars or beautiful women the body doesn't care Krishna".

"Only when Lord Krishna within the body as Atman and Paramatman,we are alive and attractive if any one says he doesn't exist, he must be a mad man Krishna "

"Now your turn Subathra sorry for the interruption Subathra how can we deny the clay and build faith on the pot ?"

" Ha...ha...on the spot we can recognise the person is unwise or insane Krishna "

"Thanks Sam"

"What  does insane mean Krishna?"

"Exhibiting a severely disordered state of mind Subathra" 

"Unwise please Krishna ?"

"The same as foolish ".

"Ha...ha...  according to K.Soul it's a betrayal of talking against Krishna.
  In addition, witnessing someone being a teacher,  talking horror,  for him it's a prime , crime to the Supreme".

"What does the word betrayal mean Krishna? "

"Violation of a person's trust or confidence, of a moral standard etc. "

"True ! For our tutor , that's hurtful ,unfair and unfaithful and even unlawful Krishna ".

"Certainly his personal experience becomes our professional  philosophy it's  unique ".

Whoever underestimates his subjects matter and the object matter, is  simply in an ignorance mode life ".

"Why Subathra what's wrong?"

 " He doesn't panic while speaking out the  fact of even his own   family story to teach us lesson". 

"We didn't catch up !"

Particularly his education is based on his guru's personal proficiency of supreme personality of Lord Krishna". 

"What is it Subathra?"

"It's a matter of an event expressing a massive mistake which can certainly increase our experience in education Krishna. "

"When was it ?"

"Just a   few days ago Krishna"

 " Who was it ?"

"He shared a Facebook message with his fondest nephew "

"Where was it?"

"Canada Krishna his nephew ?"

"Would be interesting ha...ha...Krishna!"

"Why was it?".

"Following up one of his nephew's videos footage on Facebook about  cricket pictures."

"What he wrote anything educationally related Subathra?".

 "I don't remember exactly I think K.Soul messaged as an honest and responsible and fatherly mannered content of his greeting:

"Hurry up or give up!!! 
Stupid hurry up!!!!
Tell... tell us the content of his greeting to his nephew dammit we are excited!!!"

"Rudra mind your tongue 😝!" 

"Ha...ha...for fun Krisna I'm impatient Krishna "

"Alright, K.Soul wrote:"

"Our son is maddened in dance,  you are maddened in sport ;
we are gladdened as long as you are  guided by   Divine  Dad .

Care Krishna 
Hare Krishna". 

 Ha...ha !
Ha...ha !
Ha...ha !
Ha...ha !

"That's gracious greeting I appreciate his authentic authority and affectionate  warning, but in a  polite way Krishna".

"For us it's all about heavenly humans  Missing Mission simultaneously studying our material tuition  Krishna". 

"K. Soul doesn't know that his nephew  is interested toward  impersonal Bramah Jyothi Krisna".
"You mean ENERGY unknowing the ENERGETIC Retna the 33 millions of demigods?". 

"Correct guss Krishna 💞"
"Oh you mean deity devotion Retna?"

 "Yeah and he only  denys devotees' descriptions based on BhgawadGita Krishna 💞"

"Oh deity' devotion because deities don't disagree whatever we do , but devotees disagree ha...ha..."

Ha...ha !
Ha...ha !
Ha...ha !
Ha...ha !

"How did you know Retna ?"

"I heard while he was speaking with my uncle ,but what we dislike was he was talking against Lord Krishna ."

"Your parents are origin of  Indian Aren't they ?"

"Yes what My uncle says  it  was a betrayal what he has   been expressing against Lord Krishna  . "

"You know what's his response to K.Soul Krishna in the Facebook?"

"No what was it we are pretty  excited to know it Subathra!"

"I don't believe which doesn't exist "

" Really... really ha...ha he is 50 or 5  ???"

"Does he know that  he exists because Lord exists within  himself Krishna?"

"Does he know that he is playing wickets on the soil of Krishna?"

 "And does he know that we all have faulty organs which cannot identify the Absolute Truth ?"

"Did you meet Soul Subathra?"

"Yes he smiled when I asked him what was your  reply "

And said quoting the text 3  Chapter 7:

"Out of many thousand among men ,one may endeavour for perfection and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows me in truth "

"Further he smiled, what ever we learned, we learn from Krishna"

"I then excited and exclaimed ...

watching my question in my body gesture, he further smiled, 

"I often open the Bhagavad-Gita like Ghandy especially whenever disappointments stare me on my way ,eventually educate the student using the evil events reminding  the five Father's  Factors" 

"Did he  Subathira?"

"Didn't he answer to the evil reply in an evil  manner Subathra?"

"He smiled again with a sign of pretty pain  and said:

" He is exactly like my husband whenever my husband says nonsense, I turn blind eye remembering  and respecting  Buddha's teaching Subathra " 

Ha...ha !
Ha...ha !
Ha...ha !
Ha...ha !
"What else please Subathra?"

"He mentioned ,

those who do not want to be Self-Realised, can be categorised using the three modes of nature on which the nature managing material men ".

1) Goodness 
2) Passion 
3) Ignorance "

"Did he?"

"Quoting from the Bhagavad-Gita , but I forgot the quotation  so so 🙏 sorry and he saw a video where the ignorance are preparing to go ahead"

"Could we watch together Krishna "

" You're welcome to the IGNORANCE  WORLD  !

"That's all ?"

"Did he say his nephew is obvious Subathra?"

"What's that Rudra I don't catch up"

"He is clueless Subathra "

" really meant OBLIVIOUS Rudra "

"That's what I said  Krishna!" 
What does  it mean Krishna again?"

"Not aware or concerned about what is happening around one ?"

"Exactly in other WORDS IGNORANCE isn't it Krishna?!"

"Unbelievable event of amazing education Subathra thanks ".

"You're welcome Krishna ".

"Could ...could we commence our tuition Krishna which explains how we all exist and how the Supreme Personality co-exist as long as we exist Krishna ?"

"By the way, how the cricket club funding any body earning for living Subathra ?"

"Forget about it please!" 

"OK Krishna!" 

"How London Krishna covering up to recover his expenses  Krishna 💞?

"He is well paid by the companies who are inviting him Rudra".

"What about his costume costs  Krishna?"

To be fair, not  high costs about £300 to £ 400 minimum sometimes  they provide him if it's for any advertising purposes".

" Obviously he is in the correct path way of Papa Krishna 💞🙏"


"Shall we start our journey Krishna?"

"You all are always welcome one... two... three":

"Eventually everyone was relaxing in talking and walking around the temple thankfully and astonishingly. They are  unable to trust what had happened on Friday in the temple absolutely a Miraculous event"
"The atmosphere was welcoming ; beautiful breeze was touching them tenderly ; delicious prasadam was  smelling invitingly ;all were walking and talking wearing mostly national garments gladly in white".

 " Often Renuga's  enchanting eyes eager to move towards Rajesh Kanna. 

"Today she was  wearing a golden gown in ruby red with the same colour transparent veil."

" It was an expression and inspiring impression of her additional new affection of her friend"

"New affection of whom Krishna ?"
 "Rajesh Kanna Rata"

''Why was it Krishna ?"

" thinking his compassionate caring and inspiring attention towards her medical condition." 

"She looked at him thankfully it was  heart breaking news to everyone". 

''Wow! Sweetest situation although she had  no intention of surviving ".

"But now she has a deep 
desire to secure a security boat to Rajesh Kanna because he is going to be left as an orphan in the event anything happened to her". 

"Others realised too how their friendship gradually up grading "

"How Krishna ?"

'Just by  looking at them glamorously!"

"Absolutely Krishna their affections and devotions based on bless, are  sharing and inspiring their heart touching friendship" 

"How did you get it Meera?"

"Especially remembering unmistakably his worried wordings in front of  Thirupathy Vengadesher Krishna "

  "Please some applause 👏 🙌 🙏 to Meera"
"We worried not for his gold powder, but the way he had been carrying the heart rendering dream throughout his young age only to be cheated and decided to kill himself is hurtful Krishna "

"It was a golden ✨ ship Subathra for some reasons for everyone view,  they seemed like prince and princess!" 
" Undoubtedly Krishna! In this serious situation, his worship wordings were incredibly impressive at least his second hope,  Renuga must be achieved she must be healed."

"Uhmmmmm heart ❤ rendering compassion Christina".

"So you think Rajesh Kanna has another hope of happy ending Christina?"

 "Without a single doubt about it Krishna "

"While walking Renuga had glanced at a book called

 "Sathya Sai Baba speaks", 

"Where was it Krishna ?"

"In the hand of a devotee , an actress called Luxmi who was a famous favorite actress of many fans for many years" 

"Sure Krishna our parents too and she has many audiences". 

"Absolutely,which made  Renuga remembering how Rajesh kanna was there with an orange shirt as soon as she had her guru's picture in her hand and he had paid on her behalf without  expecting any return." 

"She looked at Rajesh Kanna so so sweet heartedly 💕!!"

"It was  💖 heart touching event". 

In Gita Krishna said exactly the same advice :


"Ordinary people cannot comprehend it".

"It's our duty in other words 🌎worldly welfare duty is divine"
"By doing so, we are protected eternally not only matter of  temporary material matters, but also security warranty services to the Sacred Souls "

"At the same time, her father  studied her eyes wordless but not godless what a thankfulness expression in her beautiful body language when she suddenly saw Rajesh Kanna in the middle of her prayer !!! Do you want to watch them in a cinematic format?". 

"Yes we love it Krishna"

"Watchin it , her father ,Jonathan  !!! Exclaimed !!!
Unexpectedly, most importantly her pink lips were opened they were numbed deeply due to her temperature during the night because of her consecutive unexpected events and scary thoughts of her shortest life expectancy. "
"Father thought of her kidney so seriously and kindly his elegant eyes  warned with warm water  dripping from his eyes without control.''

"Why was it Krishna  ?"

 "As he determined to be her donor." 
"Krishna, you mean he prepared to share his
own kidney?" 
" Is he going to be her donor Krishna  💕 ?"

"Yes, sweet hearts yes ♥️💜💙🧡?"
"What a bond of diamond 💎 Krishna !"

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeees now we understand why Gayatry sacrificed her entire life  ?"
"She should be a person of good honour Krishna "

"Sure... sure!"

"Still father smiled, remembering the way her Mum,Gayatry used to look at him in a similar way like Renuga watching Rajesh Kanna". 

"He asked immediately who was this guy who has an amazing attraction and affection of his darling daughter, despite of knowing Renuga's medical condition ?" 

"Then he was expecting the answer anxiously from his 
 son, James". 

James introduced him pretty proudly. 

Rajesh Kanna had shook his hand elegantly with an amazing smile gently.

Mr Jonathan found him as a gentleman. 

When he heard his parents are the victims of the civil war, he empathetically embraced him fatherly.

Meanwhile, Renuga felt Dad's outstanding  breathed air was divinely perfumed her sensitive senses in thinking she can peacefully die.

However ,when she has been walking and talking with her dad, Rajesh Kanna affectionately hugged her so so sympathetically  and empathetically .
"Her father looked at them lovingly dreamingly and obviously quite emotionally too! .

He wants to see their friendship last longer and stronger up to  life partnership. 

"Still Renuga  has no hope of survival". 

Nevertheless, she slowly and gradually improving her health condition and her 💘 heart having some sweet  place to Rajesh kanna unknowingly, unexpectedly and unbelievably blooming flagrantly.

On the other hand, she could not move away from her affectionate 💎 Appah.

She fell in love with Rajesh’s  bravest even heroic actions in two, three, four  occasions that she could not forget. 

Now she has been  kept recalling the events one by one emotionally before her last impression.

" As Shakespeare said Krishna, ,*the first impression and the last impression are the best impressions*.

"Sure well said and well done Peter👏 ✔ 👍 👌" 

"What ever the reason was, good conduct would always speak louder for ever. Of course, knowledge is power character is kinder and tender "

"All dark clouds has a silver lining",

" Thought Smiling Sam with a long lovely breath, watching at Rajesh Kanna's and Renuga’s body languages that he has experienced with Marina only"

"A kind of kindness were sharing from each of their eyes elegantly showing thankfulness, 
wordless  in God consciousness".

  "Wow!Now her gracious status seemed like  a lotus flower in the hand of the Lord Krishna'"

 "What a  greatest  Divined distinguished romance 🌹rose in their minds with kinds!"

 Rajesh Kanna was willing to safe her sharing his own kidney if she would agrees, but she wouldn't!!! So he couldn't help her.

Her Mother could not as she has some issues'
Brother James has some issues as well.

It  was absolutely a fantastic situation that would put anyone mad of them.

 No wonder, there was a wonder or tender which  made them long silence in both sides; both of them did not talk, but Dad and Mum  looked at them generously it is undoubtedly understandable. 

Joyously Jonathan eyed her mom to look at their eyes because it seemed that  they themselves used to be exactly like them.

"Such...  Such a charming cheeky nectarine overwhelming over their authentic looks lovingly".

Straight away Jonathan hugged happily ❤ Mrs Jonathan, Gayatry and kissed her on her cheeks tenderly as a thank giving of her heavenly hearted sacrificed relationship just like worship.

She was shy; she was scared as he would be capable of ending  up  kissing on her lips publicly. 
"Ha..ha...ha.... it's true Krishna !"

''She still felt  a bit uncomfortable while she  was being kissed on her cheeks in tendency by her husband in the middle of their grown children, but Jonathan's did not feel any thing wrong with it".

"Ha...ha...ha... we understand Krishna '

"None on earth do not know what is store for us"

"Said Krishna Menan with a slight smile.
  in glancing at the adorable couple who had been living in separation intolerably and unreasonably".

This role should have got  an award in the heaven...  they are really, really merit of Divine rewards.

 Dad decided to be his donor of his desperately  separated daughter unreasonably !!!!!.

Hearing that, Kayatry was crying loudly that left everyone else too sharing" 

 The Lord selected the right people to reward 
DIVINE DEGREES ...this is it ! it is called ,

Distinguished Divine Deed he is prepared to protect his seed!

 This is called father's affection why he had been left in separation?. 

Thought Sam happily and silently  looking at them . 

His wise heart was melting; his nice eyes were heating; his  tremendous tears was spilling like silver pearls not out side of his body, but in side.

"Why was it Krishna ?"

"Soul in all knows and being gratitude in all our attitudes is humanity 🙏" 

"That's why Kayatry cried that's why other too cried Krisna " 

" Correct Christina!!!...  Let's listen to him students".
"OK Krishna "

"My Marina should have been here to see this miraculous events",

"Sam smiled to himself."

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder" 

James told to Krishna Menan.

"Sam's mighty mind missed Marina who was miles away."

" Every one felt so sorry for him like they feel Rajesh Kanna now-a-days".

"Jonathan unexpectedly recognized Sam with his happy widened baby blue eyes". 

"Immediately he approached him and hugged him in thanking of his beautiful article about Renuga's research of Jonathan".

"It was heart breaking article. What an heart touching literature. His eyes was heated .Others felt it was an act of Divine representing in people like him"... 

"he suddenly removed his sun glasses and wiped his tears whereas Sam, put his sun his glasses to hide his tears."

" No wonder he had read about the articles about the especial twins' tremendous relativity and divined activities in identical aspects".

"More over, Jonathan remembered London Sam as he acted  exactly like him !"

 "Oh my God!!! How on earth your creation are so precious?". Jonathan considered mesmerisingly.

"It was a glamorous scene to be seen.Jonathan straightaway thought he was the same person he met in London, but actually it was his identical brother,"

"Although his daughter, Ruby Renuga informed him clearly about Sam(s), he was not clearer of it completely confused !!".

"For his curiosity, he was dressed up exactly the same clothes".

"Then Jaffna Sam told him it was his twins brother repeatedly to convince him".

" In that point, naturally Jonathan astonishingly remembered another article about Tom Bouchard , professor of the university of Mannesota traced"

"What was it Krishna ?"
"The 16 pairs of twins who were adopted by different families when they were babies and often brought up in very different circumstances each  twins was interviewed about every small details of their life".
"We trust you sir whatever you say, simply the facts whether it is the Supreme Science or Materials Science or any events "

"Thank you Subathra!" 
"You are welcome Krishna !"

"The result of their research make surprising reading".
"What kind of surprises Krishna ?"

"Many of them were found to have same hobbies, or phobias, many have suffered the same illnesses,same type of accidents, drink the same drinks, smoking the same cigarettes, having the same pets, same gardens, same names of their girls friends!"

"Again and again repeatedly remarked him surprisingly! All of a sudden he  remembered his daughter's statements of her guru!"

"Immediately he glanced at the white terrific tower of the temple, mouth opened!"

"It was an excellent evening and was an exciting events!" He witnessed such a ...

"A HEART WINNING MIRACLES! Which Her guru suggested to her to do a pilgrimage particularly to Thirupathy,  here we are !"

"The sun rays were feeding the generous plants green green,paddy fields,  yellowish sun flowers and shiny,shiny trees with some divine photons in order to make their photosynthesis and produce some foods for the entire populations grace of Supreme Personality's Super power, the environment was with temple smelling  an undescribable circumstances".
Then Jonathan carefully thought his insight:

"Oh Goodness sake so we are everlasting with never-ending Sacred soul and above all, God communicating with us with His Sacred Supreme Soul connected to our individual souls Athma and Paramathma as  Sam proclaimed in his speeches 🙏?!"

"On the other hand, Gayatry was wondering:

"In this compelling circumstances why we are being competitive?" 

"Aren't  we pity people pleading guilty ?"

"We  couldn't understand the divinity."

 "Is it because of our ignorance cause of Karma!?"

"Smiled Gayatry instantly as she is not that kind of person ever-since she had been separated from her husband , she lost all the hopes of God existence '

"Oh God🙏but wow now how she could refuse that flowers  diffuse scents from the  divine garden?"

"The greatest temple was based on an enchantingly, prettiest mountain which warningly rose up along the way; the greenest grass keeping them fantastically  graceful and the dancing trees grew both sides of the charcoal  shiny roads!"

"Ye now they are seated in a milk  white bus 🚌 Sam was thinking of the blue bus trip which his heart💙 was with him,  he was  frequently smelling watching the sacred environment forest flowers fragrance enhanced the pilgrimage enlightenment"

"Wow!!! See the multicoloured pretty umbrella above them as a gigantic dome. Wow! what a pilgrimage of interesting footage of impressive images of heritage!'

"Wasn't  it?"
"Sure Krishna"

" It  was tremendously tremendous. The trees with their shiny green leaves , were waving welcomingly and warm them up... 
... seemed sincerely' welcoming them with their welcoming  branches of beautiful green hands with sweetest flowers like angels' smiles". 

"All were sitting in the bus, admiring the prettiest amazing of the  atmosphere".  

"To be fair,  it is unfair of not joining Marina while they all were travelling by bus, watching the nicest natures, was awesome in deed awesome!"

"O goodness! See the sun rays carrying the energy in the form of sun rays entertaining energy which is the main energy of all energies".

 " Certainly sir which is  generating the rest of the energies such as food energy, chemical energy,physical energy,kinetic energy heat energy, steam energy, air energy, fire energy,water energy,hot water energy. Best of all, under the Earth  geothermal energy, electrical energy ect...entire.,,entire energy Krishna " .

"Yes Retna you are a  fantastic facts founder".
"Thanks Krishna "

"Even the energy taken by the coal or geothermal are based on Sun energy Krishna 💞."

"Unmistakably Retna undoubtedly". 

"The scientists predicted 4.6 billion of years the sun energy has been existing how on Earth it has been existing for ever Krishna ?"

"That's what we discussed all about the phone 📱, Stone ,Bone, but we don't care why we born and the scientists never investigated the burned body bones, still decided we are from monkeys  ha...ha...ha....🐒  
 "We know who is the Originator".

"Baba  pointed out from the Vadas that the scientists believed that the universe is the conglomeration of atoms in many patters ".

"No it is not like that like the salt or ice or sugar made of. 

"It's from the Originator's oriented"
"What is  Oriented Krishna ?"

Means many meanings here it expressing the Position something in relation to the point".

"So sir Is Papa is the Point of preparation with  His heavenly Spirit sacred soul 🙏? ."

"Absolutely Mary"
  So the so called scientists missing the point?"

"Definitely Durga"

"Ha...ha...Can we deny the clay and build up faith on the pot?"

"Don't we Krishna?"

"No on the spot we understand that there is no point without Papa's power line".
"Please 🙏 say Papa rather than power Peter".
"Why Krishna ?"

"Ha...ha...sir how can waves be divorced from water?"

"Baba only asked my grandmother said".

"Correct Christina! The basic truth is the Athma"

"Which is the energiser Krishna?"

" Come on!!! Do not interpret Atma as non living energy like the maddened men who claims that the God is the power please!".

"How do you know I am interpreting as a power station Krishna ?"

"Ha...ha... because you said "

"No not at all who ever think like that, are impressionists Krishna ' 

" Alright people may interpret in science as fission or diffusion according to the experimentation, but it is absolutely a divine mission without any single confusion because it has no pollution".

"Whatever we make have pollution this is the differences  in between the Divine productions and human productions",

 "Who said our productions Siva?

" We only have the capability of  reproduction from the main productions"

"The greatest mistake we all are doing is, separatism particularly Hinduism are mad of making each energy as each demigods. No more single no more many; no more  or several,  but millions 33 millions" 

"Fair enough, but are we that fools of not knowing  that each ray of the Sun rays  is belongs the sun ?

"Correct Christina all are mortal where as his productions are immortal such as the individual souls and the Super Soul that's all. "

"Overall,  all are belongs to the Sacred Supreme Soul"

"Sam's mind thinks alike by watching and searching the Divine on the sky, he was amazed for a while. His intelligence interested intelligently about the intellect of the most best intelligent".

"While Sam was drinking some cool water to refresh him,  he was thinking pretty scientifically about the way of Divine ,illuminating the darkest planets from far,far away at least about 150,million miles!"

"Why Sam is being like that Krishna ?"
"Because he is in the focus of access of success dear chocolate" 🍫 😋 😉 "

"You mean the Science of Self-Realisation ✨ Krishna?"

" Yeeeeee see for example, the energy ruby rays Earth  eight...eight...eight ... minutes of travelling time of the photons from the sun to meet the people's daily needs  who cares it we interest only in eating." mating,defending,offending,learning,earning,
sleeping, considering we are intelligences.

"Aren't we?"  

 "He unexpectedly noticed  some people were begging although they were children! 

Made him mad and sad, was thinking sadly how bad of some parents have been  ignoring their children's in enjoying, drinking and divorcing and leaving the children on the streets!"

 "Regrettably refusing to respect cosmology as we learned some biology, technology, radiology,theology."

Still still we could not control the poverty refusing to agree that we  all are simply the ,learners not the creators".

"Suddenly he noticed a Malaysia flight and badly worried about the unbelievably terrifying temporary life".

"We ignorantly  thinking no one is controlling us! When the criminal refused to accept to respect the justice system of the government law will involve,that doesn't mean we are not going to be left alone,"
"Why not sir he can escape ?" 

"Ha...ha...we will be forced to be judged by the Judge". 

We are pretty pity people , thinking as long as we deny the Divine,it will disconnect us from the decisions of divine like the degreed levels low mind set peoples".

"This is not a fun to insult the the souls without consult  the Divined words of Gita or Biblical words or authoritative scriptures ".

"The reasons why,we couldn't avoid the pollution, pandemic and over population these are going to be the poisons to destroy the living beings particularly the  human beings". 

"Sir, the fact, 100 years ago the world population was 1.6 billions, but after another 100 years it is nearly 7 billions!" 

"Definitely Durga!" 

"On the other side, Mrs Jonathan, Gayatry felt absolutely amazing! 

Today she looks beautiful extremely delightful wow...  she  hooks everyone within the crowd...  she was wearing  white sary with black border and black blouse with window behind ! 

She really felt lovely cannot be put in to words. Can any one believe that she looks many many years younger and prettier most importantly happier than ever!"

" She felt delighted and light heartened felt light  as some of the weight she had been carrying in her heart for more than twenty years with tears and fears seemed fallen away".

"Unexpectedly she glanced at James! Her heart lost a beat she was indeed over the moon seeing his Dad.
He looked heroic.To be serious,his eyes sockets were specially made for him !"

"A  kind of deepened and fabulously framed fantastically with his lovely  thick eyes lashes and long royal eyes brows like his dad,  who was  naturally a scientific minded marvelous man".

"No doubt she reminded her husband's action and appearance were similar when she was in the university in London".  

"Renuga was unable to hide her emerald emotions, believe it or not,  she was crying in standing in a corner of the seat out of reach to anyone like a sweetest young child because she didn't want her dad is being affected by being her donor as it might affect his life. 

She cares for her Dad better than herself . "

"She reached to her pocket and drew out a handkerchief and wiped her pearls phenomenally compassionate tears; Renuga is a young  woman of principles,too like Sam and James or most of her fantastic friends".

"The world needs many people like them to lead the population towards the Divine path to make them bath in the affection of Supreme attraction."

"Why Krisna ?"
"This is for the liberation worthy  path. No more birth or no more death following through Sam's Divinely distinctive sacredness and pretty path of the paths to please our Papa".

Then she glanced at the  greatest man, Sam !

 It's true he has got a golden heart" .

"Marina asked her to message. She straightaway took  pictures of Sam and forwarded to Benz to share with Marina".

Thank you



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