"Hi  Krihna Anna !God 🌄  Morning!

"God  🌄  Morning!  How are You Doing Divine Embodiments?"

" We are fine Krishna !

"Excuse me Krisna!

"I'm hearing Sarah, how can I help you? 

"Excuse me Krishna we have to learn balanced argument our teacher saying that we have a test next week please on Balanced argument".

"One by one please !"

"Correct Meera please proceed proceed". 

"I met   our tutor Krishna ".
."So what ?"

  "He was saddened Krishna "

"That's good gose around comes around".

"Why Krishna you are being rude ?".
"He often critics all the family members especially me ha...ha...even he critics Sri Ragan Uncle  ha...ha..."

"What a coincidence Krishna !!! Mr K.Soul was  saddened basically 

  showing what Sri Rangan Uncle shared him via WhatsApp "

"When was it Meera ?"

"On Sunday Krishna ".

"Alright could we use this as our balanced argument purpose Krisna ,"

"Why not Brilliant Balaraman brilliant !"

"We wonder why Meera...
what was it Meera!?".

"Can I read what he shared with the picture of his guru, Amma Krishna Anna?"

"Yes please ".

"The vedas with their six limbs and the knowledge  of all  the science may be on one's lips ,one may have been born with the poetic gift and may compose fine prose and poetry,  but if  their minds are not fixed upon the lotus feet of their guru ,what's the use of it all?"

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness who said that Meera?"

"The text has been written in sanskrit and translated in English Krishna ".

"We would like to know who wrote it Meera? "

"Sure has it got  any evidence as quotation Meera?"

"No not at all, but instead, a picture of  his guru ,Amma with a snow  white serie and a milk white  smile Krishna".

"Who is that guru?
Does Amma introducing her as the author of Vedas without evidence Krishna?"

"Ha...ha when there are innocents peoples around the world, there will be some pretty people surrounding them and asking them to surrender to them to their lotus feet ha...ha...".

"Alright Krishna what is the definition of a genius and genuine guru?"

"Our guru saying a genuine guru is a person who is mad of Lord Krishna "

"Then why on earth K.Soul is sad Krishna?"

"Witnessing the mad world Meera".

"WHAT does it mean Krishna?"

"Simply whenever we study , bear in mind whether it is a balanced argument by using the FIVE QUESTIONS alright?

1) WHEN ?
2) WHERE ?
3) WHAT?
4)  WHY?
5) WHO ?

"Why Krishna ?"

"WILL GIVE US EVIDENCES sweet hearts 💕 ha...ha..."

"On the other hand, what's the evidence that we have to or can have confidence  with our tutor wordings Krishna?"

 "On  the hand,  if a sincere person tries to control the active senses by the  mind and begins Karma-Yoga ( in Krishna Consciousness ) , without attachment, he is by far superior" . 

Chapter Three Text 3.7

"Now Chapter closed this is how we do our balanced argument Krishna heart 💕 ?"

"Exactly excellent effort another question please?" 

"Does duty means  the country, the culture and the 
community Krishna?"

"Correct Balaraman these
are  part of our responsibilities as long as we are in the bonding work and being in bondage of iron age, we have to comply with the Mother Nature's Management under Siva's agreement as Lord Shiva  is the favorite devotee of Krishna and carer of the people who don't know and  uncared of Supreme Personality of God head lack of torch of knowledge "

"Oh my God how can we get out of this continuous agony as many not even care of the prime principle of heavenly human life  Krishna please ?"

"Rupa Goswsmi says that as long as we are in this material world,we have to act and we cannot cease acting".

"What... where was it written down Krishna?"

"In Chapter nine  of Bhagawadgita as it is"

"Don't worry sweetest hearts ...when we work for selfish service only we have to stick with that sweetest 💕 💕 hearts 💕 ".

"If we work for Self-Realization Krishna?"

"We  please not only the Holy God but also  the demigods headed by Shiva's commandment who is Krishna's deepest devotee ". 

" Is knowing the Originator and being grateful and gratitude is a must to be liberated Krishna?"

"Yes ".
"Why Krishna is it because 
who sustains the many, 33 million of demigods Krishna?"

"What  about Sri Rangan uncle Krishna?"  

"A self- realised man has no purpose to fulfill in the discharge of his prescribed duties.", 

"Nor has he any reason not to perform such work Krishna?".

" Yes .Nor has he any need to depend on any other living  being".

"Oh goodness!A self realised man is no longer obliged to perform any prescribed duty Krishna?"

"Save , save and except activity in Krishna consciousness ."
"Whaaaaaat Krishna?"

" Krishna consciousness is not inactivity either sweetest 💕 hearts 💕!"

"Why does K.Soul ???"

"Pardon Peter speak out loud?"

"He doesn't bother to shelter demigods Krishna?"

"A Krishna conscious man does not take shelter of any person-man or demigod". 

"Are you crazy Krishna ?"

"We all are crazy  pursuing lazy paths of our Innocent parents  and finding it easy each Yuga has its own process to progress. Didn't we learn?
"Yes with vibrant  video of an angle Krishna "

"What we pursue in this Yuga deities worship or Personal  worship?"

So what does Sri Rangan Uncle following up Krishna ?"

"He might or might not a proficient in vedic knowledge or he has not efficient education to have sufficient torch of knowledge lack of linking with a learned Bona-fide spiritual master." 

"If we think that we are obliged to follow up the orders of a saintly person who doesn't direct towards Divine Dad Krishna?"

"Who is to be blamed Krishna?"

"Wow! who is to be blamed there are  several innocently serving wrong  diet  Krishna "

"Pardon Rudra you mean wrong deities Rudra ha...ha...?" 

"Sure Krishna ha...ha".

"Brilliant you are right different deities like wrong diet in this Kali-Yuga that diet was welcomed by Dwapra-Yuga didn't we hear from the vibrant video in this Kali-Yuga the best Joya 🧘‍♂️ is Maha Mantra??? ".

"What about the insurance please Krishna?"

"Although we cannot correct chaos and conflict across the whole world , we are messaging through our major Mission of Tremendous Tuition great hearts  💕 "

"Why our tutor teaches only about  the Originator Krishna?"

"Whatever he does in Krishna consciousness is sufficient in the  discharge of his obligations".  

"Evidence Krishna?"

"A self- realised man has no purpose to fulfill in the discharge of his prescribed duties.", 
Nor has he any reason not to perform such work .
Nor has he any need to depend on any other living  being".
"Chapter Three text 3.18 ".

A self realised man is no longer obliged to perform any prescribed duty 
"Save , save and except activity in Krishna consciousness ."

Krishna consciousness is not inactivity either 

A Krishna consciousness man does not take shelter of any person-man or demigod". 

"Chapter Three text 3.18 ".

"In addition ,whoever following the demigods even they are invited to their planets, that is temporary". 

"In their planets we have to die; we have to get old ;we have to suffer from disease
and following their ego, intelligence and minds, we will be kicked out as soon as our storage of pious period passed."

"Are their planets are like human planet of temporary life Krishna?"

"Yes little bit long life"

"That's awful that's it Krishna ?"

"Provide prove KRISHNA,?"  

"Have you ever seen how Brahma looks like?''

'Yes he looks old with milk white beautiful beard like cinema hero Achit'.




"Have you ever seen how Lord's wives look like students?''
"Yes they look like young adolescence just from teen to twenty five Krishna" '

" why you say the human subjects to do  his material duty  until he understands his   eternal  identity and supreme personality Krishna?".

"Unless we analysed how Atma and Paramatman,and realised we work in different bodies only to satisfy our senses Krishna?"

"Of course! Realisation is the liberation  Krishna  is the cause of all causes?".

"Thanks 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Krishna "
So according to the story, instead of giving up our works, working with devotion like us is pretty  better Krishna 💞?".

"Unchakably , unchallengeable and unmistakable".

"Evidence Krishna  !"

Text 2 Chapter five Karma Yoga in Krishna 💞🙏 .

The personality of Godhead replied:

"The renunciation of work and work in devotion are both good for liberation. But of the two ,work in devotional 
service is better than renounciation of work ".  

"So knowing God through demigods step by step expresses  pretty progress and impress of Papah Realisation Kanna?".

"Why not there is no Vidya( education )which our students are not proficient Baba's wordings Rudra ".

"Sure Krishna  !decent saints they are systematically leading their devotees towards the topest platform of Papah step by step  as long as they understand the ultimate goal of  Appah ." 

"Certainly  Christina learning of  Lord Krishna is not a cup of tea, some sincere saints decently developing their devotees devotion deplomatically and they teach them all the virtues and they assisting to saturate every act including skills and studies of their  devotees". 

"Definitely it will yield joy, peace and prosperity eventually leading towards "The Science of Self-Realization" Krishna " 

"You mean only with some sincere saints and teachers Krishna?"

"Sure .The sincere saints using us as  the ideal media and pretty light house and  sources of mesmerising musical instrument and   they will be  transforming us  by   rebuilding the world on the foundation of Vedic information as Dharma eventually get out of  ♻ recycling". 

"We remember a story of

" The Three Little Pigs" in comparison of our Madam Nature and our three classes of people 💞 Krishna".

"Yeah Krishna!!! 

It's sounds like the three classes of people:

 1) Thamas
2) Rajas
3)  Sathwas Krishna!".

"And also there are another three traffic lights" :
1) Natural disasters such as flood earthquake...
2) Diseases such as cancer, virus 
3) Other animals such as snake, tiger.

"Really appreciate it could we discuss of it students ,but speak  one by one please?".

"Okay Krishna On their mother's request, the three little pigs moved out taking their belongings with them Krisna".

"Next person?"

"They set off down the road and came to a cross roads Krishna". 

"Another one".

"Each little pig went in a different directions Krishna "

"like Sri Rangan Uncle, K.soul and their nephew ha...ha... Krisna" .

" The youngest one   headed for the fields to enjoy,
"I want to have fun my house will be quite quick to build".

He said.

"He cuts lots of hay and straw and made himself a straw house with a thatched roof".

"Someone  had been watching him while he had been building it Krishna".

"Who was it?"

"The big bad wolf in the forest was nearby was very fond of him Krishna". 

"He liked eating him Krishna".

"When the youngest pig had settled down for the evening, wolf went and knocked the door Krishna."

"Like the mother nature sent the strong storm Krishna ha...ha.. "

The pig was scared Krishna."

"The second collected lots of twigs and sticks and made himself a house of sticks Krishna."

"The Nature was watching him, too like the wolf in the story Krishna". 

"The third one noticed their mistakes.
He built a strong house Krishna.

" I don't want to be destroyed or eaten by predators or the nature's natural disasters".

" Wow ! his house was made of bricks and cement   Krishna".

"It was not built overnight Krishna.  he studied , researched and  be prepared Krishna ".

"Self studied of great knowable and constructive books to defend the destructive nature 's natural disasters Krishna  "  

"Krishna so it's like conquering Thamas guna  by Rajas guna and through Rajo guna we conquer Sathwas and then finally   building  a Krisna House ?".

" We all are pretty pity people knowing nothing , nothing at all about the Sacred Soul overall that is the God ;that is the Truth And that is Krishna ?"

"Sure certainly Lord Krishna  is Atman , Lord Krisna is Paramatman; Lord  Visnu is Krishna's embodiment , and all are derived from Divine Personality of GodHead,  Lord Krishna.

"Does it mean Prama Yoythy Krishna?"
"Could we watch a vibrant video which echoes the eternal entity Lord Krishna please?"

"Good idea open the black veil Peter "

"What  an amazing description of Kannan!"

"Listen our major matter is knowing Krishna"

"So Krishna is our  subject matter ?"

"Obviously He is the Originator, but bad luck unknowingly we are working harder and harder to become better and better in material comfortability not spiritual stability "

"Worst of all,  we are  considering it is as our object matter only to leave them upon leaving the material body Krishna".

" Certainly overall , we are behind some gurus who only concern or care of our deadly present body not godly Divine Daddy. Isn't it a tragedy for everybody?"

"Unmistakably Siva".

"Oh my God Krishna! Fortunately we are on the Royal Road in watering the root Krishna?"

" Correct !In this way, we will be freed from bondage to work and its auspicious and inauspicious results."

"Ohhhhhhhh I see so Krishna when we expect fruits of our actions means we must be obediently pray the demigods as our duties Krishna". 

"Exactly.,.definitely otherwise they will be furiously attacking through the five elements so 
called natural disasters ". 

"Are you crazy 🤪 Krishna ?"

"No Krishna is not crazy, but we are lazy Rosy".

"If our minds fixed on Father ,we gradually become greater and eventually become greatest students ".

"Ohhhhhhhh in this principle of Papah, we will be liberated  and go to Gologa of God Krishna or in other words , Whygundda which is the WiFi of wireless connection with Krisna?" 

"Surely Unsurprisingly Subathra "

"Why can't the demigods provide liberation Krishna?"

"Because they are not God"


" Lord Krihna is  the original Divinity rest of them have no WiFi?"

"Sure Lord Vengadesan is the reality;
He is not subject to destroy; 
Visnu is not subject to death 
;Kanna is not subject to decline 
and Govinda is not subject to decay .
He  lives forever in us in VISNU FORM"

 "Atman and Paramatman they do not die Krishna?"

"Ye we  must madly change clothes until we discover the reality of the multiplicity which is dangerous as we never know when we have to leave this charming cheerful body ". 

"How  we know when we are going to leave this body Krishna?".

"Even Baba could not predict his time of departure ."

" Understanding this identity of divinity  is part of our original responsibilities Krishna?"

"Undoubtedly...Unmistakably we all derived from that divinity we cannot drive our bodies deprive from that identity like the fish does not survive without water, we cannot survive lack of our Father's favour. "

"Tremendous Truth Krishna then why does the Divine is being aloof how can a house deemed to be a house without a roof why 
Lord is being aloof  Krishna?."

"What does it mean ALOOF Krishna?"

"Which means being all alone Peter "

"Why He is being ALOOF we need the proof please Krishna"

"Who is being aloof Retna?"

"Lord Krishna"

" As a consequence , people are arrogantly comparing Him to the power post Krishna not a Personal ,but Impersonal Krishna ".



"Oh goodness sometimes we too would love to be in aloofness which doesn't disturb our God consciousness Krishna". 

"BEING ALOOF of Krishna does it mean being godless Krishna?"

"Sure it's an arrogant attitude without gratitude to Krishna it's pity that's what Lord Krishna was living aloof in the middle of the ocean called Dwarka city which had been discovered Krishna?"

"Could we have a footage of lord Dwarka city please 🙏?:'

"Excellent evidence of BBC news in TV"

"Exactly..,Exactly excellent effort !"

" Enough is enough the whole whole world witness who is God where as some serious sinners don't want to open the Bhagavad-Gita although their teacher, Shankaracharya asked them to read Krishna doesn't it efficient education isn't it sufficient proof ?"


...These Have to be Accepted, Adored and Assimilated as Daily Duty.

"Accepted,  Adored and Assimilated?"

"We didn't get that Krishna".

"Agree, love and understand". 

"Thank you so assimilated means understanding and associating Krishna?". 

"Exactly!  ! That is a wonder wisdom of Sathana  which we must understand for our secure and eventually cure our long, long lasting Karma which attached with our souls".

"Loving :
1) The Country, 
2) The Culture and The 
3) Community  are our responsibility Krishna?"

"Yes as long as we  innocently being attracted by materials we are after the demigods, we are bound to the bondage of this iron age "

"Absolutely !".
"Serving The Country,  Culture and Community With Disciplines, 
Devotion ,Called Duty?"

"Yes when we are turning blind eye to Krishna, we must carry on and on 
on these principles to satisfy the demigods otherwise we will be punished like unexpected penalty notice of our vehicles on regular basis and even courts cases "

"Water the root the whole branches will be beautiful that is called self Realizing sweet hearts 💕 ".

"Yesterday I watched a video with my family, a student was holding her folder on top a mung's head during  the protest Krishna."

"Where was it Renuga?"
"In Srilanka in the middle of the protest  Krishna ".

"Why was it Renuga? 

"Was it raining Renuga?"

"Yeah Rudra ".

  "Excellent  effort why you're so so  emotional  Sam?👏 👌 👍!" 

"We too watched it Krishna she was a Muslim Tamil whereas he was a Buddhist mung Krishna"

"Ohhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees it was in the news too Krishna .Union is strong and strength Krishna 💪👏🙌"

"Brilliant 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏!!!"

"Yeah!!!That's why  all of your eyes are shining! It's indeed a sweet shocking news  to me ,too"

"Yes we  all watched the video Krishna"

 "Thank you soooooo much  for devoting your time in teaching the greatest education of our sacred souls's secret services in birth cycles Krishna".

"You're welcome Pamitta having the knowledge of our soul provider and being gratitude to Him is humanity sweetest 💕 hearts 💕!"

"Isn't it our sacred souls are the eternal like God Krishna?." 

"I mean permanent even the people pathetically being   being killed in the wars as we are witnessing and experiencing  worldwide Krishna?".

" We wonder why   the 33 millions of demigods are not capable of securing our Sacred soul Krishna". 

"Ohhhhhhh goodness because they too have been elevated from human being to divine being .However,  they are not Atman and Paramatman they too are dependents not independents like Lord Krishna Does !!!!". 

"Are they  dealers of only material matter Krishna?" 

"Without a single  doubt about it !!".

"Thank you Krishna ". 

"Then why we are being careless of the sacred soul provider Krishna 🙏?"

"Elegant inquiry... as we already have been discussing in this matter, we have to take more precautions in this Greatest  Consciousness and be gratitude to Him in each of our attitude  ".

"What does precautions mean Krishna?".
"It's mean taking caring measures and attention Sudah". 

"I already know, but testing you Krishna 

"Ohhhhhhh  I seeeee!"

"What sort of power phone you are using Krishna  Anna?"


 "Powered by Android  ... why Rudra?".

 "Wonder how you find  things in a light speed".

"Hummmmm Hummmmm!". 

"Anyone knows what kind of super power Putin has been using please 🙏😀🙄😉 ?"




"I know".
"What was it Rudra?".

" Powered by Thyroid ".

"Ha...ha.... what does he say Krishna?...

" did you  know it Rudra"

"My dad told me".

"Did he   ?"

"Hold don't a second Meera ....let me check it "

"Oh ye ! My goodness he does!"

"So Putin's  Thyroid is more powerful than your Android Krishna ?". 


" Ohhhhhhh!!! At least ,you managed to smile Krishna ?"

"No who said I didn't?".

"Just.. just we all saw you are smiling Krishna!".

"Yeah we did you can't deny Krishna !"

"Yeah I just saw you my teeth a bit!".


"Why don't you show your teeth  often Krishna?"

"Because I don't want my teeth  get dust and dirt".


"Does Putin get treatment for his medical condition of Thyroid Krishna?"

"He does"

"What kind of treatment Krishna ?"

"Let me check!!! Hold on a second please ".

"Ohhhhhhh goodness! Yeeeeeeeees!".

"What's wrong with him  Krishna  ?"

"   He has parkinsons disease "
"What Krishna?"

"Was it  parking charge Krishna ?"

 " it's a kind of disease of forgetfulness, causing trembling and muscular rigidity"

"Pardon what does it mean, rigidity ?".

"Unable to bend or inflexible". 

"Does he get treatment for it Krishna?"

"I know what treatment he follows Meera".

"What is it Rudra?"

"Bombardments Krishna Anna".


"Enough it's too,too much let's start where we left". 

"Excuse me just one question!" 

"Proceed !".

"Why we all caught up in the vicious cycle of repeated births and tragic in pandemic, economic with tactic politic Krishna?"

"Actually an amazing inquiry Rata. 
To Be honest, we are paying  the penalty charges ".

"Why Krishna?"

"Wow again super question".

"As a consequence of our penalty payments with delay charges plus interest, we must pay 47% interest apart from the capital we have borrowed ".


"Like the government has to pay about the half income (Revenue) to the foreigners as interest  in highest interest just to cover the interest of the loans, we have borrowed and now we are paying in sharing Krishna?".

"What we have to do to overcome it Krishna ?".

"We have to  pay about 4 billion every year for  next few years just to roll over the debt".

"You mean because of our Karmas ?".

Got it!! Got it!!".


"Sorry Sarah?"

"My dad doesn't like to pay even the penalty charges of his own faults or dring drive."

"We will be catch up in the vicious  cycle only to pay the highest interest as penalty charges".
" Why you compare with government debt payments Krishna Anna?"

" All our  countries are caught up in the vicious cycles dangerously Krishna whatwe have done for our peoples Krishna?"

"Our session of Mission is the tuition both Divine line and life line".

"Fantastic! The tragedy is depending what degree of divine duty we have been doing to be born in an undeveloped country or a developing country or a developed country?".

"Brilliant 👏👏👏👏👏!!"

"All in all , almost all the counties are  paying foreign  interests of their loans . However,  it's depending of the country where we take birth whether it is higher sufferers or lower.

"Why we can't get out of this cycles of dangerous pandemic of gigantic traffic and tragedy Krishna?"

 "There is a thief that lurks in the inner consciousness of us planning to pushes us away from the Supreme Soul Consciousness and as a result, we are attached to materials and maddened of demigods 💎 💎.

"What does  lurk  mean Krrishna?"

''Waiting in hiding'

"Is it  Kama  (desire) Anna?"
"Surly Rata"

"Then why wealthy and healthy people are still wanting more and more materials Krishna  Anna?," 

"That's the past and present disease because of our Karmas Siva don't we see what is happening in the cabinet of Srilanka ?"

"What was it Krishna?"

" Attachment material attachments. The previous governor fled  to foreign and the present on the way". 

"No way! "

"By the way, why we are obliged to thank to God Krishna?"

 "As He is responsible for the functions of our five elements Sarah which repeatedly  recycling in different, different bodies"

"What Krishna?"
"How Krishna?"
"Through the souls and Super Souls?"

"What about a thief Krishna?"

"Isn't it  because another thief called Lobha ( greedy) steps out from  hiding from our hearts Krishna?".

"Why we are being unhappy and angery and hurting the kindest living  beings ?"

"It is when we failed our attempts of achieving our targets, we are frustrated, furious and becoming angry ". 

 "You mean like the richest robber well-earned in the episode Krishna?"

"Definitely Durga"

"So Krishna Anna,
(1) Desire

(2)Greedy and 

(3)Anger working together?"


"We cannot eliminate these  totally  Anna?!"

"Nevertheless, we can... we can nourish the desire yet".

"We don't get it Krishna ".

"Remember once we were discussing about a physics teacher from Canada?"


"One of the good things he said was investing in perfect project of charity to assist the poverty"

"Yes he said  Krishna"

"Baba also suggests that we can invest our hard-earned money in these ways to achieve understandability of the chief living being of all living being,  Supreme  Personality.

"What is the point Krishna Anna?"

"Get rid of the mystery which involves us in all miseries".
"So Krishna, the greatest saints, sages and gurus are asking us to be liberated by being gratitude in all attitudes to the chief living being of all living beings?"

"Hundred percent Rata if not, we have to be like  a beggar begging entire demigods".

"At the same time entire humanity hunting for wealth and health not growth of godly torch of knowledge like us?"
"Correct Christina" 

"According to the Vedas,  there is another attractive actions

"What are they Krishna  ?"

"You know what is Dharma?"

"Yes it is righteousness  Krishna  "
"Brilliant boy!...
Do you know what is Artha?". 

"Yes it is( Arthayam) my Grandma said.

"You mean the "wealth/profit" right?

"Sure Krishna  Anna".

"Now tell me anyone knows what is  Kama ?"

"Yes you just you said it is the Desire". 

" Thanks Subathira .Finally we all know what is Moksha?"

"Is it liberation Krishna Anna?"
"Well said 👏 👌 👍Meera" 

"So how many of them are there?

"Four Krishna Anna"

"What are they?",

"1) Dharma 

2) Kama 

3) Artha   (Arthayam)

4) Moksha" 
 "Am extraordinary ha...ha..."

"Ha...ha...why you expected to be extra Rudra"

 "Rest are ordinary  Krishna Anna" 


"Because I am watering to the root not the branches or flowers or leaves Krishna  "

"Ha...ha... so Rudra remember to remember of using togetherness O.K?"

"Pardon Krishna  Anna!"

"We wonder why we invest our interesting time in discussing ,better we get started the narration 
Krishna Anna?"

" Alright the pilgrimage were still in India!"
"Are they Krishna?"
"Can you imagine already two days had been past ever since they went to India?" 

"Was it Krishna ?"

"What is happening over there at the moment Krishna?"


.....Renuga's  heart was filled with many ,many sun rays with tenders and thrilling thrills !"

"We are so so excited to know  ❤ 💗 💖 💕 Krishna"

" Appreciate it ! She was swimming in an auspicious ocean while  learning lesson after lesson about the original Divine Dad in the form of Vengadesh; a kind of phenomenal ocean"

"Could we open the black curtain please?"

"Our pleasure Krishna".

"Who was singing I mean praying Krishna?"

"Rajesh Kanna was singing no one knows,   how to wipe away their rain drops... drip drop ...drip... drop...drip...drop...

"After all, the pilgrimage were working like historians  in terms of  researching of Vengadesan"

"We like that Krishna 👍" 
"Now only they all learned that the Thirupathy temple was mainly built by a particular single saint and  a  poet and completed the construction by the kindest Kings' helps at the end Krishna 

"Why the public didn't support Krishna?"

"According to the studies, the kindest Kings 🤴 🤴 💜 
they had a divine dream, requested them to be supportive to the poetry "

"So you mean  like the dream of Martin Luther King ,the saintly poet's mission was to introduce the Divine to the entire population' s protection?". 

"Correct Martin Luther King's Mission was to do with  the cooperation and also stop the competition together with discrimination". 

"He is the greatest man Krishna"

"He is the bravest  man too Sam"

"It was just  two terrific  days ago, there was an amazing miracle took place. Renuga suddenly recalled how Rajesh Kanna was praying to the inspiring idol all alone escaped from everyone else". 

"Was she krishna?"

" Sure! She was in a sweetest shock! As several beautiful 🐦 🦃 🦉 🐥 🐔 🦅 🐦 blessed birds chanting poems". 

"The way she was worried in hearing her Dad's voice over the phone 📱 was emotional and inspiring" 
"What Krishna why not krishna?!?"
"Did...did she speak to her father already Krishna?"


"Her emotion and facial languages were  the most 💖💓💖💓💖 hurting and also  enlightened ,emotive language to everyone in the temple!"

"How the devotees reacted Krishna?"

"It was like a diamond sun shone in the night instead of a silvery moon Krishna". 

"Moreover,she heard some thing unbelievable!"

"What is it Krishna?"

"A kind of second miracle happily happened!".  

"What is it Krishna?"

"She couldn't believe her ears what he said!  

"Who was it Krishna?"

"Renuga was puzzled when she had listened while Rajesh Kanna was whispering  to the shiny jeweled black idol representing the Divine of the Divines,Lord Krishna,knowingly Thrupathi vegadesh!"  ,
"What was it Krishna ?"

"Please Lord safe Renuga's life. I don't bothered of my  unreliably ,awful girl, she was a broken piece of a glass  looked like real diamond to my unfortunate time." 
"Why not Krishna?"

"She was a nasty woman with dirty character Krishna"
"Why Mary?"
"Krishna her character doesn't deserve any respect she was shocking so shocking Krishna"
"Cool down Rudra!"

"What else Rajesh Kanna said Krishna  he is an honorable gentle man when we heard he is an orphan, we realized and  regretted what happened to his innocent parents was unbearable?"

"Kind of you Rosy"
Further he said:

"Because of my past karma I was penalised/ punished. However, now I totally dislike her disgusting qualities. I realized her dishonesty personality too God 🙏💗🙏"
"I would have done the same thing Krishna then Krishna?".

"I would like to discontinue or dismiss her from my memory totally"
"He is is absolutely correct Krishna 👏 🙌 🙏 he has to get rid of that dangerous individual Krishna"

"Definitely Durga" 

"She is a disastrous person for the women society Krishna" 

"What else Krishna!!!
....What is her name Krishna?"


 "Suitable name shame on her
...Let's carry on Krishna  "

"Then Rajesh Kanna asked Vengadesan:

“Please accept and consider my long term  savings from the childhood".
"The gold powder which was precisely saved on the golden request of my greatest Grandpa and was excitedly expecting to use for our wedding ring".

"He was worried didn’t want to cry , however tears dripping through out his both ruby reddened eyes"

"Then he begged like a beautiful baby boy!"

"Ohhhhhhhh Divine Dad… Father..!Papa could you forgive me from my Karma which is not allowing me to forget her totally??"

"Curiously he glanced everywhere and lowered his voice to make sure no one was listening it's souned like pearls dripping dazzlingly from the shiny idol such a riddle for Rajesh Kanna". 


Continue ....
Hare Krishna 

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