The Science Of Self-Realisation And Evolution 

"God Morning 🌄 Krishna Anna!"

"God Morning 🌄 

God Bless 🙏  🙏 you 🙏 all!"

 "Thaaank yoooou Krishna!!!"

"We would like to learn Krishna...!"
"What's wrong with you  Rata we always learn no?"

" I'm talking about the  Ten Avatars'  Relationship of  Lordship Krishna please" 

"We wish we knew much more about  The Ten Avatars'  Relationship of  Lordship Krishna ".

"Excuse me ! So sorry for the interruption ...
How does God signal of our death Krishna?

"I know it Krishna."

"How did you know it Rosy?"

 "I visited to a puberty ceremony of one of my class mates in London where K.Soul was invited, too because she was one of his best and cleverest students".

"Again we are going to bring K.Soul? Oh my God!!!Noooooooo  no way I go away ha...ha...?"

"As usual, after providing her a Bhagavad-Gita, with his silk set of traditional clothings he gave her present and he blessed her publicly with a speech".

"Didn't he critic anyone Rosy ha...ha...?"

"At the end , he said a story instead "

"What was it  Rosy?"

"Why it is important to have to be given a Bhagavad-Gita to a secondary school student." 

"So soft of hearing his attitudes to be honest Krishna, 

"Appreciate it Peter ".

"He described with a story of  a Soul who was waiting for its audience in the court of God".

"We know he is a selfish Krishna...kind of self-praising man ha...ha..."

"Suuuuuuuu he might be monitoring us Krishna".

"It was all about a Soul who had left his material body at the hospital Krishna "

"What ..!!!Are...are you joking Rosy?"

"True! The soul had left its body a few hours ago in London University Hospital the body was 55 years of age. "

"Paaaaardon what are you talking Rosy????!!

"Here we hear the dialogue between God and Soul please ask everyone to be silent Krishna it was part of Mr K.Soul's speech!"

"Please proceed Rosy "

God:" Did you ever remember Me Mr Soul?"

Soul: Oh Lord! Are you crazy who is going remember you in the funeral day Krishna?"

Lord: "Why Mr Soul? Why you're upset no one dies?" 

Soul :"Krishna 💞 🙏 You called me all of a sudden did you at least give a warning single Lord?"

Lord:" Everyone knows that anyone can be called at any time anywhere across  the world "

Soul: "But God Krishna 🙏 ,why you didn't give me  a chance Krishna?"

" At least did you give me a signal that's why Rhade didn't marry with you Krishna because you do what you like to do not what you have to do.Do... do you Krishna?".

Lord : "Ha...ha...I gave you so many warning signals dear Soul." 

Soul: "No Krishna you are kidding I didn't even complete  my dream of a  building house"

God : "Ha...ha... at the age of 30 ,your hair started greying. 
Wasn't it a signal Mr Soul?"

Soul :"Dammit! I just coloured my hair Krishna it's not a big issue Krishna..Krishna...Krishna !!! can I have a tissue to wipe away my tears Krishna  aren't you the fondest Father Krishna?". 

Krishna: "Ha...ha....take it son At the age of 35 your back and neck had severe pains. "

Soul: "So what Krishna?

 As I worked harder and harder to safe money  Krishna are you crazy Krishna sorry I'm crazy of money Krishna? "

"Didn't...didn’t  I undergo diathermy Krisna; didn't I undergo Physiotherapy Krishna? know because you  are omnipotent Krishna;
You are omnipresent Krishna;
You are omnibenevolent Krishna and
You are omniscient Krishna  . 

Aren't You Krishna 💞🙏?"

Krishna: "Ha...ha...At the age of 40, your teeth began decaying. 

Soul: "Shout up sorry Krishna! I've fixed them up Krishna don't back up I don't like flash back don't make me made man right I'm Shiva's devotee mind it !! "

Lord: " the age of 50, your knees started protesting under your own over weight" . 

"Oh I can't live without eating Krishna can you???
 Can...can you Krishna...
stop laughing Krishna you laugh like a magical, magnetic musician  Krishna 💞🙏
 I really feel like I'm in
 the mouth of a crocodile Krishna 💞🙏?"

"Ha ...ha..."

"Didn't you know I had surgery done Krishna

 did you Krishna?

 You might be busy with women Krishna 

Tutor's nephew was correct  wasn't he correct Krishna"

Krishna:" Who was it?"

Soul: "Canada wicked player  Krishna sorry cricket player Krishna". 

"Listen he is my devotee, but cause of Maya or illusory energy ,he considers everything is engineering by energies"
"Krishna, are you serious 😜?".

 "Sure Mr Soul  not knowing that I'm the energetic of those energies people are in doubt and disaster"

"There are millions of people like him Krishna ".

 "I know thank you. However,like you used to be as Lord Shiva's devotee, there are many innocents and ignorances who are  still traveling in the same path"

"Really Krishna?".

"Ha...ha.....don't  worry let them take as many births as possible to get out of the mystery which causes all the miseries". 

"You forgive them Krisna?"

 "Of course, because they are  my children. But they failed to read certain, certain chapters only following certain certain pages of the Vedas still a Shivan devotee is at least 75  to 80 percent Krishna 💞 devotees impersonally such as Brahma Jyoti " 

"Please 🙏 Krishna 💞 come on Krishna we backup to our  own story Krishna".

"Ha...ha....!!! At the age of 52, you had a kidney failure. 

Soul: "Oh my God 🙏 I... I opted for a kidney transplant do you know how much   
my children love me Krishna? "


"Stop...stop laughing I will kill you mind it Krisna my apology I'm disapponted I'm frustrated  and I'm alarmed  Krishna l love materials krisna !". 

 "Ha...ha ...!"

" you know how many  family members are in foreign countries Krishna?

"Ha...ha... So you know well about immigration, emigration and trasmiration Mr Soul?".

"Why not  krishna? you think they turn blind eye  Krishna like your Rhade or Pandavas during the time Duriyodana's brother disrobe Drawpathy?

...Excuse me Krishna!!! I know only immigration and emigration, but not trasmiration what does it mean  Krishna?"

"That's the same problem with Arjuna listen we never ever disappear but ever ever reappear ".

"Krishna are you talking about evolution don't look at me like that please 🙏".

 "Krisna, I know the demigods worship is not waste, but not hundred percent developed devotion Krishna 💞 🙏".

 "Krishna! You are the soul provider ; you are the Super soul provider and you are the killer of dimoniac people I'm selfrealised person please give me liberation fondest Father kindest Krishna and prettiest Prabhu 🌹 

"Oh goodness what a splendid speech Krishna!??" 
"Kind of unbelievable story of glory we simply love it Rosy ".

"Excuse me Krishna what does mean IMF Krishna?"
"How does the world bank assist when the country is financially fearful Krishna?"

"Oh  you mean people's welfare?". 

"Yes Krishna" 

" How to start a fearless fresh life Krishna ?"

"How to get  out of the present  financial crash Krishna!!!"

" what happened you all are transformed to brilliants?!". 

" Excuse me Krishna  !

"How can I help you Rata?"
"First say three times Aum mantra"

"Has it got immense benefits Krishna?"

"Let's try that's what Sadguru says"

"Evidence Please".
"Here we are:

"How we all are  related to God , Lordship Krishna?"

"Krishna, Sadguru sounds like  a strong Shivan devotee why our tutor doesn't direct us towards Lord Shiva?"
"Our tutor knows that  in Kali-Yuga we just  focus on Maha Mantra it's a must and the easiest entry to eternal happiness with God Consciousness  it's the tremendous graduation rather having humongous exams preparation and fail them all at the end  with the deities worship".

"Why does Sadguru suggest Lord Shiva whereas tutor suggests Lord Krishna ?".

"Because that is the meaning of a Dharma. A genuinely generous teacher is getting us  out of Karma that is his target  our K.Soul is not a crazy man I mean hypocrisy man".

"We didn't catch up are you accusing Sadguru is hypocrisy or what Krishna?"

"Anyone one of you knows Sadguru's darling daughter's name?"

"No Krishna do youuuuuuu know?"

"Her name is Rhade ha...ha....similarly another Sadguru, we called her Amma Sri Rangan  Uncle's  guru is a holder of Krishna's picture  it is  from her childhood ha...ha... "

"On contrary,Mr K. Soul was a Shivan devotee as an evidence, his darling daughter's  name has Lord Shiva's name within her name even his name was named with Shiva by his mother who was a deep devotee of Shiva ha...ha... he is a learning loyal lawyer of Lord of the Lords. "

"Please 🙏 provide proof Krishna 💞?

"In Chapter Five text 5,7 Lord expressing  that one who works in devotion , who is a pure soul , and who controls his mind and senses is dear  to everyone,  and everyone is dear to him. Though always working, such man is never entangled". 

"Thanks Krishna in comparison to our last lesson, with Peter's eye witness, we have no daubt about it "

" Does there any evidence of relativity of  humanity with evolutionary history Krishna?"

"Hold  don't please hold  don't understand our urgent arguments, but if we  we surrender to the God, we gradually upgrade and update our outstanding human lives "

"Evidence Krishna?"

"God's guidance in the Bhagawadgita "

"Where Krishna?"

"In Chapter Seven text fifteen". 

"There are 33 million of God's and Goddesses in Hindu Culture Krishna"

"Ha...ha...water to the root dear students".

"How Krishna how????"

"Anyone remember exactly what we were talking in our past sessions please?"

"No problem can we check out on our phones Krisna?"


"Episode 15C Krishna?"

"Excellent effort  any one read it loudly? " 

"Every living entity under the influence of material nature has a particular type of body and particular type of psychology and biology ".

"Certainly Balaraman .There are four classes of men functioning in the three material modes of nature"

"What are they Krishna 💞🙏?"

"Those who are Purley in the mode of passion are called ksatriyas" .

"Those who are in the mode of both passion and ignorance Krishna 💞🙏?"

 "They are called vaisyas". 

"Those who are completely in ignorance Krishna 💞🙏?" 

"They  are called sudras  💞🙏"

"Those who are Purley in the mode of Goodness Krishna?"

"They called brahmanas "

"and those who are less than that Krishna?"

"Are...  are animals.
However ,these destinations are not permanent like at the moment we are American, Indian or Srilankan ;Hindu ,Muslim and Christian blissfully, behind these temporary illusory energy entertainment in delusion with demigods devotion of temporarily showing off our bravery, Papa is there with permanent glory prepared to protect the children from illusory energy with torch of knowledge.    "

"Wondering, but why we are wandering behind the demigods deities and demigods living gurus Krishna??? !!!"

"  Our guru AC Prabhupada always   saying that  they are not deserve devotional services ?"


1) Brahma, 
2) Shiva,
3) Kapila,
4) the Kumaras, 
5) Vyasa,
6) Devala,
9) Prahlada,
10) Bali, 

"We thought that they are our Gods Krishna!" 

"They are equal to Gods but not hundred percent Gods but learned they can act like God ; they can have God quality as they are almost gods  and learning leaders still...Still ..still they have no much ideas of Lord Krishna, the actual God ".

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness please proceed Krishna  can you read please?"

" Sure...sure...!!!And..and...and later on
1) Madhaacarya ,
2) Ramanuchariya ,
3) Sri Caitanya

Many  many others who are faithful philosophers educators, scientists, etc". 

"Are they 
surrendering to the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of God Head, the all powerful Authority Krishna?".

"Absolutely dearest divine Embodiments" 

"But those who are not actually philosophers, scientists ,educators who pose themselves as such for material gain, the pain is, they do not accept the plan of path of the Supreme Lord great hearts 💕 "

"Why Krishna why isn't it cheating Krishna?"

"They have no idea of God. 
They simply manufacture (make up ) their own worldly plans and consequently complicate the compassionate communities"

"Evidences Krishna?"
"Look at the law book of Lord Krishna sweet hearts 💕 "

"Text 15 Chapter seven happy of Bhagavad-Gita As It Is ,Chapter seven ?"

Baba Said several occasions:
 "soulve the mystery which involves us all the Miseries ".

"What does it mean Krishna ?"

"Challenge, SADANA get out of the repeated recycling process lack of the Science Self-Realisation "

"True if we  use  the Star method krishna !".

"Certainly!We naturally become bright in any sort of topics  by using the  specific  STARS  🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 "

"Pardon Krishna?

"Explanation of the contents in following criteria Krishna". 

"What does the STARS describe  Sam?"

R=Result "
S= Sathanai/Challenge 

"Can we use the five stars to explain the solution of our Serious Srilankan Situation Krishna?".

"Great!Good idea Pammita".

1) S=Situation:

"For instance, why the present situation of Srilanka is in danger Krishna?"

  " Because of Rupees and Dollars Floating Freely without any limits Krishna!"

"Excellent effort 👏👌👍🙌!"

2) T=Task:

"What is our task ?"
3) A=Activities

"The International Monentary Fund ask"

"What they ask?"

"A follow up policy actions of  "Floating Peg".

"Means, the Central Bank decided to keep the rupees and dollars exchange rate within a particular range or band at the moment".

"For example Krishna Anna?"

"For instance, not allow the rupees below 250 or above 300".

"Thanks we are nearly on the track ". 

"Now we talk about the result Krishna.
4) R=Result:

"If the rupees threatened to devalues outside of the range, what we do Krishna?"

"No idea we protest ha...ha...!

" that is dangerous Krishna!". 

"What we do Krishna Anna?"

"The Central Bank would intervene ". 

"Why Krishna?"

"By investing foreign currency reserves to buy rupees". 

"What Krishna?"

"No protest why Krishna??"

" No politics Siva at the same time ,if the market exchange rate threatened to exceed dollar below the set up or fixed up  pined point ,what we do ?"


"Proceed Rudra!"

"Protest on the gold fish".

 "What does it mean Krishna ?".

"Ha...ha... he  doesn't mean Gold Fish, but Gool Face Krishna" 


"You are no longer fun any more Krisna Anna 


"The Central Bank rupees". 

" Bearing the STARS in mind ,we act  responsibly, effectively and successfully" .

"What a powerful tuition so the last "S" Krishna Anna?

5) "Father's faith Retna ".

"Ultimately He is the doer, remembering any of our attitude Appah in mind in gratitude".
"Brilliant Balaraman 👏🙌🙏👌!"

"Meanwhile the  IMF might advice a temporary stop payments of debts and interest as a matter of restructuring policy ".

"It it because we do not have foreign currency Krishna?"

"Definitely Durga! We  are in BANKRUPTCY where we get dollars?"
From the tourists, but when we are in war with the president, would the tourists like it Krishna?"

 "Brilliant 👏👏👏👏👏!!!"

 "So the first structure we already have?".

" Was  it  advised by a wrong administrator Krishna?"

"Yeah incorrect instructor".

"For example ,what is going to happen Krishna Anna with IMF?"

"Such as  sorting out the short terms foreign debt deals; contracts have  to be long,long running loan maturity arrangements".

"For... for a steady repayment Krishna?".

" Correct... and...and hopefully we would be paying out some of the priority debts from the fund of World Bank and IMF package in the future Krishna. "

"Correct Christina!". 

"Ohhhhhhh goodness! Are... are they going to fund and facilitate of restructuring the repayments Krishna?"

"Definitely Durga, but not overnight it may take time!". 

"Then why we fear when the International Bank and International Monentary Fund coming forward to maintain our floating fearful rupees and  dollars Krishna?"

 "Ye as long as we are following Father's faith remembering the five factors, we could control it effectively, cleverly and powerfully"😮👏

"Now lets get restarted our subject matter so ,
your question was about  natural selection Rata ?"

"That's material science Krishna ?"

" We need to know both  Self Science and world well-being  Krishna?". 

"Now come to the point,  are you talking about Charles Darwin's theory of evolution?"

"That's we had learned Krishna Anna "

"What is evolution by the way Subathra ?"

"Eventually or step by step we become human from animals Krishna Anna"
"Brilliant 👏👏👏👏!!;"

"What is the connectivity of Vedas ,the Supreme Science and Material Science Krishna?"

"Thanks for  covering up the topic matter students!"
"What is the topic matter?"

The Ten Avatars And The Relationship of  Lordship 

"Dose  it make sense?"

The Science Of Self-Realisation And Evolution 

" Oh! Special and super scientific inquiry   !" 
"Could you describe us briefly?" 

"Ha...ha... can I go to the wash room please?!"
"Are you going to escape like our tutor does Krishna?"

"No, but it's just a matter of going home through the  back 🚪 door"


" reminded our tutor he does this sort of run just for  fun".


"Have there some sort of relationship in the Heavenly history of  our Originator, Supreme Personality of GodHead and the  first ten Avatars?"

"What.. what do you think? 

Could you answer Meera?"

" Yes because of lack of fund of knowledge, we do not even  think of it Meera...

"Our tutor described that  the ten Avatars and Charles Darwin's theory got effective evidence Meera did you forget it?"

"Yes he use PETER PARAGRAPH Krishna. 

"What is Peter PARAGRAPH?"

1) Point 
2) Evidence 
3) Techniques 
4) Evaluation 
5) Readers response 

"Of course , we always cover it up".

" Aren't we?"

" Is it certain ?"


" So it's indeed a  concrete evidence to make a difference of 10 Avartas and evolution Anna?"
"Yes, but who cares?"

"You are talking about  the evolution Rudra?"
"Sure "

"Indeed an insightful and inspirational question "👏 " 👍!" 

"look what I got from the Hare Krishna Association?" 
 "Is it  Krsna Book" Meera?"

" Sure...My Dad looked at this big beautiful book and said,

 " Wow! whatever we have been learning from the episodes of  "The Great Hearts"  are approved Vedas and we are entertaining identical information of the episodes  Meera".

"Did he ?"

"And also he said,

" it's pretty difficult to understand from the big book itself,  but in the episodes it's a piece of delicious cake".

"Have you got the same book with you Krishna Anna?"

"I have, but  in Tamil Rudra", 

"Where did you get it ?"
"From Hare Krishna Association  "
"Isn't it difficult to translate in English Krishna ?"
"Little bit, but when we are enthusiastic,  we wouldn't find any difference"
"Anna, do not forget our first  question?".

 "Ha...ha...I didn't....

"I expected the question to be a forgotten question".

"No we are not suffering from Parkinson's disease".

"We are not going to leave you unanswered our question !"

" What  is the first Avatar Meera?"
"Excuse me !"

"1) The  first Avatar Meera?" 

"I think Matsya Avatar Krishna"

" 1) It is the fish  Krishna 🐟?

" Isn't it Krishna?"

"Yeah it is ". 

"! Certainly the living entities began from the ocean in the very beginning before even the human existing". 

"Pardon Krishna Anna?"

"This is science right Rudra?"
"Yes that's what we learned in science from Charles Darwin Krishna!"
"Excellent effort Rudra Krishna". 

"What is the second one Sam?,

" 2) I think Kurma Avatar Krishna "

"Isn't it the turtle Krishna 🐢 ?"
"Absolutely Pamitta!" 

" you know that the turtle is capable of living in the earth and waters 💧 💧 💧 💧?"

 "Yes Krishna Anna"

"Yeah so according to Charles Darwin, the greatest scientist (150 year ago) he proved it correctly"

"Brilliant boy next 👏 👍" 

"Next please?"

"3) Varaha  Avatar Krishna"  
"You are right Ruby" 

"The types of animals Subathra"


"After that ,what was the follow up Avatars of Lord Vishnu?"

" 4)"

"Please go a head... Sudah". 

"Narasima Avatar Krishna".

"Correct Christina... correctly said !!!?

If you are happy and you trust it, 
clapp your hands  ✋ 👐 to energise and
encourage  Christina 🙏 please" 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 

 "NARASIMA Avatar showing the type of living beings half animal and half human ?" 
"Absolutely  see the way how we have been developing little by little and step by step our heavenly human forms from Father "

"So , these are the examples and exams to get rid of this tragedy  and we have been given our human body to pass the exam of knowing Lord Krishna?". 

" Certainly Ruby, certainly it's tricky yeah tackling with earthly or wordly activities particularly animals births are honestly a horrible hardship to handle?"

"Ohhhhhhhh my gooooodness!!! Why we haven't been taught in the first place at school our mums are often at work?!"
"If the women  who take up the jobs who is going to bring up the children with vedic education?"

"Sure the women who take up jobs are finding that they have no happiness worth the name of educated."

"They have to use their education knowledge and skill 
 to bring up their children in to healthy, virtuous and disciplined patriots of country". 

"We haven't completed the evidence of evaluation  Menan Anna ".

"No way, is it to show us how we have been evolved in evolution ?"
"Well said,  before the material scientists' incomplete theory, Vedas explained exactly how the evolution and revolution have been handled by human society to come up to this level. ". 

"Ha.,,ha...what's happening in our country at the moment?".

 "Isn't it revolution?"

"Absolutely after hundreds of revolutions like this, at last, we are having some sorts of rules and regulations ".

"What does mean revolution?"

"The overthrow of a government by force" 

"It has various definitions doesn't it Krishna Anna?"

"Sure Subathra ".
"We trust  the vedas words Anna"
" Thanks...
Next please 🙏?" 


"Why not Renuga!"

5) " the fifth one is Vamana Avatar"
"Certainly is in a Brahmana form, but not totally grown person".

"Oh yeeeeee!!!Oh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees" 
"There after what is the sixth one please?"

6) "Parasuram " 

"Sure he was  in a warrior form like  hunter with bow and arrow" 

"Amazing answer 👏 👌 🙌 ❤ Rugby!" 
"Next...Next...Next the nicest ✨ one sir🙏?" 
"What is it ?"

7) "Rama in a Peaceful Person form sir!"

"Elegant response Rata"

"What is the following follow up Avatar please?"

8) "Balaraman sir"

"Fantastic follow up by?"

9)"Lord Bhuddha Anna"

"Elegant next please 🙏!"

" 10) Was it Lord Krishna Avatar ?"

"Definitely Durga definitely!"

"What about me sir?"
"What  Balarama?"

"Ha...ha...we don't forget Balarama Avatar   Rata said.  already  thanks 🙏 "

Some awesome applause for everyone please 🙏 👏 👏 s👏  🍫 thank you.

"Excuse me !"

"Hummmmm Hummmmm !;"

" The Lord Himself lived in all forms  of living entities to explain how the Sacred souls taking a series of births and finally becoming human only to be Self-Realised  ?"
"Absolutely if we failed to be Self-Realised, by ego, like the Canada individual,
we have to restart the evolution process lack of torch of knowledge for the liberation "


"Thank you" 

"Tremendous Tuition much, much, matching Mission". 

"Who is to be blamed is ?".


 " The parliament members themselves?"

"The terrible terrorism themselves !".

"The violent virous  itself "

"Sorry Sarah?"

"Aren't we made of violent viruses?"

"Where is the Five Factors have gone students?"

1) The place of action ourselves 
2) The performers ourselves 
3) The five senses  ourselves 
4) The many different kinds of endeavour, ourselves 
5) Ultimately?????


"Our Papa was ignored". 


 "THE Nasty Nature herself administrating". 

"That's why we are unable to  stop the dangerous violent virus?"

"As simple as it!".

"Could we continue our Mission Krishna Anna?"

"Of course, please keep silent now sir's turn "

"See you later Krishna Menan Anna!"

"Hello are you happy Children??"

"We are!". 
"Thanks 👍!" 

" Could we  go a head ?

...One two three": 

"It was a tremendously tenderest day and a magnificent morning...August the  3rd".

"Drip... drop... drip... drop... lovely shower so tender shower the earth smells sensationally".

"Meanwhile the golden Sun suddenly gladdened and shone broadly and beautifully,  but softly!"

"Oh yeee we can see it sir!"

"It was like so nicer nectar and fresher fragrance even it was  environmentally friendly and fantastically fair atmosphere to see and  hear and enjoy,the birds music and see the orange and yellow Sun rays." 

"Hummmmm Hummmmm we love 💘love it

" True !The sky was cutely colorful like a gigantic, adorable umbrella in golden orange!" 

"Mouth dropping dazzling! Oh what a miraculous  world! Which  had been covered  by the gigantically  glamorous umbrella!"

" Wasn't it   outstandingly illuminating atmosphere sir?"

 "Sure !Have we ever seen this kind of out standing  out fit of angelic atmosphere ???"
"Nooooooo sir!"

"Can we compare this orange umbrella to any thing else?" . 
When the author asks these rhetorical questions to make sure of the readers we don't need to answer he will answer"

"Alright sir!?"
"We do apologise "

"Ha...ha...!!!No matter the air was a bit colder than day time air". Still it was softer, fresher and better  in a country like Srilanka".

"Wasn't it a marvelous morning?"

 "At the same time,the mighty fragrant flowers were filling, filling and filling  Rajeskanna's happy house with sensational scent" .

"Rajesh-kanna has woken up with warm thoughts of pretty pilgrimages. ! In fact, he was in a pink bed because his girl friend liked pretty pink and today he slept a bit longer than usual as it was last off day for him".

"Before a  couple of days  only the holy peoples returned from pilgrimage. Then they spent the rest of the time in visiting each others home for pleasure"

"Already...already he badly missed them. Suddenly his face felt a sign of sadness like the grey ☁️🌥🌦⛅?!".  

"His facial hair made him look more and more sad face... 

"No way he had to get away from this type of life style worrying ."
"Yeah !He suddenly, smiled remembering how Renuga's foreign father was fond of coconut 🥥".

"What was it sir?". 

"Witnessing his happiness and eagerness of eating Srilankan's deliciously mouth watering meals" .

"Ohhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees".

 "Mother of Renuga managed to call some one, a coconut harvester to climb up 30 feet coconut tree and plucked  some fresh coconut from the tree. 

"Why was it?"

"It was awesome Mr Jonathan was wondering to taste the tremendous  coconut ". 

"Ha...ha...When Renuga's Mum,Gayatry was trying  to cook a curry with it ,Jonathan was excited."  

"Why was it sir?"

"Ha...ha...ha...!!! He has no idea whatsoever .Sooner the harvester was climbing up on the tree, he was pretty puzzled exclaimed and excited like a baby boy." 

"What ?"

"Asking thousands of questions and concerns of the person's  safety and  security seriously as he was watching the boy in the middle the  highest coconut tree thought of ambulances ". 

"Ha..ha...ha...ha...ha...we got it!"

Continue. .,


Hare Krishna! 

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