"What  is  Conditioned Life?"
How to get Unconditioned ? 


"God Krishna's senses are 

" Good Morning 🌄 Krishna 
"Good Morning 🌄 🙏 yoooou 
toooooo enlightened educated 🎓 graduating guys".
"Krishna ,Luckily the topic, we have 
been  taught  millions 
of times haven't we Krishna".
"THIS  is not the same as we think Rudra".
"OH shame on us Krishna!". 

"Definitely  definitely 
it's not the same, do you 
have any clue ?"

"Hummmmmm !!!It's may be 
different ,but not hard just a matter of   
  covering cloud Krishna ".  
"Sure ...  Sure"
"Does ....does it   pure consciousness 
which  is obscure under 
certain conditions Krishna? ".


"What does it mean OBSCURED 
Krishna Anna?".

"Not known about or not  
well known or hard to 
understand or hide and make 

"How to get  understood 
Krishna  ?"

"Fortunately we are 
forwarding towards the right 
step by step Krishna 💞". 

"However, unfortunately 
some of us  are mistaken and 
misguided the missing Major 
Mission's point of 
Maha Mantra Sudah". 

"What is the best to be 
bestowed the beatitude 
Krishna ??"

" Isn't a matter of chanting 
the greatest  Maha Mandra Krishna 💞 ?".

"Sure absolutely sure!!! It's 
the best beatitude boat 

"Does the chanting of Hare 
Krishna Mandra is just for 
the beginners Krishna?

For all three 
classes there is no 
discrimination sweet 💕💞♥️ 

"1) Goodness 
2) Passion or
3) Ignorance Krishna 💞?"

"Absolutely Rata !".

"Just ...just repeating the  name of Krishna?"
"Unmistakably Balaraman !"
"Maha Mantra ,is the medication to 
get out of the condition Krishna?? ".

"Indeed that's the sacred seed👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏!!!!"

"Wow!!!Does  the Maha 
Mandra meditation is the 
medications of all of our 
serious sicknesses conditions 
Krishna ?"  

 "Absolutely Balaraman ...
At the beginning, our 
medical  condition is like a 
child in the womb  because of the 
child's Karma,  it's complicating  even in the womb in 
 complex   condition   and 
"perplex child's situation like a tree .
Does ..does the tree move?"
"Yes Krishna haven't we watched 🌻 🌻 sun flowers flowers trees moving towards the sun Krishna?"
"They are not trees, but plants sweet hearts 💕 "
"The trees are unable to move as a child fixed in the womb Krishna isn't it Krishna?".

"Ha...ha in addition, the child being left upside down Krishna  I mean the  child in mum's tummy hanging upside  down ..ha... for many months Krishna!!!"
"Sure understanding the 
ultimate  Appa is the anti dot that eases if we are interested Krishna!".
"The second condition Krishna ?"
"We are  worshipping and 
working harder and harder  
with various methods 
but..,but...but...not witnessing 
the correct worship-able One 
the Original One Krishna".

"Isn't it because of the dust on 
the mirror students ?"
"Definitely it because of the 
 dirty ,dusty in the  
mirror Krishna".

"What about the 🔥fire Krishna?"

"This especially for the people in the 
beginning stage like us Krishna".

"Whaaaaat like us????
 are you joking Krishna ?"

"We have found the fact that 
there is no smoke without 

"  Obviously smoke starts  from the 
fire Krishna Anna 🔥?!".

"Wow  Meera great enthusiasm 👏😮👏😮!!"

"And we are ...  we are in the 
smoke ,seeking fire 
fighters👨‍🚒🚒 to spot out 
exactly the cause of the fire  
and  get us out of 
the danger  blissfully Krisna  ".

"Who are the fire fighters Krisna 

"The gurus!". 

"Simple,there is  no question of  humble,   
if we are ignoring  the 
divine temple detail within us Krishna".
"Unmistakably Sarah" 
"Does it necessary to 
attend to the living temples to the nonliving temple  Krishna Anna?"
"Exactly !We are the sample of temples aren't we?"
"Oh you mean we are embodied with the only worship-able God Krishna". 
"Oh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees the rest are only worshipers Krisna "
"Yeah but excluding our demigods Krishna "
"Why   concluding demigods  the demigods are excluded ?
They... they are included Rosy not excluded".
"How to wake up the innocent population Krishna?"
"We got an idea Krisna 
"Proceed Pammitta !".
"Ha...ha...Party  Krishna!"
"What is it Rudra!? 
"We know how to wake them 
up... we have an 
idea Krishna ?"
"Today Peter's birthday party " 
"Hi Peter! Have a Great Day 
and a Happy Birthday 🎉🥳🎉🎉🎉
🎉🎉 Peter"
 Excuse us  !!!!Peter is going 
to cut the birthday cake 

"Wow! Happy Birthday Peter 
🎂" 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
 "Thanks everyone!" 
" We would appreciate if 
you could quickly  complete 
the session as quickly as 
possible because we would 
like to🍾 celebrate 🍾 
Peter's birth at the end of the 
lesson Krishna 
"Oh I see you want us to 
begin quickly 🌹🥀🌹🥀 
"Yes please Krishna "
What's that delicious odour I mean aroma?!"
"Very sorry I couldn't open the packed food Krishna".
"Certainly you can't smell as you are impersonal Krishna,  
Peter's parents have brought some foods stuff or  items Krishna "
"Oooooh I seeeee !
Mummmm mouth watering ha...ha" 
"Beforehand, we are really  interested to 
meet Rajesh Kanna Krishna''

"No worries" 
" Krishna an important question please !"
"So you think we are wasting our time unnecessarily Retna?"
"I'm sorry Krishna the question is all about someone mysterious Krishna ".
"Who is it ?"
"Mr K.Soul Nava ha...ha..."
"Ha...ha please proceed Retna "
"Does our tutor ever done any charity Krishna?"
"Pardon ?"
 "Because I saw one of his friends doing lots of charity Krishna".
"Okay is it in UK Retna?"
"Let me finish it Krisna ...!!!
"On 15th of April Mr K Soul was invited by one of  his students to give a sweet surprise on his father's birthday in a restaurant. "
"Who was him again Retna?"
"He is the son of a wealthy man,  nevertheless an unhealthy man unfortunately who does charity in Srilanka Krishna".
"So what you want to know exactly Retna?"
"I need to know although his friend, the father of his student has no God consciousness,  he does charity after charity as divine duty whereas our tutor is acting and pretending as he is in God consciousness, but...but...but... he doesn't do his divine duty why Krishna why?"
" On contrary, Mr K.Soul brought a few brown and orange Bhagavad-Gita and offered to the visitors in that  gentleman's birthday party Krishna ".
"Didn't we feel pretty proud of him Retna Krishna?"
"How did you know Pammita?"
"I was there with my parents Krishna "
"Nonetheless ,he did not give a Bhagavad-Gita to the wealthy and unhealthy gentle  man Krishna why was it I've no clue whatsoever !".
"Why...why you didn't  sir?"
"I asked him softly Krishna".
"What was his response Pamitta?"
"He was silent Krishna ".
"Instead he gave  a Bhagavad-Gita to his brother who was sitting in front of him Krishna ".
"We wonder why Krishna?"
"By the way ,who was that gentleman Retna again?"
"Why Krishna?"
"I think we met him Retna to be honest"
"When was it Krishna?"
" I think when K.Soul was  invited by the same  gentleman during his holiday,  I companied him in a white van "
"With our tutor and his family Krishna?".
"Sure Mr .K Soul had offered him an orange Bhagavad-Gita on the street on our return ".
"Really krisna?"
"Ye in front of his grass green shop and opposite the shop, there was  a school "
"What Krishna we don't catch up?"
"Just...just after offering many  Gita to the Headteachers and teachers in Kandy ,  he had given him a Bhagavad-Gita"
"When was it Krishna?"
 "It was on our return from Jaffna tour and also  he had  gave one Gita to the Headteacher where the gentleman's children studied ".
"Incredibly inspiring Krishna !"
"Oh we know, the school Krishna which is situated just in front of his shop"
"That's what I said Rudra!" 
"Krishna our tutor too told us that story father of his student only accompanied him up to the local school and told K.Soul that's where his children studied and moved to England Krishna?"
"Interesting Krishna so K. Soul did not offer Bhagavad-Gita in Jaffna  schools Krishna? "
"Obviously he did including our SKanda College Head master I was being behind him hesitating ha...ha in the event the Headteacher might recognise my naughty activities with the girls behind the college". 
"Krishna the whole world knows you what is the point of hesitating ha...ha..."

"Ohhhhhhh now we got it krisna !!! 
"Mr  K.Soul  works in subconsciousness  Krishna?"
"Naughty Krishna we can't stop laughing at your language skills Krishna!!"
"Sure   and promisingly it is grace of God consciousness  ?"
"Krishna it is too much "
"So still the wealthy man is in unconsciousness of Krishna?"
"There are million who are quite wealthy and unhealthy  because of their minds sets fixed up in their previous bodies preset minds set s, it is deeply difficult to reset up" 
"However, now he is just began to say Lord's name only  when the wealthy man became seriously unhealthy recently and ended up in emergency department in intensive care for 21 days"
"Are you sure Retna?"
"I'm pretty certain Krishna. However, he doesn't pay much attention on Krishna, but demigods ".

"What does subconscious means Krishna?".
"Subconscious? Oh,  it permanently stores everything that ever happens in using our five senses"
"What Krishna does lord Krishna has five senses?"
"'re thinking and talking like impressionists philosophers,  who wish to maintain that the Absolute Truth, Krishna is without senses they cannot comprehend Bhagavad-Gita. In Chapter 9, text 26 Krishna has explained ".
"Why not while we  are witnessing animals even insect have the capability of functioning through their five senses Krishna ".

"Sorry Sarah what you say?"
"Krisna such as butterfly taste and test the honey by its legs doesn't it Krishna?"
"Fantastic facts including the  turtles are meditating upon their eggs in the beach sand while they are in the oceans Meera". 
"Unbelievable Krishna !"
"Krishna has explained what He spoke in Chapter seven that He impregnated the living entities into material nature. "
"Wow! How Krishna how ?"
God Krishna's senses are 
"Ha...ha... this is done by His looking upon material nature". 
"Really krisna we couldn't catch up please back up Krishna what does MEAN INTERCHANGEABLE Krishna?"
"His senses can perform the function of any other SENSES... GOT IT?"
"You mean He can create the population by His eyes?"
 " That's  absolutely right we all know that the five senses are functioning in sacred soul's assistant sweet hearts 💕 ".
"Wow why not but hearing this heavenly activities, we are astonished krishna wow! wonderful Krishna !"

"From eating and breathing to digesting and making memories which empowered by senses when we have God consciousness it automatically becomes super consciousness with blessings great 💕 hearts 💕 ".

"Please elaborate your explanation Krisna we remember learning as it is mentioned in Chapter 9 Text 26 our guru describes in detail Krishna".
"So you think our tutor's subconsciousness controls him grace of his preconscious Krishna?. 
"Listen lovely students, there are countless studies that indicate how the subconscious mind controls every little thing grace of 
Lord consciousness  with precious consciousness " .
"Example Krishna?"
"The way we think ; the way we feel; the way we act ;the way we react remembering our past mistakes and...and....and "
"Towards our goals and dreams Krishna?".

"Exactly !". with his  subconsciousness or preconsciousness he might have  triggered

"Yes you are absolutely right Krishna ❤️"

"He told me that in the first place he denied his student's unexpected invitation and then he called the student back to get the restaurant's   address where he initially arranged the birthday party Krishna".

"Excuse me Krishna,!What is the best worldly welfare I mean the best charity of Goodness?"
"Fantastic question what do you think? Do you think offering something In  materials items or offering some  sacred spiritual items are  the eternal worldly welfare of goodness?"
"Krishna even giving charity have three classes such as passion charity; ignorance charity and goodness charity?".
"Absolutely amazing quality question Pamitta  Mr K. Soul is not Mr  Fool as some individuals 's assumptions!!?"
"Shall we continue our session Krishna the whole world is in recession Krishna and inflation we are luckily in devotion Krishna?"
"One more question Krishna!" 
"Hurry up Siva!"
"Out of many visitors I mean within the individuals in birthday many people got Bhagavad-Gita by our tutor and why not others  Retna?"
"Out of about forty  visitors, only four have been given Gita"
"Have they got any particular reasons Retna"
"Certainly ".
"What are they Retna?"
There was a young mother who has been regularly attending to the hospital for kidney failure and some severe medical conditions"
"Oh noooo oh nooo!"
"Another one a young father called Kanna , suffering from serious sugar disorders and...and...and "
"Oh my God "
"Third one has lost his young ,handsome and honest brother during their holiday to Srilanka in motorcycle accident who just had been loved married".
"Sorry Krishna so so sad for him Krishna !" 
worst of all, his romantic dream house was under construction and in finishing state"
"Ohhhhhhhh goodness what kind of unkind fate Krishna 💞" 
"Don't worry we will return only to share these terrible tragedies body after body ".
"Krishna,  but the question is what body!?" 
"Absolutely  alarming state great 💕💕💕💕 hearts". ".
"Lastly his brother who's begging his young married son and daughter-in-law to hurry up for a child which his daughter-in-law totally refused since 3 years as which would affect her beauty "
"More over, all of them are submissive ,respectful and deserved to have Bhagavad-Gita "
"Believe it or not, we all are fortunate to have this vision of mission what a tuition Krishna !"
"Now we can continue the narration  Krishna !"

"let's go a head ".
" Excuse me Krishna Anna!"
"How can we help you Siva?"?"
"Why Rajesh Kanna walked  
away Krishna?"

"Why  Siva?"
"It... it seemed a bit awkward Krishna"
"What does mean awkward Krishna?" 
"Hard  for deal". 
"Isn't  it causing or feeling embarrassment..
Is it a kind of an inconvenience Krishna?"

"Sure Sudah".
"Thanks 👍"
"Rajesh-Kanna is 
very vigilant at detective or 
guessing things krisna "
"Right you're right?" 
 "I guess he didn't want to
hear the news of Sam's
departure Krishna ?"

"Bravo 👏 🙌 👌 brilliant 
 "Well said and correctly 
guessed Krishna" 
"You know what I guess ?"
"What was it Rudra?"
"May be he saw something at 
his home 🏠
which triggered him Krishna " 

"What does mean trigger 
"An event that causes 
something to happen"  

"To be fair, he didn't want 
to  be separated from 
another soul mate as he has 
just being separated from 
Kama it is ❤heart  breaking 
💔 circumstances for him Krishna 
 "Certainly Christina we have 
to highlight in people's 
positive aspects while taking 
in to account of their 
negative aspects Krishna" 

"That doesn't mean  he 
walked away leaving no clue 
for a person who worries  for 
the whole worldly welfare Krishna ".

"Nice and wise to hear it 
Pamitta 👍 👌!" 

"But we all are involved in
evolution ;we all have been 
 evolved from the different 
species of live Krishna "

"What is evolve Krishna?"
 " It's means gradually 
developing from lower to 
higher process, Isn’t it Krishna?"
"You mean the process of
different living organisms 
develop from earlier forms Krishna ".
"Absolutely Meera"
"It is still  science of spirit 
isn't it Krishna ?"
"Oh yeah it is a 
matter of everlasting evolution ✨ 
🙏 🌹 Roses 🌹 🌹 
 "Does devotion too 
developing  step by step from 
the earlier families' backgrounds Krishna?"
Certainly Christina 💕
''Not families background or 
inheritance Krishna?"
"Why not?"
"Wow we wonder why  Krishna?"
"Yes ancestor's  DNA has a 
connection Ruby "
"Are you sure Krishna?"
"Obviously isn't it sacred soul 
related in dedication of 
following our previous pious 
and impious connectivity Peter?"
"Well said  its called  
Pass Word  of Punniya Krishna"
" Why not  is absolutely 
correct 😜😜😜Krishna?"
"Could we cut the delicious 🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰 Cake Krishna 🎂?"
"It is the eternal 
welfare of the welfares 
sweet ❤❤️❤️❤️❤️ hearts!"
 " Still it would be a shocking
behaviour for Sam Krishna"
" Ha...ha...!It is possible to  
everyone Krishna" 
"What was the  subject 
matter Krishna?
 "The Originator Sarah"
" Krishna, does Baba welcome all 
the deities devotion ?".
 "Doesn'he Krishna?"
"He is the greatest teacher; he is  
helpless; he cannot deny 
different divinity although  he knows the 
greatest One Who  Lives in 
" Does he Krishna ?"
" Hundred percent!!! It's called God consciousness 🌹🌹🌹🌼🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌼🌹🌹🌼🌹🌹🌼🌼 ". 
"However, he is  in 
the deepest difficult situation!"
"Why Krishna?"
"Isn't it discrimination sweet hearts 💕 ♥ ❤ 💖 💓 💗 💕?"
 "Oh you mean ...
if he doesn't do as he does Krishna?!"
"Pardon Krishna?"
"When a child doesn't respect 
his parents, are they 
going to punish their child?"
"No they wait and teach him in patience Krishna".
"Exactly Sarah!" 
"So sweet 💕 ♥️ 💜 💙 🧡 ❤ 
💕 Duty is divine" 
"He is in duty 
he  has a duty  to develop them in an 
evolutionary education process  
in dedicating his entire life 
after life"
"Oh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees he took 
already two life and third on the process  
of success Krishna!" 
"Definitely Durga 👍" 

"We too are in the same case 
"Obviously it's because of our 
eventual evolution from 
many births, isn't it definitely 
difficult Krishna?

"What difficult ?"
"To... to develop the 
stupendous devotion of the 
Originator ?"

"Sure Krishna we  wouldn't 
achieve the blissful  best 
achievement out of all 
deluded achievements on the 
" Would we Krishna?"
"What does delusion mean Krishna ?"
"We make a pot in mud, but 
claiming that we are totally 
responsible of the pot 
"What does our Guru telling  
about those who are ignoring the 
Supreme Personality of  God 
Head ,Sri Krisna ?"
"If they refuse to taste the sweet, would they know the sweetness?"
" Appreciate it Krishna we thought 
only the soul developing 
from bad body to good body" . 
 " Ha...ha...This is  DUALITY 
like dual 
Passport  Subathra"
"What Krishna?"
"The happiness is 
sandwhiched  in between 
success and 
failure; happiness and 
sadness difficulties and 
relaxed ; rich and poor Am I correct Krishna?"
"Wow well said ! What a wonderful 
worldly welfare 
"Within thses myseries 
mesmerisingly, we are obliged 
to develop devotion too in 
our evolutionary process which is our 

"Now Time for tuition please 🙏".
Thanks Krishna 

The reason why we have been 
classified in three classes sacred souls 🙏

 "So krisna your cousin is in 
which level?"
"According to his point of 
"Overall we all are in our
Inorance view".
"Wow! What a Stupendous 
Science Krishna!"
"Did Darwin I mean Charles 
Darwin know it Krishna?"
"Why Krishna?"
"Because he was an impersonal like our own community members who are ignoring  the God and being with 33 millions demigods ".
"Who is to be blamed Krishna?".?
"Why Siva?"
"Because lord Krishna appears every 8,600,000,000 years ".
"Certainly that is eight billion six hundred millions years of Brahma's age  isn't it Krishna?".
"Correct Christina "
"Why Don't we simplify ,beautify and modify our learning pattern or our methodology Krishna ?".
"Why what's wrong with you Rudra?". 
"My small siblings do not catch up our Krishna Science"
"No worries would we watch in animation or cartoon version of vedic characters students?"
"Is it available Krishna wow!!!???"
"If it so amazing Krishna?"
"Why not?"
"What...what you find hard to learn whether it is the Bhagavad-Gita or Bhagawadam sweet hearts 💕 
"Bhagawadam Krishna ".
"Alright three,two one  steady ready go!??"
"In deed splendid Krishna yes you did Krishna we love to follow up the rest of the episodes to backup as it is such an entertaining and enlightening krishna ".
"By the way, why don't we watch the strom caused by the demigod Indran please krisna?"
"Up to you great hearts our  choice ;our devotion matter which makes distinct difference; our  experience matter which makes vedic vision; our lesson matter which gives us  assurance of blessing three...!"
"Krishna , our author's questions  analysis, giving a vedic vision we are soo ...soo hopeful, helpful and blissful of calling Krishna many times during each of our episodes".
"Certainly ,Christina  appreciate it could we carry on our own episode?"
"Hooray happy Krishna". 
"Why does Rajesh-Kanna is being  
bad with his best friend Krishna?"
"I think Rajesh Kanna 
predicted that if Sam comes 
to  know something so 
terrible  happened in this 
high extend to me, 
he would loose his patience 
certainly will display  his 
hidden fearful face sweet 
"I think however,when we are in 
stress and strain, we are 
not normal Krishna?"

"Absolutely we are in  
distress and our 
brain remains in 
extreme pain and agony Rata "

"What is distress Krishna?"
"Extreme anxiety, sorrowful 
state etc Roses "
 "What is strain Krishna?"
" Many meaning, injury by 
over stress or make an unusually great effort 
to pass an exam or while trying extremely extra 
effort to forget his girl etc". 
"Why Krishna?"
"In these circumstances, 
we all are  mentally 
handicapped as we are 
physically weak 
"Certainly Krishna,will take time 
to realize our own error 
and wrong opinions and then 
feel sorry in late life which is 
irreparable" .
"So krisna, he guessed accurately 
that Sam is going to 
announce  an annoying 
information of his 
"Sure Krishna Rajesh Kanna is a 
clever detector  we don't 
accuse him blindly?"

"Absolutely Rata"
 "What does accusing means Krishna?"

"Blaming Rudra"  

"In any case, Sam is going 
to announce  his quick 
departure, too Krishna".

"That's  why Sam delays"
"While returning back home 
after taking fresh air , they 
both felt better and  fresh,  
stepping in to Sam's 
home, Rajesh Kanna had shown a best 
Blessing 🌉 🌁  Bridge!"

"Pardon Krishna why Krishna?"
"Ha...ha...a beatiful Book which 
happily hooked his 
heart and regrettably 
reminded him what the guru 
said to him":
 "What his guru said to him 
"The heart is a film and mind 
is the lens,  when the heart 
films the 🌎  world, the lens 
turned towards the world 
and worldly pictures, will fall 
on the heart". 
"True Krishna"
" On the other hand ,,when the 
lens turn towards Kanna,it 
will transform our real form
and inform us of the 
Universal Form"
"Oh yeah its confirms our 
sacred eternal forms I mean 
eternal identity in the 
form of sacred soul Krishna?"
" Brilliant ! Therefore, always see 
good; do good; remember 
good and be good  so that the
goodness plant be urged to 
sprout and bloom fragrantly "
"Is it Krsna?"
"The book was ,Titled, 
"The Path of Perfection''
"He took it and kissed it as it 
was the book made him a 
man". One of the best blessing
"Does it mean studying for texts for 
Sadana Krishna?"
"Hundred percent Rata ".
''So studying our tuition 
conversation Krishna?".
"Of the nine steps in 
Spiritual Sadanas, we are 
covering the complete 
whole Siva."
"Please 🙏 narration! ".

"He glanced at Sam 
thankfully and faithfully 
softly and sweetly and  
certainly apologetically."
"Why Krishna?"
"In remembering  his 19th 
birthday present ".
"What was it Krishna?"
"Sam had given the same 
book named",
" The Path of Perfection ".
"Rajesh rolled up his black 
shirt's sleeve emotionally to 
express why he is being bad and 
show his hand full of his 
lover's name, 
"Kama" !!!    
" He wrote it by a 
"When was it Krishna?"
"A few years ago".
"All because he loves her as 
his fiance and believed her as his  
future wife . But since a 
few months  his relationship 
had been discontinued". 

"The partnership that he 
considered as the golden 
🚢 ⚓  ship and silver anchor 
are disappeared and 
disappointed him!"

"All his dreams  are 
destroyed as it was the poems written 
on the sand in the  beach⛱ ☂️"
Now he realised it was a 
delusion  as a sand 
ship vanished in the wave 
water of the ocean of 
"Now we understand that's 
why he was in a shock as  h
was unable to 
bear it Krishna?"

" Certainly, was a bit bad day as 
Sam usually avoid of being 
anger,but today after a long 
time, his attitude seems that 
he is going to be angry!"

"Certainly unlike the 
cinema heroes, unable to 
control their temper. He is in 
"To be or not to be; to 
act or not to act should be 
within the control of the 
"That's his policy and pretty philosophy Krishna?".
" Undoubtedly in his real life,  Sam has been 
making some Divine  heroes, who had been zeros 
in the past". 

"The distinguish 
was  in  nonviolence way like 
Gandhi;  a noble way in 
other words, a Supreme way."

"Unfortunately finding no 
way!!!! He was unable to 
control his anger!!!

"Ohh... oh 
dear Krishna!" 

"Although  he has been 
advising everyone not to be 
an angry person, today it may 
be  because of 
the symptoms of  past 
Karma, negative actions 
which have been expecting 
negative reactions from Smiling Sam".

"Anger, Desire and Fear are 
the foundations of 
 suffering Krishna".

" Definitely!Now  seeing his  favorite 
friend's tears and bad  
behaviour, Sam  was unable to control 
his temper a result, his 
gaze was narrowed and no 
wonder, badly affected him.  
His eyes deeply darkened like 
the midnight blue sky".


Hare Krisna

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