Our Mission of Tuition is the Torch of Knowledge 
Our Mission of Tuition is the Torch of Knowledge 

"We are not the wild weeds, But Beatitude Birds of  Double Degrees:Productive Seeds of Papa's Attractive Paddy Field Located By the Side of a Ruby River".

"God Morning πŸŒ„ Krishna Anna!"

"God Morning πŸŒ„! Hope you are 
doing well  students πŸ™?"

"Why not,we are fabulously fine we already have a 
happy habit of practicing   exercise and prayer as 
Daily Divine Duty Krishna

"Good πŸ‘ we are in divine line, 
doing is better than saying dears".

"We know, Krishna we not only listening and also
acting accurately, is the pretty prove  of approved that we are
Appah's students Krishna  Anna "

"Hummmmm... simply amazing to hear it divine Embodiments!".

"What  does it mean Krishna ?".

Pardon Pamitta ?"

"We are not the wild weeds, But Beatitude Birds of  Double Degrees?".
The response is just below which is the bestow
"Productive Seeds of Papa's Attractive Paddy Field Located By the Side of a Ruby River".
"What does the word  bestow  mean Krishna?"
"Award an honour or gift Meera ...
" how many wing does a bird have?"

"Simple... two wings Krishna"
"How many education a human has?"
" One Krishna"

"Yeah Ha...ha... in five levels Krishna ". 
1)" The Nursery, Krishna "
2) "The Primary Krishna "
3)" The Secondary Krishna ",
4)"The College Krishna "
5) The University Krishna ".
" School... school... school...!
What about sacred soul study children?"
"True! We worried only  of our outter body education not inner soul self study Krishna".
" Yeah about the Father's Athma/soul  and Paramathma/Supreme Soul?"
"That doesn't matter Krishna Anna our teachers don't bother of blessing bridge or beatitude"

"What does mean BEATITUDE Krishna?"
"Blessedness babies wordings of Lord Jesus too" 
"So a single wing is a only a matter of material education of our outer  body study Krishna ?"
"Why not Krishna ?
Divine ,the inner body or delve stuff doesn't fit in our microscopes, so nobody cares Krishna" 
"What does mean,  delve Krishna Anna?"
"Insight knowledge of spirit or ourselves". 

"Are we the productive Seeds of Papa's Attractive
 Field Krishna ?".
" Yeah. The first education is the sacred soul study which represents one of the two bird's wings ".
 "Of course, the school educations represents the second wing Krishna"
"Certainly Christina". 
"Isn't it dangerous of flying in one wing Krishna Anna?"
"Sure Sarah" 
"We don't have one wing so 
we didn't try flying yet Krishna ".
" πŸ‘πŸ‘ πŸ‘πŸ‘

"Oh ha...ha... glad !... You got it  
Sarah as we all  are in Two 
Wings Tuition!" 
Brilliant πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘!!!!

"What kind of exercises you have been practicing Sam?"
"Exercise Krishna Anna?"
"Yes proceed one by one please?". 
"Early wake up Krishna, 
shower Krishna,
 cleansing Krishna,
plenty of water Krishna,
 sun baths Krishna,
happy hugging etc Krishna"
Balanced diet Krishna 


"This sounds simply our obligation daily duty  "
" Ha....ha... yeah only our daily 
routine Krishna!"
"Any way ,thank you soooo much Sam. 
Our happiness is all of  
your happiness too".

"Look here Krishna !!!!
What... what is there behind our class did  not even notice the 

nicest park  bench Krishna!!!!

"Yeah!!!A lovely garden !!!"

"Could...could we sit 

here and study Krishna Anna?".

"No objection we are Originator's students" 

         "Hummmmm Hummmmm heavenly 


"Krishna, could I ask you a 
personal question ?"

"Hummmmm Hummmmm 

"Why the dates of episodes are muddled up".
"We usually share our episodes after the  confirmation of Mr K.Soul ,but he has been busy on holidays students".
"Where was it Krishna?" 
"Germany regarding a wedding. "

"Krishna, we met him with his family in Germany".
"Where was it Subathra?".

"In a beautiful wedding hall with delightful traditional drums music rythamically reminding Hindu temple Krishna "

"Really Subathra ?"

"Anything interesting because according to the Vedas,  it's says that a Krishna devotee will not waste his time unnecessarily".
"Pardon Krishna?"
"The devotees spend their time  in the process of krisna consciousness  unless there is a chance of promoting Papa's Bhackti-Yoga by Bhagavad-Gita into Putty -Yoga".
"Ha...ha... Mr K.Soul didn't have a chance to do so as usual Krishna ."
"We sincerely feel sorry for him  Subathra ".
 "But...but still he did it dynamically in a matter of few minutes as a beautiful blessing of the married  couple Krishna ".
"How he managed to do it  Subathra because this is Kali-Yuga?"
"I don't know he was  providing  the well wedded couple a Bhagavad-Gita, a pocket sized Gita in yellow colour, unpacked visible  to the audience Krishna ".

"The wonder was , as soon as he gave the Godly gift together with the Bhagavad-Gita, to the married couple, they amazingly astonished thankfully Krishna!".
"We wonder why was it because now a days people are in five different sections in Hinduism Subathra"

"Was...was it because that was not the correct location and incorrect occasion to read the Bhagavad-Gita Krishna ?"

" Noooooo you know what they said Krishna?"
"No Subathra no!". 
" Both bride and bridegroom   surprisingly smiled, simultaneously".

"What was it Subathra?".
 'They said that the bridegroom has been seeking this book since long time!" 
"Unbelievable Subathra how did they already know that the Bhagawadgita is  such a bridge of blessing? ".
"I don't know Krishna ".
"Are you kidding how did yoooooou know Subathra?"
"As soon as the delightful dancers programmes was over , Mr K.Soul appeared with a casual outfit".
"Krishna, it's an English tuition why does she talk without details of his appearance Krishna?"
 "Ha...ha... he was wearing a brown blazer ,black trousers and shirt with a butter colour waistcoat and black shoes he appeared in a state where both bride and bridegroom were beautifully seated in the middle of their friends, families relatives and crews of camera men to film in vidio"   
"Is it his casual outfit  Krishna?"
"Actually from his early twenty, his casual outfit is a blazer, a shirt and trousers with a belt. However ,whenever he attends auspicious locations ,he wears traditional silk in white and white". 

"Nevertheless the weather need to be considered isn't it Krishna?"
"Sure Sarah" 
" Ha...ha...sooner he was  thanking the dancers, people were requested to have their delicious dishes which were luxuriously set up by the side of the massive hall deliciously simelling and  mouth watering meals ".
"Was it self service?"
"No with waiters Siva"
 "Then !What he did ?"
 "He thanked them for their excellent efforts, and introducing him as he was the married couple's uncle from London and he honestly , declared why he decided to deliver a short  blessing speech for the newly married couple publicly ".
"How on earth his mission was successfully achieved by the couple themselves?"
"Miracle does happen Krishna" 
"But we wondered of hearing AUM mantra from him for the very first  time Krishna!".

"In microphone Subathra ?!".
"Yeah  Krishna !"
"May be whenever Mr K.Soul could  not thought through the speech thoroughly, he does so to make his mind calm, relaxed and bring the pressure down Subathra ".
" Oh...Nice to know it Krishna!!!"
"And then Subathra?"
"He chanted  the greatest Gayatry Mantra Krishna in a soft tone and pretty slow motion dividing into four parts of the mantra carefully".

 "What does it mean the Aum Mantra Krishna?"
"Just meditating Om chanting helps in improving concentration and memory and restore the balance of mind and energy of the individual ".
"Gayatry Krishna?"
"As already we know that the Gayatri Mantra is to do with three auspiciously  amazing  aspects. "

"What are they Krishna please?".

1) Praise Krishna kindly 
2) Meditate upon Krishna honestly 
3) πŸ™ Pray upon Krishna or Visnu Vedicaly as Gayatry Mantra all alone has the extract components of the four Vedas. 

"Oh goodness  four Vedas Krishna?"
"Exactly that's an empowered education of Baba, too"
"Really... luckily we all are following up on his request Krishna". 
"Sure best of all, meditating of Om on a regular basis calms and relaxes the mind and the body decreases the blood pressure and helps in maintaining a healthy rhythmic heart beat". 
"Are you sure Krishna?"
"As sure as the sun rises on daily basis Balaraman !"
"Isn't it interesting Krishna?"
"How it does so Krishna?".
"As aum is the vibration by which the Supreme Lord's  Sacred Spirit brings all things in to manifestation ".
"What does mean manifestation Krishna?"
"A manifestation is something spiritual become real and... and... and".
"Can we hear it Krishna By the way, let us watch how?"
"That's all Subathra?"

"He briefly mentioned to refer to chapter four to hear Krishna Science in  Text 1 Peter"
"Wow short and sweet Science of Krishna  ha....ha...we still wonder how a Western  born young couple enthusiastic in devotion direction Krishna!!?".
"Certainly Christina it's certain that Krishna is being with us". 
"Excuse meee I have a video to share Krishna "
"What was it Tulsy?" 
"IMF Chief ,World Bank 
praised Indian prime minister 
and their growth". 
"So what ...what is the point of watching it Tulsy?"
"Especially we inspired how an Indian 
"Finance Minister was pretty praised Krishna ".
"What was her name Tulsy?"
"Sita Raman who is 
an ardent devotee of Lord 
Krishna πŸ™".
"Appreciate it let's learn lessons from her one two three":
 "God grace πŸ™"

"Still we would like to know 
why you look sad how is 
your Stock and Share 
going on unsuccessfully?"

"Why you don't share Krishna?". 

"A bit bad students".

"How bad please".
"Please mind our own 
businesses right?"

"Because lots of crashes due 
to difficulties at the 
present serious situation of 
Sri lanka Krishna that's why 
we are worried Krishna?"

"We didn't ever  think that 
we would share this kind of 
situation students which is 
pretty personal students  ".

However, as we often talk , 
anything is 
possible any time any where 
for anybody Krishna." 

"I prefer keep it as a personal 
matter Peter"

"The responsibilities of our 
tuition, Mission are of a 
high order. The readers are 
anxious of our actions 
Krishna Anna".
"Why you insist me dear divine Embodiments?"

"We do not take it as only our 
own sake that is simply 
fake Krishna we have 
to be frank with  the 
audience Krishna ".

"Yeah !!! We are so so sad 
Krishna  Anna this TUITION
has to lead the students along 
the Path of Papa and it's  
 a matter of  life like history 
we are going to make a 
glory. Isn't it our history of 
glory Krishna?"


"Along the understanding of  
the position " I"
To the position "WE". Krishna "

"Pardon me for the hesitating 
all because of heavy 
heart I.... "

"Krisna  ! We have to 
sublimate all work as 


"With that out look the 
author hooked many sacred 
hearted students through the 
book of The Great 
Hearts you have a 
responsibility of Promoting 
it Krisna".

" Ye Ruby is correct Krishna!Only 
then we can justify our 
responsibility in 
this auspicious TUITION 
Krishna " 

"What's wrong with you Krishna ?"

"Through the members and 
students of this MISSION OF
TUITION,  , all mankind has to  be attracted along the PATH OF SADANA/challenge Krishna ".

"Sure our gurus regularly 
requested us...
"Alright... Alright  
sharing with 
heavy heart, "

 "Matter  of fact , in a  matter 
of minutes,  some 
of  the capital gained, 
had  been vanished sweet hearts !" 

"Ohhhhhhh goodness!!! We sinsincerely so so sorry πŸ™ 
for that Krishna "

"What was it Krishna ?"


"Ohhhhhhh goodness it 
would  be much worse  and 
worried than we thought Krishna".

"How much please ??".
"Just below half a million 
Srilankan currency had been 
vanished in a matter of a few 
minutes students".
"Wow you gained sky high 
Krishn !"

"We are talking about the 
lost Rudra".

"I am talking about the 
profits he made Sarah... to 
encourage him".

"Silent please!" 

"Don't worry Krishna we need 
to  take the failure as the 
steps  forward   success πŸ‘".

"Thank you pretty 
encouraging students."

"God bless you Krishna "

"Appreciate it Sam".

"Doesn't  it the seva to entire 
jiva is the most vital 
and valid victory Krisna?"  

"Sure doing something to the 
society according our  

"Then why we loose Krishna... 
why Krishna  why?"

" These are the exam to 
purify our personality". 

See the IMF, Eastern and 
Western work together like 
two wings working happily 
although our country lost a 
mountenious money in 
comparison to that,  our 
is a tiny penny Krishna ".

"Oh yeee   we saw someone 
,a beautiful  
woman called SithaRaman  
with a colourful sary and 
wonder woman with a white 
blazer successfully convinced 
the first fund from IMF to Srilanka. Krishna!"

"Union is strong and strength 
we will pray for  you 
Krishna Anna ". 

" true the Indian Finance minister is an ardent Krishna devotee and trying to convince IMF to allocate a few  billions to our country urgently Krishna ?"

"Certainly Christina she is not only an ardent devotee 
of  Krishna, but also a PhD in economics degreed 
in London and...and...and"

"Provide prove please Krishna πŸ™"

"No problem open the 
beautiful red curtain Peter"
She is an ardent devotee of  
Lord Krishna ".

"Fantastic...  fundraising such 
a  professional 
programme by Krishna's 
devotee economist and 
Finance Minister the Krishna".

"True Rata".

"Why India involved Krishna?"

"As a sponsorship Sarah ".

"In the event Srilanka fails to 
refund, does India 
responsible for refund Krishna?."

"Exactly Ruby". 

"I am already in an angry 
mood which triggered 
hearing Krishna Anna's 
saddened story Krishna "

" Oh goodness !!!!
Why Durga... 

Are you really, really  mean our 
Mission is  Dharma Krishna?"

"Yes, why  have you got a 
doubt about it ?"

"My parents argued Krishna"

"What was it?"

"How can we ever transform 
the nastiest nature of some 
ignorance children or  
arrogant adults 
by the words we simply 
uttering  or chanting Krishna ?".

"You meant the  Maha 

"Yes Krishna"

"Was it their argument ?"
"As  unfortunately we have 
no idea of 
the vital Vedas Krishna "

"Correct Christina !".

"Is it such a valuable 
vitality be of discovery of our identity but Krishna πŸ’ž?".

  "Definitely Durga definitely 
there are different 
different level of learning 
because there are 
different different 
qualifications and 
destinations all depends on the three modes of people  ".

"Doesn't it   like the 
three aspects which urging 
us to be angry Krishna ".

 "Sure ! So sweet of you 
What are they again please "

1)Kama, (Desire )
2)Lobha  Greedy and 
3) Krodha and Anger Krishna 

Well said πŸ‘ πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘ 

"What we asked as a task is, how we focus and assess in success with beautiful bless like this beautiful garden.

"Does Maha Mandra Meditation has tremendous reactions Krishna?"
"Last lesson  we pleased everyone to pray this session we  witnessed what happened in the video Krishna" 
"Sure Sarah!". 
"What is assess Krishna ?"
"Means calculate and estimate the valus Rata"
"Thanks  Krisna  ?"
"We are pleased to provide pudding proves πŸ˜€ "
"Does Veda is  such valid Krishna?"
"Tremendous!This DHARMA related Vedas are not men 
manipulation,  but God's donation isn't it Krishna? !".

"Does it to escape from 
KARMA Krishna ?"
"You request  to keep on repeating  the Maha Mandra regularly like Prahalatha Krishna".
"Yes! Ha...ha...what's wrong with it Durga? "
"Would you tell us how can you  guarantee it has an excellent effect for our successful  and powerful affect in  our daily activities Krishna?"
" Oh this is difficult task you better ask to someone who has the best knowledge of Science of Self-Realisation Krishna. "
"We have no one else Krishna  Anna we are separatists  and desperate to quench Krishna".
"What does mean quench Krishna?"
"Satisfy  thirst or put out a fire".
"We are behind millions of demigods ignoring the real God so we are   desperate to know the One, Athma and Paramathma with  evidences Krishna".
"Alright πŸ‘ brave appreciate  your challenge I thought you are the "wild weeds" which do not need effort  as they  are growing anywhere and everywhere and being destructive in Krishna πŸ’ž"
"We are not wild weeds we are productive seeds like paddy field in the title topic subject matter !We work harder and harder to understand the Father aren't we Krishna?". 
"Pretty proud of you Pamitta"
"This productive Papa's paddy field does not simply grow blindly anywhere and everywhere Krishna".
"Certainly Balaraman".
 "What is the question again Mary I am very forgetful?"
"Evidence of effect of Maha Mantra successfully and powerfully isn't it Krishna?"
"Why we need evidence Krishna?"
"Because we always must make sure whether we are worthy workers by successfully sacrificing our time as gold Krishna  " 

"Why you are in doubt we have to slash the doubts by our πŸ”¦πŸ”¦πŸ”¦πŸ”¦ torch of knowledge right?" the way our on line students are happy with the  "La Ba" music Krishna ".
"It's  true Krishna  in our mind, we thought of Sam and Marina sir so so soft what a πŸ’˜ lovely language sir ❤!"
"The tremendous theme was warningly heart touching Krishna "
"What is Theme Krishna ?"
"The main idea of the story line or the subject matter πŸ’†‍♀️ Ruby" 
"We thank Christina   "  
"You are welcome Krishna "
"Krishna you cc can't escape we locked πŸ€ͺ the bathroom door".
 " Ha...ha...O K...OK ...Can I have some air out side please?" 
"No it's locked down Krishna "
"Alright then what do you want to know Rudra rowdy sorry Rudra Ruby"
"Have the  Nama-Samkirtana in other words,
"Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna
 Krishna Krishna 
Hare Hare
 Hare Rama
 Hare Rama
 Rama Rama
 Hare Hare?"
"Has it got any valuable aspects Krishna ??"
"Why not?"
"We are always busy even our grandparents are busy over the phone πŸ“± Krishna ".

" Ha...ha... actually the Samkirtana is to cast away our ignorance style of life sweet ❤ 🀍 πŸ’™ hearts  "

"What is the point of repetition of the Name of Krishna? 
"It's boring Krishna ?"
"It is after all,  a sound scientifically speaking "
"Are we mad of spending our times in vain and... and... end up in  pain Krishna ?"

"Can it cleans or corrects our corrupted πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’ minds Krishna ?"

"Ohhhhhhhh loooooook Oh dear!!!!!
Over there is a serious πŸ¦‚ scorpion Durga"

  "Suuuu silent  move slowly please!!"
! we can't sir I am so scared seriously !
"Why all of you are  screaming so loudly stop running away?" 
"Where is it Krishna  ?!"
"Ha...ha...I just tested Durga "
"Why sir we were scared seriously you are being nnnnnnnaughty Krishna !"
"Ha...ha...just to put the  pudding prove whether a simple Name has an humble effect or not sacred students
"Pardon Krishna ?"
 "Sorry about it".
 "So imagine how worthwhile of calling God's names?" 
"We don't get the point Krishna !"
After all, when I said   the name of an insect, scorpion πŸ¦‚ you all went out of the classroom".
"Oh you mean  overall, even the sound of an insect has such effect"
"Absolutely Meera"
 "Now could we imagine the reaction of the splendid  Name of the heavenly embodied; spiritually made and Vedicaly empowered Engineer".

"Have you still have any  room for doubt?"

"Excellent  effort Krishna "
"Thank you Sam"
" Excuse meee ! What are you drinking sir in the middle of the session?"
"Mmmmm Jummy...Jummy!!!!  My  mummy made me mind blowing lemon  juice πŸ‹ πŸ‹ πŸ‹ πŸ‹ πŸ‹".

 "πŸ‹ πŸ‹ πŸ‹lemon juice sir!!!!
 Mmmmmmm Jummy mouth watering Krishna "

"Sir ,we too feel thirsty and  mouth watering!!!
Can...can  we have some πŸ‹ πŸ‹lemon juice please?"
"Ha...ha...again  overall, I just  told you the name of  a πŸ‹ lemon.
"Didn't I,?"
"Yes Krishna "
"See how we all are reacting?"

"Ha...ha...  so you are not drinking the lemon juice Krishna ?"

" !Sweet πŸ’– ❤ 🀍 πŸ’™ 🧑 🧑 hearts!
 Juat....just a matter of a name of the fruit!" 

We wonder how the Nama" Samkirtana will be charging us with graceful ⚛ atoms!"
"When we say the name of the Originator hasn't It have the reactions 🀣 πŸ˜‚ ???" 

"Super Krishna  πŸ‘  🍫 !" 

"Imagine regular repetitive of our Originator's attractive Name haven't they got pretty productive reactions?!"
"Hundred percent πŸ’― Krishna ".

"What is the meaning of  
Moksha Krishna ?"

 "Liberation lovely children "

"Can we achieve it in a 
similar way of Prahalatha?"

Yes such sacred Maha Mantra 
Meditation 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️ ✨ 
especially in Kali-Yuga ." 

"You need any more proof?"

" you Krishna   ha...ha...

we are scared of scorpion 
and mouth watering πŸ‹ πŸ‹ πŸ‹ πŸ‹ 
juice Krishna !"


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