The personality of GodHead, Lord Sri Krishna, said:
I instructed this imperishable Science of yoga to the  sun-god,Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku Chapter 4, Text 1

The Science of Bhakti -Yoga

"The BhagavadGita "As It Is",  Describes  How to 
Transform Our Work in to Worship" 

"Why Krishna Anna? "

"To get out of the sinking ship Kanna"

"How Krishna I'm not Kanna but Balarama?" 

"He who in  knowledge of Me, I consider to be just like My own self "
Text 18 , Chapter Seven.

"Wow!!!Which Provides us an anchor, in our hardship through Divine relationship which allows to access to the Divine Door , Disciplines Direction of Divine Ship".

"Krishna we wish we knew a bit more about the picture above "

"What does it mean Mary?"

"We know who is the top in the title picture who is the second one on left with red and white garment Krishna?

"He is the sun God, Vivasvan Mary "

"We understand Lord krishna instructed Krisna science to Vivasvan but we would like  to know to whom Vivasvan instructed it Krishna ?"

"He instructed it to Manu Rudra "

"Manu or Menu Krishna we only know many menus because our university friends of my sister only introduced us some restaurants menus of delicious diseases Krishna" 
"Pardon Rudra diseases of dishes ha...ha...?"

"Both dishes and diseases Krishna ".

"Oh goodness that's not Goodness class which is Ignorance Class Rudra "
"What are you talking about Krishna?"

"Below the topic picture ."

"Where Krishna?"
"You can read below it's being mentioned Manu the father of mankind" 

"Ohhhhhhhh loooooook we can read ,and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku Krishna "
The same subject matter K.Soul reminded to the well wedded couple in Germany to read Text 1, Chapter Four titled, " Transcendental Knowledge "

" Have  the saintly Kings being  created with personal   godly involvement Krishna?"

"Exactly "
"How grace we too created by them Krishna?"

"Obviously great hearts πŸ’• "

"Evidence Krishna please?" 

"Chapter ten,  text six" the seven great sages and before them the four other great sages and the Manus ( progenitors of mankind) come from Me , born from My mind , and the living beings populating the various planets decend from them dear darlings. "

"How many Manus Krishna?"

"14 Manus like French King Louise Krishna one two three up to many 14 or over Louise Kings in France Krishna??

"Sure Sarah "

"What about Bramah Krishna?"

"He is the original creature born out of the energy  of the Supreme Lord"

"Krishna, Lord Bhrama is the original creature or creator are you so  so
forgetful Krishna ?"

" He is the first CREATURE and from him creation began. " 

"What !!!!????
We...we wonder what you are teaching Krishna? "

"Ha...ha...He  is known as Hiranyagarbha. And from Bramah, all the seven sages, and before them four other great sages, nameded 
1) Sanaka,
2) Sananda,
3) Sanatana and
 4) Sanat-Kumara, 

And ...and the fourteen Manus

"Thanks thousands times Krishna !??"

"Could we remind our previous session please πŸ™?".

"So having knowledge of Krishna and being gratitude to the Supreme God cancelling the cancerous criminal minds sets Krishna??"

"Hundred percent Peter hundred percent!" 

"What ...where was it Krishna ?"

"In Chapter 9 Text 30 Lord's words:

"Even if one commit the most abominable action,  if he is engaged in devotional service ,  he is to be considered saintly because he is properly situated in his determination. "

2"God Morning πŸŒ„  Krishna πŸ™ we really really indeed indebted to you Krishna and we agree why you disagree the degree holders restaurant menus knowledge...
unknowing and ignoring the Kings Manus's Knowledge is a cause of our continuous bondage Krishna".

"God Morning Everyone you agree or disagree even a tree is not free ha...ha..ha...we all are controlled  so be pure gold not roll gold great πŸ’• hearts πŸ’• ".

"How to transform our work into worship Krishna Anna ?".

"In enhancing eternal partnership with  our Lordship students"

"How Krisna how does it work Krishna???"

"That's what we are doing don't we  Krishna ?"

"What we are doing Pamitta?"

"Self-Science study Krishna ".

"Say again please πŸ™ ". 

"Learning of the inner Engineer Who lives in everyone and every thing Krishna".

"So we all are one from the Divine One and there is no second One Krishna?".

"Correct  "
"To Recognize the Unity of divinity, what we  need, Krishna Anna?"

 "Training Great hearts ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️?"

"So to  recognize the disciplines Krishna Anna?"

"We need training, too ".

"What does disciplines mean Krishna Anna?"

"Obedience, Obeisance to Lord Krishna "

" On Originator KRISHNA ?"

"Well said Sarah!".

"Does it describe humble and respect Krishna Anna?".

"Surely Sudah"

"Does it the subject matter of Bhagavad Gita"As It Is" Krishna ?"

"True! The subject matter of Gita, is realising the object matter of the ancient text that inform  how to transform one's work in to Yoga 🧘‍♀️" 

"Does it  to confirm that we need not bring in our Originator from somewhere outside us as He is inside us Krishna?".

"Brilliant πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘"

"Then why we set aside our Papa and being beside many  although the originator inside even in the demigods Krishna ?"

"Because Union is strong the demigods involved outer body welfare,too Krishna".

"Pardon ?". 

"Such as rain, sun,grain etc...etc... Krishna 

"But why we are  out 
  of grain now in Srilanka?"

"Oh it is because  lack of  brain Krishna "


"Our ship 🚒 is sinking Krishna Anna like Titanic 🚒 in England 100 years ago"

"Brilliant Balaraman πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘!!!

"In this condition life, we need assurance of sacred souls security insurance Krishna."

 "Krishna, we need both security of our outer body and inner body?".
"So as we have already quoted, in chapter Seven text 14 ,there are two ways one is  conditional another one is constitutionsl.

"By the way it's not in Text 14 but Text 30 Krishna and chapter nine Krishna".

"Really appreciate it Sam it's a matter of testing my students' concentration ha..ha....". 

" That  is only possible by our Originator, Supreme Body Krishna?".

"The Bhagavad Gita "As It Is",  Describes  How to 
Transform Our Work in to Worship students "

" πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ 
"What is the benefit  of being in constitutional position in other words spiritual position or transcendental position Krishna πŸ’ž?".

"What does Divine Papa's protection mean Krisna?"

"Both wealthy and healthy eternally."

"Pardon Krishna?"

"Which Provides Divine Disciplines , Allows  us to experience Eternal Engineer in everyone and everything ."

"Does it allow one to experience Papa in everyone and every atom Krishna?".

"Absolutely Renuga ".

" At the same time be liberated isn't it Krishna?  ".


"How.. how Krishna πŸ’ž?".

"Grace of  the Science of Self-Realisation and being beside Papa leaving demigods aside". 

"We couldn't understand Krishna  Anna?".

"We are not only the body?"

"We are SELF/SELVES (a person's  particular eternal nature within us).


" Thank you !

Right πŸ‘ Who is  Sam Anna?"

"What kind of  question is it?!".

"He is the preceptor doesn't he Krishna? "

 "Yes a good metaphor sure he is a teacher students" 

"Does every one accept his precept and concept Krishna?"

"Excuse me Krishna what does mean ,a  preceptor?"

"A teacher Krishna".

"Does he teach the general rule about  how to behave and what to do and  think?"

" πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘!!!".

"That is precept isn't it Krishna?". 


"Today is the time to depart!"

"Paaaardon Krishna !!!" 

"Who departs Krishna?

"Is it  RajahbakSha Krishna ha...ha...our president Krishna?" 

"No ha...ha...Our Sam departs Sarah"

"Ohhhhhhhh my God!...

"Why Sam and not him Krishna?"

"So so  Sorry Krishna how do we accept this concept "πŸ™ 

" Don't worry!We said we accept his concept Krishna Anna..."

"...Why he departs Krishna?"

"We all know why Krishna "

"Then  who is going to impart the quality of  individuals to the people in His home 🏠 country  Krishna?"

"What does mean  impart Krishna?"

"Provide information give  particular quality Sarah" 

" Impossible to imagine ...that...Sam is going to depart while the ship is sinking in the country Krishna !!!"

"Certainly Siva correctly said". 

"Who is going to ensure the peace and thereby bring the universal peace  
especially in Srilanka Krishna ??"

"Sam's friends sweet hearts when  the Titanic ship was sinking with thousands of 
passengers, there was no communication facilities as it was  100 years ago sweet 
hearts πŸ’•πŸ’ž πŸ’œ !

"Was it that  easy case now Krishna? "!"

"No not at all ".
"Then why we let him go Krishna?"

"Moreover ,when the massive ship is sinking could the   passengers can be  rescued 
totally Krishna?"
"No ."

"How can we be rescued Krishna Anna?"

"Communicating with the  World Bank Krishna?"

"Pardon Peter?"

"IMF Krisna ".

"That's great of you're concerning of our country current currency floating foolisly Peter".

"Haven't we've done everything we could  ?"

"Haven't we done so Peter??"

"It is under process Krishna Anna ".

"So just ...just...changing the government wouldn't work Krishna Anna?"

"To conduct another election, we need many millions dollars dear chocolates ".

"Have we got Krishna? ?"

"How we keep on inputting without output? "

In put... in put... and input how to expect positive and  
productive out come Krishna?"

"What you would suggest Krishna Anna?"

"Oh just a minute I saw Sam haven't you ? ...

"No Krishna we would like to see him Krishna ".

"Sam !!!!
Would you like to come over  say , "Hello"  

and" good bye " to our on line students from London ?".

 "Does Sam is coming Krishna πŸ’ž?".

"He is already here Rata".

"Ha...ha... I don't mind , Hello everyone!!!"

"Hi Sam  Anna we are going to  miss you a lot".

"Could you tell  something which we don't forget Sam Anna?".

" would like to know how you would 

safe our country if you had been allocated 5 billion 

dollars Sam?"

"Oh goodness I would be running away  with my girlfriend".





"To be brief, first we set up the debts    payments".

"In that point ,you would be running out of money for the 

daily  expenditure to run  the whole country Sam Anna!".

"Hold don't a minute please!"

 "We  make  an arrangement, but not settling of the debts on the spot ." 

"Ohhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees!".

"You mean  after  a settled state of the present crash Krishna?". 

"Certainly !".

"How we would repair the crash Sam?".

"At the garage?". 


" meant the debts Sam Anna."

"As we know, our in put must  make strong  out put.


"Where you put and  where you get?"

First of all,, open the companies which have been  closed down".

"Example because there are 300 already closed down Sam Anna ?"

"Vallaisenai Paper Factory,

Does it mean Banana orchard?


sugar factory, other government companies which involves  increasing productivity and incomes".

"What incomes?"

"Taxes and  improvements of employments". 

"Second of all,  invest in agriculture ?"

"Why Sam?"

"To increases the productivity especially  household  foods and tea".

"Next Sam  Anna?"

"Since we lost the gold, silver and gems which are the back bone of the assets of our 
economy, we employ mine workers. 

"And then Krishna πŸ’ž?"

"Best of all,  we plant power stations and facilitating  natural   powers such as    
solar  air, water  etc... ".

"What kinds of incomes  you expect as revenue apart from goods from the miners 
and farmers ?"

"Since they are depending on daily wages, they will be spending on and 

on which is very good for the economy".

"We appreciate .However,  last of all, you have the concrete concept of:

1) Export 2) Employments 3) Productivities4) energy 5) assets 


"You haven't spoken of the broken hearts who have  been left without means to 
meet their basic needs Including meals."

  "We  understand the twins tragic and our tied  time."  
"Sure Sam anna".

"Doesn't it important of dealing our economic situation?"

"Aren't  our  hungry  tummies are the  most priority Sam Anna?"

 "  As a  matter of fact, managing simultaneously  our maintenance and   our economy are priority  debts,  but in order to find a firm  remedy of our long running tragedy, we have to be supportive selective and constructive  "

  "We appreciate it Sam Anna with tolerance  ,we have to make a difference, by  
managing our maintenance".

But., but who would invest?you would like to focus  and invest on economy?" 

"With Indian fuel, foods and loans we cannot live long Sam Anna". 

"But why can't we manage the maintenance for a short 
period meanwhile, we quickly develop our economy".

 "Oh !!! That's  what 

you meant?".


"Brilliant πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


"We πŸ’˜ love you Sam ❤️!" 

"What about the interest payments of the bonds and borrows?" 

"We are not interested in interest".

 Ha... ha...ha...



"God bless you Sam Anna we 

are going to miss you!".

"Kind of you ". 

"Thank you take care of you and take your seats please...see you later." 

"Bye bye...  you spoke pretty powerfully, effectively, 

cleverly and successfully ".

"I know it...ha...ha...ha...!".





"So Smiling Sam is leaving?...In leaving  other peoples seriously?". 

"Yes !!!The preset destiny only can be reset by divinity darling Durga"

"We are totally upset Krishna Anna!".


"Who is capable of  replacing Sam ??"

 "His friends, families, audiences's  prayers 🍫 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫" 

"Who Krishna?"

"We are the world we are the worshipers and we are the citizens great hearts πŸ’•πŸ’•


"Are they all are interested in our Mission or Tuition?".


"I don't think so Krishna Anna".

"What's wrong with you Retna?"

"Apart from our own interests, we have no 
interest  in others matters   like Sam does "

" Certainly  Rata is correct ."

 "We all are only interested in our own problems and Prosperous  ".

"Could anyone is going to worry of all and help the peoples in 

fostering unity and love in societies like Sam does?"  

"Paaaardon ?"


" What is the prime purpose of Vedas Krishna Anna"
"Pardon Pamitta?"

"Aren't we are in our Mission grace of Sam's devotional activities ?"


"The seeds of his massage are already growing up as saplings Krishna Anna!"
"What is saplings  ?"

"Young trees Mary"

"Who... who is going to water the saplings  in Sam's absence ? "
"Where Krishna?..."

"What are you talking about Sudah?"

" I mean the garden of the Upanishad !Vedas and  Bhagavad Gita "As It Is"  without fraudulent frutive activity"  .

We all are sharing in watering the saplings which already growing  up and blossoming in the gardens of the children's hearts great hearts "

 " Ha...ha... hold on a second, in fact, we learned  that is how in  the ancient Sasthira work through saints "

 "Thank youuuuu !!! Yes great  gurus are mentioning in their discussions and in books the same things as you all are saying Meera"

"What was it ?"

"Education must impart those qualities in the 

individual that will ensure peace, and 


peace. It should cleans the mind of all traces of 

narrowness and help in fostering unity"

"Who bothers of this message of Vedas Anna ;who cares  these are the goal of education and who wants to be blessed  soulfully Krishna?"

"Why ?"

"Don't we see the wonder winds carried the fragrance of their (ananda )bliss of the Science of Self-Realisation in to the four corners of the world by four Vedas" 
"We do not get it KrishnaAnna" 

"Why we all are  learning and sharing Christina?"

"To vitalise and awaken the people of all the continents  in order to increase the Punniya/pious by being in awareness of Vedas" 

Brilliant boy and brilliant evidence πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ˜€ πŸ‘Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ˜„ 

"Excuses me isn'it time for tuition Krishna πŸ’ž?!" 

"Yes Anna!".

"Does Sam know his departure is  going to affect his devotional service Krishna?"

" On contrary,  it will increase Peter"

" Excuse me I am puzzled Krishna...

" Who is  leaving from Srilanka Krishna?"

" Sam is leaving from  Srilanka! ?"

" Where does he go Krishna?"

" London 🌹πŸ₯€Roses?"

"So Krishna  do you guarantee that 

Sam's departure doesn't disturb the devotional service or our NARRATION?"

"Absolutely Meera trust me"

"Thank you soooo much Krishna πŸ‘"

"When does he leave Krishna ?"  

"Today evening flight Rata"

"Is it the subject matter today Krishna ?" 

"Definitely Durga it's the 

chapter matter ,Sam is a book " 

"Unbelievable ! Is ...Is   Sam Separating from his mother land Krishna ?"

"Correct  Mary" 

"It's going to be a sad day for his parents Krishna πŸ’ž!"

 "Definitely Durga definitely!" 

  "I think his friends are going to be worried too much Krishna".

"Of course, because he is a man of principles".

"Why you always say he is a special person  what about us  ha...ha...?"

"My apology .
What...  what I really mean is, he cares  the  Father; he teaches his society  and he wants to live with the world 🌎  for ever as unity and eternity "

"How Krishna   how...overall our life is a delusion isn't it Krishna ?"

a kind of illusion Krishna?"

"Sorry  Sudah what you say?" 

"I mean  Maya no one is  going to stay in the  world forever and never going stop the repeated  births Krishna because of our IGNORANCE CLASS in  comparison of Sathiya-Yuga, people would live 100,000 years."

"Now How long we live Ha...ha..."

Everyone going to stay forever dear divine embodiments". 

"Whaaaaat what do you mean DIVINE EMBODIMENTS ?"

"Means we are embodied as a partial of diversity; a packet of jewel ;a gem in our body is the power of ourselves which cannot...
cannot be destroyed it is not subject to decay;which is not subject to decline or it is not subject to death"

"No way we all walk away now Krishna" 

"When we give a way of godly guidelines in divine line, it will stay all the way up to the godly goal Roses 🌹 🌹 🌹 πŸ₯€" 

"I got it exactly what is your intend and tendency " 

"What is it Pamitta?" 

"As we already have been keen  on our on line Mission of devotion,we are being blessing bridges for some sacred souls Krishna".
"Absolutely Retna we are learning and sharing graciously"

"However,  some are taking who have the past Punniya whereas some are not taking lack of piousor impiousor Punniya.... "

"Very good Retna".

''Hold don't Krishna  "


" I did not finish it Krishna  !!!!"


"Meanwhile, others are ignoring. Certainly it is up to their understanding and advantages in evolutionary process in the creation of development".

"Excellent effort πŸ‘ πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘"! 

"What is intend and tendency Krishna?"

"Can I say  what I think Krishna?"

"Please do it Rata"

"Intend means Aim Krishna "

 "What is tendency Rata?"

"Interest Krishna "

 "Krishna  could I say what is your interest and aim ?"

"Why not Meera?"

"Oh you might mean that our dialogue may be  remaining as a catalogue to the students who are in search of the reason of the human creation after a series of serious evolution"

"Exactly  everyone passes in this eternal exam and no one is going to fail"

 "We all are going to pass Krishna ha....ha....." "

" Ha...ha...!
...Thanks we like your ambiguous language Meera"

"Oh you mean everyone passes this exam Krishna ?"

"Sure everyone passes. However,  some learn and take away our Originator's divine way and other ignoring our path way"


" Sam's case, he is going to  leave lessons in written as  evidence of Divine existence and it is going to be  assistance to everyone amazingly " . 

"Certainly Christina these are the strongest  pudding proves of all of our  involve and all of our  evolve of the evolution in the creation πŸ˜€?"

"I don't get it Krishna ?"

"Ha....ha.... wouldn't we are the stepping stone of the innocent populations Krishna?"

 "Are you talking about the nines steps of devotion  ?"
"Not only devotion, but also reason of our creation is Self-Realisation the reasons of our devotion are intend of our liberation of the tragedy  of keep on taking body after body because of ignoring our Supreme Dady Krishna" 

"Why Sam is  bothering others Krishna let the sleeping dogs sleep ?"

"When a blind man πŸ‘¨‍🦯 heading towards a down hill or a pit ,( a large hole in the ground )wouldn't we support him?"
"Sure... sure nevertheless  the general  people  know where are the temples, where are the  churches ⛪ and where are the  mosques πŸ•Œ and...and....and    ?"

"The reason why, we would like to be the best Blessing productive harvest not distructive wild weeds Students"

"What Krishna?"

"Aren't  we all are wandering, working without the worthiest goal like the worthless weeds disturbing within the productive  paddy field sir ?"

 "Ohhhhhhh you mean unless we comprehend the goal of the goals is to realize the Supreme soul Krishna?".


 ...."and  realize the Super Soul who is being in each and everybody as Athma and Paramathma, we are failing our exams"
"Hundred percent Peter thank you soooo much Peter" 

"That is not our main matter Krishna we are worrying only about 

sports result, exams results not death results , soul 

results Super Soul result what is the point Krishna?"

"Sorry Siva??"

"We need to know how we can please Papa at our young age better we wait our old age Krishna ?"

"Please watch God  bless you all soulfully "

"Thanks Meera its mesmerisingly miraculous message ".


Hare Krishna 

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