❤  To be Born as a Human is the Highest Fortune of  Our Jiva 
(Soul) So We Must Make the Best Use of This Rare Chance. ❤
❤  Man Alone Among Living Beings Has the Capacity to Recognise The Divinity in Humanity and All the Living Entities .Who? The  Supreme Personality, Atma and Paramathma, Soul and Super Souls (Visnu, Lord Krishna )♥

"God Morning ! 🌄 ✨ 💕!  Krishna when we build up our studying  in Supreme Science?" 
"Ha...ha...what's wrong with you?"
"I didn't finish Krishna !....
"We already built our study based on Supreme Science Rudra what does he mean Krishna?""
"My mother says when you speak pure science,  we don't know what to attack; where to refuse and how to deny Krishna!"
"Good....Good news that's fantastic view point isn't it Krishna?""
" Unmistakabley Good 🌄 Morning Sweet 💕💞♥️💜Hearts yes there is no where our Originator isn't there, that's including an atom great hearts or atmosphere!
"Say again Rudra?"
"My mother says when you speak pure science,  we don't know what to attack Krishna!"
"Prove  Rudra  prove so that we could  appreciate and approve it  "
"Sure this is how we can improve  Krishna you always express with impressive evidence Krishna "
"Alright haven't we taught by  Vedas and via Mr K.Soul Nava grace our gurus  that... that the five elements with three other aspects  namely,  false ego,mind and intelligence are the building blocks of the world like our  blood cells are the building bricks of our body's entire organs that's including the bones?"
"Yeah but nevertheless, this is how the godless people, too are assuming and counter attacking Krishna"
"They consider it's...  it's a matter  a matter of power  no question of any personality or Lord Krishna". 
"When we build our study in science, people assume it is automatic not Yogic or philosophic sacred souls it's true"
"The smatter  we get ,the less we speak"
"Proud of you Krisna".
" Within the atoms ,there are Paramatma like a motor in a vehicle He is the One activates each and every elements".
"How does Krishna how He does it?"
"The sum total of all the sacred souls equivalent to the super Soul 💕💕💕💕"
"In the sky what we see kids?
"Solar system Krishna "
"When our tutor was worried in loosing his entire properties and possessions including his car in France, he came to London with the help of a relationship" 
"Who was it Krishna?????
 Friend in need is a friend indeed isn't it Krishna?"
"Didn't you witness who's picture is in the top?"
"We can witness a goddess Krishna "
"Good she welcomes him all the time and she was appeared on the whole blue sky and blessed him while he was in a small  bed with his kids and wife" 
"Oh dear ❤️ we don't know this different and difficult subject matter Krishna "
"We love 💞 to see him Krishna "
'It's a newest Chapter in our book of blessing boat Krishna  !!!"

"Yes that's right in his life there are many chapters students" 
"We miss him Krishna '
"Similarly in each of the atom, there is a solar system "
"We don't catch up that Krishna"
"Come up with simple method Krishna "
"This is not a matter of method it's a matter of Supreme Science kids".
"What does it signify Krishna?"
"Haven't we learned how each of the elements functions in the periodic table?"
"Oh yeah they are functioning because of the nucleus, protons, electrons and neutrons Krishna ".
"Excellent effort  spinning round and round like solar system  engineering and energising divinely not automatically"
"By the way Krishna, there are many different types of Yogas?".
"Absolutely "
"What does it signify Krishna?
"Krishna, Does Yoga means the SYSTEM?".
"Undoubtedly "
"What does a Yogi mean Krishna?"
"Yogi means the person who practises the SYSTEM".
"Oh great! What ... what is the object of Yoga Krishna?"
"The ultimate  goal, is to understand  Krishna." 
"Is it the topmost yoga system which was described by Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita to Arjuna?"
"Certainly Christina" 
"Krishna ,how does the Atman and Paramatman in us activated by Krishna?"

"Have a look who is him first then based on his life lane, it's easy to understand how the Divine Director directing decently "
", see ... see students the Royals blood although  lost his father ,still he carries on his responsibilities  by his sacred Atman and Paramatman ".
So we are derived from Dad and as long as we are conscious 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏,The lord is leading 🙏🙏🙏💞💞💞🙏🙏🙏💞💞💞us???
"Certainly Krishna beside the fact that his father, Rajeev was brutally murdered by terrorist  and also his grandpa or great grandfather, Gandhi was assassinated , he is willing to serve the country grace of Divine Will within him!!! ".
"What about his grandma Indran Gandhi Krishna?"
"Ohhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees she too was brutally assassinated by her own security guard Krishna ".
"See this is what Mr K.Soul keeps on writing".
"What does he advise Krishna?"
"Simply open the yellow curtain guys"
"Is it to   serve the world krisna?"
"Yeah although his father had lost everything in serving the country, he has been sacrificing his time in introducing inspirational individuals who are giving great value to Vedas"
"  Black and yellow dress matching up her krishna ?"
"Certainly much better than anyone else Krishna ". 
" Yeah ! Like  black and white  beard Krishna to Rahul Gandhi".
"Reminding someone else, too Krishna "
"Ohhh God!!!!His... his father , Rajeev was murdered by terrorist Krishna?!"
"Oh goodness it's not fair  God will answer with His Divine Will Krishna Anna".
"How does the God's  Will work please Krishna?"
"Glamorous question have you remarked how the people hated him previously and now adore him unredibily?
"Yes Krishna why was it?"

"Excuse me Krishna, what's happening in India?"
"Why the government accusing Rahul Gandhi  Krishna?"
"No politics here please if anyone answers how the Divine Will work,  certainly I answer your inquiry"
"Please proceed Peter "
"Krishna, here we found the Divine Will work within the hearts of the publics!!?"
"Thanks you are in the right track... 
alright I'm pretty privileged and honestly honoured to tell you  briefly only the summary of it okay?"
"Appreciate it Krishna "
"There was 20,000 million  have no evidence".
"What 20,000 millions black money Krishna?"
"Sure Rahul requested the reason of that money but....but....but....immediately he was dismissed from his post and evicted from his house".
"Ohhhhhhhh goodness it's unfair, insincere, dishonest and unreasonable Krishna!!?" !!?".
"Absolutely so he did not walk away... however he walked...walked and still he is walking more over he talks... talks and still he is talking with the people who have the DivineWill in the forms of Atmans and Paramatmans". 
"Indeed Krishna indeed" 
"As a result,  people realised the real hero and false zero"
"How do we recognise that the Divine  Will work on Ruhual Gandhi 's behalf Krishna?" 
"Ha...ha.... which echoes across the country students satisfied?"
"We need evidence how Athma and Paramathma work on behalf of Gandhi's  family  krishna since 9 years their party has been significantly declined no success lack of support Krishna?"

"Please proceed  video and see how does Krishna'Divine Will work"
"Thanks Krishna" 
"Wordless Krishna how on earth we could be godless Krishna?"
"Thanks Krishna !"
"We felt like  we wanted to see someone because we miss him a lot Krishna".

"Look what I have brought for you all sweet 💕💞♥️💜hearts!".
"What is it Krisna?"
"Black and white chocolates"  
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees thanks 😊so much Krishna but you cannot share with us Krishna enjoy yourself Krishna "
ha...ha... ha...ha....
"Thanks Rudra impressed indeed impressed" 
"We are improving Krishna "
"We have to be  like Rahul Gandhi  in our Supreme studies,too  OK?"
"We will Krishna".
 "Yeah for sure!".
"What made you choose  all black  and white Krishna ?"
"Could anyone guess it ?".
"May be out of three classes Krishna, 
1) Ignorance
 2) Passion and 
3) Goodness!".
"Delighted Durga". 
"White might be representing the Goodness Krishna".
"Excellent effort 👏👌👍".
"What about the black Christina?".
"Obviously it represents Ignorance Class".
"Well said 👏👌👍🙌 Meera...well done!".
"Although we are aiming  high, our ignorance sign remains the highest in our life".
"Yes it's the practical way of improving the analytical study Rata it's called annotation or analysation haven't we done in our school examinations?".
"We did in English literature!".
thank you for being  humble 
🙏 and agreeing how hard toget out of our IGNORANCE CLASS Krishna ". 
"Could you give us high  five ".
"My pleasure treasures". 
"Ha...ha....we knew you would say that!".
"Did you all enjoy the black and white chocolates?"
"Yeah so sweet Krishna"
"Oh I seeeeee!!!   The shop keeper said it was sour like  lime  and  spicy like Kanna's curry".
"Ha...ha...kidding Krishna".
"By the way, who's curry Krishna ?"
"Who is  Kanna again Krishna?"
"Not Kokula Kanna, but French Kanna,
"We don't get it krishna!.?".
 "One of our cousins /nieces, a  saintly Soul Krishna ".
"We wonder how you remember these kinds of little, little details Krishna!"
 "Why not we are  the library Kids  ?"
"She smiles like jewels especially when our tutor was complaining of her hot 🔥curry 🍛!"
"Don't you like hot and spicy foods Krishna?"
"I used to enjoy it, that's why I am wearing black and white, but now I try to be with white colour soon ".
"How do we interpret the three types of classes in Sanskrit Krishna?".
"I think :
1) Satvic ,
2)Rajestic and
3) Thamasic"
"Excellent effort !" 
"We wish you  with white and white as a Satvic individual  permanently to suit your personality Krishna".  
"I am pretty privileged of honouring your request sweet hearts".
"Any way, love your colour coding examination. and annotation Krishna".
"Appreciate it Durga!!!.
"Could we continue our narration Krishna?"
"We are impatient of our Tuition Krishna". 
"Excuse me we wonder how Rahul Gandhi will be assured and assisted by the divine will or mother nature Krishna?"
"Ohhhhhhhh! Yeeeeeeeeeeeees intelligent inquiry considering a wealthy gentleman from foreign although he can be relaxly retired at his advanced age,  he keeps on working to follow up his past memory and obviously parent's professional ".
" So the 8 elements are everlasting Krishna?"
"Fantastic facts the eight elements is everlasting 
What are they?

Earth,water,fire,air ether, mind intelligence and false ego-all together these eight constitute my separated material energies." 

That's the subject matter of this couple's novel Jewellery story
"Sure the gentle person unable to forget his past experience although his children are doctors why on earth he risks his life like him in the video?"
"Who Krishna ?"
"Watch him it will  echo  " 
"All we watched is awesome without these types of people, there is no more plants for our future generation Krishna?"
" Sure! Which inturn ,return self recognition but little by little after many, many births in many ,many years as human beings lack of   Self-Realisation Krishna??"

"Undoubtedly Rudra" 

"He is controlled by the Mother Nature  Krishna "
"Excellent effort results he will be taking rebirths as at the time of death, the consciousness created by the living being carries it to its next body. It could be a man body or animal body ".
"Evidence Krishna from Vedas Krishna?"
"Below beautiful evidence have a good day ha...ha... See how we are transforming terribly it's not a joke sweet heart ❤️💘❤️❤️💘❤️💘

"Satisfied ha...ha ?"
"Wow but Now provide proof how Lord Vishnu's Power of Will work out?"
"Alright see a prime minister how he wins the election by electricity power or by Vishnu's Power?"
"Alright Krishna we agreed but how does  the Divine deliver it  Krishna?"
"Yeah!! where does the Will so called  the Divine  Will derive from Krishna?"
"And...and how does Divine drive the voters to select and make him victorious president or prime minister Krishna?"
"Ha...ha... Atman and  Paramathman equal what?"
"Bhagawan Krishna "
"Where does Atman and Paramatman live ?"
"In each and every atom and in each every person ,the Paramatman is existing Krishna ?"
"Oh my God!!!!God bless you're enlightened Krishna !!?"
"Thank  Lord Krishna if I'm enlightened like Lord Buddah , you all are enlightened too".
"What happened to Renuga’s medical condition, kidney transplantation  please Krishna?"
"Wow! Thank God!!! She is recovering. Thank you for reminding.
 Renuga’s kidney transplantation went very well
She has just phoned and informed  about her soon recovery and return planning ".
"We are amazed Krishna " 
 "Hearing Renuga's successful news, the entire families and friends have been shedding happy tears then making pudding to celebrate it as a Wedding Anniversary "
"We 💘 love like her guru does,  she had put pretty tears on her guru's eyes."
" Didn't she Krishna?"
" are right Subathra."
" However, Renuga couldn't contact Rajesh Kanna yet!". 💛. 
"Whhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy was it Krishna?"
"She lost her phone and her dad had  bought her a brand new one." 
"Still some contacts have not been found and  they  were not successfully reconnected including  Rajesh Kanna's contact number ". 
"Krishna although our Indian prime minister is a Krishna devotee, why he is not convincing the public please?" 
"Sure Sarah it's a massive matter and challenging time .The pandemic let the whole world in horrible hole like a wall against the soul or the hole in ozone  ,besides have a look how he hook Japanese to invest 18 billion in electric cars products and...and...and,..."

"Evidence Krishna please ?"
"Have a go":
"Thanks Krishna!"
"Shall we get started Krishna?" 
"Our pleasure !". 
"Can I Krishna?"
"My pleasure Ruby "
"On the other hand, Marina  was messed up, but mesmerisingly wondering how could Krishna Menan  would be her cousin Krishna!!!?"
 " she wanted to verify and clarify the fact behind this or it is just a rumour Krishna".
"According to her , there is no evidence and she has  no idea whatsoever Krishna".
" Neither her mother Krishna?".
 " Nor her grandma knows him Krishna?" .
"How James declared in public then Krishna?"
"True nevertheless, Marina's family didn't want to take the matter to third party or person  before the  confirmation Krishna". 
"Proceed Peter "
"That's why they did not consult with James Krishna ?"
"Sure Peter". 
"If it  wouldn't be the case, without any trace James wouldn't have announced it in the first place Krishna ".  
"Would he Krishna?"
"No clue Meera" 
"It's sounds a bit strange Krishna!"
"You are right Pamitta"
 "Isn't it a riddle for them Krishna?"
"Certainly Christina".
"However, she was amazed, hearing the massage from Benz ." 
"What was it Subathra?"
"Benz is pretty better in these types of official matters doesn't she Krishna?"
" Ha...ha... absolutely she is one of the main🔑 🗝 🔐 keys🔑 of this phenomenal story Ruby!"
"To make it pretty  sure, Benz had been researching cleverly and  clearly. Besides, she couldn't comprehend as she hadn't found any concrete clue yet".
"That is curious Krishna"
" Hum ..ha...!When she spoke to Sam, he smiled , saying it's a miraculous  story that Marina's incarnated brother , Krrishna in London might have the missing piece of the puzzle; I am trying to figure it out soon who is Krishna Menan  please calm down  at the moment".
"Krishna ,we haven't spoken of the topic!"....
"To be Born as a Human is the Highest Fortune of  Our Jiva ".
"Sure are we following the right path ?"
"Yes grace of our TUITION Krishna ha...ha..ha...:
"What is Jiva Krishna?"
"doesn't it mean the Soul Krishna?"
"Surely Sarah". 
"So We Must Make the Best Use of This Rare Chance of human birth?."
" Definitely Durga! you  think our  education  encourage everyone about enlightenment or enjoyment 💕💞 ?". 
"Employment Krishna"
"Ha...ha...Appreciate it 🙏Peter"
"Then Krishna?"
"Enjoyment Krishna"
"Ha...ha...happy and then Rudra?"
"Amazing advancement of acquisition Krishna".
"What does mean acquisition please krisna?".
"An example, getting or receiving something Rata".
"Does it a matter of  purchase of a house ?".
"Exactly ...excellent effort Balaraman ".
"By the way, acquisition of knowledge and  acquisition of wealth are our ambitions Krishna."
"Am I correct Krishna?"
"Yes...yes... yes, but...but...our subject matter and the  object matter are not only targeted in temporary projects".
 "Why ...What's wrong with it  Krishna ?".
"Doesn't it the contrary path of Papa's permanent path sweety?".
"Pardon Krishna?"
"It has to do with the goal of soul equally and honestly?"
"Yeah like we do, two  in one Krishna" 
"Thanks brilliant 👏👌👍😀 Pamitta ".
"However, unfortunately  all  of us are not pursuing/following the path of perfectness to improve our  divine consciousness?" 
"Yeah 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
👏👏👏👏 ".
"We are  not incline only in material development,  but also incline in divine line Krishna ".
" We love our  Distinct  Divine development Krishna".
"Thanks Krishna!".  
"What does it mean incline?"
"Tend or interested  or be willing to Siva".
"Why Krisna ?".
"As  it has to be with the  greatest goal of  life more than the goal of  living"
"Yes 👏 👏👌".
"Why we learn wisdom Krishna?"
"To learn   at least  a bit of detachment   and at least a  little bit more  acquisition and  attachment of spiritual  development that is the eternal engagement to get rid of entanglement ". 

 "Do we Krishna Krishna?".
"Oh that's what you meant  the topics Krishna:".
"Man Alone Among Living Beings Has the Capacity to Recognise The Divinity in Humanity and All the Living Entities?" .
 👏👏👏👏👏👏!!!!""This attitudes of being  gratitude has to do with our own original aptitude or our dedication in tuition training with discipline Krishna?"

"What does mean aptitude Krishna?"
"Which is a natural ability Rata ". 
"Sam Anna has got it krisna".
"Doesn't he Krishna?"
"Yes he does darling!" 
"Thank you osooooooo much Krishna".
" Yes he does, grace of his Punniya /Pious"Meera
"Now we carry on our quality of quarrels Krishna!" 
"Excuse meeeee Krishna!!!???
"Aren't there some connections of Marina's family with Krishna Anna's family please". 
"Guess girls Guess you are hearing the story for the second time. Aren't you?".
"We  believe there must be a connection Krishna"
"Why you say believe like some children ask,
" Krishna, are you a beliver?"
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees that's make lots of senses Krishna his story events expressed the reality of his connectivity of Marina".
" When Marina heard that  Krishna Menan was....". 
"What was it Retna?"
"Because he  only delt with the  transactions of their property projects Krishna". 
"Does it Marina's Marma/ mysterious Novel Krishna?"
"Ha....ha....."This is Dharma/righteousness 
novel Krishna" 
"Marina would be  so pleased hearing this happy news Krisna"
"Why Sarah??"
 "She believes there must be some sort of hidden key to open the secret 🚪 sooner or later like Sam said .She trusts Sam Krishna"
"I don't think that Marina trust Sam to be honest".
"Why Balaraman?"
" what   was her dream Krishna".
"Would she had expressed evil nightmare if she trusted him Krishna?"
"Ha....ha....Shut up!!!!The  dreams could be anything and everything."
 "On contrary, she loves  💘him  more and more after the nightmare Krishna".
"Apology did Marina discover anything above Krisna Menan Anna?"
"Sure sarah !She still kept the secret "
"What was it?"
"When  she spoke to Menan last week then through him only she got some lost important  contact numbers".
"Oh which Renuga had lost ?."
"Yes Krishna "
 "How was  it Krishna?" 
 "Menan is degreed or diplomed in 🖥👨‍💻 net works". 
"Wow! Well done Krishna!"
"Krishna, it's not fair that we have been interrupted Marina's walk in the admirational atmosphere" 
"We can watch her while reading her happy hormones as she has taken one of Sam's fabulous flutes in her hand it's gives her grace when she was holding the flute as though Smiling Sam has been playing the flute in her backyard".
"That's cooooool Krishna ..!"
"Alright cool down down we are heading towards the lavish( luxury) lawn again as Marina lives there Krishna". 
"Yes that the loviest atmosphere Krishna?"
" Sure Sarah But...but...many months passed.Are you aware of it great hearts ?" 
"Oh goodness 😳 in Kali-Yuga time flying faster and faster result regrettably we get older and older in a shorter interval.  It's unfair Krishna!"
"Exactly 💯 every single second is count Rata" 
"Excuse me Krishna?"
"How can I help you Meera?"
"What does the word lawn mean Krishna?"
" An area of mown grass in a garden or park Meera"
"Thank you so much so when  we are going to be there again Krishna?"
"Ha...ha...Surely soon Meera " 
"By the way, we are introducing  a new student. Her name is Anaesthesia take your seat please Anaesthesia ".
"Krishna,,what is Anasthesia means?"
"I know Krishna can I tell the meaning?"
"Alright explain it Pamitta"
"The drug we use it to make the people unconscious while doing the surgery Krishna"
"Sure ...sure take your seat Pamitta" 
"However, using Anaesthesia, we can make the patients unawakefulness ,but not unconsciousness Krishna"
"Wow wonderful 👏 could you describe in detail Sam?!" 
 "Because only the soul within us or cosmic within us make the vital of survival so definitely which cannot be put in to sleep Krishna"
"Why Sam why Krishna?"
"  Does it mean we are   no longer existing in the same body?."
"I never heard what Sam said, unawakefulness Krishna!"
" Ha...ha...Sam is correct Krishna?" 
" Whatever we learn here ,we rarely heard anywhere else apart from the Vedas Krishna"
"Ha...ha...because we never interested...we love   only  in cinema,  karma and Kama "
"Thanks Ruby "
"I tell you what you really meant Sam and Ruby...
we are taking  📷  the putures what we like to picture 📷 not what we have to picture."
"True Krishna it's like we eat what we like not what we have to" 
"Correct cutest characters love to teach you toffees".
"Excuse me Krishna!"..."Why on earth Marina had a hatred dream please 🙏?"
"All because of Ragu's rumours and rudeness Meera"
"Why  she had been seated in rear seat of the white  car please Krishna?"
"Because she hates Sam?"
"How does dream doesn't have any clue Krishna!".
  "Because she misses him a loads obviously thought of him a loads and loads,result reflected as a nightmare after nightmare " 
"Would we watch the rest of her dream which might have  some clues whether she still hates him Krishna?"
"Yes please open the black curtain !".
"Oh my God the nightmare was terrible even in a dream, Smiling Sam must be smiling,  but was saddened it's hurting us Krishna".
"That is the main reason why  Sam seated  her in the  back seat Krishna?"
"What a world with full of worries Krishna!"
"Ha...ha...there is no problem at all children let's carry on"
"Whaaaat you are being  mysterious man Krishna 
 "Yeah  Sarah is correct !We wonder what you are talking about Krishna?!"
 " Ha...ha...!If there is no human ,we wouldn't have any problem sweet hearts  ♥" 
"That is the mystery which causing all the miseries Krishna  by the way, not the mysterious man "
" So Krishna, our Mission is the best solution for the Science of Self -Realisation !". 
"liberation   I mean no rebirths no problems Krishna ha...ha...?"

"Brilliant...indeed brilliant Meera👏 👏!" 

"Krishna let's carry on our Mission!"

"OK forgive me Meera"

"One two three..."
"When Marina heard the gentle man who lost his considerable 💸 cash and consequently had a heart attack, later in a matter of months, she didn't want to ignore him".
"What do you say Krishna?"
"Just... just only by sharing the Maha Mandra without any  descriptions about the deepest devotion of dedication in the Science of Self-Realisation to that elderly man is not a good idea because he is in a complex condition". 
"Indeed Krishna what happened to the gentleman Krishna?"
"He had a ❤ heart attack still survived Krishna!!!"
"Was he practicing  Marina's Maha Mandra Krishna?"
"Why... why Krishna????????"
"He has been praying Lord Shiva"
"Is he an Ignorance Class Krishna?"
"Of course, we all are in the Ignorance Class Subathra"
" I disagree with it Krishna"
"Alright...alright we all are in the Passion Class satisfied  Sarah?"
"Marina ,being a great hearted, gracious girl of a glamorous  gentleman's gene,she reminded the divined King wasn't she Krishna?!" 
"Sure Sarah" 
"Who was it Krishna did we learn of that king Krishna?"
"We did, but cause of Kali-Yuga, of course , we have to repeatedly revise it regularly as we are heading for a degree level exam in Science of Self-Realisation  Peter. Do you all agree 👍?"
"Hundred percent 💯 Krishna"
"Excuse me could I ask you a curious question Krishna?"
"Please 🙏 proceed Peter".
"Although Marina emotionally provided the gentleman the greatest Maha Mantra Meditation 🧘‍♀️,why he has been  ignoring it irresponsibly in this critical circumstance I wouldn't have done it? 
"Would you Krishna?"
"Ha...ha... indeed interesting  question  "
"This is called Human Rights Krishna"
"Undoubtedly "
"Move or change from one position to another of a period of time".
"Oh you mean work replacing by another group".
"Sure  Sarah ".
" See you later  sir such a tutor such a ..."!
"Pardon Rosy ?".
"Nothing sir see you later". 
 "Hi Krishna Anna!".
"What was Marina telling to the Grandpa   ?"
....."When was it  Pamitta?"
"When  she visited to the hospital last month,
what did she say?"
"Trust me grandpa, we humans have loads of 
"The innocent man was wondering,hearing what she was talking about. However, hearing she is a new medical student now, he determined to be  respectful"
 "She carried on,"
"I don't get the point ?!"
"Please you proceed the narration Anna".
"My pleasure by the  way, have you missed me ?".
"No. Ha...ha you are complicating us ha...ha... for fun Anna"
"Please 🙏proceed !".
"The neighbour,Grandpa was pretty puzzled" 
"Why Anna?"
"As Marina was a riddle for him ".
"Like you for us  Krishna Anna". 
"Anna please carry on ignoring her nonsense questions". 
" Ha...ha...!When we SECURED A  degree, does our problem over grandpa?"
"No darling then we have to  master it "
 "When we mastered ,  the problem over grandpa ?"
" and then  we do our Phd darling".
"When we have the PHD ,is the problem over Grandpa?"
" we have to practice without experience we cannot be employed Marina".
"Do we know what is our mind made of Grandpa?",
"What a question sir has he  got the answers ?"
" Cool Christina! The gentle man answered correctly for her surprise!" 
"What was the answer sir?" 
"He laughed at her and said:
"Our minds are made of our intelligences and  memories darling"
"Looks like Maths formula Krishna Anna "
"Correct Christina"
"Listen carefully please 🙏 as their dialogue is the messages for intelligence students like you OK everyone?
"OK "
"The gentle man repeated"
"Our  memories are not born from our direct births darling"
"Come on Krisna  Anna this is too much"  
"Suuuu listen what he has declared!!!"
"Future doctor, our  instructions of the  memories in our minds links with our past...past...and past...evolutionary birth after birth dear "
"Marina was wondering so why he is reluctant to repeat the Maha Mandra" 
"So does the link of our life  learning skills are  depending upon how much bad and better we learned in the passed life after life?"
"Definitely Durga definitely"
"Krihna Anna the Dharma, Karma,   Kama all are in line of our past... past... past life's styes ?"
"Definitely Durga" 
"Krishna ,we better go back to the conversation" 
"No problem" 
"Marina was astonished thrilled, puzzled and shocked what a man of material refusing to be liberated besides being a knowdgeble individual!"
"She understands his Vedic knowledge,  but she doesn't understand why on earth he is unable to rub up his hurtful memories of material mind, impacting KARMA!?"
She looked at him emotionally, sympathetically and empathetically because he didn't want to solve the dangerous problems or mystery which is  causing all the miseries!
Then she listened to him respectfully because he is a man of knowledge, but material mminded unfortunately. 
"GENIUS CHILDREN being sanity or insanity, is not dropped upon us from the sky, but our developed reputation devotion records are always accumulated, (collected)  from the past AND ADDING UP WITH THE present lives"
"What does mean INSANITY AND SANITY sir?"
" SANITY the condition of being sane or good I mean having reasonable behaviour
Whereas INSANITY means not reasonable behaviour:. 
"Thank you Menan Anna"
"So seriously  the students who are continuing with different deities devotions   are strongly rooted from their previous lives and 
"Hundred percent Subathra WE ALL ARE MAD OF MONEY!"
 "AREN'T WE Krishna?!"
"We  comprehend or understand with our continued chemistry connection Krishna Anna"
"Pardon   what is CHEMISTRY?"
"The science of the nature and how they react with each other attraction and inner attraction or interaction between two people"
 "For instance see  Sam's chemistry is attractive"
"Why Krishna Anna?"
  "Grace ...grace of his millions of years memories of cultivation of devotional Missions" 
"We are  confusing it's so complicated "
"For instance take the computer, Meera"
"Yeah Krishna
"Can we compare an engineer's computer memories with a sleeping life style person's (who's interests are just in  📱phone  and in cinema 🎥 ) related  memories ?"
"No  not at all Krishna"
"This is a matter of accumulation (collection) of devotion in dedication  over the period of evolution children."
"Can I ask a personal question Krishna !"
"No problem ask Peter!"
"Krishna, why we all are always love the phones ?"
"Why Krishna?"
"Ha...ha...because it is new 
"In the next generation our own future generation would be interested in different aspects of  computer ha....ha.... ". 
"So  everything, even every energy of the sun is incorporated with the  cyclical movements?"
"Yes although we  are in illusion the physics is functioning in Cyclic effect and affects "
"How Krishna ?: 
 "Krishna , if the time stops , the Cycle  stops?"
"Thousand time correct Christina"
" Simple  !If the the motor stops, machine stops doesn't it  Krishna?."
"So sweet so  the subject matter of Gita is the object matter of five factors Krishna?"
"Hundred percent 💯 "
"What are they Ruby?"
1)The Science and of Easwara
2) The science of Jiva/ soul
3) The science of Karma 
4) The science of Time
5) The science of Mother Nature 
"Excellent effort 👏 👌 👍!"

Hare Krishna 

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