"What We Must Equip Ourselves For Father's Love? ?, 
    Faith.   " How?"       "Sincerely and Regularly"  .     
                             "Why?" To Attract the  Reality"              
                             "Who? "The Supreme Personality            
"What is His Name? Vishnu, Lord Krishna". 

"God 🌄 Morning Everyone!"
"God Morning 🌄 🙏  ❤ 💖 💕 ".
 "How Are You Doing Everybody any Questions?"
"Excuse me Krishna Anna !
 "Why Srilanka President has not yet  lock down ?"
"Pardon Rudra!!!"

" Does it make any sense... does it?". 
"Yeah  Covid 19 has been well over why  would we have to be locked down again Rudra?"
"Are you confused with the step-down and lock down Rudra?".
"Are you  alright Rudra ?"
"I realised  it my apology Krishna"
"Krishna Anna!
"How can I help you Rosy?"
"Before the lesson, could you judge us?".
"Whaaaat again how many times I told you that I'm not a dance chronographer like my London cousin ????".
  "Tomorrow we have to perform this at school competition?"
 "No problem then".
"Excuse me!" 
"Hummmmm Hummmmm" 
"Firstly topic talks please".
"Yeah we wonder apart from Maha Mantra, is there anything else we have to equip Krishna Anna?"
"Haven't we learned the PRANAVA recital?"
"Obviously "AUM 21 times Krishna Anna?"
"Excellent effort 👏👌👍🙌!".
"Why this Mantra Krishna?"
"We learned,  God's residency  is not actually apperancy in the main Sri  Chakra".

"And we are in tendency of permanent  tenants but the tenancy  agreement means  we are not landlords of our temples simply we are the temporary  tenants. However, we often tend to forget  it that is the rare blessing boat to cross the ocean towards our Originator's tremendous temple? .
"Come on we have to wake up it is an urgency isn't it Krishna?".
"Interesting indeed interesting and even inspiring Krishna like unbelievable  absorbency of Appah's  science of NESCIENCE!".
" 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏!"
"So whoever ignoring Him is in negligence or in other words, NESCIENCE Krishna?".
"Sure Sarah it is DUALITY  ".
"Hold don't Krishna what does it mean DUALITY?"
"In Krishna consciousness, there is no duality but unity".
"We don't catch up the word DUALITY and the word NESCIENCE we know science what is NESCIENCE  Krishna?"
"In Krishna consciousness, there is no duality means all that exists is a product of Krishna, and Krishna is all good .Therefore, our activities in Krishna consciousness are on the Absolute plane "
"Why Krishna what plane ,a plane is a vehicle that flies throughthe air and also a tool used to make somethingsmooth and flat Etc isn't it Krishna?
"Sure Siva!"
"We  are talking about transcendental and have no material effects ,spiritual". 
"Wow it's sounds super exciting Krishna what does mean NESCIENCE please Krishna?"
"Ignorance students!" 
"What difference between IGNORANCE and NESCIENCE Krishna?"
"Ignorance different from NESCIENCE.
 Ignorance is the lack  of knowledge in someone who is by nature capable of having it." 
"NESCIENCE is the absence of knowledge in someone not naturally capable of having  it."
"Which Chapter Krishna in Bhagavad-Gita Krishna?"
"Chapter three text 12 Tulsy"
"Any videos footage to encourage our knowledge Krishna because my little brother dosen't  understand Krishna?"
 "No problem" 


"In Krishna consciousness ,there is no duality means all that exists is a product of Krishna, and Krishna is all good .Therefore, our activities in Krishna consciousness are on the Absolute plane. We mean even the hill or the sun are Krishna Himself????"
"Unmistakabley haven't you noticed Lord Krishna appears within the Govatana Hill?
"We didn't  could we watch it again Krishna?"
"Sure in addition, didn't He suggest his father to pray the sun and the hill as they are much better than the  aponted dullheaded individual who dosen't know what is DUALITY?"
" He did Krishna Thanks Krishna" 
"However,  if we ignore Krishna still we are praying His demigods don't we Krishna?"

"In this  regard can I illustrate a telephone conversion of Mr  K.Soul?"

"We look forward to hearing it Krishna and we  believe him as he often teaches us from others mistakes and also  it is certainly a fact based story of glory which is the best  lessons of our special  tuitions mission Krishna". 
"Thanks .On Thursday morning Mr K. Soul had received a call from one good person ".
"Why was it Krishna?"
"For...for an advice"
"Where was it Krishna who was it Krishna?"
 "Who...who went to Srilanka from...   ".
"We wonder what it would be Krishna!?"
"Why was it Krishna had he been with his family krishna?"
"No it was his mother's seriousness and it was a matter of emergency"
"Ohhhhhhhh goodness !"
 "So he was leaving his second marriage wife and her son home  in foreign Krishna?"
"Absolutely !"
"Oh so he only rushed regrettably to Srilanka Krishna?".
"Correct Christina ".

"So so Sorry 🙏for him Krishna "
"And then Krishna please?!" 
"The... the surprise was ..."
"Pardon Krishna?"
"He...he was  deeply disappointed  "

"Why What's wrong Krishna?"
"She was passed away". 
" Oh my God !Our condolences Krishna " Krishna"
"On top of that catastrophic event, another heart stopping evil event was waiting for him...
"What was it Krishna?"
"Remember  he has been married secondly?"
"Yes Krishna yes "
"Now remember that she was a widow "
"Absolutely stunning students "
"Really krisna?"

"Krishna, anything wrong Krishna?"
"You know how he had ended up marrying?"
"No Krishna ".

"He...he was proposed his second wife  by some people on his previous holiday
... a few years ago as her husband had died during the war"
"Oh my God no one cares me Krishna how long I have been waiting Krishna!"
" Suuuuuu Rudra silent Rudra !!!"
"Oh we understand that's why he had married her as a second wife Krishna??"
"Nonetheless he totally refused the proposal even-though his previous partner no longer living with him kind of divorced case"
"We don't catch up Krishna !?"
'It's a matter of flashback students I'm trying to get the point what happened to him ina matter of few years after his divorce case "
"OK krishna". 
"Besides he totally refused their proposal, on his second visit to Srilanka,  the proposal continued, but compassionately cooperately and sympathetically".
"And then Krishna?"
"Being a smart compassionate single  man of demigods worshiper; having been divorced with children of his previous life partner, he decided to help the mother and her son to get out of the poverty tragedy and he agreed their suggestion sincerely and fatherly and faithfully".
"It's great of him Krishna "
"Sure so he had married a poor pathetic  woman as his second  wife and settled down in foreign?"
"Wow I want to go back to Srilanka Krishna before my parents return from India Krishna to get married Krishna" 
"Why not good idea go a head but first just listen the conclusion before deciding your life like this gentleman Rudra "
"OK thanks Krishna hurry up Krishna!" 
"After seven years, this time  when  he went for his  mother's  seriousness and ended up in funeral, ( this time) he was revealed( came to know) a disgusting message which deadly discouraged him terribly   and he totally terrified and his  heart was bleeding badly".

"What is it such serious Krishna?"

"Unbelievably unimaginable information"
"Sorry 🙏 Krishna what does it mean Krishna?"
"His second wife's side people cheated him"

"What was it Krishna?"
"They  totally lied him only to get him married". 
"Pardon Krishna?".
"However...her husband is still alive!!! "

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness what the hell tell me I file the case Krishna"
"Yes when we are in ignorance class, this is the serious situation children" .
"But what went wrong Krishna?"
 "The gentle man was manipulated"

"And  and he had been mistakenly married krisna?!"

 "Sure being  a man of compassion and man of passion and enjoying his loneliness  in visiting  diffrent countries seeking happiness "

"lack of Krishna consciousness Krishna?"

"Absolutely but who cares  that each of us , is a spark of the Divine Daddy nevertheless Godless people are careless and profiting the situation with demigods devotion".
"Luckily we are in Krishna consciousness thank God Krishna"
"What about you Rudra still you have an idea"
"Sure she hasn't  been married Krisna. However, I'm afraid.... going to verify Krishna "
"Describe her how Krishna lives in eveyone and how His 
divinity  driving decent people and honesty is the best policy"
" Rudra?"
"Now we need to help this gentleman because he is saddened hearing the forbidden catastrophic Krishna"
"Sure that's what he asked our tutor "
"I dedicate this vedic video to the gentleman who was cheated could I Krishna?".
"With pleasure Rudra why? "

Let his wife be Self-Realised at the same time she is not the only victim but also the entire group have to be Self-Realised by this great man of great ♥ 💕 heart Krishna".

"Thanks great guidance ;godly guidelines. However ,how to describe an  ordinary woman and men of our extraordinary glory students?"
"You mean how does divine soul derived  from Dad and drives each of us in five factors Krishna?"
"What did you say could you say it again Rudra?"
"You mean how does divine soul derived  from Dad and drives each of us in five factors Krishna?"

"Fantastic Rudra "
"Can... can you  assist the gentleman Krishna?"
No problem...
1) the  body ,
2) the senses, 
3) the mind 
4) the intelligences ?
"Where is the fifth factor Krishna ?"
"Are we caught up in delusion and illusion ?".
"Certainly Balaraman devious paths of delusions".
"What does it mean Krishna?".
"It's a mistaken decision."
"So too unity from diversity and different nationality changing our vision with delusion Krishna?". 
"Why not?"
"Does the Aum is another name without form of Visnu, Krishna?".
" Undoubtedly its the vedic Vibration he teaching the technically the cultivation of devotion that's  our  original Mission of Tuition".
" Wow what a  spiritual vision of   sacred 🙏Sadana/challenge Krishna Anna. "
"Why not Krishna ?"
"This alone can give us santhi/tranquility isn't it Krishna?". 
"We do something to the gentleman which helps the society according our capacity to attract the Supreme Personality Krishna?". 
"Yeah! This alone can give us santhi/tranquility to that gentle man and his wife and other s to be forgiven"

"We learned, but forgot why 21 times OM please krisna?"
"There are  Five Fives Factors,  here we account only four of the five factors. That is to say  four times five equals 20".
"What does mean the 21st one Krishna?" 
1 Our Minds( Master of the 20 components)
"Thanks Meera".
"The first  Five Factors are????".

"5 Karmendriyas:
1) Mouth, 
2) legs 
3) hands
 4) sex 
 5) bottom" ....
*These are the actions of our daily Karma*.
"How they function Krishna Anna?" 
 "Grace of the five senses ".
"How the senses activate please krisna?". 
By our Originator's Sacred  Soul's assistance Rata ".
"Then Krishna?"
"The second Five Factors Krishna ?".

5 Jnandriyas
 1) Eyes 
2) Skin  
3) Tongue 
4) Ears
 5) Nose.
"How does it function Krishna Anna?".
"They function grace of the sacred soul ."

"Next Krishna?"
The Five Kosas

5 Vital airs:
 1) Udana 
2) Samana 
3) Apana 
4) Dayana 
5) Vyana
"On which the soul floating in the above 5 airs Krishna Anna?".
"Appreciate it Meera".
"And then another Five Factors Krishna?"

5 Kosas :(sheaths/covers ) : 
1) Material
 2) Mental 
3) Intellectual 
4) Vital 
5) Spiritual 
"Excellent effort Rata".
Santhy.... Santhy.... Santhy!!!
"The sheaths are the  covers of the above five components Krishna Anna?"
" Yeah!What does it  mean Tulsy?"
"The Divine Spark that the reality of Supreme Personality is being hidden behind Maya".
 "Why Krishna?".
"Due to our KARMAS. " 
"How we remove them Krishna?"
"By our Dharma Krishna Anna."
"What does all these 20 components do with the 

"OM" recital in our minds Krishna  Anna?".
"Purifies and clarifies"
"Why  other peoples do not doing it Krishna?
 " Yeah !!!Only...only we are doing Krishna 🙏?"
"Instead of being  in selfishness, we are being in selflessness".
 "Is it to make us ready for the final merger with the reality Athma/soul and Paramathma/Super Soul, Supreme  Absolute Krishna?". 
"We thought it's a piece of delicious cake Krishna Anna".
"It is Divine cake of caring and sharing permanently"

"Sure ! Now you can perform your dance please 🙏"
"We perform it  or we play the video on which we learned first Krishna?".
"Better we play the video Krishna".
"We don't mind krisna"
"Ha...ha....we are 🔥 hot🔥  very 🔥hot 🔥 "
"How are yoooou doing Krishna Anna?

"I am 🔥 hot, too great hearts"
" come ?  
Aren't  you a copycat Krishna? "

" am a complicate students"
"Ha...ha...true you often complicate us, but with bless Krishna"

"Yes seriously 👏better use our Mission to infuse the life session." 
"What does mean it infuse Krishna ?"
"You don't smell perfume from the garden  Renuga ?
"Spread throughout Krishna?"
"You confuse us Krishna"
"For instance, imagine just here is a burning coal heap ". 
 "Alright... already you started confusing us ha...ha..."
" Say again you mean burning a pile of substance or a number of coal pieces Krishna ?"
"Yes whatever Ruby"
"Where is it Krishna Anna?" 
" Just here in the ground around the corner"
 "OK krishna  got it!"
"Well ,now imagine that near the burning 🔥 hot coals there is another unburning coal not hot right?
"We don't catch up Krishna !".
" Didn't you say that you were hot?"
"Yeah we didn't Krishna "

"We just want to know why you said you too 🔥 hot Krishna ?"
"Let me tell you... cool down, Mary  don't we understand that  the part  unburnging coal which is in contact with the burning coal is rendered hot 🔥 and red?".
"What is render Krisna?"
"Provide or give Rata" 
"Ohhhhh yeeee Thanks  👍"
"So too the Vedas, when we associate with Lords' learners, we become Lord's leaders"

"You mean we are leading the God or leading by God Krishna?"
We love 💘 to lead Describes that we are His DNA Krishna"

 "Sure ! We have been led Via His energies Krishna?"

"Definitely Durga 👍" 
How... what is the prove that we are leaded by divine Krishna?"

" Via what energies we are energised please krisna?"
"What leadership Krishna Anna??
"What is all about these we don't get it Krishna?"
"Oh my God let me answer !".
"Would you tell us how these energies are functioning I am great in science Krishna ha... .ha..."
"Are you Rudra?"
"Yeah I am not a professor, but I am interested, I am enthusiastic;I am commited and dedicated Krishna"

"Alright..alright....all our life is a matter of sense of the time right ?"
"Yes, but how the time is functioning Krishna ?"
" All the physicality depends on Cycling great 💕 hearts ".
"Oh my God what is the cyclical do  with us Krishna ?"
" For instance,  the car or any machines depends on the motor. Haven't we learned with our tutor?".
"Whaaaat motor Krishna?"
 "Look !!!!! Doesn't  the motor depends on the cyclical system that is how we are energised"
"You mean turn around and around because of  the motor spins, the tyres turn around Krishna?"
"Absolutely Meera!"
Every single atom spins  following the spinning  universe ✨
"Does ..does it turn in uncyclical movement Krishna ?"
"How the Divinity activates Krishna?".
 "By producing energy Sam" 
"This is why you  called Him Energetic of entire energies Krishna ?"
"Yes Sarah "
"All dependent on Divinic Energetic Krishna?"
"Yeah all cyclical and mechanical based on materials, but functioning based on spiritual Rudra?
"Even our brain Krishna ?"
"How the neurology function  I mean our brains Krishna" 
"Isn't it activated by  physics Krishna ?"
"Sure Sarah". 
"How does the atomic particles functioning Krishna??"
"All are energised  in cyclical moments Sam". 
"You mean from the atomic to cosmic all are activated by cyclical movement how  does the  time function Krishna?"

"Wow!How Krishna ?"
"For instance,when  the earth spins once, what we called it?
" A day "
"When the moon goes around the sun, how do we called it?
 "A month Anna?"
 "When the earth goes around the sun,  we called??"
"We  called it an year Krishna "
 "When the clock ⏰ hand goes around the clock how do  we called it?
 "An hour Krishna?"
"So  this is simply physicality?"
"Yeah from atomic to cosmic, all are functioning in cyclical movement".
"Cardiology ?"
"In  neurology"
" Neurology ?"
"In physicalogy". 
"An atom ?"
" cyclical movement Rudra"

"Excuse me what happened to you Krishna?
 You decided to complicate us today Krishna Anna ha...ha...!??"
 "How can I help you girls?"
"What is enlightenment please krisna?" 

" Which means the  Greatest Knowledge and understanding of ourselves insightful".
"Oh goodness!!! being naughty today ".
"Did he Subathra ?"

"Did anyone do anything which might have triggered him Rudra".
"No we only saw this video to him Retna".

"Let me watch again please?"

"Ho I was  correct if anyone say anything against Lord Krishna, he does this types of attitudes"
"However, tutor tought ys the same lesson what Krisna teaching  in an extremely scientific way ".
"Ha...ha...haven't we remarked in the last episode with Ragu?"
"Oh yeah he has pulled out his shirt !".

"What is Vedas Krishna?"
"Vedas means Knowledge torch of knowledge Balaraman" 

"Ohhhhhhhh so we are genius Krishna?"

" Ha...ha... sure ...sure! Having heard such happiest 💕 understanding and the cleverest questions   ❤ , don't we feel fantastic dearest Sacred Souls???? !"
 "Why not Krishna?"
Isn't it thinking means talking to ourselves Krishna?"
"Of course,  like that, enlightenment is an insightful inspiring information must be learnt as a preliminary subject matter then only we are qualified humans and deserve to  be blessed" .
"What is BLESS Krishna?".
""Does blessing means God's favour and His protection  Peter?"
"What does  INSIGHTFUL  means Krishna?"

"Understanding about the TRUTH  OUT OF ALL THE UNTRUTHS 
"It is indeed so sweet Krishna how dare  we people are ignoring and failing  to be  enlightened Krishna!?"
  "What do you really mean Pamitta?"
"We don't  want to be unsuccessful in our life Krishna"
 "Why Sarah?" 
"We don't want to be recycled Krishna" 
"Pardon Peter?" 
 "We don't want to be ended up involving and evolving in the evolutionary process of this cyclic and not cyclic Divinic mechanism Krishna"
  "Why ?"
"Krishna, when we walk in cyclical movement, we are not going to get any where still feeling that we are getting somewhere, but nowhere isn't it nonsense Krishna?
"Please 🙏 applause 👏 🙌 🙏 for Sam  thank you all!!!".
"We all are in a wakefulness means near the God's consciousness Krishna?" 
 "Definitely Durga definitely!" 
"We have  to liberate ourselves from engagement which are like the  entanglement of animals evolutionary process of cycling and recycling sir". 
"What does divine science and Material Science?"
"Sorry Sarah?".
"Dose it make any difference material science and Krishna Science Krishna?"
"A person can become a person only grace of God's Science".
"Why Krishna?"
"Science is organised knowledge whereas Supreme Science is a wisdom, is an organised Originator's operation of eternal life".
"So why there are some turning blind eye Krishna?".
"A wise man can  change his mind, a fool never".
👏 😮 👏 "Definitely Peter definitely such standardised and expertise decent and disciplined comprehension change each an everyone". 

"Overall, all must  be enlightened Krishna?!"
 "In fact, we cannot realise the reality of Supreme Personality by being within "
"He is the universe; 
He is the cause of all causes of the Universe;
 He manufactured/made  us from His Own Will" 

"How Krishna?"

"From His energies Siva".
" How Krishna?"
" He is the Energiser ?"
 "He is the Engineer and He is the Energetic of the cyclical system Rata"

"Ohhhhh my God!!!!We all are  His body,
"So we all are  living  within His Blessing Body sir?"
"Definitely Durga" 
"So no body cannot find out His Original Body Krishna?" 

"Why not?"

"Is He Lord Krishna ?" 
"Of course, He is the cause of all causes sweet ❤ 🤍 💙 🧡 🧡 🖤!!!

"Oh which mean  the manifested (created) 🌎 universe is based on both His spiritual and material energies and elements from His own body Krishna?"
"Absolutely Meera!"
"Why   Marina's Grandma identified Sam as Brahman Krishna?"

"Because Sam knows we are living grace of Krishna's three energies". 
"What are they?"
1 Material Energy 
2 Marginal Energy  
3 Spiritual Energy Krishna.  
"Correct Christina correctly said" 
"Why Marina loves 💘 Sam although he doesn't listen to her Krishna?"

"A woman will never  choose a man who agrees with her in everything", 
Immanuel Kant said Krishna.
"Appreciate it, but there are many  being the bosses"
"However, Sam knows that the Athma is functioning as Subtle invisible Brahman's  Energy ".?"
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees we learnt Krishna 🙏, but in Kali-Yuga we have very shortest memory... sorry Krishna"
"You are welcome!" 
"Oh can we identify how the Athma energise in our body Meera please?"
"But Sam knows it Krishna"
"Why don't you teach us Krishna?"

"We already discussed this subject matter Sudah"
"Please Krisna 🙏 tell us in a simplest way once again 🙏" 

"Alright!....alright!!!When we see a female or a male 
individual., don't we  recognise them? " 
"Yes 👍" 
"How Rosy?"
"Simple, due to their physical forms or appearance Krishna"
"Brilliant 👏!" 
"OK now when we inhale and exhale the air, I mean in breath and out breath, can we see the air students??"
"No Krishna"
"Then how can we see the minute (smallest) atom and the particles of energies inside the  atom (Brahman)?"
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees we learnt it too, but in Kali-Yuga we have the shortest memories ever so sorry Krishna"
"What is that energy called again Krishna?"
"Brahman...Brahman Balaraman "
"That is why grandma identified Sam as Brahman Krishna?"
"Absolutely... absolutely Meera" 
"Could we realise the reality of the divinity within the universe with only our university materials books Knowledge Krishna?".
"Nope 🙅🏻" 
"Krishna, could you tell us an example how we can recognise Lord Krishna?"
" Alright as long as we know the value of a kidney,of Renuga let's take it as an example."
 "Happy Krishna?"
"We are happy Krishna".
"What is the point of having her defective kidney?"
"What Krishna ?"
"If we too live like a defective kidney, what is the point of being humanity?"
"Pardon Krishna?"
"We are afflicted with some diseases ".

"Like  the kidney doesn't function Krishna?".
"What is afflict Krishna?"
"Pain and suffering Suda" 
"Now what does Renuga is going to do in London Krishna?"
"Remove her defective inactive kidney and replace with an active kidney Krishna"
" Brilliant Similarly the useless animals and useless humans are going to be  removed eliminated by nature it's called extinct?"

 "Yes Krishna we learned in science that they are having no living members of a species anymore"
"Sure Sarah!" 
"Nevertheless, the souls are not subject to be destroyed, declined or death right Rata as a regrettable result return to recycling ?"
"Absolutely Krishna there are thousands of pious children remembering their past lives including Marina's London brother."
"So sweet of you Meera the soul is in danger of regaining repeated recycling ♻️ from the beginning  such as virus, micro-organisms single celled insect etc...etc sweetest chocolates can we ignore the sacred soul?"
" No not at all, we simply love 💘 our auspicious Mission of Tuition Sessions Krishna!"
"Why not Christina?"
"So Arjuna was placed in a phenomenal atmosphere to witness the Truth from untruths Krishna?"
"Correct Christina correctly said 👏 👌 "

"Ha.,,ha...The truth behind and beyond all truths is Him Krishna"
 "What did you say Meera please?"
Ha...ha...the truth behind and beyond all the truths is Krishna Krishna?
"Oh my God!!
 How do you learned this Krishna?"
"Vedas from Baba Krishna?"
"Thank you very much dear divine embodiments"

"Ha...ha... so Krishna, 
Sam is a God's representative ?"
"Yes we all are Lords messengers but maddened in materials". 

"At the Airport he considered Ragu as one of his friends too as all are divine embodiments children"
"Oh that's why he is being attractive personalty Krishna?"
"Why not that's makes lots of senses Sarah?"
  "The wisdom is attractive  when we are  insightful, automatically avoid all the negative aspects and replacing them by the  positive respect resulting we are respected".
" Krishna, brother said Rome is close down  and  his website browser slowdown seriously Krishna" 
"Rome Rudra?" 
" must be the CHROME Krisna Anna!".
"Yeah  are you talking about the  circle in 🌈 rainbow colours in the computer Rudra?"
"Pardon Krishna?" 
"I think he is talking about the  Internet chrome not Rome Krishna Anna".
"Does it Rudra?"
"Yep sorry guys now only..." 



Hare Krishna 

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