The Profession of a Teacher is Most Responsible. If the Teacher Strays from the Path of Truth , The Entire Society Will Suffer .

"The Cows Yield Milk  for Feeding their  Kids,  We  Share Them.
But  If we  Don't  feed them back , Is it Humanity Krishna?

"Aren't we  left helpless Krishna?? "

"Does it Mean Godless Krishna???"

"Why Krishna?"

"Our Education Intended  For the Life Knowledge kids (The Science of Self-Realisation)  , But We Abuse it and Use it For Our  Sense Gratifications
( Protect our Prosperous , Professions and Positions) .

"God Morning  🙏  everyone 💕!"
Hi Krishna !!!
So Vedas -has no way in the dogs society Krishna?"

"How can we expect a school without a headteacher?" 
"Ohhhhhhhh....Yeeeeeeeeeeeees you're right Krishna "
"How can we accept a teaching by a headless school ?"
"Ha...,ha... that would be a catastrophe dead schooling Krishna "
"How can we expect peace in a dog society ?"
"What about the dog we watched on video Krishna don't be rude Krishna!"
"Ha....ha....!!!That is one out of millions like little amount of human in Krishna consciousness we are only a few out of billions Mary "

"This is the  responsibility of entire human society Krishna isn't it Krishna?"
" Of course ,how can we live in a headless world isn't it thoughtless?"
"You mean this is a necessity of a school education Krishna?"
"Exactly ,this is the education of humanity based on that,  we educate the material science, too   Balaraman "
"Otherwise the society is doomed Krishna it is going to hell Krishna?". 
"Unmistakably but the devils are residences over here sweet hearts !?"
"Ha....ha......Correct Krishna what happened to Rahul Gandhi Krishna?
"What happened to his family krishna?"
"He is a fit man to fix the financial burden at this crucial circumstances Krishna". 
" Correct students!!!
See in general the dogs are by nature howling: woof...woof...woof ...
But now a days they are warning the people not to be bad".
"We are trying to manufacture tiger society but...but....but....
 have they got human qualifications Krishna?"
The tigers are powerful they can kill many others but can they protect the human society Krishna?"
"At least  there are some
human society with Krishna consciousness luckily Krishna "

"Please stop being argumentative !" 
"Alright...alright alright you are right  Peter"

"Me and Renuga met Rudra on the way home on last Saturday Krishna "
"Correct your grammar mistake first Ruby "

"Me and Renuga met Rudra on the way home on last Saturday Krishna 
what's wrong with it Krishna?"
"We need to say Renuga and I alright ?"
"Thanks Krishna Renuga and I met Rudra Krishna 
"Where was it ?"
"Near the fruits and vegetables market Krishna 
Ha...ha.... he was so funny Krishna "
"Why Renuga?"
"Because...because he said I'm going to get salary in the market ".
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeees astonished whether he works part time in the fruit market and asked him whether he works in the market ha...ha....
"We didn't catch up ?"
"Then he saw us the celery the fragrant vegetable highly recommended as a healthy  food...ha...ha..then he bought fascinating flowers Krishna "...
" Sure!!!! We exclaimed excitedly whether he wishes to offer them to the neighbor girl Krishna as he wanted to profit the situation ...ha.ha....."
"Ohhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees he might have done  it ha...ha... that's why he didn't still  turn up to lesson kids"
"But finally we came to know that his neighbours asked him to buy some celery and flour Krishna ha....ha...".
 "However, as long as both flour and flower pronounce exactly the same as celery and salary , he bought some lovely colourful even fragrant flowers and rushing home with his celery and fresh flowers in a green bag Krishna".

"Really oh my God he might have been beaten up by now Renuga !!!"
"Perhaps he married with her Krishna"
"Ha...ha... so you understand that we get married as a matter of an error the way ,correct your grammar mistake Ruby ".
"Stop being naughty Krishna ?"
"We look forward to meet Rudra Krishna and desperate to   know what happened to him Krishna!"

"Why not we too worry for the poor guy  by the way, again it's mirrors another error Renuga "
"Oh dear what happened to you Krishna?"

"'s an error of saying married with we have to say either get married or married to someone alright?"

"What about look forward Krishna?"
"We need to say look forward to meeting Rudra not look forward to meet Rudra 👌"
"Our apologies for our errors Krishna" 
"It's okey we all make mistakes ha...ha...otherwise we wouldn’t have been born students"
"Oh sure  because of our parents mistakes we are born Krishna ha...ha!!!"
" Undoubtedly we wonder how the nasty nature force our circumstances by muddling up our minds sets ".
"What would have happened to Rudra Krishna by now Krishna?!"
"Don't worry whatever has happened, has happened good ; whatever is happening, is happening good ; whatever will happen in the future , will happen good .What did we loose why we worry only our karma handle human's characters?"
"Ohhhhhhhh goodness whatever you speak, you speak what Lord Krishna spoke ha...ha..."
"Ohhhhhhh goodness looook Krishna who is  there!!!!!"
"Wow Rudra!!!!
 you're already there?"
"Why we fear when Krishna is there ?"
"Any news Rudra ?"
"I'm pretty shy Krishna" 
" Hey!!!He looks so happy Krishna !"
"Beyond dought that all our life  knowledge  begins with experiences Krishna"
"Pardon Rudra ?"
"The  reading of all The Great 💕 Hearts  episodes  is like an  information of perfect  prediction Krishna".
 "Ohhhhhhhh we are  talking about your flowers ..." 
"What who is Our new prime minister his name is Anil no?!"
I'm joking...Ha...ha...Ha....ha...Ha...Ha...
"Good news Good 🌄 Morning Everyone!"
" Rudra trying to change the topic Krishna "
"Wow now we know what is  Rudra's  situation   ha...ha... in  romance Krishna ha...ha....,"
"Excuse meeeee Krishna can you clear my doubt ?"
"How can I help you Peter?"
" Marina was often thinking of Sam particularly while she was telling the history of the Godly King   why was it please?"
"Easy Krishna can I demonstrate through out a vedic Video Krishna?"
"No objection Meera...
"Please open the black 🖤 curtain Krishna"
"Unbelievable God bless you ...

" Another request Krishna ?"
"My pleasure Pammitta "
"Could...could we dedicate this video to express our   congratulations  to Rudra  Krishna:"
"What's that???"
"Why... why ??? that  important?"
" Why not Krishna what did you say just a few minutes ago?"
"What I said??"
" Don't worry whatever has happened, has happened good ; whatever is happening, is happening good ; whatever will happen in the future , will happen good .What did we loose why we worry?"
"Ohhhhhhhh goodness whatever you speak, you speak what Lord Krishna spoke long as we are with Lord Lane, we can be assured that we are following his law lane Krishna "
"Sure....sure sweet hearts 💕 quick ...quick".
"Thank you very much "
"Any more quarrels ha...ha...?"
" Ha....ha...!Absolutely we need no introduction if  we all understand  our Mission." 
"Alright come to the point Krishna we commence 
uncommon conversation while the country is on  fire 🔥, Is it fair Krishna?"
"However, it's for everybody  we don't have much ideas of  this tragedy students"
" Where is going to end Krishna?". 
"Where is the real  Knowledge? "
How to expect Soul Knowledge? 

We have to encourage people to have  Divine Torch knowledge to avoid  this kind of circumstances 
"Thank you  so much Krishna".
"Thank you too"
"This Mission is  based on blessing humanitarian I mean  our 
master worries are for human worshipable eternal welfares
 Take the topic for example :
The Profession of a Teacher is Most Responsible. 
"Isn't  It Kids?"

"That's what we are doing Krishna ha...ha...👏 !".
Yeeee! If the Teacher strays from the Path of Truth , what would happen students?"
"The Entire Society Will Suffer  Krishna".

"Brilliant 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏!!?"

Similarly, If The Administrators of The County  unaware of the goal and promote the alcohol?"

"We can't Save The Public Krishna?"
" Correct! bless 🙏 you sweet hearts 💕" 
"  The contents of the episodes are so simple to become 
 humble..Nonetheless, no one knows the values of them yet as each of us is a temple Krishna."
"What is happening in our country what does Buddha 
saying Krishna?"
"The  Goal of   an Adequate Administration Based on Devotion, Dedication and Detachment , this is Buddha's Education ".
"As the sun rays evaporate 
the water in the ocean leaving the 🧂 sault, we have to get rid of additional attachments because of Karma Krishna  ?".
"Oh that's why you displayed the water cycle picture Krishna?"
"Correct Christina ."
"Divine dedication and education is not only a 
matter of information, but also  a matter of transformation  with blessness Krishna's devotion".
"Are we transforming Krishna?" 
"Definitely Durga". 
"Thank you for enhancing us with Dharma such a 
worshipable wisdom in a simplest way to find a fabulous way of perfect path way of Krishna ".
👏 👏 👏 👏 
"True! No one of us didn't  know what was devotion, we 
thought we were in business, asking God £ 100,000 in exchange of £10 
" Exactly!Our Mission taught  us that our life time is rolling away there is no way to stop straightaway, but every second can be valued 
following the Vedic way Krishna."
"The basic reason  why we began this Mission,   is not only one or two factors , there  are many, tutor said !
"Pardon !?"
"There are  regrettable reasons behind this Mission, Mr K.Soul  said".
"Sure !We again refer to the 
topic sweet 💕 hearts:

"The Cows Yield Milk  for Feeding their  Kids,  We  Share Them  .
 If we  Don't  feed them up, 
"Who Serves Them Krishna?".....
"Basically this is a matter of school teachers missing matter which we are doing within our  tuition Kids?".
 "Sure!If we turn blind eye Krishna , what would happen?"
" Not only we suffer,  but also 
we return to pay tax which are unpaid and put the people' s bank to sink in the ocean " 
"You mean rebirths Krishna?"
"By the way,  I received a call from tutor a couple of days ago "
"Why Krishna?" 
"We failed to turn off the KARMA switch".
"Does Lord Buddha directing like this Krishna?".
"For instance, on our research,  there are more than 50  percent of 
the population are busy in internet Krishna  ".
Are they going  to be punished Krishna...?" 
"100 percent punishment!"
" They all are working and studying no?"
 "That is part of our karmas Sam .What you want to say?". 
"The data proved over 50 percent of the population, 
watching extremely dangerous aspects Krishna ". 
 "On Internet ?"
" Mummmmm!!!"
"May we know what is it Sam?"
"What does it mean  Krishna Anna?",
"Pictures, writing, films intended to arouse sensual excitement    "
"Our tutor once  had caught one of our students red handed".
"However, now he is a Self-Realised Saintly student grace of our tuition Krishna"
" Yeee !!!Each year  1.2 million of children under 14 years of age being sold 
through internet". 
"Could we trust in it  Krishna?"
"We didn't finish Krishna !"
"He is saying that the phone is not a problem, but the content Krishna we are watching is the problem".
 "Reading the episodes of Mr K.Soul Nava, is essential for education to be recognised as human being have to be in sanity. He says we all are in between sanity and insanity lines. According to his Guru"
"Means the 
same people are being in the middle, moving here and there Krishna?" .
"So again  you all are reminding the topic ?"

Aren't We Godless?

"Why Krishna?"

Our Education Intended  For the Life Knowledge". 

"What Krishna?"

 "The Science of Self-Realisation Rudra"

"Yes that is the foundation of education Krishna Anna"

 , But We Abuse it and Use it For Our  Sense gratifications( Prosperous Positions and Professions) .
Can We?......
"No! Does  crossing the line called a mixed minds sets 
"We need this tremendous divine line as 
our guideline to maintain 🙏a blessing lovely life line Krishna"
"True Krishna Meera is correct!".
"We are running out of time for narration  children"

" me... me....!!!"
"Please proceed Peter 🙏" 
"Who are the genuine gurus Krishna?"
"How many times you... ...ha...ha...They are the  Bona-Fide Spiritual Masters."
"Who is  Mahatma Krishna?" 
"Oh we already learned and we now know the one knows Krishna is a mahatma.
"Thanks Krishna". 
"Don't we indebted to the gurus Krishna?"
"It's true may I know why Siva?"

"We practuce Yoga, grace of our gurus Krishna ".

"But... but what is Yogi mean?"
"The one who follows the Supreme Street, the Royal 
Road and directing or helping humans throughout  his 
EXAMPLE Road to return by turning off the karma switch Renuga ".

"You mean in order to avoid return?"
"You got it great  hearts single tiket not returning wicket 💕💞"
"Who is Shiva " 
"He is an Athy-Yogi".
"What is the purpose of observing Svarathiry Krishna please 🙏 ?"
"The goal is, mind-control".
"So it's not a matter of solving our own  problems Krishna?"
"Ha...ha...! The problem of all the problems is being 
human beings great hearts ". 
" Aren't you insulting us Krishna ha...ha... ???"
"No consulting from the Vedas...
... Mukthy, the Self Realisation is the gate way to 
be open our original eyes, all the doubt doors 🚪 of the 
heavenly house has to be opened by torch of knowledge ?🏠"
"I don'get it Krishna!"
"Do we  need to be still  animals in human forms Great Hearts 💕 
💕?""No the VEDAS  is to inform us to  transform in Divine Form by Self-Realisation Krishna"
"Brilliant 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏!!!"
"How do we recognise a bakctha ,a real devotee of Bhuddha?"
"Unless our torch of knowledge transformed in to wisdom, and express  through  our characteristics,  we are not 100 percent backta".
"You mean not only inform but transform Krishna ?" 
"How to confirm it Krishna ?" 
"The wisdom  is express in character".
"If not Krishna ?" 
"The school or university education is a waste water path
process plus  more and more  dangerous addictive of bar considering alcohol is the soul "
"This was said by Baba sweet 
"As an example Lord,The Lord Buddha as soon as he saw the suffering of 
the people, he decided to find a remedy by finding the cause of all causes".
"Who is it Meera ?"
"The Universal Father."
"Through his meditation 🧘‍♀️ Krishna".
"After his enlightenment, he declared to his best friends that we must set free from karma"
"Which is the cause of all causes in this iron age children?". 
"You're Brilliant 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Krishna!!!
"I know... but who knows Krishna?"
"Does liberation can be achieved by means of the sciences of Self-Realisation Krishna?".
realising the Supreme Being is a Sadana/challenge"
"So it is not Lord Shiva who is the Supreme God Krishna?"
"As long as we are maddened in materials, we are being classified in three classes". 
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees we learnt Krishna !"
"Aren't we  forgetful?"
"Yeah we are hidden in Ignorance, Passion and Goodness Krishna."
"Good! If we are basically in the last "Ignorance Class",  we better stick on it".
"With Lord Shiva Krishna?".
"Yeah to keep on begging  materials interests "
"However, when we are improved and approve the 
best blessed class ,"The Goodness," we stick with the Supreme 
God, Lord Vishnu, Krishna not only to be get out of this 
tragedy of getting multiple bodies , but also progress in prosperous  life am I right Krishna?"".  
"Wow unmistakably we're achieving our preferred materials happiness with the God Consciousness 🙏?" 
"Hundred percent Krishna 💯".
"We need a person to encourage our president Krishna!". 
"Pardon Meera"
"He made a mistake and he realised,  but no one forgives him Krishna!".
"You are so  different Meera so soft and amazing person to advise ❤
in our alarming circumstances ❤".
"Thanks Krishna I really mean it Krishna "
"God bless you darling... Everyone listen, be a living example of a humble person of transformation Like Meera, we have to ttransform our character at least little by little to trasnform oyr life better and better ".
"By the way ,Didn't we learn in Hinduism that Lord Shiva is the 
Supreme Krishna?"
"Ha...ha...! No competition, but corporation please!".
"That is what we learned in our last session 
that we are in different, different 
identity according to our qualities and qualifications". 
"Ha...ha...yeah ha....and we are prepared to die for a piece of flag Krishna".
"What... what a pity of  ignoring the divinity Krishna!"
"See the way  we are on the streets  now a days in our own  country and being  killed by our own people on the 
 "What about Ukraine war Krishna?"
" Of course,  we are prepared to sacrifice our bodies for the land or  
certain  religion Krishna" .
"That is our own perspective and pursuing (following) them again and  due to our deepest karma Krishna?"
"Would we welcome it 🙏?"
"No Krishna"
"Why Sivarathiri  takes place on the 14th crescent, 🌙 Krishna?" 
"Because this is the pure  science there 
is a little left moon to influence the earth or influence the mind 
of men "
"Does the moon influence 
us Krishna?"
"Hundred percent Peter "
"Why Krishna?"
"To conquest all the 
tendency( interests) which 
entangled us".
"What is enlightenment Krishna?"
"Having wisdom like science of spirit ✨".
"What is the benefits of observing Sivarathiri Krishna?"
"Thus this night sublimate our minds Meera"
"What does...does mean sublimation Krishna",
"Transformation to pretty purity Meera" .
"What Lord Shiva 🙏 says of the evolution Krishna I mean systematic trasnformation from virus, bacteria up to the high, higher  and  highest human fantastic form Krishna?"
"He is proving and approving  the Supreme Personality's Nine Avatars are the example 
of the evolutionary process involvements like Charles Darwin said 150 years ago". 
Who said it first Krishna?
"Lord Shiva or Charles Darwin 
Krishna? "
 "Lord Shiva"
"When was it Krishna?"
"About fifteen thousand years ago Ruby"
"So basically Siva is a Yogi Krishna?"
"Yes he is the best Yogi 🌹 🥀🌹🥀 🌹🥀 Roses!"
Better let  us watch and hear what the yogy talks about Multy Incarnation I mean the Originator in His Original God form but as  human form okey Krishna?".
"No problem please proceed ".
"So Krishna avatar is the complete whole overall all in one ?
"Yeah multiple dimensions All the Divine in one haven't you remarked His universal form? "
"OhhhhhhhhYeeeeeeeeeeeees unbelievable Krishna!!!!".
"Why He is the best there are others in modern age who can speak multiple languages and elegant English Krishna?" . 
"Ha...ha...Because he is the first Yogi Rata."
"Evidence Krishna?"
"The rest of the greatest yogis are declaring it Subathra and it is in Vedas" .
"Whoever ignore Vedas, certainly talking kind of bluff .They are amazing  bluffers "
"Does bluffing means make some one to believe that you make or will do some thing Krishna?"
"Absolutely Pamitta".
"Nonetheless Yogi is a Yogi and 
God is the God Krishna"
"Correct Christina". 
 "Then why we say Lord Shiva Krishna?"
"When we realised the reality of Supreme Personality,  
we can be use that term, name as same form.
Nonetheless we are not God only part and parcel of Krishna"
"Example Krishna?"
"When Jesus realised his Father , we called him Lord Jesus and when Baba realized Krishna?"
the Supreme Lord, Krishna we called him  Bhghawan ".
 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏! Indeed splendid Krishna. To be frank, we 
were wondering why some people calling Baba as
Bhagawan why  Krishna why ?"
"In this case, why we mostly motivated in praying the 
33 millions of demigods Krishna ?".
" For instance we are children we don't know the parent values interested in playing play stations and following friends  thinking that  playing play  stations   are beneficial ha....ha.... ".
"You are rude Krishna!"
"See the way Smiling Sam was treated; see the way our people of Srilanka have been left on the streets ".
"Have we ever thought of our karma Krishna?"
"Our life is not a nightmare  if we are self-realised souls  ".
"True Krishna "
" By the way, why  Marina and Sam keeping their distance in their dreams Krishna?"
"That was already explained Marina has been given wrong messages about Sam Rudra".
   "Why Sam get married then Krishna?"
"That's a matter of nightmare a serial dreams even no surprise of experienced daily dreams   and  when we are thinking of our manipulated  marriage, obviously we began to have some nightmares" 
  "Although they have been married why they live in their own rooms Krishna".
 "Would we do the same at home  Krishna. ".
"Why not?"
" Do you think all the couples are attached all of the times Christina?.".
"Correct question Sarah 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏!!!
"Being in their own room is better than being together ".
"Why Krishna?".
" Do we like to loose our love , affection and attraction quickly rather than slowly Christina?"  
"Oh like prince and princess or King and Queen , we have to maintain our own bed room to increase the affection , attachments  and respect Krishna".
"In deed ,in  addition it's gives us a pretty healthy  privacy Krishna".
"Just forget about it why we are comparing and complicating let's carry on our narration Krishna".
"As a matter of fact ,in our Mission of Tuition we learned lots of dreams I mean our life is already a living dream Krishna".
"Why don't you Show us  a video of a couple of Satvic I mean Goodness and at the same time Thamastic Ignorance please Krishna?.
"Yes nice idea Krishna".
"Then open the red curtain"
"So Krishna the three characters such as Goodness Passion and Ignorance classes are classified by the law of nasty nature and leaving us in nightmare due to our past pious and impious in other words, pava Punniya?" 
Definitely Durga 
"Have a look how Lord hook every citizen by His lovely look":


Hare Krishna 

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