All Our Mistakes And Miseries is Due to Separation From The  Father, 
  Who ? Sath-Chith-Ananda-Swarupa...
1) Sath=   Not Subject To Decline;
Not Subject  to Decay Or not subject to Death.  
2) Chith=Pure Intelligences 
3) Ananda= Bliss Eternal Happiness. 
4? Swarupa=Universal Form of Our Originator .

"God Morning 🌄 Krishna.!"
"God Morning Everyone 🌄 🙏! "
All Our Mistakes And Miseries is Due to Separation From The  Father, 
  Who ? Sath-Chith-Ananda-Swarupa...Krishna?
"Does Sath is  Not Subject To Decline Krishna and it doesn't disappear at any time  like the sacred soul Krishna?
"Definetly neither our souls only thing the sacred souls Embodied in different bodies accordingto our own karma (actions)"

" Krishna, it is impossible to imagine!!!"

"Ha...ha...bluffing beautifully "

"Our Bhakthi -Yoga in krishna Consciousness is Making the impossible , possible great hearts  💕 "

"We wonder how does it exist Krishna ?"

"Exactly it possible souls are Not Subject  to Decay Krishna like our bodies?"

"Absolutely because that is the only Truth and the rest are untruth sweet hearts 💕💕 "

"So Lord Krishna does not subject to Death , decay and Decline?"

"You got it !!! Pretty plus point of Papa realisation is the definition of  humanity"

 "In that case, we can be get out of the nasty nature's  consecutive cycle by our  self scince study Krishna ?"

"Absolutely in understanding that Krishna is in each of us as Atman and Paramatman but like subtle bodies like protons, nutrition, electrons withinthe nuclear are tou clear?"

"That's...that's mean our excistence is everlasting and nevereding krishna? ?"

"Yeah we never decay even  in our death dear divine embodiments"

"You are hypocrisy Krishna how it would possible Krishna?"

 " Our temporary  bodies are only our temporay clothes grace of  God's glory which is boxed in our bodies stupendous students"

"Oh my God so the boxes are  decaying day to day as today Krishna?"

"Unmistakably ".

"Then why we  only interested in celebarating   each of our  birthday Krishna?"

"Yeah !!!So Krishna we are foolishly passing our  time not awareness of deaily danger waitingat each of our doorstep?"
Because we know how precious is our human  life ?" 

"Correct  that's the teaching of Bhagawadam which was spoken by Sugadeva Goswamy to the Godly king who was cursed by a little powerful saint's son" 

"Yeah not knowing that we are step by step stepping to  the last step ignoring the new steps in our future boxes Krishna?"

"Sure fortunately we are in the process of success in finding the access in order to  get out of the temporary body boxes and seeking the permanent boxes embodiments of enlightenments by divine development"

2) Oh ! By learning the Chith equal matter of pretty Pure Intelligences Krishna?"

"Undoubtedly "

"We wonder why we didn't get your sacred steps  Krishna ?"

"3) Which is to  obtain our original Ananda= Bliss Eternal Happiness students". 
"In that case ,revealing the reality of Supreme Personality is the gate way of returning to Papa's pathway Krishna ?"

"Of course  that the goal of the goals that is part   of our responsibilities and that is the Science of Self-Realisation 
Krisna ?"

"Sure the last and the 4th, Swarupa equals the Universal Form of Our Originator sacred students ".
"Thanks Krishna" 
 "Are these gentlemen are the masked men Krishna?".
"No Tulsy ! They are  Supreme Science Teachers and loyal leaders like Sam

"Do you Remember?"
"Yeah.....Mahatma Gandhi Krishna and Martin LutherKing Krishna" 

"Was ...was Mahatma Gandhi  always carrying the Bhagavadgita Krishna?"".
"Oh yeah we learned it at secondary school Krishna".
"Where was it?".
 "In London Krishna  🤪"
"We wonder how come Martin Luther King could be a Supreme Science Teacher Krishna?"
"Yeah Krishna ?" 
"He was a Christian ✝️ wasn't he Krishna?".
"Was he  Krishna conscious person Krishna?"
"Yes Peter".
"Was he  a  SUPREME SCIENCE TEACHER krishna?".
"Of course,  because he learned the cause of all causes". 
 "We would like to know how Krishna "
"He went to visit India, interested in learning the path of Mahatma Gandhi 🇮🇳 "
"Crucially  to learn Mahatma Gandhi's guidelines Krishna? ".
"Absolutely ".
"Was it because Ghandhi 's path  was pure divine  divine lane Krishna?". 
"Correct Christina". 
"Then why he didn't carry on teaching Bhagawad-Gita please Krishna?"
 "Because of the separatism, he decided to carry on continuing the Bible instead of competition, but corporation" 
"We didn't get it Krishna was it due to different continent I mean separate place ; separate people and separate language although the same Divine Director, the  same  creator and the same Actor?".
"Exactly eventhough  real religion is teaching the righteous path so we have  to know the main only  Heavenly Holy  ,and march along the path of it ?".
"What was it Krishna?"
"If the VISION STRAIGHT AND   RIGHT,  what can division do Krishna?". 
"What does it mean ?"
Baba asked Krishna "
"What Lord Jesus asked Krishna?"
"What is the point of having the whole world while ignoring the SOUL?".
"Indeed splendid Krishna"
"Oh that's great idea, so his idea,   that we should not give any room for doubt and discussion on this matter Krishna ?"
"Sure however it doesn't matter of discussing in devotion as isn't  it an education for verification and confirmation  and isn't it important ?"

"Then    why in some area he himself talking about challenge of SADANA Krishna?". 
"You mean Baba ?"
"Yes  Krishna "
"That is for further promotion."
"Definitely Durga".
"As long as Martin Luther King understood Father's Relationship, he understands the main leadership of worship and the standardisation of the community according to their classifications of their pious and impious of previous practices Krishna" 
 "Absolutely 💯 Peter absolutely. By the way,  we 
appreciate your video which echoes everywhere like a BBC news in radio
"Thanks we are Mission students Krishna  grace of this Tuition of Mission, students, leading the torch of  knowledge to encourage the entire students".
"Brilliant 👏👌".
 "Could we  continue our narration Krishna?"
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeees ,but  we haven't spoken the subject matter yet Krishna".
"Could anyone guess what is it?".
"Pardon Krishna!". 
 " Who is Sath-Chith-Ananda Swarupa."
"Luckily we  already learned Lord's brief blessed name which is witnessing all of His eternal engagements grace of our enlightenments ".
"So we agree  that we are enlightened Krishna "
"Unless   we  understand today's topic talk , we  are in entanglement".
"Like Arjuna?".
"Pardon what does entanglement mean Krishna?". 
"Engaged or involved in complicated circumstances". 
"Wow let's get started Krishna?"
"I wonder why you all are simply calling me Krishna not adding anna as an aspect of respect students ".
"Short form  Krishna ha...ha" 
"We understand that's why the cow and bull  say ,"Mo"  instead of Mom !"
""Please!Quick...quick go a head to the heading please Krishna."

1) "Does Sath mean,   Not Subject To decline, Decay And Death?",  

"You are right Rata"

"2) Does Chith interprets ,Pure Intelligences?" 

"Brilliant 👏👌🙌👏👌"

 "3)  Does Ananda= Bliss Eternal Happy?"

"Absolutely Meera "

"4? Does Swarupa mean Universal form Of Our Originator?"

"Unmistakably Sam !!".
"Congratulations ".
"Let's go and meet Marina Krishna".
"Yeah Krishna it's our original pleasure Krishna".
" Really!!!!!
.... 2  years rolled up" 
Marina sometimes tired , sometimes worrys and  sometimes tired  of waiting a sigle telephone call from Sam.  
"Why  she is still in doubt about his attitudes Krishna?"
"Of course. ..of course ,Rata, time to time it's unavoidable 
all because of  Ragu rowdy 's manipulation"
"Ragu's rowdism didn't stop and his rumours are massive ?"
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeees Tulsy"
"Was Sam always a Sane I mean  in sanity or some times insanity Krishna?"

"Qualitative questions, 
being a human being which involved in evolutionary frame work 
or underlying structure, it's  ,difficult to be as sane as a Sacred saint"
 "So she has some evidence showing that Sam 
might be an insane person?"
"Listen students during his teenage, in this cinema age, 
"We got it some times he would be acting like an average teenage boy Krishna".  
"You mean in hankering behind the girls he would be acting like an average teenage by force of circumstance Krishna ?".
"What does it mean  Krishna hankering?"  
"Feel sort  of desire  around or towards the girls  like Lord Krishna was?"
"We already discussed decently and detailly   not to 
connect our corruption actions with God as we are after all   
🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜 🐜like ants . "
" However, we would like to know why you get upset Krishna ?"
"We do not connect our corruption in correlation 
with the source of  creation, Lord Krishna 🙏"
"Still we wonder why you get upset that is our mind set of preset Krishna!!!" 

" Alright !Once Arjuna had accompanied Lord in an amazing atmosphere, travelling in a charming chariot enjoying the aromatic environment." 

"Thanks this is very rare opportunity of hearing 
history from  you Krishna".
"Let us carry on students! 
Any one knows what type of friendship was Arjuna with  Lord Krishna?".

"Hope like us nothing else".
"Ha...ha... ".
" Krishna Anna smiled once in a   blue moon!".

"Listen Arjuna knows the five elements are from Him and they are the product of 
Him , the Will of Krishna Will act on His Will".

"That's  what we said why you repeatedly say many Will purposely confusing us 
"In how many elements we are made of ?".
"Simple just five and we are controlled by Five Factors Krishna" 
"Including our Five Senses Krishna?".
" Didn't we learn that Krishna ?". 
"Good Rudra brilliant 👏👌👍
"He who lives for the sake of eating is a sinner doesn't it
correct  Krishna?".
"Sure Sarah". 
"Arjuna knows that the five elements Will listen Lord 
"Sure "
"We too ,know it Krishna ha...ha...ha...ha...ha...".

 "In fact,the only definition of Truth is what Lord Krishna ?"
"What the hell you tell  that's it Krishna?".
 "So whatever He says Right or Wrong considered to be 
Correct and Right Krishna ?".
"Yeah we cannot over rule Him?!". 
"We know how proud you are  grace of your nicest 
name , KRISHNA Anna".
"Excuse  meeee Pamitta!!! What did you say?".
"Our Guru,Bhacktivedanta Swami said,
"What was it?".
The name Krisna I mean your name  is graciously  attractive". 
"Krishna because the name Krishna is not belongs to this mortal world, but from blessed transcendental world like Gita's words Krishna Anna". 
"What does mean transcendental world Krishna ?".
"Spiritual world great hearts 💕 ". 
"Thanks that's what we are learning in Gita,  Krishna  
"Brilliant 👏👌".
"Then Lord Krishna pointed to a bird perching on the branch of a tree". 
"Do you see that peacock?"
"Krishna  asked Arjuna .
"Arjuna agreed without any argument ".

"Oh, no Arjuna!".
" It is not a peacock. It is an  eagle Arjuna". 
"Arjuna promptly  said ,
"sure it was an eagle Krisna ." 
 Soon Krishna corrected Himself and pointed to the same bird and  said,
," I  am sorry . It is a dove Arjuna ".
"Arjuna too corrected himself and said,
 "Yes ... Yes ...I see now it's dove alright". 
And then a few minutes later Lord  corrected again!!! 
"It  is not a dove at all it's a crow Arjuna."
Arjuna agreed saying  ,"Undoubtedly! Yes  it's a 
crow Kanna ".
"Krishna then was laughing lovingly and friendly  accusing or blaming   
Arjuna's stupidity". 
"Yeah we are in a puzzled status Krisna Anna.Because he was saying "
yes...yes...yes ...yes...4 yeses". 
"What? Why you answered yes Arjuna are you stupid?"
"1) peacock  "Yes"2)) eagle?   "Yes"3) dove?      "Yes "4) crow?       "Yes"
Why Arjuna why?"
Arjuna  looked at Him like James glanced at Sam  affectionately ,lovingly smilingly and submissively, 
"Kanna! What you say is the Truth Krisna".
"What He has no law of right and wrong ?".
"That's  the only correct definition of Truths what Krishna says"
"Baba said".
"Oh goodness!" 
"Now we have to answer why Arjuna was submissively agreed ?"
"Is it because He was the  God of the Gods ?"
"Yes Krishna"
"What is an example with  evidence please?." 
"Because of his enlightenment,  Arjuna knows,
What ever Lord says  is the law. There is no one 
beyond  but all are below Him we are in Him ".
He has the "Will " he will change the mind of anyone and every-one by His Metaphysical energy".
"What's that Krishna?"
"Elaborate please Krishna !"
" Posited reality outside of human sense perception "
"What's wrong with you  Krishna do you speak English  ?"
"  modern philosophical terminalogy , the word metaphysics refere to the studies of what cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality understand " 
"Would we disagree with Lord  Krishna ?"

" No. Krishna that is Karma. We have to be submissive with Krisna even with his devotees especially the Bona-Fide  Spiritual Masters Krishna "
"Thanks "
"Why Krishna why we fear of Father?"
" Can I answer Krishna ?"
"Certainly Christina" 
"Krishna, Lord being the creator ,He will change the character or emotions of all us in a  matter of minutes
"Ha....ha.... how He does it Meera?"
"With... with his Divine Will Krishna""
"Ohhhhhhhh consequently He is the Operator?"  .
 "Correct Peter "
"How He managed to manipulate them Krishna ?"
"Ha...ha...simply He is the Creation sweet hearts 💕 "
"So Krishna  God's Will will change in favour of his devotees? "
Yes like a diamond designed ring being beautiful and valuable  with the gold, Krishna's devotees are valuable and helpful grace of their vedic magnetic mindset "
"Oh honestly awsome ,mystery and miraculous Mission  of  transforming us!!! 
"Yes Krishna "
"Thank you soooo much Krishna".
"Brilliant appreciate it  children 👏👌🙌!".
"We better  follow up the backup because we didn't and couldn't catch up 
the characteristic of Sam clearly Krishna". 

"Today was wow weather and charming atmosphere and also
from time to time slight shower seemed sensational."
"Where was Krishna?".
"Marina was  in the library, taking some notes in the University. Wasn't she Krisna ?"

"This is something like after school club study isn't it Krishna?."
 "Pardon Peter?"
"I mean  students go to the library and revise regularly and help each other like we do Krishna".
"Sure ...sure actually the university study time is over. She was working for her exam of her third year." 
"Unfortunately  the conspiracy doesn't continue wasn't it Krishna?". 
"Undoubtedly Retna "
"What does it mean ,conspiracy Krishna?"
"A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful".
"Somehow Marina's sweetest dreams partly destroyed by some gossiping groups of rumours Krishna?"
 "Correct ! Telling her Sam no longer loves you 💔 he has western friends". 
"Is it true Krisna?"
"You are different Krishna!".
"I could not hear it what is it Mary why you all are  smiling  constantly ?"

"We wonder how does the    God handling things single handedly". 
"He is the pot ,the Potter and the clay  got it?" 
"Sure Krishna please proceed "
" 👏👌"."Surprise was, Sam  doesn't have time even to sit in peace". 
"We understand Krishna" 
"Unexpectedly her phone was chanting Gayatry 
"She would be over the moon Krishna!!?".
"Ha...ha...!!!Her back bone shone as she thought everything gone due to planned gossiping only to make her insane (mad).
📱 What a video call Krishna!!? 
"After longtime, because of his time restrictions, Smiling Sam is on line.
Despite of Knowing that  her Sam was on line. She decided to show her 
long face due to his long delay in calling her".
"Cuuuuu Kuuu!"She felt fantastic her mind was in a romantic  dream ,
Would we watch it ?....."Yes ...yes Krishna"
It's remarkable and reminding the history of 
Krishna and Arjuna's four formidable birds , 
     1)      Eagle, 
  2)       peacock, 
             3)     dove and
    4)    crow 
"When watching different , different Marina Krishna "
"Ha...ha...ha...He was 
extremely extraordinary and told her lots of news about her 
blessed brother in London".
"We wish we were with her  Krishna "
"It seemed to her as though the entire world temples 🕍 
🕍 🕍 🕍 belles tingling...rang together on the phone. Such as a happiest 💕 
new born baby .
"Really Krishna exciting !?"

"For some reason, she couldn't speak although she wanted to speak so many things",
"However, nothing! Nothing!! Comes to her mind or mouth Krishna!!!???".
"She might be in emotion Krishna"
" No wonder, she  is emotional Rata"
"It would be like the Sun 🌹 rose in the garden of golden for her 🌹 🥀 🌹 🥀 Krishna! 
" Why not? He was congratulating her gratefully for her highest 
successful second year great grades "
"Did  she pass in first class Krishna?".
"Correct Christina "
"Her eyes might have been  writing poem  after poem by  divined diamond pretty pen Krishna". 
"Absolutely absolutely !!!"
"She might knew that  she was a blessed bird Krishna "
 "Why... how you know Rosy ?"?" 
"Because he has no borders only blessings 🙏"
 "What border ?"
His mind picture is only one holy scripture. He often   lectures to a child 
or old whether he is a gold or metal minded Krishna". 
"We don't understand Krishna"
"For him ,no discrimination 
(different )an American or a Srilankan any flags or colours cannot
clouding him. He has no geographical border to bother 
and share his Father's Victorious vedas ".
"So what kind of identity he has Krishna?"
"What does it mean Krishna?" 
"From the work and worship, he gained WISDOM the torch of knowledge".
"What is his aspiration I mean ambition Krishna?"
"His aspirations are  works of worldly   
welfare benefits based on the Blessings 🌉Bridge.
He loves his professional job and his personal job as he loves to safe 
the souls and send them back Home 🏡. 

"He knows the Only thing Originator doesn't appreciate, was the people 
who are wasting the time in investing for material  comforts only 
by begging the 33 million of demigods Krishna ".
"Appreciate it"
"Crucially when Sam was talking about his German visit with 
her incarnated brother's 👪, family krishna?"
"everything she saw, seemed stupendous; every thing she thought was 
tremendous and everything she heard was glamorous! She was in a glad mood of goodness".
"Unexpectedly, she remarked phenomenal things were happening around
the university.
"Pardon Krishna?"
"She looked through the white windows down 
the glamorous garden next to the university it's a wow  white building, too.
"What a coincident Krishna?"
  "A  pair of peacocks were spreading their fairy feathers and they fans delightedly 
"Do you mean from far always hearing Sam's name and Gayatry Mantra, they are dancing delightedly Krishna?👯‍♀️ 💃!
"Yeah so sweet so amazing and so beautiful ".
 "What a dynamic dance 👯‍♀️ 💃 🕺 👯‍♀️ 👯‍♀️ like the children enjoying 
the fresh air in fun fair! Sounded like holy realm roofed in fabulous flowers!!". 
"We adore the way you explain the history Krishna ".
"Simultaneously there  was a prettier shower ... falling  flowers like 
fragrant shower of diamonds 💎 🚿 pouring pure pearls on 
her honey ❤ heart which was hurt by consecutive conspiracy and  
"Was it becase she was pleased when she saw Sam Krishna?"
"Yeah she was phenomenally awesome sort of auspicious omen around the 
university library which is for common people as well great hearts "

Hare Krishna !
How stilled man  being generous minded? Have a go

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