The Universal Prayer.
"Divine Dance With Gayatry Mantra …
"Why"? "All Our Misery Is Due To Our Disconnection of Our Divine Daddy "
From... Father. "Who"? Lord Krishna  

Our  Minds  Should Not Admit 

Any Activity Contrary To Dharma Or Ingery To Godly Glory" 🙏

" What's that Krishna?"

 "Vedas' Words",
"Who's words again Krishna?"

" God's words and Guru's Guidence .

"  where does it lead us Krishna? ? 

"Joyous Journey of Enjoying Our Life And Liberation in the end view".
"When does it end  Krisna? "   

 "At the End Of Our Enjoyment with Enlightenment"
"You're completely complicated Krishna "
"One who performs his duty without attachment, surrendering the result unto the Supreme Lord ,is unaffected by SINFUL ACTION, as the  lotus leaf is untouched by water". 
" I told you that Krishna! You're completely complicated "
"In that case, is it wrong   when we  work  with our  minds krishna considering the minds as our masters  Krisna?"
"That is not advisable because we all are money minded the money is a good master and a bad teacher or servant "
"Pardon Krishna the money minded people are not intelligence Krishna?"
 "Are we   intelligence when we are leaded by monkey minds and bad servants ?"
"Mind means attracted simply by our five feelings Krishna?":
"Yes excellent effort :
1) Looking 
2) Smelling 
3) Hearing 
4) Feeling and
5) Tasting 
"Which means sinful Krishna?"
"If we work with intelligence Krishna?"
"Out of sin as we win divine wing"
"Tell us someone as example Krisna ?"
" I think it's a difficult subjet matter "
"So why on earth  we had  learned that the sum total of all material world is Brahman Krishna ?"
"Sure certainly it's means the creation of the  three modes of material nature is Brahman I don't disagree"
"Could you elaborate we love to  explore it in a  high extent Krishna?"
"Surely  the material world is a sum total of the manifestation of the three modes of material nature is the manifestation of Brahman "
"Then why we work and worship Krishna foolishly isn't it childish Krishna?"
"Although the elegance effects of the material manifestation( creation )   are non diffrent from the cause of all  causes, Sri Krishna ".
"Superb Krishna superb answer Krishna!??"
"Working in Krishna consciousness is beyond contamination like K.Soul does agreeing that the total proprietorship of Lord Krishna "

"Correct!!! Wheras  working out of Krishna consciousness is contaminated just like his brother does who disagree the total proprietorship of Lord Krishna "
"Ohhhhhhhh we got it although ..!"
" Everything is totally related to the Supreme Bhraman and thus everything is totally belongs  to Krishna."
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees!!!
Therefore, the result of our work related to Him Krisna as simple as a piece of cake Krishna what do you eat ?"
"A cutest delicious cake made of lovely lime I got it from the Hare Krishna Pretty Priest "
"Enchanting !!!Engaging in His services is the best service out  of all the services Krishna but why you are being selfish. In addition you are not sharing it's seems mouth watering stuff Krishna? " 
"Ha...ha... so what ?
...I'm hungry Kids "
"We're running out of time Krishna your session is pretty boring are not sharing and  careing "

"By the way, you know one think ?"
"What's that  Krishna ?"
I met again Mr  K. Soul 
"When  Krishna?"
"While ...while he was  discusing with ...
"With whom Krishna?"
 "His neighbour ?"
"When was it Krishna?"
"Just on Sunday" 
"What's the subject-matter Krishna?"
"I don't  know how he attracts them and  often giving a little lovely lesson, welcoming them with a gracious Bhgawad-Gita as a godly gift  "
"Where does it happening Krisna?"
"In a pretty blooming prayroom of a marvelous mansion installed with  a hight and bright Krishna statue in front of the white bullish house garden and graciously  fragranting"

"Wow a welcoming temple template Krishna"
"Correct Christina !"
 "With...with  beautiful brown wooden and kind of  golden door after door Krishna "
"Absolutely  Subathra "
"We can see hundreds of bells in the pray room worthy wooden door Krishna  !!"
"Ha...ha happy to have the fact of our Originator's servitors guys ? "
"Does he being  selective krishna in terms of choosing the people to offer the godly gift Gita Human catalogue Krishna?
"No apparently only the selected sacred  souls are elected  enthusiastically and meeting him emotionally  as an accident; as an amazing coincident or an unexpected incident ".
" make a difference in their life grace of their past punniyas  (previous pious practice) having godly guidance Krisna?"
 "Certainly is the matter of  maintenance of the past and the present   pious life style Krishna?"
"Krishna, can you stop praising our tutor a bit ha..,ha... ?
"Alright !!!Hi everyone well come back?"
"Hi Krishna what's the universal prayer please !"
"The Maha Mantra, Hare krishna great 💕 "
" Gayatry Mantra Krishna?". 
"True which is a tremendous teacher, but deeply difficult to describe students "
"Why Krisna aren't you capable of describing it Krishna?"
"We wish  we joined with Jesus we cannot work without objects "
"Not kidding we are serious Krishna!!!
Can anyone works without a motivation  Krishna?"
"One who performs his duty without attachment, surrendering the result unto the Supreme Lord ,is unaffected by SINFUL action, as the lotus leaf is untouched by water". 

"Okey!!!...Okey!!!..,Okey! However ,how can we be committed into work out of interest Krishna; out of object of our subject Krishna? "
"Yeah Mr K.Soul's brother was correct Krishna "
Who is going to be dedicated in any subject matter unless understanding the object matter as benefit Krisna?”
"Surely Subathra when we heard the latest western version of Bhagawad-Gita 's brief description,  we pretty puzzled more than ever  Krishna "
"Alright... alright we ought to be delighted considering the way you are being polight in our Papa Path by keeping up the follow up episodes to ..."

"But when a court case is being  regected unreasonably,we need to challenge in appealing with new new evidences Krishna "

"Ha...ha... sure it's  for our  counter arguments because enlightenment is not that easy case work students it is not a matter of identifying ourselves as a tiny identity . It's mountenious in capacity "
"Have you  got any evident Krishna , new evidences Krishna what identity what capacity who is Supreme Personality ?"
"Hundred percent, today we hear what Sadguru says to the educated students about Krishna Alright as a new evidence alright ?"
 "Delighted Krishna delighted "
"So, so sorry Krishna!  Still ...till we are not clear of krishna science what kind of Suprme science  Krishna???? ".
" Krishna , can you say in a practical way in oder to practice in our daily life  how to approach Krishna in pleasing Him and eventually become consciousness like Baba does with the three modes of modern men if you are an intelligent "

"Why not ? Let's us first come out of the small circle of thinking ,working and worrying of identity"
"What does it mean Krishna?"
"Well very well aren't we only focus only our own families?"
"That's true krishna who is going to help the society have we have any capacity krishna ?"
"So we just stick with our  small, small families affairs and  focuse in selfishness when we focus in our collective process cooperatively ,we act in selflessness that is Krisna consciousness"

"Oh as Sadguru said, act in mountenious capacity of qualitative in productivity of humongous capacity of identity  Krishna?"
"Undoubtedly Krishna who is going to focus on  the lotus feet of the Lord?"
" Exacly is it our purpose Krishna?"
"Sure what about our children Krishna ?"
"Haven't we have our responsibilities of parents Krishna?"

"In turn, our  parents are worrying of our  eduvation krisna" 
"Who is going to care of  our future generation who is going to look after the  population Krishna?"

"If  Lord Krishna look after the creation, obviously we take care of the the polution Krishna in big identity!"
"Definitely  we will manage the polution and medical condition by keep on attaching our duty students "
"We don't catch up Krishna what's wrong with you Krishna?" 
"We better talk based on a few people we know "
"Pardon Peter?"
"We...we all learned through our episodes such as MP  Tharmalingam,  Jogarajah Uncle, my father and K.Soul 's German brother who have been living happily,  differently and distinctively in devotion "
"Did we ask anything about them Krishna ha...ha?"
"When we heard what Sadguru said ,I prefer taking some sensational characters as examples to educate everyone exactly like Baba leads us"
"What was it Krishna what great thing the MP Tharmalingam did in any case we never ever discussed of it Krishna ?"
"Aren't we always attached ..,attched and attached to a small ,small  circles of our own identity and our family members 's responsibilities and end up swiming in the ocean of birth and death struggles and troubles,which  creating multiple problems on and on ?"
"Oh yeah that's how Sadguru,too  spoke Krisna!" 
"Do you know what he has been doing great hearts ?"
"We don't care Krishna!!!" 
"Alright tell us one single thing so that we will think whether it will trigger our tiger mindsets towards Krishna consciousness?"
"What did he do to the society Krishna did he do anything significant Krishna?"
"He offered 216 acres of land to build the university in .... I don't want to bring the details "
"Oh goodness such a gracious gentleman does he exists in Srilank as a MP Krishna wordless did he do that to the godless world Krishna?"
"If we worry of the society,  who would be capable of murdering the great people of responsibilities Krishna?"
"What nonsense you are talking ?"
“We heard his father was killed by a terror Krisna “
 "Sure Sad for the seriousness lack of God consciousness sweet hearts 💕 "
"We will  discuss about Anything else please krishna?"
"Anyone ...anyone knows that anyone supplying food for some poor people on weekly basis ?"
"Krishna you mean someone  like Jogarajah Uncle whereas his sister has been concerning  her pretty pet dogs  Krishna ?"
"Could we meet the need of the suffering society in our wider community in Germany like Mr K.Soul' s German brother?"
"Like the  brother of Mr K.Soul Nava Krishna?"
 "Yes the ....the founder of KurinchiKumaran temple in Germany Krishna?"
By the way, why you exaggerate by saying 216 acres it must be an accidental error Krishna it could be 216cperches Krisna!”
Sure my apology Retna”
"Have we met anyone beside being a MP over 20 years and being  a family friend  of his neighbour?" 
"No wonder we wonder who it would be Krishna?!"
"He companied us to Colombo and allowed us particularly my Appah staying  at his massive mansion and assiting us  until end of Appah's major surgery?"
"Really Krishna ?"
"Is he still an existing MP currently Krishna?"
"Hold don't. ..,hold don't verything is OK so far so good but....but...but.....
where is the evidence of your father's assistance Krishna ?"
"Yes Krisna we haven't been hearing  throughout the episodes anything apart from distributing the status of lord krisna  !"
"Last week Mr K.Soul went to meet our MP in the early morning with a Bhagawad-Gita 
 Actually it happened all of a sudden students" 
"Did he go all  alone Krishna?"
"He...he was accompanied by my brother "
"Wasn't he companied with Lord Krishna ????
"Certainly it was an exceptional circumstances he had gone causally ,but   the honourable MP was not there at his home "
"And then  Krishna?"
"Instead he ended up speaking to the police man excitetedly and  pretty politely and also  friendly "
"Oh you mean who guards  the MP at his home Krisna?"
"Why our tutor is interfering in social services Krishna?"
"He born and brought up by the generous blood great hearts 💕 it's being given by generation genetically characterised  not taken or given  "
"Oh  is carried out by his memory cells is the Krishna scince ha...ha...."
"We wonder why he spoke to  the police man Krisna ...was it an emergency Krishna?"
"Surely it was a common issue kids "
"But why he has to take it  as his duty Krishna isn't it uncommon krishna ?”
"Duty is divine and work is worship kids ".
"How many times you have  been telling the same thing Krishna?"
"Ha...ha...!!!Until we understand and transform our attitudes with that end in view."
 Isn't Krishna ?"
"Absolutely !Because he heard  through the school children   that some crime have been happening "
"For instance Krishna?"
"A Grandma's jewellery was stolen recently and repeatedly near their  college area children "
"So so sorry for that Krisna so he decided to take the necessary action to safe the society according to his capacity isn’t it humanity Krishna?"
"Then what happened to him Krisna?"
"The police man suggested to write it in a letter to the inspector as an official complaint against the criminals after he himself contacted on his behalf ".
"Oh  if he wanted to be investigated Krishna?".
"Yeah !"
"And then Krishna?"
"Mr K Soul  committed and dedicated to do something about it and decided to write to them  on the spot"
"Had he... he had wrote it and submitted the letter to the inspector Krishna ?"
"Absolutely he met the inspector at the police station with other previous robberies and criminal activities in his mind and partially  in the  letter including his own family member's reports as they were victims".
"Oh they too have   lost some money and materials Krishna?"
"Indeed...indeed splendid yes he did "
 ..,"and then Krishna?"
"The inspector promptly promised him that he is going to take the necessary actions ".
"Krishna, it’s not an evidence of your own  father's involvement of social services but Mr K Soul Nava".
"I have not finished yet "
"Sorry Krishna "
"When Mr Soul Nava met my father following day and discussed the matter, then only my father told him that the MP was with him they both went to visit to some  other social services ".
“So hearing Sadguru’s description is the best prescription for the narrow minded people, to become generous minded, we have to top up our responsibilities in community by serving the society as a matter of humanity Krishna?"
"Brilliant best option  and then eventually educate them the service of the services is Krisna service like we have been practicing Krishna?"

"Excellent effort by not being mad of materials but moderately managing our materials only to our needs ? ”
 .Excuse me Krishna, where was the college was foundsed I mean where was the land which was being  donated by the generous gentle MP Krisna?"
"It was in Coopay"
"What's that Krishna Tamil or English Krishna?"
"However we never heard such sacred service Krishna!!!"
"What a kingly (Rajah )attitude of the MP unbelievable Krishna !"
"Absolutely what we do for him as gratitude Krishna?"
"Hundred percent great hearts be honest, the name of the street will speak his fame for ever students" 
"How it would be possible krishna are you crazy ha...ha...?"
"What ... what name of that street Krishna please ?"
"Raja Path"
"Pardon Krishna?"
 in other words Raja Pathai "
"Oh King Lane or Raja way Krishna?"
"Hum..,hum...Happy kids?"
"Unbelievable in deed i'ts a Divine deed Krishna God bless him and his families and friends such as your father Krishna "
"So krishna !One who performs his duty without attachment, surrendering the result unto the Supreme Lord ????,"
"Unmistakably Meera" 
"Astonishingly sweet krishna  as a result,he  ,is unaffected by SINFUL action, as the  lotus leaf is untouched by water Krishna????". 

"Undoubtedly Meera "
"Does this quotation derived from the Bhagawad-Gita  Krishna?"
"One who performs his duty without attachment, surrendering the result unto the Supreme Lord ,is unaffected by SINFUL action, as the lotus leaf is untouched by water". 
"In that case, who had funded for the college Krishna "
"Shut up I'm not a historian may be supported by IMF"
"International Monitory Fun Krishna ?"
"Unmistakably Rudra "
"What was the purpose of  the college Krishna ?"
"Kind of qualitative  training of the  unfortunate students who missed out their marks and as a consequent, could not enter the university "
" krishna!!? So MP Tharmalingam is an amazing man of principle as a noble king Krishna?"
"Definitely a distict devotee of Krishna to whom Mr K.Soul had given a Bhagawad-Gita in 2017 as honour "
"Really Krishna we always   honour him Krishna "
"Now come back to the session Krishna "
"Krishna who ever trained in that particular college in Coopay, can be considered as qualified teachers ?"
"Not only that, the college guarantees them that  their employability  at the end of their degrees " 
"We don't disagree we already heard of it krisna i'ts must be a blessed college and definitly..on the spot guaranteed employability is the certainty Krishna "
what a  jackpot Krishna!!?" 
"Oh goodness what an amazing conversation Krishna!"
 "Excuse me Krishna!"
!What is your inquiries Siva?".
"We always work on the same subject after same subject, what is the goal of it please krishna ?"
"What is the answer Sam?"
 "We  see what we like  to see , just like the camera it  pictures what its  target Krishna".
"Tremendous truth 👏👌🙌👍!!!".
"Any body else?"
"Our pleasure Tulsy ". 
"Therefore, unless our targets are purified, we cannot  penetrate in to the inner realm which is the foundation of education to be insightful ,beautiful and also helpful to the world".
" 👏👌!".
"We need both prosperity and divinity Krishna".  
"Sure   today it's my turn ,my  exam  day and I have the  most priority of inquiring Krishna Anna".
" Surely Siva".🙌
" Can  the Gayatry Mantra be heared  by anyone and everyone   Krishna Anna?".
"Corrrect ".
"What is  the content of  it Krishna Anna?".
"It's means it's the  easiest  way of thank to the Person from which all of us have been  born as boon boat to be liberated ". 
"  Wow does it mean   it's the tremendous treasure , Divine Will  Krishna Anna?".
"Certainly Siva,  Atma /soul And  Paramathma/Supreme Soul derived from the  Divine Will". 
"Oh my God!!!!We... we never ever heard of it Krishna!"
"Why you say that??" 
"Didn't I tell  you  about that ".Ha..ha...
"Could we chant it  please krishna not me because my voice is not that nice you would not rejoice 🙏?."
"A female voice is a better choice Krishna "
"With pleasure  it's the humongous treasure of the whole literature I mean scriptures".
" Today we are  ready to discover the adventure in  the scripture Krishna ".
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeees Siva Well said !!!"
"Could you chant the enchanting Universal  Prayer please ?"
"I thought it's the impersonalism as a matter of  BramhaJothy Krishna Anna"
"Pardon Peter?".
 "I assumed which is the greatest divine illumination of Bramha Jothy Krishna".
"That is the theory of impersonalism great hearts 💕 "
"You say it's a matter of consideration Krishna ?"
In that case, where does it rise from Krishna ?".
"From Lord Vishnu /Krishna "
"Oh my goodness!!!! Does the inspirational illumination rises from the Divine Will  Himself Krishna  ?.
"Absolutely amazing question Siva👏!!!
"So why on earth we have been taught in a wrong way Krishna?".
"It was taught in a right way, but we don't travel on that worshiple way as which  is the  hidden way Krishna ". 
"Well said Meera!".
"We didn't catch up exactly Krishna".
"Unfortunately the ego enters in us only when we are misled dear".  
 "Fantastic congratulations 👏🙌😀 Krishna is  genuinely genius Krishna!".
"I know it".
" the apparent diversity does not follow up like the  the up dating processes dear divine embodiments".
"What does it mean APPARENT please krishna?"
"That's mean possible probability not the reality".
"Sure !We Hindus, do not follow up correctly the updating process to be up graded Krishna Anna?".
"Correct Christina we are  keeping the out dated data ha...ha...".
"Definitely Durga like Nursery, Primary, Secondary, College and  University, have different levels of knowledge,  we cannot expect everyone to be in a higher level on the spot Krishna".
"Mission Impossible Krishna!"
" Brilliant Krishna 👏👌!". 
"Excuse me we are not that  fools Krishna!!!
" down !!!We...we put our multiplicity against the unity that is baring us from knowing the  reality in creation due to our passion and  ignorance and our dull dusk probability and possibility of diversity directions, seeking superiority and prosperity  !".
"Does it directing diversity because of our ego Krishna?"
"Yeah we ignore the vedic values and take it as granted and taking the Creator's credit on us still running the families in debits  Krishna"
"Appreciate it ".
"Like my dad Krishna"
"What was it Rudra?"
"He often  drinks Cola and gin Krishna".
"Why does he do it daily?"
"He doesn't understand English Krishna". 
"Doctor told him  to  take  protein for connective tissu called   collagen"
"Has he got  some medical  issues?"
"Yeah his  tissue Krishna"
"What tissue?"
"Collagen Krishna"
"What? Why was it? "
"That is His own opinion or personal law Krishna"
...Does he look  older than his real age ?" 
"Absolutely krishna how did you find the fact  Krishna?"
"Science Sarah ha...ha"
"Then ?"
"He told my Mum that he was told to drink Colla and Gin Krishna 
"What a man Krisna!!!"
" Could you chant  The Gayatry Mandra Siva please?".
"No problem "

1) Ombhuvasvaha Thath 
2) Svithur Varenyam
3) Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi 
4) Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayah".
"So overall, He is in all of us and entered in entire elements  in atoms versions Krishna?".
"Sure as nucleus, protons,electrons and neutrons".
"Certainly Christina as  Brahman, soul , Paramathman/Supreme soul in humans and animals, His energy has been shared  within the elements knowing it, is the  Science of Self-Realisation ." 
"Absolutely the Divine Will  is the Absolute Truth rest are untruth?".
"What does mean untruth Krishna?".
"Live or alive for little time and die only to return  in different , different bodies".
"Yeah Baba, too  taught from Vedas that  Krishna is the Mud and the  pot"
"What does it mean Balaraman?".
"I thought you are an intelligent Krishna!".
"What do you  think of Arjuna?". 
"He is an intelligent Krishna".
"Elegant grace of his questions,  we are clearing our doubts from  Gita. Aren't we ?"
"Surley Krishna "
"Can I answer?". 
"OK Meera go on". 
"There are three aspects  Krishna  ".
"OK Meera". 
1) "To  create  the pot we need?"  
2) "Mud Meera".
"And what else Siva?"
3)"We need  a person,
"Who Krishna?".
"The potter Krishna ".
"Who's that Will Meera?"
"That's the Creator Krisna". 
" What does   Mud mean Siva?"
"That's the creation,   elements for the pot Krishna "

So !!!!He  is the world 🌎👏👌🙌👏👌🙌👏 Krishna!
And He is the living beings Krishna?"
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees   intelligent "Will"of Krishna !".
"I know it".
"Including our thousands of demigods are not going to live for ever Krishna ????!".
"Definitely Durga they live much  longer than us". 
"Thanks Krishna!"....
"Can this Tuition remove the  veil  of our  ignorance of Vedas Krishna?"
"Thousands times better   Siva!!!'s remove  our black blind  veil that refuse to visualise the value of the valusest Father "
"Could we share a video please 🙏?".
"Please proceed Peter.
"What are the seven parts we saw in the picture of Gayatri Mantra Krishna?"
"There are seven circles of bodily functions children".
"What are they Krishna?"
"Chakras kids". 
"How does it work Krishna?
"Guess guys guess "
"Does it work... like Mantra Krishna?". 
" Ye .Like the solar system Meera to provide energy Meera".
"We have seven Chakras  cycles Krishna?"
"Definitely Durga "
"Is it written in Sanskrit Krishna?".
"Yes Pammitta yes"
"What does it mean, Chakra Krishna?". 

"OOhhhhhhhh  yeah, circles...cycle within us and without us like the solar system?"
"Wow what a  Supreme Science Views  Krishna!".
"Have they got any colour coding  please Krishna Anna?". 
"Sure like the spectrum in the sun rays,there are  seven colours, in Chakras ,too ..."
"There are seven colours Krishna?".
"What are they Krishna?"
1) Blue, 2) yellow,3) orange, 4) red 5) green 6) violet 
 and  7) mixture of white and purple".
"What is the evidence that our body have got seven circles Krishna?"
"The highest gogic vedic system , wrote and proved and  proved by the greatest scholars that there more  than physical and mental,there is an Energetic  "Will"within us".

"Pardon Krishna?".
" For instance, a particular educated researcher in science, studied and he  is specilyised in this area  identified the crown Chakra circled at Baba "
"We had been shared a  magnificent video by a Sai's devotee Krisna". 
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeees! We remember that, but how a material minded man discovered  spiritual energised man's Crown Chakra circled on top of his head??"
"Why Rudra?"
 "How would they provide proves Krishna?"
"What does he say  Krishna?".
"I am sorry this is a Matter of chakra which  situated along the spine , from the base of our back bone  to the Crown of our head invisibly ".
"That's why we are unable to visualise it Krishna?"
"Was the scientist professionally practicing with an approved yogi before hand?"
"Who is she Krishna?" 
"Who Sarah?"
"YOGI Krishna?".
"The one who practice Yoga Sarah"
"Oh I Seeeeee Krishna ".
"Pardon  Krishna ?"
"Go on Sam!"
"What is all about Chakra Krishna?"
" The seven Chakras are the main energy centers right?"
 "Once we open  up our FIVE SHEATHS Krishna ,
1) MATERIAL, 2) MENTAL, 3) Intellectual 4) VITAL 5) SPIRITUAL 
in vedic way  only  the entire energies, such as physical body ,mind and spirit can be enabling us to achieve real *Yoga Marga*
"Am I correct Krishna Anna?!".
"Do we open them by a bottle  opener Pardon me I am joking Krishna ha...ha.?"
"Excellent joke Subathra".
"Basically it's a big answer ,but we better briefly talk today OK?"
"Ye That's fine Krishna ".
"1)Yoga is  a spiritual discipline. 
2) Yoga means union or  joining or yoking".
"Joining of what and what Krishna?"
1) "Jivatma/ individual soul has to be Yoked with ,
2)Paramatma /Supreme Soul. 
3) Most importantly our minds have to be dead not sleeping or dormant "
 The success  is depending upon our inhale and exhale which are very  vital".
"Otherwise Yoga will fail and and considered to be  fake Krishna?"
"Ye it's like covering by a veil,  by a black   veil.
Our spinal chord and our inhale and exhale   value The Truth Yoga " 
" you  mean that the five Kosas covering up our mind sets and stopping or preventing us from joining or joking with Originator 's Sacred Soul ?".
"Yes !".
Recently in Germany, scientists examined  a mystic yogy's   brain 🧠. 
... what was the result ?"
"The results  was unbelievable ".
"They told him that his brain cells  are dead cells".
"Was it  like   a dead body's cells?".
"Yes now tell me whether  he is a  genuine Yogi  or fake yogy?"
"Find out the answer in our next session please". 
"Alright...we stop...Alright Siva's exam is over now and  Sarah's turn begins?" 
 "Wow I love it 💘 it!!!Thanks . My first inquiry, when we can chant the Gayatri Mantra please?".
"Sam do you know the answer?".
" 1) Before bed
2) After bed; 3) before meal;4) while bath and 5) whenever drive ". 

"Another question Sarah?".
"What does it mean please  🙏 ".
"Elegant inquiry Sarah!!There are  three parts...
1) Praise the Creator  🙏 ".2) Meditate upon Him and  🙏 "3) Pray upon Papa  🙏 "

"What does it mean Krishna ?
"Pray Rata?"
"Appealing Our Appah Krishna?"
"Yes Ruby "
"Why Krishna?"
"1) To awaken us;2) to  strengthen us and3)  to  intellect us to be Self-Realised"
"Not for money Krishna ?"
"Included "
"What about education Krishna?".
"I didn't say anything excluded all inclusive". 
"What is it in brief Krishna ?"
"The essential and extract of  the four Vedas".
 "Ohhhhhhhh Goodness! the four Vedas are implied in Gayatry Mantra Krishna?". 
". 👏👌🙌👏👌!!!"
 " Krishna  , my Mom would like to read the whole episodes in one go 
"Why not?".
"It's true reading all together enthusiastically makes much more better blessed ."
"Does it relate to charity and clarity  when we share each other Krishna?".
"Hundreds percent Siva". 
 "Could my Mum have the link of the whole episodes  please ?".
"No worries guys go a head  please find   the link is here...  tap  it, hold it and refer to  You Tube to  Read and share just for a few fantastic family friends!".
That's it?".
" Yeah thanks Krishna!"

"What about the video Krishna ?".
"Who's video  ?".
"American actors speaking of the  Creator Krishna  ".
"Why you need that Retna?".
"Because he is   the Hollywood not Bollywood, and the best Hollywood star Krishna".
"Definitely Durga brave boy!" 
"Ha...ha...I am a girl Krishna!"
"Ohhhhh   why did you cut your hair so short then?"
"Ha...ha...!!!My Dad has bought a hire cutting machine which made such 
serious mistake". 
"Ha..ha... man's mistake or machine's mistake Durga?"
"Basically dad made the mistake because he came from a party Sam".
"Ha...Haa....Duriodana part or Arjuna party?".
"So Angelika was right Krishna?"
"Sure as  she belongs to Arjuna's party ". 
"Have you enjoyed the video Krishna?"
"Without a single  doubt about it Krishna.
"Could we watch it ?".
"Hooray... Hooray !!!".

"Who was it again Krishna ?"
"I think "Will Smith", we better enjoy it at the end".  
"WILL SMITH Krishna?"
"Why we often watch back to back videos K?"
"Why not?...
 Just... just to give us  rapidly a rough and a ravish  view point"
"What does it mean Krishna ?"
"Very beautiful Rata"
"Thanks soooo much  🙏 no one ever told me that I am very beautiful Krishna".
"Excuse Rata!
" Krishna said what was the meaning of RAVISH ".
"Ha...ha...let's get started our NARRATION".
 "Shall we Krishna?"
"Okey !"
"Location please?"
"Renuga's sitting room"
"How many  of them are there Krishna ?"
"Marina and Renuga".
"What they are going to do Krishna?" 
"They are going to perform Parathanaddiyam ,. 
"Actually  it was an enchanting evening Krishna"
"True Sudah"
"Why they do the performance who is going to watch them Krishna?".
"Wait and watch let himnarrate it  please do not disturb Krishna".
"Thanks can I carry on  Sacred Souls?"
 "Yes please krishna 🙏!" 
"One two three."
 What  a spectacular when Marina salute her as an army commander  in chief when she joyfully came out of the gate smilingly. 
 Renuga was  so excited as often  Marina  supported and motivated her ideas of 
Marina found Renuga with milk white sary  , pink border and a pink veil on top 
of her chest.
Undoughtedly  her  happy  🏠 house was filled with the  sweetest sound 
of smiles of these angels.
She friendly asked Marina to sing as she was good in singing Krishna?"
 "For Marina's point of view, , she is like her own sister even though 
it  was an unexpected event,  she agreed her suggestion sisterly and affectionately!!"
Factually, Marina had an appointment in Jaffna about her paper works.
As long as she was in a jolly mood,  she was pleased.
Having realised she has  travelled a long journey , Renuga decided to serve her a
super fast food". 
After that ,  Marina  quickly had a sandalwood soup shower to be fresher,
 She was welcomed to the dinner table,   
"Jummmy I like  your meal  mouth watering  meal specially the attractive aroma!".
"Thank you Marina "
 "Can I change the sari because I dropped some water on it Marina?"
"Up to you Renuga better wear in blue 💙 with some jewellery so that we can 
share with our  grandparents as you said they like to see you in blue".
" I like that, but I dislike jewellery ever- since we had an alarming 
event Marina".
"Correct there are lots of lawlessness going on all over the world as we are
 over charging jewellers  because of our culture" 
"Certainly Marina".
"We can use some kinds of fake".
"Why not?"..
"Wear our clothes according to the weather"
" Have you got some Renuga?"
"Yeah  my mother bought me plenty of them during the festival of Naloor Temple". 
"Soon  she beautifully began to sing.
 It was out standing performance and suitable atmosphere with beautifully 
breezing through out the white windows.  
Both looked lovely look like  the rain of sapphires !!!! 
To be fair would inspire any one's mind ✨ incompare to the present 
"Ye  the cinema spending many,many million to make this sortsof performances  especially dance; spending months or visiting country to country for the performance".
"Absolutely Meera" 
"But here these  two pleasantly peaceful persons have  suddenly planning" .
Both having  just soft and  silky and velvety voices in 
Better than anything, iwas like  a silver moon smiling. Marina's  
musical sound of laughter .
   On the other hand, fragrance from the flowers of their great garden   
enhancing extremely with their attractive appearance.  
Marina appears in her original orange sari and brown  blouse like her 
brown border of the silky sary. 🥻 🥻 
Moreover, she was wearing her orange bangles with an impossible colored ear rings.
Pretty  plus point was, her orange 🌹rose.
"Where did she find an orange 🌹 rose?".
"It  was from the garden of James's family 👪 now nicely sitting behind, 
her dark brown silky hair smilingly and sending sensational scent. 
"Purest scent of Lord Krishna ?".
In addition, she was wearing some pretty seven colorful belling bangles 
and excellent ear rings. This was a cuddling carnival 
musical moment with two tremendous smiling jewels.
"Why Marina wearing nicely because she  usually being  so simple Krishna?"
"All because some times she is automatically inspired ✨ grace of her Bhckthi -Yoga 🧘‍♀️, "How Krishna?".
"Lord Krishna's Yoga-Maya maintains her attitudes"
"Pardon Krishna?"
" As she is always gratitude to Lord of the Lords,  by following Sathwic Nature,( The 
Goodness Class) God  reflected ".
 "Wow Krishna!"
"As a result God showersupon her attitudes?"
"Yeah! "
"How do we witness it Krishna ?".
"Wait and watch". 
Unexpectedly, Sam accompanied Rajesh Kanna!!!
"Could we imagine ?"
"Ruby reflects of metaphysical  reaction". 
" Absolutely Meera thank you soooo much!". 
"Could we continue Krishna?".
"Alright!!! Alright...
they both  stood in front of their window .
"Menan joined them, but did not agree with their idea".
"What... why Krishna?"
"Why was it  Krishna what's wrong with them Krishna?"
 "He didn't appreciate their attitudes at the moment!" 
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees Renuga knows it....Krishna "
"Not Marina Krisna!".
 "Isn't it Krishna?". 
 "Marina didn't know Krisna?.!"
"Is it fair Krishna?"
"Then why did he do it... why Krishna?"
"Sam has always reasons if it could be regrettable to others, he wouldn't welcome it." 
"May be  they well planned to give her a sweetest 
🍫🍫🍫 surprise today Krishna?" 
"Definitely Durga". 
"They were planing to pay a visit little later in the evening ...but...but...just 
for a fun, they came earlier". 
"How they know that Marina was there Krishna?"
"Ha...ha...!!When Grandpa  of Rajesh Kanna was  calling Renu, she only told him about her visitor,Marina". 
"We're puzzled Krishna "
"He only organised it  ".
"You are joking Krisna!".
"True he might have done it kindly  Krishna"
"Why Sam didn't inform her Krishna?"
"No clue ,but only  clue of his friends that he is hiding something ". 
"May be  it's the fact".
" Marina going to react now Krishna!!!!!?"

"No one knows!!!" 

"What an enchanting event Krishna?"
"It was unimaginably unbelievable!Might cause an interesting 
impact in their  hearts Krishna!"
 "They both glanced at the dynamic  dance and heard the stupendous softy 
voiced rhythmically and more than anything, it was quite magnetic music of 
melodious song.  "
 Sam astonished!.
Marina's super melodious music with her lovely long hair was left down sounded like a golden crown for him!"
After long time she...exactly looks like London Marina for him.
 "Oh Goodness. Have they got such talents Krishna "
"Obviously they have been bestowed such attitudes!."
Rajesh Kanna's enchanting eyes were questing , studying Sam's smiling face for the first time after his arrival from London what a marvel !!. What a  silver smile he has !!
"It  was the first time after his arrival from the United Kingdom Krishna?!
Sam smilingly asked him high five!"
And... and jokingly softly 
slapped on his cheeky cheek 
 by saying, 
sorry I missed the target!". 
"I know what is your object matter"
"Shuuuuu....Shuuuu.... silent Rajesh!
"Replied Sam silently in his body language putting his indicate finger on 
his long lips lovingly and friendly."
Rajesh feeling was warm for him, there is nothing in life better 
than  refraining/ stopping 
"Sam from hurting himself. Sam has been hiding something 
hurtful within 💔 his heart."
"Sorry Krishna "
"That's what everyone says"   . 
"On the other hand, Sam's elegant eyes surprisingly widened
 wonderfully !!! 
No surprise, the gate was opened !!!
All because Renuga  was on the phone when her family 
went out they can't do  inner lock of the grey gate. 
Marina didn't mind seriously that the gate 
was left opened. 

"That's what the bad boys had glamorous chance to 
watch the fabulous dance Krishna".

"Ha...ha...!Definitely Durga!" 

"Were the windows curtains opened Krishna?"

"No they closed , nonetheless  not properly being  closed ".

"There were sufficient  gaps of the  closed widened windows  with  white 
transparent curtains together with opaque (not transparentor not able to be seen).
Their darlings' devotional dance and music was delightful and 
gorgeous to watch through out the  white window of the 
white curtains !!! .
They were electrified ,but elegantly  by  their beautified  smiles 
which  would smell even everywhere around there!


Hare   Krishna 

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