"Out of Seven Chakras, The Stage of Desire Operates in the  First  Tow Chakras; The Stage of Endeavour(Try Our Best )Operates in the Next Two Chakras and The Stage of Awareness Of  Krishna Consciousness In The Last Two.

When  We Remove the Iron  Curtains of  Ignorance Veils, Our  Characters And Horrible Habits Are Cleansed ...If Not ,The Effects And Emotions of  Passion Will Be disastrously  Dangerous ,

"Strive  Not only to be Materially Successful But also to be  Vedicaly Valued". Do Not Be in Blind Believe Of the People Who  Woke Away   In Half Way". 

"God Bless You Sacred Souls πŸ™ ❤ ♥". 

"Thanks soooo much Krishna!".
"Could we continue our tuition Krishna?"
"Of course, that's why we are here" .
"Krishna how did Marina dance it must be delightful and there must be something distinc?"
"Certainly but only the professional can recognise the soul stirring ,joyous here she danced   simple and hugely humple"
"And where was it Krisna ?"
"To be fair, it was in an amazing atmosphere of a simple temple" 
"Could we watch a  bit... watch a sample please krishna?".
"No worries guys go a head God a head".
"We appreciate it Krishna distinct example  "
"By the way, what does mean strive Krishna?"
"Make great effort Peter (excellent endeavour)".
"We are impatient to know what happed to Marina now Krishna!
"Sure certainly Christina". 
"So Krishna Anna!!!" 
"Yeah how  can I assist you Pamitta?".

"Out of the Seven Chakras, The Stage of Desire Operates in the  First  Two Chakras right Krishna?"

"Certainly that is our passions  path ways Pamitta ".
"What about The Stage of excellent  Endeavour Krishna?"

"Yeah our hard work  operates in the next Two Chakras Sam". 

"And the stage of awareness of  Krishna Consciousness please krishna?"

"  The Last Two Chakaras Tulsy".

"Is it when  we remove the Iron  Curtains of Six Ignorance Veils, to remove Our Criminal Characters And Horrible Habits Krishna?"

"Yeah  Have to be  Cleansed?" .
"Are you sure Krisna?".

"Undoubtedly Balaraman"

"If not Krishna ?"

",The effects and emotions of  passion will be deasterous and deeply  dangerous ".

"Whaaaat the hell Krishna!"

"Yes's a wicked spell of demoniac devil nature so be pretty careful   with the pretentious  religious Missions in money motivation children ". 

"We didn't catch up Krishna!"
"Strive  not only to be materially successful sacred students by seeking some materially motivated missions".
"What...!What's !Wrong  !With you today Krishna?"

"How...  how we handle without materials Krishna ?"

"Do not interpret irresponsibly we have to have limited desires and unlimited devotion but...but...but...not in blind believe of the people Who  Woke Away   In Half Way from  their meditation "

"Oh pleased to hear it Krishna delighted Krishna!"
"Krishna! We wish to know exactly...." 
"What is it  Mary?"

"What is it Krishna we want to know whether we are born and brought up Brilliant to be in Goodnesss   or it had been preset or we can set up by being blessful besides Bhagawad-Gita?'
 "Yes Krisna out of all, the first and the most best things we learned regarding  the three classes Krishna.  However ,how can we get out of the Ignorance Class character Krishna?”
" I'm sorry I can't answer your confusing questions "
"I'm low cast of ignorance class Krishna my parents ' priority is property ,car jewelry and aim high in luxury life do not bother of the future or Father's literature or scripture"
"Oh it's quite  common Rosy "
"But I'm in love with a Goodnesss class Krishna like Marina. 
 "Of course , but she is not in a similar situation Subathra"
"Alright I think that I can answer your questions in taking an incident of Mr Soul on Friday. Agree or disagree you are free!?"
"Who would disagree of Mr K.Soul unless we are headless Krishna"
"Yes krisna my brother has the  same issue he is quite  passion of wealth  properties,but not even bother of his  health.:

"Can I interrupt Krishna?"
"Up to you Rudra"
"On contrary , his girl  friend is compassionate, considerate and appreciative 
stick up with Goodness class  Krishna "

"Sure and ignorance of his wealth only she appreciate to be in a moderate earning learning life style ,but caring  devotion .Nevertheless she belongs to a low class family. "
"Here  we have to learn something  important of an incident dear students" 
"Whatever we learn here, in our tuition isn't it sounds important Krishna ?"
"Sure because we are surrendering our suffering by being the students of the science of Self-Realisation Krishna" 
"Understand children because understanding the Ultimate Divine Will ,avoid our under estimate of our Originator ".
"If not Krishna? "
"We will not get out of the  3 classified categories "
"So Krishna according to our Karma,  we are in the grip of gear box which manipulated by mother nature in three classes of people?" 
"You are amazing Sam"
"Oh sure Krisna conquering the three classes, clear out  our character defects which express our casts connection because of our ignorance in devotion and attraction in passion and sense gratifications?".
"Correct! Alright  as I already said,  I think that I can answer your questions in taking an incident of Mr Soul. Agree or disagree you are free!?"
"Krishna it any thing to do with Mr K.soul Nava, if that is the case, it is a teacher Krishna "
"Thanks when our tutor  went to visit  to a tiny temple belonged to a big beautiful house installed a 5 feet Father ,Krishna". 
   "The owners of the house  Krishna?"
"Absolutely and a successful business family where the Annathanam takes place on regular basis, not dailly  but twice a week ,Tuesday and Friday ".
"Any problem krisna we would like to be with him Krishna  ha...ha?"

"Unfortunately  being human is  the problem ha...ha...Krishna!"

"Yeah...gathering great number of people, is a great problem...students "
".... and managing a charity organisation within a poor community   students?"
 "  Oh you mean in blind believe and behaviours due to   their family background and acting arrogantly,  isn't what you are trying  to teach  Krishna?"
"Sure it is the worst problem Krishna with certain chrateristic of women Krishna"
"We appreciate it students “
When there are no people no danger Krishna;when there is  no women no cry Krisna then why you are fond of women Krishna ha..,ha...???!!!!"
"Suuuuu silent please that is personal matter !!!"
"Cool down just for kidding Krishna ".
 "Could you answer Krishna ?"
" population no devotion  students ha…ha…Lord Krishna loves devotees dear children  "
"Why Krishna why we can be simply emerged in to Brahma Yothy?"
"Sure eventually everyone elevated to Krishna's abode .However ,He gives us tasks and asks us to to be valued before settlement state"
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees like.. like each country has some conditions to be qualfied to be or not to be a citizen,  in a settlement state so called   indefinite leave to remain Krishna”
"I Under estimated you children my apology children"
"Thank you soooo much krishna that's why we all are classieified as CONDITIONED SOULS Krishna?!"
"Excellent effort Peter exactly unless we are in God consciousness, there is no question of having indefinite visa"
"The Science of Self  Recognition or Self Realisation is the qualification we needed instead meaninglessly  we fight even in the  temples where pretty poor people coming to have a proper meal?'
"We... we all considering ourselves as we people who are  born and brought up  in the extra ordinarily class of goodness Krishna?"
"Oh you mean first class, the Goodness class do we become in Goodness Class from  birth after birth like Brahmana the priests ?"
"That is how we are thinking Krishna ."
"...Krishna when the brahmin  conducting  like an ordinary,  does he is still considered to  be a qualified brahmin  ?"
"To be frank, brahmin is the best out of the rest  four classe of casts system according to the Vedas .However, when we are transforming as an ignorant ,as an ordinary how can we expect respect  as an extra ordinary cast Meera?"
"What are the 4 classes of casts according to the Vedas Krishna?"
The best one is Brahmin( Priest )
The second one is Kshatrya (Noble)
The Vaishya( commoner )
The Shudra (servant )
"Impossible to imagine then why on earth we all are in a critically serous scenario Krishna?"
"Culture without scripture thousands of temples with thousands of demigods in Srilanka no body sleeps at night because of the loud speeker beginning -from 4 AM each month different,  different diety worship  but not the worshipale Lord, Krishna!!?"
"Only...only the worshippers worship by the Hinduism Krishna?"
"That's why Mr. Soul compassionately condemned them regarding their irresponsibly idiotic behaviours such as using alcohol or pretentious without any family background or Vedic values being bramins and fooling families!!!
Isn't..isn't it fraudulent?"
" Why Krishna why it's still happens in  Srilanka ? "
"As a matter of fact, Mr K.Soul was invited by the temple brahmin while he was enthusiastically belling the big bell in the hope of inviting more and more people for annathanam “
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees we love Annathanam at temple Krishna with a green leaves on the floor we adore the aroma mouth watering  delicious krishna!"
"All of a sudden he was called by the bramin, the brahmana was wearing orange garments and  sacred seeds garlands in brown colour ?
"What was our tutor's reaction Krishna?"
"Slight smile slightly surprised ... he didn’t show his sadness because of inability of belling to invite the entire poverty community and he stood silent "
" he was interrupted Krishna?"
"Yes nevertheless he was not helpless I repaired by replacing him although I'm quite busy responding several calls "
 "Wearing silk garments no shirt or jewellery apart from a beautiful brown rosary made  of Tulsy Krishna?"
"Sure Sudah how did you find out?"
"Was he bare chested Krishna?"
"Correct ...putting another silk garment around his neck"
"How he looks like Krishna ?"
"Transparant looks like a wet , garment neatly nice similar to a  white veil beautifully boarded in golden boarder shiny landed on his body"
"Ha...ha...not properly ironed ha...ha...we knew he doesn't care much that's his  unique personality Krishna"
"We wonder the way  you describe Krishna "
"We can see him through your description  with your deep details Krishna."
" What did you get in English literature Krishna?"
"Does it rain outside ha...ha...?"
"Ha... ha...ha...!!?"
"Has he still, with his black and white beard ,trimmed  krishna ha...ha...?"
"Correct since over five yeas we see him with beard  . It's seemed natural though ,not touched by blad, but fits him fashionably Krishna “
With…with his messy hair style Krisna ha...ha...he is busy  Krishna we miss him Krishna ?”.  
"And then Krishna ?"
"The wetness of his silver pearly sweat dripping ,dripping and dripping and sticking onto his silk garment and  his brown wet body sounded like just he  has a shower and has forgotten to use a towel to dry up"
"Ha...ha...we are so sympathy on him Krishna but his own wife is jealous at him Krishna" 
"It would have been looked like  he had a shower in rose water Krishna "
"Pardon Peter?"
"Ha....ha......enhanced by the fragrance in the temple atmosphere Krishna"
"How was his body looks as old as   100 his actual age Krishna?"
"Ha... ha...ha...that's what he told us that he is only one year younger  than 100 Krishna?"
"Why not his body seemed tight and fit apart from a few grey  chest hairs “
 With …with black hair mixed up like his beard  "
"White...white and black  Krisna?"
"Sure ...pure full  Vaisnavam and half Hinduism ha...ha... "
" Half hinduism ha...ha...we like him as he has been transformed as a  full Vaisnavam "
...Krishna hurry up we don’t care how he looks like any case, we  doesn’t care of him  because ha...ha...he cares only Krishna we Hindus don't care Lord Krisna but we care the rest of them ha...ha...devas or demigods "
"Alright the bramhmin  asked him to be the representative of the Annatham responsible person Mr Yogarajah and he straightaway began to ask his details and  gave him some water from a pretty pot in   silver colour "
"We know what is it Krishna"
"What is it Rata??"
 "Isn't it Gitam Krisna ?"
"You mean Titam Rata the sacred water ?"
"Sure Krisna my apology Krishna" 
"Any one guess what Mr Soul Nava did with the holy water?"
" Why Krishna?"
"What did he do Krishna ?"
"Mr K.Soul washed his palms ha...ha..."
  The priest suggested him polity" .
"Ha...ha...has he forgotten the habitual habits of having the sacred water  Krishna?"
"Noooo!!! I can guess why because  his mind set up in Krishna Consciousness in his mind he must be remembering the  Maha Mantra and he would be  chanting constantly wouldn't it be the case  Krishna?"
"Really!!!! But I  thought that he is showing the symptoms of ageing students "
"Yes each of us have our own  opinion Krishna "
"At the end of the   pooja , the brahmin  gave him some items of pooja in a halfed πŸ₯₯snow white  and brown  coconut:
 packed with  banana ,clourful flowers and leaves and sacred  ash  fragranly mixedup with red and yellow sacred pastes by  his both hands ."
"Why was it was it  for him to take away  Krishna?"
"Sure, but ..."
"What happened Krishna?"
"He might have done something wrong with that Krishna as he is too old Krishna ha...ha..."
"Actually his darling daughter laughs hilariously when each time he takes her outing "
"What !!! Why ...why Krishna we, too are treated in the same ways sometimes ?"
"She often compares him with a  ..."
"We haven't heard of him Krishna!!!"
"Better watch him okay?"

"We got that pot dot Krishna "
"Then what happened to the prasadam Krishna we mean the half filled sacred items which was given to Mr ......ha...ha... ?"
"He was watching carefully an incident where someone insulting a disable lady as she was belongs to low class "
"What a mysterious counyry krishna?" 
"True so he had  given his special aspects given by the brahmin to the same disable woman of low class adding  with a BHAGAWAD-GITA and asked her cordially to read it as her temple  task"
"Ohhhhhhhh Goodness!!!"
 "Then why Mr.Soul compassionately condemned the bramanas regarding their irresponsibly idiotic behaviours ?"
"Oh yes krisna it's a matter of insulting  other people without even consulting the Vedas's verdic perhaps "
 "So Seriously the low class can be transferred to high class by being devotees of Lord  Krishna ???? he a  crazy Krishna?"
"Our tutor was very worried witching and listening how the people are treated in a temple  and explained the circumstances to Mr Yogarajah over the phone awfully"
"What was it Krishna what was his responses Krishna was he as same as the rest of the crowd  Krishna ?"
"He replied regrettably that  including his own biological siblings'  behaviour are not exception in these kinds of divisional determinations on their decisions"
"What nonsense is this Krishna!!!
"It would be totally impossible to mr K Doul to short out the problem Krishna ?"
"Yeah how do  we behave in a public places such as  a restaurant krisna do you think our tutor can sort ... sort out the matter for the poor  community krishna ?"
   "Yeah like this, he has been distributing the Bhagawad-Gita on daily basis certainly not as a simple  notice but only to  a few numbers of notable and humble sacred souls "

"He ...he... has been providing the Bhagawad-Gita Krishna?"
"What is the point Krishna ?"
"Making on our own donkey dicision and neglecting the vedas become flooding fashion as an example , Mr K,Soul had already  offered Bhagawad-Gita in 2017"
"You mean to Mr Yogarajah 's families Krishna?"
"Oh it's the greatest guide line in Divine Line Krishna did Mr Soul 
give Bhagawad-Gita to the ,the siblings of Mr Yogarajah five years ago?"
"Hundred percent Peter beside, they don't take  care of  what they are talking "
"OK we got it Krishna!" 
"As a result ,Mr K,Soul could not console his own Soul consequantly he is saddened hearing an accusation against him"
"What was it Krishna?"
"His own .......... has been complaining against him ha...ha...!"
 "We already know it Krishna even our guru says that when we work ,considering our work  as worship ,the people who claim proprietorship will be interpreting it irresponsibly"
"Yes Krisna there are people who may interepret it in an  idiotic manner without manners Krishna it's unfair Krishna"
"We would like to see our tutor Mr K.Soul Krishna !"
"Krisna, we know very well  that Mr Soul  would have broken down so badly Krishna 
"His... his own husband   dosen't participate  ha..,ha... in Annathanam??? "
"Krishna, whenever we go to the temple ,do we behave like that in Srilanka?"
"Who set up this Annathanam neglecting the system of  classes ha..,ha...joking Krihna "
"Why it's happening in a worshippers area ? "
"Yes Krisna isn’t it simply childish... simply foolish are we going to get married with them?”
"Yes Krisna! Isn't it rubbish Krishna?"
"Who would accuse a devotee of Krishna as an abuser Krishna?"
"We... we would like to see Mr K.Soul Nava  Krishna" 
"True  trust us Krishna.. he is is our soul finder and we only comprehend his compelling compassion "
"Suuuuu silent please everyone must understand that the mother  nature management is under three classes  if we get  out of Mother Nature, we are qualified for Papa's Nature"
"What...  what are they Krishna?"
1)  Goodnes,
 2)  Passion  and
 3)  Ignorance Correct Krishna?

"Yes  but it's basically based on birth following up our karma correlation. Nonetheless...nonetheless, not hundred  percent some times goodness people become ignorance and ignorance people become goodness"

"How... How Krishna?"
" being beside Krishna or by following some sort of blind believes?"

"Yes.Eventually...eventually we get rid of the control of the Mother Nature Krishna?"
"Exactly fortunately at present that is our situation sweet hearts πŸ’• aren't we great hearts πŸ’•?"
"So actually not totally taking place from the birth, it is how we transformed ourselves originaly in Originator's society not this kinds of dog activities Krishna turning blind Oriental Originator and claiming dictatorship when accumulated some materials by any  mean "
"Definitely Durga ".
Then the five Factors Krishna :
"Correct Christina what are they?"
4) Five senses and alternatively 
5) Lord leading us in each of our actioning? 
"Yeah through the  Mother Nature right?".
"Now better we commence our Mission Session please πŸ™".
"Can I share a video which my family recommended on behalf Mr Yogarajah Krishna?"
Please play it
"Oh awesome he must be a handsome man Krishna !"
"Now our lession Krishna" 
" Of course, one two three"...Please listen  Marina is being seated in the huge hall of the milk white  beautiful  building, hesitating to give a speech.
Knowing her godly gifted and talented  attitude , aptitude and attractiveness, the expectation of her heavenly speech become sky  high 
 "Who can trace weather the fish is in tears ?"
"Sure Krishna because fish tears vanishes  within the ocean 🌊🌊 ".
" Doesn't   the fisher man know it ?"
"Ha...ha...he knows how to 
catch it and kill it for food Rudra"
"Correct Christina!"
"By the way, today's subject matter please Krishna πŸ™?".
"Sure sacred students Krishna is the Subject session Retna".
"Yeah we are going to learn about the Pros and Cons of 
"What's that?"
"For and against children"
 "No one going to be Cons against Krishna...Would we Krishna? "
"We all are pretty pros of Papah".
"Well said, we better  pray   and promote Little entertainment ok?
"That’s great idea Krishna "
 "Yes so soft and sweet dance Krisna “
the  subjet matter of exam have been shared within the conversation. However,one of the  students  will be  elected as  the exam candidate to predict the commitment of enlightenment ".
"And expected to be examined Krishna?"
"Does it mean each of us has to pay pretty attention?"
"Exactly Sarah!"
"We commence ?"
" Correct Christina....
 For some stunning reasons, Marina's mind was  in her miraculous VISION 
and most importantly in her Sam's Mission matters".
"Unbelievably her divine dream doesn't stop from her dazzling mind".
"Does  she keep on   recalling the event Anna because of Sam's absent?"
 "Exactly Meera"
"Marina is in her heavenly dream ,the  Lord resembled like a 
child who was sitting on the lap of His mother, 
"Yes He is Krishna !
"Sure! Because that is the picture Marina  always looks 
lovingly while she πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ prays in her pray room regularly Krishna". 
"Was it Krishna?"
"Absolutely Meera". 
"What a dynamic divine ray on the laps of his mighty mother!".
"That's what Marina said in the dream."
"The loyal Lord of the Lords nodded his heavenly head  with an adorable  smile". 
"He doesn't smile ". "Ha...ha..."
"Marina had a golden surprise, like drinking a goldly syrup, but harsh to find fondness and kindness on His lotus eyes with rose πŸ’§ πŸ’§pearls!.
"Is it an llusion or delusion Krishna?". 
She thought to herself again "within the dream Krishna?". 
 "Absolutely !For her astonishment, God answered  her unquestioned inquiry",

" Darling it is neither illusion nor delusion the one knows The reality revealed and define the   Reality "
"She suddenly heard... "

"Could...could we hear what she hears krishna?"
"Of please "

She exclaimed elegantly!!!!. It was a resounding success for her.
After a huge,huge loss and  harsh, hurdles and alarming obstacle in her life from her childhood!
"What a miracle to focus as an access to  success which is   the means of opportunity Krishna "!
"Certainly Marina was nicely numbed gathered her both lotus Petel shaped hands and joined her joyous  palms. 
"She didn't know what she was doing Krisna?!!"
"Watch out kids open it children !"

There was a  supreme calm whilst she prayed to Him, standing in her knees like a godly girl .

"After all, the Lord had harsh criticism that He is a womaniser by some serious soul killing individuals who defame God and fame them krishna"
"However she often  had auspicious and wise advise from saintly Sam about God of  the Gods  ". 
 "Suddenly, she would have  thought again mainly about Ragu Krishna", 
"Yes she did Durga "
"Lord told her in gold voice ! Marina ,forgive them there are  cunning foxes and cancerous characteristics due to their  cruel Karma in past and present  dear darling daughter"
 "characteristics , are irresponsibly insulting You around the world Krishna!". 
"Her throat went dry".
"Still she couldn't stop her chattering mind :
"What was it Krishna Anna?".
"Her body delivers a delightful dance meanwhile her mind was chatting 
"Can  we open the dance krishna ?"
"Sure Sarah Sure "
"What you think of them Krishna Anna?"
"Those  individuals who are capable of saying anything and everything, against , the Supreme Lord krishna lack of learning the laws of Lord"
"Krishna Anna, , as they have mountain of  mud in their heads and  animals in their stomachs ; Yes dead animals in their plates". 
"Needn't to say it's  demoniac against Divine Krishna Anna".
"She again adjusted her violin voice, smelling God's gracious perfume of the  perfumes.  Uncontrolled waterfall from her own enchanting eyes!!!".
"Matter of mastering in materials and with some temporary memories in the 
temporary minds,  lecturing Clue-lessly" .
"Isn't it ugly Lord Kanna?"
Mighty Marina was feeling the greatest fragrance of lord even in her 
mouth opened state!. 

"Existence in this material world is due to the multiple reactions to the
sinful actions in the past marily  Marina”.

"She would  pleased to hear the same words that she learnt in the Gita wouldn't she Krishna?".

Marina's mindset matured miraculously and began to know herself beautifully and delightedly. !
She became Unbelievably beautiful with bliss. 
"What !!!How Krishna????!! "
"The Five SHEATHS cover our individuality would have been  Cleansed miraculously  Krishna anna ".
"Well said....Subathra....well  done...What are they Subathra?"

1) Material 
2) Vital 
5) ANANDA (Bliss).
"How Krishna Anna?" 
 "Grace of the seven Chakras' vedic vibration. 
1) The Muladara Chakra  is the lowest of the Chakras ,The Embodiment of 
2) The Ajnachakra in the mid-brow spot the speeds of Awareness when the 
chara reached it is the only step away from the final Realisation 
3) The Swadhishana Chakras at the point of the navel agni fire princple 
4) The ManipuraChakra is  the next highest on the spinal scale ,water
5) The Anahatachakra I the region of the Heart  , the breathing process 
6) The VisuddhaChakra is pit the throat ,promote sound 
7) The Sahasrara, is the nicest next step of God consciousness 
"Her mind set is being mastered grace of Lord's 
grace empowerment just a matter momentum Subathra ".
"You mean the   force of Father?"
"Why not wow!?"
As long as  she was  in the greatest Goodness  Class, she was immediately enlightened  ... what a magical match up like a mother met her missed    child. 
She astonished watching the entire entities entering within Pappah Universal Personality!!!
The whole world is within Him. The planetary system is His blood cells;  the solar systems are  His blood tissues;the garlands of  galaxies were His organs, the greatest movements  and dazzlingly garlands of galgalaxy all were like  the cutest carnivals within the Supreme Body !!! 
Ha...ha...because He is the 

"So Krishna Anna  this is why you call us DIVINE EMBODIMENTS 
as an expression of God in 
every one in real ?"

"Hundred percent Peter!"

Tulsy! Have you got any   kind of idea how Marina has got her 
 "Oh....Ohhhhhhhh Goodness have I  been selected as an exam candidate Krishna?"
"What to do?"
 "What Krishna?"
"There is no choice we are running out of choice".
"Only a couple... couple of inquiries don't worry ha..ha... we will support you Tulsy you are not helpless ".
"I wonder how the seven Chakras cycles relevant to her enlightenment commitment Krisna Anna"
"Fantastic.... in fact, Marina regularly recite Aum Mandra 21 times;Gayatry Mantra and Maha Mandra as much as she can"
"Does she Krishna?"
"Certainly she us a Hindu ...all three Mantra are relevant to her enchanting enlightenment".
"How Krishna?".
"Easy haven't we  learned serval occasions that the 21 Aum Mandra and
21 elements have the correlation in terms of spiritual and material functions?". 
"What about the Gayatri Mantra Tulsy?".
"Gayatry has the highest  connections as the Chakras are the motors of elements under  soul fuel for its its function when the fuel run out, see the country in forest fire  ".
"Why you be often silent Tulsy you know one thing??"

"No Sam"
"The world's suffer not because of the bad people but because of the  silence of good people ".
"Brilliant πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘Œ"
"Tulsy is not always silent she knows when to break the silence Krishna "
"Brilliant πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘Œ"
"That's all , her exam is over children". 

"We continue our narration Krishna":

Sure! In  general, all the attractions are just,just a lust 
interested in 
Tulsy builds silence as  when we  are silent, the 
3) ANGERY".do Not know where to attack 

"Tulsy  knows that all 
because we are foolishly following the 
past lives PASS WORD OF 

"Similarly Marina thinks it's all about the three aspects of interests and 
reactions  lack of worship of the lordship" On the spot she recalled:
 3) KRODHA . 
"Certainly Christina!" 
"Oh my God!"
"What Rudra?"
" Ha...ha...of course, our Karma keeping us in blind 
mindsets or in  blind believes Krishna" 
"Sure we all deny the clay and build false faith on the pots ignoring even the Potter"
"Hummm" you too become a master minded Rudra?"
"Marina was enchantingly excited. She couldn't tackle her emotional jingle 
πŸ”” πŸ›Ž 🎊 🎊 blood  cells sensationally enlightened her
emotional feelings fantastically! 

Having heard not much words from Marina, Lord smiled as these are the  symptoms of wisdom πŸ™seldom to find in any young girl like her". 
 "She was wordless !."
"Her jaw was dropped! She was in her open mouth as a 
baby watching her distinct divine  mother for milk after her longed term 
cry in hungry ".

"Angel! Darling… you are a 
guardian angle...never ignore a person who loves you ;a person who cares you and misses you;love the one who loves you;respect the one who deserves it and value Vedas words ❤which care every individual soul in person ❤"
"Marina was weeping wordlessly  thinking,
"Appah ! We know You love every one and You want us to teach a lesson that  This human form of life is not at  all about enjoying the desires which are similar to animal principle by just satisfying the five senses which is non senses ! "
🐦 🦜 🦒 🦚 ."
"She became comfortable ,  thinking He was her own Soul she became enlightened" 
 "Pappah indeed the real love is when nothing is expected, but I expect a   heavenly hug... just give a single hug Dad".

"What is Sam-Kirtan Marina ?"
"It is the bhajan Krisna".
 "Why she addressed Him like that Krishna ?"   
...Was she still in her dream Krishna?"
 " OK hold don't  addressing Him Krisna, is no harm as long as she realised Him as Our  own Originator  Meera".
"Better she can address Him at least Majesty ?"
"What is Majesty Krishna?"
 "Impressive beauty or grandeur; or a title given to a 🀴 πŸ‘‘ or Queen  πŸ‘Έ Peter".
"What is  Sam-Kirtan Krishna ?"
"Bhajan ,Balaraman"
"What Baba following  Doesn't  he adores Marina?"

"He is following the four Sam-Kirtanas, Siva"
"What are they please?"
1)Guna Sam-Kirtana
2) Leela-Sam-Kirtana
3) Bhava Sam-Kirtana
4) Name Sam -Kirtana.
"Why we don't do all of them 
we need to be like Marina in Kali-Yuga Kanna only needs πŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸ’˜"
"You mean the Maha Mandra Kirtana Krishna?".
"Yes πŸ‘ thumb up dear divine embodiments!".
"Why we are diminishing the three Sam-Kirtanas and practicing only the Maha 
Mandra Meditation Krishna ?".
"We stick not with multiplicity, but unity of divinity Meera "
"Why please krishna?"
"Ha...ha.....we understand the real identity of our Supreme Personality." 
"Didn't we learn?"
"Oh shame on meeee so sorry for forgetting it Krishna!"
Wasn't it all about the examples of multiplicity:
1) The nose,
2) The ears
3) The mouth 
4) The eyes
5) The hands all are in 
One,Lord Krishna?". 
"Sure! So too, remember to  remember our Originator is our faithful Father and He is  the Aatma and Paramtama"  
"Knowing this stupendous awareness  it is our  Sacred SATHANAI ".
 "Exactly to  be elevated and to be promoted to 
"Beside, why we are being adamant Krishna?"
"Ha....ha.... because of our Karma characteristics Sudah" .
"What does ADAMANT  define Krishna ? "
"We never change our mindset, our memories cards or sim-card which is maintaining us Krishna".
 "So it is hard to abandon children?"
"Surely Krishna step by step we can  make up 
our maddened    mindset and reset correctly ".

"What is abandon Krishna ?"
 "leave permanently".
"So abundant Kanna?"
"Unlimited ,a huge".
 "Please listen !The  Global God is a Godly mountainous Gem
"We already learned it "
 "Any body remember what we learned?"
"Yes, you mean that there are three 
thieves :
"Correct Christina".
"Could we restart our narration please ?"
"Alright ready?"
"Marina haven't you learned about:
2) Artha/wealth 
3) Kama/desire 
"We better talk metaphorically Krisna"
"Alright πŸ‘!" 

 Krisna !Assume each topic as one of the 4 wheels of 
the red car :
"OK Marina πŸ‘Œ". 
"For instance",
"Hold don't a second Marina!"
"Could you describe it decently so that 
anyone can practice it ?"
"Can I say how my Guru explained Krishna?"
"Why not I always bestow benediction through the 
guru Marina"

"What kinds of Gurus Krishna?"
"Ha...ha...I  am mad of the best Gurus who are pursuing the Vedas Marina".
"Thanks Krishna could I continue Krisna?"
"My pleasure dear students!"
" Now lets simplify the four wheels car on to two wheels cycle Krishna 🚲" 
"Why dear?"
"Because we are not going to forget our past pass words of memories cards and be as a Swami,as though  nothing happened to our Sacred Soul in EVOLUTIONS in many many funny bodies all are memorised in our body cells Sim Cards Krishna "
"Ha...ha...absolutely πŸ’― please proceed students".
There are :  1)Artha
 2) Dharma
= One Wheel of 🚲 the cycle
 And there are 
3) Kama and 
4)Moksha =Another wheel of the cycle  πŸš² 
πŸ™ thanks darling daughter !
Alright out of the four path ways :
1)Guna Sam-Kirtana
2) Leela-Sam-Kirtana
3) Bhava Sam-Kirtana
4) Nama Sam -Kirtana.

Why we pursue only the last 
"Father's nama Kirtan is the best ".
"Is it  the  Maha Mandra Meditation of Appa?"
"Definitely "
"Apart from this, I love to know what to do with the four steps of the 
four Dimensions (levels)Krishna Anna?"

1) Dharma, 
2) Artha,
3) Kama to get
4) Moksha please πŸ™ πŸ™ 
How does work KrishnaAnna?"
"Earn earnestly your wealth through righteousness ".
"Use some of the  wealth for the promotion   purpose of Dharma/Righteousness". 
"May I Know the reasons Krishna Anna ?"
"To be liberated darling" 
"Is it  the liberation leading us towards  Sanatana Krishna?πŸ™ 
"Marina would  in heaven krisna ?"
"Definitely students!". 
"The air out side was wonderfully drying Marina's fair hair through the widened 
Then the amazing atmosphereinfused her with the supreme 
smell of the Lord’s perfume.
She was so silent and swallowed  a sudden infusion 
in complete confusion. She has been transformed.
Obviously she was comfortable with the feeling 
of his divinely powerful personalty’s present…
"We wish we would be with Marina Krisna !"
" was a sense of serene sensationally wrapping her like a blanket of jasmine, fresh fragrance flowers!"

"The baby blue sky would have been  unexpectedly decorated by 
some crowed of clouds.Resembling bunches of white fragrant flowers Krishna Anna!??"
Undoutedly !Any one’s heart immediately would be captured or melted.
Her eyes were shining like diamonds reflecting in 
the light.It was a glorious moment of stupendous summer day 
with a stunning sun radiant rays.Marina was in heaven ,meeting the Heavenly Body,or Divine Daddy of every body.

Thanks Hare Krishan


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