"Hi everyone Good Morning we are living in World War Three , but turning blind eyes Children!". 🙏!" 
"Why krishna?"
"Hello!  Hi! Good Morning Krishna who are these kids Krisna?"
"Ha...ha... speak to them ask them"
...hi kids nice to see you!"
"By the way,  where is your Uncle Mr K. Soil ha..!ha... sorry K.Soul ha...ha..."
"Our uncle has no time to waste as we don't even realise that we are in World War Three 
"What are you talking we don't get it?"
"Forget about it our Uncle has a great goal of teaching about the Bhagawadgita in a hurry we mean about the soul and  soil students best of all, the Super Soul"
"Ha...ha ...ha we understand ,but at the moment where is him  kids?"
"We thought that he is in London!"
"He is in Srilanka and he is watering the greatest garden of the prettiest plants of fragrant flowers surrounded by Lord Krishna's milk white statue students" 
Why can’t he hire someone else to handle this kinds of domestic deals !?”
"Ha…ha…that’s what we thought ,but he does what is divining deals “
 for instance , could we hear a minute video of Sadguru’s wording ?"
"Why kids are you crazy!"
"Because we have to be obedient students"
"Ha …ha …ha …ha …ha …
…ha …ha …ha …ha 
…ha ha …ha ..,ha foolish children!!!
"We...we have to be obedient students , okay, comprehensible but ... but to whom Kids?"
“To our Ruby Resident in our hearts 💕 💕”
"Yeah we ... we never knew about that?”
" Atman and Paramathman stupids"
"What's that  we never learned ha...ha... ?"

"’s a pure sacred science stupid students"
 "Ha...ha...!We don't agree what we don't understand and to be  honest, is not stupidity children".
"We have to follow up the 5 laws do you know them honest students?" 
"No Krishna didn't teach us children "
"He did Rudra !"
"Suuuuuu we just want to make them frustrated and angry Meera ha..ha...
We are control by Brahma Jyothi that's all we learned kids"
"What do you say kids have you went crazy?"
"Simple the Gita's subject matter is five facts students but nevertheless,  Godless people are careless "

"What are they children?"
"1) The Science of Devadi Deva ,Paramatma 
2) The science of Jiva Atma
3) The Science of Mother Nature 
4) The Science of time and 
5) The Science of Karma "

"Excellent effort  students, but why we 
need to learn them haven't we important things to do to fulfill our achievements and fill our pot belly?"
"Rudra be reasonable with the kids!"
"You be quite Meera let Rudra provoke them because then only we can hear more messages from them "
"Yes Peter is correct Meera" 
"We don’t know anything children"
"It's a matter of the Science of Self-Realization students means realising the  reality of our Supreme Personality permanently resident in our hearts 💕 students"
"We know that , but how does it work  twins ha…ha…?"
 "Would you tell us sweet ♥ hearts ♥ ?"
"1) The senses "
"Why ?"
"2) comprehend The five elements students "
3)The nine planetary movement namely Navakirahangal"
And ?"
4)  God acts through Mother Nature "
" Finally foolish children?"
"5) Through out our Self-Realized senses only we realise our own karma which we carry out by our own limbs students"
"Oh so our Karma is a matter of manifestation by our own senses and our own limbs because of our minds kindest kids ?"
"Obviously such as our two legs, two  hands ,two  holes and monkey minds or pure minds we carry out dharma and also karmas students "
"How to be decent students kids?”
"By learning the Bhagawadgita !"

" Is it true that the Atman and Paramathman are resident in our hearts 💕?"
"Undoubtedly students !"
"Cool down kids why are you shouting?"

"Yeah we have left lots of time be calm Krisna kids don't be in a hurry" 
"We are afraid as there is no tomorrow to borrow we are in illusion stupid students”
"Why on earth there is no tomorrow have you drunk kids?"
... Maya and obviously by post ponding things for tomorrow , we become lazy assuming that there is time and leaving aside our self Science besides witnessing world war is already in action "
"Why we turn blind eyes?"
"We didn't catch up kids!"
"Aren't we  victims of  pendamic ?"
"Sure "
"Aren't we the victims of Ukraine war?"
"💯 percent "
" Aren't Aren't we the victims of Middle war ?"

"So you mean that we learned to live ignoring the wars?"

"Definitely it’s the fact, today is the reality there is no tomorrow tomorrow"
"We are not  in a hurry crazy children”
"In order to please Appah we  have to be serious in self science okay!"
"Why we are in a hurry?"
"Have we ever experienced tomorrow as our future?"

"Oh when we experience tomorrow ,certainly it's become today Krishna kids you are right "
"What...what a delight to speak with you bright students of Krishna ?”
"Ohhhhhhhh Goodness well !!! Very very well we got the point ,but disappointed how come simply by the elements , we are  controlled?"
"Well we know naturally we became blessed by nature aren’t we science inclined individuals ?"

"Can you tell us how does it happen Krisna kids how?
"Simple it's because our  past memories  of   previous lifetimes”
“Sorry ?”
We…we can call it subconscious even at our early stages we became self searchers "
" what kind of unkind Krishna kids?"
"Yes as it was already set up"
"As ... as our minds sets were already had been reset krishna kids?" 
"We have time the time heals everything don't ruin our good day Krisna Kids like He did to Arjuna"
"Ohhhhhhhh   forget  about him kids now only we understand that how little we understand what you understand Krisna kids"
"Yes we are talking about the Truth it may be like a surgery, as it's hurts,  but it  heals dosen't it  ?." 
"Nevertheless it's killing many people understand Krisna kids like Lord killed in the war Krisna Kids “
"Ohhhhhhhh Goodnesss you speak like intelligent children !"
"What we educate through different, different demigods is like a lie Krisna kids?”
"Surely  !!!Which is like  pain killer ha...ha...
It gives instant relief ,but constant effect for ever to suffer in facing filthy further births there any tomorrow stupendous students sorry stupid students …
“You mean realising the Truth is worth today than tomorrow-as it doesn't exist?"
"Yes!  You deserve it"
"Can you show us the  minute video you mentioned?"
"Wow! Why not  ?  Would we watch it together?"

"Of course, we wonder what  are you trying to say about the five elements "
"Wow description of the soul and the soil it’s the goal of your uncle!?"
"Ha...ha... ha.. ha spending time with him, healing everything but we are entirely engaged in material education such as private  tuition school tuition without lessons as a consequence, no time for Soul  tuition living-like birds of single feather"
"Is it  because of exam... exam and exam? "
"Who are these cutest children what are they saying Krishna?"
 "Sure whatever happens it's our Karma students"

"What is the antidote of Karma kids?"
"Oh  to be honest, according to the Supreme Science, cancelling our original karma,  is the Maha Mantra of Originator especially in Kali-Yuga unlike other Yoga"
"Do you practice Maha Mantra Meditation?"
"'s our medication and Mr.Soul 's  Dharma but our karma dosen't allow us to listen to him our original karmas are strong ...even stronger than we expected"
"Why not we are struggling at school in doubling our studies times" 
"What's wrong with it ?"
"Due...due to difficult time, which is leading us unfortunately unorganised system of education..."

"Ohhhhhhhh... of education following fearful finacial circumstances?"

"Yeah and our college helplessly left us depending on our own...own..." 

 "  private tuitions kids?"
"We really really regret of hearing your difficulties :
"We heard that you both are blessed babies are you?!"
"What is the the greatest loss in life children?"
"When... when we have no  goal  "
"What's that children?"
"What is the difference between a death person and a living person unless he has a  goal!"
"We are moving and the death person is not moving by motivation of materials Krishna's kids"
"What is the point of living like a death person without any interest of knowing our selves Science?"
"Holds don't...hold don't...
"How can we hold back our defective education system Krishna  ?"
"They used to be Marina's pupils in Primary school"
"Really Krishna!"
""Who is your role model kids?
"Watch the video it will echo "
"Ohhhhhhhh Goodnesss thanks great hearts 💕"
 "See you later guys" 
Watch ... watch again :
"Ha...ha...It's s interesting story based on history and glory of God Krishna!....
    Doesn't it Krisha why their voices are a bit tougher Krishna?"
"Ha...ha...they have grown and they only voiced  behind the screen "
"Oh Mummy we were astonished Krishna but still we wonder why they are calling us stupid students ha…ha…!"
"It’s because today Mr K.Soul’s family have been invited to one of his senior students wedding party...
 "pretty unfortunately the kids are unable to accompany with him Krishna?”
What’s the speciality  in the wedding Krishna?”
“As…as he has taken hundreds of Krishna cutest colourful leaflets which are described why we should and must read Gita and chanting the Maha mantra"
"Oh share with  his kind student's wonder wedding party Krishna?"

" In addition,  he call Kogulan hurtfully his young mother died in a fire accident in London while she was in 17th tower building.
 Kogulan...was at college his father went to pick up his youngest brother from nursery... " 
"When this unfortunate happened Krishna?"
 "It was an unfortunate actually his goung mother with another lady who was on holiday from Srilanka died, too"
"Oh so so sorry krihsna" 
"What a wedding party what worshipable  worthy work krishna “
Oh which triggered them to talk because of tight time Krisna ?”
Sorry for the Krisna kids Krishna "
"Excuse me Krishna The Food  Upkeeps The Body Krishna  ...
dosen't it  Krishna?. 
"Accurately Balaraman "
"Then the  Prayer Krishna?"
"Upkeeps The Mind."
"Oh you mean The  Divine Uplift The  Brain Krishna?".  
"Then Lord Krishna?"
"Lord Krishna Upgrade The Intelligence" 
 "My God!Man Needs an Upright life to be uplifted Krishna conscious?"
"Exactly that's why we have to Up Lift The Mission Krishna?" 
"If we break up Krishna?"
"We have to set up faith in Father "

"How! how we remember Father if we have no faith on Him?"
"Like We Update The Electronic Devices from time to time Krishna ?"
"Yes "
But...but....why we have   to up set people krisna  ?"
Then only we can  be  upgraded Krishna  ?"
"We are travelling in Nicer and  Nobler Path Krishna! "
"You are right !"
"Does it Make Self-Illumination Krishna?"
"Seriously ! And we  are dSharing The Lord's Light All Around Us "
"WHY we only intwrested in Krishna?" 
"To Be Generous by being Blessed"  . 
" Not to be  Misleading With Limited Learning Krishna?"
" Pure Gold Krishna?".  
 "Definetly Not to Mistake The Gold For Brass"
 . Our Mission Can Be Called Double  Promotions Krishna!?"
. (1) Correct  Derive Joy From divine
 (2)And Distribute Joy among us to  enjoy".
"Why not others but only us Krishna 
(1) In the Interest of Present Life  (2)And In the Interest of Future Life" Ha...Ha...High Five children!!!".
" Ha...Ha...High Five Krishna!!!".
"Let's get started... Krishna "

"Do you have the eyes to see God Krishna Anna?
"Why don't we  use  the   questions  as our subject matter Christina?"  
"My pleasure dear treasure "
"Who is the candidate of today's election Krishna Anna?"
"Do you have the eyes to see the God Subathra ”
" Ohhhhhhhh Goodness I  even walk on the 🐌🐌🐌🐌 snails and slugs and and... and with my eyes open !!!! I am going to  have heavenly eyes...Krishna ?"
"Appreciate it Subathra why we can't Subathra". 
" The problem is, all our senses are sealed/ covered... Krishna"
"How can we remove the seals and see  God Krishna Anna ???
"Do we have  Arjuna's eyes ?"
"What is it How does it being sealed Subathra please?" 
"Which called Kosa in Sanskrit Krishna ".

"In English ?"
"Haven't we   learned great hearts💕???
" many covers are covering up our senses krishna?"
 "How many senses we have got children ?"
"There are five senses as five sheaths Krishna?"
"Yeah "
"What they do Krishna?"
" Let's learn Krishna please!"
"What are they Krrishna ?"
"Can I  reply Krishna?"
"Yes you can Retna".
"Don't be rude ... who is mental  who Krishna??"
'Ha...ha...ha...! He still not forget Mental Ragu rowdy ha...ha...Krishna?"
"1) No. I meant Manomaya "
"Next person please 🙏"
"2) Vijnanamaya intellectual ".
"Excellent Sam!...
Now Siva".
"3) Annamaya material "
"Fascinating fantastic 👏👌👍😀😀!".
"Another person?" 
"4) Pranamaya Vital" 
"Outstanding Pammitta !!!".
Next please 🙏
"5) ANANDA maya"
"Excellent effort Balaraman". 👏👌👏👌 
Have a go in this video krishna 
"Now can you  tell  how can we come up with a key and  open up the five closed doors which are repelling us from entering Krishna ?"
"We didn't catch up Krishna".
" What does mean repel and what is the opposite of repelling please 🙏?"
'The opposite of repelling is compelling Krishna?"
*The direction of the electric closed  circuit of a battery (plus  and minus symbols) from the negative terminal to the positive terminal *
"Oh yeah it's how the  seven Chakras closed circuits are communicating  of worship  and the seven circles operating in saintly sacred people and making  miracles???!!".
"Brilliant out of the Seven Chakras , The first 2 Chakras like  closed circuit of a battery operates towards  the state of our desires and passions".
"Oh goodness Krishna 😳😍😅!!!
"The second 2 Chakras closed circuit operates towards our  achievements and endeavours Krishna?.
"Fantastic congratulations 👏🙌😀👍!!;".
"The state of God Consciousness and attraction of Awareness are more evident in the other two which are  ready to radiate when our IGNORANCE ARE REMOVED Marina is in that state like Sam" .
"Why don't we share some information about Mr K Soul Nava Krishna?"
"Awesome! outstanding unbelievable tremendous  news 👏!"
"What was it Krishna?"
"We saw Him "
"You mean Mr  K Soul Krishna?"
"Where are you?"

"Suuuuuu it's a secret "
"My apologies Krishna" 
"You mean only a genuine Yogi can open up them by proper Yoga practices Krishna ".
"Not really . However, it is indeed difficult to the ignorance people like us".
"We aren't ignorance we began to share our Mission seriously Krisna ". 

"Thanks that  is the Truth treatment of enlightenment go a head God a head Peter ".
"Please anyone knows  someone who did this Chakra practice successfully?"
"Did you Rosy we didn't know that you are  a sacred saint !".
 "Ha...ha....Not me,  but Baba did"
  "Wasn't  a scientist was saying his crown Chakra was glowing AURA energy that is the seventh Chakra Krishna?"
"Fantastic brilliant 👏😀👌👍"
"So the five out of the  seven, Chakras are linked with the five sheaths and five elements  on which our own house  are made of and repelling us from compelling Krishna?". 
"Undoubtedly. You mean our bodies,?
"Yes!!!Out of the Seven Chakras,apart from the first four,what the
  rest two Chakras are  capable of Krishna?".
"Linking us with Krishna". 
"Yes linking us with what Christina?".
"They are linking us with the  awareness of God consciousness"
"Brilliant 👏👌👏👌👏👌👏👌!"
"When we can successfully purify the five Sheaths please krishna 🙏?".
  "Only when we are successfully removed the  sheaths from the five filthy, ugly mentality Krishna Anna"
"Pardon Pamitta?"
"Like the  ugly, smelly and muddy   water purifying while travelling though the streams and rivers and finally reaching to the original ocean"
"But the entire world spent billions to do the purification of our pipe water from the waste water of our own toilets flushed waters ?"
"That is an exam to comprehend the complicated process of the Divine nature still we don't care of the value of the Sun service by Divine Originator "
 "In this Condition how we are going to be puried Krihsna?"

"We...we perfectly practice Maha Mantra chanting Krishna ".
"Does the prayer deal with Chakras Krishna?"
"Absolutely, but in different degrees"
"See the batteries work in chemical Krishna ".
"Actually the  chemicals  administrated by nature'.
 "Am I correct ?" 
"We can't say it is incorrect Krishna".
"Can... can we Krishna?"
" turn, the nature controlled by Supreme Soul ".
"Pardon Krishna".
"Does a battery energy empowered through  plus ➕ and minus ➖ terminals ? "
"Oh my God it's reminding us the conversation of LORD Krishna and Arjuna about the birds ha...ha...ha...Krishna"
"Does the plus ➕ and ➕ terminals of a closed circuit , BATTERY attract each other  ?"
"No it will repel Krishna "
" Does the Minus ➖ and Minus ➖ terminals attract each other Krishna?"
"I mean does it   compel?"
"Can I check whether it does or doesn't  Krrishna?"
"What do you mean Rudra I am  testing by sitting next to Rata very close like a closed circuit energising ?"
"Try next to your girlfriend ha...ha..."
"Fantastic brilliant I love Krishna Anna  👏😀👌👍"
 it will repel Rudra !"
"What about the Maha Mantra krishna?"
"Does it sustain Higher or Lower extent of divine improvement krishna?"
"Definitely higher level Subathra" 
"When we enthusiastically share our Mission of  Impossible , evaluateour eternal education correct Krisna?
"Does it is improving and purifying our stains of unawareness of God consciousness?"
"Fantastic congratulations.'
 "In that point, the repelling energy becomes compelling evidently Krishna?".

"What does mean evident Krishna?"
"Clear or  obvious Rata".
'Which  are repelling and compelling Krishna???' 
"Reject and attract Rosy ".
"It's like electric magnetic Krishna?. "
"For example,  Krishna?"
"We saw Mr Soul was with some women  surrounding him "
"Really Krishna ?"
"We know that he is a womaniser  Krishna ha...ha..."
"My Papa too was with  him have you noticed him ". 
"Oh..oh Goodness don't allow him to company with  him Krishn....ha...ha...joking Krisna !"
"You know who were those young women  great hearts 💕 ?"
"No  Krishna" 
"They were the parents of the nursery schools children "
"Inspiring Krishna!"
"Again !Mr K.Soul brought up some leaflets and distributed to the parents Krishna ha...ha...he has nothing to do who is going to listen to him in this Kali-Yuga?“
"May be because of some prizes some might listen to him Krishna !!
"Any prizes for them krishna?"
"Why not ?"
"What happened to the families   of the Muham near the  temple Krishna the 30 poor people or families Krisha?"
"It was incredibly inspiring insident!" 
"What is it Krishna ?"
"Some of them   came up to him smilingly  "
"With their  written paper works of the worshipable worthy Maha Mantra ,Krishna?"
"Impressive Krishna!"
"How... how they reacted Krishna?"
"Amazingly !!! Especially a youthful mother who had an arrogant argument with another at the temple due to cast case like a car crash!"
"Wow what is the evidence that she has tranasnsformed Krishna? "
"Easily smiling; nicely dressed ; beautifully  comped  and she was cutely scrystal clean and fragrantly approached Mr K. Soul ,saying to Mr K.Soul that nobody  didn't tell her the Maha  Mantra has that much of attributions attraction and Divine disipline  "
"We did not understand anything Krishna.?"
 "Listen ...listen miracle happened! Miraculously..."
"Miraculously  Krisna ?"
"Yeah still because of the grace of her divine will,  she went to the local Krishna temple ".
"The Hare Krishna  temple in Kandarodai Krishna ?"
 "Yeah only ...only to read the sign  board in orange colour from far away "
"Unbelievable what a lie Krisna what was the size of the signboard Krishna? !"
"May be five meters long and three metres hight "
 " Unbelievable  Krishna!"
"What is the guarantee Krishna?"
"She was  chanting the Maha Mantra so rapidly and smilingly and happily to K Soul affectionately as though she knows him since long time "
"Excellent effort Krishna "
"What was our tutor's reaction Krishna?"
"He thanked to the Lord...
"How Krishna "
 "Hear it if  you:
"Take your time Krishna Anna I haven't finished my  magnetic testing with Rata yet"
" We prefer pursuing   the story please krishna Rudra is  naughty guy🙏🙏🙏".

"Alright 👍three... two...  one:  
'Why you are counting upside down 
'"I don't know may be because of Rudra". 
The whole realm crowd  were still in the same location 
with ambulance staff, police officers, professors, 
students and of course ,Marina’s  friends and families.
"We are just going to listen 
their conversation Okey?!":
"No problem krisna "
"Everything is okay Marina?"
 "Hum same old"
The police officers surrounding them.
"Where was it Krisna Anna?"
 "It was where the incident took place". 
"Where was it exactly ?"
 "Just in front of the Buddhist temple".
"Hi Marina !How's it going... ?"
"Everything's Okey?"
One of the  professors inquired her politely. 
"Not much".
They didn't want to take it seriously and trying to make as simple as possible. 
"Hey Sam good  to see you 
🙏 !"
"How have been long time no see?".
"A journalist joyously greeted London  Sam, thinking he was Jaffna Sam".
"Yeah !It's been a long while".
"Hey ! How ya doing Sam ?"It was another paper reporter .
How quickly they arrived no wonder everyone wonders!!

"How's it going ?"
Mr Charm greeted one of his colleagues. 
"How's it going" 
" Her friends "
"How goes?" 
"how's things?"
"Everything is Okey?"
"Everything all right?"
"All goods!" 
"You're okey?"
"How's your day?"
"How's your day going?"
"Hey you are okay?"
It's been a long while!".
"Yeah! How ya bn doing ?" 
London Sam smiled 
"'s life?".
"Krishna what is going on?"
While  the police men were politely inquiring with  ambulance staff , students, professors and journalists  were greeting and gathering and consoling Marina so softly,Professor Charm was greeted 
by his friends and students. 
He was expecting London Krrishna’s  father within the crowd because he needs 
some details to  complete his 

book of, "The Children Who Lived Before " 
"Yeah the title of his book is The Children Who Lived Before
"Accidentally there was a vibrant voice vibrating from far behind the crowd !"
It was indeed a delightful voice! Oh Goodness! 
" Was it Sam?! "
"Yeah,   Sam is over there!"
Marina was in the pool of nectar!!!.
"She was jumping joyously and running and screaming 
forgetting the frightening and knife threatening circumstance totally like some one welcoming a star".
Everybody smiled sincerely.
"What a wonderful world?"
She did not expect her star ...
all of a sudden all the way from far far  away,Colombo!.

"Who knows  it was Sam's secret plan to give her such  an extent EXCITMENTS!
Sam saw her as Ganga with  Visnu'protection  ,but for others she looks like a normal personality 
"Would we watch how Sam sees her?"
Yeeeeeeeeeeeees hooray !!!
"Please remove the blue veil Meera !"
 "Sure !!

He wanted to make sure of all of the important peoples must be there to bless 
🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 her  while getting out of the 
university with her pretty-precious Doctor Degree "

"Oh that's mean?" 
"She is qualified in surgery, too."
The surprise was ,she didn't want to give any complaint against Rowdy Ragu.
Because as soon as he fell flat and stabbed by his own 
surgery knife 🔪, he was crying, calling her to safe his life. 

She was shaking,wiping her Jewels.  And he was praying 
her 🙏 joining both of his palms shockingly. 

Worst of all, the intervention of the HYSTERIA crazy, every thing 
went upside down.

Inspite of that, every body cheered up cheerfully grace of lord Krishna's 

At the same time,the Five Fire Fighters or wonder  winds welcomed 
Sam smilingly.

"It was an unbelievable circumstances it's an astonishment for everyone how the five fire fighters finding their Jaffna Sam without any single difficulty  !"

Whereas, the five teens once safed by the five fearless winds ,the 
fire fighters had also surrounded. No wonder  all of them seems as fresh and fragrance as living garlands. 


"Hare Krishna!" 

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