"Mr K Soul Nava  with glasses his friend and also the father of one of  his students " 

"God Morning Everyone πŸŒ„ πŸ™" 
"God πŸŒ„ Morning Krishna Anna πŸ™!"
"Could we talk about the gentle man little more?"
"No we don't want to hear about his sad story please commence our session Krishna?”
"We always work harder and harder for a better and richer tomorrow Krishna look at the man with bottle "
"But we never ever experience tomorrow Krishna safe our souls while saving some materials "
 "Sure we are under the influnce of illusion equal alcohol and uttering under the influnce of alcohol"
"Krishna,our story is not a kind of illusory it's  glory ,the history if divine" 
Certainly  unknowing the history of Divine Dad,we are thinking ourselves in terms of temporary bodily conception of knives sorry life" . 
"Krishna we are  British you speak rubbish" 
"Sure we thus think that we are British, American, Indian , Russian, Srilankan or Brahmana ,Hindu, Muslim etc..."
"So what Krishna leave us alone we are goingto university with lotsof alcohol facilities ?"
"Result...result ,we become materially contaminated Ruby"
"How Krishna stop being childish let us enjoy we can'tend the journeyof joy can we Krishna?"
"Simply by ignoring and forgetting the Supreme Personality of God Head, we only  end up becoming like the gentle man loves his wife and children"
"Not taking care of divinity ,we all are in liberty look at the face of the gentle man who is under the influnce of the Mother Nature "
" Thnks Meera   ...Oh abusing  our liberty life and  coming back  upon leaving the old clothes in to a nasty never expected or experienced   clothes do we love it Krishna?"
"Simply by ignoring and forgetting the Supreme Personality of God Head, we only  end up becoming like the gentle man loves his wife and children sky high"
"Oh it's better being innocents unknowingly Lord Krishna like Him Krishna".
 "The unprecedented pandemic world is simply serious great hearts?"
"What a borrowing knife life Krishna !"
"Why Meera?"
"When tomorrow comes, do we enjoy tomorrow Krishna?"
 "We again and again think of another better tomorrow ha...ha...”
...and borrowing more and more in sorrow to pay the mortgage Krishna"!
"So let us have a better today Krishna as it's Ecadasy day"
"Why what's wrong of  thinking of working harder and harder for better  life of tomorrow Krishna?"
"Could we talk about something else Krishna?"
"I called our tutor today to make sure of attending to fasting festival of Ecadasy in Hare Krishna temple"
"What did he say Krishna ?"
"He said ,"I'm dressing up you can go a head "
"What didn't you go on your own and leave him on his own  Krisna ?, "
"But Mami his wife warned me to take care of him and do not leave him all alone"
"Why does he has some medical conditions Krishna ha...ha...?"
"Sure on Friday our tutor blessed a young smiling woman in the tiny temple giving her a big beautiful brown brand new Bhgawadgita"
 "Great job !What's wrong Krishna ?"
"His wife interpreted as he is a womaniser "
"Ha...ha...Why Krishna?"
To be honest, he told his naughty nature in his early twenties  "
  "To his wife Krishna?"
"Oh my God as soon as he get married Krishna?“
“Oh that’s not good act Krishna "
"Such an innocent Krisna "
…imagine each an every one trying to be like Mr K Soul Nava, no one wouldn’t be perfect matches up Krishna.”

"Why not Krishna why he gave the Bhagawad-Gita only to a young  woman Krishna ?”
"He is a womaniser Krishna"
" ha…ha…."
"Why you insult him like his husband does Rudra ?"
"Why not Christina  !"
"Why he selected  a young woman  while hundred of devotees are  there Krishna?"
"Ha...ha... that's what I thought ,but someone within her family told him that she is from the Muham and unemployed although being graduated πŸŽ“ "
 "Okey ! What is the evidence that she is going to read it Krishna ?"
"Then he gave her a leaflet, telling her ,
"this is the best brief of the second wing of a beautiful bird, “ smilingly .
"What is the evidence it's made  difference in her life and as a climax of our Mission  Krishna?"
"She was the one who served us the vegiterian meal"
  "So what ?Any...anybody can do it Krishna !"
 "Do you think ignoring her own hunger?"
"Pardon Krishna?"
"Usually...usually she would be seated in the first drow to consume prasadam"
"Evidence Krisna?
"Ask Jogarajah Uncle he has the footage of CCTV"
"What happend in the temple did he find offer a brand new Bhagawad-Gita I like him soooo much Krishna"
"Pardon Meera?"
"My apologies Krishna I can't  lie"
 "You are apologised" ?"
"And then Krishna?"
"As soon as he get dressed up, he went a head to the temple "
 "By foot krishna  ?"
"Yes although people suggested him a lift." 
"How did you know all these details Krishna?"
"I was wondering following him behind in my blue bicycle to find out the fact of his wife complaints ha..,'s  ha...ha..." 
"Ha...ha...good joke Krishna"
"As usual, we both were late and as usual, we were seated on the floor near the brown  wooden door smelled fragrance from the garden and garlands, flowers etc in the cutest temple"
"On the floor Krishna ?"
"Black and white shinny tiled temple near  the door under the fast faning milk white  fans but still he was sweating obviously he took off the top snow white cotton clothe which I gave him such a poor man ha...ha".
"What about you Krishna?"
 "Oh I have my own original jumper all over my body" natural black kind of T shirt something like Karnna 's boon body guard garment sort of armour ha...ha... ?"
"Oh you mean hairy or furry Krishna like Sri Rangan Anna ha...ha...!"
"Definitely Durga ha...ha..."
"Sounds sweet event eager to listen Krisna!"
"Meanwhile, our expertised senior prist was addressing about Ecadasy 's principles in sitting on a kingly chair in front of the audiance and  he was discussing the method of meals  through  the massive microphone...mesmerisingly mmmmm... mouth watering meals flavours increasing our hunger"
"Finally Krishna?"
"...finally after 108 times  Maha Mantra chanting stunningly all together, he spoke and introduced of a  person pretty pleasantly "
 "Who was it Krishna ?"
"The one who has been assisting the Ecadasy which falls twice a month and 52 times a year"
"Who it would be Krishna?"
" Why?"
"Considering the consecutive    disasters such as pandemic , war and consequently  the worst...worst inflation ever Krishna"
"Which left the entire world printing beautiful papers with big big amounts and called it money .Many many multy millionaires went bankruptcy Krishna"
"Unfortunately it's the biggest disaster ever Krishna "
"All of a sudden the gracious guru indicated through his indication finger  towards K.Soul Nava!!!"
"Why Krishna?"
"In ... in saying that he is the person to whom we have to bless raising our both hands towards the God Caitanya Mahabrabhu"
"Really Krishna !?"
"We feel proud of him Krishna I too admire and adore of him Krishna you may think whatsoever I do not care"
"We... we feel goosebumps Krihsna !??" 
"Mr K.Soul did the same like every one else while we all were chanting. Best of all, the guru explained everything with points  ,evidences and explanation "
"What point Krishna?"
"What...what evidence krisna.?"
"And and what explanation Krishna?"
"The people  who conduct this fasting of Ecadasy achieve all their ambitions in this world and in the  Krishna Abode"
"OK what's the prove he provided Krishna?" 
"He was  looking at our tutor proudly ?"
"Ohhhhhhhh Goodness we didn't even recognise the reality of his activities Krishna shame on us Krishna"

"Correct his services mirrors that the greatest gift we can give someone who lives in everyone and separated from every-one is the gift of our time and attention Krishna !"
"Sure  !Further he reminded that the desire has to be in devotional service developments in targeting the achievements of enlightenment "
"What happened to the Muham matter as K.Soul  asked a task before providing red rice bags Krishna?"
"Doubled success achievements sweet πŸ’• hearts πŸ’• "
"We did not catch up Krishna?"
"We received 108 times  written Maha Mantra from the entire peoples . Over...over thirty families" 
"From the Muham Krishna?"
"This is simply a single success not double krisna better I tell you the event!"
"Once we went ,apart from them, the outsiders out side residents who attend annathanam compassionately came up with complaints ,"
"What was it Krishna ?" all about Mr K Soul giving Gita to the beautiful giirl Krishna ha ...ha.ha?
" they said"
“Why we have been omitted from this auspicious mission do we need to wear dirty garments in order to have admission in devotional service of writing the Maha Mantra 108 times to prove that we are devotees?"
"Then Krishna?"
"We are welcoming everyone who comply with our conditions compassionately "
"All of a sudden, , there was an elderly so fragile and frail in a colorful dressing gown appeared in front of    our tutor with an irresponsible invoice of electricity over 50,000 rupees in arrears !"
" Oh Ohhhhhhhh Goodness what did he say krishna?"
"Was he shocked Krishna and decided  to run away krishna ?"  
"No he asked what is the reason behind this alarming accumulation in debt arrears "
"The elderly response was regrettably alarming as her husband was passed away ;her daughter's  husband was ran away and there was no way to pay"
"What was our tutor's reaction Krishna Bhagawad-Gita to the young mother ha...ha...?"
"Shut up! He said, " Each an every citizen can claim his rights ⚖ of justice describing   his or her change of circumstances with points ,evidences  concerning the complaints  "
"Myself and another guy who accompanied him were concerned and confused thinking he is going  to be in troubles like these on and on" .
"True krishna his wife is correct Krishna ha...ha..."
"On contrary, he looks pretty normal "
"So pleased to hear what Mr K.Soul  described Krishna "
"Ha...ha...we heard of his intervention in some other cases even in London  Krishna "
"We don't need to be a lawyer to explain the accidental errors of administration I can appeal  by writing a letter  to the electricity Boad don't worry tell them that my lawyer is handling ha...ha..."
"The elderly lady carrying her grand son who is in medical condition, too enchantingly trying to chant the Maha Mandra with her both hands  joined".
"So generous, so sacred story Krishna your pretty priest repeatedly described that the miraculous matters of Ekadasy fasting Krishna didn't he by indicating Mr Soul?"
"Yes at the end,  while blessing our tutor, ,the chief devotee in Hare Krishna, garlanded Mr K.Soul Nava which was fabulously fresh and   fragrance garland"
"In... in fresh flowers Krishna?"
"Absolutely !"
"Remember our exam doesn't end yet isn't it Krisna?".
"Guess who is the visitor students?"
"Next to him  Krishna!"
Next to whom?”
"The father of the student who lost his mother great hearts πŸ’•" 
"Is he  a famous man Krishna?
"No "
"Looks like someone we admire Krishna "
"Ha...ha...! kind of a  famous person Krishna?"
 "Ha...ha... an actor of the creator"
"Fantastic fact Krishna "
"His guru says that   the living temple has five doors "

 "Does the temple mean our bodies Krishna  ?"

 "Sure metaphorically speaking , we are right...Right?"

 1) "The First Door Krishna?"

"We had studied krisna !"

"Correct  we have to do it repeatedly because today we have an exam"

"Is it Annamaya, Material door Krishna?",  

2) Tremedous truth Second Door Krishna?"

"Pranamaya, Vital door Krishna"

   3) "The Third Door Krishna?"

"Manomaya,Mental Door "

 "The Fourth Door Krishna?"

 4) Vijnamaya, Intellectual"

 "5) Finally The Fifth Door Krishna?"

"The Father  Heavenly Happy Door "

"Anandamaya Bliss. In Other Words ,These Are The Five Sheaths Preventing Fences From Father Krishna?" 

"For instance,  the Yogis confronted the first Fence and talking  nonsense We Defence Against That Offence .Aren't we Krishna?"

"Correct Christina ".

"Where we are Krishna ?"

" Just entered  in to the first floor of Material Annamaya"

"Ha...ha... food we keep eating  and sleeping Krishna?"

"How can we open the whole temple doors Krishna? "

"When we Have stepped successfully ,all four floors"

"From the  fifth floor, the  6th and 7th chakras krishna?"

"Yes "

"Are these acting like stepping-stones in   realising  the reality of Supreme Personality Krishna?".

"Perhaps Pamitta who was safed by James with her son ,Krishna"
" did you know accurately Rudra?".
"People change for two reasons Krishna Anna ".
"What are they Rudra ?
"Either their minds have been opened or their hearts have been broken".
"What is in your case Rudra broken or opened?"
"Ha...ha....Neither his heart has been broken nor his mind has been opened Anna". 
"Why Rata?"
   "The way he was trying to charge his battery was  displayed decently"
"Ha..,ha...Brilliant we don't really get  the point".
"We still hope for the best !".
"What was it ?"
"How do  you mean?"  
"Chakras cheered him up"
"What Krishna?"
"You thought may be his deepest devotion reached the 6th Chakra and reacting the AURA Rata"!
"Ha...ha...he is still in front of the  Manomaya door πŸšͺ krisna,which is the  Mental door still it's not the first door 3rd door highly appreciated"
" Well done Meera we adores and wonder how you absorbing absolutely amazing πŸ‘!".
"Thanks  Krishna".  
 "Now Mrs Jeewa going to test Siva "

"Yeeee!!! Hooray...Hoooray"
"We love it as long as we seek the sacred soul ,we feel hungry of the glory Krishna ".
"Sure as long as we have hunger of the history of our Sacred Soul, we experience taste in our life as delicious dishes Krishna "
And... and as long as we feel happy , where is  unhappy baby?"
" Appreciate it searching the secret of Happiness is our necessity Krishna"
 Life's root is like Vedas books which is the  root of knowing the secret in our lives Krishna "
"Could we share a dedicated song to our K Soul Nava?”
"Why not when there is no soul no goal,when there is no story of glory ,no taste and no history of God”
Krishna it’s our dedication to our tutor “
“Thanks it’s tremendous selection.”
"What is your dedication to the son who lost his mum and seeking solution to safe his alcoholic father?"
"Please remove the blue veil Krishna "
"Emotionally dripping divine pearls Peter "
As we heard, his father fault finding after taking alcohol only “
"Yes unless he is so soft and sympathetic man doing lots of charities Krisna "
“Now we believe that the living temple has five doors krishna thank you so much krishna “
*The Living Temple Has Five Doors. The Temple is Our Body  . 1) The First Door(Annamaya), Material,  2) The Second Door (Pranamaya), Vital   3) The Third Door (Manomaya) ,Mental The Fourth Door 4) (Vijnamaya) Intellectual 5) Finally The Fifth Door, Father  Heavenly Happy Door .(Anandamaya) BlissIn Other Words ,These Are The Five Sheaths Preventing Fences From Father* The Yogis Confronted The First Fence And Talking  Nonsense We Defence Against That Offence . 
Does the Subject matter is Chakras again Krishna"
"We learned it Krishna."

"Of course,  how can we expect  answers without teaching  ?"
"Our tutor does ha...ha... "

"Suuuuu...Suuuuu ...Suuuuu...Suuuuu...please !!

"Hi Mrs Pammitta Jeewa ....

"She  has come !" 

"Hello everyone!!!Mrs Pamitta Jeeva  has come to visit"

"Hello ! We often discuss about, you how are you doing sacred students you do not  need to introduce yourselves I know yourselves  !".

"We are fine Mrs....Mrs....

"Am Mrs Jeewa ha..,ha...."

"Please to meet you Ma'am ".

"Krishna Menan kindly requested me to discuss on the topic of,

"The Mobile Temple Has Five Doors ".

"It's comes to light that Krishna must be related to Jesus’s family Ma'am "

"Why Rudra?"

"He adores doors  and windows... it's demonstrating that his past Life memory of carpentry still remains in his mindset ha...ha..."

"Ha...ha...yeah he often talks about doors, but divine doors πŸšͺ😏😌!"

"Wow ! It's sounds You are strong !"

"Thanks! Let's get started !
To be honest ,we already have been preparing can read the topic which have been  highlighted in colours ".

" Wow !!! Could we commence... we are excited Ma'am?".

"Sure Ma'am,  how is your son ?"

"I like all of your communicational skills and wonder  how you remember him?" "He is fine.   Absolutely fine?"

"Which was unforgettable event we never forget can we forget it Ma'am?"


"By the way, I am a house wife,  but I am fond of Krishna as a prove ,my son's name is Krishna...
Pretty pleased to hear you remember that  once I was rescued by a  brave man ,Sam's best friend,James unbelievably unforgettable I wonder how you remember me!!" πŸ’“".

"While reading the event, we were honestly horrified Mrs Jeewa !".

"Thanks God bless you all.... I always wanted to speak to you guys I don't know why guys remember there are nine steps to purify our minds out of them reading the text one. Therefore, please read. Sharing the text is the best I always share no one asked it's my best  task when we share ,we are doing the best out of the nine Sadana which is the best spiritual path ". 

"We know it... when your faith on Father becomes stronger and better, your dreams become a reality" .

"Thank you so sweet of you ha...ha..."

"Ha...ha... However , it's a mistaken idea ,stop making the same mistake twice ha...ha...

I'm joking  Mrs  Jeewa ha...ha..."

" You are  welcome!I am a student of  Krishna and I never start any work even driving, before reading at least a paragraph of Bagawad-gita As It Is. I am Krishna's mother and he is my student at the same time, I am Father’s student".

"Really !Lovely the way you talk madam?"

"Sure when we give too importance to Father,we lose our own importance"  

"Pardon ?"

"We meant you look simple and humble Ma'am". 

"Thanks Marina said that better  be with the students  who bring out the best  in you  not the stress in you ha...ha...".

"Did she ...we miss her?"

" Do you?
So kind of you!

Let's come to the subject matter".

1)" Could we open the First Door ?"

"Annamaya , Material," 

"What does it mean ANNAMAYA Mrs Jeewa?"
"Anna means rice Maya means Illusions basically not spiritual ,but material.

"Thank you sooo much we thought our Krishna Anna is a Maya Anna "

"Ha...ha...Are you Rudra ?"

"Yeah  I'm a super student Ma'am ".

"Ha...ha...ha...Take your seat please Krishna is not Maya , Maya is in Krishna ".

2) Now could we open the Second Door?

"Yes Ma'am !"

"The second door is Pranamaya, Vital ...

Prana is so important when the mind decides upon an idea the prana plays upon the string and word emanate please pay attention whilst uttering any word it cannot be taken  back".

"Does emanate mean spread and come up?"

"Exactly Siva !

3) "The Third Floor ?"

"Manomaya   Ma'am,"

"Yeah. It's   actually  Mental  related. Maintenance of our  mind is the major matter we must not make it bad or sad better  be near Krishna".

"Why we are fear of God?"

 "Ha...ha...because there is no menu to choose what we like....He likes us to be with Him in His abode not here we are here  only  for Self-Realisation".

"Oh goodness so super and simple way you teach!".

" Thanks...the karma leading us we are served the food without menu good or bad  we are deserved to have the dishes which we like or dislike". 

 "Beyond this, do you  need further description?"

"No thanks Mrs Jeewa Pammitta".

 "Fourth Floor please?"
4) Which is Vijnamaya it is  Intellectual Educational related ,when we are self realised, we are becoming humble,  simple and understand the temple". 


5) Finally the Fifth Floor, Mr's Jeewa?

" That's Father's Bliss ,Heavenly Happy Door .
Called Anandamaya means major Bliss .However ,people who  attracted because of pretty face or nice body won't really realised the ugly heart. Once it comes to light, we will be in night beside the daylight ".

Now could we consider the Chakras....From the 5th floor?"

"We wonder why you all are standing up!!!" 


"Come on speak out please!!!"

"When we forward to the 5th...  6th and 7th Floors ,we know that we become aware of Appah within our πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•hearts as Atman And Paramatman ...

"How... how they react please  ?"

"Yes it's here we commence our Science of Self -Realization significantly like the  demigods  ?"

"Does the realisation of the  Reality of Supreme Personality Start From the fifth Chakra?"".

"Certainly,  in other words,These Are The Five Sheaths stopping us from entering". 
"Where does? "
"Sorry Subathra?"
"My God you know all of us???
"Ha...ha...I read and love to read the episodes "
"At... at the moment, which door πŸšͺ Mrs Jeewa? "
"Pardon Peter are you crazy we are in the class room man  ?"
"Ha...ha...!!!. Rudra is joking Ma'am!Now we are in which position please?" ,

"We Are Just Entered  In To The First Floor through the first door of Material,  Annamaya sacred students"

"Sorry Mrs?"
"We are fond of food and  fool the God!!!!"

"Sorry Ma'am?"

"We keep eating  and sleeping and clothing saluting to some demigods,  thinking that we are living for enjoying they are there for our assistance. Ha..,ha... will not make difference ".

" How can we see the whole temple Ma'am seriously please??" 

"When We Have Stepped Successfully All The Four Floors of the doors , moving the level of Lord's πŸ’˜πŸ˜»πŸ’œ love, step by step; floor by floor and door by door ,  the back bone Chakras spinal  column  scale increasing the capacity of divinity because of our purest inhale and exhale of Self Realisation ".

"Yeah but how Ma'am ?"

 "Through the purest mindset of all five sheaths,
 1)Material Maya,  
2)Mental Maya, 
3)InteIntellectual Maya, 
4)Vital Maya and
5) SpiritualMaya

"The vital spinal column scale principles of natural transforming of back bone Chakras really interesting!".
"Sure "
"Still it's new for us the  form of development sources sounds a bit confusion" 

"YOHHHHHHHH Goodnesss !!!we feel goosebumps Ma'am "

"Fantastic !!!From The Fifth Floor ,The Chakra's Double Divine Doors Are Opening ?"
"What about our Mission of  passion?
 "Hasn't it no promotion?"
"Ha...that's tremendous team work will touch the heart of the God on the spot because we know  the creation;we know who is the pot ;we know who is the potter and we know what is the definition  of God"

"Evidence please?"
"It is stated in Bhagawad-Gita-18.68-69 that the devotee who preaches ,is most dear to Lord:for one who explains this Supreme Secret to the devotees pure devotional service is quarantined and at the end he will come back to Me".
"How  to diagnosis a person who is a real devotee?"
"He does not sit down idly .He knows that Krishna Consciousness is such  an important philosophy that it should be distributed urgently. 
"Example please Ma'am?"
"Lord Christ for instance, was God conscious, but he was not satisfied in keeping his knowledge within himself. Being a devotee and naturally compassionate, although he was forbidden to preach God consciousness, he did at the risk of his own life.
"Thanks thousands times Mrs Jeewa oh it's the biggest relief because life is brief , grief and empty as Buddah declared .However we are full not empty ". 
"What you consider of people with thousands of followers , pretending to be Papa, Lord Krishna Mrs Jeewa?"
"Sure ! Unfortunately  Hundred of People Claiming To Worship Them" . 
"Where are they Mrs Jeewa ? 
"In which position are they ?"
"They are in what door step ?
Are they in Goodness Class?"

" Are they in higher floor?"
"Ha..ha...!They Are On The First Floor Only!!!

"Excuse meeee are you big ?

"Yeah! We Are Behind Them For Food And  Materials it's  a joking  what happened with Ambo Bhahawan or Amma Bhagawan?!!!
"Aren't Our Families Are On The  Street For Food And Fuel  in Srilanka?"
"Regrettably yes"
"It's too hard for Siva to understand  Mrs !".

"We better ask Mrs Jeewa whether it is hard or easy to Siva".
"Siva is already on the track he understands pretty well don't underestimate him"
"Siva can you tell me the seven Chakras?"

"1) The Muladara Chakra  is the lowest of the Chakras ,The Embodiment of 
 Nature "
"Next please ?"
"2) The Ajnachakra in the mid-brow spot the speeds of Awareness when the Chakra reached ,it is the only step away from the final Realisation".
"Another person please "
"3) The Swadhishana Chakras at the point of the navel ,agni /fire principle ".
"Sam please?"  
"4) The Manipura Chakra is  the next highest on the spinal scale ,water processing "
"Meera please ?".
"5The Anahatachakra , the region of the Heart  , the breathing process"
"Subathra can you?"
"6) The VisuddhaChakra is in the  pit the throat ,promote sound" 
"Finally Rudra please?".
"7) The Sahasrara, is the nicest next step of God consciousness ".
"Brilliant πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘Œ!!!"
"How did you know all our names please? "
"I asked from Krishna ".
"Thanks see you again ".
"Good God bless you all bye !".
"Bye..bye Mrs Jeewa".
"Wow she sounds saintly Krishna Anna!" 
"So what about me Peter ?"
"We already told Anna Maya ha...ha..."

"Ha...haa...Could you see in the picture,our Guru is sitting crossed legged with orange clothes and an orange, fragrant fresh flowers of garland surrounded with hundreds of Vedic scriptures?.
"Yes  we do with mountainous beauteous books of blessing KrishnaAnna!".

"Yeah !Which he himself translated without any nonsense." 
"Did he?"
 "You know where is our location  today?"

"No idea Krishna!".

"Days rolled up. Today some of the audience decided to seek some guidance from the writer because he had suggested that he will answer their questions in a different location just to get rid of them ".
"Didn't he?"
"Oh yeah! Now we got it what you are speaking  all about Krishna".
"Ha...ha...After a SamKirtana,(bhajan) and mouth watering delicious prasadam,  mean fantastic feast (food of religious celebration), they have admitted to ask their doubts of devotion on Vedas's words".

"Where is it  please ?"

"Excellent I should have told you the setting in the first place. My apology ".

"It's all right  krisna "habit becomes custom", you always make mistakes ha...ha...just for fun " 

" Ha...ha... it was in a local temple!?" 
"Now we can easily come to the point. It must be the Lovely Krishna temple located locally to you Krishna Anna  🏑 ?"
"Definitely Durga!" 
They all sat  serenely and commenced their conversation in a cool  environment and amazing atmosphere with  inspirational infusion from the tremendous temple;enjoyable fresh and colourful flowers fragrance and beautiful breeze touching all of them admiringly.
The auspicious priest was sitting under the marvelous mango tree with his white and white cotton clothes, his rosary in oranges  a cloth hand bag of pocket size .

 His eyes were eagerly watching through the innocents walking up and down the front road. It is an  orange gate we can see from his eyes what he was  thinking and worrying of the innocents who are not noticed the heavenly abode messengers of helping  hands are located locally to safe them all by self realization !."
"Oh goodness Krrishna’s Papa get caught in the temple πŸ• unexpectedly he couldn’escape from them this  time". 
"So sorry for him Krishna!" 
"Ha...ha... wash room please!"
Tutor asked. 
Ha...ha...we all  are your audience we are your international students not prepared  to let you go to the wash  room only pray πŸ™room ha...ha..."
 "Right gentle man,the Vedic principles are the Lord’s law and have been accepted by entire sages ,saints and gurus authoritatively with authority. The books are the evidence hence a person might be an expert in many fields of knowledge, but without inner cleanliness,his brain is a dust bin. Our  Spiritual science leading to the Self-realisation ".

"So you mean   it is not a simple nature's law or cultural phenomena like some scientists are challenging?".

"No. Which belongs to Krrishna’s realms."

 "Could you point out the error if you don’t mind?”
K.Soul Nava smiled looking at the gentle man who was chasing him with his doubts at the university last week...
“   For example, in one of the chapters of the Veda it has been described that  we should take a bath when we touched the stool/animals waste".
"At the same time,in another chapter, it was said that the cow’s stool or cow dung must be considered to be as an auspicious aspect and it can  be a purifier of bacteria organism,too”.

Oooh I seeeeee so you mean it's correct and incorrect  because it's being said in contradictory!”
Mr Soul glanced at Sam with a warm smile again.
"No way!!!"
"Sam!To be honest, I am going to run away!"
"That behaviour put them smiles at the same time they were feeling free and most importantly  they felt friendly frequency as though they know him long time".

"Why he scared of their inquiries ?".
 "Ha...ha... wait and watch "
 He corrected his throat thoughtfully.
Meanwhile,  Marina had given him some cool water to cool him down .
"Why  she considers him as an icon?"
"What does ICON mean  isn't it the symbol on the πŸ–₯  computer screen?"
"Sure ...sure, but as I said speaking English is not a piece of πŸŽ‚ cake".
"One word has multiple meanings". 
 "Exactly like the πŸ’Š ⚕ πŸ’Š medicines. We have only a certain number  of medicines 🩸. However ,multiple malady/Maladies". 
"What does MALADY mean ?"
"Illness Rata". 
"He thanked to Marina  happily and took a soft sip gently."
"Excuse me Mr Soul" 
"Yes Marina !"
"Could you suggest me the greatest Stothra "
 "Why Darling what about the Maha Mantra?"
"When I get stressed, depressed and frustrated, need to be encouraged".

Tremendous idea ! Take this Marina !".

"Thanks Mr K.Soul !".

"Could we listen all together ❤?"
"Our pleasure treasures "
Now could we continue... we amazingly astonished,  reading the lyrics seems so sacred ?"

"For instance, in India or Srilanka, the cow dung has been accepted as a pure thing and yet,the cow dung is the stool of the animal as it is the Vedic words." 

Having said that, Mr K.Soul Nava scanned the auspicious audience like a  Robot.  
"So you have found that the Vedic injunction was wrong?”
The guy had nodded his happy head with a challenging mood  a proud head and serious smile, seemingly ,thinking  ,
"Who is going to challenge with me? ".
In addition to that,there was some thing you have forgotten to say".
"What was it Mr Soul?" 
"If you smear or spread the cow dung like butter on the floor,it will become pure".

"You mean spreading the  cow dung in an impure place Mr Soul?,
"Absolutely gentleman". 

"Of course,with our ordinary senses,we could argue that it is a contradictory, but it is not false at all it is the fact.”.
The crowd was wondering wordlessly thinking, 
"what would be the wonder answer to an educated student’s puzzling question!".

"The tutor had fastened his  brown belt of his white silk bottom.
Sam held his hand as he thought he was again going to run away to escape.
Ha...ha...ha...ha...ha...children cheered up they are the readers too.

In fact,in India I mean in Calcutta,there was a very prominent scientist and a doctor had this doubt and as a result he had  analysed  the cow dung and found that it contains all sorts of antiseptic properties".
Mr Soul saw him a quotation from one of the authoritative Vedic books
It was a bit embarrassing in other words,humiliating for him still  the gentleman behaved decently.

"We take this original opportunity to congratulate all of the doctors;we are pleased and privileged to congratulate the newly graduated doctors in this auspicious occasion". 
The temple guru smiled. Then  carried on :
πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 
"Best of all,the Lord of the Lords, Sri Krishna bestows His best blessing for you all ”
πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘  some children cheered up and  gave a high five  friendly  and Marina screeched like a pretty parrot while hugging Sam happily,saying.

"It is indeed seems like we stepped in to a new world. Our
self confidence have been cherished cheerfully.This is an eternal credit".

"Certainly we must be  thankful to our   gurus πŸ™ , saints and sages". 
 The  newly graduated doctor said then he added,
"Why not without them, we would be in debt to divine duty discharge"
"You are correct Mr Soul
All of a sudden, professor Charm marvellously Moises
 his dried lips and he  was,smiling astonishingly.

"Mr K.Soul often describes things in a poetic way because a good poem could have a pretty powerful effect on the readers or listeners minds for longer and stronger".
He adjusted his throat then ,he continued, 
"Factually, everyone can remember at least a bit of beautiful poem they liked at some points"  .
"Other devotees too were pleased to hear Mr Charm's  unexpected comments  surprisingly".
"While he was shaking krrishna’s father’s hand,he greeted every body:
Ladies and gentlemen!I am pleased to be here and thank you so much of the mysterious   question and miraculous answers."
"To be honest, real  living of human beings is finding our true identity of Brahman merges with Prappraman is the Subject matter of K.Soul 's Major Mission ".
What a formidable of the sacred soul???
There is neither birth nor death. Dog cannot understand either God nor himself".
 πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 
"I indeed appreciate the novelist’s talks and ✍✍✍his writing.
It's made two in one ,the entertainment and enlightenment and more importantly he considered it as his commitment indeed it is providing a proper divine key to get rid of the entanglement I mean suffering from bondage due to our deepest attachments ”

"In addition, I confirmed an information of the entire  episodes which are unpublished in books versions πŸ“š, are about  half a dozen as same as the published one ".  

"Thank you…thank you…everyone to be frank,  be blessed by the divine torch of knowledge and be encouraged by sharing and inspiring the message to everyone meanwhile make sure that we may have to explain  friends and families with whom we are sharing and inspiring ”.
πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 
This was how the day was ended so so sweetly.

Hare Krishna 

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