"Hi MenaHare Krishna !"
"Hi everyone Hare Rama!"

"All Our Miseries Is Due To Separation From Father Krishna?"
"Ha …ha…!Yes"

"Who is Him Krishna?"
" Does He  Sath-Chith-Ananda-Swarupa" .
"Pardon Peter?"
"Is He  The Basic Cause Of The Universe"

 "Certainly  brilliant blessings ! He Is The  Besic Cause Of The Creation"
 "Does He Is The Basic Cause of All Sources Krishna?"
"Ha…ha happy soo happy!
Yes ! We All Are From The Cause of Universe".
" Does He is The Best and The First Cause Krishna?"
“Super interesting indeed inspired”
" Does He Is The One Who Lives  as life line in Every-One Krishna?”
"Undoubtedly ha…ha unbelievable.. unimaginable…enlightenment students blessing questions sweet 💕 hearts 💕!"
"Does He is The One Who Deserve Our Love Krishna?"
Oh my God’s children Yeah
"We are The  Components Of Papa Machine Krishna?"
"Ha...ha....Yes pretty pleased to hear it cheerful children "
"Are we Subject to Decline Krishna?"
“No it's our nonsense imagination!!! Our Originator's tuition is no nonsense chocolates ”
"Are We Subject To Decay Krisna?”
Ha …ha!No not at all dear divine embodiments we are the souls ”
  "Are we Subjet To Death Krishna?"
"Ha….ha! Good joke  ”
" Does Our Originator Worth Of Our Faithfulness Krishna? "
"Absolutely ! Ha…ha…Exacly !That's All We Need to do necessarily nice kids".

"We love each and every episode Krishna still all our intentions are to improve our developments of enlightenment Krishna".
" Thank  you soooo much... !
May I know  why is it dear intelligent students?”
“we feel like dancing deliberately in praising the Father,  Loud Krishna "
"Oh better have a look if it does hook you such an inspirational information of devotional development of Sri Rama Krishna ”.

"Ha...ha...certainly that is the original object  matter of human life Krisna ".
"Today Gayatry Jonathan would like to test Subathra" 
"We welcome krishna ".
"Wow !What is Our Goal Krishna?"
 "Our Mission Must Meet The Cause Of All Causes Why?"
" Which is the Goal Of all Goals Krishna".
" Isn't It a Tremendous Tuition Krishna?"
"Did the Godly Gopies Know Who Is God  Krishna?"
"They Knew The Original" Will
"And He is The Embodiment Of All the Powers Krishna?"
"Did  Gopies Learn Vedas Or Spiritual Philosophy Or Discipline Krishna?"
"Grace Of Their Precious Pious, Punniya, They Knew spontaneously like some Sadgurus like Baba"
"We thought Baba is a God Krishna!"
"Who Is Who Krishna?"
"No one is God except Krishna, Visnu,  or Narayana , Rama dear intelligent students "
"Rest are demigods Krishna?"
"Yes including Rajanikanth and some powerful people " 
" Is Rama Is The Visible Embodiment  Of Dharma Krishna?"
 "Sure "
"Is Krisna Is The Visible Embodiment Of The Divine Krishna?"

"You mean the Divine "Will" of Krishna?"
"Any one knows Why We Worship Him Krishna?"
"Watering To The Root Leading ,Enjoyment with Enlightenment MODCHA Krishna?"
"James going to be accompanied Mrs students Gayatry".
"When krishna?"
"In a few minutes".

"We would like to know today's  subject matter please Krishna?"
"To be prepared  for the exam Krishna 🙏?".
"Siva and Krishna "
"It's wonderful because our tutor gave a Stothra to Marina in which..."
"Oh my God looooook!!!"
"Oh yeah  they are already here! "
"Hello we 💘 love 💘 you Mrs Jonathan Gayatry "
"I'm Mrs Gayatry Jonathan ha...ha !
"Thank you for your complement we have to use our smiles to change the world we  shouldn’t let the world to change our smile" 
"You... you deserve it Ma'am"
"Excuse me James Anna!
 My sincere apology.. I am a closed minded, only regret after let others regretted that is not my target, but my DNA to be blamed."
Oh goodness why you cry Pamitta?"
... We have to be careful with our words and actions .Once they are said and done, used or abused, they can only be forgiven or forgotten".
"I'm really sorry 😞 James Anna !"
 "you are forgiven Pammitta ,but can't be forgetten it...still appreciate one born bad, and all of us  are born with the ability to change it. I am changing please accept ,my apology too,Pammitta "

"We are delighted and dedicating the greatest Gayatry Mantra to you  Mrs Gayatry Jonathan...we can chant only a couple of times as our voices are not nice we don't want that you runaway in the middle...ha...ha"

"Thank you so much which provides wise especially in insight"
"You are great Ma'am!"

 "Thank you for the complement! Have you listened the melodious song of a child who enjoyed entire entities including the dried  leaves?💓!".
"Yes we wondered what she  sang "
"If we feel the same as she feels, we are in the fifth door or fifth dimension which get out of the toxic food by observation of Ekadasy". 
"How do we make sure of the sound of Aum Mandra please?"
"See the three sounds we produce  without using the tongue "AUM " the rest created by Chakras like the three Primary colours, 
1) Blue
 2) Red and
 3) Yellow ,
 From which,we make many different colours?". 
"We do  we appreciateit?"
"Yeah ,we called them secondary colours Mrs!"
"All are science. For instance as red and yellow makes orange "
"Yes Mrs Gayatry Jonathan ".
"Which is similar to a father and mother, create a child which is in combination of both of them". 
"So does the material and physical combination I mean chemical elements combined together to make the symptoms of soul or life ?"

"There are always  a class of philosophers do not believe in the separate existence of the soul "
" Arjuna's time,  too Ma'am?"
" Yeah including Arjuna Ha....ha...."
"Yes such philosophers maintain that life symptoms take place at a certain mature condition of material combination students". 
"Similarly the modern material scientists and materials philosophers Ma'am?". 
"Sure ! The Physical elements at certain stage the life symptoms develop by interaction of physical and chemical elements students "
"So intersting ma'am so the  science existed even while Arjuna was existed? "
"Correct "
"Evidence please ?"
"Bhagawad-Gita Chapter 2 Text 26"
"So the atheist already co-exsited while the thiest existed?"

 "In fact, James Anna has simplified the sacred steps forward to the insight from out sight ?".
"Inside from outside ha...ha...we love your language skills  !"
"Ha...ha...True our  tutor and Krishna  Anna are complicating and confusing in terms of explaining the distinction between the cage and the bird".
"Ha...ha... very well said, yeah the vehicle and the driver Krisna” . 
Pardon Peter?”
“We often clean our cars we mean our bodies, but left unclean the driver,   our inner body  luckily and graciously Gayatry Mantra mastering us with the blesses "
"Could you guide us how to say the Aum Mantra please Krisna 🙏"

"What are the alphabets we can say without using our tongue?"
"A"  Aaaaaaaaaaa
 "U " uuuuuuuuuuuu
"M"  mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
 1)   First keep up   our lips like "A" sound .  Aaaaaaaaaaa position OK?
2)   Then  relaxingly progress the sound.
"Yes we  easily    carry on ,     "uuuuuuuuuuuu ".
"Well done 👏"
3)  Next  mmmmmmmmmmmmm.The mouth in  Closing position 
"Done Ma'am?". 
"Brilliant 👏👌🙌👏👌🙌👏!
"Make sure we hear the mmmmm clearly while finishing right!?".
"Thanks God bless you Mrs! What a pretty and  simplicity description Ma'am!!!!".

" Excuse me! How is Mr Jonathan Ma'am after such an urgent surgery?"
"The people who exhibit the most kindness have experienced a lot of pain" 💔".
"Sure we appreciate that the one who takes care of everyone needs more care, but who cares?".
"Thanks we are taking care of him".
"We wondered  krishna !"
"Yeah!!! How come you sacrifice your whole life to him then we realised he is such a man of principle; a man of  decent family and a man of distinction Krisna!?"
"We must not cheat a person who loves Krisna ".
"So sweet of  you, which proved that love doesn't die because of distance Krisna ".
"Why you  are being silence Ma'am we rarely heard your speaking during  the whole story?"
"Silence isn't empty it has full of answers isn't it Ma'am Gayatry?"
"Ended up the greatest step in the righteous direction and you are a woman of principle like Mr Jonathan"
" 👏👌👏👌👏👌👏👌👏👌👏👌👌!!!"
"You all are amazing when you asked apology from my son,James and you  moved in to tears , seemed like thousands of diamonds needles nicely entered into our  hearts it's hurts, but like surgery which heals, too.,, 
...God bless you all ".
"We learned from Rama that a given word must not be broken/ strayed"
"What about Krisna why sometimes he is being naughty ?"
"As a matter of fact, when Lord  Rama complained  compellingly  of His complicated circumstance to Krishna"...
"What was it?"
  "When there  were numerous women loved Rama and even vowed to be married Lord Rama, did you know who safe Rama's dignity ,integrity ,honesty and generosity?". 
"Did Krishna safe Him?"
"That's what  the Vedas saying we know the value of Vedas following the cow dung experiment in our previous episode".
"Pardon please we are puzzled Mrs Jonathan?!".
" First we all must know that we are not our cars which we drive they are  our bodies only they derived from Divine Dad"
"Since  Rama was being an Embodiment Of Dharma, Vehicle, Lord of the Lords ,the Embodiment of the Divine Will, Krishna took that risk and thus people classified Krishna as a womaniser instead of Rama  "
"If He hadn't helped Lord Rama by taking the tremendous responsibility  and marrying those women who had vowed to be married with Lord  Rama , ?"
"Rama would be the womaniser ? "
 "Rama promised to the women that he will marry them not as a Rama Embodiment,  But Krishna Embodiment?" 
" So the Gopies were the lovers of Rama and they changed their vehicles from previous bodies to Heavenly  Bodies?"
"Yeah vedic words."
"Oh goodness! You mean, being the God of the Gods , Krishna was obliged to be penalised because Krishna risked Himself to rescue Rama's Dharma and at the same time He displays that the God means He will give whatever we ask Him with love ?"
"Yes He Will as He is The Personification of the "Will" and Embodiment of "God "
"Ohhhhhhhh seriously?"
"God bless you Ma'am 👏 "
Have a look what a professor says of our Father everyone “

"Can we start krishna ?"
 " Hum...hum...!
"Who is Subathra please?"
"Lord Krishna's sister ha...ha...I'm joking Mrs Jonathan I am here with a  baby blue blouse which is Lord Krishna's favourite colour and  white  skirt which is the greatest Supreme colour as all the colours are evolved from that white colour "
"Ha...ha... amazing talking  to you all  !Your query please?"
"It's wonderful because our tutor gave a Stothra to Marina in which we found that  Lord Krishna punishes Lord Shiva's enemies...what does it really mean?"
"Could we hear the Stothra please 🙏?"

"Of course He destroyed his enemies because Siva loves Krishna’s devotees as Siva is a Vaisnava!". 
"Does Siva is Vaisnava?"
"Hundred percent, Vedas' words" 
"I mean, are we considered to be his enemies because we often learn things against Lord Shiva in our sessions?"
"Ha...ha......Can I tell you a vedic fact history of glory?"
"We love it Mrs Jonathan" 
"Once Siva was chasing by Vrkasura".
"Whaaaaat Shiva was chased by Vrkasura?"
" Hum...humm...! In  addition, no one was intending to intervene as he was such  serious soul".
"Ohhhhhhhh it must be our tutor ha...ha...!!!" 
"What does  intervene mean Mrs?"
"Become involved". 
"Who were they who were unable to rescue Lord Shiva?"
"The rest of the gods we know there are millions  of gods and Goddesses  ".
"Even the head of the Gods such as Indra , Candra couldn't come forward to fight?"..
"Yeah "
"Then certainly our tutor will be happy did you tell, him the history?"
Witnessing it,Krishna, Visnu (Lord Narayana )transformed as a brahmacari and  stood  in front of them , 
"Can I help you Lord dear son of Sakuny?"
Just to convince him that  he was known to his greatest fether, Sakuni .
"The demon was greatly pacified by the sweet words of the Lord Narayana in the form of brahmacari."
  "The Lord appeared to be a perfect brahmacari?"
"Ha....ha...with a brown belt around His west  ,a sacred thread, a deers kin, a brahmacari stick and raudra garlands, brown beads.
"What is raudra beads ?"
"Which are brown beads are used by the devotees of Lord Shiva".
"Does Lord Krishna use rudra Ma'am?
"Krishna's devotees use Tulasi beads"

"Oh my God! Hey Tulsy!You are subjet to be a Pious person !"
"Thanks !"
"Who is Tulsy  here?"

"Over there with ..."
"Hi Tulsy okay?"
"I'm alright Mrs Jonathan". 
"Let's get started are you interested  Krishna?"
 "Of course, it doesn't sound my parents know the  fact ha...ha...they are strong Siva's devotees".
"Hinduism ha..,ha..."
"Could we continue ?"
" Hummm !!! Sakuni 's son complained that the  Lord Shiva had offered him a benediction.  But he doesn't allow him to test it on him!".
"What was it?"
Lord asked him
"I become Immortal by killing everyone with the touch of my hand". 
Did he give such powerful benediction?"
Lord exclaimed 
"What happened Ma'am?"
"Lord Krishna Knows how tricky  the serious sinner  who  was offering his flesh into the sacrificial fire and  about to commit suicide "
"Why was it Krishna?".
"Unless Lord   Siva meet him in person, he vowed to be killed by committing sucide".
"Why was it Krishna? "

" Material minded... to get his  benediction by Lord Shiva's compassion".
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees !!!"
"Then Krishna?"
"DNA of Sakuni Mrs Jonathan?"

"Ha...ha...yeah his son ".
 "Like humans Lord Shiva has three qualities,
"What are they Krrishna?"
"Passion , Ignorance and compassion".
"Does he ?"
" Yeah ...Siva appeared in front of Sakuni 's  son to   fulfil his desire of anger ".

"Where was Mrs Jonathan?".
" It was in the sacrificial area in front of the 🔥Fire , kind of fasting for seven days".
"Following his  seventh days  Lord Shiva appeared?"
"Sure students"
"And then please?"
"After being offered  all of his requests, he ask a final request  even evil request ,a boon of  killing anyone and everyone in a matter  of just a touch  by his hand 
"On..on the person's head whom he wants to murder?"
"Yes great hearts💕"
"Why Lord  had given the boon of killing Krishna?"
"As he didn't  want to dishonour his given word". 

"Had Siva promised that he "WILL "?"
"Yes students !"
"And then Ma'am why he is pretending to be Krishna like Krishna Menan does sometimes ha...ha... ?"
"Ha...ha...all the demigods are pretenders Ma'am? "
"Like Duriyodana ha...ha..."

"We all are Hindu no ha...ha... ?"

"Sure Sivan devotee no ha...ha...there are hundreds of Krishna and Siva in India Mrs Jonathan?"
"Yeah Mrs Jonathan we all are Ravan rooted Ma'am!". 
"Ha...ha...he decided to kill Shiva and take his  wife, Parvathi"
"Really just like Rawana  Ma'am this is too much I am going to meet my  Srilankan President now?"
"No he also a God"
"Are you kidding Christina ?"
"Absolutely  when he got the boon,  the son of Sakuni decided to test  first  at Siva "
"Why Krisna?" 
"To  take his  wife ". 
"Ha..,ha...ha...are you sure Sarah?"
" This is Vedas , as a consequence, the circumstances ,
 put Lord Shiva in an awkward situation ,he was running throughout all the planets!".
"Ha...ha...please tell the story to our tutor he always advices that the demigods are good, but with three characters like humans and their helps are temporary even if we happened to go to their abodes , we deserves death, diseases and old age ".
Let's get started 
"Krishna worried for Siva, but prepared to answer the disgusting demon",
" I Myself cannot believe that Lord Siva has in truth given such a benediction my 
dear son ...
"Are you sure?"
Krishna asked Sakuni 's son
Replied Sakuni 's son
"As far as I know, Lord Siva is not in a sane, out of  mental condition,kind of a mad man ".
Lord smiled
Demon asked Krishna 

"When he had a quarrel with his father-in-law,Dakar,he  was  cursed to become a ghost!". 
Sakuni's son shocked 
"Yeah Therefore I cannot put any faith in his words."
"What we can do Prabhu?"
"Why dont you try first as an experiment putting your hands on your own head?"

"If the benediction proves false then you can kill the liar at once ".

"Wow fantastic let me try  !
"Trust me I will be the witness...  why you wait?"

"Okay one...  two ...three wooooooooooooooooow !!!! It'sworkingggggggggggggggg!!!!!!" 
"I know son have a nice day!"
"Big Bang Blast!"of Krisna  Ma'am?"
"Yes Papa is unbelievably unchallengeable ,unshakable and undefeated !!!"  

"So Sakuni's son blessed to be  blast ha...ha we have to be careful with Lord Krishna Mrs Jonathan ha...ha...?"

"There was an explosion that's it dot the pot put a full stop?"

"Oh goodness!"

"Ye all  Miseries Is Due To Separation From Father Mrs Jonathan?".

 "He Is Sath-Chith-Ananda-Swarupa"

 "Is He Is The Basic Cause Of The Universe?"
"He Is The Is Basic Cause Of The Creation, too "

 "Is He Is The Basic Cause of All Sources?"
"We All Are From The Cause Of Universe,too "
"Does  He is The Best and The First Cause?"
"He Is The One Lives in Every-One,too"
"This is The One Deserves Our Love ?"
"We are The Parts Or Components Of Papa Machine We Are Not Subject to Decline "
"We Are not Subject To Decay ?"

"And  We are Not Subject To Death"
 "Doesn't Our Originator Worth Of Maha Mantra?
"Yes That's All We Need."

"Wow !What is Our Goal?"
 "Our Mission Must Meet The Cause Of All Causes Ma'am ".
"Why? "
"That  is the Goal Of all Goals Mrs Jonathan Krishna"
"Isn't It a Tremendous Tuition Krishna?"
"Sure it's an assurance as life insurance Mrs Gayatry Jonathan ".
"The Godly Gopies Knew Who Is God".
"Yes. And They Knew The Original" Will
"And He is The Embodiment Of All the Powers "

"Did  They Learn Vedas Or Spiritual Philosophy Mrs Jonathan?".
"No but Discipline?"
"Was it  Grace Of Their Precious Pious, Punniya, They Knew Who is Who Krishna?"  
"Surely Rama Is The Visible Embodiment  Of Dharma"

"Whereas Krisna Is The Visible Embodiment Of the Divine "Will" .
"Certainly Do We know Why We Worship Them? ?"
"Enjoyment with Enlightenment which is the gate way of MODCHA (liberty from rebirths)"
"Thanks Mrs Jonathan". 
"See you soon  good bye 👋!"

"Excellent effort 👏 👌 
"Could anyone respond who attracted you the most in the story?"
"They are teaching Dharma, but the world lawfully allowed Adharma, the opposite karma".

"Why ?"
"See everyone in the entire world paying penalties because of a few fatal fellows fearful fighting leaving the people on forest 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 fire Krishna!!!. 
"Who are they?"
"The  Sri Lankan government  and the  Russian with  Ukrainian Krishna".
"We too wanted our own land from a common land ".
"As a consequence, war, our government printed  money.Now the whole world printing money because of separate state of mind set Krishna".
"Entering in another one's property and killing them like President Putin does Krishna". 
"Excellent you all are very strong better we stick with our subject matter please 🙏 ."
"The episodes are using plenty of points which is powerful, effective , cleverly designed and described throughout  the entire story of history Krishna ."
"I acknowledged it Sam".
 "But in terms of characters , it's difficult to discriminate or differentiate in particular as overall all are challenging ,thrilling and exciting".
 "Exactly  each of one is equally educating us".
"Interesting would you tell a quotation from the episodes?"
"For instance, James was someone who doesn't tolerate.He is short tempered. However, his principles expressed his extraordinary character in the manner of handling his responsibilities and marrying without dowry".

"Inspiring quotation Meera...
...Have you satisfied in terms of language lessons Krishna?"
"Could I?" 
"Why not Tulsy?"
"My English level was 2 when I first joined here , but now level five" 
" Ha...ha...!Give me high five!".
"Now can anyone explains with evidences that you appreciate fòrm our sessions please 🙏?".
"Please Peter 🙏". 
 "You named me PETER only to remind regularly about the teaching techniques with the best basic points Krishna ". 

True  kind of you now  who is capable to teach what Peter meant?"
"Myself Krishna!".
"Stand up and carry on...
 can you Rudra?"

"Of course, the class sessions successfully distributed the major outline of  the importance". 
1) Points with  
2) Evidence, 
3) Techniques
4)  Evaluation and 
5) Readers responses".

Brilliant 👏👌🙌
 "Now could any one read the first letter of the five points in a vertical way,

" PETER!!!
"Excellent effort "
"Excellent...sweet  we appreciate all of the  language technologies and we use them in each of our action Krishna." 
"Do you?..."
"Rosy why don't you tell us how does the language  technique work in the last episode with quotation?"

"Marina said," I thought he is ,his uncle is an elderly".
Sam responded,
 "He is".
"What does it mean?"
"Although he doesn't look like an older because of his life style , following Goodness Class, he is older in  real life". 
"Here we found ambiguous (double meaning) Krishna 
 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 

"Excuse me Mr Krishna!" 
" Listening Meera".
"Why you look sad Krishna ?"
" Oh...watching my Mami was worried?"

" What...Why was it Krishna ?"
"Her Mum was passed away at 93 Durga".
" Oh so sad our condolences Krishna !"

"We wonder how you managed to work today Krishna?".
  "True have you heard the new news in Canada?
"No Krishna"
"Canada dealing with the  once in a 500 year event!"
"Pardon Krishna ?"
"Terrible Torrential rain 🌧 🌦 🌂 ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ ⛈ have flooded thousands of people  in a matter of hours🌧 😑 😪 
 "This is why we are in emergency education of the dangerously shortest life of the entire world 🌎." 
"Sure, our aim is empower our people to explore the worry in the world due to Karmic reaction".

 "Oh goodness still how you managed to be  like nothing was happened ?"
"What we learned in the last episode??"
"Our life carry on and on like day work  and night sleep . New day is the new life and the night is the death Krishna".
"Clever Christina we always expect the unexpected such as Canadian calamity "
"What does Calamity stand for Krishna?"
"Sudden event costs major mystery and great damages" 

"Why Krishna?"
 "May be having heard her complain over the phone".
 "What was it Krisna ?"
"While she was crying and saying loudly,
"My mum missed her 🍖 🥓 🥩meat curry which she requested from her sister...just... just before half an hour ,but she was passed away".
"It is normal Krishna, but you are an abnormal even we are reciting the mantra, that is mechanical not insightful not spiritual Krishna. "
 "Thanks !!!As a response, her sister from France 🇫🇷 consoling her by saying, 
"Calm down...calm down, Pathirakally is there"

"Who is thaaaaat?"
 "A demigod Krihsna is allowing meat eaters free as long as we  sacrifice the animals to her first before cooking".
"Is it true the demigod takes care of  her mother.?".
"Yeah but do we sacrifice the animal before eating?".
"Having heard that so sadly, you might have realised that  there are people designed to be happy of living only...only for the  👅 tongue taste Krishna".
"True  we appreciate it🙏 our condolences  Krishna 🙏 ❤ ".
What is the point of filling up a leaking bucket ,I mean a hole bucket Krishna?". 
"Thanks so you mean we stop our Mission in the middle of progression?". 
"No  even a few fragrant plants in the forest can  make a difference Krishna".
 "Pardon Peter ?"
"  We have the 
1) Self Confidence
2) Self Satisfaction
3) Self Realization and 
4) Self Sacrifice Krishna "
"Brilliant 👏👌👏!".
 "Thanks Krishna "
 dear divine line  students certainly a few fragrant flowers can spread the aroma around the 🌎globe. .."
"around the world 🌎 on line Krishna "
 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 
"Could we continue Krisna?"
"Of course Meera", 
"To be frank, each chapter has at least a climax scenes Krishna".
"Are you exaggerating Rudra?"
"What does  it mean Krishna?". 
"Exaggerating Krishna ?"
"Yes krishna". 
"Make some thing better or lager than the reality ".

"No  in real each chapter have been solving the mystery which is causing all the miseries in our lives Krishna ".
"Definitely Durga 👍" 
 "Evidence please krishna 🙏!" 

"Ha...ha...we are in the right track and we are travelling  toward  the   eye of wisdom Krishna".

"Fantastic 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 !" 
 "Another student please 🙏?" 
"We are sacred souls ❤ Krishna ♥ ✨ 💖 💙 💙 💙 I mean we derived from the divine world 🌎 or SPIRITUAL World,Sanatana Planet  Krishna "🌎. 
"Thanks soooo much Sam".
"Can I complete her uncomplicated sentence Krishna?"
"Please 🙏!" 
"Unless we understand it, otherwise we ought to sleep and wake up only to do our daily routine ignoring the Divine and..and...and...could be ended up  in frost from fabulous human Kingdom to animal Kingdom Krishna?!" 
"Fantastic indeed Fantastic 👏 😀 👍 👌 "

"Each aspect of episode has a feature Krishna"
"What does it mean, FEATURE Krishna?"
"Distinctive element or important information thing Mary".
 "Can I carry on Krishna?"
"Of course, Pamitta!" 
"Each feature discussing about what is the especial feature of a man ".
 "Now someone else please!" 
 "Myself Krishna  ?".
 "Right choice Rudra".
"The fabulous feature is ,if we too live and die as any ordinary animal,how can our Supermacy be recognised Krishna?"
"Unbelievable memory thanks Balaraman".
What is SUPERMACY Krishna ?
"The state of being superior to all others Rata".

"Doesn't it lies in our capacity to become  aware of  the Truth of the SUPERMACY Krishna  ?"

"Sure certainly  :
 what is the point of ....
"Sorry Subathra?
1) the  point of the eyes which is faulty Krishna ?
 2) what is the point of  the ose which doesn't smell Krishna?
 3)What is  the point  the ears which cannot hear Krishna ?
4)What is  the point of a tongue which is unable to taste a
 5) What is the point of faulty skin which wouldn't feel?
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 Wow 👏 

"What is the point of a faulty science in other words the faulty knowledge we get in sacrificing our entire life times from childhood to adulthood without knowing or ignoring the fatherhood and brotherhood Krishna?".

 "As a consequence, being fearful even to the neighbourhood Krishna".
Bravo...brilliant 👏 👏. 

"Could we continue the session?"
"With pleasure Krishna".
"The setting ...I mean the location is in India 🇮🇳."
The subject matter is pilgrimage.
The theme/idea is Bhackthy-Yoga.

 "Bhackthy-Yoga 🧘‍♀️ Krishna?"
"Why Krishna??"

"Once Duriyodana's father asked Lord Krishna 🙏, 
"why on earth I have been suffering in loosing all of my children in the war?"
Lord said it was his karma. 
He wondered that he had a boon of knowing his past three generations of his actions and reactions.
So he explained that he hadn't any records of sins in his past life.
As a response, Lord replied. 
"You only know just three life. However ,we live endless lives ,we lived milions of years".  
"So pretty prior  to the three lives, your karma have been accumulated unlimitedly Karma ". 
"So Krishna how we cancel these cancerous viruses please?"
"Our Guru guides us through PackthyYoga sweet hearts 💕 ♥ ❤ ?
"Who were they ?" 
"They were the young women who were the serious victims of using the pills of contraceptives in foreign."
"What is it ?"
"Ha...ha...the whole world using it to stop pregnancy which is an urgency and absolutely transparency everywhere"
"Is it useful Krishna?"
"I did not try Sara ha...ha...". 

"Not at all Krishna?"
Ha...ha..., but whenever people have the tendency of sexual relationship, they are recommended to use the 💊 💊 💊 pills  Rudra".
"Thank you so much krishna today I am going to meet my girl   "
"Dont jump up in to a conclusion before having proper information  the pills often kill the innocent peoples /population pathetically Krishna".
"Apology Krishna"🙏 
"The pilgrimage were wondering while watching in front of the wow white stupendous tower of the temple ,on which Sam's family were focusing.
They were standing smilingly while  feeling the sun shine tenderly.
 It was  where the Lord of the Lords represents in the form of a shiny black idol,jewelled Massively , Vengadesan Krishna?

"The western women  know both Sams who had interviewed them in ...."
"Where was it Krisna?"
It was in the court. Then the both journalists had wrote an article of the year.
Emergency Empowerment of Education 
"The young educated western,but their parents were Eastern  became saintly characterized, honouring both of their auspicious advice as a device of God.
These men  of principle used to challenge against the drugs producers with the support of these beautiful women!"
"It was an unbelievable abuse wasn’t it Krishna ?" 
"Certainly Christina". 
"What was the article titled Krishna?"
Continue. ..
Hare Krishna!

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