"Hi! Hello!! How Are You Doing Sacred Souls ?"

"Hi Krishna we are fine we love the story  ….is really catching on and on krishna “
"Are we still at Marina's home Krisna near the milk falls or water fall Krisna ?"
"Correct Christina today we are on   the last book".
"Already Krishna?"
The above picture is it the cover of the last book Krisna like the first book?”
"What the sixth book discussing all about... about Krishna?"
"Overall, all about the sacred soul and Super soul isn't it Krishna?"
"We already study a lot about the pot, mud and Hari Potter Sarah ". 
"Hari Potter ha...ha... but not the jailer Krisna?"
"Hari and  Potter we compare with Lord is Krishna not  Jailer Krisna "  
Excuse me Krishsna !
"How can I assist you Rudra?"
"What’s the right age to have  boyfriends and girlfriends Krishna?"
Rudra needs a girlfriend Krishna?”
"It’s …it’s your choice"
"Thanks Krishna at least you can understand my serious situation Krishna "
 "it’s not illegal...Ha….ha…..
A wise man told me an intelligent person does what he likes to do .
"But one genius person does what he needs… "
"Rudra what do you want to be a  genius or an  intelligent?
I need it Krisna “
What does our tutor do Krisna?”
“He does what  Rudra does "
"Ambiguous language krishna"
" What he does is devotional service ,but what Rudra does is sensual service …ha…ha"
"But nevertheless,having been grown, we have a different meaning for  a simple, sweet , sensational and humble friendship as a golden ship Krishna"
"Pardon Peter "
" It's like two silver  tumbles or tumblers filled in different drinks, one in alcohol and the other in Sacred Soul Krishna "
"So true Krishna Anna in Chapter 2 of Bhagawadgita may be in Text 36, it’s clearly discussed detaily that there is always a class of people who do not believe in the separate existence of the soul"
"There is no smoke without fire Krishna "
"More explanation Sarah "
" Krisna ,beyond the body, there is no question of soul like some scientists and some jailers philosophers almost akin to the Buddhist "
“You don’t mix up our topic talk about friendship Sarah “
 "Sure Krishna "
"However, having no physical contact with our  friendly friends because of the fearful feelings due to our daily different different dishes, we can have thousands of friends with charm"
"Thank you very much krishna are you a philosophy Krishna?"
... "The charity service to deva hence  we open the Original Insight of mankind to lead the innocents towards delight"
"You haven't answered properly we don't want the answer of probability or possibility but reality rishna?"
 "Ha...ha......anyone and everyone can become philosophy as long as we understand the catalogue of our dialogue in  episodes versions."
"So sure Krishna you mean the catastrophe of the present age of Kali-Yuga make us philosophy by seeking the root of our Originator".
"Hundred percent Peter !"
 "Why  the Gurus are naturally being nice and wise Krishna".
“Who which guru Balarama?”
"Watch what Baba says krishna "

"Fantastic fact Visnu in other words Krishna is the one in and out  “
"Unbelievable of witnessing Baba's words of Vedas krishna?"
" Is it when they  win godly grace of liberation Krishna ?" ,
" Yes! With Peace , Release Wise  and God  Grace great 💕 hearts 💕 "
"Are We  Transforming Our Work As Worship Krishna ?"
 " Yes by describing the lordship 's relationship through Vedas's Words Is the Pretty Pooja Peter"
 "What Is The Best act of dedication we are offering to the God Krishna? " 
"That's what we are Doing". 
"What was it Krisna?”
"Wow ! So we are going to  find the Divine recident in all of us 
"Sure as soul and Super soul Krishna?"
"It's sounds sweet science Krishna "
Surely It's Our Mission Session And  Tuition Krishna" 
This is how we become pure Souls Krishna?"
Yes. "
"How kind of you Krishna? "
"As Our Service Considered To Be As The Highest Rank."
Pardon Krishna? 
"Don't We Devote Ourselves To The Seva of The Suffering Jivas  Lacking of  Lord's Lessons?
 "Yes we do but do not over estimate little sharing Krishna watch out  ?"  
 "Why Meera?"
"Watch in a minute what happened to Satyabhama who was  Krishna's second favourite wive Krishna"
“Oh goodness we shouldn’t have big heads Krisna “
"That's ...the sharing Vedas is the Service of the Sercices Krishna?"
 "Is Rescuing us From Harm and we are purified from five elements of Attachments Like the milk white water falls purified and sanctified ,and Merges Home Krishna?"
 "From 6th to 7th Chakras No More Sheaths ,The five Covers Cannot  Invalidating Our Spiritual Sadana Krishna?".
"The Mud?"
"He Himself Pamitta "
"So let's get commenced Krishna  "
"OKAY one... two... three...Marina’s family do not consider Sam as a visitor, but servitor of the creator".  
 "I was perplexed and pretty pleased watching the song in comparing what we were hearing "
"What is it Sam?"
1) The writer, Ganesh
2) The author ,Lord and 
3) The narrator, Viyasadeva
and   we all are the actors of  the tutor!!! 
has Mr K.Soul Nava returned from Colombo krishna?"
"Yes "
"Why he didn’t answer the question which we asked him in our last conversation krishna?”
What was it Rudra ?”
“Why does he interest in distributing devotional books mostly to the young women Krishna?”
"Sure when I reminded him on the way to Colombo, he shared a video I was astonished the way we interepret cinema and the way he described totally contradictory “
"Could we watch it together please Krishna "
"No problem "
“Can we watch it again krishna?”
"Krishna we know where would be the brand new motor "
"What motor Rudra ?"
"The  water pump motor Krishna which was stolen in Srilanka".
"You mean  which we had been lost in jaffna Peter?"
"Yes krishna considered to be lost and the police ended up finding the padlock remember?"
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees "
"Krishna we know where would it be the brand new motor "
"Where is it would be Rudra?"
"Must be in the airport krishna in laggages section Krishna "?
"Are you crazy what is the prove to approve it  ?"
"Simple Krishna  when we  went by flight with a water pump,  they took it and dismantled it to verify whether there might have some gold and they refused to return until the investigation was completed Krisna ".
"Ha...ha...good joke Rudra "
"Ha...ha...let's back up the story OK?"
"Indeed interesting to hear what you say when we know  how to control our Five Senses, which is allowing us to realise the Five Sheaths,
 1) Material Maya, 
2) Mind Maya, 
3) Intellectual Maya 
4) Vital Maya and
5)  Spiritual Maya"
"That is difficult task I think  we can't ask anyone to do it  Krisna"
"Why Meera?"
"I think these are called Panchados has, FIVE VICES like five Veils or Five Sheaths,  preventing us from the truths".  
"What does VICES mean Krishna?".
"Immortal or wicked Balaraman". 
"True Meera .However, once we act , understanding the Truth, we understand what our tutor does Krisna".
"Hence he is not the writer ;he is not the author;he is not the narrator; you are not the editor Krishna  Anna ,but we all are the actors of the Creator!".
"Lovely 💘 love is not what we say love is what we do something to the society according our capacity".
"Absolutely Pamitta however some will not care whatever we write no matter what we provide as prove and some care and won't stop  studying no matter what we write ,".
"Why Krishna?"
"Fortunate following up unfortunate giving up as they don't wake up "
" Sure !As long as we control the five senses ,students enrol and control as an actor of the creator each of us have a role in the Great Hearts"
"I like mutton role ha...ha..." 
"I like chicken role ha..ha....,"
 "Who is your role model Krishna Anna?"
"My role model is Putin, Russian President "
"Who is his role model KrishnaAnna?"
"Does he?"
"It matches much better ha...ha..."
"Does President Putin following some kind of Swami who  claims to be God like Hinduism?"
"Of course, he is not in racism... "
 "Does it becoming a fashion now a days Krisna ? ".
"No it's the devotion Peter"
"Wordless! What a fake God Consciousness!?".

" By the way,  Durga's exam today "
"Mr James Jonathan going to come but he has to Go back to work".
"Thanks I thought you have forgotten me".
“Noooo “:
"Subject matter please Krishna 🙏?".

"As we already learned, long before, the birth of the  generation, I mean our ancestors and our present generation have been preserving and prescribing to all of us"
"Does it    the  Vedas krishna ?".
"Sure have to be careful with the fake fellowship, would looks like  colourful sweetest  cakes,  but causes cancerous diseases".
"Was Vedas  have been preserved by our ancestors?".
"Hummm !We got it that's why we have been gratitude of our genuine gurus who have been teaching the Vedas".
"What does Veda  mean Krishna"?
"Torch of Knowledge "
"So we eventually transform our mindset like Kings and serve the innocent people expecting nothing Krishna ?"
"Yeah that's how we think like monks, there is nothing more beautiful than sacrifice our lives to beautify the innocence ,making differences in their lives Krishna" 
"Thanks decent description Durga!"
" Don't we   losing ourselves ,trying to please everyone Krishna?", 
"Yeah as finding ourselves inner self  is much more important ".
"Instead of losing everyone while finding our Original Identity , we can be as an ordinary person just school, work,home food sleep etc Krishna". 
"Up to you , that is animal principle ,but the  liberty is the humanity with responsibilities Krishna? ".
"Pretty philosophical symptoms Tulsy!"
" to learn to enjoy being all alone Krishna like our mentor ?
"Best option as no one will stay for ever learn to be alone, is the saintly characteristic Krishna."
"Krishna I saw our tutor was politely offering a beautiful blue leaflet to a driver, but unfortunately the driver denied it".
“However I asked my dad why ,while everyone welcomed him the driver doesn't …
he replied ,”the driver was in jail due to his conviction of drug possession in addition , believe it or not,our tutor resembling the latest film Jailer especially whilst wearing his sun glasses “
"Fantastic fact Krishna even in the Muham , a few came up with that idea saying, usually  there are seven people are pretty similar to each other Krishna in Colombo too there were people in the restaurants said that"
"Who was it Krishna ?"
"The coach driver "
 "Aren't we behaving like monkeys, by just following animal principles while he has been sacrificing his entire time Krishna?"
"The monkeys have been destroying the orchard assuming that they are eating and enjoying the banana Krishna".
"Excellent explanation Sarah".
" The Vedas are  blessing  bricks on which we  are trying to build up 🕍 temples as which are much beneficent of our liberation".
"For example,plenty of us planting millions of plants, sapling (young trees)"
"Why  we  do that Krishna?"
"way not?"
"We dye no Krishna?"
"For the  future generations in addition, we never know whether we return ".
" Why we care for them we die no Krishna??"
"Why we are writing?"
"Seva to suffering Jivas is seva to Deva Krishna"
"Excellent effort Rata 👌👏".
"Isn't it the  code of God  morale and  discipline of the life of saintly people like some Swami have been doing?"
"Definitely our previous  ancestors, saints ,sages and gurus' guidelines doesn't  it in line with Divine line Krishna?"
 "Absolutely which is the  direction  of Sanatana Dharma been preserved and handed down as heavenly heritage through the efforts of our gurus,  seers and sages selfless sacrifice".
Brilliant 👏👌👏👌
"That is why the Hinduism being  heading towards   the Western, attracted by Eastern  ".
"Hundred percent Peter !"
"Mr James has come".
 "Wait a minute! Have... have we discussed the subject matter?".
"We can do it with Mr James please 🙏"
Brilliant 👏👌👏👌
"Hello Mr James Bond ha...ha...!!!"
"Grace of you ,we watch the film called Titanic Ship"
"Have you ha...ha...?"
"What Is The Best Act Of Dedication James Anna,?
"Is it the service Offering To The God? "
 "That's what we are doing ha...ha...". 
"Wow ! So we are going to  find the Divine ,Resident In all of us as soul And Super soul Krishna?"
"Certainly otherwise isn't  it a cheating the writer?"
"To... to be honest, cheating on a good person is like throwing away a diamond and picking up a rock Krishna".
Surely It's Our Mission, Session And  Tuition" ! 
"Wow! This Is How We Become Pure Souls James Anna?" 
 "How Krishna?"
 "As Our Service Considered To Be As The Highest."
Pardon Krishna? "
"Don't We Devote Ourselves To The Seva of The Suffering Jivas  Lacking of  Lord's Lessons Krishna? "
"Yes We Do"
  "Which Is  The Charity Service To Deva Hence  We Open The Original Insight Of Mankind To Lead Them To Delight Krishna ". 
"Why Krishna?" 
"The Gurus Will Naturally Be Nice With us and we can  be Blessed "
." Would We  Win Godly Grace Of Liberation Krishna?" ,
 "Yes! With Peace , Release , Wise  And God  Grace ?"
."Are We  Transforming Our Work As Worship Krishna ?"
 " Yes By Describing The Lordship 's Relationship Through Vedas's Words Is the Pretty Pooja"👏👌👏👌👏👌Krishna?"

"Correct !.Each generation draws inspiration and torch of knowledge from the previous ones, but bad luck,we all are attracted by the westerners Krishna" .
"Sure !So an enormous debt of gratitude has to be repaid especially to these  32 gurus". Out of them, our guru is the last, best and greatest". 
"Excuse  me ,in which door  step you are  in please because you are a Western  or Eastern ?"
"Ha...ha... I am a soul there is no question of aWestern or Eastern !Actually I am on the 4th floor"
"Wow ! That is amazing !What about us please  krishna?" 
"We all are in the 4th floor Krishna".
"Oh goodness !!!God bless you 👏🙏❤💕!"
"Oh goodness how please...?"
"1) When a child is born he is neither holy no unholy".
"OK the second  please 🙏Krishna"
"2) When we begin our Spiritual study ,Vedas, which lead us from darkness to brightness "
"Wow 👏😮👏😮 you are impressive Krishna"
"Then James Anna how on earth you slapped Sam ?"
"Pamitta please 🙏"
"Sorry Krishna Anna I'm unable to forget the event ".
"Our apologies 🙏 James Bond 🙏 would we carry on!".
"3) When we gained grace ,I mean wisdom having mastered  the disciplines pronounced by the Vedas for achieving the Science of Self-Realisation". 
"Finally please 🙏?"
"4) We realise our true identity of Brahman ,the Atman and we merges with  Paramatman".
"Oh God! How?
"We are  so so surprised Krishna!!!
"Are we  on  4th floor Krishna ?"
"How why so quicker Krishna?"
"Oh it's because we are not walk-on the steps but  using  the lift as God's gift  ??".
"What is the lift please krishna?".

The Sharing Service Is The Service Of the Services taking the 5th  floor krishna"
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees Krishna Anna was insisting it Krishna!!!

"The Return Is Mountainous !Which Is Rescuing Us From Harm And We Are Purified From Five Elements Attachments Like The Milk White Water Falls Purified and Sanctified , Merges Mission." 
"We know From 6th to the 7th Chakras No More Sheaths ,The five Covers Cannot  Invalidate Our Spiritual Sadana or Vedic Value".
"You got it Sarah  🙏 "
"Just a minute I  got a call ,I need to go I'm afraid ".
"Thanks a lot 🙏James  Bond 💙 ha...ha..."
"Bye... bye...  !!!".
"So to be decent and discipline we have to pursue particular perfections Pamitta James was worried we shouldn't have insulted him irresponsibly ".
"I am so sorry I thought that I was changing ,but still being  close minded, speak before think not like the open minded think before we  speak".
"How can we stop it Krishna Anna?"
"We have to love the beauty of the cutest creation  and affection even sometimes following false impression  to safe worried people or couples "..
Could we share a video?
"No worries guys: "
"Hooray ...Hooray !!!"
"Right so  following the three responsibilities  Marina’s Grand Mum named her monkeys thereby   she is teaching a lesson not only to Marina ,but also  to the society?"

"Do you remember the three main DEBTS such as
1) God-Rna
2) Rishi-Rna and
3) Parents-Rna.
"Well said 👏 👌 Rudra".
For instance, the festivals in the religious calendars are preserved by the rishis, saint they  laid down these days as Holy days.
"Are we worried or care even to know about the importance of the Holy days?"
"At least some of our on line students are reminding us from time to time."
 "But  since we are in Kali-Yuga, Phaktivetanta Prabhubata insisting us to focus on Father’s lotus feet  first and the most as we are in danger".
"So Marina's mother and grandmother are concentrating ,  honouring the  Holy Days better than holidays".
"Definitely Durga"
 "It's our responsibility to become aware of the  meaning and significance of the fabulous days as festival days".
"Yeah they taught her that on these days people take :
1) ceremonial baths
2) wear new clothes
 3) tie new fresh green -leaves festoon (flowers chains across the door sills).
 4) Have the house whitewashed and
5) painted a new paint pattern designs on the floors and make their household charming to behold their house full of fragrance". 
"Baba too recommended it regularly".
"Sure Meera".
Sam was watching how their house have been decorated fantastically  in pursuing rules and regulations of Vedas.
"Was it Krishna's festive day Anna?"
"Yeah, but not   Krishna Jeyanthy".
"Was it looks like the video song you shared with last episode ?"
"Definitely Durga definitely"
This time we are going to watch another melodious music which is witnessing how Mukunda keeps his soul relationship as a golden ship with his last lover, Rata.
"Thank you so much 💓 💗 💛 💖 ☺!"
"Appreciate and acknowledge it 🙏" 

What is acknowledge ?
"Accept with truth and confirm  receipt of the truth Meera ".
Sam smiled blinking his impressive eyes which had made an impressive impact  on them.
Marina felt the greatest pleasure in his company after many weeks dried like a garden deprived from water...

Meanwhile,he wondered where she got  her pretty pimples on her apple face as the honey drops on the fresh rose.
"Was it because of her  God consciousness Krishna?"
"Ha...ha... !!
"Having pimples is normal at her age, but being more attractive and  beautiful with  pimples is not normal in this Iron Age"
"My sister dislike it and hiding with her makeup Krishna".

"My brother leaving beard because of his pimples Krishna".

"Could you hold on a minute let him tell the story please?"

 "Correct Christina the young girls don't even know that the pimples are prettier than their hours of make up just copying the western weather good for the climate but attractivity  is the simplicity .
"Thank you !
 Can we carry on now?"

"Yes please Krishna".

"No problem! The entire house beautifully illuminating the atmosphere with Sam's smile".
That is not the end,the delicious  aroma arose and mixed up with the red roses 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹🥀. 
What kind of cooking Krishna!"
"Why ?"
 "Wasn't it hooking and inviting  him inside the house , looking at her softy pretty hands by which she cooked Krishna?".
"Was it ?"
"Ha...ha..!What a  mouth watering meal which would steal any one’s heart!. 
On the other hand,Grandma and her Mum had been sitting out side of the house after a few minutes of talks with Sam. 
They went to take some fresh air in the garden brown bench. And also they didn't want to interfere intimately Because there was something went wrong, but they scared how Marina and Sam going to tolerate it!.

In fact, he didn't know exactly what's wrong  going on in terms of his marriage matter.
 He took his seat with a sweet thought, forgetting what he bought from Colombo on the way to their charm home. 
Which were left in the car boot.
There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of the country out of  their eyes  to make their life beautiful .
In fact, he had often appointments, meetings in Colombo, finishing it, he straight away came to visit his  fiancee.
What does FIANCEE mean Krishna ?
"A person to whom you are engaged to be married Meera".
"That is a French word originally Krishna."
"Sure Sarah ".
 "For the man  fiance and for the lady Fiancee".
"So super so I have my fiancee Krishna ".
"That is your own perspective, Rudra ".

"What does mean perspective doesn’t it an unfamiliar word Krishna?  ."

"The way of seeing something and understanding of the relative important of the things on your own way".
"Like my own point of view Krishna?"
 "We... we are impatient of the story Krishna".

"Alright ....The kind wind  sounds  so, so fond. Yes… Yes… it  blows the cool air  in slow very, very slow as saying pretty,”
 "Hello”to Sam.
 In her house  background,there was a wonderful  water falls looks like milk falls !
"You mean a few streams of water falling from hight green mountain like in the front pict Krishna?"
"Ha...ha...  exactly like milk falls Sarah ".
 The gentle fellow found the atmosphere ✨ calmly allows him to relax just next to his best future partner.
But still in question mark .
He  was not perplexed /puzzled thinking what kind of astrologer he would be!?

Apart from that, it was a phenomenal day. They could never have imagined such lovely, heavenly day with golden sun rays. A kind of yellowish what wonder of an enchanting evening!.  
There was some baby birds in the 🌳 🎋 🏡 🌲 🎄 🌴 🌳 🌳 🌳 🌳 🌳 🌳trees  branches and were watching them with calm and some other birds have been singing with charm.
All just because they have received their Charm Sam. He is resembled to be visiting from a different realm for them.
The ever green trees       🌳 🎋 🏡 🌲 🎄 🌴 🌳 🌳 🌳 🌳 🌳 🌳 were welcoming them in clapping 👏 🤣 👏 👏 their branches and the leaves were 👯‍♀️ 💃 🕺delighted and dancing 👯‍♀️ 👯‍♀️ reminding them the Paratha Naaddiyam competition lack of corporation!
  "Wasn't it magnificent Krishna?"
"Would anyone win Marina Krishna ?"
"Sure Rudra appreciate 🙏 👍" 
"Meanwhile,the fantastic and romantic  flowers had been offering them 100 percent pleasant scent as they know he  was a pleasant saint".
Marina has discovered her Great  Heart who often inspires her ,making marvelous festival meals even the  atmosphere looks fair. 
He took his juice from her silver tray and pray in glancing the picture of Supreme Father on the wall and look at her as a golden sun rays.

“No wonder ,today is a quite lovely day isn't it ?!,” 
Sam asked pleasantly.
 She stood beside him silently in nodding her head happily . 
For him, she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.
More than anything, she was a saintly characterized , holy thinker and lovely pearly girl. 
His heart was full as the glass full of 🍎 🍏 🍎🍏apple juice for example.
He didn't’ realize that he was extremely thirsty. When he rang the juice, her eyes were watching nicely by saying,
" you are supposed to give me a sip of juice from the same glass Sam ”.
Yes that is the tip of her gaze.
 He glanced and scanned at her lips and straight away noticed her long neck and her slim hip in taking a sip of her nice cool and fresh  juice, but as long as he was quite thirsty, he was nearly drained up practically empty the glass. But the glass not totally empty. 
However, he gave at least a quarter of the remaining juice with his nice eyes on her joyous eyes. 
She was so pleased to drink it. He lowered his sun  glasses and moved his eyes either sides as he could scan her clearly .Her heart lit up with splendor of his saintly lovely odour of the  glass.
 Her senses were injected with scent of sublime.(very great).
 "That was her prime extreme sweet of the sweets.
Her heart pooled and bloomed with his cooled drink.
 Oh God! He often fooled her with his glamorous glance.
Her face began to shower of smiles, 
which were sprinkling the bliss and the  blesses which she earned from the nice eyes of her kinder lover making her river of tender with lots of  buried  treasures  and unburied  treasures, too ! .

Oh  lovely pair!
 They have been sitting and chatting in the black arms  chairs . 
They both  look hooked each other  equally and eagerly.
What an amazingly sensational view💖 forgetting what sort of serious scenario waiting for them
 "What does it mean of scenario Krishna Anna?"
"It's  possible sequence of future events Pas.l". 

  Marina was hiding her smiling charming face with her hair as she didn't’ want to meet her godly pair’s magnetic eyes. Now his his glasses rose his forehead ".
The air through the window messing up and down  both of their fair hairs  to make them even more fairer.
Wetting his lips he reached her hands happily. 
She swallowed an infusion with confusion as the diffusion of the colourful flowers glorious perfume. 
She already closed her angelic eyes.
It was fantastic extremely extraordinary and supremely divinic.
Her heart was beating faster and faster as he pulled her nearer and nearer. Which has the power of Supreme pleasure.


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