Hi Krishna !"

"Hello Everyone"

"How are you doing Krishna I'm back ?"

 "Hi Kanna we haven't seen you quite a long time Kanna !"

"But I'm the regular reader of your dialogue because it's like a catalogue of how to live Krisna "

"Who's house is it Krishna looks pretty poor Krishna?"

"It's the house where  Sam rested as a rest house   it's a kind of an extra ordinary house  situated   nearer  to Marina’s house"

"Oh it's the small home behind Marina’s home Krisna?"

"Not small ,but seems like small Sarah kind of illusory however it has blessed story behind it".

"Who is living there at the moment Krishna ?"

"Good question we are going to talk about it after the class conversation".

“Krishna ,is it true that the mayor had given golden cloths to your father because we don't trust unless having evidence?”

“ Yeah I too he often tutor talk of his own story or anything related to Krishna's glory

"He tells history of Lord Krishna what's wrong with you ?”

"Cool down Rosy Cool down" 

Evidence krishna?”

 " No worries here we have:

"Good Joke Krisna was it in New York Krisna we are talking about Jaffna Krishna ?"

Ha …ha…

"Better talk something about Marina Krishna please krishna" 

"When Marina was remembering, seeing Ruby  Renuga and  her happy home and families of Rajeskanna"..., 

... where krishna where?"

"In Thirupathy"

"Does Marina  recalled the  incident which she wanted to share with them krishna?"

"Hummm hum "

"What was it Krisna?"

"First of all,complete our discussion Rata"

"Let's listen later  what she is going to talk about her past events Krishna"

"Does Marina describe it to eveyone Krishna?"

"Absolutely it's worth event she is eager to... to share with them "

"Why Krisna  ?"

"Why not let him narrate please?"

"Each of our birth is a matter of series of events am I correct?" .

"Undoubtedly Krishna"

"No wonder we wonder thrillingly,  excitingly and unbelievably in thinking of the one lives in every one and separated from everyone Krishna like Mr Soul Nava  often wonderfully wording to prevent our pathetically painful patch Krishna".

"We cannot stop the pain, but we can make you stand in the pain  like an umbrella does students"

"What's that  Krisna is it Krishna Science which light unto our path grace of spending time in scripture and which  let us lead the people with the learned wisdom Krishna?"

"Good ... God guides our activities and productivity to get out of disdractivities Kanna ๐Ÿ’•"

" What an unbelievable human's exam Krishna!"

"Sure unless we understand  Lord Krishna's Divine Will,  we are nill Krishna?"

"Agree with you Rosy !We  have to understand the  Science of Krishna okay" 

"But...but why Krishna?"

"In order to be liberated from this tragedy ,everybody needs to be grateful to 5he only Holy heavenly Father who is the only  worshipable and the  real God,the great hearts  ๐Ÿ’• "

"Pardon Krishna so the rest are the worshipers Krishna?"

"Absolutely Retna "

"Surely Krishna we take birth accoring to one's activities of life and after finishing one's term  of activities, one has to die to take birth for the next that's what Krishna says?". 

"Interesting Kanna indeed  inspiring in this way, one is going throughout one cycle"

"You mean  birth and death after another without liberationon Krishna?", 

"Sure So sweet of Mr Soul who is showing our auspicious work as worship not as a religious but gracious Krishna"

"Please don't start taking about Mar K .Soul Nava "

"Yeah !Have they all   returned from India Krishna?".


""When was it true Krisna?"

"It was an enchanting evening of a Saturday. They all returned from ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ India and went with Marina".

" Actually we all know that we all are shaped by the company we keep Krishna  " 

 "Correct Kanna?"

"Appreciate it Krishna ".

"They all  surprised , hearing what Marina  was saying ".

"Where was it Krisna?"

"On their return, back to Srilanka they all used this house as a  a rest house" .

"Oh it's the happy home is the loccation Krishna?"

" You got that point kanna Marina share the important events  with them while walking,  admiring and enjoying the environments and atmosphere to be fair, it's  expressed that they are  guided by God's leela"

"What was it Krishna?" 

"She kept these secrets within herself  not to disturbed her friends and families Krishna?".

"Suuu ! Were they happy news or sad news Krishna?"

"If they were have be3n discussing about a happy news she would have shared in advance Krishna".

"Sure!However ,it is one of the special chapters of The Great Hearts ๐Ÿ’•"

"Were they from the unpublished series of the Great Hearts books Krishna?".


" We know that a  piece of iron reacts according to the company which associates , soil or fire Krishna".

"Sure Rosy what you are trying to say Rosy?"

"If it enjoys the company of fire what would happen Kanna ๐Ÿ”ฅ?". 

"The heated iron   can be shaped in useful shapes Krishna "

"What why Kanna?"

"Because it's becoming sensible soft and usable in many useful ways krisna "

  "Sure Krisna Seeking good company and spending all available time in that companianship as comradeship like the Gopis and Gopalas, is the best blessing bridge " 

"Great guys our genuine Gurus wording ".

"And...and... that Sathana/CHALLENGE  doesn't mean just acompany with many Krishna? "


"Ha....ha...the ....real ruby compassionate  constitutional Duty is  a matter of  respecting of  Divine direction and devotional service like K.Soul teaching us Krishna  "

"Does  Authority Lack of Divinity Is a real Duty Krishna ?"

 "No. It's  a person's  responsibility"

   "Today person with no powers or supports or respect but claiming to occupay position of authority Krishna "

"Does it mean duty of mean Krishna?"

  "First  of all, realise  the  divinity". 

"Why Rosy?"

"Best of all, we ought to fight for the right Alright!

"That is the ksatysatriya duty isn't it Krisna?"

"Sure above all, are we  Ksatriya Krishna to fight for right and leavethe entire populationin plight ?"

"No. Krishna no.we are not deserve to break the law Krishna"

Undoubtedly,  ,thereby we are becoming subjected to the reactions of sinful acts as Karma against Dharma Krishna that that’s what our  tutor is  teaching  "

"Why on  earth have been suffering in foreign countries  krisna ?"

"We know well why children ,eager to fight foolisly ignoring Ghandy's footstep and set up our oun set of laws "

"We fight for the right Krishna "


"First of all, we ought to find out   Our OriginaI Identity. "

"What's that  Krishna what it demonstrating?"

"Is Our Duty?"

"Krisna !Beauty of Rama was the Duty  of Inner Peace ,The splendour that fills us when we are conscious of   Dharma Krishna".

"Whatever you say ,which are worrying us krisna"

" When we do not give up the False Identification with our Body Krisna like our tutor teaches us how to be blessed "

"what is the point of having the whole world while ignoring the soul Krishna?",

"Sorry Rosy?"

"Lord Jesus asked alarmingly Krishna  the cage of the Soul Like the Cage of a Bird Krishna"

". Isn't It a  Bondage Krishna?"

"Yes especially in this iron age  Krishna?"

"What does mean bandage Krishna?"

"Ha..ha......I said bondage  Rudra "

"You mean that we identify ourselves with our Originator Krishna?"

"Correct Christina!"

"But nevertheless I prefer knowing the meaning of bondage Krishna" 

"It's mean being slave of materials Rudra "

" The Eyes See,The Years Hear....How Krishna ?

"Grace of  Divine Will Rudra"

 "Does Gota Know It Krishna?"

"Certainly not Krishna !"

"Our bodies which are the Vehicles of Divine sared souls  Krishna?"

"Of course He is the cause of all causes "

"Will the  Divine Will ,Will be Vibrantly Victorious  when we are on the right  path Krishna?"

"Unbelievably amazing questions thanks tremendous students !"

"What does our tutors ambition Krishna?"


"Give a concrete strong evidence krisna"

"Look at the footage students"

"Who Krisna  here on the roof  ?"

"The founder of KurinchiKurinchikumaran in Germany "

"What is he doing there Krishna, he is a Murugan devotee no?

"The Sprit soul has to be engaged in the good work of God Krishna Consciousness "

"Otherwise Krishna?"

"We will be workingvfor materials in contact with material energy Kanna "

"So what ?

we...we are here to enjoy not end the joy Krishna I'm Kanna"

"Ha..,ha... thereby our souls acquires material modes Krishna sorry Kanna"

"We wonder why a Murugan devotee devoted to Krishna's  duty !"

"That's the national sorry natural duty and function of Krishna Consciousness isn't it Krisna?"

"Sure Rosy whatever work we engage, try the best to  engage in  Krishna duty to enjoy our eternal beauty "

"Oh ! Is it because attracting Lord Krishna's blessing  to become blissfull , thankful to turn Truthful Krishna?"

"What the founder of KurinchiKurinchikumaran is doing Krishna?"

"He  is  installing an amazingly colourful even expensive umbrella  in iron to Lord Krishna's milk white statue insrilanka "

"So you do not help him krishna?"

"Shut up stupits ...I'm taking the picture now ha..,ha... !"

"To stop the rain Krishna ?"

"Ha.., umbrella does not stop the rain nonetheless  which  allows us to stand in the rain "

"Wow what a wow teaching krishna?"

"So our tutors using the wisdom of Vedas as torch in our dark daily life to be brightand thereby letting us  walk on  the right path Krishna?"

"Yes that's why he has been asking the students ,teachers and each and every individual to chant the enchanting golden godly maha Mandra "

"We don't catch up Krishna?"

"Look what we have been given by the prettiest priest of our local Hare krihna temple "

"Are you sure Krishna?"

"While using it for  the purpose of Lord's Joyous Journey isn't it Krisna?"

 "Sure !Which is The  duty of humanity"

But bad luck ,we are becoming distance   from Father’s  faculties Krishna 

  "Aren't we doomed in false desires of death direction Krishna? "

"What we are witnessing today Krishna?"

"Pardon Pamitta?"

"Watch  out Krishna how today's  ๐ŸŒŽworld forwarding towards the best position of authority Krishna "

"Without Devotional Duty Krishna?"

" Correct !Aren't we humliating the humanity and precidents Themselves".

"Krishna!Does!The Whole World  Is Watching Our Precidents, Putin's Karma and Gota's Maya ?".

"Definitely know Durga definitely!??"

"Isn't it Mad of Materialism?

"Do you mean to recognise this unity,one needs training more than us?"

"Certainly !Though to be deluded in Maya by many/diversity , one doesn't need any training ".

"Thanks Krishna Anna!".

"Didn't we learn that the  grass to grow frankly no effort on our part is needed ,but if grain is to be harvested the field must be....

...  all of us know it?"

 "Could we remind it  one by one  please?" ๐Ÿ™".

 If we expect excellent harvest, what we have to do first?"

 1)"The land need to be ploughed, 


2) The field has to be weeded",

"And then?"

3) "The land have to be  watered. "

"Next please ๐Ÿ™?" 

4), "The land have to be  manured ".

'And... and finally?"

5)" The land have to be fenced". 

"Brilliant... bravo but what is happening in our home land?"

"Nevertheless, our mother land has been left carelessly in the hand of  a fearful family  ".

"Oh yeah Meera is correct is lack of learning Lord's law".

"How our  interest in intense  SADHANA/CHALLENGE going to help us to be upgraded?"

  "Man has to struggle harder and harder  in order to attain the higher stages of divinity development like an employee hardly working in the company as an analyst in various databases". 

"OKAY...OKEY! We agreed with you Krishna Anna!". 

"All our miseries is due to separation from that Source of all ha...ha...remember by heart?".

"Of courses, because He is the cause of all causes of Universe ".

Evidence krishna?”

"What is his name please ?" 

"He is Sath-Chith-Ananda-Swarupa",

"Why you always saying the same name ha...ha" 

As He has no births ;no deaths ;no beginning and no ending doesn’t He Krishna Anna?"

"Ha...ha...the Gopis and the Gopalas,though they were not learned in the spiritual Vedas,  philosophic or discipline, they knew that Krishna was the visible embodiment of that Will and therefore they poured their loves ๐Ÿ’˜ ๐Ÿ’˜ ๐Ÿ’˜ ๐Ÿ’˜ ๐Ÿ’˜ ๐Ÿ’˜ ๐Ÿ’˜ ๐Ÿ’˜ ๐Ÿ’˜ on His lotus feet.

Today we are going to share about the  evil ๐Ÿ˜ˆ characteristic  and how they are damaged and also noble characters ,how they are promoted"

"We wonder where our generous president has gone?". 

"He is in safe heavenly holiday Island ๐Ÿ"


"In Maldives ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ป. "

"What? "

"That is the highest touristic attractive Island of paradise pretty expensive place". 

"How much we need per person to live there  per day?".

"Could we see the Island ๐Ÿ of Maldives?"

"No worries open the yellow veil

"Thank God finally our president is  in safe of an expensive Island ha...ha...  ๐Ÿ™   "

"Doesn't he go to Singapore?"

"He does because he is on holiday". 

"It's a stamp Krishna Anna"

"Pardon Rudra!?

"You mean it's a scam ha...ha...?"

"Yeah that's what I said ha...ha..."

"What does it  scam mean  again ?"

"A dishonest scheme Rata".

"Ha...ha... Rudra said stamp not scam".

"Did he Meera??"

"Yeah to be honest ". 

"What is the subject  matter Krishna?".

"Who is our examiner Krishna?". 

"Miss Benz Silva".

"We wonder where did you get the money from?"

"Pardon Krishna Anna?".

"I'm asking Mary".

"We don't catch up!".  

"Which I have been saving Anna"


 "Some money from my birthdays  and added up some additional from the lunch money which my parents gave and...and...and".

"Udana was shocked and he was  wordless".

"Excuse me what is going on?"

"I don't know what I'm doing, but only thing I know Srilankan peoples are running out of money'.

"Unbelievable attitude Mary!".

 "When Udana said,  "I am Sad", I felt that  I wanted to cry  .

"๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ!"

"You are so different student Mary we  only teach about the value of charity, but you are demonstrating decently which is generosity!"

"Yeah Sam is correct!

"Say something more dear..."

"We have to use each day better than  yesterday or the last day never forget where we  come from and we may have to go back some day.'"

"Sure sure !".

 ,'To be honest, I made many mistakes   unknowingly in the past. Turning blind eye towards the charity because of some scams Krishna "

"๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ!"

"Sure life doesn't allow  us to go back and fix what we have done wrong in the past, but it does allow for us to live each day better than the last day".

"Thanks Krishna Anna".

"Amazing ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ˜ฎunbelievable attitude such a pretty positive action Krishna".

"We don't have a single clue what is going on here krishna please ?"

"Thanks Meera ".

"I noticed when Udana was unable to start the session as everyone else. 

"Didn't he Krishna?"

"We didn't notice Krishna!"

" I found he was worried "

"Really Krishna?"

,,"Hummm! I don't know may be  my subconscious spoken to me some sad stories" .

"Sorry to hear it Mary!".

"We...we all are obliged  to be gratitude to Mary."

"True! If we all build up her thoughtful mentality ,our negative situation will destroy by joy Krishna!"

" You... you are a great hearted student Mary ❤"

"There are people who will not tell their needs".

"Take a tissue  ... Mary!".


"We are proud of you Mary ❤".

"Yes when udana said,   his voice was broken down in to pieces ๐Ÿ’”".

"What did he say exactly Sam?"

"I just want to watch a bit before beginning it....I feel so sad of the affected friends and their families in Srilanka ".

... Is it   okay for you guys?"

"Excellent effort ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘!".

"We have to be supportive to the one who supports us ,through that one many can be supported which we have been practicing in sharing as a net work .There are so many things I learned throughout our Mission ".

"Interesting you usually speak less Mary"

"When I 'have spoken to my aunty who went to visit to Srilanka, she agreed to assist me and also she said that she is fond of his  family who are generous towards the poor community"

"Mary !When you called his name several times, your voice,too were broken like gold powder it was heart-rending!"

"Thanks Peter self discipline has the ability of divinity is a matter of control of our feelings and overcome our weaknesses through charity "

"How discipline do that Mary?"

 "By easing and enhancing others who are in stress and depress Subathra "

"Pardon Mary?"

" Who are facing much more worries than us."

"See the poor community of Srilanka"

 "Bearing our tuition in mind we welcome our intuition of insight, Inner peace which is the Self Discipline Peter".

"Yeah! When I was listening the song of a child which Marina too sang,   I really really enjoyed  and realised how to appreciate the nicest  nature and feel pleasure within ourselves even in evil environment and emotional and welling tears"

"What was the music please Mary?".

"Just below "

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees we cannot easily forget how hard for Marina and Sam!" 

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeees I don't know I would like to transform my life as Sam to inform the greatest guidance ๐Ÿ™ like a living evidence to make difference distinguishly ".

 "True !While hearing the transaction of a money order from Mary 's long terms saving, we realised we must not judge people as we never know what kind of battle they are fighting and feeling in their hearts".

"Thank you Krishna Anna we have to avoid of prejudice I mean (opinionated not based on the reason ,but  we gossip unfairly in imagination it's a bitter and bad behaviour) ".

"Of course, we never forget who helped us in difficult times Mary go a head God a Head "

"Yeah we usually do not easily forget who lift  us in difficult times and who put us in difficult times ,too"

"True, we feel frustrated of facing such an unforgivable individual who is abusing the authority bodies for position and left all of the people in a serious situation  ".


" Excuse me every one!

Soon Benz going to come up with  some exam questions Balaraman if we keep asking intellectually, she would be pleased".

"Excuse me Benz what are the ten main “Avatars which Visnu performed please?”

Can I show you a footage Krishna?”

Fantastic job Benz”

Hare Krishna Benz!”

"Oh that's  a cup of tea for us krisna Anna .What is the subject matter please ?". 

"Duty is Divinity" 

"Otherwise Krishna?"

"We are derived from the supreme Soul driven  by the  soil if we are ignoring it, keep returning to the soil until we realise the divinity as our eternal identity "

"Silent please she is coming ๐Ÿ™"

"Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹Good afternoon Krishna Anna ๐Ÿ˜Š "

"Actually  I feel emotional.... the way I 'm Benz Silva

.... hi fabulous friends ! I couldn't  believe my ears hearing what Udana told me" .

"May I know who is Mary please?"

"We thought  you know her....she is the  virgin mother of Lord Jesus". 

"Ha...ha...are you  Rudra ?"

"God bless you  we can't help everyone but everyone can help someone. ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ™ !"

"How you have saved we heard   the truth because the aunt who came to visit told us that you earned that money  by wash up and  assisting your parents including washing dad's  car".

 "Mary I'm sorry take the  tissue, stop crying proud of you Mary such a name such a heart".

"Why you cry Benz?" 

"Alright we come to the point Krishna" :

"remember once our school received and honoured an author "

"Interesting !??"

"After a few words with him ,excitedly our class teacher asked us if we would like to speak to one of the characters of the story , who  would it be your favourite character?"

"We were pretty puzzled and pleased and overwhelmed.

 Overall, you have been talking to the entire characters and teaching by them. How you feel like Krishna?" 

"So sad sad ha...ha... ".

"Could you perform the dance you performed previously please ?๐Ÿ™"

"I will in fact  it's not my will its a matter of  Divine Will ?...

...Just watch the video from which I learned


"Excuse me Rudra !Why you said you don't like it ?".

"Ha...ha...May I know the   reason please?"

"We are unable to meet you all the characters personally like Krishna Menan does that's why."

"Hummmmm so sweet of you Rudra"


"Pardon Rudra ?"

"Demigods'  devotees do not  AWARE OF THE PERSON of the creation".

"Sorry Rudra ?".


"Ohhhhhhhh I was shocked for a moment,  thinking negatively ".

"My apology Benz best of luck God bless you we love you.  If we had been asked the same question as your class teacher, we would have said Benz ".

"Why not Sam Rudra?"

"Certainly everyone  agrees Sam, but not me because you only named yourself of a  vehicle ,BENZ and you know our sacred soul is the driver which doesn't decay, doesn't decline and doesn't subject to death like Vehicles does  "  


"Wordless God bless you, thought people are Godless and careless "

"Could we commence our query?"

"Does Duty means  respect the  Divine Direction?"

 "What about Authority without Duty?"

"Of course not!"

"Does Duty Defines Responsibility?"

"Nice query! Today People  With No Powers or Supports or Respect Claiming To Occupy Position of Authority.?"

 "Does it  Duty?"



Hare Krishna 



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