"Pretty pleased and privileged to be your Mentor kids"
 "Cool to hear it Krishna it's true you are our real advisor Krishna" 
 "Yes that's what he said as a mentor Meera "
"Hey ! Krishna's kids could we  watch this video of the present war"
"Oh is it all  about Israel and Intestine Krishna?"
"Shut up it's Palastine Rudra ha...ha..."
"Yeah the top one is the briefest detail of the war and the bottom one...
 it's especially for the kindest Krishna kids"
"Sure Krisna sure not the war as we expect another surge of ⛽ petrol Krishna "
"Vedas words that in order to keep the lawful world, violence is unavoidable Krishna "
"We don't have much time Krisna for the violence dto being violence Krishna "
"Just...just a matter of a few seconds Krishna's kids "
"Does  it anything dealing of devotional service of Vedic video Krishna?"
"Sure Sarah "
"That's our pleasure Krishna !"
"Go a head guys!"
"We didn’t catch  up the Bona-fide spiritual science addressing Krisna!"
"By the way, how are you doing Sacred Students?"
"Well we are doing very well Krishna please tell us the definition of our Bona-fide spiritual master's talk Krishna "
"Exacly what does the vedic video describe Krishna".
"We can talk later kids " 
"Please tell us straightaway Krishna "
"He is describing all about the real affectionate devotional attitude of a Krisna devotee  kids”
"Sorry krishna what’s that ?"
"Yes it's simply the best affectionate embrace   ?”
"Yeah what is the real trace of grace person  Krishna?"
"Krishna, can we see God's grace on people's face  ?"
"Krishna how we  recognise humility  in humanity and grace of Djvinity?"
"For instance, when we used to visit to the tiny  temple of Yogarajah uncle,   twice  a week"
"Sure to ... to support the Annathanam  in Yogarajah uncle 's tiny temple Krisna "
"We remember it Krisna "
"Well done!!!There are some people or devotees kept distance to the poorest community "
"Yeah although most of them are poor Krishna "
"Correct  Krisna we only  embrace  with some selected people and considering it is an absolute insult or an embarrassment of embarsing poor people or low class krisna " 
"But that is not a matter of  blessing kids like our tutor does he only embrace the best and  fondest favourite fellows ”
"Why krishna blessing means God's favour and  His protection then why we are being racist?"
"When we are ego and being rude, we bahave like that would Lord Krishna appreciate it Krishna?"
 "No Lord Krishna lives in each and every-one doesn't He?"
 "Each of us staying in a k8nd of separatist and saying that it is our own deity is the sole deity not Krishna praying our own is the divinity"
"Sure stupendous students ?"
"Absolutely Krishna "
"Bearing it in mind , there was a man who  embraced the poor community passionately and  compassionately as a simple sympole of humanity Krishna"
"Really Rosy who is it Rosy?”
"Do we know him Rosy?"
"What is the evidence Rosy?"
 "We...we saw him, carrying lots of milk white  paper works which were the auspicious hand written Maha Mantra by the  poorest people on his kindest request" 
"Have they done it so happily and faithfully Rosy?"
"Undoubtedly Retna".
"Oh you mean the  108 times  Maha Mantra writing by hands Rosy?"
"Yes...yes...yes...I have an  evidence Krishna that you all are  wrong  "
"Could you  show that Rosy ?
... by the way  , you only said that you had been spending  your time as an  investigating inspector of him... ha...ha..."

"These are the evidences Krishna look here just below":

"Brilliant brave girl we though it was a joke!"

"Thanks in return what he did for them krishna for the poor people Rosy?"
"What was it?"
"Mr K.Soul asked the Head teachers politely to request the students to write down the Maha Mandra 108 times  no Krishna in providing the... the leaflet explaining the purpose of the mantra?"
"In return what he did for them krishna for the poor people krisna?"
"Ask Rosy rowdies ha...ha..."
"Look lovely children look how the schools children are being hooked by blesses "

"Wordless !You are great Rosy that’s how people comprehend that we are  faithful devotees of Divine Dad Krishna and they are fond of us Rosy "
"How did you know Rosy?"
"I' m wearing body camera . In addition, after a  speech in a Primary school, it was an unexpected speech and a  spontanious speech, by our tutor , in fact your father was seated next to him, while it was happening and some of  the  teachers expressed to our tutor emotionally about their seriousness lack of God consciousness sincerely  and asked remedies from him Krishna"

"Anything with  any money related Rosy it's pretty normal we know, money is a good servant and a bad master Krishna"
"No !!!!Not at all Krisna they smiled at him kindly and softly asking the blessing bridge, the Bhagawadgita as it is  krishna"

Didn’t he give them Rosy?”
"Oh my god ! I was amazingly astonished witnessing the God was in his black bag "
"Where was the God Rosy Mum and Dad said He is in the TirumalaiThripathy temple ?"
"Are...are you kidding Rosy?"
"On the spot from his beautiful black and brown bag, he  offered the words of God smilingly and blessingly Krisna”
"Oh what about me every one in my families ask me to do everything and I do them blessfuly and beautifully!" 
"Oh yes Krisna! From ...from the office works up to the household ,shopping,  watering the garden , cleaning and looking after the pets Krishna our tutor  said ?"
 "Correct! I do not take pictures and publish them publicly isn't  it embarrassing students?"
"Krishna we are discussion about embrace "

 "In any case,  any one understand what I do? He even left a case work of an elderly over 50, 000 rupees electricity bill arrears undone I have been attending meetings to sort out it"
"Ha...ha... you are different devotee Krishna!"
"What does mean embrace Krishna?"
"Hold someone closely in one's arms, especially as a sign of affection"
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees excuse me Krishna ?"
"How can I assist you Sarah?"
"Are...are we going somewhere because you dressed decently Krishna ?"
"Yes you all are coming home....
 are  you ready everybody mmmmmm mouth watering delicious meals  prasadam do you smell it kids?... " 
"Yes Krisna" 
"Where are  we going Krishna ?"
"We ...we don't know when are  you going to stop troubling us in the name of teaching us krishna ha...ha joking Krishna?"
"Wedding party". 
"Krishna we are Arjuna's  party  "
"Hey!  We heard that  London Krrishna dancing in group in the wedding party Krishna!!!?"
"Could we watch a bit Krishna?"
"Just a matter of a seconds OKAY!"
"Sure Krisna surely "
"Please ๐Ÿ™ open the yellow veil, "
"Oh goodness first claaaaaass Krihsna...
Thank you so much krishna ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ™Œ"
"Could we  hear  the theme of the same song of London  Krrishna ‘s dance   ♥  completely Krishna?"
"No worries we often worry unnecessarily we have to see the unfortunats to be happy in our lives in realising how fortunate we are sweet hearts ๐Ÿ’• "
"We are unfortunate Krishna "
"Watch your words and watch the video how stupid we are"
"Indeed Krishna we  always need...need....and need much...much and much  and putting our life in risk after risk krishna "

"Sure I too do the same unknowing the formidable fortune that we have been given as beautiful boon body even not noticing my own sibling's disability 
In fact,we all are disabled ha...ha..."
"Krishna why do you think that we've been  given ours boon bodies only   to study at university to improve our material comfortability?""

"No not only that but also study  about our supremely Divine Daddy,  Krisna to be qualified liberated living entities "
" So our tutor's target to teach about the Lord who  is the chief living being of all living beings  to get out of the tragedy which incolves us all our  tragic??? "
"Certainly Christina our cousin's dance is the  director of the Creator to give us a life lesson "
"Please krishna in English lyrics is it possible possible ?"
"No worries open the green viel please "
"By the way,  what is the especiality of this wall clock  Krishna ?"
"Great quality question" 
"Why you say that  Krisna?
No... no wonder we often ask quality questions Krishna?"
"This clock is made by my London cousin ,Krrishna" 
“What is it made of Krishna simple stickers ?
"No stunning shiny metallic letters and Roman numbers" 
.... when was it Krishna?”
During his parents were on Holiday in Srilanka ”
"What is the unique  purpose of this wall clock krishna?”
"Because my cousin was home alone however he was so attached and  affectionated by the loving service and cutest companionship of the cooperative  clock which reminded him the sacred soul which works whether it’s within a dog body or demigod body or an ant body,but we don't care at what time it is going to stop"
"Any...anybody have any idea?". 
"It's sounds like a time bomb  poetic clock Krishna "
.,,and pathetic krisna"

"Even yogic Krishna" 
"Krishna! Does the Divine Book Bhagawad-Gita describe any thing about the time ?"
"Yes of course physics exists until the time co-exist how can the  physics exist when the time does not exist?”
"What are you talking Krishna oh we understand because you are related to Smiling Sam and he is the  incarnation of    phsicalogist, Albert Einstein ha...ha...who was the specialist in the study of  nature ?" 
"The sacred subject matter of the Gita is the description of the  five factors fools ha...ha...”
Oh which are the fundamental physical aspects of spiritual power krishna?”

“Right which are Father’s functional facts of the eternal physical principles.  
Anyway ,we will explore about it a bit further today"
"Wow what are they Krishna?"
"Any one remember what we learned previously please?"
1) The sacred soul, Atma
2) The Super soul, Easwara
3) The time, Kala
4) The karma and 
5) The Nature, (Parakrithy).
"Thanks everyone this is the greatest guide line of Divine line the real science of all of physicians"
"Shall we talk about the romantic clock Krishna?"
"Why not ? When we are alone the tremendous clock is talking to us; it was  sleeping with him ; waking up  him  and company with him what else we expect ?”
"How it does talk Krishna?"
"We like him krishna "
"Krishna you made a mistake the clock doesn't  sleep Krishna "
"How did you know Rudra?"
"It is my enemy, never allows me to sleep ....
Ha...ha.....alarming at five and I fight with the clock like a  ๐Ÿ”ฅ Fire Fighter๐Ÿ”ฅ...  caught the house ha...ha...ha..."
" does on only  our request  to facilitate us to easily wake up doesn't it?
And .. .and ..still we blame and we  do not care about its stupendous support, we have to compare it with our sacred Souls dear divine embodiments"
"What is the size of the poetic wall clock  Krisna?”
"It’s two feet height and two feet wide "
"But we learned that he had painted the entire house in milk white Krisna including the barth room foor ”
"Ha..ha..!He did, but not the wall clock  as he considered it as sprit soul which beats in our hearts great hearts”
“How did he make it Krisna isn't it time consuming pretty project krishna ”
His ideal idea is the matter rest are available everywhere to be purchased”
"Wow he has got such stunning skills Krisna!”
Yes it has been    fixed in his  name students!"
"and  it  has also the fame itself  fixed on his name Krishna ?"
"Exacly grace of  Divine Will of Lord Krishna?"
"Definitely Durga definitely!"
"Wow what a winning name such as an award winning work Krisna"
 "What work his father do Krisna I mean when he was in Srilanka ?"
"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees his work  what his wife asks him to do ha...ha...otherwise he will be penalised scary cat"

“Why Lord of the Lords is beyond such hurdles as punishments Krishna?”
“I know the answer krishna”
“Please proceed Peter”
"For instance, when my uncle was punished because of his drink driving, he hugged and begged the judge by describing the fact that he was a husband of three wives"
"What the judge responded Peter?"
" He show him some sympathy Krishna ”
"What kind of  sympathy I have no idea about it  ?"
“You know what the judge replied Krishna?”
“Reduce the charge as you are already being punished "
Ha…ha… imagine how Lord Krishna would be suffering with thousands of wives Krishna oh my God Himself has no choice it's-not wise?”
Even there are many men being single as many women  asking divorce after one year of love marriage Krishna"
"Are you talking of my sisters Peter?"
"No  of my brother Ruby ha...ha!”
"Ha...ha...hilarious ๐Ÿ˜‚”
"As long as we take care of us in terms  of how to be ;I mean to be  or not to be ;to do or not to do "
"Should be ?"
Within the control of Lord's word's Krishna" 
"We better keep quiet now , just ...just watch and listen Krishna "
"๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ‘ what we are going to be narrated Krishna?"

"Nothing "

"Excuse meeeeee  Krishna Anna does Mr S.S. Navaratnam is an identical twins too like Sam  ?"


"Isn't he...he your Grandpa?"

"Yes he is...why?". 

"He looks exactly like our  tutor's father,too  Krishna".

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees !!!".

" I!!!".

"Yes  what you want to say Rudra?".

"That was when he was younger Krishna"

"Pardon Rudra ?" 

 "I think he was our tutor's  father in his young married life time  then he had changed his mind and become Menan's Grandpa in his elderly form and finally when he ran out of time of the present body,, he had changed  his body according to his activities, attraction and aspiration called Karma yoga".

"Ha...ha... !!!

"Indeed splendid yes you did Rudra"

"Why was it Rudra?".

 "May be  he didn't like the grown children ha...ha..."

"Oh yeah ...we catch up".  

"Suuuuuu silent the audience from the wedding  going to think that  you all are quite clever Krishna ha...ha". 

"Don't we imagine that we all are physically present in Renuga's and Rajeskanna's wedding celebration Krishna?"

"Pretty  pleased to hear it  students but as a matter of fact we are pretending to be together right?!"
"Sorry Krishna what we have to  do now  krishna?"
"We just listen what  the wedding audience are discussing Krishna" 
"Better idea Meera  sometimes  being brilluant   ..ha...ha... ".
"Some times ha...ha...?"
"We Just  listen Krishna".
"Okay one two three action :"
"Some one going to sing in their wedding party but again he is a blind singing in TVwe can watch in the massive screen on the white  wall as the wedding audience do okay?"
"We appreciate it Krishna "
"Krishna , ! Again the pain is, we need more and more without realising our boon body" 
"Definitely Durga" 
Is there any mask mandatory Krishna "
"Yes . we  are obliged to wear it Krishna?"

"Aren't we look like ๐Ÿ’ ๐Ÿ™ˆ ๐Ÿ’ ๐Ÿ™ˆ ๐Ÿ’ ๐Ÿ™ˆ ๐Ÿ’ ๐Ÿ™ˆ ๐Ÿ’ ๐Ÿ™ˆ monkeys Krishna?" 
"Ha...ha...That's what Charles Darwin said long ...long ago still  
 we can see that ... only we realised that he is correct Krisna".
"Please silently listen what the audience are discussing students "
"Ha...ha...  in order to fight against this variant, we need much more oxygen Mr Charm".
"Don't we Mr Charm?"
"Undoubtedly James ".

"But ...but...but we are preventing even the normal intake  of oxygen by  wearing the masks Mr Charm".
"You are right". 
"Oh God!" 
"Why on earth the scientists are delaying?...
...isn't it deadly variant .. Mr Charm?"
"Even  when we attend to the hospital ๐Ÿฅ or an emergency  department,they will not treat us before finding exactly what is the cause of our conditions or diseases by checking our blood cells counts.... unless  it was a  matter of wounds or a common fever MrCharm".
"Professor Charm smiled with his white and white glorious garments which suiting  him the most with his beautiful beard "
"Why Krishna my dad's beard looks scary?"
"Suuuu listen carefully what they are talking of a tremendous subject matter of the pandemic  we have lotsto learn"
 "Okay Krishna "
Now ...two years since it's started it's no longer a new disaster or disease Mr Charm ".
"Ha...ha... is two years old baby ,but we got a new baby".
" However, it is from  the same ๐Ÿ‘ช family Mr Charm!"
"Sure ...sure but...different child?"
"Different family members have got different mind sets being preset ,intelligence and memories depend on their   five senses".

"Could we commence our exam exercise Krishna Anna then we watch their wedding party Krishna?"
"Why not?"
"Renuga is going to come for the exam exercise ".

"Oh my God it's her marriage day Krishna Anna!"

"Doesn't matter she only told that she adores to see  all of us and would like to be blessed by all of us on this auspicious day".

"Oh looook !!!We...we can see your Dad Krishna Anna!"
"My dad is not happy today "
"What's wrong with him Krishna Anna?"

 "Everything is wrong in this world".

"Pardon  Krishna Anna?"

"We didn't get it Krishna "
"Because he wanted to offer a stupendous statue of Lord Krishna to the Blind School where he spends all his spare times on voluntarily  basis and it is 
where we are celebrating  Renuga's  wedding and offering meals  ".

"Oh goodness!  we are  watching them in life Krishna Anna that is a great opportunity Krishna."
"Imagine someone would like to do the same to us ,wouldn't  we have felt pretty pleased, privileged, honoured and respected ?".

"Remember sometimes we do not get what we want ,is a wonderful luck in life "

"Sorry Sarah?"

"Yeah! When we are  in line of divine line  , we don't lose opportunities, but they lose us and our blesses."

"Do not let their bad behaviour destroy our inner peace ๐Ÿ™please Krishna Anna".

"Sure sure see what our Dad did!"

"Cutest cups with blue baby boy ,kisna why Krisna?"

"Our godly gifts to some sincere teachers  with Krisna Maha Mantra behind the cups in sprout leaf clour"

"Please let us see the back side Krisna?"

Certainly certainly this is the message and the date of the event in the cutest cups:

"Who are those couple in white and green krishna ?"

"My father and the Head teacher "

"Amazingly understandable krisna we remember  in one of  the Chapters of  Bhagawad-Gita ,perhaps chapter 3 and Text twenties,  Arjuna astonished , badly "

"Why was it Krishna?"

"As he was confusioninng finding no way"

..." of  what Rosy "

"Which...which  is the best way of liberation Krishna"

"Which is the best way Meera?"

"I appreciate  both ways Krishna "

"Why Meera?"
" they are the same  destiny of diffrent Roads Krishna"

"Which is better Krisna?"
"One who is in knowldge of the Absolute Truth does not engage himself in the senses and sense gratification."

"Work in devotion is liberation and work in sense gratigication is involving us in evolution eternally Krishna "

"Why Pamitta why?"

"As as we work for fruits Krishna I mean for our own benefits Krishna?"

"Definitely Durga" 

"Krishna,we wonder whether woking while  worshiping  Lord Krisna or in other words , Krishna service like Hare Krishna association,  or with  knowledge like Isckon which is the best ?" 

". Oh which is the philosophical and analytical study and understanding the self science is  great at the same time working while worshiping is the best"

"Oh  as we are working for krishna like K. Soul Nava has been assisting the teachers through your father aren't they are working with worship Krishna?" ".

"Wow! What about without work by studying the philosophy Krishna?"

" Ha...ha... studying the Supreme Science and  being Krishna's devotees are interdependence great hearts "

"Why krishna why we need to listen to our tutor?"

"As... as we are being the learners  listening him enthusiastically enhancing ourselves and encouraging the devotees of Krishna Consciousness in learning lessons from the episodes!

 …Aren't...aren't we sacred souls?"

"Oh it's a cup of tea Krishna ha...ha...can we see the beautiful cups again  please krishna?"

"Wow work for Krisna and transforming our work as worship !!!"
"We are entering to the enchanting education automatically, authentically and authoritatively Krishna!!!"

"Subject matter please Krisna ?".

"School Study and Soul Study."

"Why always we are concerned of soul science Krisna ?".

"We are offering to everyone however some are  deserved and some are not deserve  it's dependent of  their  Karmic reflections Krishna Anna ".

Better watch what our Guru is saying 

"Yeah remember what Dr Ragu said ,thing  that  hurt us, actually teaching us never stop our charity  Krishna Anna out of many welcoming men of our charity service ,a few have different views due to the karmic review ?"

"Remember Jesus's  life style?
 How can we consider these unfortunately uncommon comments of a  few karmic critics".


"Are you talking about what  happened in Saiva Prakasa Vidyalam?"

"YES, it's ,too they ,too denied the auspicious  offer of a stupendous Krishna's!

"Life is an echo what we send comes back ;what we sow we reap and what we give we get Krishna  Anna".

"We are Hindus, love to have some temporary  tenancy agreements not permanent tendency of enlightenment ha...ha..."

"We have to accept with a calm mind not  an angry heart ignoring the value those who take care of the vedas's value those who deserve divinity forget those who don't deserve  krishna”.

"How we do that Krishna ?"

"A real love is when nothing is expected in return having morality,helping society and thanking divinity is our duty Krishna ♥".

"What is the  topic talk today please?"
'Why...why we are bothering of Ignorance Class individuals Krishna Anna ?"?"

"The Subject matter is, The Goal Of The Goals Krishna ?"

"  Yes The Science of  Self-Realization Krisna?”

"Ye, Suuuuuu Renuga is coming up!".

"Hello Krishna Anna I'm happy  because it's long term dream of being surrendered around peoples who would like to see us happy ha...ha...".

"Sure Miss  Renuga  we don't meet people by accident ha...ha..."

"True Miss Renuga there is always a reason.  By The way, we love all of your friendly advice Miss ❤"

"Renuga was wearing a simple silk sari in golden colour smile as jewels .She looks loyal lovely and humour ".


"We had been praying when you had been hunting your Dad in

Suddenly Renuga turned emotional  

"True !God sometimes separate a person from our family for our protection students". 
"Still we feel sorry ma'am" 
"Soo sweet of you all!"

"People who attracted because of pretty face or nice body would or wouldn't be by our side forever, but the one who can see how beautiful is your heart  like Rajeskanna  will be ever with you ๐Ÿ’“".

"Ohhhh my God!!!!Thanks everyone Rajeskanna blessed with  both beaty and duty  !".
"We wish you to a have a happy married life with your  beloved  husbandm  friends, families and wishing  you a bright  future life ".

"Thank you ! Love you soo much!"

"Could we commence our conversation ?"

"The Subject matter is, The Goal Of The Goals ?"

"Sure Retna it's 

The Goal Of The Goals  " 

"The Science of  Self-Realization Miss" 

 "What Else?"

 " Knowing The Soul And Super Soul Miss?."

"Yes Why"?

 " To Discover The Reality of Humanity Miss." 


 "  The  Adherence of Atman And Paramatman Miss" 

"Doesn't Adherance Meanns Obedience Krishna?"

"Yeah Faithfulness"

"Is  Paramatman means Super Soul Miss .  ?" 

"Absolutely "

" What does   Synonym  mean Krishna"

"Similar meaning "

  "Prahman And Paraprahman is the Synonym of Lord Krishna?"

"Correct Christina ".


. "So Being  Obedience Makes Diffrence Miss?".

"Yes "


" Which transparence  our appearance "

Synonym Please?" 

"Sathiyam / Justice  And Tharmam/RIGHTEOUSNESS".

  "Does it The  End Krishna? " 


"Does it The Final Goal Miss  ?"   

"Yeah" So  Our  Mission is the Coherence " !

"What doesn it mean, coherence?

"Something logical or correct consistent  make sense as a whole"

 "Sure Simple Our  Tuition is The  Transparence   of Moral And Spiritual   Wings.

School Study Krishna?" 

 "One Wing" 

Sacred Soul Study Krishna?" 

 "Second Wing?"

. "If Not Krishna?"

  " Tragedy "

."Only For Me Krishna? "

 "For Every Body Who denied Divine Daddy" .

" What do you think of The Science of  Self-Realization Miss?"

"Sorry Retna I think I'm astonished amazingly would like to cry for joy ๐Ÿ’“"

"I think I'm feelig much much matching up students life style dearest students"

"Does it Provides Peace.  Miss?".

"What Retna?"

"Realising  the Soul And Super Soul Synonym of Lord  Krishna ?"

"Of course, Retna ".

"Why Miss?"

" To Discover The Reality of Humanity." 


 "The Unity of The Atman /Soul And Paramatman/Super Soul."

Reason Please Miss?"

" To Be Eligible of  Sathiyam / Justice  And Tharmam/RIGHTEOUSNESS."

  "Does it The  End Miss? "
"Does it The Final stage of self realisatiion Miss ? ".

"Yeah The Finest Fundamental Moral  Wings. Tisis call School Study ? "

"Sacred Soul Study Miss?"

"Is it The  Second Wing?".

"Absolutely !".

" If Not Miss ?"

  "Tragedy" .

"Only For Me? " 

"For Every Body " .

"Why Should We Take  Human Body Miss?"

"We could Have Been Encased or Embodied Our Soul in a Bird Body or BEASTS Bodies Miss?."

"Wow why Human  Body Miss?"

"Have  The Beast And Birds Equal With Our Memory, Mind, Intelligence , Discrimination And Ability ?"

"No Miss"

"Does it an Indication That  We Are Destined For Some Highest Goal Miss??"

"Yes, but  We Still Wish to Be like a  Papy ,Sinner Not Gopi Winner aren'twe" .

"How To Be Gopy And Not To Be Papy Miss?"

"Conquer Our Five Senses. Eyes, Ears,Tongue Mind And Hand".

"What We Do krishna? "

" Control and Conquer Our Five Senses."

"How Krishna?" 

"By Devotion, Dedication, And Education ,Mantra Mouth ;   Mission Mind  Does it Difficult?" 
"Miss !What is the speciality of this church?"

"This church was built on the request of Mary later  we will discuss ". 
"We wonder Miss does it an Indication That  We Are Destined For Some Highest Goal?"

"Yes But  we Still Wish to Be like a  Papy ,Sinner Not Gopi Winner ha...ha..." .

"How To Be Gopy And Not To Be Pappy Krishna?"
"Conquer Our Five Senses. Eyes, Ears,Tongue Mind And Hand".

"What How We Do krishna?  "

" Control and Conquer Our Five Senses Miss."

"How please provide an explanation with evidences Krishna?"

"For instance, although it's your dream and life changing  achievement day ,you deliver divine duty".


"Witnessing the wedding day with vedic values" 

"I didn't catch  the point Krisna   ?".

" I mean  look at the wedding audiences who have been carefully controlling their five senses towards the vedic values . What else we can do?".
"Undoubtedly ,unmistakably isn't it unshakable living evidence Miss?"

" Hundred percent! , Dedication, Divine  Education ,Mantra in Mouth ;   Mission in Mind  Doesn't  it a matter of discipline Miss Renuga?" 

"She is in a hurry could we let her go please?" 
"Thanks Miss congratulations ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’“"
"Thanks bye bye!!!" 
"She is shy Krishna Anna!".
"She is beautiful Krishna Anna" 
"Suuu we just concentrate what they are talking Okey?"?"

"With these five senses , we have to take in to account 
 another five factors?" 
"You are talking of the five elements Mr Charm?"

"Without any doubt about it "

"What are they Benz?" 
1) Earth 2) Atmosphere 3) Fire 4) Air5) Water 

"Brilliant ".
"What elements are functioning within us to  identify  the five senses?".
"Udana you want to answer?" 
"Yep the sacred Soul Mr Charm".
"Atma and Paramatma "
" Congratulation !
๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ 

"Though in our body there are 380 trillion virus".

"Am  I correct Benz?"
"Thanks "
"Why does just one virus has been violating the entire world Mr Charm?".?"

"Ha...ha...After a series of different, different body in 
everlasting evolution, finally we got our blessed boon 
body to study of our Supreme Body Function "
"What was it Krishna ?"
" Supreme Science ,"

The Buddhist beautiful boy  said it was the SUPREME SCIENCE !!
"Appreciate it ๐Ÿ™ ".
Said Silva 

"Don't worry  we are aware of the virus, COVID 19 since 2 years ".

"Soon it will  end up  like some sort of a common cold virus which are  killing an estimated 300,000 to 665,000 annually." 
"Sorry the common  cold viruses are killing this many peoples???"
"Seriously...Such as influncia ?"
PROFESSOR replied. 
"You are right " 
"Are these all are causing respiratory disease? " 
"James questioned to Dr  Ragu".
"Where does the soul 's reside MrCharm?"
" They are floating on the five divine airs"
"Oh  on which the Sacred soul floating Mr Charm ?"
Ragu replied. "We...we...we...know which are they !"
"Could you say the names of the five airs on which the Sacred soul float  ?"
"1) Apana 2)  Dhyana  3)  Samana 4)   Udana  5) Viyana".
  Hearing their names, the five fabulous Karate Kids smiled fragrantly...who were helping  in serving the delious drinks of the wedding crowd  seated in their blue chairs,  ๐Ÿ’บ ๐Ÿ’บ ๐Ÿ’บ ๐Ÿ’บ ๐Ÿ’บ ๐Ÿ’บ ๐Ÿ’บ ๐Ÿ’บ ๐Ÿ’บ ๐Ÿ’บ
Benz thanked them together with her girls friends gorgeously. 
"What a colourful carnival wedding party  of Arjuna!"
"Why Rudra?"
"No alcohol, no cigarette and.....and....and....delicious dishes aroma attracted all of the audience ".
Meanwhile, conversations of Corona going on and on in connection with divine science .
"Most people know that the flu can kill hundreds of 
thousands of  patients".
Professor responded.
"Indeed ,the so called Spanish flu killed 50 million ".
Marina's grandma said sadly.
"When was it?".  
Asked Buddhist boy alarmingly. 
"In 1918".
Explained Udana
"was it more than were killed in first world war ?"
Questioned Luxmi Marina's mother.
"Yes the total number of military and civilian casualties in World War one, was around 40 millions. 
There are 20 million deaths and 21 millions wounded . Including 9.7million military personal and about 10 million civilians".
Mr Charm described decently. 
"How most of the diseases are treated automatically during the winter Mr Charm please?"
"Oh ye!  Which are treated without medicines ๐Ÿ’Š ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿ˜•. It is grace of our own  immune system which resolved by our soul's intelligent  mind set system in relation  with Super Soul Spectrum".
"Why we fear then?"
Smiled Jeeva. 
 "Have we lost 50 millions  life earlier?"
 He asked intelligently Sam smiled  sensationally.
"Earlier there was no vaccination that’s  why.
"Wow !Now  we lost almost 5.2 million instead of 50 millions in 1918 ".
Again Prof  proved how proud we have to be.
"Absolutely ".
"Further just only  over 257 million have been affected grace of  developments of the science departments". 
Thought Smiling Sam sitting around the corner  silently.
"Matter of months ,,the virus won't be deadly anymore". 
"How ?".
"4.4 billion people have received one dose.
"So still we are in tragedy Mr Charm". 
"Ha...ha....3.56 billions received 2 doses."
"How many countries are producing the vaccinations  please ?"
"36 countries have been producing 1.5 billion doses per month Meera". 
"How many vaccination have been discovered?"
"We think 7 different vaccines already being approved . 
"Additionally another 5 under assessments ".
"Really ?"
"Yeah! At least 25 billion shots in the markets available". 
 Wow ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ!!!"
" What a worst  war of viruses they have been 
discussing in the middle of a wonder ๐Ÿ’’  ๐Ÿ’’ 
wedding ๐Ÿ’’ ?!?!"
"Surely it's a tragedy for each an every body serious  in series of violence viruses ".
"What is a mutant variants ?"
Benz asked affectionately just to make sure every one understands it such an compassionate young girl in godly guide line  ✨ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ™Œ ๐Ÿ˜Œ . 
They are like a family members not identical different and different disease. 
For instance, 
Marina ( s)
"Sam ( s) are the same because they both born in:
1) The same Single egg".2)  The same  Single sperm  3) The same  chromosomes ?"4) The same genes with identical DNA and5) The same  bag ,Amniotic Sac
One two three ...
"Mighty Marina reminded an event related to Sam. Witnessing the latest event".
"Sure Krisna heart breaking ๐Ÿ’” situation how is Sam Krishna?"
"That's what we are going to hear today. 
" Sam is still not well Krishna?"
"He is in the hospital . The way Smiling Sam just landed near the door step of the clinic ,everyone panicked ๐Ÿšช,reminded Marina an event...because of Ragu emergency care with a mother mind".
"Who was in the wedding hall wasn't it Sam Krishna?".
" He is sam, but not  Jaffna Sam"
"Could you narrate it now Krishna?"
"Of course,Marina's mind was miles away, it's all about Dr Prasad who was a world renowned person".
"Why she thought of him krishna?"
 "She remembered his story which can ignite infinite".
"What's thatKrisna ?"
"Catch or set on fire the heart-throb/ big beat  Divine relationship.  ๐Ÿ™". 
"She couldn’t believe her eyes how Ragu has been changed with faith  and friendship of worship grace of his repeating chanting of enchanting o Maha Mandra".
"Pleased to hear it Krishna!"
"Marina cried less than Ragu did when Sam was collapsed ....
"Unbelievable Krisna!"
 "His tears were  dripping on Sam chest while he was examining him. 
His eyes exchanged  to pink ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿฅ€roses."
"Who was the Dr Prasad Krishna?"
"He was an atheist like Ragu in his past ".
"Where it's happened Krishna?"
"He resided/lived in Bombay and he worked at the Breach Kandy Hospital ....
Once he was invited to Kolkata to participate in  the 
world neurological conference." 
"Why was  it Krishna?"
"There he was to be felicitated with an award for life time achievement . 
His flight took off from Mombai."
"When was it Krishna ?"
"In the late afternoon.
However, the flight ✈️ developed severe technical problems". 
"Where was it Krisna?"
"Somewhere near to Kolkata".
"So it's not far away from his destination Krishna?"
"Sure  Sudah"
"And then Krishna ?".
"The pilot was obliged to bring the flight ✈️ down at the 
Jamshedpur air ports".
"What Krishna?"
"Since he was eager to attend the conference the next day, Dr checked the distance and confirmed it was another four hours travel from Jamshedpur to Kalkuta."
"So he engaged a taxi, when they  took off on the road in halfway through the    journey of two hours travelling Krishna?"
"Yeah but , the  taxi too developed an engine troubles". 
"And then Krishna?"
"He got out of the black car .
"Oh my God!"
"What's wrong Krishna?"
"He was left  in heavy rain, pitch dark .Luckily he saw there was a humble dwelling ".
"A simple house Krishna?" 
"Yeah! And he heard
Samkirtan .
"He went and knocked the brown wooden door.with his black baggage and a big black umbrella". 
"Certainly wearing smartly in sky  blue well ironed  shirt, black shiny trousers and a black and white stripes tye. 
"Without shoes Krishna?"
"Of course ,with a pair of black shiny shoes. 
He Smelled sensational puja fragrance foods. 
"Any body helping him Krishna ?"
"A poor lady who was wearing non ironed but well washed yellowish garment gladly opened the brown door,  with an inspiringly  inviting symbol of devotional  thilaka on her forehead described her Science of Self-Realization."
" Could I use your phone to call an alternate taxi?
"Dr asked her helplessly ". 
His tone of talk was authoritative. 
"She was poor to possess a phone,later he realised.
"Besides that,she  blissfully invited him watching the heavy rain and his tired appearance Krishna?"
"Absolutely!The family offered him some warm drink along with some  Prasadam mouth watering colourfully nutritional"
"You mean a balanced diet Krishna?"
 "Absolutely Rata. While the gentleman sipped the delicious drink, he was 
studying the happy house and the greatest attitudes of people  like Sam that is how Sam would often do..."

Hare Krishna 


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