"The Fortunates Realizing Their Identity But  " 

" TheUnfortunates Unrealised Their Ultimate Divinity"

"Hi how are you doing students?"

"Have you been watching something interestingly?"
" Why there is no response!!!

..."Oh my goodness!"

...What is going on?

 "Have you  forgotten your session today look Krishna Anna is already there ? 

... At least, a greeting for Krishna Anna  Just...


" Ohhhhhhhh! Sorry! 
We are watching a video of  Krisna Anna".

"Ohhhhhhh! What is it some sort of cinema ?"

"No "

" it's so so  interesting Krishna ?".

"You mean Krishna?"

"Yeah for sure Krishna".

"Feel proud of you!Let us watch all together then".

" Hooray!!!Thanks Krishna." 


"Could we watch in the big screen Menan Anna?"

"Why not?"

"This all  about Diwalli story -fantastic fun fair festival  ofπŸ”₯ Rama Krishna !"

 "She is so pretty thanks Krishna"

"So... so Krisna, on Monday 24th we celebarate Diwalli in honor of Luxmy with bright    lights of delight and lamps lining  towards all over the gates to welcome  Ram Krishna ??"

"Yes Rata ".

"We...we...thought it's a different video ".

" Calm down !Cool down !Why don't we watch it, later  ?"

"O. K Krishna Anna ".

"Excuse me! Why some gurus are welcoming various religious principles please ?".

"Don't  know may be..." 

 "Our guru says children do not know how to hate each other better let them pray all then eventually explain the exact fact of Father".

"Ohhhhhhh goodness that's kind of them ".

"Yeah when we are not allowed ,wouldn't it be causing a kind of hatred, hypocrisy and envy Krishna  Anna?"

"Pardon Peter ?"

 "Alright if the guru ask us only to be Krishna  bhckta, what does it mean Krishna?".

 "Oh yeah rather some gurus and parents  advise   the obvious similarities of each religion like Baba does".

"Yeah instead ,once we are in an adequate knowledge, age and understanding stage...".

"What why we should wait to tell the fact of  Father to the children like Baba suggesting?",

"Does it difficult to explain  the audience ,students or devotees where does the total blessing derive from Krishna Anna?" 

"Wordless !"

"To be Frank,  doesn't it a kind of   a prank Krishna  Anna?"

"What... why Rudra why?" 

"Um ...Uh"

"What was it Rudra?"

"Why we hide the fact of  father to the children Krishna?" 

"Simple "

"Sorry Krishna?".

"To...to avoid racism separatism and Hinduism may be"
"The people  from all over the world, belonging multiple religions backgrounds Krishna. " 

1) the different, different times
2) the different, different  places and 
3) the different, different  peoples 

"Are they going to understand over  night about the Supreme Science?"

"Ohhhhhhhh "Goodness Class" is not given but taken, Krishna ".

" Certainly we need time to comprehend Krishna". 

"Correct Christina see the Canada case" 

"By the way, we wonder how we could  invoke the  blessing from Supreme besides putting Him aside and  praying, any picture or statue of any form !
How it would  possible how come Krishna?"

" By the way, who told you that whoever we pray, we invoke the benediction through their pictures or statues?" 

"My guru" 

"Oh may be! Listen everyone listen carefully when we are learning and researching of reliable resources management, we must not fall in a PITFALL"

"We never heard of it, what is it pitfall...we only know netball Krishna in which mall we purchase  it ?" 

" Ha ..ha...!!"

"What is it Krishna please?"

"Ha ..ha...teach us. Does it mean NETBALL please Krishna?"

"The Internet is a fantastic resource doesn't it Krishna?"

"Ha...ha... but anyone can put anything on it isn't  it Krishna?".

"Brilliant...brilliant thanks!
 Make sure whatever you choose are   the  right and reliable resources before use them otherwise it's a buse" . 

"How Krishna  please even my sister has been given research project management from her university and she has been struggling ,referring in Internet Wikipedia Krishna"

"We are  asking you to  check it whether they  are authentic like Iskon pure  peer-reviewed information". 

"In journal scholarly website etc Krishna?"

"We didn't catch up Krishna ".

"Alright, what are the expectations of the examiners   ?"

 "Accurate  and authentic information Krishna".

"Certainly the  ISKON founded authentic and authoritative Bhathi-Yoga based on "Bhagawadgita As It Is "

"No nonsense KRISHNA?"

"Obviously!Then only we can trust the authors credentials Krishna?"

"Sure Sarah! "

"Should the information have to be  based on  fact  Krishna?"

"Undoubtedly Sarah ".

"Does the Great Hearts  information based on opinions or facts  Krishna?" 

"Brilliant best question Retna "

"Does it based on political propaganda Krishna??

"Excellent effort !

"Aren't  we need to be able to tell the difference ?". 

"Pardon Krishna?"

"Aren't we clever enough to discover it students?"

"Please help us Krishna ?"

"For example, the Great Hearts πŸ’• was written based on the credentials information or not?"

"What do you think Krishna?"

"No question of what we think which is  facts based on authentic author Swami Prabhupada 's blessing books of treasure and literature not from the face book ha...ha...ha.... "

"Wow time to time you smile and speak like a barrister Krishna ha...ha..."

"By the way barrister Rajesh Kanna come to visit"

"Why don't we speak with him Krishna ?"

"No worries could we call him?".

"Yes...yes...yes...please Krishna "

"Suuuuuuu he is there silent he is here "

"Hi Rajesh Kanna we would like to have a few words with you". 

"Sure Rajesh Kanna "

"May I know the subject matter?"

"For example, Bhagawadgita πŸ’• was written based on the credentials information RajeshKanna.
But  when people disbelief it what we do??"

"So super students we have to have  peer-reviewed which is a challenging process? "

"Why Rajesh Kanna?"

"Of course  because the process by which journals articles are evaluated by other scholars in the same field to ensure that they meet acceptable academic standards like Vedas and  Bhagawadgita were worldwide proved and being approved"

"So our tutor had wrote the Great  Hearts πŸ’• from the primary sources of gracious facts book not Facebook Krishna? "

"Hundred percent it was written based on original documents, literatures as treasures?"

"How we prove to some individuals who are in ego and envie against  evidences Rajesh Kanna?" 

"Absolutely best of all, remember to remember the author had collected information from the  primary sources in his insightful research and interpreted them in an educational way  in novel version".

"Fantastic...factually phenomenal Rajesh Kanna ".

 "Please students another thing you must...must...must not forget that the Bhagawadgita belongs to Gologa, krisna Loga it came through Suriya-Loga not this temporary terrible world where only mortal people living".

"Ohhhhhhh the primary sources of Vedas created  the secondary sources of the Great Hearts Rajesh Kanna?πŸ’• 

"Sure we must  look in that out look  only  don't we see all of our   conversations are based on that point of view ".

"We thought that there   are lots of nonsense out there like in Internet that's why tutor's nephew too denied Bhagawadgita  Rajesh Kanna".

"Ha...ha... being a barrister reading the previous conversation,I have a daubt how a man in normal  condition would have said that ...

..."I 'm going to live up to 135 years"

"Why Rajesh Kanna why not ?!"

"He might have been under the influence of Maya it's a mirage an effect caused by hot air"

"We didn't catch up Rajesh Kanna why we are too concerned of a single person please πŸ™". 

 "We have to ,it's not fair being a teacher living in mirage isn't it Maya?"

"You mean not ... not master?

 "No it's a disaster for his students .
We are here to safe the students". 

"Sorry πŸ’žπŸ™ Rajesh Kanna ".

"The teachers are here to support , to explain,to  explicit not to  exploit ?"

"Why Rajesh Kanna why?"

"He who lives for the sake of eating and drinking is indeed a great sinner;he who lives for the sake of reaching the reality, researching and teaching the full awareness of his Father , his inner Reality ,the Supreme Personality, is blessed.

"The first one is a Puppy and the second one is a Gopy that's what BABA said Rajesh Kanna". 

"No idea!Rajesh Kanna,lots of people begin and end their searches with internet. Why you say against it?".

"Alright... especially when  we are  at university students,  we need to know better and find the credibility information before submitting the work for the examinationers such as   project management or other researches  ".

"Thanks Rajesh Kanna ".

"Well done!Didn't we discover  the author we want to choose have respectable academic credentials sources of "Bhagawadgita  As It Is" in the first place ?"

"Wow...wow...wow...! You mean that who ever it could be, whatever he writes in terms of educational aspects, must be from the authoritative sources to be authentic Rajesh Kanna?"

"Definitely ...decent student ha...ha..."

"That's the very best reason why the Vedas and Bhagawadgita are taught in the universities around the world,  super students ?" 

"In this case, how dare our  tutor's nephew denys it Krishna?"

"Who said?"

"Tutor says".

"Forget about it at the moment. How can we share something automatically approvable to accept  our Original Mission Lesson by people who are link  with their previous life mind sets like him Rajesh Kanna?"

"Wonder why students?"
"Doesn't...doesn't it has enough evidence  from the "Bhagawadgita As It Is" which  is not man made manipulation,but God's information ?!"

"Do you agree Krishna Menan?"

" Obviously!...agree with you totally it's not a matter of  suggestion keep it up Rajesh Kanna". 

"The Bhagavad-Gita was approved by the whole  world scholars particularly exetremely educated people in the same field had heavily evaluated and agreed amazingly".

" Krishna didn't you teach them yet?"

"We didn't go too, too  deep you could describe them Rajesh Kanna?"

"Sure the ordinary people need to have proves  of their writing and discovery  in peer -review process students that was in order to be  perfectly being processed by professionals to be approved authoritatively but..,but...but...
"Bhagawadgita As It Is "beyond peer-reviewed".

"Thank you soooo much Rajesh Kanna !"

"You are welcome ha...ha..." 

"We wonder why tutor's Canada nephew didn't know the correct finding facts or factors or  criteria of a genuine resources Krishna Anna!".

" Unfortunately there are all sort of people all over the world "

"Sure certainly Krishna!"

"How can we correct them all Krishna I mean Rajesh Kanna?"

"Ha...ha...some consider alcohol is much more  priorty than our eternal Sacred soul ".

"Yes Rajesh Kanna as a result ,we called the alcohol spirit; we called the soul spirit ,we called the  characters spirit  and we called the mood spirit such a serious state with the language communication Rajesh Kanna ".

"Ohhhhhhhh Goodness what's your name please ?"

"Sam Rajesh Kanna".

"But we found Reabock on your shirt ha..,ha...are you working as the company sponsor or advertiser?"

"Ha...ha...Ohhhhhhhh..ye...we never ever thought so Rajesh Kanna?"

"See how innocent we are and how intelligent the companies are!!!
This is how we are in different,different directions and wasting our valuable   times ignoring Vedas ha...ha..."

"Ohhhhhhh my God impossible to imagine Rajesh Kanna so we are being cheated  by the major  mark  manufacturers  ?"

"To be honest ,London Krishna with double "RR" have been receiving calls  from  some companies with free products and fees  "

"You mean  free clothes and money Rajesh Kanna?"

"Exactly ,but we are being abused aren't we?" 

"Sure and we can't underestimate Krishna Rajesh Kanna "

"Sure super students I need to go now" 

" I knew that  Rajesh Kanna's  responds are  like James Bond 's responds of the  government bonds ?"

"Ha! ..ha...Appreciate it Krishna "

"It's true. However , unbelievable of hearing Sam wordings of  the alcohol and Supreme sacred soul"

"Thanks Rajesh Kanna "

 "Yeah ...yeah...yeah both are  called SPIRIT,soul and alcohol !!!!! This is the education... one word has mysterious meanings like our characterization.

" Sam believe it or not,you have a charm name like my best friend Smiling Sam, God bless you Sam?" 

"Thanks again Rajesh Kanna... to be frank ,you have a cutest name too Rajesh Kanna".

"Yeah! Undoubtedly Rajesh Kanna ".

That's what you said to Krishna  Menan  ha...ha...I'm joking "

"Please πŸ™ provide some evidence regarding the evaluation  researches of the BhgawadGita As It Is Rajesh Kanna ".

"No worries please find attached some critics of authentic  authority bodies ....

Happy I'm out good bye"

"Thank you see you soon Rajesh Kanna...

"Please read one by one ": 
Indeed inspired what a barrister!

"He looks like Sam Krishna Anna "

"He smiled like Sam,too and a knowledgeable great  guy "

"We love you Rajesh Kanna see you soon ha...ha... we like his denim and his milk white shirt matches with his snow-white teeth ha...ha...!". 

"Suuuuuu....Suuuuuuuu...!!!He is going hear it!" 

"He went far away Meera!" 

"He is a smart   barrister matter of minutes he provided proves of approval of educated authority bodies Krishna Anna".

"Hundred percent he always wins his cases in this way.
Could we believe that the judges never say match thing  against his arguments".

"Why Krishna?"

"Pretty points, evidences and explanations to save the time."

"Being Visnu I mean Krishna is the Creation ,and being   the Creator, as long as  we all are just derived and drive by Him that's include the entire  demigods and  mystics yogis Krishna πŸ’ž?"

"And  , remember to remember, He is the God ,Pot ,Potter and Mud πŸ’žπŸ™"

"Then... then when and  how to teach the fact to the innocent children witnessing some   teachers like Canada case denying KRISHNA  ?"

"Well ,the only option , we gentily and gradually guide them  upwards toward the   torch of knowledge to achieve eternal blessings of One -ness of Krishna  Consciousness". 

"No we can't Krishna ".

"Cool  down , giving and forgiving is God qualities, but getting and forgetting is animals qualities  ".

"Yeah but no one can know God who has not known himself Krishna Anna."

"Ha...ha...we all are born as men burdened by animals instincts and impulses that have attached ourselves during our previous lives as  we have passed throughout many animals existences and obviously they have left their marks on us as our mental make up". 

"Whaaaaat Krishna?" 

"I did not say Baba did".

"Does it just as the scar on the skin when a wound is healed Krishna?". 

"Exactly... exactly Christina ".

"There is no natural treatment what   Krishna?". 

"Yes the greatest  mantra is the treatment tablets Meera". 

"What is the prove that we evolved in evolution because Charles Darwin's theory was not peer-reviewed and left ignored unsuccessfully?"

"See for instance some have an inborn tendency to steal"

 "Yeah why Krishna please we  need  pretty prove ?"

"What is it Christina?"

"Does it the character of our existence as a cat Krishna?".

"Yeeeeee ah it's called RELIC RELATIONSHIP passed life influences ".

"O.K Krishna are you again going to say it's not me , but Baba?"
"Undoubtedly why should I interest in his credit isn't it cat quality Meera we shouldn't playgambling by selecting someone's wordingand throughing isn't it like ignoring our own heads and depending on others heads instead?"

"You mean Baba's idea is to teach the children when they are possessing proper knowledge Krishna?".

"Sure   the entire energies evoke from Krishna when they are clever  enough to get the point Subathra,  wouldn't it be a piece of  cake  from this fake world   ?".

"Yeah Lord Krishna is the evolution ,creation and handed over to different departments for the  administration.!"

"Why then we all are being racist,  separatist and terrorist Krishna Anna? 

"That is because there are  three elements as we already learned  "

"What are they please Krishna?"

1) The Different Times
2) Different  Places 
3) And Different Peoples 

Baba receives all of them he cannot be racist being a spiritualist,  explain the fact gradually and eventually everyone becomes entitled of eternal education and enhanced".

"So Krisna's Supreme Soul energy can be invoked throughout different, different departments so called the  demigods?."

"What about, there are cheerful children cheerfully learning,singing and dancing and studying  the Science of Self-Realization from their childhood grace of their parents involvement in Hare Krishna Anna".

"That's  right Christina!!!
πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘you are a great girl   !".

"Thanks  Krishna Anna !"

" That is an enchanting... indeed enchanting Sadhana. (Challenge )due to our parents'  previous pious and impious, we all are designed to be driven in Divine Destiny that is the point of our Mission of  Tuition Great Hearts "

"Excuse me haven't we been taught about the nine aspects of devotions?" 

"What are they ?"

"Absolutely we've learned , there are nine ways on which the  Sadhana can be achieved Krishna Anna "

"What are they Krishna?"

"Yeah we've learned well beforehand Krishna Anna!".
"Rudra could you say what are they  ?"

"But forgot sorry we can't remember the  good things ha...ha...ha... ask Meera "

"OK Subathra could you?".

Yeah Such as :
1) Dhravana
2) Kirtana
3) Smarana
4) Papa Sevana
5) Archana
6) Vandana
7) Dasya 
8 )Sakthya and
9) Atma Nivedana

πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘!! We wonder hearing the rhyming and rhythmic soooo divinic ,feel magnetic". 

"We don't get the point of the words  ?"

"Oh ! Path of Practicing Packthy-Yoga:

1) Chanting 
2)  studying 
3) Spending time with devotees 
4) Upholding four principles 
5) Vegetables meal etc...etc...

"But... but bad luck  in Kally-Yuga, chanting  the names of the Supreme is the best bridge of blessing Krishna". 

 "Anna chanting, studying, spending time with devotees is also manageable "
"Excellent Renuga "

 "But difficult of eating vegetable Krishna Anna "

"What else are difficult ?"

" Upholding the four  principles is difficult Krishna ".?

"That is not on the  spost  only slowly step by step and  little by little " 


"What are they Krishna ?"

"Not eating meat
Not Eating egg
Not doing illucit sex and 
Not smoking". 

"Thank you Meera"

"What does it mean?

"Sorry  Rudra?"

"Illucit sex please ?"

"Unmarried sex is adultery means illucit".


"That's what I suggested to my girl friend Krishna Anna?"

"So  I have to find the assistance of the demigods I don't want to be left like Nitiyananda" 

"What ?Why Rudra ?"

"Although heavenly  helps can be  achieved through different,  different Divine department's of Lord  Krishna?"

" Ha..,ha...ha... only we don't eat meat   during the yearly festival and that's it we do what we do how you do Krishna Anna?"

"Does it raining Rudra?"


"Obviously, overall". all  evokes from the Supreme Person, Krishna? ".

"Unmistakably Balaraman" 

"Why we involve irresponsibly with millions of demigods departments ?"

"Why not?"

"That is how our governments function". 

"Doesn't.... doesn't it destroy our  Vedic Value  deliberately Krishna?"

"In order to satisfy our material requirements, we have to be referred to the adequate administrators  as we know that we are in three classes ".

"Ohhhhhhh dear don't start again and again about the three classes please?"

"What's wrong with you Rudra?" 


"We are hearing Ruby !"

"My God if we delay the time ,with  all the demigods innocently, interested in material developments, we would be  involved in evolution repeated births again and again repeatedly and unnecessarily.

"Why it does happen Rudra?"

 "Lack of ultimate assurance of Supreme God's insurance,  Krishna?"

"Pardon ?"

 "In the event of a disaster takes place, we are the victims lack of vedic verdict ignorance?".

"Thank you   Sam what do you think".

 Krishna Anna,

" Baba says from Vedas that  our minds, intelligence  ,memory and discrimination and ego are the cause of our past impious and pious activities so they have to be cleansed  step by step  one by one using  the nine  sacred services systematically "


"Thanks Sam .Now Meera  would you mind telling us why?"

πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘!!! "As it is involved us in the deepest Karma which is driving our mindset madly towards the materials memory cells within our bodies since innumerable births" 

 "Excellent Meera!"

"That's why Swami Prabhupada practice pretty Maha Mantra Mission, isnt it simple? "

"Does it because of Kalli Yuga Krishna Anna?"

"Yes no competition ,but Corporation".

"Yeah ! This is what at school we wear the same uniforms to be in unity,  equality and  equanimity Menan Anna." 

"Good God first". 

 "We don't catch up!". 

"Yes it's the universal  language can be many but the prayer cannot be many nevertheless,there are  some restrictions, rules and regulations vedically speaking ,we all must know the unknown eternal unborn, the cause of universe"  .

"Anyone  knows  what does Krishna Anna mean,

...  guess?"

"Can I answer?".

"Please Sarah πŸ™". 

"The  worship of demigods and the worship of the Supreme God have some arrangements by administrational authority Body however anything links of sacred soul related aspects will  not work with the demigods".

"Fantastic πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ ".

"Yeah cannot deny that, like in a school there are teachers and Head teacher."

"Obviously  we don't  want the children know about  the differences in the beginning".


"How? "

"Yeah,  how we leave the children who have no knowledge of the  Headteacher?".

 "We have been advised and suggested to  teach them the similarities of diversity ".

"Sure! Let's start with ,  the vedas which teach that man should adore and worship God in gratitude for His benedictions ".

"What the  Bible  says Anna?"

"The Bible teaches that we should pray for peace and practise charity" 

"Wow.!!!..The..The Quoran please ?"

"The  Quoran  says:
 man  show mercy to the suffering  and surrender his will to the All High".

" Wow !!! What ...what  the Buddhist texts teaching if you don't mind?"

"The Buddhist texts teaching the lesson  of detachments and sense control"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness  we can't control our senses can we?""

"The Zend-Avesta please?"

"What about the  Zend-Avesta ???

"That exhort strongly urged to do man to get rid of evil propensities (tendencies or interests)and shine in his own innate (inner energy glory".

"We understand  why Baba being as a bridge to  the children who are innocence and coming  from various faiths because of certain Shankarasarya impersonalism."

"How can we teach them love the one hate the rest????"

"Correct Siva ". 

"However , once we are in impersonalism, we have to talk of the 
personalism otherwise they will  come to a  conclusion of  impersoalism, thinking it's a matter of power not a matter of a single  person or Papa".

" Definitly!Krishna Anna,  our Guru AC  Bhaktivetananta's  subject matter is the ultimate ultra absorbency towards the best out of the rest not the tendency towards the temporary tenancy agreements ?"

"Unmistakably Mary"

"Excellent effort   πŸ‘!"

"Now time for the lesson please πŸ™". 

"What lesson Anna?"

"Watch please watch who is the Powerful Person  in us?
 who is  blessing us? 
Who is Creating all of us
 "Including the demigods and universes 
And also being  the sacred soul in us and in the demigods".

"Over all,the Creation and the Creator.

"Ready... steady watch Him how simple and humble". 


πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 

πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 

" By the way, thanks for  presenting us Smiling Sam Menan Anna".

"Appreciate it what do you think of him?"

"To be honest, you  are good, but he is very good?"

"For instance, his brown tulasy Jaba (rosary) in his neck under a white silk shirt which was unvisible and time to  time visible  like a bunch of fragrant flowers behind the green leaves and a  an enchanting brown beads bracelet in his wrist or arm instead of wrist watch... were awesome and handsome ...indeed handsome πŸ‘Œ".

"Exactly each time  his hands rises,it's remembering  us the sun rises, his  smile on his lips asking us to be bow down to him in respect and to be blessed by him wondering  who is him!!!!" .

"Yeah ...yeah.. the way he described how the president is struck facing the fearful obtrude , was indeed a construct information of our mistaken  mind set  of accusation lack of  knowledge ".

 "Best  of all, did he blame anyone?"

"Which automatically expressed no one in the creation of Papa can be classified as bad".

" Isn't it true  Krishna Anna?".

"Definitely which made us realise that nothing is bad from Lord's creation".

"Can anyone say it is good that is bad  when all are the manifestation of His Will?"

We are asking you  Menan Anna?"

"No it is not nice". 

"When we saw his face  and having witnessed  his Sathwic   (goodness) is reflected  saintly perfume of charm on him".

"On contrary  when we talk to an ordinary person, of rajasic Nature (passion) the only reflecting from him or her is complaints anger hatred expression of  passion class of blaming ".

And... and when we speak to a  Thamasic , for instance a none  devotees of lord (Thamasic Nature), the expressions of  ignorance and  irresponsible will be reflecting arrogantly.

"I am confused what you are trying to figure it out... ?".

"Simple Krisna Anna as our food so our minds ; as our minds so the thoughts; as our thoughts so our  acts  as our acts  so the Karma".
BaBa Said.

"I am proud of hearing your information of transformation in self realization". 
Bravo πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘. 

"We had so much of questions, confusions and in complications .However after  talking to Sam,we are feeling free like removing the heavy burden from our solders which h we had beencarrying for many years Krishna ."

"Why we are in competition and not in corporation Krishna Anna?".

 "Now we seemed like the  self Realised students and  there is ONLY  one GOD He has no religions Krishna".

"Has He Krishna?"
"So how there are many religions Krishna Anna?"

"We already learned no?"

Because of the influences of the various places.

"That's makes sense Anna!" 

"That not the end"

"What else Krishna Anna?"

"The influences of the various peoples ".

"No one can't deny it Krishna Anna".

"And...and the influences of various times".

"Ohhhhhhh Yeeeee give us high five you are amazing... amazing πŸ‘ ❤ ♥ πŸ’• 

" However, still we..."

"What Mary ?'

We wonder why we are not like him I mean Sam?"

"As the three classes of characterisations work according to our actions in  the past and present, most importantly ,there are three different elements of which  the world is made of".

"It's five Anna".

"I am talking about the relationship of the three-dimensional states".

"That's grace of you Anna! Even sir did not say that the world is also interconnected in our characterization !!!!

What a wonderful world  a complicated  creations of three classes".

"Was that  including the demigods???"

"Yeah What are the three aspects relating our classes?"

1) Satwic

2) Rajesic

3)  Thamasic
"Has the  universe too made of the same  three categories of elements on which we all are made of Menan Anna?".

"Yes including the demigods what ever demigods we pray deeply and regularly, we are  transforming according to their characters Krishna".

"For instance ,Sam is a satvic  (Goodness) individual

We are  in Rajesic (Passion) individuals 
And the none devotees are like Ragu rowdy, Thamasic ( ignorance)   individuals 

Wow hats off to every one it's  scientific  talk πŸ‘ πŸ™„ 😳 πŸ‘Œ πŸ™  πŸ’• ♥ ❤! 

"Time for the session now"

"Thank you Krishna Anna!". 

"We better begin our Originator's subject matter Krishna "

"Sure Great sweethearts sure would you like to sit in the garden today with warming sun rays and some charming fragrance of blooming roses 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹?"

"We love it Krisna". 

"Let's go!!!"
"Take your chairs with you if you  pleased or you would like to sit on the grass?". 

"We don't want to damage the green grass Krishna".
"Appreciate it,Rata".
"That we learned from Smiling Sam only Krishna πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚".

"Thaaaaank yoooooou Meera".

 "Ready shall we go a head?"

Three two one...

" By the way, you know  what was the nicest surprise chocolates 🍫 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫?".
"No Krishna what is it?".

" Smiling Sam too is sitting in the garden bench which is surrounded with fragrant flowers πŸ’.

"Oh is he relaxing after  finishing his news paper Article writing Krishna?".

"Ye Balaraman"

...That's a gracious coincidence Krishna!"

" Hummmm Sam  was just gazing at the flowers while relaxing 🌸🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷 in long lovely,  lovely breathings ....

 " You mean smelling the amazing aroma of the charming πŸ’ 🌹 🌸 πŸ’ 🌹 🌸 🏡 🌼 πŸ’ 🌹 🌸 🏡 🌼 πŸ’ flowers Krishna?"

"Sure I mean he steadily looking at the πŸ’ 🌹 🌸  colourful flowers πŸ’πŸŒΉπŸŒΈπŸ΅πŸŒΌπŸ’πŸŒΉπŸŒΈπŸ΅πŸŒΌπŸ’πŸŒΉ" 

"He loves πŸ’˜ the nature Krishna like us?"

"Correct Surely Sudah". 

"Suddenly Sam’s face turned thinner and thinner!."

 "Was his pretty face paled Krishna ?"

"Why  he feels sad Krishna?"

"Why was it  Krishna?"

" Cool down! 

"Great question, Thulsy ...
...as we know that Sam had suffered much more tragedies in his life, even-though there were no much signs of  pains such as anger or bitterness trace as his godly guidance". 

"Oh I know it is grace πŸ’— of his Krishna consciousness."

"Definitely Durga πŸ‘" 

'What does mean Krishna Consciousness Krishna?"

"I thought you know it Mary"

"She is a  new Krishna".

"Ha...ha...I know it Krishna, but  I don't know to the high extent or degree".  

...apologies we  misinterpreted ".

"Ha...ha...Alright accepted your  apology ." 

"In this regard, you need to hear a ☎️ conversation "

"With whom was it Krishna?"
" A nice  person  of our tutor  "

"Does  he live in Srilanka?"

"He is in πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ Canada Rata"

"What was all about it Krishna?"

"The same topic as Mary asked"

"You mean Krishna Consciousness ?


"Dose he a different person does he an oversea student or an on line audience or student like us Krishna?"

"No neither an audience nor a student he is a physics teacher".

"Nonetheless, he is a different mind set man".

"Hummmm we are interested to know it !Krishna...

...If you don't mind to share it Krishna".

" We don't mind to share it because we know that  our Mission is always based on fresh, fresh facts and enchanting evidences to be powerfully ,effective evaluate crystal clearly and of course,  come to a successful conclusion"!

"Right, when was it Krishna?"

"last Friday". 

"Subjet matter Krisna ?"

"His complicated condition was that although he trust in 300 percent of Divine existence, he doesn't know the person in his own  heart as an innate." 

"So he is not in our divine guidelines Krishna"

"Sure Sarah ".

 "Why was it Krishna?"

"We wonder why".

"For him, the God  is a matter of power Ha....ha......ha... not a Person for him...?"

"No Subathra no",

"Doesn't he accept Lord personified in each person Krishna?"


"Neither he accepts nor he rejects".
"Doesn't he know that if Lord  leaves,we no longer belong to our body Krishna?"


"What kind of power is that Krishna?
Like a battery πŸ”‹power Krishna?  


"Like an energy power Krishna ?"


"What ?"

"I mean  a can of energy drink Krishna?"

"Or.... or electric power  Krishna ha...ha...?"

"No... no he accepts the concept of even a grass will not move without God's order".

"Then where is his problem Krishna?"

"Has he got medical condition Krishna?"

"Anyone answer to his mysterious prediction and complicated condition?"

"Can I Krishna?"

"He is in an impersonal  there are thousands like him Krishna".

"Brilliant that's what I told him"

"Could I say something Krishna?"

"Please Sarah" 

"It's a kind of  theory based mentality he is unable to get out of it like Charles Darwin's theory is being theory for ever Krishna"

"Sorry say it againyase Meera ?"

"As a matter of fact ,Rajesh Rajeshkanna saw the evidences of aproval of peer-reviewed of Bhagawadgita". 

"Fantastic fantastic thanks Meera God bless!"

"Whereas Charles Darwin's monkey I mean chimpanzee theory have no peer-reviewed to be approved Krishna "

"God bless you Charles Darwin'spicture was in ten pound notes, but  now out no more as it was disproved not approved Bhagawadgita" 

 "So Krishna it remain without a conclusion ?".

"Certainly Christina Charles Darwin's theory always being a theory  there is no peer-reviewed ".

"No conclusion Krishna? "

"Thanks dear Krishna what a tution!" 

"We should not expect everyone to be self Realised". 

"Why Krishna ?"

" Vedically and scientifically  the women in general  have good measure of thamoguna : timid, shy  it is good they have been endowed by nature with only a small amount of rajoguna".

"You mean passion Ruby?"


" Generally where the rajoguna predominates,and the thamoguna recedes into the background, life becomes miserable, Grandma said ".

"Right Baba too quoted from the Vedas that the women are by nature burdened with the  three characters  generously ". 

"Rajoguna makes the woman aggressively bold, desirous and adventurous the day when rajoguna is accepted as  a mark of womanhood, will mark the beginning of the end of feminity, my father said Krishna". 


"Shiva is the God for the ignorance people according to the words in Gita.

"What is the correlation of this conversation ".

"Simple ,we are made of the three elements don't we are attracted by them not by God  Krishna Anna πŸ™,'"

"Ohhhhhhh now I am in the track".

"Did you agree it Pammita?"



"Fantastic πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ !!!"

"What is the correlation of our conversation  again?'.

"See for instance,  tutor's person who has neither  knowledge  nor interests in the Science of self Realization can you expect him to talk of inner engineer ,? 


"Fabulous sensational πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘!!!" 

'I am a bit confused".

"Now could anyone of you help Mary, our new student ?"


"Please Peter"

"The God Himself declared that He is the person from which the entire creation drives distinctly"

"Does He?"

"Ye ".

"So He is personified in every one's heart ❤ ♥ πŸ’“ πŸ’– Mary "

"I don't get it Krishna?". 

"What was it ?".

"Although he is a physics teacher,he didn't know who is who and what is what Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...Hundred percent  πŸ’― πŸ‘ŒSarah, but he is a pretty clever from his childhood".

"Are these kinds of people  

considered to be clever  ha..,ha...?"

"Not only that he said much more, but we don't have much time"

" May be in the future we can discuss he also repeated that  a biggest boss does not need any promotion because he doesn' need to be promoted".


"As you taught us, once anyone switch off the concept of  Divine, he has no way to accepts any concept except his own illusion concept based on theory".

Fantastic πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘!"

"It's called Maya students!" 

"You already taught us Krishna?"

" Ha...ha...as far tutor thought that , he is a faithful   he expected some  submissiveness".

" Then he realised regrettably it is not the case"

"What does submissiveness mean Krishna?"

"Very obedient Mary".

"However, he didn't agree even Bhaktivetananta who   wrote the   Bhagawadgita  Gita as it Is".

"What do you think of him sweet hearts πŸ’“❤️πŸ˜πŸ™‚πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–?"

"Now we carry on of our Sam who knows who is who and what is what".

" It's sounds super Krishna".

"Thanks it's much appreciated" 

"Then why our great hearted Sam is saddened today Krishna?"

"Is it  because of the physics master who is material minded?"
"However, now Sam is over strain which is out of his control he feels pretty pain,too". 

" Ohhhhhhh noooooo please say that you are joking  Krishna ?!".

"How we know it  that he is sad Krishna?"

"Tears dear ...tears spilled speedily down his cheeky cheeks"

"Oh dear πŸ’ž!" 

"Now... now we realized that he is in deed in regret while teachers are in Impersonal concept  like  πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ Krishna?".

"Just forget about Canada , Rudra".

"What happened to Sam Krishna?"

"Because he recalled the moment his  ❤ class mate finally left him at the hospital". 

"Ohhhhhhh dear!." 

"So was it true what James declared to Marina emotionally in the blue 🚌 bus?"

"Sure Sarah !".

"Sam swallowed an infusion, regrettably remembering the intolerable incident ".

"How he managed to live on Marina’s unexpected disappearance Krishna?"

"Pardon Christina?" 

..."After Marina’s separation/ stopped her education  unexpectedly and  permanently "


"How he managed to live Krishna?"

" The first few months of his studies were passed as many nightmares"

"Oh my goodness we understand Krishna  Anna 😳" 
"How we know that he really, really regretted"

"Honestly speaking, he lost two to three kg in weight through out these periods  of stresses, and strain".

"So he lost his best friend for ever Krishna Anna?"

"What is strain sir?". 

"Make unusual great effort, but it has multiple meanings too, Sudah"

"Sorry to hear ofπŸ‘‚ 😞 it Krishna".

" Of course, he spent sleepless nights and ended up staying in hospital for a few days". 

"So sorry for him sir".

"His clothes had become loose!"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness, that's not good for such submissive soft sacred Science minded  man of mission like him".

" Appreciated.After a moment, his mind reminded another followed up events which links due to his hospitalisation"

"Pardon Krishna?"

"As a consequence of  Marina's  event, he was admitted at the hospital right?".

"Yes sir"

"There he met a lovely little boy."


"Reminding the incident, saddened Sam was worrying, 
 looking at the walled  flowers 🌹 πŸ₯€ 🏡 πŸ’ 🌹 πŸ₯€ 🏡 πŸ’ 🌹 πŸ₯€ 🏡 πŸ’ 🌹 on the fence again and again. "

 "Why Krishna?"

"Hence he remembered it "♥ 

Fence or hence Krishna Anna?

"Ha...ha hence mean for this reason, Rudra".
" obviously we  know  what is fence right?!"

"How come Krishna?"

"Because the boy is his nicest neighbour "

"Ohhhhhhh... ."
"Sorry for them Krishna?" 

"Hence he was sitting just close to the flowers fence of his neighbour’s 🏠 house, he reminded Krishna?" 

"Hundred percent 🌹 πŸ₯€ 🏡 🏡 πŸ’ 🌹 πŸ₯€ !

"Is it because he smelled the fragrances of the flowers of their fence Krishna?"

 "Absolutely, Peter.
 Of course, our five senses are the drivers of our body to enjoy our life".





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