"Hi Krishna  Anna!"

"Hello everybody" 

"We have an important inquiry Krishna!"

"Pardon Peter we wonder what inquiry is it ha...ha...!".

"Nothing wrong just a clearance question Krishna". 

"Yeah  Krishna could you let us know the reasons  of our continuous devotional  service of  chanting the name of Hari and sharing the   episodes  to each other  Krishna?"

''Haven't we watched the previous president of America, Donald Drump ,too  approved look at the picture dosen't he signing up by his black pen .Haven't you seen the pretty picture in black, white and blue?"

Thanks πŸ™  Sam so the Subject matter of our tuition is not English Krishna?

"It is and simultaneously sacred soul study Peter as a bird has two wings like a cycle has double wheels as well as the schools have twinkle tutions ". 

"Next week we have an English exam especially grammar and punctuation Krishna". 

" Good idea sweet hearts 
the grammar is the foundation of English;
 writing grammatically is the wall ; 
speaking grammatically is the roof 
and knowing the indweller, Krishna is the root."

"We do apologise Krishna we would like to know the way of using the punctuations". 

"   Nevertheless... not whole in once,  but bit by bit while we go on and on Krishna  "

"Any particular question please Peter?".

"Could you explain us why you often use SEMI-COLONS Krishna?"

"Example Rata?" 

"For instance,  now you said a complex sentences without using 
the coordinators".

"Yeah instead you used SEMI-COLONS Krishna !!!"

"Excuse meeeeee what does mean co-ordinators please Krishna?".

"Hold on... let me sort out the first question please ".

"OK Krishna "

"Have a look at the outlook of the wordings above".

" Yeah we found that  you didn't use and, but replaced them by SEMI-COLONS Krishna how does it work Krishna?

"As you already understood, we simply take away the AND and replace them with SEMI-COLONS 

"That's all...Krishna?".

"That it Krishna?"

"Yeah that's it Siva"
"Excuse meeeeee what does mean 
co-ordinators please Krishna?".

"They are such as 

"What... what about  other words which  are connecting  Krishna?"

"They are called CONNECTIVES Mary ".


"They are words or phrases "

"For instance Krishna ?"


"Wow! Would we revise some of the important aspects Krishna??"

"Yes Krishna Anna "

"What is the topic?"

"Understanding the Grammar and Punctuation Krishna ".

"Alright up to you, but we can't couver up all at once right?".

"Just little by little Krishna Anna". 

"Excuse me Krisna, we are often blamed that our sentences set up are not grammatically done Krishna".

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees that's the big bridge difficult to cross at the beginning with our tutor ha..,ha.... 

"Better we begin with Subjects, Verbs, Predicate and Object Krishna Anna". 

"I'm afraid of accuracy, but can manage. 
Again we have to work with Vedas ...

fine friends?"

"Of course , Just imagine a man   maintaining  a house without even knowing the Land Lord, dosen't it mean having a chance of IGNORANCE and destroying the  house students?"

"We welcome it Krishna "

"For instance, how many parts of the Vedas sweet πŸ’•  hearts  ?"

"Four Krishna?"

"What are they Pammita?"

"1) The Rigveda , Krishna" .

"Wow ! Now Rata's turn ".

"2) The Yajurvaveda Krishna "

"Well said next candidate please!"

"3) The Samaveda Krishna "

"Sensational Sudah !".
"The last one Tulsy please?"

"4) The Atharvaveda Krishna".

"Brilliant...brilliant !!".

"So to be brilliant, we work based on the four vedas.

"Like four branches of the Veda tree Krishna?".

"Correct Christina !".

"What is the root Krishna?"

"Elegant quality question Meera which is the Super soul !".

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees the Five Factors of Father Krishna?"

"Definitely Durga "

1) The Subject is the Noun means the Name 
Etc ... alright? 

"Sorry Krishna say again we didn't catch-up?"

"Nouns are the names right?"

"Sure Krishna we learned in Tamil,  too 
1) Elluvai ,
2) Payanilai and 
3) Seyapadduporul Krishna "

"Have you Krishna?"

" I didn't... being an  American having no time, I only practice it in English   ".

"Ha...ha...ha...you are joking  Krishna !

"Does Pronoun means the words used instead of our  names Krishna?"

"Correct Christina?"

"OK to remember, the 
1)  Subject, we use Lord Krishna's Name  -Rigveda. 

" Aren't we krihsna Anna?"

"Certainly Subathra" 

"Next person please?" 

"2) Does...does ... the Verb is the action word like karma Krisna?".

"Undoubtedly Tulsy tremendous try "

"Isn't it  call  Yajurveda Krishna ?"

"Sure Sarah ".

"3) Does the Predicate is as same as  Verb action ?" 
"Sure ,but support the subject "

"You are confusing Krishna !"

To be elaborately explained, the predicate is the partner of Subject is Papa, Krishna"

"We didn't get the point Krishna" 

''What does the Subject Meera ?"

"Example Krishna?"   

"The baby is sleeping in the cot "

'The baby is Subject Krishna "

"What is the baby is doing?"

"The baby is sleeping in the cot  KRISHNA".

"So the bay (is sleeping inthecot )is the predicate Meera "

"Thanks πŸ™ Krishna so without predicate , we cannot complete a 
sentence Krishna? '' 

"Definitely not Durga the predicate is a clause start from the verb". 

"So Krishna the predicate is a part of a whole sentence which make sense, but it's a clause not a sentence ?"

"Cool down do not confuse in clause
they are the building blocks we can gradually upgrade our grammar okay πŸ‘?"
"Okay thanks Krishna". 

" So Krishna we link it with  the  Samaveda Krishna ?"

"Excellent effort "

"4) Finally does   Object matter  to remind ?"

"Yes Meera "

"AtharvaVeda Meera the Originator Krishna".

"Super !Now !Can you make a simple sentence using the four Vedas please students?"

"I want to be a barrister"

" Nice !Next please "

"I' m not sure about the Supreme Science" 

"Fantastic !Follow up  person ?"

"We went shopping after school ". 

"Excellent effort" 

"Now divide them up in order of 
1) Subject ,
2)verb or 
3) Predicate and 
4) Object please".

5) the fifth part please Krishna πŸ’ž"

"We use what sentence on behalf of Krishna because usually we use the Five Factors of Father's Function in Human Krishna?"

" Tremendous ...tell you later Sarah"

"could we use I WANT TO BE A BARRISTER  to practice in detail ?"

"Why not please proceed "

Does "I"  is the subject Krishna?"

"Yes it's the Noun

"So...so we use it for  the name of "Krishna to remember?"

" Undoubtedly say what is it for example Rata ?"

Noun stands for  Rigveda Krishna Anna"

"Amazing!"Another person please?"

"Want" is the Verb of action , stands for Yajurvaveda Krishna ".

"Fabulous...fantastic! Follow up candidate please?"

"Does a barrister is the Object Krishna?"

"Sure we stick it with, Samaveda Mary"

"Thanks Krishna". 

"Fantastic ".

"By the way,
 Please listen ,the Predicate is again a part of a sentence or (clause) containing a verb stating about the subject matter ."

"4) We got it Krishna which stands for Atharvaveda Krishna 

"It's boring Krishna we will do it in our next session please Krishna ".

"No worries ".

"Yeah .... by the way, Meera ,why did you bring the guitar to the class
"To be practiced in advance and to be judged by all of you in order to prepare  our  competition performance at school".

"Krishna  you didn't say the fifth point

...mean the Five Factors going to replace
1) the Subject 
2) the Verb, 
3) the Predicate and 
4) The Object?"

"Accurately Siva :

1) the place of action the body. (The Noun Name of Krishna) 

2) The performance (The Verb Vedas )

3) The Various Senses (The Predicate, the Grammar )

4) The Many different kinds of endeavour, (The Object Originator)

Are the four branches of the tree...

And Ultimately,the Supersoul is the route of our road " 


"Of course ,He is the cause of all causes right?"

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees Krishna what a rewarding tuition of Mission Krishna!"

πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘!!! 

"Please practice the simple sentences then we learn compound sentences in next session". 

" Thanks Krishna" 

"Who is behind  blessing bridge Krishna why in each subject matter you involved Lord Krishna?"


Simple,very simple that is to say, we have been leading by the main Mission members behind us".

 "Do you know who are they ?".

"Oh Yeeeeessss our gurus ".

  "Still we wanted  to know why ,while most people are pretty busy in daily duty ,we have been struggling to teach them   ?"

"What  is your own point of view Krishna Anna?"

 "There is no question  of my own point of view " .

"Am I correct ?".

"Oh we got that point Krishna" 
"Sure better let us stick with the Vedic point of view friends"

"Appreciate it Krishna".

"Sure how long we have to follow up your mystery mission of tuition Krishna ha...ha...?"

"Please πŸ™ calm down!"

"We wonder why Krishna Anna?"

"Undoubtedly unbelievable what you all are talking today  what's wrong with you all?"

"How long we can tolerate the terrible teaching.
How to  hear your Supreme Science of mystery which no one understands especially our tutor's nephew!"

"Cool listen... listen  please what London Krishna done πŸ™ !"


"Really appreciate it very much πŸ’“πŸ’•πŸ™

"Whatever we do ,we have to involve the the inner significance; inner dweller Krishna πŸ’ž?

"Alright now tell me  what else we have done in our last session please?". πŸ™?".

"We prayed on behalf of our science teacher Krishna Anna.

"Please tell me where we are in terms of the the position, "WE "or "I"  selfishness selflessness?"  

"We" position Krishna Menan Anna, SELFLESSNESS".

"Why we have to be in the *WE* position Krishna?" 

"This has given our mission the importance its deserves. 

"What ...what...what...???"

"We can realise it only when we delves deep into its significance/importance". 


"What  does DELVE mean please Krishna Anna?"

"Search within us the INNER  DOCTOR." 


"We have to sublimate all our work as worship, as puja (as prayer )".

"What does it mean ,sublimate Krishna?" 

"Transform into a purer person".

"What does mean CHITHASUTHI please Krishna?"


"Oh the name Chithathatha is it the same meaning Krishna Anna?"


" No Waaaay?"

"With that out look, we look after everyone not only depending on the mere material books". 


"Just sharing our Originator's  service as we have been doing ".

"Why Krishna Anna?"

"The happiness is found within our hearts πŸ’• πŸ’• πŸ’• πŸ’•
...   isn it Krishna Anna?". 

" Yeah!!! Yeah!!! Yeah it  definitely  delete   our storage of karma and transform us to the nice  nature of sweet form of being  submissive souls"

"We don't get it Krishna".

"Please elaborate your explanation Krishna Krishna Anna?" 

...Imagine a well with pretty polluted and muddy water like our minds sets only keen in making our budget of daily bodily business ,ignoring the object Divine conscious"

"Easy we can imagine Krishna. The well wouldn't 
welcome any people  apart from the animals, insects ,ugliness and filthy smells". 

"Well, would we watch the bottom of the well you know what is a well by the way?"

"Where we get water a deep hole Krishna?"

'Sure ha...ha...'

"When the water is cleansed,
 would we?"

"Then we can see the bottom floor Krishna Anna ".

"Well said then the floor can be seen clearly correct?".

"Sure Krishna".

"Similarly,  within our hearts deep down our consciousness,  Atman". 

"Oh you mean there we have the Sacred soul ,dwelling Krishna?"

"Yeah we need Chithachuthi first to feel or find Atman "

"Atman Krishna Anna, the soul?".

"Absolutely which can be seen only when our consciousness is clarified...purified...beatified ...rectified and sanctified". 

"We understand rectify is correcting ,but what does it mean Krishna?

''SANCTIFY please?"

"Make or declare πŸ’˜ holy"

"How Krishna?" 

" Simple !Through our Mission".

"God bless πŸ™ you Krishna Menan Anna!".

"Could we welcome πŸ™ our tutor ?"

"No more tutor "

"Are you kidding?"


" What why  doesn't he come Krishna ?"

"That's all !
Overall, his roll is over ".

" Please πŸ™ concentrate in studies".

 "Why we should say Saanthy  at the end of the "Aum"  pranava, recital Krishna?"

"Yeah in HARE KRISHNA we  never heard of it Krishna? "

"Pardon Rosy?"

"Of..Of.....of SAANTHI three times is it essential Krishna?."

"Up to us"

"Why Krishna ."

"In Kally-Yuga  we all forget to take the tremendous torch and regret at the end  ''.

"It's indeed splendid Krishna Anna!".

 "Yes you did Krishna!".

"Appreciate it  students πŸ™    " 

"Excuse me Krishna!".

"Yes Meera?"

 "Of course, what ever we learned from different , different gurus are astonishingly appreciatable as long as they are from Vedas???."

"  Correct.However, however our tutor teaches and advises us, the greatest Hari Name, is the foundation for  the ultimate, ultra understanding as it is the godly golden Krishna πŸ”‘ key of the Divine door of the highest goal of the goals in kally-Yuga at present era Krishna".

"Isn't...Isn't  to see  the Originator and to be blessed Krishna Anna?" ".

"You are correct we are trying to be cooperative that's all especially with newest students ,  don't  we make sure of their hearts are clear and cleansed to the absorbency and have some tendency of devotion ??? . "

"  Undoubtedly Krishna πŸ’žπŸ™ .  
Hence , I selected a fence song from the YouTube. Could you judge Krishna please which is purified Papa's  based facts and on our tutor's truth   teaching   Krishna πŸ™". 

"Why not?".
"Is... is it with lyrics?"

"Surely Krisna"

"To be honest ,we have read your guitar performances previously in WhatsApp".

"Did you Krishna?".

 " Sure !To recognize the unity the Supreme Personality, we need the godly golden  Key, right?".

"In order   to obtain the Key, we need tremendous training of dancing Krishna ?".

"It's not  to be deluded in illusion by diversity of 33 millions of demigods,  we don't need any training any child can do it dear".

"Pardon Krishna Anna?"

"For grass to gow rankly no effort is needed Meera"

"Sure Krisna Anna "

 "That is our culture and nature, but if grain is to be gained or to be harvested,

"What we have to do Krishna?"

 ,The field must be
1) ploughed, 
2)  weeded,
3)  watered
4) manured  and

5)   fenced .

"Excellent efforts Krishna Menan Anna". 

"Fantastic πŸ‘ πŸ‘ the Father is the fence our ignorance of the fence will be as the vain work without gain."

Now it's your turn take your time  Meera ! Please feel free as  home we are the  audience ".


 πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 
"We can't judge it dear!!!
To be fair,  non of us thought to blink our eyes!!! 
It is quite a challenge in front of so many students Meera".

 " Yes  Krishna !Our day is incomplete without hearing about KRISHNA."

"Definitely Durga".


Fantastic Meera!
 πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 

"Thanks everyone!..."

"Thanks Krishna Anna". 

"Let's get started our narration Krishna ".

"One two three ready?"

"Marina was in her bed with her mother, it was like a lovely picture post card of the atmosphere with wonder view after view what a day!".
Very, very valuable area with tall, taller and tallest  top,and topest most best trees including coconuts behind their house green πŸ₯₯ trees and orange 🍊 🌳 🌲 🌴 🌳 🌳 🌴 🌴 🌲 🌴 entertain able environment. 

 " They both are still staying awake ?" πŸŒ™...

"Ye how any one could sleep silently as though nothing had happened??"

"By the way, what is it in your hand darling?"...

 ..."Why you don't want to leave it at least when you sleep dear?" 

She looked as graceful and fearful  as an angel. 

Marina was as gentle as a dove she was sad crying in front of Papa!. 

Her throat πŸ’”has been broken down.
 Her pretty pink lips  turned dried. 

Besides,she seems sweet and soft expressed blessed beauty more prettier than earlier!
She suddenly swallowed her empty mouths . 

...Is it  Sam's picture, Marina?"

Mother planned to pretend that she didn't notice it  .

"Let me see it darling!!!", 
"Marina is submissive she submissively gave it to her mother,her mouth shout without even  a word or second thought ".

Of course, mother didn't read the article mindfully.  

As soon as Mum has read it, she was in guilty and pity of her pretty dirty act of keeping a serious secret out of her knowledge.

 As a matter of fact, she too couldn't remember  exactly what went wrong at the hospital however ,even her Daddy, didn't know exactly it was a mystery for them. 
Marina was reading her mom's reaction and reflections carefully and surprisingly.

Luxmy was emotional, was helpless she thought of her father helplessly seeking for favor. She was struggling to make up her messed-up mind to  set up her daughter's mind set.
Besides she  managed to make up her own mind in reciting the Maha Mantra Meditation ". 


 her voice has gone. But Divine shone in her tone of talk innocently genuinely with her yellow sary with orange blouse. 

Ye Mother's voice was being blocked in her throat emotionally.

"We got that point Krishna Anna?"


"We have a mysterious messages to be shared.
 Before that , please tell me what is your relationship with this guy ?" 

"Marina looked at the sky through the white window and Saw a rain 🌧️🌧️🌧️🌧️🌧️ rainbow 🌈🌈 ".

"I don't even know Mum we called him Ram Mum".
Mum began to wipe her tears.


 "Dear I know God is great you know how grateful He is". 

Marina pretty promptly nodded her sleepy beauty head with messy hair Which incredible increased her beauty unbelievably πŸ’• .

Luxmy arranged her messed up fair hair.

" Mum said to herself not her darling daughter: 
"Darling the God is love and I understand that you are in love"... 

Marina put her face in her angelic pretty pink palm

"Excuse me Krisna  Anna don't we call this a palm tree??"

"Yeah in hot country like Srilanka  evergreen tree 🌴

 but the 🀲palm ,too 
our inner hands." 

" You mean the  inner surface of the hand between the wrist and fingers Krishna?". 

"Correct Christina πŸ’•".

"Please stop worrying Marina".
"Luxmy hugged her warmingly and lovingly her sandalwood paste Tilaka on her forehead smelling sensationally with viputhy"

She took the prettiest picture from the white envelope emotionally and saw it to her the miraculous brother from London".

Then only she ended up turning the back side of the picture which they missed to read!.
"Dearest Ammah,

We did much more research to find out where you are living and also we regrettably heard that you are unable to pay the rent. 

More over, the landlord of your favourite 🏠 property recently moved to foreign and desperately seeking a buyer I mean he is going to sell the property you live.

Do you know it?
Do you worry?
Don't worry dad is buying it  .

Happy Mum?

Ending with kisses Mom!

 Marina !

Have a look we have just got an amazing information of  your  miraculous brother ! 

Why... why you are worrying ?" 

"Her  mother was keeping her in her arms in wiping her heated pink pearls"

Marina mesmerised,  but not totally because she had been expecting a timed πŸ’£ bomb

"Pardon Krishna Anna?!

"Ohhhhhhh  you mean!!!!"

"Absolutely she was imaginings if...if....mom would say that you are  not our biological daughter, how am going survive; how I am going to forgive my biological parents and how my brother going to think of me he is my heart how Ram going to think of me!?". 

"Marina tasted her salted pink pearls happily and unhappily reading her brother's back note astonishingly. ". 

"Thank you Thamby!
If  I would be an orphan,would you still accept me as your sister?"

Her white pillow was being wetted in her tears.

" I don't want room in the house, but room in your heart ♥". 

"When mum going to breakout the nuisance news?"

"When was it Krishna Anna what was the time Krishna ?"

"Still midnight Meera".

"Miraculously Luxmy took her to her devotional room as she knows that  Marina  has got plenty of rooms as bright blooming beautiful fresh flowers in Lord's heart".

Because mother realized her relationship with her brother and her class mate, Sam was a divine destiny", 

"On the other hand, mother was worried" 

"How... why Krishna?" 

"After her mother's silent heartbroken complaints to her Guru's picture with his waving hands of wonder blessing, she wondered how her loving princess was deeply sleeping peacefully!."

She reminded Marina's meditation song which  she used to sing when she was five similar to  this video song...


"Krishna Anna , it's an elegant song its our favourite one too".

It was a sweetest surprise of his back notes to his mother!."

"Ye it's like ice cream🍦🍨🍦 in the hot weather!!!! "

"Are you sure 🌹 πŸ’ 🏡 πŸ₯€ 🌹 πŸ’ 🏡 πŸ₯€ 🌹 πŸ’ 🏡 πŸ₯€ 🌹 Roses?"


"Krishna,could  we follow ♥ up the rest of the story please"
"My pleasure Peter". 

"The holy answered her lovely request. She was astonished, glancing at her daughter, thinking how she would be able to be sleeping in the midst of a terrifying circumstances?" 

"Just after a moment later, she stunningly recovered and gained enough strength to pull herself out of the grip of danger grace πŸ’— of London letter and Creator tender offer".

"Was it Luxmy observing the way she was  peacefully sleeping Krishna" . 

"Of course, a mother is a πŸ• temple she didn't want to sleep because she couldn't leave her in this state; she was keep on spreading the viputhy on her body in reciting the Maha Mantra it was indeed an act of a saint".

By the way, our tutor lost his mother last week sweet hearts πŸ’• ♥ ❤". 

 "Soooo sorry for him😞 "

"Our condolences Krishna "

"Still how he managed to keep  ✍ ?"

"Work is worship  and duty is divine roses 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 s

"By the way, our duty of sharing is also a temple πŸ• Krishna".

"Sure sure ". 

"Thanks Krishna!".

 "There is no temple Greater than a mother".

"Sure sweetheart 😘 πŸ’• πŸ’“ πŸ’—" 

"Mom is the sacred soul,
is the God".

"Correct Krishna?"

"Could  we stop praying πŸ™ when the temple πŸ• is destroyed?"

"No ." 

"Difficult question, but our tutor's decision is devotional "

"Ha...ha...thanks by the way, who is going to stop when someone decided to change her destroyed πŸ‘— dress to a brand new one on the order of the originator?"
"Yeeeeeeeees we cannot stop it Krishna Anna".

"She has to follow up to  her continuous duties in taking body after body unless she is Self-Realised, means knows the only  God ,Krishna and surrendering on His Lotus-Feet." 

"Otherwise Krishna?"

"She has to continue The Queen Nature's conditions.

"Our condolences to our Great Britain Queen, too Krishna Anna !"


"Does Queen Elisabeth 2 is a conditioned soul Krishna Anna?"

"Oh ye we all are  conditioned souls" 

 "Am I correct?"

"Sure Krishna Anna luckily we learned a lot of Lord of the Lords Krishna".

 "Exactly Sam",

 "Krishna, the soul is not subject to decay; not subject to decline or not subject to death".

"That's it".  

 "πŸ’˜love  your way of consoling our tutor and Queen  dearest great hearts πŸ’•!!! ♥ ."

"Have you got any unforgettable events to share quickly of our tutor's mother  please"

"There are many, but on your request a few on behave of him. 

"Thank you very much Krishna "

"You all are always welcome" πŸ™ 

"We love our Veda Road in London,near our home we have found this on a fence so we picture it.  Can we  share it Krishna Anna ?"

"With pleasure done

''Thanks Krishna πŸ‘"

"To be honest, he is being a private tutor simultaneously trying to teach us  Vedas , grace of his mom's🎁Godly gift". 

"What was it Krishna?"

"The soul".

"That is grace of Father isn't it  not mother only Krishna  ?"

"Ye, scientifically speaking, you are correct the sperm is the soul provider not the egg".

"So why you say Mom Krishna ?"

"Ha...ha...she only gave him the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is". 

"Ohhhhhhh you mean the Gita  explaining about the  sacred story of the eternal Father Krishna?"

"Correct Balaraman" 

"When was it Krishna ?"

"It was in 2003".

"Where was it Krishna  ?"

"In Srilanka home while he was packing and preparing to travel back to London". 
"The surprise is, that although he has many members of the family,why she had selected our tutor in particular Krishna?"


" Ha...ha...!Wow πŸ‘ wonderful inquiry Rata. 
To be frank, he didn't even think of it!"
"As we know, our journey of human life is a divine destiny the reason why Divine's decision and direction is distinct" ✨ πŸ™ ❤, 

"Absolutely Krishna Anna?"

"What did he think while taking that godly gift, the greatest Bhagavad-Gita from his mom Krishna Anna?" 

"He thought it is one of the most best coincidence to continue our life journey purposefully " 

"When did he begin  reading it Krishna?"

"In the flight!"

"You are right what was his first impression Krishna ?"

"Straight away while reading, he thought the entire passengers life insurance are assured only grace of reading It".

"Are you sure Krishna ?"

"Hundred percent because he took a cheapest ✈️ ✈️ ✈ flight ever."

"Ha...ha...ha...are you joking ?"

"Nope  the flight ✈️ already had been making a strange noise he complained" 

"We understand the  greatest act his mother did at the brightest time  and to  the rightiest person Krisna"..

"Why Siva?"

"Thanks... mostly he trys to keep up the word as Lord's order from his early age Krishna" 

"Shall we carry on the story now please Krishna  πŸ™" 

"Certainly Christina".

" One  important request Krishna" 

"Please go a head Meera".
"Has our tutor had ever emotionally moved publicly because of his mother."

"Because of his mother????"

 "I wonder, what kind of question is it?"

"That's right Krishna Anna". 

" Ohhhhhhh yeeeeeeeees!,"

"What happened Krishna Anna?".

"To be fair, once he did.

"Where was it Krishna?".

"In France". 

"When was it Krishna?"

"When he was 22".

"Why was it Krishna?".

"While he was receiving a parcel at the Post Office in a massive πŸ“« 🏒 queue". 

"What made him to be emotional Krishna ?".

" While receiving his parents framed pretty pictures in a brown boxed parcel".

"We wonder why he worried just upon receiving the framed parents picture parcel Krishna!?.

"It was because he found his Mum's  frame was totally scatted (broken) in to pieces". 

"That made him sad even so so sad Krishna ?"

 "From our childhood, we have an impression that is a bad omen".

"What does mean an omen Krishna??"

"A sign of bad luck Ruby "

"What did the post office staff say Krishna?"

"They were numbed utterly shocked hearing what he was muttering and sobbing sorrowfully. "

"What was he  muttering  Krishna?"

" I think he was saying something in Tamil. 

"What was it Krishna Anna?"

"Kutankuhalidda poomalai kudutha mathiti".


"What they said ?"

"Pardom monsieur on ne comprond pas de tous monsure".

"What is it Krishna?"

"Excuse us we don't understand mr" 

"So he began emotional Krishna Anna?"

"Yes he could not control his emotions showing his  mom picture only had been broken in to many pieces out of many". 

"So compassionate soul ."

"Thank you".

"Last question Krishna !"

"Please  proceed Renuga".

"You said that she has to change dresses as death, how you guarantee it ?"
"That is pretty natural nature's Nature.
 Isn't it Meera?"

"In that point, his mother is not under Father's control or Krishna's Consciousness ?

"No unfortunately no".

"So she isn't going to be liberated on your point of view Krishna? 

"It's not my own onion related point of view, but Vedas's point of view" 

"Why Krishna  ?"

 "She is a strongest demigods devotee".

"Evidence  please Krishna?"

"Once in our house 🏠, she took 36 showers in cold water.
one after another".

"Worst of all, in between each shower , she completed the longest prayer called Kandarsashthy Kavasam like Sivapuranam such a long long prayer ".

"Isn't it enough to prove that  she is a conditioned soul?"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness so who are the unconditioned souls Krishna?"

"Only Lord Krishna's πŸ™ devotees." 
" Krishna, Lord Krishna's devotees only who are entitled to be liberated it's not fair Krishna?"

"Absolutely Sam so be fair avoiding unfair and despair".

"Thanks thousand times Krishna Anna".


Continue ....
Hare Kris

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