"The God Speaks to us in Many Ways" What?

'This is the Best Way Out of the Rest." 

"Leaving This Bhagawat -Gita Path Way and Following   Diffrent Ways?",  

"Is the Karmic Reaction"

 "Does it the  Pandemic Reflection?"  

"Absolutely. "

"God Morning 🌄  Krishna Anna Thank you for suggesting us the  ^ victorious Way  🙏".

"Suuu Krishna is on the phone 📱!".

"We will wait" 


"Now OK he is free".

God Morning 🌄  🙏!"

"Hi Krishna Anna you look harsh today what's wrong!"

" Hum...hum...!

"Hi Anna!"

"Hello everyone ?"

"Yeah ,we are happy because our guru made even the hippies lives in  peace and happy ".

"Did he KRISHNA Anna?".

"Certainly Balaraman".

 "Where was it  Krishna Anna?".

"Everywhere especially in America".

"Could we travel to Srilanka now a days because we miss our country a lot?"

"Better listen to the video if you wish please 🙏"

 "We wonder why people are afraid of visiting to Srilanka Krishna, thinking you all are hopeless?!"

"  we are  not left helpless ".

" Excuse   me Krishna Anna!"

"How can we help you Rudra?"

"Could we study some science today?"

"Why some people are more attractive like me Krisna Anna?"

" Make a pardon what you want?"

 "Do you want me to describe how the Science work  ?"

" Yeah in a manner we  managed to understand how attractiveness is functioning?"

"It's depends towards what we are attractive Rudra ".

"Sorry Krishna Anna?"

"There are people who are mostly attractive to mosquitoes,too ha...ha... 🦟 🙄 😒 🙃 ?"

" That's what I was about to say    Krishna Anna!" 

"Better talk something else  this  is difficult to explain ".
"So you are like an ordinary young man from a Hindu family and pretending to be an extra ordinary in mission?"

... What does it mean Rudra?"

"Ordinary Hindu are very scary of praying the Supreme God because it has much more restrictions, rules and Regulations  ".

"Is anything to do with our blood types Krishna Anna to be honest?"

"Are you talking about mosquito attractiveness or God consciousness?"

"Both, because when we went  to India ,I had an issue serious sickness caused by  mosquitoes?"

"Oh yes!Absolutely Sam ".

"There is a common belief that mosquitoes are attracted to certain certain blood types".

"I thought female are attracted to my blood group Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...ha... Rudra!"

"You are right  Rudra only the female mosquitoes bite not the male?"

"What Krishna?
...Why does it so  Krishna?"

"To obtain protein". 

"What for?"

"To develop their eggs".

"So why are some people more prone to bite by mosquitoes Krishna?"

"Already told you about the blood groups Sam".

"What blood group Krishna Anna?:


"O", plus or "O" minus Krisna?"

"Science study didn't recognise it yet" . 

"But we can easily recognise as long as you tell us all of your blood types guys 

"How Krishna Anna?"

"Simple science this is how material science work"

"Pardon Peter?"

" The Point is attraction; the evidence is blood group and the explanation is the outcome "
"That's what Rudra was upset KRISHNA".

"Ha...ha...listen everyone!" 

"Ha...ha..Listens about Mosquitoes?" 

"Alright  it has a connection with our...." 

"Supreme science too?"


"Let's  work out how the science work Krishna Anna ". 

 "Why not ?"

"So to Know  this ,we do not need to go to the  university KRISHNA?"

"We are studying the most best Blessed Universal Father's faculty which work with everything" .

"So so sweet of you Krishna Anna 💓 !"

 "Sure! First we have to have some passion to  do such minor matters isn't it Krishna Anna?" .

"Definitely Durga". 
"Apology Krishna Anna ".

"You are welcome Rudra" 

"There are four main blood A,B,AB,and D right?".


" Could you  tell what are the types of our own blood groups guys ".

"I'm O Minus   Krisna and often adore by mosquitoes 🦟 ".

"Me too Krishna Anna  O Minus".

"I'm O plus ➕ not much attracted by mosquitoes Krishna Anna "

"Me too O plus ➕ I'm harmless".

"I'm fine ,no much  problem with AB blood type Krishna" 

"I'm "A" type ,very less attraction" 

"I'm "B" no much problems "

"Does the blood created based on our  mind sets and which is basically preset as our destiny from previous generations?"

"Why not Rosy ?".

"Seems so so sophisticated... study today Krishna Anna ".

"Certainly Christina the  blood created based on what Krishna?"

"Didn't I tell you to ask  easy question please 🙏?!".
"Ha...ha... since we know the Science of Self-Realization, obviously the rest should be a piece of cake for us  Krishna Anna!".


 " We studied that the blood is made of the different sets of specific proteins dear 💕 pretty students".

"What does it called Krishna ?".

"Antigens Meera"

"Where does the process taking place Krishna does it in... in .......?"

"On the surface of red blood cells Sam". 

"Why doesn't the male mosquitoes attack us Krishna?"

"They feed them up on plants".

"Ohhhhhhhh Goodnesss!". 

"To be fair ,from how far the female finds  us   ?"

"Ha...ha... don't over estimate you Krishna Anna today our questions will be pretty tough?"

"Oh God !Again deeply difficult questions come on guys give me some break time !

"Please change the subject matter guys Krishna is sad".

"No we always wanted to know this mystery...
ha...ha... we are not going to  miss this opportunity Krishna".

"How the mosquitoes sense Krishna Anna?"

....Because....because when I went to visit my  Grandma in Srilanka, all of a sudden,  all of the mosquitoes in the city surrounded only me!".

"Not ...not others?"

"Yeah with music competition in my ears Krishna Anna??"


"On what aspects they sense their favorite food providers'  presence Krishna Anna?"

"Yeah are they  looking from far far away Krishna Anna?"

"Are they   smelling KRISHNA?"

" or sniffing like most of the animals do Krishna Anna?"

"True ...true !

"They are attracted by  sight and smell without doubt about it"

"How Krishna  Anna how?"

"The quickest way is sniffing out a person's smell ".


"Through the carbon dioxide we exhale ".

"We don't catch up"

"When we breathe, our bodies emit carbon dioxide right?"

"Yes "
 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 !!!!

"How far they can sense our body odor please?" 

" Give up please be  silent it's too ...too much !"

"Cool down Krishna Anna this is what ordinary Hindus stick with the Demigods as Lord's laws are loads and loads to learn Krishna Anna!"

" Ok! appreciate  it. And also the mosquitoes attracted by our:
1) lactic acid, 
2)uric acid 
 3)  ammonia 
4)  Colour of our clothings and 
5) especially environment 

"For instance , when we walk, work play and exercise,  our bodies eject or emit lactic acids ".

"1) lactic acid, 
2) uric acid 
 3) ammnia ?"

"Yeah "

"4) In addition ,the colours of our clothings and 
5) especially environment, unhygienic too deteriorating "

"From ... from how far please  ?"

"About 164 feet" .

"What are the mosquitoes favourite clothings Krishna Anna?"

"Navy blue 
Black and 

"So does it related to the genetic Krishna?"

"Sure our minds sets aren't they  preset from genetic?"

"You mean like  our blood sets created based on  sets of proteins of our parents following our Karma Krishna Anna? ".
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏

"Thanks Krishna Anna"

"Alright! Just a last query Krishna Anna "


"Only one question ".

"Go on Rudra

 "How many hundred of Corona Nations going to visit to  London  ?"

"What ?"

"We  don't catch up Rudra you often muddled up things upside-down Rudra!"

"Do you mean the ceremony for King Charles 3 Rudra?"

"Yeeeee don't we expect Corona Nations are going to visit like they did for Elisabeth 2?"

"Yeah , about  129 countries  visited on her ceremony from overseas !"

"Oh goodness that's not a matter of Corona Nations!".

"Then what is it called Krishna Anna?"

 "Sam could you describe it decently  to him ?"

"No problem  Krishna Anna ha...ha....!"

"It's not fun Sam ?" 

 "I feel it's a kind of fun Rudra ha...ha... ".


"Uh yeah ha....ha....ha....that not Corona Nations ha...ha...Rudra.".

"It will take time ha.., are not going to forget Corona Rudra?"

"Why should? "

"We don't know how long it going to  take to take us away ".

"Sure. Now let get started our session  Krishna Anna ".

"Definitely we too were too worried of Coronation because of Corona restrictions "

"Sure but only  prior to this tuition Menan Anna".

 "Now fine why we fear when we are everlasting entities?".

" We are  still feeling fear Krishna?"

"Yes, but we know how to control our sickness out of seriousness grace of vaccination and our souls study KRISHNA ". 

"Are you sure Rudra?" 

"Yes Anna Knowing the Divine Will, we will"

"What ?".
"The Original Will who wished all of us to be manifested with adequate knowledge to study supreme science and pass the extraordinary examination"

"Excuse me what  does MANIFESTED mean  Krishna Anna?"

"Many meaning we interpret as "Clear and become noticeable" 

"Thanks Anna"
"Hearing Divine   EMBODIMENT of the WILL from our guru, we were wordless Krishna Anna ".

  "Yeah learning Lord Krishna's wordings  has to be adored and remembered in gratitude as each of our task and attitude", 

 "To become better in controlling our anger, temper and disgusting desires so that we can easily be better  brilliant and blessed?".

"God bless Meera !".

"Certainly!Particularly knowing  Krishna is the greatest as He is the One who deserves our love and homage.".

"Aren't ...aren't we all are encouraged Anna?"

"Of course, we do... undoubtedly we do. Previously I was struggling to describe any of the demigod".

"Why Krisna Anna ?"

"Because lack of tuition".


 "Wow ! We all know that the Atma, Paramatman and Bhahawan is Krishnan , Lord Krihna only seated in each of us including the hearts of the demigods". 

 "As well as in our hearts Krishna Anna?".

" Unchallenged! Plus point is ,knowing the truth, is becoming a Sam".

" Appreciate  it Anna  we wonder weather the   demigods know this fact?"

"Not all of them may be some of them know by severe punniya such as  Siva after Siva  had a war against Krishna" 

"Really very?????"

"Absolutely !"

"Ever since lord Shiva had  a battle did he thinks that he was the Supreme like we , Hindus ?"

"Now does he is Krishna's favourite devotee? 
"Obviously "
"Lord Shiva" 

" Dose he Lord Krishna's devotees like us, Hindus?".
"He lost the battle".  
"Then  Lord Krishna revealed the reality to him🙏?"

 "Ohhhhhhhh Goodnesss!!!

 How dare he had fought with Lord  of the Lords how dare ????? !"

"Correct ! But because of corrupt we cannot easily accept the correct as we are behind incorrect corrupt community"

"Wasn't Putin  in war against Lord Krishna sorry Siva in war  against Lord Krishna?"

"How dare !".

"Sorry Meera?"

"We mean  the demon, Putana was killed by Baby Krishna? ".

"At least Lord Siva at the  end of the war ,he ended up understanding Lord Krishna".

"Had Siva assumed that  he was the God not demigod?

"You are right Rudra thanks that's what Vedas's verdicts expressed".

"How did did you know it?"

"Didn't we remember what MAHARAJA Pariksit was hearing Rudra?"

"Oh from Sukadeva Goswami Meera?".

"Yes ".

"That's what our tutor likes the Tamil song called ,Man thinks life last for ever, but God thinks poor people  make mistakes".

"Could we hear the song please Krishna?"

"No worries" 

Dan ...dan... dank!!!!

"Open the blue veil please!"

"Sad song Krishna "

"Be strong we are not in a wrong way Subathra "

"Thanks Krishna" 

"We are in Mantra Yatra"

 "You mean there is no more end for our lives only change of our destiny Krishna?"

"Absolutely !".

 "Direct towards the  Divine direction".

"Pardon Peter?"

"Liberty of short term terribly tough and tight times of  life".


"Krisna Anna , previously whenever anyone would asks any question of Hindu Culture or millions of demigods ,I would be wordless ".

"Why Sudah?"

" I didn't have a single clue I only would be telling them that is our parents subject matter".

"Why... why...why???"  

"Because  honestly we have no idea whatsoever".

"Pardon Peter are you kidding?"

"! For instance, the very basic questions in Hinduism were troubleshooting such as:

1) who created us? 
2) where we came from? 
3) when we have been created ?
4) Why we are appeared ?
5) What we do etc..,etc?

"To be honest, grace of Sam's glorious 'story, little by little we have been learning ourselves and best of all, transforming ourselves in confirming who is who and what is what and why we are here"

"Yeeee !!!! Sam's divinity is different he is distinct we didn't find these sorts of dignity and hospitality from anyone else Krishna Anna".

 "We want to know why this boy acting amazingly Menan Anna?"

"In fact, I know, but I don't want to share 
certain certain secrets" .

"We wish we had known better about Sam please".

"For sure! How he has been so soft and being  a man of  distinction?".

"Alright calm down ....I am going to tell you a bit more".

"You are great Anna".

" Appreciate it...His childhood life had hurt him a lot than we thought ".

"How lot?"
"Much...much  bigger like a mountain". 

"What was it Krishna Anna?"

 "His mother left him all alone as she had lost his brother, the identical Sam at hospital ". 

''Oh goodness!".

"Following it, she was underwent some medical conditions, a bit mentally disorder for certain time due to her eating disoder sleeping disorder etc".

" Was she?". 

"Now we understand"

"What did you understand Mary?"

  "His characterisation of eagerness for mother's which he found in teachers".


"Oh goodness he is so unfortunate Krishna Anna?".

"He often hears and watches sad films melodious music and one of his favorite melodious songs is.... 

"We better forget about it...

...I don't really  want to say anymore without permission". 

"Why ?"

"We will be keeping the secret within us Krishna".

"Yeah please let us know we sincerely serious Krishna Anna!"

"Alright then!!!We watch the video of his favorite, but quickly"...

" Oh goodness!!!! we are learning lessons after lessons on daily sessions which triggered Sam to be saint,  in a positive way of showing the radiant route and rays to the innocent population ?".

"Yes this is a miraculous Mission in devotion Menan Anna ".

"Sure sacred students what we are wearing as bodies are clothes only .
So take it easy ."

"Excuse meee!"

 "  Could you say the reason why we are being beside Supreme Body?"

 "Because He is not subject to decay"

"Can I ?".

"Please proceed Pamitta ".

He is  not subject to decline


 "Go a head Bala!".

"He is not subject to death  Krishna". 

"What is the correlation of our Sacred Souls and Krishna please?"

"That is the sacred seed we have been granted  from the same blessing Supreme Body".

"Brilliant 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏".

"So tell me what is the relationship of the Lordship?". 

"Can I?". 

"We...we are part and parcel of the Blessing Body".

"Excellent effort 👏👌👍🙌!!". 

"What is the divine distinction of our bodies and Supreme Personality?"

"Lord has been shared His Heavenly Body in each and every body".

"We would like to know how please? "

"The components which we share is eternal".

"Brilliant 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏!!!".

"In elaborate explanation please 🙏!"
"Could I?"

"Why not meera?"

"Which doesn't subject to decay"


"Which is as same as the Blessing Body of Him".

"Cleverest girl God bless you!". 

 "Any other student please 🙏?".

"Welcome Sam".

"Which doesn't subject to decline"

"Unbelievable  and excellent 👏👌👍🙌!".

"Another candidate please 🙏?"..
"My self ?!

"Better choice Rosy ".

"And which doesn't subject to death Krishna". 

 Bless you all!!!!

"Why the  Buddhist ☸ boy loves Sam sooo much Mena Anna?".

"Because  Sam was the one who taught him the fact about  the only One Originator in multiplicity of names forms and places" .


"But each name is only of One aspect of Divinity". 
"You say which is the  indicative of the same attractive."


" We know Who Anna?"
"The creator." 

" Kind of you, knowing the fact is the greatest productive 


"Multiplicity is the indicative of the productive".

They are denotes a single part of the Supreme Personality which is  the only Divinity.

" Pardon we think we remember as a concrete example we learned during the pandemic?"

"What was it?"

1) The eye

2) The nose

3) The mouth

4) The ear

5) The tonque

"All are in the same body".

"You are correct🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 Tulsy!".
"That's what it's denote"
"What....what does mean denote ?".

"  meaning Mary".
"But...but they all belong to the same individual Anna."

 "So too ,we must remember that every colour is, but a part of the spectrum the 🌈 rainbow of the same  sun but...but...they are not the sun which is their energiser ". 

 "Knowing  the energetic the Krishna Science, is the  best  Sadhana.

"For instance,  the Pongal festival is not for farmers, but for Father in the form of the sun''.

"You mean the demigods in multiple forms are like the farmers thanking to the sun who represents father as energetic?"

'Definitely this is  the challenge of the challenges ;achievement of the achievements ; target of the targets and the goal of the goals👏 👌 🙌 💪 👏 👍 😀 

"Our tutor quoted from Vedas Krishna Anna ".

"What was it Tulsy?"
"However, a thief that lurks in the inner consciousness of man." 

"What ? 

Planning to rob the precious pearl of godly  gem.

"What is the thief 's name?"

"Called Kama/ desire"

"Indeed splendid 👌!" 

"I am not finished". 

"Please proceed Pamitta 🙏 🙏 🙏!" 

" When the desire is gained, lobha,or greedy steps out". 
"Amazing astonishingly Pamitta 👏 👏 😍 ❤!". 

"Hold don't....hold dont I too remember the quotation, 

''when what we  desired is not gained, another accomplices called Krodha/anger".

 "Of course, we cannot completely eliminate  the   kama from the mind. I mean our delightful dreams are rooted in our minds sets strongly".

"Why Mena Anna why we find it difficult to up root it?"

"Obviously lack of Originator's  torch of knowledge,  the  desires have been rooted since many millions years from former births ".

"So what to do pleeeeeeease?" 

"Didn't we learn in the episodes?"

"Apology we did however,  we have forgotten". 

"The Vedas lay down four goals".
1 Dharma / righteousness 

2) Artha/ Wealth 

3) Kama/desire and 

4) Moksha / Liberation. 

Since the first and the last are difficult to attain without detachment, we are struggling in all lands. 

"What has to be done?"

  "Could I?"
 "Please 🙏 🙏 Pamitta ".

In order to take it easy, the four aspects have to be in two inseparable pairs".

"Brave 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 brilliant!".

"Oh yeah!!!!! We have been taught by Mr k.Soul Nava.

  "What is it?"

"Dharma with Artha as the front wheel of the bicycle 
and Kama with Moksha as the back wheel".

"👏 👏👏👏👏👏👏Fantastic!" 

"Earn wealth honestly and a certain percent of them , use it  for the promotion of righteousness (Dharma)as the second wheel of the 🚲🚴‍♂️ is the ENERGETIC".

"Unbelievable 👏. 👏.!!!" 

"Let us get Liberated through our Maha Mantra Mission which is the easiest ". 

 "So sweet of you Mena Anna you only guiding us through out the joyous journey that you are travelling and entertaining ".

"Wordless 🙏 🙏 🙏" 

"Let's us continue the chapter of our joyous journey then".

"Could we hear again Sam's favorite cinema melodious music 🎶 please?"

"No worries!" 




"Krishna,why don't we begin our narration straight away?"

"It's a good idea 😃 let's go guys!

One two three":

"Location Krishna".
It's the white building surrendered with white 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹roses  Rudra".

"Oh is it the college ?"

"When was it Krishna Anna 

"During the lunch break"

"Why always at the college Krishna?"

"Because they are still at the college".

"Oh anything to their  Sam related is a kind of Sri Ram related for them".

"Correct Balaraman" 
"What happened after opening the jewellery  parcel😢?"

"Then, James obviously opened the second parcel while smelling the white 🌹🌹🌻🌻🌹🌹🌻🌹🌹🌹🌹roses"

"Are you serious Krishna ?"

" sincerely"

"What was it Krishna?"

"You mean inside the parcel, 🌹🌹🌻 Meera?"

"Yeah !!!What was it?.."

"There was a Bhagavad-Gita as It is". 

"Excuse me   you say white roses, but we see red roses ?"

"It's not funny Krishna see only red and pink flowers".

" I need to tell you something on this regard "

"What is it Krishna?" 

"It's  all about  the greatest poet while describing Hunuman's Journey to Srilanka ,wrote that there were fragrantly fabulous  red roses on his pathway to Srilanka".

"In reality, the roses were white. So some people were arguing on this error. Hearing their arguments against the poet,Sri Ram rectified the mistake and beautified their misunderstandings of the prettiest poem".

"How Krishna".

"Hunuman was with reddened eyes because of angriness against the godlessness of Ravana, the white roses seemed to him as red roses becauseof his eyes had been reddened".

"Wow! Indeed interesting Krishna".

"Why we are talking of that now... what is the connection Krishna Anna?" .

"Could anyone come forward to help me please?."

"Can I?".
"Certainly Siva"

"I think here we are seeing only red roses, but the author claiming white roses ".

"Correct ...please give him an applause". 

"Could you enable to elaborate the explanation Krishna?"

"You mean in more detail Durga?"

"Yes Krishna".

"Ha...ha... it's  simply the same reason, Tulsy".

"Because the saddened students at the college witnessing the white flowers as red 🌹 💐 🌸 🌸 🌸 or pink roses 🌹 💐 💐 "

"Amazing 👏  Krishna".

"Could we catch up the follow up  Krishna?"
" Of course, James fantastically found the most lovely and  world wide renown 💕 catalogue of human in his favorite colours within the second parcel"

"We got it isn't it the 👑 👸 🤴 👑 crown catalogue of Lord 🙏 Krishna and His best friend, Arjuna's dialogue Krishna?" 
"Certainly Siva". 

"Is it world wide well known Krishna?"

" Definitely, however, it is unknown to the so called Hindus. "

 "0hhhhhh although we are Hindus, isn't it shame on us not knowing the reality  of the divinity Menan?.". 

"Alright...alright...calm down it is all because   Sankarachari." 

"Luckily Sankarachari  had convinced most of them that there is a God
   controlling us. "

"Nonetheless, they refused to accept as  personified God".

"You mean   Lord Krishna as a Person?"


"So part of the people have been classified as Hindus, who have no idea ,but behind some business Aasamies calling themselves Gods "

"They need to know what is bhakti-Yoga".
"How ?"

"Please open the yellow veil".




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