"The Sun sets in the West and the moon rises in the East". 

Who  We Are?
We Are Our 
Eternal Ebodiments 

Which is The Science of Self-realisation 
the Human-ness needs God Consciousness". 

"Our Tuition Include Vedic Lesson,When We Exclude Soul Knowledge, We are in the Level of  Beasts Due to Bondages As we are in Iron Age" 

"Hello students" 

"Hi Krishna Anna we often overcome with overloaded smart wordings from Vedic  Krishna!"

"Such entertaining education of eternity Krishna "

" What tense does it Krishna?"

"Pardon Peter?".

  " The sun sets in the West and the moon rises in the West " please?"

"It is present simple Peter" 

"Ohhhhhhhh my goodness!! We... we don't want your grandmother I mean grammar Krishna ha...ha..."

"Yeah you have not much ideas even in the suffixes and prefixes have you Krishna ha...ha...?".

"Oh you are right better we sort out the undone SUFFIXES AND PREFIXES before forgetting them students "

"Thanks Krishna last time Pammitta successfully worked out on the root word of LOVE".

"However, we found that she had worked out only SUFFIXES not prefixes Krishna"

" Cool down.,,cool down...Some one could come forward to help us please 🙏?"

"Krishna we thought you know it". 

"Just a minute we better ask Meera silently Rudra please?"

"No Krishna no more sympathy or empathy for you because you are not worthy Krishna".

''What's the problem Rudra why you're being bloody moody with Krishna Rudra like Ragu rowdy ?" 


'What because Rudra?"

"Didn't... didn't help me in my marriage matter Retna".

"Marriage is a mirrage Rudra just  looking like happy marriage and hooking us in bondages and mortgage loans of long long terms engage  in  discharge of duty responsibility and leading us  lack of Time  For the  Divine Radiant Duty Rudra and ending up having multiple cycles we don't want to be recycled like bin  "

"Ha...ha...SUUUUUUU Rudra you never maintain your silence how can anyone helps you to get married and end up in divorce in a matter of months Rudra that's why I advised to be patient, silent and obedient."

"Meera could you explain how does the prefixes building up from the root word?"

"Can I make a sample root and branch words Krishna?"

"Brilliant say softly otherwise the rest of the students stop coming to the class Meera ha...ha..

"Why Krishna?"

"Thinking that I'm an EMTY Meera wouldn't they?"

"So can I whisper Krishna?"

"Yeah...yeah "

"Right Krishna you said that you are an empty right?"

"SUUUUUUU Softer Meera".

"Can I use the word EMPTY as the root word to make up the tree branches Krishna?"

"Whatever... hurry up Meera!".


 1 ) EMTY the root word...


"Yeah, but all are suffixes again like Pammitta did .
Where is the prefixes Meera"

"Easy Krishna UNEMTIED"

That's all Meera?

"Yeah !!!!

...In stead of adding the letters at the end of the root word EMPTY, we have to  add at the beginning that's it Krishna "

"SUUUUUUU why you're  shouting Meera?"

"My apology Krisna "

"Now can anyone come up with colour pencils and draw a tree with the root word EMPTY ? "

"Lovely thanks Meera "

"Any more questions?

"Ha...ha...  grammar is a piece of cake for Krishna ha...ha..."

" Krishna,does the dualities is something 
two way traffic or like day and night and happy and unhappy?"

"Yeah Whatever happen ,we need to see or consider them as equal?"

"How Krishna?".

"That's the status of lotus attachment and detachment as long as we are in enlightenment even in  the event of a ship of gold  sinks, we sing ,


"Excellent  effort it's called "equanimity  (Santhy) "

"In other words, evenness out of our temper, tention and anxiety"

"It is pretty difficult Krishna Anna" 

"If we continually consult in Vedas, it's not much difficult we learn to live like water 💦 on the lotus leaf am I correct Krishna?"

"Correct in any case, we are protected by Papa in all circumstances" 

"If we have achieved that equanimity state,  Krisna Anna ,what we would benefit?"

"We enjoy  tranquility/   santhy Sarah facing failures or success;cold or hot; happy or unhappy even after our departure". 

"Who said it Krishna  ?"

"Vedas, Gurus, sages and rigis"

"What is it Krishna ?" 

"We reduce our tension disturbance and be calm until go back home".

"What Krishna ?" 

"Krishna ,what do you think of smart people have in common?"

"Asking questions is a super sign of an intelligent Rudra ".

"But my baby brother asking thossands of questions does it mean he's a smart boy Krishna?"

"It's depends to whom he ask questions and how he get answered Rudra" 

"In this regard, I tell you an  event .

Our guru Swami Bhaktivetananta'
"Yeah Krishna ".

"Once he was accompanied with his second son  to a wedding .

Being an intelligent, he asked him hundreds  of question about the wedded couple while queuing in the crowd of people.
All of a sudden, everyone burst out in laughters "

"Why Krishna?"

He asked,

 "Did you marry dad?" 

"Haha 😂 !"
Haha 😂 
Haha 😂 
Haha 😂 

"By the way, is the sky blue Krishna?"

"It's because of the reflection of the ocean I think  Rudra".

"Why do the cats meow Krishna?"

"Just to say hello Rudra...

Ha ha ha it's a common knowledge Rudra ".

"Why the cocks are crowing in the morning  Krishna and disturbing our sleeping Krishna?"

"Because it's their duty . Duty is Divine and our work is worship". 

"What kind of unkind duty is that Krishna?"

"It was respected by even Lord Krishna , as they had been created by Him for that auspicious purpose Rudra"

"I'm sorry 🙏 didn't get the point Krisna?"

"Simple waking up in early morning ,the this early morning mesns  auspicious time it's called Brahma mukurtham it's ourVedas' Words".

"Wow so Krishna it's worth of hang out with smart people like you Krishna "

" Thank you for the compliment Rosy ?"

"I wonder why Rosy said that kind of  flattering words Krishna?"

"No Rosy is not flattering actually and factually Krishna is teaching us new ,new news which are non-existence in ordinary school study and as a result, we are improving our intellectual interstingly and obtaining original stunnig skills such as speech, argument and conversation based on divine science which is exceptionally extra ordinary for the human being to be blessful Siva ".

"Are you sure Rosy not kidding Rosy?"

"No Krishna! There is always interesting things to learn from our sessions Krishna". 

"We can trust her Krishna we are the witnesses Krishna".

"Thanks Retna"

"Yes Krishna  this is why we always spend lots of time with you Krishna" 

"How often you exercise Krishna?

"Every time whenever feel tired and board Subathra" 


"Why Krishna?"

"Because the brain and body corporate each other in addition happy hormones are accumulating each time we do that Rata ".

"What kinds of exercise Krishna?"

"Delightful dance and enchanting chanting what else?"

"So there is nothing else to be delightful and  to be healthy Krishna??"

"Priotize eating healthy food to be good as prasadam after serving to the diety of Lord Krishna"

"Then Krishna?.

"Keep a diary and spend a few minutes in noting down thoughts and events". 


"Why Krishna ?"

"Will improve language ,communication skills and vocabularies skills and 
    share    what we learn our  newly learned new knowledge and it's a matter of reading various books and discuss of them based on blessings ".

"What else Krishna?"

"Take short breaks and learn to be organised and observe Originator students' beautiful behaviour how quickly they become righteous and how lovingly they attain lasting peace. Lord devotees never perishes.

"What does it mean Paris isn't it the capital of France Krishna?"


"Be destroyed ,decay death Rudra" 

"So the persons who ignore Krishna considered to be a saddened soul and as they failed the goal of the Soul realising?"

"True it's a massive mistake which worriedly lead them  to miscreant Balaraman "

isn't  a mischievous for  them Balaraman?".

"What does it mean, mischievous Krishna?"

"Intended to cause trouble Subathra ".

"Miscreant Krishna?"

"Wrong doer"

"Evidence Krishna?" 

"This should be understood in the Seventh Chapter the Lord says that one who is engaged mischievous activities cannot become a devotee of the Lord. One who is not devotee of the Lord has no good qualifications whatsoever". 

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness what a tuition !!!"

"Could we commence our Mission Tuition Krishna?"

"Why we have to know about Lord Krishna please ?"

"That's our original occupation ".

"We are too young Krishna why don't we wait to know about Lord Krishna?"

"Could we commence our Mission Tuition Krishna?"

"Absolutely Peter three, two and one:

"You are welcome students!".

" We are so so sorry to hear her thousands of sorry to the journalist ".

"Undoubtedly students!"

"We never know what would happen at any time ;any where to any body it's a tragedy, but for every body and our Divine Daddy is the remedy "

"All due to our anxiety  lack of torch of knowledge, which put us in upset of mindset see the way she was crying finding no way to stay in the country like we used to be in our own country Krisna" 

"Yes  Meera yes please pray for her 🙏"

"Am I correct Krishna ?"
"Sure...sure as sure as the sun rises every day Retna".

"Thanks Krishna 👍"

"We were unable to sleep thinking for answer of the  war krisna specifically their conflict conversation in between the presidents previous and present presidents of both parties Krishna".

 "Yeah how can we believe  our eyes watching the nastiest, toughest and the  dirtiest  destroyed country because of hatred jealous and ego Krishna Anna?"

"Grace of technology we watch and worried world. But previously although it happened we were unable to see them".

"You are talking about the smart phone technology Krishna?"

"Sure Sarah".

"We better follow up our backup Krishna!". 

"Why not  ?"

"We can't  wait  to know about Marina's serious situation" 

"Ready steady go :

When Sam returned Marina's home, from the school and temple birthday party events  , most of   Marina's relatives and friends were there, welcoming Sam  🙏 smilingly!"

Meanwhile, he  received  another call from home about his marriage matter".

"He was worried and which irritated him considering the irresponsibly idiotic activity of dammit dowry each day even in Australia Indian women are dying on  daily basis due to the dowry which is leading to a cruel crisis and crimes". 

"On contrary, he couldn't believe what his brother told him Krishna ".

" Yeeeeeeeees!Wow... he felt encouraged reminding what his identical twin brother told him affectionately Krishna!!."

 "Having a brave brother like him, no one needn't to
fears even heading  to a war Krishna".

"Isn't it  Krishna?"

"Sure!!!  His brother is going to obtain his passport  on his behalf, as we know he is as same as him ".

" He is him Krishna?".

"Undoubtedly ! There is not a tiny bit of different!!! 

"He is "him?"

"Excuse me Krishna ?"

"How can I help you Ruby?"

"What is his Guru's name again?". 

" Swami  His divine A.C Bhaktivetanta Swami praphupadah . "

"Pardon me Krishna Anna was he passed away naturally or he was killed  by S. S.A?"


"Security Service Agent".

"What are you talking about Rudra?" 

"We have a doubt of our Guru's departure Krishna Anna". 

" To be frank, I have no idea whatsoever".

"It... it is unfortunate what our guru was saying Krishna".

"What was it Mary?" 
"That he was poisoned Krishna ".

"Who did it Krisna Anna?"

  "It was a mystery I didn't do it".


"Sam doesn't say anything hypothetically, I mean imaginatively, but factually".

"Certainly Krishna!" 
"Since he didn't have  any concrete evidence at that time, obviously he didn't mention it".

"You mean that it was not Marina's biology book deeply wounded Sam and left him at hospital Krishna  ?".

"It's a mystery I have a doubt on Ragu's gangsters students "

"Suuuuuuu silence we have been investigating with the five teenagers Udana, Apana, Samana, Sayana and Viyana, but keep quiet okay?". 

"OK thanks Krishna ".

"Now it's comes to light what our guru was repeatedly saying".

"Was he was regrettably revealing the reality of the cruelty Krishna?".

"Certainty and it still remains as a mystery like Charles Darwin's theory of evolution and Marina's  biology book cases". 

"Why Krishna?"

"Why on earth our guru  had refused to be treated Krishna?"

" I have no clue students ".

"What even Baba was treated at hospital although he treated or healing others Krishna!"

"Rudra! Could you give us a clue what would have  happened?"

"Why  all of a sudden you all come up with a mysterious 
question today which is pretty hard to find the answer Krishna?"

"To be honest, Sam mentioned a few heroes who had been assassinated in his speech"

"Didn't he Krishna ?".
"Yes he did Krishna".

"But...but he didn't say that his  own guru was assassinated,  too Krishna Anna!".

 "Why Krishna?"

 "Best of all, his own guru was the original teacher of the original Vedas with points evidence and explanations Krishna".

"Cool down... cool down equanimity please!!!".

"We are pleading you!!! We need the fact of this tragedy Krishna Anna?".

"What does mean  pleading Krishna ?".

"Emotional request Mary".

"True Krisna Anna he was the one who was  teaching of our own Originator of sacred soul provider  unlike others who have been using the Gita's wordings as their own wordings Krishna". 

"Pardon Peter?" 

"Wasn't he the one who had interpreted the fact of our Father ?".

"Exactly he was the one who had proved us the original authoritative with authentic evidences of the creator Krishna". 

"Hundred percent he was the one in was charge and described our discharged of a genuine graceful divine duty following God consciousness Krishna Anna" 

"Absolutely previously we thought that the 33 millions of demigods are the administrators and creators by themselves without a root ".

"Please allow me to talk a bit"

" We are frustrated he was killed the rest of the gurus  were telling their own opinions including Google information of Vedas, "Quora Digest" saying on own opinion!". 

"Why you are not allowing Krishna Anna to talk?"

"Preciously didn't we have to rely on some onion opinion of some people who are claiming to be Gods and Goddesses by themselves?".

 " Yee! Which is misleading the innocent people pathetically. Enough is enough" 

"Exactly how many are  claiming to be Gods and Goddesses who have no idea of Vedas Krishna???" 

"There are so many telling funny stories hiding the history of  our Originator Krishna". 

"That's what our Gradma said".

"Obviously we are extremely saddened in hearing our Bona-fide spiritual Master was poisoned Krishna".

" Can we imagine Krishna ?"

" Our auspicious Bona-fide guru was assassinated Krishna?".

"Are we all are living in such a dangerously disgusting 
world Krishna?"

" Excuse me Krishna !!! We can hear your phone ringing".

"Thanks Pamitta" 

"Can...   I have a few words with you Krisna ?"

"Just hold on a second it's our tutor on line".

" What ever Rudra was saying is correct Krishna "

"What does our tutor say ?"

"Suuuuu let me finish our conversation Pamitta!". 

"They will ask  evidence please what can I  doooo??". 

" an example,  in Russia not long ago a heroic human similar to Sam was tortured and terribly being punished pathetically and poisoned jealousy Krishna Mena." 

"What is the correlation of our conversation here all are shouting?" 

"Listen Krishna , however, the person who was recently poisoned graciously  still alive".

"You mean  besides being poisoned unreasonably ?".


"Who is him?"

"Alexia Navanly."

"When was it?"


"Where was it?"

"In Berlin".

"During a flight from Tomsk to Mosco".

"Why in Berlin not in Russia ?

"Was...wasn't he a Russian politician?"

"He was treated in Berlin Krishna ". 

" We forward a video please open 🙏 ".


"Then only we all will open our eyes towards the terrible even horrible world including the present pathetic people who are  in war at Ukraine 🇺🇦"

 "Do we understand now why we have to stick with the Mission Krisna ?"

 "There is a relation of our tuition we are charged with divine duty to be discharged Krishna". 

"We wonder why an innocent opposition leader of Russia?"

"Egoism, jealous and hatred Krishna".

"These are wide spread all over the world Krishna Mena". 

"You mean assessinations  have been existing all around the world? ".

"This took place in 2020   ,but students are asking our guru, who was passed away  well before!".

 "Ye absolutely he had passed away in 14.11. 1977"  

"Listen Krishna Mena, in the  courts we some times  use similar cases to support the hardest case like this you can confirm with Rajeshkanna.".

"Thank you very  much ".

"Welcome see you later Krishna Mena...bye bye".

 " Have you finished Krishna Mena?" 

"Are you alright  Krishna Mena"

" Ha..,ha...!We heard Krishna your telephone conversation  clearly ".

"Anna why sir didn't want to talk to us personally Krishna?"

"He already wrote ,"I will be doing it via Krishna Menan." 

"Didn't he?",

" Yeah he    Did...did".

"Thanks Meera".

"How long the video might take Krishna Anna  ?".

"It may take may be taking more minutes to watch it." 

"Could we watch a bit please Krishna 🙏?"

"But with one condition".

"What does it mean Krishna?"

"We are going to test our understanding of listening".

"We don't like exam Krishna !". 

"We are impatiently waiting for it Krishna !!!"

What a wonderful tuition!!!  God bless you Krishna Anna ❤!

"We wonder how we are being monitored!"

"We all are controlled that's what Lord Krishna claimed in the Gita,  too".

"Welcome !!!Could we continue our Mission now Krishna?"
No problem:

"Wow Sam is sooo lucky to have such an identical brother  Krishna!.

"Hummmmm interesting and inspiring isn't Krishna?" 

"Otherwise it wouldn't be wise Krishna he couldn't even talk to Marina properly because of her parent's restrictions keep on calling him concerning the arrange marriage Krishna ".

"Yeee as we learned earlier, one moment with Sam, can change a day".

 "It's true Krishna ". 

"But one day with him ,can change a life that's  what we learn Krishna". 

"How could have been  if he had  just returned as a visitor after long, long suffering in separation?"

"Yee Rudra is correct Krishna we also learned that  his life can change the 🌎 world , imagine if he just took the risk of travelling all the way from far far away to meet his honey and leaves her all the way from here to there not even walk or talk to each other as she wanted and requested over the 📱phone she is not prone to cry all of her life Krishna".

"Doesn't she Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...Cool... cool let us carry on the rest of the story, Siva!"

"We are impatiently waiting for it Krishna".

" Appreciate it there were some girls had been drawing phenomenal arts with the mixture of rice flour and some colored powders which provide very effective form of decoration at her front door, home". 

"Some of the people lighting lovingly some lamps of illumination".

"Can...can we believe it Krishna?".

"What an unexpected birthday event Krishna?"

"That what some people were talking between themselves due to his divine duties from the childhood up to now. Moreover Marina teacher was not that unpopular ".

"In fact, the 🌞 sun rose among the roses 🌹 🌹 🥀🌹🥀. Oh goodness!!! It's simply like colourful 💎 💎 🔸️ 💎 🔸️diamonds 🔶️ 🔹️ 💠 🔷️diamonds illuminating fragrantly".
"When we learn, what we have to teach at least for a few fellows".

 "Don't we Krishna?",

"Well said Rata".

  "When we earn?" 

"We have to  share,too Krishna "
"Great girl".

"Like Marina's father and mother did in the past",

"Certainly...definitely Cristina".

"All of a sudden one of their visitors said while drawing the art in front of the gate entrance".

"What was it Krishna?"
 " Knowing others is intelligence;
 knowing ourselves is true wisdom and knowing Sam, is knowledge because he is kind and he is in the right royal road to meet the Divine Krishna Anna".

"Exactly when we realize the reality of divinity, the whole world is ours Krishna  "

"Why Subathra?"

"As it's belongs to Krishna who is Him?

"Our Father if we think like the scientists think, it makes much difference Krishna ",

"Of course, we used to be monkeys at the same time we... we think the evolution ends in human it's not intelligence Krishna".

"This is how the visitors have been talking and  working just to please Sam".

 On contrary Sam's services are serving and  pleasing Krishna to get out of the cycle". 

" Moreover, there was a sign of rain cooling them down". 

"It sounded  as a warmingly welcoming not warning of heavy raining, the grey clouds were crowding and cooling in corporation with beautiful breezing. It was not the first time this kinds of signs of rain. Every single birthday of Sam, it has been happening for some reasonable reasons."

"In  fact, you might have noticed how happy the grey were,  wow wonderfully walking briskly and beautifully while he was chanting cheerfully Krishna could we watchit again please Krishna?" 

"Oh you noticed tiny little little details Meera ?"

"The gracious clouds were not tiny little details but massive mountenious effect on our eyes Krishna "

"Thank Sam we better watch it I too lived it while hearing the auspecious   Gayatry Mantra krishna?"

"Wow what a cooling clouds cooling the crowds and showing the generosity within the community in sharing the super  showering of sensational rose 💧 💧 💧 water, sounds enchantingly emotional ." 

" Could we  imagine the sun is capable of covering up all these amazing actions?"

 " Impossible to imagined. The reason being, Sam often being so much of gratitude to the  sun which is witnessing in each an every attitude".
"Certainly Christina" 

"In return, the sun too smiling  simultaneously in spite of the crowded grey clouds" .
True Mary true".

"The birthday party is not ending as they all assumed, but it's just a beginning".

"Correct Krishna it  began in the temple continued up to the school  carried on to their home with close friends and relatives and finishing again in a distinct Krisna temple".

"How sir how did you know it?"

 "Ha...ha... there were some more calls
from Rajesh Kanna, Silva , Vanitha Benz Ratha Krishna, James  Raguram, Renuga, Krishna Menan and her mother, Mrs. Jonathan etc are already on the blue bus together with many others in a big 💙 blue bus all the way up to the greatest Krihna temple"

"Oh really?
 But not the temple  where Sam was taken in the early  🌄 morning with Marina, friends and her school children.💕. "

"To be fair, it's a funfair colorful, colorful decorations with fresh,fresh flowers were attracting every one surrounded Marina's home gloriously."

"All of a sudden, Marina's  Mum asked a few doubts from Sam and also  to test his torch of knowledge". 
"Why Krishna?"

"As she wonders how a young boy like him would have so much of torch of knowledge,!?"

 "Out of  her quickest queries, one question was too toughest."

"What was it sir we can try to help him?" 
"What is the subject matter of Bhagawadgita?"
" Oh my Goooood!!!!!
We are out sir ha..,ha..."

"Sam adjusted his throat and smiled at her ":



Hare Krishna

Please entertain a Srilankan talented student's video. 

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