God Morning πŸŒ„ 

Krishna Anna"

"God Morning πŸŒ„ sweet πŸ’– πŸ’“ πŸ’• hearts "

"Krishna, why we have been always attacking some  innocents such as tutor's nephew and his relatives Primary Pupil ,Shurudy ?"

"Ha...ha...We are not attacking anyone,  but we are attaching everyone who are seeking temporary  peace to our permanent souls  intentionally" 

"Of course, we cannot  agree with it Krishna". 

"So we sincerely  attracting them by playing  sport, LEELA  ?

"Sorry Krishna ❤️?".

"Krishna Leela by spotting out theirs  errors".

 "How does it mirror Krishna how what we can do Krishna?".

 "As it  mirror their accidental and  intentional horrors"

"Just  to avoid further fearful errors lack of their Creator 's torch of knowledge".

''Why we are bothering them Krishna?".

 "Their childish hobby  could lead , committing mistakes eternally ".

"What does it mean Krishna?"

"It would be unrepairable sweetest πŸ’• hearts πŸ’• ". 

"What does it mean intentional Krishna?"

"The opposite of accidental Rata or unintentional or purposely"

"Interesting information Krishna "

"A dish of dal must have a dash of salt to be tasty"

"Hum sounds inspiring who said it and why Krishna?".


"A man must have known the Supreme man who is maintaining each and every man as Atman and Paramatman in other words,Soul and Super Soul not a matter of power point, but powerful personality ".

"Wow πŸ‘ Where it's from Krishna?"

"Our Guru Bona-fide guru Bhaktivetananta said Balaraman πŸ™".

"Why we need to learn and teach  the Supreme Science Krishna?"

"Otherwise our thoughts,  words and deeds will be like a faulty machine leading towards fueling forest fire Krisna Anna". 

"Excellent expression Sam" 

"Impressive information Krishna!!"

"Thanks we are Divine instruments we have to use our mobile machines as divine servitors of the creator like the tree root support the whole branches  ".

"Thanks Tulsy". 

"Haven't we been  already  complying  these set of rules and regulations of vedas  Krishna?".

"Certainly Christina we do, but we are seriously struggling to visualise Visnu version of Krishna in our minds sets especially in meditation of the Maha Mantra that is the main mistake we have been committing greatest ♥ hearts πŸ’•. 

"Ohhhhhhh in that point,  we agree that we are not complying the set of important rule Krishna".


 "Why we wonder ...why it's pretty hard Krishna haven't we found a way yet Krishna?"

"Absolutely Krishna each  time we try , only monkeys are managing our minds by jumping branch to branch Krishna !"

"We chant the maha mantra  as music to entertain ourselves and please Papa aren't we Krishna?".

"You are right  Rudra ".

"But if we do not visualise the Visnu version of  Krishna I mean Atman , it is not much effective only destructive Krishna ".

"Yes Krishna best of all , the Paramatman Who is also  residents beside Atman in each and every man , that's what Sam described to Marina and put her in sweetest shock and emotional rain and pain Krishna"

  "Certainly Krishna that episode shouldn't be in vain . However, our own efforts  doesn't seem productive although Lord Krishna is hugely attractive, we couldn't visualise Him Krishna to be effective and productive krishna ...why?" 

"Do not be bothered or be confused our tutor suggests his own method of remembering Him easily and enchantingly.

"How Krishna how  please Krishna?".

 "First of all, when we open the BLOGGER ,don't we visualise tutor's  tremendous blue beautiful picture of the blessing book called 
"The Science of Self-realisation?".

"We do our apologies Krishna ".

 "But we don't visualise it Krishna we are often out of order with monkey mentality krishna ". 

"Thank you for being honest the reason why , I provide the pretty pink picture at the end of the session happy?"

"What is the specific on that pink book Krishna?"

"Tutor said the blessing book  will wonderfully  hook the mind much better than any other books as long as we live in the out look of our guru,Swami Prabhupada and baba ,too'' 

"Could you show me the book Krishna ?".

"Come over here more closer can you see clearer ?"

"Wow! So sweet of you Krishna we just wonder of  having an amazing  loving look at   the pink book  on which the same Visnu version stands on a pink lotus flower fragrantly , Krishna?''.

"Please everyone close your eyes now...just an experimentation of meditation...
... think of the pink book on which Lord in Visnu version with four hands standing on a pink gigantic lotus flower of pleasing fragrant"

"We do it without any difficulties krishna!"

"Now  say the Maha Mantra just three times smilingly like Sam does please".

" Woooooow we wonder how we can able to visualise Krishna ?
Does the book has an additional attractiveness of God effectiveness and consciousness without effort Krishna!?"

"Ha...ha...!Now I will tell you why...
... simply it has been recommended by our guru ,it has got godly current of vedic vibration students".

 "Krishna, as long as we are being genuine and regular  readers,  it will work phenomenally perfect but it doesn't matching up for me Krishna"

"We think that  simply because of our long term  learning and simultaneously sharing with our friends and families Krishna ".

 "Tremendous true, too it is the worthy worldly welfare than any other charity to the society as social services which usually the governments do in western countries as Welfare Benefits they are complying with Christianity."

"No Krishna the Welfare Benefits the government pay from the money they have been deducting from people's salary". 

"Is it?"

"Yes Krishna yes as soon as we lost our jobs or become disabled, they are refunding them honestly and generously Krishna".

"Yes Krishna you can ask your cousins who are the highest tax payers in London Krishna" 

"What! I don't want to talk of their salaries shame on me students"  

"So Krishna our tuition is such an important aspect to respect Krishna?"

"Yes at the same time, why his own nephew neglected our tutor Krishna?"

"In this regard could we share a CONGRATULATIONS?"

" By the way ,before that listen what Baba said,

"What was it Krishna?"

" every human heart there resides a glowing deepest desire to achieve Everlasting Ananda ".

"This is true Krishna" 

 let me complete it Rosy ...

"Happiness that is the awareness of Krishna Consciousness, but bad luck we all are endeavouring every time ; everyday without a moment's rest to attain ananda elsewhere". 

"Sure Krishna we can find in the bar of the universities we don't care of Krishna".

"That's what we are witnessing war all over the world Rosy ".

"Sorry Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...even Putin was in the university sacred students" 

"However , Baba said we find anananda  beyond our reach students".

"Reason being Krishna?"

"He says the root cause of the failure lies in our own identification of ourselves with our bodies". 

"Of course, we cannot say,

" I'm a soul "

at school or in the office or at home krishna". 

"Let me finish it Pamitta the  senses and our beliefs that the physical and sensual pleasure we can earn will give us
 ( ananda) pleasure which will appease our hunger "

" But we are ending up in anger Krishna!"

"Ha...ha....he said that we are not aware that we are Ananda which we seek elsewhere but can be only found in Vedas !"

"Thanks Krishna!

Now we feel happy to continue our conversation where we left  Krishna"

"Yes Krishna we welcome as the outcome makes sense of our Mission question Krishna".

"It is indeed ".

"What was it  Krishna where we left Krishna?".

"Our Family WhatsApp πŸ‘ͺ".

"Why we should know about the personal matter Krisna ?".

"Which is a teacher".


"Who was it Krishna?"

"In fact ,a doctor ,Nitaisevini Mataji"

"Sounds sacred interestingly  devotional Krishna ".

"When was it Krishna ?".

"It was on Thursday".

"What was all about it Krishna?"

"When we noticed a note of CONGRATULATIONS of our tutor with a vedic video, we were  astonished and by curiosity, we watched the video and inspired to share with you all super students".

"Can you tell us what was the note Krishna?"

"No problem  be silent OK?"

" The topic was CONGRATULATIONS .

"Why Krishna?".

"Following a message".

"What where was the message Krishna from whom Krishna?"

"From his nice nephew'.

"Now we would like to know the rest Krishna "

"It's my honour to say that I have been selected to represent Canadian cricket squad for Masters. 

Finally my dream came true in my 50 for holding my guns in sports until now."

"What is squad Krishna Anna?". 

"A group of sport players".

"Where does he live Krishna?"

"Canada ".

"What was the content of CONGRATULATIONS of our tutor Krishna?"


 It's honorable, appreciatable and also unforgettable. 
Of course, our definition  of success different from others definition of success.

However, Divine is intelligent and indulgent .He doesn't deny our temptations it may delay our Mission of liberation.

God bless you πŸ™".

"What is the correlation of this news with our tuition Krishna?"

"Because he is the one who challenged that there is no one as God it's just a matter of power point not Papa or Krishna interferes here"

"What does it mean I mean INDULGENT please Krishna?"

"Allowing to do someone what they want or overlooking their faults".

"Example please Krishna πŸ™"

"For instance, the Mother Nature's "Free will" allowing everyone to do everything as the kindest mothers and fathers  even allowing their female children wearing make up at their too,too young age in Tamil Culture for instance".

"Oh we got it KRISHNA ...
"However, the result would or wouldn't be as we expected some times cannot be repaired ".

"Why our tutor bothered?"

"He is a father following the Supreme Father's  "Divine Will" 

"Yeah! But his  nephew is not five ,  fifty Krishna!"

"May be does he is jealous of his nephew's dream world is being realised Krishna ha...ha...?".

"We do not deserve honour, homage and respect sacred students if we disregard all his advice despite of  witnessing the world's wrong path way of downgrade from upgrade"

"Ha...ha...!!!Do you think that ,our tutor is jealous of watching his happy students' amazing improvements of elegant  enlightenment.?"

''He worries although he is capable of directing his students against the downgrade towards upgrade  Krishna"

"Appreciate it Krishna!" 

"Whereas  his favourite nephew  is being negligence and attracted by the nasty nature 's Free Will Krishna?".

"Why does he think that his nephew is walking  through out a wrong direction Krishna he is fulfilling his ambitions as everyone else what false Krishna?"

"He... he has no rights to correct him Krishna has he any right Krishna?" 

"Definitely he worried as he thinks it's a matter of one wing bird's path way students "

"Pardon Krishna?"

"If his nephew does his duties  devotionally ,he wouldn't have bothered Krishna "

 "Ye as if he is in his constitutional position vedically, that's pretty perfect"

"Excuse meeeeee here we spot out that you have used a complex sentences with a comma Krishna".

"Sure Subathra". 

" does it work Krishna because it's where we often commit errors Krishna?"

"We too have the same issue  of commas Krishna?"

"Sure Christina,  to understand how to use commas, it is important to understand how complex sentences are formed" .

"How does it forming especially using the commas krishna?" 

"Complex sentences are used to link ideas together right ?" 

"Yes we learned there are two parts call clauses Krishna,but we didn't  learn  commas Krishna". 

"For instance, 

A) The car stopped suddenly. 

B) The car hit a lamp post.

"The car stopped when it hit the lampost Krishna "

"When we join these sentences using a connection or subordinate clause,   we don't need a comma OK?". 

Now look:

"A) Sam paused for a moment" .

"B) Then he entered the room."

"Before he entered the room ,Sam paused for a moment "

"Ohhhhhhh yeah thanks Krishna"

"Another example Krishna?".

A) The box was heavy. 
B) The box was only small .

'Although '

"Although the box was small, the box was heavy "

"Another one please Krishna?". 

A) Henry the 8th was the king of England from 1505.

B) He died in 1547.


"Until he died in 1547, Heather 8th was the King" 

"Again please Krishna without comma" 

A) It is important to eat lots of fruit and vegetables (BECAUSE )

B) They contain vitamins. 

(BECAUSE ) doesn't need a comma right?"

"Some times the part  of the sentences Starting with the connecting words" 

"How do we call them Krishna?"

"subordinate clauses"

"Yes when the subordinate  clauses move to the begining of the sentence Krishna ".

Let see tell me whether we use a comma here 

A)  the car stopped suddenly when we hit the lamppost. 

'A has no comma Krishna' 

B) When we hit the lamppost, the car stopped suddenly. 

"B needs a comma Krishna ".

"Now please rewrite these sentences ,moving the words that are coloured to the begining  of the sentences." 

"Use commas to separate the two parts or two clauses OK?".

A) I escaped from the aliens 

when it was dark.

"When it was dark , I escaped from the alien". 

"Excellent effort ".

"We will have to stay in 

if it rains all day."

"If it rains all day, we will have  stay in ".

"Brilliant boy!". 

"The journey took longer than expected because of the weather. 

"Because of the weather, the journey took longer than expected". 

"Brilliant boy !"

"I'm a girl Krishna ha...ha...why you repeatedly calling me boy naughty?  "

"My apologies when did you cut your hire so short Rosy?"

"Because of Rudra irritating me Krishna ".

"Ha...ha...oh goodness !"

"Please carry on Krishna !"
Krishna,  you know one thing?"

"What is it Rudra?"

"Now she looks much more better than before!" 

"You see Krishna your favorite student ,Rudra "

"Krishna if you don't mind I chant the Om Mantra to calm her down"

 "Alright  try Rudra but not like an angry puppy alright ?" 

"Noooooooo please even his neighbours complained Krishna whenever he practice OM Mantra "

"People change give him a chance Rosy"

"OK Krishna we better shut the door and windows first "

"Don't worry people say my voice is nice and manly Krishna".

"Alright try Rudra ".


"Thank you we really enjoyed Rudra"

"How did you practice Rudra?"

"Have you got a dog as a pet  Rudra ?"

"Krishna girls are  jealous of my nice voice" 

"Cool down Rudra !".

"Could we complete our grammar Krishna?"

"No problem". 

"I was soon completely lost inspite of the map".

"Inspite of the map, I was soon completely lost". 

"Excellent effort!" 

"They continued to hunt for survivors.

 until it was dark."

"Until it was dark , they continued to hunt for survivors" . 

"Thanks  ".

"Now we backup the session Krishna ".

"Oh so tutor's  meant that   without devotion towards the proper direction, is not humanity Krishna?".

"Probably... Forget about it and let us carry on our tuition students"

"Excuse  meeeeee! If he thinks that his nephew is wrong, what is the evidence he has Krishna ?"

"Does tutor think he is wrong because his nephew is an adamant Krishna?" 

"What ?"

"He says that how dare  he does not want to change his childhood mindset which is such a childish decision in his early teen"


 " Apparently he was terribly terrified and triggered by unauthorised or not authentic authors manipulating information in Hinduism ".

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness we understand that's why he is
interested  only in sense gratifications Krishna ".

"We can't blame him though Krishna". 
"We don't   Rata it's our tuition Rata we know there  are millions who have been tought in the same manner and wrong way students". 

"That is why we all are finding deeply  difficult to describe devotion Krishna ". 

" Sure I too was in the same situation in the same school and was shamed on their manipulated management lack of fund of knowledge students only when I began to learn  lessons in tuition, we woke up  students".

"If he was educated in a wrong way, who can be blamed Krishna the total fault and failure is belongs to education department Krishna?"

 "Absolutely we all have experienced childhood manipulated  mentality. However, we have been  improving and approving  the  proper proves aren't we Krishna?".

"But bad luck some are acting arrogantly Krishna which worries others undoubtedly Krishna "

"Of course, the ideas of our childhood decisions are mostly proven to be   falsehoods Krishna ".

 "Stop please  ask them to stop Krishna πŸ›‘!"

"Cool down.!!cool down  ".

"Could we see Dr and  hear her teaching to clear out the doubts please Krishna".

"No worries"

"Oh goodness we saw a Goddess ,daughter of Father Krishna!".

"This is awesome Krisna πŸ‘Œ!".

"Indeed...indeed unbelievable Krishna".

"The body is a house taken on rented from Krishna?"
"Am correct Krishna?".

"He is everything and everything in Him Krishna"


"By the way, who was it 
...was it his nephew Krishna?".

"Sure ...psure".

"Can we ignore the  Lord in breathing His air Krishna?".

"Could we survive ourselves without His water Krishna?"

"Would we imagine to be energised without His sun radiance Krishna?"

" at all!".

"Isn't it our duty to maintain our house , honouring the house owner Krishna?".

"Yes it's the land ,a field we can sow holiness and gather happiness Krishna ".

 "You mean happy  harvest Meera?".

"Correct or sow sin and suffer  and gather sadness lack of God consciousness Krishna". 

"Now it is up to us whether happy  harvest Krishna or lost in the middle of the forest...".

"Exactly Rata choose the concrete constructive and productive crop by 
being with Papa like Goppies".

"Oh my days ! What a sun rays on her tremendous teaching Krishna πŸ‘!!!".

"Have we got much time left specifically with the threatening viruses Krishna?".

"But many people pretending to be gurus and they have no torch of knowledge like Mataji Krishna".

"The Gurus should not give room to misunderstanding, misinterpreting and misleading Krishna".

"Who said it Subathra?"

"Our Bona-fide Swami Bhaktivetananta Prahrabhupada Krishna Anna". 


"The distribution and   the contribution of  the demigods are just the attribution  of the  creator Krishna".


"Attention !!! Attention not fault finding Rudra ".

"We are not fault finding but ...but.. fact finding that is our aspiration and ambition not defaming Krishna ". 

"We all are confront by    two πŸšͺπŸšͺdoors. 

"Pardon Krishna?"

"Sorry Krishna?"

"We all are confront by    two πŸšͺπŸšͺdoors. 

" are they Krishna?"

1) Envy
2) ego

"How to open these doors please Krishna?"

" Doesn't seems easy Krishna"

" erm ...Um...these doors πŸšͺ πŸšͺare bolted by these two πŸ”© πŸ”© bolts".

"OK we understand where is the key KrishnaAnna?"

"Does the πŸ’˜Love Krishna?".

"Again I remember  in the note of  CONGRATULATIONS, there was a word of colourful "LOVE

"What for Krishna Anna?"
"To unfasten the πŸ”© bolts "

"Why the door  have to be unfasten   Krishna?"

"It is the true education which will lead to the mission ".

"If not Krishna?"

"We will  be proud of ourselves and defame divine Dad".

"Oh that's what Dr Mataji meant Krishna?"


"Human heavenly honorable πŸŽ–life shouldn't be using only...only  for low loves, but Lord's love, too then we become steady and strong and steadily  study about Divine Daddy". 

"But there are different directions of divine studies Krishna!" 

"Of course , we have to give equal  validity of all faiths and we have a duty to understand the actual quality and validity of the Superior Personality , the Father".

"Who said Krishna Anna?".

"Our Bona-fide spiritual master".

"Why Krishna?".

"We have to be careful of the Divine Dad" 

"Why Krishna ?"


"What was it Krishna ?"

"The Divine current that flows and functions in every living being ,is the One original Universal Father's Atman and Parapbrahman". 

"Does  He is the Everlasting Entity Who Maintains the entire entities Krishna?"

"ABSOLUTELY Not the currency?"

 "Ha..,ha.. See the current currency and current circumstances every day each and every day the prices of  groceries go higher and higher devalue the currency Krishna".

"All because - Corona Covid 19 no Krishna?"

 "Ha.ha...ha... no  as we defaming our Father and praising ourselves" 

"Wow wow what a topic Krishna πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ!"

"I am going to hear the video again  please Krishna Anna". 


"Despite a multitude of challenges,we all are battling on to free more and more man from neglected necessity of inner identity in working harder and better as worship in an amazing out  look of divine blessed vidios views and books based on mesmerizing messages of Vedas Krishna".

"Sure Subathra sure".

"Krishna , could we visit Sam's home 🏠 ?"

"No there are some visitors at the moment ".

"At Sam's house Krishna? ".

"You mean his neighbor's house Krishna because Sam is on the way to  Marina home Krishna ".

 "Aren't they scared of the Robot πŸ€– the parrot 🦜 Krishna Anna on Sam'sabsent Krishna?"

"'s not robot however it's robotic like the Supreme Father is not only the  eternal energy, but also the enchanting entire Energetic ".

"You mean He is the Energiser of entire living entities Krishna?"

"Yeah starting from the sun 🌞 energy."

 "Now let's get started actually it's an incredibly intelligent bird rounding and rounding around the  house because    🏠 hearing noises".

"🐢 The puppy is very supportive and corporative  in this matter ".

"How Krishna?". 

" Ha...ha...the puppy Just  seated" ,

"Where Krishna?" 

"On a toy  chariot ".

"Ha...ha...!!! Seatet the parrot on the toy  🦜  Krishna?"

    " Ha...ha...yeah "

"And  pulling it ... through out the 🏠 palacious house  because they had been sitting in his garden enjoying amazing atmosphere in breathing fragrance from the fabulously colourful flowers?"

"Oh ha...ha...we got it,  because the puppy  cannot speak apart from barking and  he knows the parrot is pretty perfect partnership to protect the home from robberies Krishna?"
"Correct Christina"
"They are so sincere and serious,too Krishna".

"Ha...ha... exactly when Sam was worried last night following Marina's telephone call, πŸŒ™ they both had been calling the neighbours compassionately."

"Ohhhhh did they Krishna?"

 "Yeeeee they did!". 

"Unfortunately the neighbours were out".

"Nevertheless, untill they returned, they had been  calling them continuously".

" Unbelievable Krishna! "

"Sooo kind of  πŸ’˜ them Krishna".

"Let us carry on where we left Krishna."

"That's great πŸ‘". 

  "Who are they again Krishna?". 

"Sam's friends James, Rajeshkanna and Renuga." 

"Who is she Krishna ?"


... haven't they got any information from Sam yet Krishna?"


"When they are going to see Sam Krishna?"

"They are impatiently waiting, knowing  he is far, far away from them."

"Luckily they have been using the opportunity ,sharing the secret information to each others"

"Isn't it  bad habits of gossiping like that especially  while Sam isn't there Krishna ?"

"Gossip means a casual talk that is not sinful,but useful Sudah"

"They are discussing aren't they Krishna?"

"We understand Krishna Sam shouldn't  be disturbed".

 "Isn't it Krishna?"

" Absolutely Meera".

"A stitch in time saves nine",  Krishna...
 may be Sam needs their advices"

"True they delayed a bit it's not their mistake Krishna".

"What  they are doing now Krishna?"

"They eventually invited by Mr and Mrs Silva" 

"Is it a flat or house Krishna?"

"Didn't Krishna  tell us it's a three bedroom house Sarah?".

"At the moment, where are they Krishna?"

" They all are in Silva's three bed room flat"

"Hold don't a minute "Too, many cooks spoil the broth" Bro!".
"Well said 🌹 πŸ‘ Tulsy"

"Thank you Krishna!"

"They like the colour combination of the flat  and it is nicely furnished and fantastically colored like foreign flats ".
"Was it Krishna?"

"Sure πŸ‘ Subathra".

"You didn't introduce properly about the new characters Krishna?"

"Oh yes! There is a kind of kindest πŸ’• relationship of them today we introduce another  fresh character,too".

"Who is Renuga Krishna it's my name Krishna I want to know more of my named character please ?"

"Renuga has so soul stirring relationship with Rajesh Kanna "

 But Rajesh Kanna doesn't know her ".

"Why Krishna?"
 "He does not know how much she has been caring for him ".  

"No one  knows it neither do we ?

"Yeah what  are talking about Krishna? " .

"Apart from this, Rajesh kanna has got his own story of pain and  stain", 

"What does mean  stain Krishna?"

"something that hard to remove". 

"It was a sweetest story with some sorrowful charms anyway" . 

"What was it Krishna?"

"In fact,Renuga  knows him earlier". 

"We don't get it Krishna!". 

"In fact,Rajeshkanna is a friend and previous classmate of her brother, James".

"OK Krishna"

"But paying his visits to see her brother, James. Despite does not know that Renuga is his sister ".
 "The wonder was, Rajesh Kanna had a nasty nightmare by nasty nature".  

"Pardon puzzle riddle for us Krishna". 

" Suuu ! However graciously , he has been walking through the holy path with his friends support  especially Sam ". 

"How come Krishna?" 

"One by one he will tell us Peter" 

"You are right!!!

 "Are they British Krishna?"

"Matter of fact, Renuga's Mum, Gayatry had married with a British man after finishing her university studies in London".

"Oh that's  why James  had been recognised as a British boy already Krishna?"

"Absolutely their mother side parents separated her from him".
"Ohhhhhhh goodness!!!! is our Hindu Culture πŸ•‰ Krishna".

"Her mother, Gayatry had tried her level best to rejoin him, but it was left her more and more pain in vain". 

"Now we comprehend and we are nearing the route Krishna"

" Good! Consequently she was, passing her life in an uncomfortable  environment with past memories in dilemma again and again built up so much of stains". 

  "Ohhhhhhhh my God !!"

"...although she had been  settled in her own country on her parent's demand, her salary was not enough to cope a comfortable life with two grown children".

"Oh it's sounds like Marina's situation Krishna"

" True Rata.Of course, fortunately James is an architect now, but unfortunately he has not found a proper job on his actually field of  education  yet". 

" What is he doing now for living Krishna?"

"Working as a trainee with a moderate wages and he works on a temporarily contract basis." 

"Renuga is a private tutor.Just a beginning state , matter of a few months" .

 "How she knew Rajeskanna Krishna??"

"Actually, she met him twice  and she knew how he had been supporting  a few poor  people who were unable to pay  their charges of their court cases".

 ''Luckily just little, little cases he doesn't charge them considering their feeble ( weak )financial background" 
he helped them fee free legal advices". 

"What is he doing for living Krishna?"

" Lawyer, I mean a barrister",

"What does it mean I mean a  barrister Krishna?"

"A lawyer qualified to argue a case in court"

"Oh that's make sense Krishna".

"He helped some of her friends and families sympathetically and empathetically on a charity basis". 

"Good man Krishna"

"Why we are recommended to do charity Krishna?"

"Tremendous question Mary"

"It is  because the people who are doing charity somehow pleasing the Divine Dad ".

"What is the point of pleasing the God Krishna?"

"See for example, some big ,big stars and big big business men and kings have been doing charities".

"Oh yeah why?" 

"They  will become more and more better''.

"What else Krishna?"

"Best of all, influence your life and knowledge to be improved in Vedas".

"We can easily be assisted or helped to understand the Supreme Science or Krisna Science dearest sweetest πŸ’•πŸ’•hearts" 

"You mean without Lord's πŸ™ support, it is hard to learn the Scienceof Self-Realisation Krishna?'

"Yeeeeeeeees  we learnt about the Preset memories ,remember?"

"You think the preset easily adjustable only with Originator's assistants Krishna?"

"Definitely  Durga".

"Have you done any kind of charity Krishna?"

" Ha.,.ha...when it is necessary, or the right time comes,we can discuss of it not unnecessarily OK ?"

"I understand ....fair enough thank πŸ™ you Krishna"

"Was Renuga is the only  sister of his friend,James Krishna?" .

"Why Peter ?"

"I wish she had a younger sister Krishna Anna you know what I mean Krishna?"

"Not bad you mimic Rudra Peter ha...ha...have a great day".

"Pardon what does mean mimic Krishna?"

"Imitate the voice on behalf another person Peter?"

"Ohhhhhhh noooo I'm serious Krishna ha...ha...ha..."

Please Provide Prove of improvement of our country' economic Krishna 

No worries please open the best team of Sonny with Hindu Culture.

Continue .....
Hare Krishna!

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