"Srila Pahbhupada and his Discipline Disciples Overcame Many, Many  Obstacles To Overcome Their Mission Especially Building Up Krishna Consciousness Through Out The World. This Tremendous Touristic Attractive Temple At Juhu  Beautiful Beach in Bombay Caused Them Sky High Hardship". 

"Similarly We Have Been Overcoming Many Many Obstacles To Build Up Our Temple Yeah Our Tremendous Tuition As Man Mission In New Version Of Novel. As Many,Many Episodes For The Ordinary People To Become Extraordinary. 


"Hi Krishna Anna!!!...

 How are you getting on?" 

"Fine...fine and you!"

"We are okay πŸ‘Œ!" 

"Today we straight away commence the session". 


"We don't have much time left". 

"We appreciate  we heard another virus in corporation of Delta and Omicron have been discovered πŸ™" 

"Exactly excellent effort πŸ‘ πŸ‘!" 

" To be frank, our Mission, sessions and lessons are like our childhood, adulthood, old-hood and Fatherhood journey similar to various viruses journey so be with Vedas".


   "We never stop  continuing  the cycles of births".

"Yes of course "


"Would you tell me in a simplest way Krishna Anna?" 

"Anybody can assist Peter please?" 

"I think that I started my travelling firstly  in

"1) crawling". 

"Ha...ha...πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ !!!!!"

"Then another person please?"

"2) Obviously  I began my journey by walking "

"Wow... after crawling we are traveling by walking stupendous students".

"Brilliant πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 

"Next student please πŸ™". 

"3) In fact, riding cycle is my next step of journey with many friends Krishna Anna ".

"Fantastic...fantastic πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 

"After that please?"

"4) I think the  car is the attractive journey in investing mountainous money  Krishna Anna".

"Extraordinary... excited 😁 πŸ˜€ πŸ˜† πŸ™Œ 😍!

 "Next please!" 

"5) I think we Fled from fear by flight ✈️ travel Krishna Menan Anna".

"Ohhhhhhh my God!!!!! 

"Am I wrong Krishna Anna?"


...Thank you soooo much all matches fantastically!" 

"Now the hardest question". 

"What is it Krishna Anna?"

" After leaving our body, how do  we travel?"

"Ha...ha.. .Do not ask stupid questions Krishna!" 


"Krishna  Anna is not stupid"

"I didn't talk to you Ruby!"

"Please take away "I" position and replace it by "We" position like Rama. listen we all are one in terms of our Inner motivation right ?"

"Thank you Sam "

"When we use inappropriate language with anyone, we are affected Krishna  Anna is not  stupid, but rapid of realizing Krishna Consciousness Rudra" 

"Hold don't....hold don't silent please!"

"Simple answer Krishna Anna  we learned out the superior study of Supreme Science in our sessions . "

"Definitely any one answer how we travel then?" 

 "Through our astral body which we don't study apart from our Mission study Krisna Anna".

"Exactly ....besides our bodies decayed,  we must still travel to other pretty,  pretty planet after planet".

"Woooow! πŸ‘!"

"You are above our imagination of Self-Realization Krisna Anna!".

" But please!!!".

 "Shifting body after body and travelling  through space beyond beautiful galaxies and garlands".

"Unbelievable πŸ‘. πŸ‘. πŸ‘. πŸ‘. πŸ‘. πŸ‘. πŸ‘. πŸ‘. Krishna Anna!"

"How did you know Mena Anna?"

"Tell me the tree, we will tell what is the fruit".

"Ha...ha... you are correct Krishna Anna so the people against the truth are belonging to ?"


"Thanks Siva!"

"πŸ‘πŸ‘! "

"We know why".


 "As our minds, memories and intelligence are not only from the present birth, but belongs to millions of births".

"Ohhhhhhh goodness please πŸ™ praise up Sam,

standing up and cheering up !!!!"


"Only with our Originator's torch of knowledge, which can be acknowledged it and as a result liberated from these consecutive cruel travelling after travelling ". 


"We encouraged to carry on and on because of our   amazing attachments tongues taste sleepy mind set by trying to please the 33 million   of demi gods for the present personal sense gratifications ".

"Pardon Pamitta?" 

" I mean by prosperities profits such as  property and present temporary and personal progress ".

"Ohhhhhhh you made my day with sacred sun rays  God bless you Meera  brilliant πŸ‘ πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘ πŸ˜€ πŸ™Œ πŸ˜„" 


"Just like the lotus leaves live  in the pond without touching, we have to manage our happy life or unhappy life are equals".

"Hi five Anna!"

"Thank you soooo much Krishna Menan Anna." 

 "Alright now concentrate, ready, steady go a head"

"To be honest,the saintly kings πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘ only capable and entitled to carry out (execute)

 Originator's original words  all over the world" .

"Of course Krishna, ordinary people wouldn't appreciate extraordinary history which is heavenly connected ,divinely related and must not be doubted or neglected"

"Why Balaraman?

"For the ignorance peoples, it is impossible to realize they are adamant against their IGNORANCE LIFE STYLE AND WILL NOT UNDERSTAND Vedas way".

"Ha...ha...encouraging!!!Why Balarama ?"

"Partly because of their Karmas , partly due to their misunderstandings and misfortune in miscalculating besides holding degrees in different languages which doesn't relate to the career".

" Stupendous students! How  you know it Balaraman?"

"Can I please  Krishna?".

"Go on Meera !"

"The gorgeous incarnation of God, Viyasadeva had told and the reason why he already divided Vedas in to four classes "

"The same Vedas have been divided in to four versions of Vedas Meera?"

"Absolutely Krishna  πŸ€—".

"What are they dear?"

"Could I please?"

"Why not ?" 

" Rgh. Jasur, Sam and Atharva or something like that ...

"Ha...ha...very pleased ...very true"

''Krishna Anna!!!


"We have the happiest news today to share!"

"What was it Rosy 🌹🏡️🌹🌹🌹🌻🌹🌹🌹?"

 "That the Mahabarata is being started preproduction".

"What who said?"

" Was being announced 


"Ha ..ha...ha... Correct,  Tulsy 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿"

''The History of heavenly God's interference and intervention of India's administration has been announced all over the world"

"Could we watch witnesses please? 

"What are you talking about Rudra?"

"Our Guru is considered to be Rama avatar" 

"We didn't catch up" 

"Our Guru Prabhupada πŸ™made the whole world know the God Krishna πŸ™only because of his Guru's kindest request "

"Ohhhhhhh goodness you are correct even experiencing three heart attacks during his journey to America, he did not break or betrayed the given word like Lord Rama "

"Could you tell his brief biography please Krishna?"

"That's what Rudra talking about don't you Rudra?"

Please πŸ™ proceed:

"Thank God πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™."

"Oh goodness he is  Lord Rama!!!"

 "Yeah he had  Demonstrated   Dharma (Righteousness) Similarly Our Guru Endowed Us With Dharma and Sathiya ,Right and Truth Krishna Anna!".

"Ohhhhhhh my God!!!! He had bestowed Blessings ! Can We throw them  Through  the Window Krishna?"

"Unbelievable! Our Prime Duty is To Adhere to Dharma and Sathiya the Truth and Righteousness as Baba too recommended Krishna Anna"

"Definitely Durga!". 

 "As a prove to approve,  Our Guru,he had  conducted respecting his Guru's godly guidance to make difference without discrimination at his 69 years, travelled by ship, risking his life which is a goods ship Krishna Anna.

"Sure...Sure  Renuga!"

"Ohhhhhhhh  Goodnesss!!!! He knows that we are in Titanic ship Krishna Anna!"

"Undoubtedly he is Rama to introduce Dharma and Sathiya Sarah". 

"Incredibly impossible mission of Self-Realization Krishna!" 


"Yeeeeeeeeeeeees !!!!! Rama was known and is Adored as the person who never strayed away from the spoken word Krishna!".


"Incredible indeed a godly deed! That's why he is known and adored as the Embodiment of Dharma Krishna Anna!".

"Oh goodness!!!!It is mostly a question of the final goal that man sets before himself in life" .

"Oh my God! So the goal has to be the Science of Self-Realization Krishna Anna?"

 "Of course, why should the self take this human form?"

"Pardon Krishna Anna?".

"If mere living or happy living was the goal ,the self could have been Encased in the form of birds or beasts Balaraman".

"So Krishna  Anna, the very fact that man is equipped with memory, mind,intelligence, discrimination, ability to anticipate the future, desire to detach one self from the senses, etc...?"

"Absolutely Meera". 

"Now we realise how great is our Bona-Fide  Spiritual Master .Thank you soooo much. Could we carry on our Mahabarata Krishna?"


"It was the next day only for our Marina since she met her man of principal". 

"So merrily Marina did not call Sam yet  πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›?"

"Hold ...hold don't please take your tonqus in first ".

Ha...ha...ha...are you scared?

"Shall we sit in the garden Krishna 😁😁😁😁😁😁?"

"Ok...ok...ok... with slight smile like Sam, is better".

"We are" 

"Factually we are laughing like...."

"What Krishna ?"

"Like buffaloes." 

"Ha...ha...ha πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ ."

"Noooo my Match teacher said  I smile like a horse Krishna" πŸŽπŸ‡πŸŽπŸ‡  

"Rudra smiles like a cat 😸😸😸😸 !"

 "😁😁😁😁😁😁 ".

"Stop...stop... stop... please"

"Why Krishna ?"

"We...we did not say how you smile like?"

"Did I ask you, Ruby ❤️?"

" Fair enough.... fair enough! Let's start the narration".

"First tell us why she didn't want to phone πŸ“±πŸ“± Sam Krishna?"

"There might be thousand of reasons 🌹🌹🌻🌹🌹🌹🌹🌻🌹🌻".

"Excellent, you are correct πŸ’– Krishna".

"They might be thinking whether both of them could have been married or have been engaged".

"Interesting why not that's the way Sam was behaving Krishna?".

"As far as I known, she had no telephone at her home or even a mobile phone in her hand". ✋

 "Was she a poor girl?"

"Definitely, but not permanently only recently." 

"Besides, according to her policy, borrowing is extremely a sorrowing. So that, she would avoid to do that kind of mistakes .

"After all, calling her best  πŸ’– friend and ending up out of credit in the middle of the conversation,  wouldn't it be a shame on her?!"

"Oh Yeeeeessss".

 "That's another concern for her. The reason why, she had been waiting impatiently for her salary to speak to her glory, who taught her the ancient science , the Supreme Science".

"Was ... was it formally written in Sanskrit Krishna? "

"Yeah... yeah it was an amazing ancient language in which Lord Krishna spoke such a sacred Krishna science".

"Right let's catch up now OK?" 

"Thank πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ you Krishna"

"On her way back home from work, she felt tired made her feel happy and unhappy,too imagining she has been left separated from her college mates". 

"True Krishna  she... she may  regrettably and regularly forced to discontinue her  divined relationship?" 

" Correct! It was obviously because of facing  certain, certain unforeseen circumstances". 

"We got it Krishna.

"It's very true that the life has lots of surprises and anything is possible at anytime anywhere for anybody isn't it chocolates πŸ«πŸ«πŸ’•πŸ€ πŸ˜‰πŸ€ πŸ€ ?"

"Definitely πŸ₯°".

She was just sitting, watching and amusing the fragrance of colourful flowers πŸŒΈπŸŒΌπŸ’πŸŒΌπŸ’πŸŒΌπŸ’.

 "Life is just like the weather, it could change the direction of a love boat by forcing it towards a completely complicated route."

"We know Krishna it's sad It's a mysterious fate ".

"Isn't...isn't it Krishna πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚☺️?"

"Ye , but many people do not care and some people still in ignorance boat as they are like in  boredom  boats of  Divine but  desire of delicious dishes.   ⛵⛵⛵⛵⛵."

"But not Marina Krisna"

 "Sure however that would not eliminate the eternally everlasting fate immediately."

 "Am I correct Krishna?"

"Absolutely πŸ€—".

 "Apart from respecting Sam's restrictions Krisna?".

"Listen πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚ even listening 🎧🎧 Sam, the long term karmic reaction cannot be removed on the spot".

 "What ohhhh you mean the momentum Krishna?"

"Brilliant... brilliant watch an evident how we treat in false promises to the poor people!"

"We know  why we better remind the first episode conversation please πŸ™!" 

"No worries read please flash back ready?:"


"Krishna Anna, have you ever experienced  this type of fraudulent please?"
"Little bit "

'Evidence please?" 

"We have paid 13 lakes for Dad's heart surgery and the invoice or the bill was for five lakhs".


"The doctors said it's because you  are our neighbours"

"So what ?"

"And said you are our friends and Hindus." 

"That doesn't mean being miserable Krishna Anna!".

"And then they asked, "Don't we know that money is Luxmi?"

"I was wordless thinking the Godless guidelines incline/ tend to be maddened in materials, Brahman concept of Impersonalist"

"Then what they answered  Krishna Anna?"

..." We ...we should take every care to avoid  paying the tax"

"Ha....ha...what a Bramah Jyothi of Shankarasarya....ha...ha."

"What is his subject matter Mena Anna?"

"Of the jentleman?"


"Development of the destroyed district " 

"Why he reminded you Sivagy film?"

"Rajani's cinema teaching people to be motivated like him ".

"This is the reason why we too share Rajani's videos?"

"What can we do for them Krishna?"

"Suuuuuu cool down !
Have you remarked who published the  news?"


'It sounds our IMF involving because this types of information are previously prohibited '.

"Then how it has been published Krishna?".

"Obviously IMF involved ".

"It is very good news for the poor people."

"Why Krishna Anna ?"

"Name them and shame them... do you know what I mean?"

 "The whole world going to come to know"

"Oh yeah.... certainly they are  safe"_


"Because one or other going to safe them and.  And.. and... "

"Brilliant thanks πŸ‘"

"We cannot blame only the government because  we are avoiding in paying the mountenious amount of taxes KRISHNA!" 

" Sure...."

"By the way, what he would do if he see this news Krishna Anna?"


"Our tutor who else!".

"To be fair, he would have asked me to shared our sympathy in providing proper assistants ".

"What you would have done Krishna Anna ?"

"How many projects he had been asking  us to do like this Rudra?".
"Are we the US ?"

"We don't know Krishna ".

"Each time he finds this kind of 
disasters,he  would ask to give a hand'

"What you would do Krishna?" 

, We would be answering , 
"I got it I will do it ".

"Then Anna ?"

'I only know it's like giving halwa to the elephants unfortunately 🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘'

"What does mean Halwa  Krishna?"

"A Kind of delicious 🍰 Cake". 

"And then Krishna?"

"We give up the idea totally ".

"Doesn't he remind you?"

"He doesn't he is a forgetful fellow ha.. ha... ".

"Of course, that is why our tutor loves IMF involving in this tragedy Krishna ".

"Our country current currency situation seems like Shankrakara's Vedas ".

"Yes we watched a tremendous video , like Sam declared in his speech which is in the book" 

"What book?"

"The Science of Self Realisation", 

it's been written on page 82 how Shakakarakara prayed in Bhagawadgita and Lord πŸ™ Krishna"

"Have a go with the video how confused Shankar our innocent people.... it is difficult deepest difficult to understand for the non-devotees of the real God, Krishna.

"Could we share the video Peter?"

"No worries "

"Wow!We confused and accused Shankarasarya, but it was a Mistake Krishna?". 

"It's not a mistake as he was a non-dualist" 

"we are Dualist' however he agreed the dualism, but no one knows the fact. Except our Guru, Swami Prabhupada and his devotees". 

"Please accept our apologies ".

"Why we have been taught incorrectly Krishna?"

"Human is error we are conditioned souls we have four faults such as 1) cheating , 2) having faulty organ, 3) living in Maya/illusory and 4)make mistakes "

"Have a happy day by hearing the heavenly Father's Divine devotee's description of Our Appah":

Thanks πŸ‘



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