"Dear Sweetest Students ,Why we Have Been Promoting Prabhupadaha's Books?" "You Mean Through The Great Hearts 💕Books💞.?" Yeah "

"May Be We Are Working Like  The Wonder Women's Sankirtana  Movement Who Are  Dancing Delightedly  Across the World". Pardon ? "Aren't  We  Are Trying to  Give Mercy to The Conditioned Souls?. " Absolutely That's  Swami Prabhupada's Deepest desire Meera!".. Yeah Helping Them To Go Back Home. That's   all  our Motivation. "We authentically and automatically become Purified  Just Fulfilling Our Guru's Divine Desire " Wow ! This Torch of knowledge Has to Be Distributed!" 

 "Ohhhhhhh welcome Originator's  football  ⚽️🥅 league"

" Sure Dear Sweetest Students their faces are as round as balls!"

"Yeah how can we  help  you Krishna Anna?"

"We are going to have a few words in view of CONDITIONED SOULS "

 "That's why we Have Been Promoting Prabhupadaha's Books Through The Great Hearts 💕Books💞.?" 

"Definitely Rata 👏👏👏 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏!!!"

"May Be We Are Working Like  The Wonder Women's with rainbow colours sarees on the streets, beach and temples like angels".

"Who are they Krishna?"

 "Are... are  they unconditioned souls Krishna?"
"Certainly Meera !".

"The Sankirtana is the best  Sanatana and Dharma they are the best blessed Movements of enlightenment they  are considered to be unconditioned souls children ".

"Wooooooooo Krishna Anna, they do not make mistakes; do not cheat others ;do not live in  maya or illusion and obviously their minds in Divine direction?"

" Unchakablly Will not  Free Will like us But Divine Will?"

"Sure! They dance ,chants,work often  walk across the world not only to help themselves  but also help ourselves we are the CONDITIONED SOULS children"

"Pardon Krishna?"

"Aren't  We,   trying to  Give Mercy to the Conditioned Souls. "That's  Swami Prabhupada's deepest desire Krishna ???!"

"Cooool! Yeah We Are  Helping Them To Go Back Home,too students".

" That's   all  our motivation?". 

"We authentically and automatically become Purified just by compellingly completing our Guru's desire don't we?" 

"Wow !Well said!This Torch of knowledge has to be distributed!" 

"Thanks Krishna Hare Krishna"

"By the way ,we share a video"

 "We wonder why Krishna?"

 "We...we need to be blessed Soulfully as we know, anything is possible  any time, any where to any body sweethearts".

"It's sounds serious study Krishna "

"Please open the black veil Peter ".

"How did  you know her Krishna?"

"Accidentally we have been  watching their pretty black pets dogs as  the whole family were treating the dogs like their own babies". 

"So so sorry and seriously sad for them and  our late condolences for them she looks like actress Meena who lost her young husbandand a distinct father very recently".

"Thanks everyone be brave  understand how pity and how dangerous is our Titanic Ship journey ".

"Could we commence our narration please 🙏?"

"Alright one two three, 

"According to the scripture , there are five ice creams". 

"Pardon ha...ha..."
"Just for fun there are five streams

1) Santha".
2) Sakhya
3) Dasya 
4) Vatsala
5) Anuraga

"Like the five elements?" 

" Correct !Radha too was struggling like an ordinary person  as  Marina?".

" Of course! All because of the  five senses and five elements as we all are prone to be born and suffer due to the  deepest 💔 🙏 😔 😢 desires greedy and anger so we welcome our Guru's desires to do some charities as a remedy".

"Oh! Our suffering are the causes of the  five senses Krishna Anna?" 

"Sure these five elements have the five reactions.
"We have to walk like Radha in the Yammuna ".

"How to win the the three minds sets ?"
"Fabulous, fantastic question 👏 😀 👌!".

" 1) The Goodness Class,
 2) The Passion Class and 
3) The Ignorance Class".

"Yeah! They  have to be controlled carefully with the greatest love 💘 of Lord like Radha did."

"In addition to the five streams  flowing ,
there is another stream called Madhura which Radha followed.


" Through her love like Marina to Sam "

"Then only our life journey reach to the honey realm?".

" Yeeeee just for an example once Radha reached, there is no where to travel. 

" Yeah !Nothing more to do  the totality God's experiencing 🙏 🙌 💯 ".

"So she annexed with the attraction?"

"Yes she became Goddess".

"Could we come back  to our  narration please Krishna Anna what happened to our Marina🙏?".

"...She smelled the greatest sensational scent and she  thought thoughtfully and  smilingly" 

" Even Lord Krishna and Lord Jesus were pleased,too to see her". 

"Yes! At the same time,  Lord Jesus Christ 🙏 has been remarking her with his Father, Lord Krishna...."

"We sooo happy ! Little dance ...Divine dance please 🙏"

"Noooo problem Peter open the  blue vedic veil! "

"The video is unavoidable Krishna!"

"Alright it's all rallight  it was like a new source of a divine nature had shone through her back bone and relaxed her with a deep sweetened fresh breath". 

"What a pleasure Krishna?"

" She suggested again". 

"As soon as she had finished her shopping, she got on the blue bus that took her home", 

"Where was she sitting Mena Anna?"

"She was sitting at the front of the long bus, 🌹🌹🌻🌹🌻🌹🌻🌹🌻🌹  Roses!

"How she was  feeling now Krishna Anna?"

"Ha...ha...Ha...ha...ha....very pleased with her, ruby relationship".

"Ha...ha...ha...ha...she might  have  been worried in the  past few years Anna?". 

"Absolutely 🤗!"

" She was in  an unmeasurable pleasure now💕! "

"How Menan?"

"She felt while admiring the adorable beauty of the atmosphere!"
Roses" 🏵️🏵️🌹🏵️🌹🏵️🌹🏵️🌹🌹🌹🏵️🏵️🌹🏵️🌹🏵️🌹🏵️🌹🏵️🌹 

"However, happily  regularly recalling his honey, wonder word" .

"What was it Krishna?"

"A heavenly,‘Hello!!!’

" Was it because meeting his yellow flower 💐 Krishna Anna?"
"No ..seeing her in yellow  dress Peter"

"Peter used metaphor, Balaraman".

"Oh yeeeeeee sorry Peter".

"Wasn't it was 
the only glorious word he said?"

 "Definitely 🥰 !!! It was indeed Durga"

" As you said ,  I feel like a
precious stone that shone in her heart and illuminated her fantastic face.". 

"Yes 🥰 that's what she felt Meera!"

"No wonder it was comforting her feelings fantastically". 

On the other hand,
all of a sudden, the happiness said her,

"hi Marina!"

Then the sun 🌞 smiled,
Hi Marina"

And then the kind wind wordlessly touch her brown beautiful body in the form of breeze saying, 


After that, the shiny green trees waved their hands up looking at the upgraded soul  saying ,


Have a happy day ❤️❤️😊 "

"Sooner the oceans waves were jumping over and over overwhelmingly 🌊🌊🌊!".

"Why was it?"
"Only...only to  ask her ,

"hellooooo how do you do?"...

"Ha...ha...Was it him you were looking for years?"

"Later the charming flowers 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 sending her pretty perfume! It was  fantastically graceful such a sacred 💗💗❤️scents in a forms of fragrants. 

"Finally the baby birds🐦💘🐦🐦💘🐦💘🐦💘🐦🐦💘🐦💘🐦🐦💘🐦🐦🐦💘 were surrounding". 

"How Krishna?"

"like a blanket of fresh, fragrant flowers and reminding her the best western style chanting cheerfully."

" Anyone remember 🌹🏵️🌹🏵️🌹🏵️🌹🏵️🌹🏵️🌹🏵️?"

"What was it Mena ?"

"Could you remind it again?"

Come on!! come on!!! let's chant this name ,Lord 🙏 Krishna will be happy".

"We Carry on with you and wish Marina all the best 🤠😉🤠 Krishna"!

"Okay 👌"

"Dun... 🌞...dun..dun,
Rata Rani will bless you so let's chant loudly leave all anxiety and please 🙏 don't be worry!
 Don't be worry chant and be happy Marina".

"Stop stop 😠 please 🙏". 

"The doors are open we are afriad Krishna"

"Why Rudra? ".

"Because... because... because"

"Come on tell us before we yell! ".
"The donkeys love our voices ha...ha..ha".

"Warn him up Krishna!"

"Ha...ha... he does it just for fun!! Let's continue  ."

"Alright 👍She could not forget his fabulous face even for a micro second". 

"Could you believe it?" 

 "No "

"Even her charming appearance attracted other passengers?"

 "Are you kidding Krishna ?"

"Better we share video to inspire our audience".

"Can we play the enchanting  video?"

"Yeah touch it hold and refer it to You Tube "

"Could we commence??"

" Sure! Her golden  long gown her dark brown eyes complimenting each other". 

"Beautiful Ratas !!!".

"Her dark brown hair  dancing delightedly with her  wind  friend!" 

"The atmosphere would be  so warm and romantic wouldn't it Krishna Anna?". 

"Why not!" 

"The softest friendly wind softly played with her softened fair hair playfully."

"The entire elements doing these activities just for fun sir."

"Why not ? ".

"The wind was merrily messing her hair up  and down."

"It's not  fair  !"

"I don't know whether it's  fair or unfair of messing up her long hair."

"She too smilingly warned the air."

 "Seeing  its  fun, then she was doing her hair as a beautiful bun." 

"Which made her look more and more better or uglier Anna ?"...

"Ha...Ha...ha...ha... wonderfully  make her fairer and fairer, Subathra". 

"Seeing her happy soft warning of the kind wind, the sun smiled affectionately". 

"She was running her angelic fingers through her waving Velvety hair". 

"Suddenly, she was glancing at the beautiful green trees" 

"Why Krishna?"

Let's catch up we have lots to cover-up 🌹🌹🌻🌹🌻🌹🌻🌹🌻Rata!

"OK 👌 Krishna Anna!".

"Wow what a beautiful   weather welcoming her charmingly and smilingly."

"Oh goodness 😳!"

"What  Krishna Anna?"

"The... the shining leave of highest 🌳 🌲 🌴 🌳trees were sky high, stretching out to the blue sky cheerfully". 

"Look like they are  kindly kissing each other. Reminded herself  how she was expecting a cheerful closeness and warmest huge hug form  him". 

"Then she remembered how he was looking at the sky". 

"When Krishna?"

"When  Sam said golden good bye with a saddened smile ❤️ with  his reddened eyes 👁️👁️ glanced at the blue sky ☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️ clouds were cuddling each other".

"Why he did that Krishna?"

"He often does those types of body languages as godly gestures of pleasures'.

"What for?"
"While thanking to the greatest Divine"


"Who is the doer ,knower and the soul provider".

"Oh the Supreme Personality who shares His Personality with entire persons worldwide sir?".
"Appreciate it Siva"

"She was cherished 

"What is it Krishna ?"

"Remembering especially the pleasure moment".

"Then  she was watching at the cherry 🍒🍒🍒 trees 🎄🌲🎄🎄🌲🎄🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒 fruits were welcoming her with smiles".
"Unexpectedly she thanked her guru whole heartedly. "

"Who was him isn't  it our Guru?"

" Yeah  we can have different types of gurus too, but must be aware that the Guru must not unaware of our Originator then only  we can accept them as   messengers the Divine, Devadi Deva" 

"Anyhow, an unexpected shadow of worry had disturbed her even in her happy state of mind as she began to think of their hateful fate"...

"Sorry Krishna 💗?"
" What was  the reason behind  her uncontrollable emotions  Krishna?"

"We are coming to the point soon .Somehow, the  divinely dazzling golden sun seemed to cheer her up"

"How Krishna?"

"Just by playing hide and seek through out the wide windows of the big blue bus."

"You mean the sun's radiance was lovingly reflecting its powerful rays on her cheerful cheeks?"

"Ye... absolutely her astonishingly amazing mood got mixed up with many, many fun thoughts".

"What kind of thoughts Krishna 🤔?

"Krishna ask 🌹🏵️🌹 Rosy to keep quiet before I become deaf".

"Ha...ha...!Are you hearing now Rudra ha...ha...ha...she did not talk🌹?"

" Not true  Rudra it's for kidding isn't it Krishna?

"It is the only problem with the closed minded people Rudra!"

"Like  my partner ,Peter".


"OK Rosy 🌷🌹 it was something like pearly rainy in the holy sunny". 

"Unexpectedly, her enchanting eyes fixed in the distance!" 

"In the green atmosphere Krishna?"

"Sure sure 😁"

"". .

"Her  mind was miles away"

"What's wrong with her Krishna?"

 " Nothing wrong just... just she is in her joyous journey by  remembering a remarkable incident?"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness!'
"It was all about the last day of college Krishna  anna🏫?" 

" Definitely!!!Moreover, there was an unforgettable accident that made her last day was a life lasting regrettable rememberance." 

"Why was it Krishna?"

"It was an incident of Unforgettable".

"Oh my God what was it Krishna?",

"Oh dear  was it  the worst incident occurred on the last day of her  🏫 college study Krishna?"!!!

 " Unfortunately yes".

"It was because of that terrible reason why she was in extreme emotions "...  

"Was it her fault Krishna?"

"It was all  about an accidental incident, Meera".

"Why on earth 🌎🌍🌎 she crys for it Krishna Anna?"

"All because that accident had written a heart touching history of her whole life". 

"When was it Krishna?"
"Just a few years ago, Christina"

"Could you tell us the incident please 🙏?"

"Let me share exactly what she has been thinking and feeling ok?"

"Thanks 👍 Krishna"

"She is in the blue bus 🚌 right?".

One ... two... three

"Still my eyes are in emotions"

"Marina said to herself."

... "Oh goodness! It's sounded like  she was watching a fantastic film furiously: 

"In fact, there was a dreadful death and then a special speech".

"Basically, there was a strong speech competition already in  line between two groups in the colleges similar to Mukunda and Angelika's story scenarios".

"What was it sir?"

"One party like Duriodana party.
Another party like Arjuna party".

 "You mean one against the Supreme Science  and the other one with Vedas?".


"It was a few months  complex competitions". 

"Accidentally, in the middle of their competition, finding no way of paying dowry, one of Sam’s class mate's sisters, Rita had drunk poison and died!"

 "Wasn't it a fatal death?"

"Hundred percent sir!"
"In addition, Rita was someone gracious, she had plenty of friends; her decently disciplined acts multiplied her friends mysteriously".

"Then ?"

 "Following her  fatal tragedy, smiling Sam delivered a gracious speech even his teachers were  speechless".

"Where was it Krishna?".

"In .. the college in front of thousands of thousands students". 

 "In addition, he had the heavenly gift of  wonder devotional education".

"This is how he attracted the people ?"

"Yeah his life can change the world"!
Being one moment with him will change the day; being one day with him?

"Will change the  life ".

" When he voiced his divine knowledge and tender  eyes,he  welcomed the wisest people instantly!" 

"Moreover, he was a wise and nice person with wonder words of wisdom".

"It was an unbelievable  enlightenment!"

"Sort of  torch of knowledge". 

"Nonetheless, not everyone will understands the unbelievable Vedas chocolates 🍫🍫🍫💕🍫💕". 

"We know why 😅?"

"Simple, lack of interest and lack of punniya, (pious) too sweet 💓❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ hearts".

 "I mean because of impious in previous life." 

"So, how to get the soul  knowledge Krishna?".

"Simply chant... chant and chant humbly .Meanwhile,
read and read regularly even a tiny bit of Vedas".

"Could we listen to his speech please 🙏?

"Thanks 👍 Please carry on your narration sir".

The speech:

 "Dear friends! 
"He glanced gladly at every one."...

"As we know , there are twenty six letters in the alphabet that helps us to make thousands and thousands of volumes".

(He saw the Bhagavad-Gita  
then smiled),

..."but...but...but when we separate the letters and make them single, it means nothing just more than a letter". 

'Sam smiled' 

He asked looking at the audience authentically with his colourless sky blue shirt and a navy blue trousers.

"What I really mean to say is that ‘Union is strength’ ...

 When there is a will, there is a way'

His tone of talk not always the same.

"Pardon Krishna?"

"Whenever he says "friends,!"
His Velvety voice turns honey pot🍯 the softest and the sweetest "❤️.

"We need to be a bit generous in order to stop the continuous worries because of an unreasonable custom and curious culture without the greatest wisdom or torch of knowledge." 

He was kindly studying the audiences. 

It was authentic, divinic and yogic.

Then his tone touched most of the wise students compassionately.

"Yeah! great hearts 💗💗❤️❤️   the way I suggest is the easiest way".

Noticing his  wise advice,
everyone expecting with higher eager and watching him to find out the golden key.
"Dearest ❤️❤️❤️! The greatest key is, that  we have to explore the  knowledge of the Divine".

"What ?"

 "When we  eplore  it, we will stop exploit it".

 "Explore mean ?"

"Learn,Examine and Discuss".

"He meant the Supreme Science Krishna?"

"Surly Sarah!"

"Exploit Krishna?"

"Make use of someone unfairly".

"And what does elaborate mean?

"Develop in details" 

"Please continue Krishna Anna!"

"On the importance of understanding, we all are achieving  THE SCIENCE OF SELF REALISATION"

"Wow !Why not?...
"Isn't it get out of these tragedy Krishna?"

"YES,Sam was scanning the audience authentically".

"It is such an essential education great hearts 💟💟💟". 

He walked a bit towards the audience.

"Young men are expecting deep dowry from their female partners to make a mother of their future children"?!?!?!. 

"Is it humanity?"

"Is it divinity ?

"Are you insightful?" 

"What is insight sir?"

"Understanding the Truth"

"What is the Truth Krishna?"

1) The  Atman 
2) The paramatma and  or 

1)Brahman and
2) Parabraman. 

"We are Athmans or Brahman?"

"Lord 🙏 Krishna is Both Atman and Paramatman, sacred souls."

"Being the Supreme Personality or Person, He 
  personified in us".

Some of the teachers thrilled, puzzled as he was a riddle for them.

"We are sharing His Personality otherwise, we are not living entities I mean dead bodies". 

His voice had been broken down again into many pieces of golden powder power .

"Still he carried out Krishna?"

"Undoubtedly Rudra".


...... However, we have no idea of ourselves what to talk about SUPREME Father?

..As a consequence, there have been murders and manslaughters all because of???".

"He looked and  hooked good students when he stopped for a minute watching them with charms".

 "Is it our tradition friends?! 

...Is it  our culture great hearts?!  

...Is it our education!?

  Aren't we material minded?
Aren't...aren't we in the  ignorance ⛵⛵⛵ boats great 💖💓💖💓💖 hearts?  💟😔?."

"Smiling Sam stopped again and stayed still like a golden statue".

"Why Krishna?"

"He couldn't his throat didn't allow his insightful speech about improving one's inner self."

"What's wrong with him Krishna?"

"He was wiping away his tears with his bare handsome hands".

"Marina's belly was shaking she was weeping watching her, her class mate did the same".
Then in a golden brokenheart , 💖He insisted :

"Dear friends!
One's lack of inner
 self-realisation is the cause of all criminal cases  lack of knowing the cause of  causes".

"All of a sudden, 
his fondest friendly teacher rushed and hugged him saying: 

"Ye Sam wishes his audience originally embarked on an intellectual  Journey that reveals realising the need of self improvement can vastly improve the  quality of one's life".

 "Teacher's heart ❤️ was bleeding no-one knew".
"Sam was swallowing his dry mouth many times many had been wiping their 💧water 💧  including teachers".

"Audience obviously alarmed 🚨🚨🚨🚨 affectionately".

"Then to reassure his teacher, he glanced at the audience saying :

"It's a type of pollution...a poisonous pollution, killing the innocent population!... 

"Isn't it an act of crime?"

 "Isn't it an acid rain for the entire populations?".

"Dear students! 

Some wiped away and tried to walk away with emotions 🤣🤣🤣😂, but no way  the loud speakers  vibration stopped them and asked them to take away divine rays with them.

"As the clouds hide the radiant rays of Sun, the good qualities of good people are being hidden away by the bad qualities such as expecting dammit dowry." 

"We should not left Rita in this cruel condition".

He kept on wiping his pearls".

Marina was in a nightmare.

"These sorts of bad ☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️ clouds are the cause of this arrogant attitudes, represents acid rain for the whole population it is the blood rain,it is the red rain and it is the orange rain it is because of over pollution". 

"Krishna  sorry 💟 to interrupt.  It is because of  pollution there's blood rain 🌧️🌧️🌧️ in India?"

"Correct Roses 🌹🌹🌹"!

"I am not talking about the  donations; 

He walked wonderfully.
And then he smiled sadly,

" Birds 🐦🐦🐦💘 of the same feather flock together".

...Are we?
...Shall we?
....Union is strength".

"The donations are the expressions of our parents' love. In fact, the generous donations are the expression of generosity." 

He took the water 💧💦💦💦💦💦💦 from the greatest teachers and rank it like a little boy.

Then adjusting his throat saying,

"we sincerely should feel proud of it, but dowry worries within the community who are extremely suffering in poverty ...
is  so pity...

 . ..isn't it  cruelty!?

... it's a dirty!?
... in fact! 
 It’s so horrible; it should not exist while we exist... 

Oh goodness he was welcomed by entire crowd.

 Self belief is the essence of heroism, and our self will is so ardent and active that it will break a world into pieces and from those pieces we can make a stool to sit down on... 

In fact, protecting lives is truly a worldwide issue just like protecting the Earth... 

The criminals should be punished they should be charged with man slaughters and murders;
 the Government should take action against these kinds of bad reactions.... 

...These are simply called Karma because of our previous bad actions and wrong decisions; hopefully you all know what is Karma" 

He ran his fingers through out his flying hair.

"Karma will not leave the soul unless we realized the reality of the Supreme Personality." 

He was encouraged by the teachers tremendously.

"However, as long as people are ignorant of the Divine's direction, at least, the law should take this issue into consideration"... 

"We need to send a petition to the Government about these wrong forms of enjoyment because this will lead to attachment of materials and detachment of Divine... 

"It is not the correct engagement or entertainment will only lead us to the entanglement". 

"Students listened him lovingly Marina mesmerized!"

"She was surprised his greatest gestures and endless enthuse .

She rank joyful juice in the form of salty tears.
"He is cutest 😍 he is correct we all are in entanglement/ (complication)
and it will involve us in complicated circumstances"

"How he knows?" 

 She thought for a second
"Sam Siddhi means?".

'Her Guru said to her Sam means COMPLETE and 
Siddhi means PERFEXTION'.

Then she listened to the loud 🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊 speakers more enthusiastically. 

"Yes,  our Karma continuous birth after birth because it never ends at death"

Sam said at the end.

Hearing his unexpected and unimaginable speech, people began to realize that he was not an ordinary person.

His popularity was increasing
overwhelmingly overnight." 

"Krishna Anna,as soon as the teachers encouraged him, he delivered a decently delightful speech !"

"Absolutely 🤗 he is such a sensitive and sympathetic boy. They knew he needed encouragement"

" That's all today...See you later guys".

Krishna,it's wordless he is our Role model we love him and we will follow him.

"Finally let us listen just a few words of an intelligent Sacred Soul".

"Incredibly inspiring and important education 👏!"




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