"Good Morning Krishna Anna  !".

"Good Morning Everyone!". 

"Have you received some visitors  Krishna Anna?"

" It's Sam's car"

"Oh yee ! Could we see  what Sam does at the moment  Krishna?"

"Sure... sure"

"Thanks Krishna "

"Sam still in  the middle of conversation with his  neighbours as we listened in the last episode  🏠🏡🏠."

"Do you all  remember?".

"At his home Krishna talking with his neighbours Krishna?"

"Sure the neighborhood persuade him to go and see Marina don't they Krishna? ".

"Sure! The wonder was ,Mr Silva washed his blue car and  tried to persuade him as much as he could".

"ha...ha... such a kind friend Krishna ".

 "Definitely, he is indebted to Sam Krishna". 

"Where has he gone Krishna Anna?"

"Sam is still there I told you "

"Does he still talking  Krishna Anna?".

"Yeah!As usual, Sam adjusted his throat thoughtfully  and smiled forcefully while , smelling sensational scent from whole home as his  pray room ".

" Certainly  beautiful fresh flowers blooming around the home garden with colourful roses Krishna Anna?".

"Correct... correct "

"Taking in to consideration of our activities since innumerable births, we all have been preset even our minds set working on that past concept we can't set up. However Lord Krishna 's devotees can make up by cancelling the Karma",

 Smiling Sam said. ".

"So our life doesn't drive automatically on our own desires Krishna?"

" Sorry Sarah I didn't catch-up?".

"Does a life of a soul  depending  upon the preset Krishna?"

"Correct students". 
"And...and what about our original minds sets Krishna?".

"It derives form the storage of our own  bondage because of that, each of us have a particular personality according to our activities in the past that is called Karma kind of sins".

"What are the eternal entities Krishna?".

1) Our original minds , 
2) Our original Ego 
3) Our original intelligence and memories "

"We wonder  when these are ever lasting,  why we are dying Krishna?"

"Once our given duty is over, we have to change the body to engage the follow up duties in different activities ;in different country and in  different families due to our deep rooted passion,  compassions and material missions without Vedic sessions" .

 "Ohhhhhhhh goodness what would happen to our liberation Krishna?"

"Good questions.However , there is a possibility  of having   the same country according to the science footage and documental proves."

  "Does it due to our passions   and   not knowing that human life is a matter of journey of Divine destiny and we have a great responsibility of investment to get enlightenment?". 

"So what does the Gita teaches Krishna?

1) The Truth Science of Kala /Time
2) The Truth Science of Easwara/ Paramatman 
3) The Truth Science of Jiva/ Atman
4) The Truth Science  of Karma/ Activities 
5)The Truth Science of Prakrithy/Mother  Nature 

"What about the five elements on which we are made of Krishna are they not truth ?".

"When the pot is broken , it merging back to mud where they  originated from Subathra. "

"And other life sustainer maintenance , I mean permanent soul Krishna ?".

"That is originated from Krishna which can be attracted by Krishna and stop the consecutive suffering births as long as the soul realises that  Krishna is his or her Father with affection and devotion to get Appah's attraction ".

Excuse me Krishna!
Is it the case even to those who assume that Krishna is a  matter of Power Point ?".

" of our strangest mindset following:
1) Our original minds , 
2) Our original Ego 
3) Our original intelligence and memories "

We have to take many, many bodies, but no body knows  what body which is a tragedy ". 

" Are you threatening us Krishna?"

"No teaching the Law of the Nature Retna ".

"Otherwise Krishna?,"

"The soul comes back to another    mother 's   womb to get a degree and work in a restaurant or other labour jobs sticking with some demigods and...and...and...not interested in investigation of our inner body"

"So Krishna, we are not only set up our present minds sets in the present life ,but also from many, many millions  of evolution of transmigration of the souls we have built-in ?"

"Fantastic Renuga!  Finally miraculously  we have been given a boon body to study our past tragedies and get out of the danger by science of  Self-Realisation with some relationship of great hearts ' student's tuition Mission."

"Do... do we value our Vedas to be victorious both in this life and future life students ?".

"Surely Krishna !".

"Does it due to our deep Karma and also bit of punniya  we have been given our human body. In other words, 
pious and impious that at least  we attracted by this tuition mission   Krishna?"

"Sure sure Subathra" 

"What does it mean, bondage Krishna Anna?"

"State of being a slave or prisoner of materials Meera"

"You mean we all are in bondage because of our own mind set of innumerable years of transmigration  of evolution Krishna?"
"Yeah we all are interested in temporary tasks and tastes since innumerable births in evolutions,  but  in materially motivated improvement Krishna Anna?".

"Absolutely Subathra" 

"Please no one disturb Krishna".
"Thanks Rudra!". 

"Benz exclaimed excitedly and very very eager to know it. For her, it's pretty clear that apart from the five elements , there are other three aspects attached to the men from innumerable births in evolutions"

"What are they Krishna?" 

"Our  ego minds, our intelligence and our memories plus the five  elements totalling eight aspect attached to our temporary life ,making us believe as permanent properties "

" She was such an absorber  fourteen or fifteen years old girl"

"So what is the point of praying 🙏the God  Sam?"

"Vanitha asked seriously and shockingly ,waiting Sam for the answer while  thanking for the fresh fruit juice and  prasadam , especially hand made ."
 Sam was in silent smile. 

"Is it because silence is the best reply to the fool krishna?"

"Silent isn't empty it has full of answers  isn't it Krishna?".

"Ohhhhhhh goodness why you are being silent with smile Krishna ?"

" Yeah!Your smiles and silence  confusing us Krishna ".

Why my silence does not allow   where to attack students?"

"Silence is  always betterment rather than nonsense students"

"KRISHNA, if you be silent, who is going to teach us ?"

"If destiny cannot be changed , then why not let everyone run around like an animal and whatever is destined to happen will happen Krishna?"

"No the advantage is that we engage education; we engage devotion and we  engage our energy for self-improvement by helping the suffering in the war and battles of life and self realization students ". 

" need evidence from Lord krishna ;we want the answer from Lord of the Lords why are pretending to be the Lord Krishna?"

"Actually Krishna will change destiny, but only for his devotees" .

"So Krishna the quieter we  become ,we  become better listeners?"

"What else Lord Says Krishna ?".

"He says,

" Adam team servant papebhy moksayisyami".

Means I shall give you all protections  from all reactions of sinful activities 
Bhagavad-Gita 18.66".

"Why you all are standing?"

"This is  what Napolean Bonaparte  say that the world  suffers a lot not because of  the violence of the bad people ,but because of the silence  of  good people".

"Take your seats please "

"What do you think Benz?"
 Sam smiled silently."

"Benz didn't stop concerning Sam's finger which  has been bandaged with blood dripping ."

"Why the  people were created Sam?"

"To be self-realised Benz ".

"Why were  materials created Sam?"

" To be used  to  support our lives Benz". 

"Why the demigods are created  Sam?"

"To support the   living entities in driving the five elements such as  weather ,water, fire, air atmodphere Benz?". 

"Why the God was appeared Sam   ? "

"Ha...ha...He does not appear or disappear Benz".

"Pardon Sam?"

"Ha...ha... He was already there before the creation Sam?".

Her mother asked 

"Undoubtedly ".

Sam smiled 

"We are pretty confused Sam!".

 Her mother excited again. 

" Ha..Ha...ha...He is unborn;He is Eternal he has no ending ;He has no beginning Mrs Silva "

''Wow! Wordless why we are godless wandering with some zeros without the One which value them?" 

  And does He is there after  the creation?"
Vanitha her mother astonishingly asked!.

"Ha...ha... and will be there even after the annihilation or destroy of the whole world 🌎".

Everyone was amazingly watching, hearing his words of Vedas!.

"To be loved; to be  guided and eventually to promote us from the everlasting evolution mystery of neverending transmigration like travelling immigration and emigration".

"I'm confused Sam of demigods?"
Mr Silva smiled. 

 " They have been employed like ministers as simple as that".

"What Lord does ?"

"He promotes us from bad bodies to good bodies and from good bodies  godly bodies like His Heavenly Body Benz ".

"In His own abode to get out of these temporary traumatised dream lifestyle Sam?".

"Sure sure !".

"Are we love Him or love the demigods Sam?"

"Ha...ha...we neither Love Lord nor  love the demigods, but we love materials Benz "

"Why Sam?"

"We either educate ourselves in materials perfectly neither spirituality in a proper way"

"She gazed at his blood bandaged finger sadly "

Sam forced a false smile, pretending it was nothing

 saying the fact from Vedas,

"Our ego minds, our intelligence and our memories plus the five  elements totalling eight aspect attached to our temporary life, making us believe as permanent properties Sam? "

Her mother asked 

"Absolutely ?".

"So what is the point of praying 🙏the God  Sam?"

"For God Conscious persons, the preset can be resetted. Haven't I answered Benz"
"Oh my Goooooooood!!!!!"

"Thank you...thank you very very much Sam"

"Benz was emotional  because she only knows how painful while cutting the hand and still making the orange juice and salads ". 

"How Sam",
Benz asked emotionally still watching his wounded hand. 

"Her question was ambiguous, yes-- double meaning Krishna?"

"Certainly ".

Sam carried on responding:

"It's exactly like a child controlled by his parents"

"Sam smiled 💓 "

"But  our  independence can make us pretty naughty?"

"Said Benz still in her ambiguous language" 

Sam was amazed and which put a sweetest smile on his saddened face!!! wondering how cleverly she is warning him⚠️!?

"So we are within the preset or without the preset Sam?"

"Silva asked politely and respectfully", 

Sam adjusted his throat while crossing his legs. 

"In that point, obviously the nature is controlling  us, is our destiny"

 "Don't we Silva?"

"Ohhhhhhh I seeeeeee".

"So we have been preset to be continued our previous life desires in this present life, Sam?".

"Sure Silva"

"They often  exclaimed excitedly ,looking at his fabulous face although uncombed  messy hair muches him magnificently" 

" Sam was taking a sip -- drink in a small mouthful-- of his orange juice and said... 
"Nevertheless, when  the parents are  in Krishna Consciousness, they can be protected  

"You mean although we directly control by the Nasty Nature Sam?", 

 Meanwhile, Sam took another sip of delicious orange juice by taking some moment  to enjoy,
 he always swallows softly and slowly  to enjoy the delicious texture, 

the thickness and the mixtures of the lovely liquid as he mixed with natural honey in it and carefully explained them comprehensively like he carefully tasting the juice.

 So so nice to watch him. 

"Benz was released    and  listening him  submissively because of her submissiveness, she is a faithful and cleverest student". 
"How you guarantee Krishna that she is the cleverest?" 

"Once her mother worried of her negligence in physics subject which she hates",

 Mother came up with her beautiful book in violet 💜 colour, asking assistant and advice from Sam".

"He was busy got the book and left it where he was sitting. 

"Asked her,
" could you give me some times?"

"Actually the violet shiny 💜 book was left on the shiny brown desk reflecting each other like mirror ".

"When Sam was taking his evening relaxation, he gazed (steady look) at the book and had a look passionately, then he was   wondering why she worried of finding  a tutor for this piece of cake 🎂?"

"He smiled when Benz came for help in her English homework as usual, after the lesson, he asked her, 

" Look Benz! In which area you need help?"

"I mean  in physics subject?"

"I hate it because entirely  difficult, not a specific area totally complicated".

Sam smiled , saying,

"Do you know how intelligent you are?"

"She was wordless, it's not a matter of flattering Benz I mean not a matter of complimentary or praise. 
It's the fact"

"Could you tell me the most difficult subject matter in physics?"

"She took the book unlikely 📖 and turned the particular pages reluctantly and pussed the book neglectely!."

"Sam smiled 💓 understandably and explained it to her in a way related to the daily life".

Her face changed charmingly she even felt shame on her arrogant attitude of being rude to him in passing the book from far.
"After a few further follow up lessons, she picked up perfectly and eversince she is more interested in physics".

"Sam continued running his fingers through out his messy hair apparently he doesn't comb since Marina disappeared,  but friends recommended it's looks even  better for his nice face feature":

"Of course,we sometimes being abusive of our independence instead of using it."

"Don't we?"

  "Sam glanced  at Silva smilingly because he was an alcoholic which caused his son 's decision of being a donor of his organs.?"

" They nodded pretty promptly understanding the living vibrant example through Sam's eyes language" 

"However, when we are in Krisna consciousness, Lord's intervention will be in our favour and  protection,  too to do our labour".

"Example Sam?"

"For example once  our Guru said,

"it is not natural to commit mistakes ,but because of the freedom or  in dependency, people  go from Nature's  hands to un-nature hands".

"Pardon Sam?" 

 " again our Guru's guides,"

"A prisoner  for instant, cannot go out of the prison house naturally because he is natured to be in prison,"

"So you mean that is his destiny", 


"Ohhhhhhh my God! You mean the peoples committing crimes are preset, Sam?".

"Yes, according to our guru Swami Bhaktivetananta Prahrabhupada,  it is the case we know what our guru speaks means  simply Vedas"

"Certainly we understand that Sam",

 replied Vanitha.

"But if somehow or other, he arranges to jump over the wall and escapes from the prison Sam?", 

"Silva seriously questioned" 

Sam smiled ,saying good  idea,

"then he becomes eligible for further more punishment Mr Silva ". 

"They all astonished , appreciating him as an enlightened entity".

"I mean  naturally we cannot violate destiny".

 " If we ignore,then we will suffer.... your son  Ram is an excellent example".

"Silva was indeed embarrassed emotionally". 
"What evidence proves that we can get out of the destiny?"
Vanitha said.

"  Lord Krishna  says:" 

"Aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami"

We don't understand Sancrit Sam ha...ha...!

"I shall give you protection"

"Indeed splendid yes Sam 👍" 

"Thank  you in  other words, there are two categories of peoples". 

"Who are they Sam?"

"1) Non-devotee and 
2 ) devotee ".

"Extra ordinary  the Non-devotee is under the direct control of material nature like Silva used to be ,Apologies Mr Silva ha...ha...."

 ...and the devotee is under direct control of Krishna like Benz being so so compassionate  even unable to tolerate a blade cut"  . 

They all emotionally hugged him thankfully , saying,

"we not only allow our daughter to be a vegetarian, but we too  going to try our level best to become vegetarian.  God bless you Sam 🙏". 

 "In return Sam too gathered his pretty palms ❤together like a lotus  fragrant flower blooming bud ! "

"As soon as the visitors have gone, for a break, Sam took a walk around the garden in waiting Marina's  message impatiently "

"He watched his wrist ⌚watch worriedly as he is desperately determined to see Marina. Not for him  for his neighbours and Marina .

He often would worry of reminding his lost phone 📱.

 Marina knew his number by ❤ heart". 

"Then he was trying to concentrate and randomly reading the  messages in his mobile phone📱".

 "No wonder Sam reminded the serious scene" 

"What was it Krishna ?"
"Ragu's false and  foolish messages to Sam's mobile phone 📱 "

"Where was it Krishna?"

"In the college"

"When was it Krishna?"
"During his football practice"
"Ragu was expecting  and watching impatiently the out break of cruel communications ".

"For his bad surprise, when Sam returned to pick up the phone from Marina, nothing happened according Ragu's evil expectation".

"Wow what happened Krishna?"

Marina had deleted the messages decently ."

"Wouldn't Sam worry of her act of bossy,without his permission Krishna ?"

 " is not the first time she did so".

"Are you joking Krishna ?"

"No.He would be often welcoming her attitudes in gratitude". 

"What why Krishna?"

using his mobile in many occasions and would be deleting  whenever such uncommon comments or  kind of unappreciated or unappropriate sharing",

 In real, she had to delete much more sharing previously than these. 

"Why Krishna???"

"Ye who authorised her to do so Krishna ?"

"Correct you all are correct" 

"For her, Sam is Ram obviously Sam's divinic self-realised atomic sacred soul has magnetic power".

"Whaaat Krishna?"

"Which  acts like the ordinary tracts  magnet 🧲 attracts the metallics".

Oh  we got it her concept is not to accept this types  foolish sharing who are deeply rooted in Maya?".

"Definitely she often heard boys saying Sam is a womaniser especially Ragu rowdy". 

"Still she has the self confidence on Sam Krishna?"

"Ye she has the self confidence certainly, self -satisfaction grace of his self realization". 

"Could we blame the magnetic because it is attractive to the metallics ?"

"No Krishna then that's what happened to Lord Krishna in the highest frequency" 
"Then why Lord Rama repelling instead of compelling like Lord Krishna?" 

Rama Avatar is to teach Dharma. 

"Krisna is an Avatary".

"Sorry Krishna, what is Avatary Krishna?"

"He is in charge of  all the Avatars; 
He is the creator;
He is  is unborn;
He is Eternal;
He is the cause of all causes of the universe . 
And.and...and...that is not the end...


"What Krishna?"


"What is the BIG BANK theory Krishna "

"It's a big  blash, fierce fire".

Where it's Exploded  from Krishna?

"From His Body"

"So Krishna , the  entire universe are made of His atoms and whereas the atomic souls are administrating the entire world in the forms of living entities Krishna?"

"Excluding human beings Krishna?"

"Ha.ha.....including humans beings Peter".

"What does mean compelling and repelling Krishna??"

"Repelling is rejecting the compelling energy means attracting ."

"Correct Christina applause 👏 🙌 👌 👍!" 

"You know the battery 🔋 Rudra?"

"Yeah "

"it has got plus and minus energies" 

"Ye Meera"

"It will not attract the plus and plus".

 "Example Krishna?"

"Ok Can a man and a man be attracted to each other Rudra?"

"Yes Krishna!"


"Sir our tutor ,he is the evidence Krishna"

"What???? ...

I don't get it!"

"Remember once he said that he is  living with his husband".


"Ha.ha....Krishna Rudra is kidding...ha...ha"...

"Ohhhhhhh we understand the physics Krishna so all are Supreme Science?"

"Exactly Rata"

"Marina knows Sam is yogic?"
She knows he is not Thamsatic
She knows he not  Rajastic.
And she knows he is Sathvic.

"What are the meaning of these words ending in Tic...Tic...Vic?

There are  three classes.
Out of three, Sam is in Goodness Class"

 "She is his guardian and guidance angel Krishna?"

"Of course,Christina "
This is the difference between a Divine realized persons relationship  and an unrelated unwanted citizen's relationships". 

"Ragu rowdy went slammed the door watching them talking charmingly" 

"Then Sam recalled his friends' reactions following Ragu rowdy's threatening and frightening against him:

"Where was it Krishna?"

"In the college library".

"Once he had threatened Sam",

 Listen !I know one day your path way to heaven would be the same way as Martin Luther king or Gandhi or Kennedy mind it" 

At that time , James was watching him he smiled... saying ,

"a barking dog seldom bites". 

" However, Marina alarmed hearing his threatening.

But Sam smiled , saying:

"Marina! The soul never ever disappears and ever,ever reappears so the fearlessness is important". 

"Sam you are already  in that state of selflessness."

"Marina as a person put on new garments, giving up older ones,the soul similarly accepts new material bodies  giving up the old and useless ones''.

"She started crying please I can't imagine it Sam".

Watching their discussions often others in emotions.

"Marina, Soul  is an atomic individual eternal  which transferable of the atomic individual souls to another body"

"Who does responsible Sam?"
"Is made possible by the grace 💗 of Super soul".

 "What who does it... who said it Sam??"

"Vedas like the Mundaka Upanishads and Svetasvatara Upanishads compare the soul and the Super soul to two friendly 🐦🐦💘 birds sitting on the same  tree🌲"

She looked so so sad.

Her...her tears was welling up hearing his heart dwelling Divine expression .
"Marina all I am talking is the fact"

" Marina , it's like two love birds one of the two 🐦 birds is like the individual soul  is eating the fruits of the tree"

"Whereas other bird 🐦 💘 Krishna is the supreme soul, Paramatma,simply watching his friend, Atma " .

He wiped away her tears lovingly, she shocked such heavily healing sensation and motherly affection!

With a beautiful big breath she was concentrating compassionately 
"One is the Master other one is the servant."

She glanced at him asking,
"who are you ?"

Her belly was shaking; eyes were heating  both happy and unhappy  her mind was waving in the ocean she could not get out her eyes from Sam watching him  again and again in difference corners. 

Meanwhile, she watched a Vedic video in sam's smart phone it was unbelievable, unimaginable and unacceptable

She was  in divined dream while watching the video unexpectedly.  

" In fact, the awareness of Divine consciousness is the way of following the High Class or First Class knowingly, "The Goodness" ...

No wonder she was in Krishna loga (realm).
"Sam's smiled and  surprised, mesmerisingly marking Marina’s face in grace of Rata.

She was emotionally disagreed his argument in this particular case like Arjuna. 

Sam smiled,  saying ," you can't understand even the material science how are you going to understand  the Supreme Science Marina?" 

She was looking on the floor and compressed her lips, sounded she was going to cry again as she did not get his cuddling talk. 

"Ever since she would be studying so deeply and seriously especially about the Science and proved him that she was good at material Science." 

"Then one day, she stood in front of him charmingly with her happy smile and navy blue blouse together with milk white skirt 💙 of course showing her ❄ snow-white teeth".

"OK now I am good at Science, can you explain me about the three classes on which the Super Nature has been controlling the living entities in  connection with the Supreme Father?"

Sam smiled sweetly thinking her interests in the inspiring Supreme Science and asked her to sit next to him politely. 

He adjusted his hilarious velvet voice first ...

"Alright! Do not sit very close to me OK!!!

 He glanced at  her gladly? 

On contrary, he moved closed to her when she was looking her notes book she is good at taking notes. 

She smiled by moving a bit further away. 

"First... first of all, accept my apologies about last time" 

...Then he was watching her fascinating face for a while 
"It was the most important moment ever. 

He knew he had gone a bit far like an ordinary teen who are simply keen in sensual gratifications . 

He knows that she was always a submissive student. 

 He was apologetically cleared his throat and decided to tease her a bit more for fun...

"I don't think that you would be capable of realizing the reality of Supreme Personality  besides of being good at material science" .

Her eyes were clouded in tears her  lips were shivering, was near to tears!

 Chocking Sam, felt sorry for her.  Suddenly he changed her mind diplomatically  in saying,

"Oh dear where is my phone ...I lost it" 

She was straightaway watching everywhere seriously like a child ! 

He smiled  in saying, 

"do not worry I have got it "hearing it , she smiled sweetly,she was so happy for him and forgot her previous matter". 

"Where was it Krishna?"

"In the library room,Siva". 

"Are you ready to know the Supreme Science?"

 She smiled sincerely?

" You know all the material energies are generated or coming from the Sun?"

She nodded her head nicely and submissively.
"Alright! Similarly the exterior energy controlling everything called
Super Nature".

"Did you understand?"


"Sure super Marina!👌" 

"In fact, it's simple to understand it ...factually,the Super Nature   exterior energy like Sun energy OK "!

She nodded her head pretty promptly. 

"However ,the Interior Energy  is the Soul and the Super Soul".

"Factually the exterior energy, I mean  the Nature is controlled by the Superior energy, the God".

"So are these two main energies are God related?"

"Didn't you read the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is?"

"I am reading?"

" But I wonder how Nature is capable of  controlling the huge  number of living entities and the vast population and...and ..and  ?". 

" Haven't  you read that the management maintains by classifying and simplifying all the human beings in to three different classes?",

"She nodded nicely glancing at him softly", 

"First class;
 second class and 
third class ."

 " Why?",

She surprised innocently.

 "In order to simplify the Supreme System... this is Supreme Science:" 

 "What system"

 She again exclaimed . 

"The people who are following the ignorance class, like you for example" 

he smiled delightedly. 

"She recognised his  Joyous joke smilingly." 

" In fact, we are aware in our schools how we have been  divided following our standard or levels or grades?"
 "Aren't we Marina?"

"Yeah I got that point Sam". 

" Could you tell me about the Ignorance  Class get what kind of body in their next life Sam?"

" Interesting questing Marina. Their births  will be in risk of having animal bodies". 

"Why Sam?"

"As they don't have the qualification of being human beings".

 "Have they got qualifications Marina?". 

"He fantastically smiled in rolling his happy eyes". 

"So you have to decide what kind of animal kind you would like to be in the following birth!" 

She looked at him seriously and silently, sympathetically, but surprisingly!

"O.K...O.K...O.K...calm down calm down... 
...and the people who are following the second class called  Passion Class, may be retaking human births.

"Why Sam?"
"As they have got some kinds of compassion together with passions... "

"You understand what I mean?"

" More or less like us Marina"

"Therefore,they are following  some restrictions of the scriptures like us"

 "Do you agree?” 

"She nodded her head". 

"By the way, do you follow the Passion Class  or the third class , Ignorance Class or Goodness Class?" 

"He smiled at her hilariously. " 

"Neither the third nor the second,but the first Goodness Class."

She declared pretty  promptly.

Sam gave her happy high five  happily ".  

He just tested her understandability, too. It was amazing the way each of them glancing each other graciously as though they were from heavenly abode! 

It was impossible to describe! 

"Alright! Finally the first class, have a chance of liberation from the birth cycles by being forbearance, (tolerance) coherence (speak clearly and logically) and adherence,stick firmly and observe).

She thanked him obediently in nodding her happy head regularly and respectfully.

 Marina resembled an angel without any jewel! She had an impressive impression that he was not a normal human. 

She had been reading the Gita especially  about the three classes still she is being in complexity and confusion.

Nonetheless,hearing his smiling explanation only, she realized clearly and dimply!

It was a piece of peace cake from the Palace of Lord Krishna!

At that point, he glanced at her stunningly and with a awesome  smile!

 It sounded, superbly Superb for her!

It was simply a holy .She could not understand that existing in the material ,mortal realm!

Such a charm beautiful beams containing divined photons charging 
sensationally !

"Sam ! What have you been thinking so seriously and emotionally?"

"Asked Mr Silva."

"Simultaneously the land line telephone rang happily!"

It was Marina as they all anxiously awaiting.

"Sam smiled:" 

"Hi Marina!
 How are you doing! 
In fact, I have been waiting for your call from the early morning, but was in the bathroom,couldn't pick it up ... sorry for that, "

Sam smiled bravely.

Sooner she heard his voice she was happily settled down in  heavenly abode . 

"That's fine Sam... I just want to hear your voice" ... ; 
I just simply miss you so so badly; I wanted to see you soon Sam;

I want to walk with you and I wanted to talk with you 
She replied breathlessly...
before ending up her credit in her prepaid phone card!" 

She was struggling for words her throat kept blocking her words. Knowing her emotional state ,
suddenly he had comprehended that her phone might run out of credit! 

He quickly noted her address clearly and cleverly! 

"Oh goodness! Before telling her when he would be coming,  her phone stopped as he predicted !"

He was hurriedly buttoning his white T. shirt  wrongly!

Benz was laughing loudly .

The chubby brown  puppy was unhappy so he warned her in saying ,"Roar...roar"... 

She calmed down putting her indicating finger on her mouth promptly.

 "That put a smile on everyone face".

"I would't made him wait if I was you" ,
smiled Vanitha looking at her husband,Silva".

She really admired him since her son's matter because he was acting like an ancient divinely scholar  King. 

Her son for example, besides of being too young he spotted out where to have the confidence and to whom he could expect honor of his gracious action of donating organs.

As a matter of fact,he had spoken to him about his organs matter secretly.

"However, there are always some  people who have been still appreciating the systems of it"

On the other side,every one was decided to leave Sam as they are 100% satisfied of his right decision at the right time to see the right person. 

Neighbors  waved wonder good bye with splendor wishes and blesses together with fragrant smiles it was a kind of heart touching emotional event for them! 

Soon after he had  hung up the phone,he had got in to the car like a star. 

Actually, he was not far away from her the way he drives his clean ,clear  cute,blue car. 

He was over the moon. To be fair, Sooner he was on the way to the moon, the Sun asked him to put his elegance sun glasses which always make him more and more better look for his straight nice nose. 

No wonder,he was welcomed  by the splendor, kinder, wonder weather, he was wearing a tremendously tremendous smile on his long lovely lips he frequently moistened his lips cause of over joy.

 He felt marvelously jolly! What was a happy  brave holly man who was wholly (totally) affected  since a few years now?

He pleasantly surprised in seeing the enchanting and extraordinarily  exciting chattering of multiple monkeys on mango trees and the sweetly,stupendous environment!

  There had been a few days of bad weather to be honest , but today it was not the case... pretty perfect climate to facilitate him to meet his class mate.

He happily lowed the side window glasses to feel the breeze; it was friendly fanning his fabulous hair heroically.

The divined energy  packets were jumped in to his pockets!

Yeah a beautiful beam of electromagnetic radiation
 suddenly stored it's photons in him! 

"Wow where they  were?" 

"They all in his cells, blood cells like the capillaries infusing  the nutrients in to the blood cells, the Divined photons beautified him it was in deed the happiest energy photons not the ordinary one which break the molecules; 

"it's not a kind of ionizing radiation with high photons energy which break molecule into bits and make them ions.,but these are turning  to divine cells!"
What a wonderful 🌎 world !!!

Unexpectedly the sky was turning more and more  marvelous in multiply colors  marvelously.  

"Then suddenly changed in to blue like a gigantic  umbrella then again a mixture of magnificent blue,grey and snow white umbrella".

At the same time, chirping of the sweetest birds makes him stronger and younger for longer.

They fly over and over his car; Whooooom!!! Shoooom!!!! ...far and near to welcome the star.

They were everywhere,nowhere left without them.Some of the green shiny and  tallest trees were just touching and kissing the sky with tender and pleasure in spying the godly guy heading towards an angel!"

  Some of the 🌲🎄🌲🎄🍒🌲🌲🎄🌲🎄🌲 branches are clapping by their lovely leaves or in other words fluttering their loveliest leaves seeing the man who teaches about the Super Man.

It was the best place he ever been or ever seen such a gorgeous scene to be seen.

Moreover, his genes generously generating enchanting energy  and   injecting him the  radiant and the ingredient of the  mighty proteins from the Divine of the Divines photons. 

It's true he has got the inspirational genes from the transcendental Man of power, Lord Krishna unlike everyone else.

 As long as he realized the reality of the Supreme personality,he is a successful man in both in this life and after this life. 

Now he is heading to see his future wife. He knows all are Maya.

"He was so keen. It  was a paradise superbly clean and clear; green visibly vedic welcoming  .

"The Great Hearts". All of his worries or plight  feel sorry to be with him and suddenly they vanished shamefully as they don't want to be punished by his delight mood in his highly oxygenated hyper powered reddened blooded best boy.

Needn't to say, he has been driving in the   woodened glorious greenest 
garden of the God or the super Lord. 

Sure! sure!! He was driving with phenomenal and inspirational calmness in the middle of the golden woods and his brave Divinely photons  turned his face fantastically dynamic.

It sounds like  she lives in the country side beside lots of beautiful and colorful places and puzzling plants ever loving  ever green making him feel fresh and fond of them!

He had never been there earlier! ...He was really meant seems like it was as an expensive green carpet was fixed on the whole Earth!. 

What a  true blue sky roofed as the proof of welcoming a Divine person  who has been showing the entire friends and families about the  divine 
For his plasant surprise, there are tremendous, golden mountain was  wonderfully beautifying  the fair atmodphere graciously and extraordinary.

 The Mantra was playing in his C.D player in the shiny navy blue car,which has got shiny stunning head lights are on following the sudden change of  cloudy. 

 The journey has been in heaven such a  honey with yellow  sunny and a bit crystal clear shower in the form of rainy make the flower petals to be seen like blinking at him.
What a  slight silver shower?

"The green grass and the green plants are greeting the 
 the man of principal.

 Meanwhile ,the  wonderful roses  and other variety of colorful flowers wishing him  all the best of the best in springing the rose water for their pleasure.

 Yes… Yes… Yes… the Super Nature helps the flowers in pouring a bit tiny bit of   as the nature understands the nature of a person.

"Pardon Krishna?"

 "I mean he understands the acts of the nature under the control of Supreme Personality of God Head certainly not a matter matter or Power like some crazy people proclaiming proudly because of some material books 📚 knowledge. "

"Wow....After many, many days Sam going to see his
 honey sir,!!"

"Yeah, it is going to be a sun shines in the glamorous  divine destiny".  

"Unexpectedly he checked his purse whether there
 is enough money  as any thing might need any time for
any one". 

"Thanks ...