"Hi Have a  delightful day Krishna Anna! 

Wow!Don't we hear an amazing temple bell 🔔 Krishna Anna?"

"Is there any temple around the corner Krishna Anna?"

"Sure !

" Pretty pleased to hear it Krishna Anna" 

"What ?".

" Who's temple is it Krishna?"

"Hare Krishna Temple "

"Wow what a coincidence!"

" Guru said , "The most effective discipline that man can adopt to attain in the  world is control our senses".

"Didn't catch up your goal  Krishna Anna?"

"Overall,we all control our five senses " ".

"How does it come to your mind all of a sudden Krishna Anna?"

"Our lovely five senses are controlled by Krishna ".

"How does it possible please Krishna 🙏?"

"Oh first of all we all  can hear the temple bell correct?".

"Yes second of all we all  think of God didn't we Krishna?".


Third of all we all are  ,talking about Krishna and sharing  our conversation. Aren't we Krishna Anna ?".

"Ha...ha... that 's what you said that we are controlled by Lord Krishna ?''.

"Brilliant thanks fourthly we all are smelling the temple fragrants 👍!".

"What ?

We don't get it ?".

"Sure Sarah as long as we are concentrating, using all of our five  senses towards Lord Krishna, we are  controlled by Krishna" .

"Aren't we are  concentrating  of the five filthy senses Krishna Anna in this cinema world of Karma???....."

"Really appreciate it .Result, we become blessing bridge to everyone and anyone  !!!".

"Absolutely that's what we learned from Vedas to avoid evils errors, from  our eyes, ears minds, tongues and hands are prone to commit". 

"Thanks proud of you all 💓!".

"We have to be always like we are today Siva" .

"Does Lord Krishna dwells in  us Mena Anna?"

 "Sure... as sure as the sun rises in the morning and set at night Subathra ".

"Double check does He live within our hearts Krishna?"

"Sure you got the answer within the question Rosy if....if ...if...He moves away from our body we are nobody "

" Ha...ha...we are dead body Krishna Anna"

"Does Lord lives even  in an  evil individual Krishna?"

"Undoubtedly Balaraman".

"How we understand the people who are attracted by God's attachment Krishna?" 

"Aren't we  shareing and inspiring others with Vedic message ?"

"Ha...ha...we are self praising people "

"No surprising persons". 

"It's such a  great that's what all of our audience do Krishna". 

"  Ha...Ha...ha...Ha...Ha...ha...ha...ha...ha ..ha...ha...ha...ha...ha...ha...ha..." 

"It's not fun why you laugh Rudra?"

"I want to run way".

"It's depending of what kinds of  messages we are sharing Rata". 

"In that  case, I' m out, Krishna" 

"Why... why down Rata!".

" I only share what I like Krishna Anna".

"We too   Krishna Anna  we  only share something we like not you like Krishna  we don't care of what we are learning, but we are referring regularly various Vedas of various people".

"Are...are we fools Krishna Anna in vasting our times ?".

"  are we  out Krishna ?"

'If we wish Lord sparks  clearly shining in our activities, we better  inspiring audience in connecting with the Vedas  to improve  people's path of Papah... "


" This is how our Guru's spiritual sparks empowered everyone , for instance,his desciplined  devotees in the parks especially in America "

"Why not ....!!!Sarah why not our guru's grace sparks graciously, guiding us that's why we are inspired by his information and sharing them with  all our audiences". 

"Sure Krishna Anna, although we don't sit in the  park, like the devotees did, in America our classroom become sparks of divinity".

"Thanks Rata!". 

 "Even the   inflation increase irresponsibly and money crashed cruelly  ,people clash angrily ,watching the house prices slashed  unexpectedly, we still stick with our tuition I don't really really appreciate it Krishna Anna ".

"What's wrong with you Rudra ?".

"I'm upset because of the volatility of the currency  market it's so so seriously wicked" 

"Certainly watching the uncertainty contaminating cruelly the powerful counties currency and the values, are dropping unprecedentedly or unpredictable, we wonder what we are going to do?".

"Ye is it worth of working harder and harder and study seriously?".

"Yes! disgusting and devastating  devaluation Leaving our current currency   floating every single second".

"Hold don't ...hold don't there is an unfamiliar word Krishna!

"What was it Krishna?"

"What does it mean,  VOLATILITY Krishna?"

"Oh that is another word for floating currencies unpredictably isn't it Krishna?"

"Definitely Durga ".

"Why Krishna we keep on and on our tuition?"

"To give our audience Idea  to achieve the highest joy the altimate goal by bringing out the dwelling  divine understanding while  witnessing the world life of volatility". 

"Thanks Krishna!''

 "We remember the days when we were happy together in our mother land ".

"Definitely Durga!".

"What is the beautiful book called ?"


"Does it's The King of Knowledge Krishna?".

"Oh "Raja-Vidya in Sanskrit"

"Are you  talking about the above brown book Krishna?"

 "Obviously ".

"Doesn't... doesn't it mean King's education Krishna Menan Anna?"

"Yes the King of knowledge "

"Doesn't it encourage and making us feel sweet and serious?". 

"Why Rosy ?".

"In considering the selflessness of spiritual persons and  selfishness of material men?"

"Ohhhhhhh does it mean the Science of Self-Realization Krishna?"

" does".

"Does it the blessing bridge of Lord Krishna?"


"Unchallengable Krishna Anna it'sa small volume beof Vedic root we have read it ?". 

"High five Pamitta !"


"Wow! How... how it would possible Krishna Anna!"

"For instance doesn't it feeling frequency of faithfulness already Krishna Anna?".

"Yeah   a kind of trip of  traveling ⛵⛵⛵⛵⛵⛵ towards the greatest access of success!".

"Sure success mean a Krishna's Key to happiness".

"Ha...ha...! It  is the Krishna Key to success?"

"Hundred percent Peter" 

"We love what we are doing Krishna ".

"Absolutely if we make friend with Krishna,you will be never be alone".

"Why ,".

"If he lives in our hearts what about His abode?
Doesn't He live  in His own Abode?"

"He is pervading everywhere nowhere He is not there"


"Wow what a nice divine advice seems like fragrants of Father refreshing garden ?". 

"Yeah to be fair,  it's seems  we smell around here in the atmosphere Anna"

"We don't do any charity to gain grace Krishna Anna!" 

"Our gurus are saying especially our Bhativedanta Prabhupata "

"What was it?"

"We may have the opportunity to use our skills and knowledge and talents directly for Krishna".

"Now are doing it  Aren't we ?"

"If we are skilled in  writing, write for Father, Krishna....

...if we are skilled in art, create for Father, Krishna or a secretary, type for Father ,Krishna"
Or have some times, go and help in the local temple and associates with the devotees or have some money, share with them .".

"Why Krishna?"

"Which is the  assurance  as indefinite insurance and the best charity".

"Why we give gift to our families Krishna?"

"It's the expression of love Rosy ".

"Why we are giving donation to our children?"

"It's the expression of our love Balaraman "

"Why we help our families in our countries Krishna?"

"It's the expression of love Rosy ".

''Thanks when we saw the beautiful book with Lord Krishna with Arjuna in His Universal Form ,we feel honoured Krishna."

"How you guarantee  Peter?"

"Which is the best book I ever read Krishna Anna "

"Oh I see,  is it  the perfect process of success ?"

"Ye Could we commence our conference?"

"What's that?"

"Formal meeting or discussion Christina". 

"Now we go a head....
... one two three". 

"Of course, previously James  was terribly tempered guy."
Sam told him to follow the  Maha Mantra Meditation.

But he was busy in graduation".

"Is it because of Karma ?"

"Thousand times true Sudah 👍 ",

"Nevertheless,  now he is in his twenties, an   architecture, graduated in  building designing". 

" Right !Let's see how his behaviour have been changed".

Is he an engineer Krishna?"

"Hummmmm basically he is an enthusiastic engineer Siva."

"He was wearing white and a sky blue. Good height  and  good weight and bright blue eyes, young man". 

"How does mighty pretty Marina  Krishna?"

"Marina had an angelic appearance and sweet personality, was wearing a pretty light purple simple blouse with a navy blue silk skirt 💙
 without  a single jewel"... 

"She resembled an amazingly  attractive young lady!" 

"Oh dear  without his knowledge,he seemed loosing his patience because of her ignorance , his eyes were nice despite, that because of angriness turning as red as a 🌹 ... such a temper against Marina". 

"Do you really mean it Krishna?"

" Unmistakably he could not keeps his temper it was not easy of  sitting in front of him calmly?! "

"Yeeeeeeee. Nevertheless he decided to speak to her remembering the last day to remind her what happened in her long term absent. "

"Was it all about the accident  or an accidental error Krishna Menan 

"Basically, both Renuga"

" It was one of her worst could have she Forgotten that terrible?!"

 "Definitely it was an uncommon accident". 

The day Marina had left the college,  the  circumstances was  unbearable, unforgetable and unbelievable still she had to be disappeared that was the only option  she found.

So ever since, she never been returned Mena Anna?! 
"Correct Balaraman". 
"Wouldn't it be something mysterious to everyone in the  college Krishna Menan Anna?" 

"Correct what to do?
 "Man proposes God disposses"

"You are right  Menan "

"How a person like James could tolerate it?" 

"Nonetheless, James tried to be a polite person by controlling his short temper, but, but, but there was no transition from her part"

"What is transition Krishna 
"The process of changing from one state to another, Sarah🌹 💐 🏵 🥀 "

 "He turned into fire... this was his personality : 

"What Krishna 😳?" 

" Although he silently and softly started at her ,expressing his anger in the 🚌 blue bus":

"Marina!! In spite of your inexcusable action, I am still being silent and friendly with patience… 
...After all, you could not forgive the accidental error  due to the  force of circumstances . That is nature's reaction following  our long long term ignorance ⛵⛵⛵ life style Marina"

  "Wasn't it an accidental horror because of my sister's ego error Marina?"

"His tone of talk was not terrible 💔but  heart breaking to her Krishna Anna" 

"Sure 👍 however ,each one of us have our own personality"

"Haven't we?"

"Yeeeeeeeees have we 
brought them with us since time unmemorable Krishna?" 

millions times matching with Marina and James cases sweet hearts 💕 💕 .

" It was not an intentional error Marina?." 

Marina did not open her mouth she was worried, scared and panicked pathetically.

"He goes on and off Krishna Anna?"

"Exactly Subathra". 

"I know! That’s why you don't want to speak to me... obviously you consider me as a criminal Marina as though I committed a terrible terror intentionally but that is not the case!" 

"She glanceded at him in  guilty".

"No not at all... it's happened unfortunately Marina . " . 

"For some reason, she was still silent scared and  panicked!"

"He continued by lowering his anger fortunately!" 

"You already had been shooting or targeting 
at me with your eyes' arrows". 

"She exclaimed! Thinking what he was talking!"

She admitted her error sorrowfully."

"I have been noticing with bitter surprise and felt  lot of sorrow! It's true..."
"You were using your long eye brows  and  your eyes as bow and arrow".

"She was about to smile,  but suppressed it.  As it may trigger him temper higher and higher like fire "

"Oh dear she again  admitted yes she remembered how she was worried and looking at him in a warning way".

"There was a break in his talk as the bus conductor interrupted

As soon as he moved away, he  re-continued because she still did not talk.

"Listen...listen!  What I did was not as horror as your terror act alright?!" 

"Oh my 💓💓😂 God" she was in a shocking atmosphere!"

"Your long term silence was an intentional horror not an accidental error".

"Was it?!" 

"Krisna Anna, his tone of talk is quite tough now".

"Definitely we must learn lessons from people like him ✅"

"We will Krishna Anna". 

"It was absolutely  unacceptable! The pain and the stain of your arrogance attitudes still mirrors in my friend's  Sam's eyes!"

'She was alarmingly shocking!!!! her heart beat was unbelievably increasing 💔 💔 "

 "Do you think it was nice of you? 
 Do you think it was wise of you?"... 

"Sadly and surprisingly she was shaking her head pretty promptly!".

"I would be in the same position Krishna".

"Do you Meera?"

"Absolutely Krishna". 

"Her... her hurtful ears had been reddened , .! 

"What a shocking news !?"

"Obviously she wasn't able to say anything... she was in an alarming 🚨🚨🚨 status as the lotus flower was waving by the violent wind."

"So sad Krishna".

 " Correct... she couldn't think anything.  Then he  lowered his head in leaning towards her by asking, 

"Marina! Did you know Sam had to be admitted in the hospital?"

"She suddenly wiped away her tears by her bare hands resembled so so  sorrowful."

"How on earth 🌍🌍 he carried on and on Krishna!!!?"

"I am just narrating sweet 💕 ♥️ 💜 💙 🧡 hearts" 

"Do you know who took him to the hospital?" 

She promptly shook her tearful head innocently and opening her mouth surprisingly.

"Do you know who accompanied him to the hospital?".

" I was the one who was staying with him at the hospital .It was because of your terrible horror ." 

She glanced at him apologetically, mopping her terrible tears unexpectedly...she looked helpless and hopeless!

"She was all alone. No one to talk no one to help. Words were wondering how to describe this desperate catastrophic panic attack!!. 

Marina was a fish 🐟🐟🐟🐟  out of ocean!" 

"She was puzzled, her dazzlingly  diamond eyes were covered  in heart aching, hot waters  .

" She might be feeling as though she was in the mouth of a 🐊 crocodile Krishna." 

"Absolutely, Renuga ".

"Instead of helping her or rescuing her from the crocodile mouth, he continually complaining!"

"Right  you are right Peter". 

"It was as if he was just leaving her helplessly in the serious situation". 

"Brilliant 👏 Sam proud of you all dearest great hearts 💕 ❤ ♥ ❤ "

"Instead of pouring some water 💦💦💦💦💦 on the burning fire, he was pouring oil on it  Krishna!"

"Hummmmmm heart touched, Rudra "
To make things worse, she was  scared . Her golden face was suddenly reddened as ruby red.

Her blood  turned into a cancerous micro organism. 

"What could she think to say in return in this situation?" 

"Nothing Krishna!"  

Her eyes  were eager to see her Ram her Sam. All in all,  she was soul less!  Everything clouded with the heating tears, her mind maddened".

Yeeeeeeeees!!!!She might have felt as she was unconscious without the soul Krishna."

"True Tulsy true!"

"So sad for her !!.... Where is her divined soul?"

"Cool down Durga". 

"Wasn't it she in connection of God consciousness Krishna?
Please cool down Rata don'cry Rata ".

"Why she was left in this cruel catastrophic scenario Krishna?."

"Don't know". 

"She resembled as an unconscious person seeking for medical assistance!"

James was a bit pride and prejudice....

"What does it mean prejudice Krishna?"

"An opinion not based on reason or experience, but due to  dislike or unfair behaviour unknowing her situation Krishna Anna?.


She wanted to see him immediately to apologize thousands of  times".

"I know why Krishna because she felt meaningless, 
 worthless of having consciousness and she might be considering herself as a thankless person" 

" are so emotional Durga!"
I am... haven't I got Lord Krishna in my heart my heart is hurting Krishna?"

"I do apologise dear . Could we stop?" 

"Noooooo please!",

 "She felt exactly as the American innocent citizens were crying alarmingly, shouting "Oooooh my Goooood!" 

"It was when the terrorist had attacked Twins Towers by hijacking the passengers planes  Meera. "

"When was it Krishna"? 

"I think 2011 sir"

Her heart was beating and  beating higher and harder, left her breathless! 

"Her pink pearl face was now a drying rose".

"Still she was looking at him apologetically because now she really really  realised his generosity and it must be fact, she didn't know it went worst to this point!"

" Marina  thought he went crazy, but he had all the rights to be authoritative according to him"

"He carried on and on"...  

Did you know how badly he had been suffering? 
Did you know how sadly he had been waiting for you? 
Did you know how many girls were jealous of you?

"Tell me, tell me wasn't  it a hell for him?
 Of course, we all are under the spell of karma,
 but tell me why you did not come back to the college?" 

Bad luck there were not much passengers he was taking the advantage.

"Didn't he  stop yet Krishna?"


"He must be arrested Krishna".

 "He was saying everything breathlessly and very nervously because she suddenly began to hide her tearful face by looking onto the floor". 

"She was correct Krishna"

"He thought she was arrogantly shouting outside the door of her house leaving him waiting outside "

"He must go to the mental hospital Krishna".


"Suddenly he shouted": 

"Whatever it could be...wherever it might be...whoever it would be...leaving someone in that status is extremely ridiculous Marina" 

"He had been suffering like Jesus! As though he was carrying the cross ".

"Sir he must be exaggerating".

"I don't know let me narrate Rudra".

"Sorry Krishna 💓💓❣️!"

"Oh dear! How on earth 🌎🌍🌎 you left him when he was in blood?" 

"Without a breath, he asked, everything seriously and angrily!" 

"Oh goodness 😳Marina was in a shock, tears washed her whole face". 

"Her nose was running and she had been regularly wiping her face with her angelic bare palms.  She was so fragile...she resembled a rose left on the hotplate".
If you really want to hear her sensible words heart broken down please open the video below,
 ................."Her eyes were searching for her soul. It is her only holy goal". 

"Then she suddenly remembered his last winks": 

"Oh dear! In spite of this pain ! How...How...How you winked at me beautifully?"

I thought it was a minor matter" . 

She seemed exactly like an angel lost in a fearful jungle. 

"Marina was filling an ocean in her own pain rain with heart full of stain of guilty!". 

She was the protecting angel of her ever loving jewelry ,but now reading her living history , Chapter, after chapter thinking how on  earth 
  "I left my Ram in the nightmare jungle."

"Did I leave him in blood?"
Her tears wasing her face up.

However, her  Karma, led him to the hospital what a  terrifying terrible fears of nasty  Nature's  nasty spell left hi  in the hell!. 

 "Marina was blamed, but who knew that her heart was bleeding?"

"Sure Sarah".

"I want to know for certain what happened please 🙏🤣

"Very good girl!
 ...What really happened was , don't we remember she came directly from her tuition class?"

"We  know it Krishna".

"Right at the very end of the prizes giving speech, the girls were over excited and began to throw flowers 🌸💐🌸💐🌸💐🌸💐🌸💐🌸💐🌸💐🌸💐🌸💐🌸🌸 Unfortunately Marina had lift her biology book 📚 too when they all approached him" .

"Cool 😎 🆒️ down Meera why your voice broken down?" 

"The book 📚 wounded him KrishnaAnna?"

"What was the evidence that it was her books 📚📚 only wounded Sam Krishna?"

"James had spot it on the spot, Meera!!!

"Why others did not notice Krishna?"

"Greatest girl 💘🐦🐦 how could a bird be bad with its love 🐦?!"
Sure Krishna some conspiracy was clearly  transparency in this serious situation Krishna".

"Why we only blame her  biology  books 📚?"

"Krishna,let us go back to the scene!" 

" Alright 👍.Even the innocent bus 🚌 seems  to be crying now" 

"Whaaat such a kind bus Krishna!"

"Ye... ye refusing to start!

"Whaaaaat why?"

"The bus 🚌 was stopped!"
"Her body was shaking as though she was in the snow only with her night gown it was a kind of nightmare "

"She was trying to interrupt him in several occasions. However, he said everything... nothing was left to say.How hard to her ❤ ?" 

"It would have been humongously  hurt her Krishna". 

"Sure Christina. She had been left as a suffering patient with a limited life span in the emergency department." 

" However she is searching for Sam, before it was going to be too late to see him!" 

After a while, she managed to encourage herself and said with lots of difficulties: 

"Their blue 🚌 🚌🚌 🚌 🚌 finally 🚌  stopped near the bus garage". 

"James! Please forgive me...Indeed Sam was the golden gate of my happiness and I was  mad . In fact, you won't believe it , I am sad of him.Your act is an act of greatness, actually,"A friend in need is a friend in deed’’ Indeed you did a great deed thank you sooooo much God bless 🙏 you"

Her throat was blocked; her
 velvety voice was broken down as golden powder ; fair hair refused to play with the kind wind, Could you believe it?.

The wind was still fond of her and was still her favorite fan and friend, it was kindly fanning the fabulous pearly girl in removing the  ,stucked  her hair by the  sweat and tears all over her cheeks. 

Wow !!! The atmosphere was fairly   fond of her ; the near by flowers were welcomed her warningly , infusing fragrance fantastically. 

Meanwhile, James was worried , seeing her enchanting emotional state . 

His voice too, was stuck! Then she carried on, 

“I did my level best to see my heart , but recently only had an opportunity"....

 ...Nonetheless, I could not speak to him as his mother took him straightway. My radiant fragrant went away once again leaving me in pain. How can a plant photosynthesis without  the sun rays?" 

"Unexpectedly she wiped her uncontrollable waterfall "

"The main reason why I stopped my college studies was because I could not pay the facility fees/tuition fees it was not like developed foreign  countries to get a loan to pay out." 

"The high school 
 strictly  threatening for  tution fees". 

All of a sudden, she was sobbing, sobbing and sobbing! 

"James! In fact, I belong to a pretty poor family.
My parents could not pay to continue to stay in college" there was no alternative option apart from leaving my higher education", 

She kept mopping her welling tears. 

" After the accident it was weekend and on  Monday was the dead line for the tuition fee, but Dad could not pay it as a consequence, I stopped returning to the college to avoid the  humiliation front of all the class mates’’ 

Marina said, but James did not hear anything clearly any single  word from the angel's pretty long lips which were washed in tears again!  

Of course, he pathetically noticed her beautiful body languages, glamorous gestures all  were pathetic and yogic.

  She represented a goddess it was seriously painful for him as she was not sounded as a karmic, but resembled like a yogic still looked magnetic! People in the bus were disappointed. 

For his astonishment he too was genuinely wiping his tears! Seeing the scene, most of the passengers looked sad.
He was upset in hurting this sorrowful angelic pearl. He felt  heart broken and hurtful. He was feeling breathless so guilty of being  ridiculous a pretty prestigious person ;an innocent gracious girl it was  mysterious and was a panic situation. 

He felt pretty pity upon realizing his arrogant attitude or his angry action towards the merriest, lovely and the warmest holy innocent class mate. Suddenly he hated himself.

"Marina please forgive me I am very sorry. I thought that I have been changing by reading the" Bhagavad-Gita As It Is,not regularly but very very rarely,which Sam offered me, as his guru suggested ."


"I am afraid that I might have been cursed to be hurt the great hearts and living  in the darkness". 

He put or cupped his face in to his both  🤲 palms:

"I am a fool and I don't have any manners. I could not change my anger I think that I need more time; I will do the necessary to change my insincere and dishonest qualities..." 

There was a long silence as he, too was heartbroken.  Then he managed to continue with sympathy on her... 

"At least by seeing you and Sam, your Ram ,I understand that I must change my bad qualities to good quality to qualify for your golden friendship"

 Then he looked at her face.

"Marina,  if I qualify for your friendship, certainly that is the expression that I rectify my cruel character and beautify and qualify myself for the Science of Self Realisation".

Meanwhile there smelled an aroma of 🌹 💐 🏵 arose from the green 🌴 🌴  🌴🌴 garden.
"Marina, the relationship of the Lordship through the leadership of all genuine Gurus are possible only with your partnership and Sam's companionship",

 "I would like to be a liberated soul and get rid of tragedies in this life cycle which has been bombarded with terrible trouble after trouble"

"Could...could you forgive me?"

 ...If you forgive me Lord will certainly forgive my past and present karmic actions and grant me the  liberation" .

"You forgave me how can I forget ,James?"

"GOD BLESS YOU 🙏 🙌 ❤ 💖 ✨" 

"Suddenly, he stood up without expecting any response from her and got down from the stationed bus in pain that cannot be put in to words". 

Promptly , James remembered what Sam often would say. 

"What was it Krishna?"

"At every possible opportunity, say...say the mantra I too say... the Mantra which is the friend, leader, father, creator and splendor, protector; it will make you not only a man,but also a self realized human! Otherwise, we all are equal to the ordinary animals".

 "Result, would be a serious insult, ending up taking birth after birth only to follow the dog principles". 

"We did not consult with the words of the Lord of the Lords. As a result, we do not have the qualification of understanding anything and controlled by the dirtiest angry Nature and  spend whole our life in learning some kinds of theories" 

On the spot , he remembered the remarkable in  mantra: 

"Hare "Krishna 
Hare Krishna 
Krishna Krishna
 Hare Hare ; 
Hare Rama 
Hare Rama
 Rama Rama 
Hare Hare..." 

"several times in silence...still he was so worried hurting such a girl of thoughtful  and extremely an amazing girl of lawful." 

"He was walking, walking and walking in hating himself and talking to himself  saying in the air looking at the stopped blue bus in repair! What an incredible  despair?" 

James shouted:

"I am an awful person and I have been blamed by my act of hatefulness in several occasions". 
"Oh  Divine! I am so sorry and I did not feel this kind of worry earlier... please forgive me Divine of the Divines! I am your ugly son...I need some holy solution. I did not want to hurt  the love birds , but her  long, long quietness and her strong silence made me sad and turned me mad." 

"Yes ...yes ... I know you will not forgive me at all and you will know my ugly act through your soul as all the souls are related to you through your Super soul... 
 Father of all fathers! I remember you too had got angry!" 

"Hadn't you Father?"

 "Getting angry is the human nature isn't it Dad?"

  "Don't you think so?" 

"To be honest, you are the father then my genes are coming from you Lord."..

"Oh Lord! You are the creator... You made me immunised like this because of my Karma I was created by your DNA! Wasn't I?"

 "Fortunately, I learned in your words in Gita that the angry  is a character defect because of Karma's reflection of  the previous and present ignorance lives... my  apologies Lord ! "

"What is this all about your mysterious, miraculous, maintenance!  Did I ask you a soul? Then why on earth you put me in terrible terror in my youth life? " 

Suddenly he started feeling as though he was weeping loudly in hitting his head by his own palm ✋👐. Then he re-continued to talk. But this time with authoritative: 

"Dear proprietor of entire proprietors!
 Dear administrator of all administrators it is certainly not my pleasure of being anger... 
After all, you are an amazing adventure I learned that you are the responsible of making our fabulous  futures.  

As long as we understand your lectures  in the stupendously phenomenal  scriptures  called"Bhagawat Gita". 
Please let me free from fear of anger Father". 

Unexpectedly he was unable to think anything for a while. And then shouted. 

"Dear honorable Divine! I harmed my best friend, Sam then his best friend, Marina, means I tortured both of them. I know that they are the treasures  to you by obaying and following your scriptures, I left her to suffer in the broken down bus.  Oh Goodness! my heart has been broken down ,too FATHER".

"How could you offer me pleasure? Besides, I have been torturing your fondest children such as Sam, Marina.He often pictures her fair smile using his personal and exceptional lovingly living camera of his tremendous eyes, but...but...but I injured my friend’s eyes ! 

"Didn't I?"  

"DO NOT hate me Divine please do not hate me please change my fate or take your soul and do not give it to me back Just take it because borrowing is simply sorrowing " 

"He unexpectedly took the "Bhagawat-Gita As It Is "from his black bag and tried to find a valuable verses to charge his weak heart's battery like Gandhi used to do".

"In fact, Gandhi was always reading and carrying a Gita. Following his footsteps, Martin Luther King was carrying a Bible.

But James could not do it! And then he had hurtfully restarted ,talking to the Supreme, watching the sky..."

"Krishna ! Who cares  now a days"

"What ?"

 It's become totally business Krishna  !".

"What is Peter Peter?" 

"Being a Srilankan , Isn’t It normal of watching    a few Youatubers to feel happy is become my duty ever since the pandemic economic and politic collapsed"

"Ohhhhhhh good habit "

"However, noticing a restaurant in front of Marina beach called  " Maamy Veedu" with a Blessfull big beautiful Baba statue, "

"Good news!" 

"The sad news was, we were wondering worlessly ,watching the waiters serving the cooked  fresh  and life  meat and fish to the Srilankan Youtuber he was ordering it and they were served  in Banana leave!!!! ".

Whare was it Peter?"

"In India Krishna Anna "

"This is how before our  guru, Bhagavad-Gita was used for only  business purposes"

Still going on and on Krishna Anna"


"Hare Krishna!"

Continue her nice narrating relaxlly

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