"Hello Krishna Anna Hurry  up !"

"HI how do you do Krishna Anna?"

"I'm doing well thanks! How  do you do?"

"What is the subject matter please Krishna?"

"As usual ,the Supreme Science Balaraman" 

"Look at the picture how we have been involved and evolved in evaluationary field firstly"

"That's we have already learned Krishna  Anna!". 

 "If we ignore our best blssed boon body, it could be a tragedy there might be no remedy rather than  going back and commence from the beginning birth cycle Rudra" 

 "Isn't like vocabulary and spelling Krishna ?"

"What does it mean Rosy?"

"For instance, my little brother find difficult to pronounce a single word because we didn't help him in the early age Krishna"

"Does he know the alphabet ๐Ÿ”ค ?"

"Ye he does Krishna".

"Haven't you helped him?"

"I'm sorry even my parents tried,but  he is still being the same he has a bit learning disabilities Krishna "

"She is crying Krishna "

"Suuuuuuu calm down cool down please!" 

"Would you tell her some tip to teach him please she often worried of him Krishna ?"

"Rosy why didn't you tell us  earlier?"

" We play with him thinking while playing, teaching would be  much  more easier  Krishna but didn't work either".

"Ye Krishna you taught to the girls who were wearing sexy clothes in Indiain in a fun way. Didn't you Krishna ?"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness yeah I did in India you mean,*simple living and high thinking?.


"Why was it Krishna Anna?"

"Yeah it was hilarious Krishna ".

"Why Krishna?" 

"In order to increase some temporary serotonin level within the body "

"Ha...ha...which in turn  excited everyone including Krishna".

"What we study today Krishna?"

"Why don't we advise Rosy's brother Krishna?"

"Correct Christina".

 "Early to bed and early to rise makes the man healthy and wealthy",

"Definitely Durga "

"At what time does  your brother wake up Rosy?"

"Nine, ten, eleven "

"Usually most of us  know it ,but we don't care that  early to bed and early to rise make the man's serotonin level increases higher and higher and enhancing our health and wealth better better Krishna Anna". 

"Then why often we all are being  ignorance Krishna?"
"Aren't  we are being irresponsible Krishna?"

"Undoubtedly Rosy ".

"Why it is important of waking up early Krishna?"

"It's increasing the happy hormones within the body" 

"Why we use alcohol Krishna?".
" The same reasons Krishna?".

"Um... uh..!"

"Why Krishna! Why was it?"

"It is increasing the serotonin level which inturn boosting the happiness hormones on temporary basis "

"Bearing it in mind, Sam always  pursing it and he generously recommending to everyone to do so".

 "Of course, because he is a man of pretty positive; man of principle and he is always trying  to make the people wise  and persuade everyone to be wise and nice to be advised. 

"Why Krishna why he risk his life?"

" Excuse me my brother matter please".

"Alright first let him memorise some high frequency words Rosy" 

"Please ๐Ÿ™silent!"

"For instance , Krishna Anna?"

"Alright some example vocabularies alright Rosy?"

"She smiles Krishna". 

Now your turn Rosy ".

"mum,big,up,dog,in,did,is,am,next,cat,cut,put,get,him,if,dig,ran,man,not,it us,help,bed,off,but,got,had,his,two,be,ha,new,nowe,too,as,to,do,out,she,he,they 
"That's all Krishna ?"

"Then one more ideal vocabulary spelling"

"Such as what Krishna?"

"Vowel phonemes Rosy "


"Example Krishna ?"

"Who can help me to find some vowel phonemes of oo please?" 


"OO= good, look,took,book,rook,hook".

"Excellent effort Siva". 

"Next person please?"
"Can I Krishna?"


"Out standing Sarah!" 

"Me Krishna" 

"OY=boy joy,toy,royal, coyote,annoy"

"Splendid indeed splendid Balaraman !".

"My turn Krishna?" 


"Brilliant boy!"

"Can I Krishna?"

"Good girl!". 

"Thanks Rudra". 

"Please let me Krishna !"


"Me Krishna "

"ER=her,were,supper,under,jumper,thunder "

"Tremendous try Pammitta ".

"Could I Krishna?".

"Fantastic fellow "

"I didn't Krishna !"

"Please proceed Peter !"

"EA =bread,head,dead,heard,thread... 

Could we continue our narration straight away Krishna?"

"No worries"

"What do you think of Sam sweet hearts ๐Ÿ’•?"

"Sam is an adorable example man for everyone Krishna". 

"Obviously, pretty perfect people or intelligent people certainly following up his exemplary activities knowing the intellect  impacts of his perfect mode of life Krishna." 

"Surely we got it Meera". 

 "Krishna! Even a mice was living as a human!" 

"Evidence Sarah?"

"Ha...ha didn't we learn nearly 83% of its DNA is as same as a chimpanzee! Monkey,Krishna"

"Well said Christina ๐Ÿ’•".

"Didn't we study all these stuff  even  in the secondary school science subject Krishna?"

"Certainly Tulsy?"
"Chimpanzee is the first father of the people according to the  scientists Krishna"

"Why Retna?"

"Ha...ha... because the chimpanzee  has 98 or 99 % of DNA of human blood Krishna". 

"Whereas, Lord Krishna guarantees  that He is the Father of everybody Krishna". 

'Nevertheless ignorance people must follow up the evolution again and again Krishna"

"Why Sarah?"

"Simple !When we see the sign of rain,  we can recognise it's  the sign of rain before hand "

 "That is our main worry "

"Sorry Krishna?" 

"If we are  failing to realise ,the reality of  divinity, of course we
may return to the animal kingdom from human kingdom Krishna".

 "Not me though because I'm from United Kingdom Krishna"

"Paaaarrrrdddoon meeeee Peter,????"

"Ha...ha... even there is a possibility of returning to the  plant kingdom or bacteria kingdom Krishna".

 "Am I correct Krishna?!" 

"Sure...sure ".

"How to get rid of this tragedy Krishna?" 

"Simply by understanding the soul provider , the Supreme Personality or Super Soul Krishna. Isn't it Krishna ?"

"Doesn't it a matter of being gratitude to Him Krishna?"

"Absolutely!It is the goal of the goals of humans beautiful boon body". 

"But ...but...but...who is incline  to  study about the Divine wisdom Krishna?"

"Nobody Krishna!" 

 " No wonder Smiling Sam  is a sacred student of SUPREME SCIENCE STUDY ,he is in his baby blue beautiful bed leaving the window of his bed room widely opened to enjoy fresh air".

"Does he Krishna?"

"Meanwhile, the amazing atmosphere 
being fair, seems like  the most tenderness and the  kindness of the Nature it's sounded like  the nature overwhelmed with pleasure".  

"Actually it was inspirational". 

"Why Krishna?" 

"Especially to hear the music of the lovely baby  ๐Ÿฆ ๐Ÿฆ ๐Ÿฆ ๐Ÿฆœ ๐Ÿฆœ birds make the man in the palace feel friendly, there was an enchanting slightest and sweetest ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– shower ๐Ÿšฟ๐Ÿšฟ๐Ÿšฟ๐Ÿšฟ๐Ÿšฟ๐Ÿšฟ!"

"Hundreds percent correct Krishna ".

"Simulteniously the golden sun rays silently salute! 
with the beautiful ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“❣️ breezy and trace of grace !!!

"Oh God!...a kind of phenomenal, a kind of  super, softer shower,  delighted the man in the bed with tenderness and God ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ consciousness". 

"More importantly, his bed was exposing to the sun shine that was another, glamorously, great fact of his happy life style"

"Why was it Krishna?"
"Because it will improve the serotonin level sky high and say good bye to tiredness ,stress and anxiety." 

"Oh yes Krishna".

"Yes ....Yes Krishna" 

"So that he feels  better in consuming higher and higher serotonin level to feel happier and healthier Krishna?" . 

"Certainly Krishna !".

"Suddenly, his personal phone rang with a distinct Maha Mantra... that was indeed a specific tune and tone". 

"What is it Krishna?" 

Just, just had begun to chant like the diamond bells ring from the heavenly abode... 

"dum... dum... damta dum... dum damta!!!! dum... dum damta dum dum!!!!! 
tantana...tana... tinta teena ; tantana tana... tantana then carried on the Mighty Mantra"... 
"Hare krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare" 

"He just has awoken, resembled something like a sunken golden crown just been taken from the baby blue original ocean". 

He freshly felt interestingly inspirational by listening to the cute flute tune of his phone that is his ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒžsun  shone through his back bone ? 

"It was pleased him  like the Divine Himself phoned him'". 

  His fabulous face was illuminating  ! 

"Why this call was so special for him Krishna?" 

"Undoubtedly  he had been expecting his golden girl's call   ever since he had given her his contact number". 

"Oh my ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’žGod Krishna we forgot it Krishna"

"But bad luck it was a wrong call"! 

"What a pity for him Krishna!"
"Besides that, his eternal charm did not leave him?".

"However, sooner, he had a pair  stupendous glasses of fresh mineral water."

"Has he  taken a pair  of glasses of warm water to make sure of his hard working twinkle twin kidneys are crystal clear Krishna! ?

"Definitely, Retna ๐Ÿ‘" 

"Later he had an amazing shower  in the gorgeous blue tiled beautiful bath room to make sure of his brown body is crystal clean while chanting".

"What was it krishna?".

"It's called Gayatry Mantra  Meera"

"Does ...does  it the purifier of the soul Krishna?"

"Correct Balaraman correct". 

"Actually the soul is mixed up with five kinds of airs called Apana,udana,Samana , Vyana and  Dyana   is only floating on them and also being orlife sustainer and energiser . However, which are materially contaminated since innumerable births."

"Evidence Krishna?"

"Vedas Rata on his greatest saint's kindest demand to make sure of  his soul, smiling Sam cleanses his sacred soul by Maha Mandra,  he has  been repeating Hare Krishna Mantra in his  mind rest of the free times ": 

"Why  was it Krishna?"

"That's the Divine Drink ,the nectar of Krishna ".

"How Krishna"? .

"When we chant,our tonques absorb the essence of the names Rama and Krishna" 

"Is it the nectar for our safety and security  in eternity Krishna?"



This is praising praying and thanking ๐Ÿ™ to the Supreme Personality ๐Ÿ™ of God Head,Lord Krishna.

"Please Krishna we are running out of time" 

" Alright Meera then Sam went to his exceptional devotional  room." 

"How it's  looks like Krishna?"

"It was a temple even smelling  like  ⛪ ๐Ÿ’’ ☦ ๐Ÿ• ๐Ÿ• a temple ".

"Where was it Krishna?"

"Near a blossoming garden diffusing of aroma arose from the colourful roses ๐ŸŒน.

"Why was it Krishna?"

Ha...ha...It is humanity thanking divinity isn't it part of our responsibilities, Siva?"

"Krishna ! Why  we don't do this  kind of worship at our own homes ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿก๐Ÿก๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ  Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...shame why you got such name in the first place?"
"Not meeee my parents'  fault Krishna". 

"First of all you must know the meaning of your names alright ๐Ÿ‘"

"We are in the grip of materials attachment so we don't have time Krishna".

"Thank you  result we are in danger dealing with the deadly disease ha...ha...VIRUSES"


" Thank Subathra next Sam was with  white bright rose in his handsome hand to delight the Divine". 

"How he was sitting Krishna Anna?"

"Ha...ha...He sat in crossed legged,Sarah" 

"Why Krishna?"

" Basically that is Scientifically   stimulating  the blood circulation and oxygenating !"
 "Wasn't  he always thankful to his  Divine  Dad Krishna?".

"I know why his divine Dad  is mad of Sam Krishna".

"It is like a child who is fond of parents, in return they too will be fond of him or her better than other members  of the ๐Ÿ‘ช  family."

"We are busy bees ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ  never been taught to be blessed Krishna "

 "Ha...ha...It is part of his daily distinguished routines, Christina". 

"He is different Krishna Anna "

"Sure Subathra"

"He is a man of discipline Krishna Anna"
"Certainly Siva" 

"Why he is being like that Krishna?"

"One minute Krishna  I just want to kill Rosy...
... enough is enough!!!".

"What's wrong with  you Rudra?"

"Because she doesn't stop asking why...why...why...Krishna...Krishna...krishna going to kill her don't ask me why Krishna because I'm envious and jealous that I don't have such a gracious name, Krishna like you Krishna Anna".

" down please Rudra I don't want you to  be in the prison"

"Ha...ha...listen please we all are beautifully blessed, loviest living being alright Rudra! 

"Being in the form of human being is so wonderful that is what Sam trying to explain to the innocences doesn't he Krishna".

"Thanks, humanity have the responsibility of realizing the divinity once we realized,  we must be in the messengers mindset ".

" It is our aim of the Mission, Krishna." 

"Suu !Sam finished his fantastic devotional service, and then he did his regular yoga exercise joyfully with music , Marina likes a lot." 

"No one knows that  each of his action related to the science".

"How Krishna?"
"No wonder his pyschical exercise was another fantastic factor of his fabulous happy life style"

"What Krishna why  we ignore all these Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...we are in competition not corporation of devotional service following the Vedas is our duty ,Sudah"

"Alright!!! Alright forget about Vedas  at least at least leave it aside for the moment. Besides it's our purpose  of the best purposes  ".

"His daily routine based on boosting the charming chemical substances within the human body ".

"Krishna Anna what are they?"

"Such as serotonin, dopamine , endorphin". 

"We can get them in alcohol Krishna Anna my dad enjoys "

" Suuuuuuuu!!
Next Sam,  decided  to sit and relax a bit before writing his paper reports which is his job related ๐Ÿก work!"

"Didn't he eat his breakfast Krishna?".

"Of course ,he had his fantastic fruit salad ๐Ÿฅ—  with his meal simultaneously . 

Meanwhile  watching and listening and enjoying the prettiest nature with the tremendous, just bit sweet shower  outside the heavenly house which was surrounded by a beautiful pond".

 "Krishna Anna!!He is so so saintly sacred soul! It sounds  like a mighty man who knows the mysterious science of inferior Nature and the superior Science of  Superior Divine father." 

"Correct Balaraman". 

"Briefly saying, a real happiest human being 
becomes Braman who has been following the regulative principles to get freedom from the cycle of births and deaths in realizing Parapbrahman. Doesn'the Krishna?." 

Definitely Rudra!  He is a worth youth to this ๐ŸŒŽearth?"

"Million times Krishna".

"Smiling  Sam sat silently in the shade of the glamorous garden and relaxed, watching the beauty of the nicest nature", 

"We love ๐Ÿ’˜ ❤ ๐Ÿ’— ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’• him that's why Marina nicknamed him, "Ram" and and... and... we wish we were with him Krishna ha...ha...."

"Krishna Anna,  my Grandmother ๐Ÿ‘ต said that thousands of devotees of Ram wanted to be married with Ram".

"What ๐Ÿ˜ณ?"

" However,  Ram did not have such concept to accept them except Sita".

"Nonetheless,the devotees do not want to be married any one else except Him/Ram Krishna".

"Did He accept their concept?"

"Yes Krishna".

"Then what happened Durga?

"He promised them that their devotional desires  will be fulfilled"

"Then did Ram fulfil his promise?"

"Did he honors his words?"

"Of course, the reason why the Supreme  God transformed to His Original "form,Lord KRISHNA,

 "Wow!well said  Originator,Lord Krishna ".

"Thanks  dear Durga". 

"Now please listen every one carefully ๐Ÿ™ the God satisfying ๐Ÿ™ our requests, putting Himself  in terrible troubles sometimes." 

"We don't get the point Krishna Anna?"

"Whatever her Grandma ๐Ÿ‘ต said was Vedas... 
See, the whole world consider God Krisna is the womaniser."

"Yeeeee it's true Krishna ๐Ÿ‘". 

"On this regard,  can I narrate you a tiny little real and moral story?" 

"We love ๐Ÿ’˜ it Krishna,"

"Once a young, honest man of principle decided to help a young widow who was  suffering for living in selling tiny amount of alcohol at her home". 

"He had tried to stop her from selling alcohol by  providing her some money from his savings". 

"Nevertheless she would  not accept it as grant it's the culture".

"Knowing no way to assists her honestly, he began to be her daily customer and consuming her alcohol by paying his earnings".

"Ohhhhhhh goodness".

"We feel goose pimples Krishna".

"Yeeee because of his selflessness' he did it in sacrificing his own reputation, respect,integrity honesty dignity and heavenly human body. "

"However, course of time, he  had๐Ÿ˜ท liver failure". 

"Ohhhhhhh my God! 
SO SORRY FOR HIM Krishna!!!"

"People didn't pay much  attention instead  accusing him as an  alcoholic and and."

"That's the situation for Lord Krishna ๐Ÿ™ !!!. Following  fulfilling Rama's devotees ferocious, gracious and religious requirements Krishna Anna?".
"Yeeeeeeeees best of all, remember to remember although He had to get married with 16,108 princess."
How krishna?" 

"He expanded Himself in 16,108 thousand form of Krishnas and 
He passed His married life with each of His wife separately, individually and happily in different, different palaces".

"Absolutely meera"

"Oh Jesus! To teach one  husband to one wife!!!!! He had to expand Himself in to 16,108 husbands!!!!????

 "You mean 16,108 Ramas Krishna?

"Exactly ๐Ÿ’ฏ "

"Why on earth ๐ŸŒŽ we all are living in illusions by accusing Him, Lord Krishna as a womaniser lack of our own defects ๐Ÿ”ฆ ๐Ÿ”ฆ ๐Ÿ”ฆ ๐Ÿ”ฆ  torch  of knowledge Krishna Anna?"

"Correct Christina" 

"Where was it Krishna?"

"The palaces or location where they settled as families  Krishna".


"Because basically to satisfy His devotees who really Loves Him, He is prepared to do anything and everything". 

"Lord Krisna is the God Ram Himself ?" 

"Yeah in order to  fulfil His devoted devotees desires ,He transformed in to 16,108 Rama ??????". 

"Oh goodness trust me this story is a glory whether being publishing on line or in books, definitely will be distributed to the great ๐Ÿ’• hearts and release them from Karma"

"Why Meera?"

 "Such a cutest contributions to the community compact with the best and blessed information for Self Realisation and LIBERATION from the cruel cycle of births after births".

"Thank you soooo much appreciated, Durga".


"Absolutely  Krishna 's students like us definitely will be sharing and inspiring the readers"

"God bless you Retna ".

"Sure Krishna  Anna what  a Joyous  in compering this Vedic information, with our previous pitiest knowledge,we understand how luckiest we are".

"God bless you ๐Ÿ™ ❤ ๐Ÿ™Œ all Soulfully".

"Wow...๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ thank ๐Ÿ™ ❤ ๐Ÿ™Œ ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’– you sooooo much love you Rata"

"Let's continue our subject matter".

"Even whenever it rains while he was in bed, he would like to hear the shower sound sweetly by opening the white windows pretty widely"

"Yeah...yeah it is indeed splendid Krishna! "

"He was so fond of it. That was a kind of magical music for him of smelling the nature  while raining"

"So so sweet glory ๐Ÿ’– it seems to be a story of divined magical jewel" 

"Is it Rata?"
  "Hummmm he is  my fondest fellow Krishna"

"Unexpectedly, he had opened the other side white windows with white curtains which were waving, waving and waving wonderfully  and he elegantly enjoyed the peace as eating a piece of delicious cake from lord Krishna's  handsome hand such an   amusing atmosphere". 

"Ye he was amusing the greatest fragrant and nutrient  breakfast from the greatest garden together with the softest soil  smell with his mummy's yummy meals".

  "Meanwhile, his enchanting eyes were charmingly chanting, chanting and chanting!"

 "The universal mantra ...mantra of Lord Krishna. 
Even the flowers in his garden were happier, fresher and prettier  while seeing his companion Krishna?๐Ÿ’•. "

" Um !It's  a honey rain for them!. He was their pleasure and breathing his breathed carbohydrate, is their favorite food". 

"Are you sure about that Krishna?๐Ÿค”".
"Yeah it's their home made food". 

"He rarely stays at this calm home".

"Doesn't he Krishna?"

"However; he often shares his pleasure with flowers, plants, trees and animals Krishna?". 

"Correct Christina". 

"Sam sometimes kisses them like a young lady does"...

"Does he Krishna?"

"We wish we were those fragrant flowers Krishna "

"Luckily you wouldn't wish to be Marina Meera?"

"Ha...ha....ha...who  wouldn't to be  Marina Krishna Anna?"

"Yeah  who wouldn't love Sam Krishna Anna?"

"We mean Ram in the form of Sam  Krishna Anna "

"True he learnt it from his Mum and his sole girl friend, the habit of kissing the flowers ". 

"In return, the fragrantly colorful flowers would like closing their eyes and opening to watch how he feels like while enjoying their pretty softy perfumes!" 

"It sounded exactly as though the moon's winks at him brilliantly." 

"He was silent, still looked gracious even for the colorful flowers are silent which they had happily learnt from him!"

" Feeling  the fantastic cheering of his closeness and his adorable breaths' affectionate aroma, they started to  diffuse distinct perfumes ". 

"On contrary, whenever Sam feels sad, the magical flowers, too seemed sad". 

How they reflect their regrets Krishna?"

"They prefer stop blooming! Simply stop blooming! Could any one believes it?". 

"It’s an absolutely attractive and superbly sweetened glamorous garden Krishna." 
"Unexpectedly, the rain plays with golden sun... they were so fun... the clouds run and run to make fun ;they often would like to play with Sun". 

Are they are playing kind of hide and seek with the help of the fondest  wind Krishna?

" Of course, they are such fabulous friends. "

Meanwhile, the cutest clouds have been trasnformed as white as the pure cotton, just a few minutes ago they were as grey as ashes!"

 "They somehow helped the sun to hide behind them, but the sun did not want to be hidden. So the Sun brightened them up. Obviously they had given up the ideas of hiding the sun."

"As a result, the grey clouds had turned in to milk white, have been up graded; they could not stay longer and disappeared  pretty sooner to make a walk". 

 "As soon as the clouds moved away from the sun, the enchanting illumination reappeared. 

While Sam was still sitting on the green grass and admiring the adorable atmosphere amazingly ".

"Then...then...then since he did not like to hurt the green grass from growing, he preferred sitting onto a chair wooden brown garden chair". 

" In atmiring the super atmosphere. Breathing  the best fresh Krishna's air obviously he was comfortably  sitting under  the shade of the jasmine trees with plenty of fragrant white flowers and some buds had seemed begun to bloom beautifully to please him!"

" Could we imagine that Smiling Sam hears the beautiful blooming music with the grateful birds music!?". 

 "From time to time, he ran his fingers through his flying shiny hair."

"He was unable to forget Marina’s companionship he obviously remembered  the greatest and adorable  relationship more and more ever since   they met each other recently."

"She was his best friend he frequently feel sad for her 
now a days but in a gracious way ".

"Whenever he hears ,Ram names or Krishna names chanting on the radio or video while he drives on the   streets, he slows down his blue car and listening to the music like a child remembering and thinking as it was his Marina is singing "

"How Krishna  even other girls  too like him Krishna?"

"Ye you are correct, that's what Marina would call him Ram.
"So  she knows her friends like Sam as she likes him Krishna?"

"Sure !However her relationship is a kind of a worship sounded like a great bond such a fond as the bond of diamond atoms"

"You know the carbon bond and diamond bond are different?".

"Yes Krishna"
"And also we studied that actually both of them made of carbon,Meera?"

"Yes Krishna a French scientist proved it by  burning  the diamond ๐Ÿ’Ž ๐Ÿ”ธ️ ๐Ÿ”ถ️ ๐Ÿ”น️ 

 "Thanks Meera.

"You are welcome Krishna"

"Can you explain the difference between them ?"

" My pleasure ,the different  between  carbon and diamond are,
 the ๐Ÿ’Ž  specific Bond called 
covelan bond is so so  strong and so close to each other unlike the carbon bonds, so so weak."

"Thaaaank yooooou Sarah".
"Nevertheless, Smiling Sam avoids cinema and invites dharma".

Because for him,that is a kind of unfair thought  which would cause him only despair."  

"However, he could not compare his graciously genuine and divined relationship with other mates". 

"It was absolutely not sexual affair like the ordinary cinema interested teen's keen of short term pleasure and long term despair". 

"That was certainly not fair for a fabulous friend like him. Suddenly his golden face was saddened". 

 "Way Krishna?"

"The way his parents have been arranging another  girl!" 

"According to him, it was unfair of agreeing another woman which caused him despair". 

"What a unfortunate pair we are? ! ",


"That's what even the flowers seems, acting like human  often consider him as one of them." 

"As it would be extremely cruel and unfair of marrying an unknown person despite the fact of having an amazing relationship ". 

"His golden garden is his armchair  for him.

....Yeah he has a brown wooden  arm chair, too and enjoys sitting on it and breathing the clean air". 

"It was so, so wonderfully infused and beautifully dropped a few jasmine flowers on his white shirt looks green because of the Sun rays.

"With a long beautiful breath, he just touched on the jasmine tree,
Wow ๐Ÿฅบ fragrant fresh flowers showered on  him beautifully, it sounded romantic ,but he was in a confusing  situation which marvelously increased his calmness, lovingly." 

"He was very comfortable with the pleasant silent of the Super Nature" .  

"Sometimes he enjoys wiping his heating tears rather than smiling. Because they were sweet and understand his silent sorrow very well".

Automatically he was  smelling the fragrance flowers in closing his wide eyes softly. 

"Believe it or not, every time he had an excellent relationship with the Nature." 

"Such as flowers, trees, lovely animals like birds, squirrels which interestingly increasing his pleasure peacefully". 

"Even-though sometimes he was in a saddened mood Krishna?". 
"Certainly today the view of the fantastic atmosphere with inspiring garden made him feel so good so good it was his best food and drink to make him think of Divine Science." 

"He was wondering how the wow Divine had created these kinds of incredible world, especially the way the heaviest Earth spinning around the Super Sun to make stupendous seasons around the world!"

"He sweetly wiped away his tremendous tears for some ruby reason". 
"Then he was looking at the sky! He was curious at the way the spinning Earth was spinning itself and simultaneously spinning around the Sun to make the day and night!"

 "Can any intelligent person just say that it had been just happening because of the "Big Bang! " What a big joke?" 

"He smiled thinking at the way the intelligence  of material scientists predictions sounded so so simple of them". 

"And then he thought cleverly about the way the millions of tons of  planets have been hanging around the Sun to be cooperatively operated the solar system with accuracy of mathematical calculation!"

"Isn't it laughable illusory of material minded men's maddened theory?" 

"Simply, no-one is awares of the Supreme Science it's a glory  and the ancient divine history not temporary material science theories". 

"Can an intellect accepts this arrogant concept?"

 He smiled charmingly! Having seen his milk white  glittering and gladdened smile, the entire flowers smiled at him fantastically 

sounded like they too shouting laughingly. 
"Big Bang theory ha.ha.....!!!!!?"

 Later he said,
" they all simply ignored the glory of Divine  history  under the ocean?" 

"Can any one measure the ocean with a spoon Krishna?"
" Wow well said!  They are believing in their  fiction stories and teaching   them to the innocent children and refuse to accept the words of divine and the divine story with evidence after evidence in the ocean."

"As a matter of fact, our cousin, Krisna was invited by a ...."

"Where was it Krishna?"

"To Canada, Christina ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ"

"From Krishna?"

"London ".

 "Why was it Krishna?"

"For a ๐Ÿ’ƒ ๐Ÿฉฐ ๐Ÿ•บ dance competition  function or audition".

"What for Krishna?"

"As one of a few judges."

"When  was it?"

"A couple of years ago Subathra".

"They decided to do some ๐Ÿ› ๐Ÿฌshopping on the way shopping , comfortably sitting in an American car apparently white colour ๐Ÿ›, accompanying his cousins and his university sons".

"Was he tutor's nephew Krishna Anna?". 

"Yeah... there was a polite argument went on and on

"Who were they Krishna?"

"Our cousins' sons talking material science in terms of physics, his cousin, being a physics teacher ,defending on the topic they spoke,"

... but for his surprise,his sons totally disagreed father's point of views ... simply by saying,

" Dad that's long ago at present what we are learning is totally the opposite". 

"Our cousin, Krrishna being a MSC Hons, was just judging them silently and smilingly taking in to account what his father often taught him from his childhood like sandlwood such a fragrance of Suprem Science.

"As a matter of fact,when Krrishna  was nine , the same cousin spoke to him over the phone " 

"Why we are talking about it now Krishna Anna?".

"Let me finish what I was told".

"When was it Krishna?"
"During the conversation over the phone  he asked London krrisna,his name is with double RR".

" Ye we remember him".

"What was the question Krishna?"

 "What we would do to the world in order to improve   it Krishna?"

"As a response, nine years old Krrishna asked him a question".

"Ha...ha... instead of answering him ha...ha...?".

"What was it Krishna  Anna?"

"How long we are going to live or survive here in this world  ?"

 "There was no answer  from his cousin!??"   
"Why was it Krishna?"

"Let me carry on".

"OK thanks Krishna". 

"A few  years later, while the same  cousin was talking to  his father who was doing the recording like in the Vedas,our tutor ,he  reminded Canada nephew about his son, Krrishna 's  unanswered question, pretty politely" .

"Canada cousin was  laughing loudly". 

"Alright could you ask me the same question uncle now I answer it Uncle ?"

" Has he requested our tutor Krishna?".


"Out tutor  was wondering, "why?"

"Meanwhile ,  he responded ".

"What was it Krishna Anna?"

"He said,

" I will live  135 years uncle".

"Did he say that to  to our tutor Krishna Anna?" 

"Oh goodness!".

"To be honest,  either he might have  overestimated himself or under  estimated  our tutor   Krishna Anna". .

"Sure !When he shared this event with us laughingly, he said:

"This is our temporary theory!!!
This is our university story!!!!
Isn't   it our temporary education not even support for living Krishna?.

 "Have we been born and brought up  only not to  be submissive? "

"Indeed a great example of our material science ๐Ÿ‘ ... shall we continue Krishna?"

Sure..."It is Simply unbelievable for Sam and extremely incredible" 

"He looked worried: 
 He was wearing sky blue jeans with a navy blue silk shirt and a pair of brown sandals after having a beautiful bath with sandalwood soap as he knows the relativity of the nature and and even the quality of the activities of the colours". 

"What... what... what is it Krishna Anna?
"Ha....ha...he remembers by heart that each colour in the spectrum vibrates at its own rate.". 

"Ohhhhhj you are talking about the spectrum  Krishna?".

"yeeeeee, electromagnetic radiations aren't they coming from the sun light,  the banana yellow Sun?". 
"Sure Mena Anna however we just study for the sake of study not take it in action like SMILING SAM ๐Ÿ‘!" 

" Ha...ha...Sam often remarked that he was usually drawn to the colours of  his body needs such as red when he is tired or exhausted". 

"Oh Jesus such a scientific !Yogic lucky lad Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...he will be naturally attracted to blue when he needs best rest and relax".

"At the same time, whenever he is under pressure or depression, he would like to wear something yellow or golden colours". 

"Marina knows his mood by his dress! 
Was it a believable story??" 

"He always follows the science which is so interesting". 

"Moreover, he has been concentrating in the gracious knowledge of "The Supreme Science".

 He often advises to everyone to follow up the restrictions or rules and regulations in terms of Material science and also about the transcendental science". 

"Then he had a glanced on  his beautiful meal
 on the brown wooden shiny dining table". 

"Who served him meal Krishna?"

"His mother,Sita. 

"Where is she Krishna Anna?".

"She is serious".

"Pardon meeeee Krishna?"

"She is watching series seriously".

"Ohhhhhhh we got that point pretty well my mum does the same".
 "No wonder, his mind worried for others and  talking to himself"

"You mean  buttering sorry muttering Krishna ?" 

"Yeah  Meera". 

As long as Smiling Sam  just has completed an article titled "Healthy Eating he is inclined:"  

"What he suggests Krishna?"

"People eat what they like to eat not what they have to; People do what they like to do and not what they have to do what is the point ?."

We all are studying day and night about technology, biology, radiology, cosmology, but still killing us ignorantly."

 "What a worthless world?"

"Who takes care of the balanced diet?"... 

..."Most of the people living in killing the other living organisms or animals and eating and saying that they are enjoying their human lives". 

"Consequantly cholesterol disorder, sugar disorder ,mental disorder at their early age, middle age  and old age this is called iron age!"

"Why? "

"While all are encouraged to discourage the Divine Science, these are the results of that serious insult".

"Why Krishna?"

"Sam says that they do not consult in Krishna Science".

"Aren't  we in danger?"

"Of course , of course, of course , It goes globally, everything is in disorder". 

"All of a sudden, his chocolate brown puppy was not happy... shouting at him,"

"whoove...whooove...whooooove" as Sam was not eating, but thinking,thinking and thinking like a King about his citizens".

 "He then smiled at the puppy to make him happy and started his happy jogging as a baby because he doesn't eat when he doesn't feel hungry." 

"Again he began to worry while thinking of his article about "Healthy Eating": 

" these people are expected to have healthy blood and healthy lifestyle while do not doing their exercise which is  the extra ordinarily enhancing the healthy  health condition  scientifically which enhancing  the healthy life style?". 

"Unexpectedly he saw a woman overweight together with a man underweight walking , passing through 
his green  garden  gate !!!". 

"He worried :

" either they are overweight" or underweight! Being overweight increases the chance of heart disease and diabetes . Being under weight also could lead to health conditions.  
As a consequence unexpected diseases!" 

"Consequently, innocent are dying as accidents  by abusing alcohol. 

Oh Goodness! Pity people are dyeing and returning as animals again and again due to their ignorant style of life?"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness meee" 

"What a pain?...
 All because of our ignorance of realizing the Supreme Science".

"After all, there are 8,400,000 kinds of  births have been shared by each and every living entity! Anybody interested to understand our real eternal identity ?" 

 "It is the Supreme Science. Still... still people do not interested to realize the Supreme Personality! "

"Only... only interested in temporary  enjoyments , educations eating anything and everything over attachment and greedy of over  economic conditions without having any time for the engagement of the self realization?"

"Sure Subathra!" 

 "Is it divinic?" 

"Obviously..  obviously  each and every one's karmic reactions isn't  it an atomic bomb!?"
"It is it. 
No one knows when it is going to be exploreded." 

"Oh God! Such a golden guide ✨ ๐Ÿ’› line of divine line Krishna!"

"Thanks ruby ๐Ÿ˜Š".

"Now only we are entirety involve in education of evolution Krishna".

Appreciate it Meera".

...Sam's mind was kept on thinking while listening to the radio, 
"Why ?"
"The news was talking about material science". 

"We do not know how we are made and why we are here, but trying to know how the materials are made! 
How the animals are inherited! 
How the evolution taking place?"

"This is how we often think Krishna?"

" But idiotically ignoring the inspirationally complicated creation! All because we do not have the capability of realising the reality".

" At  least do we  care of  eating elegantlyand caring our oun lives ?

"Sorry Renuga?"

 "What we must and what we must not eat or drink Krishna.", 

"That's what he thinks Krishna Anna". 


"Again he was carefully listening to the radio": 

"The scientists are suggesting that, "the women can drink up to 2 to 3 units of alcohol and the man can drink up to 3 to 4 units every day without significant risk to their health!” 

He was looking at the sky, 

"so more and more innocent people are going to be killed, but we, innocent populations simply and  seriously busy as bees in making our temporary comfortability lives more and more comfortable!"

" Nevertheless, who knows when these alcoholics are going to kill us unexpectedly?"

 "Hummmm!!! All because they all are interested in alcohol not in soul!.." 
"Correct Christina!". 
"Isn't it an arrogant attitude?"

"This amount of alcoholics are not significants for the scientists no wonder everyone experiencing the frequent accidents more than ever and have been harming the innocence more than the unbalanced unhealthy foods"! 

"Don't we see our deaths are just near by the so called scientists' study of  suggestions, predictions and educations "...

 "Doesn't it make us to doubt whether these are kind of manipulation?"

" Why on earth scientists are recommending to drink alcohol and drive?"

"Isn't drink drive is dangerous isn't it ferocious?

"Don't we doubt about it whether to  save the taxes of alcohol to the Government, a few billions?".

"Last week in LBC news I heard the Britain Government spending to treat the alcoholics over £50 billion per year and under £5o billions for the smokers.

"Worst of all, about£ 50 billion to the over weight people!"

"His elegance eyes were talking to the sky like his Guru does with 

"He straightaway put his face in his pretty pink palms to calm him down by saying,

 "Please people please understand the danger at the gate ...if you think it is your fate, without late you will expect the date of your departure". 

...So we all are going to miss the gracious change of Divine realization. .Meaning, no self liberation to stop from the cycle of births and deaths?

 ..."Do you love it?" 

....Then go ahead God a head. 

...First and the most best thing is to know ourselves then we will understand everything.

 Otherwise, we are nothing and it is unwise. In fact, understanding the divinity is part of the most important responsibilities of the humanity", 
"What are you doing Sam?"
"First finish your meal OK!.". 

"How long have you been jogging" ... 

  "You are a day dreamer and a good thinker... hurry up finish you breakfast fast alright!" 

Oh goodness! Shouted his pet, a pretty parrot ๐Ÿฆœ like a robot  ". 

"Sam smilingly put his indication finger on his pink lips and said,, 

"shoo...shoot "

"Then he carried on running forgetting  his  balanced diet for a while". 

"But his mind did not stop thinking about the well being of all human beings remembering the chief living being of all living beings" ...

"Obviously, although he realized that no-one dies  and every one simply changes his body with the same soul with the connectivity of their activities of all the bodies during their lives,

 .....Almost all the souls are ignoring the everlasting, never ending souls and Super soul like they ignore their life  styles. 

๐Ÿ‘Ž ⛔ He wonders why?.

 "We all are ignoring the Divine Science consequently bathing badly in birth ocean by returning birth after death in this  world so it is increasing the   population". 

Sam's clothes were wet with sweat still matching with the sky 

In fact, the human body have been  connected to the five elements like a garland of seven colours.

"It was therefore Sam has been wearing beautiful blues today in cooperation with the sun rays so it makes him to do good, think good things, feel good, speak good and thankful to God. 

"Only Divine can do it. He was thirsty and he had  drunk plenty of water, felt fresher and hunger completed his meal   after a quick shower!" 

"It was the best food ever."

 All of a sudden, he saw some people walking ๐Ÿšถ‍♂️ ๐Ÿšถ‍♂️ ๐Ÿšถ‍♂️ ๐Ÿšถ‍♂️ ๐Ÿšถ‍♂️ ๐Ÿšถ‍♂️ ๐Ÿšถ‍♂️ ๐Ÿšถ‍♂️ ๐Ÿšถ‍♂️ ๐Ÿšถ‍♂️  through the wide green  gate, wearing the same colours just
Yellow and blouse blue ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿ’› ๐Ÿฅป dresses as Marina often would be wearing at college".
"Sam smiled sensationally ?"

"Why ?"

Ha...ha... in remembering what his uncle,Mukunda told him"
"Was Mukunda his uncle?"

"Ye ye". 

"When was it Krishna?".
"When he came to visit during his summer holiday, Rosy" 

"Who was it  Krishna?"

It's all about a cutest ๐Ÿ’— sibling ๐Ÿ‘จ‍๐Ÿ‘ฆ ".

"What was it all about Krishna?" 

"Would you like to marry a beautiful woman or an intelligent woman?’’ 

"My Uncle Mukunda turned at the sound of a lily little male voice!" 

"A boy of about five or six asked and was watching  his nicest face for the response of his uncle, Mukunda.   

"It was while he was sitting just next to Angelica in the college park or ๐Ÿšถ‍♂️ walking ๐Ÿšถ‍♂️ ".

As a response, Mukunda said, 

"Neither a beautiful nor an intelligent’’ and handsomely rolled his magnificent eyes with a handsome smile."

"Sam did the same smile automatically ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ".

"Then Sam thought of the rest:

The boy looked at Angelica and laughed delightedly." 
"She had been biting her pretty pink  lips sensationally; it had increased her feminity
and made her more prettier and prettier ,left him happier and fresher". 
"Sam didn't  think how uncle could have felt.  

Now he really regrets for his Uncle, Mukunda and now only he feels how ferocious and also serious situation it was  for him.

"Why Krishna?"
"As Sam's parents,too seeking his life partner more seriously like it happened to Mukunda".

"Mukunda  is a kind of friendly even with his children". 

"I think Mukunda and Angelica had played the same characters as Sam and Marina, but I don't want Sam and Marina too to be separated ".

"Nonetheless, Sam began ❤  to feel and hear his heart ๐Ÿ’“ broken'.

  "We understand why as ever since he met Marina again, Sam missing her a lot".
"Unexpectedly he feels weaker and weaker. 

Thanks ๐Ÿ‘



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