"The most effective discipline that man Can Adopt to Attain the best goal ,is to control and conquest of the five senses". "Why?" To Avoid the evils that the eye,the ear,the tongue,the mind and  the hand prone to commit"."These are called Pancha Doshas Five (Vices)""Should ourselves take our Originator's Holy Human Forms Only to follow up animals principles?""What?"   "Eating,mating, learning, earning,defending   offending and dying?????"

"If mere living is the goal ,our Sacred Souls Could Have Been Encased in animals body , in the form of birds or beasts." "Why Krishna Didn't?" "The very fact that our originator ,Father fixed our Intelligence, discrimination , ability of human body  to anticipate the future desire only to detach ourselves from  attach  of the senses" ." Doesn't it the indication that we are designed and destined towards the Divine Direction,Higher Goals and Happy Liberation?". "Can we still be like a puppy or Gopy? Come on!  Have a commonsense!  Be brave and brilliant before ending up in grave (a hole dug to bury a body/corpse ) Why we Crave for satisfying only our five senses and ignoring  the Holy Goal?.Do we Know the Sacred Soul Has No Assurance or insurance unless we are Krishna Consciousness ?"

'' Hellooooo Krishna  Anna,to be honest ,  how does our five sense work  please?"

"Sorry 💕 Rata say it again?"

"I mean how does  my nose activate and identify diffrent smells Krishna?"

"First of all ,our Diwalli greetings Krishna Anna!"
What is it Wasn't it yesterday".

"We could not contact you yesterday could we play the video Krishna?

"My pleasure".

"Amazing atmosphere hooked me a lot thank you so much ".

"Welcome think there i no more risk of answering any quetion today ha..,ha... "


"Certainly you can't escape from us. I'm worried why doesn't my friend   ear hear Krishna?"

"Yeah! What does within the  eyes 👁️👁️ engineering Krishna"

"We wonder where does the voice come to  our mouth Krishna?"

"Exactly!   How  does our skin Feel Krishna ?"

" Interested... indeed we must know them ".

"Don't you know?"

"No wonder we wonder  what are the scientists saying; what amazingvthey are researching, but  unknowing the four faulty defects, our  teachers are  teaching  nothing more than the faulty facts found by our faulty limbs of our great science as a result of  major microscope". 

"So sorry to hear Krishna so you mean the biology, technology,  and  the radiology are not perfect as they all  just based on the defects of faulty four aspects Krishna?" 

"It's not insightful and it's awful of ignoring inner engineering Krishna Anna ".

"Yeeee !What would you like to know exactly?"
"Please 🙏 tell us  how they functions?" No question of nature or natural selection that we know  Krishna".

Doesn't it it grace of Father's Supreme Science based on 
Atman and Paramatman and Bhagavan Krishna Anna?"

"Sure in other words, the  sacred soul has been controlled by the Super Soul".

"Intelligence but in detail please?".

 "Briefly saying ,Krishna?

"The Supreme soul has a personality  that Pretty perfect  Person  Controls us  through our souls. However, due to our four faulty aspects,  we have no concept and refuse to accept ".

"Intering more details please 🙏?."

" We all  are monitored Krishna?"

" Why Krishna I can answer certainly we all controlled  no surprise"

" Appreciate it Rosy. In turn,  our minds controlling our five senses ".

"Doesn't it?"

"It does Krishna Anna" 

"Alright! when we are in self consciousness, what would happen?


 "👏👏 " 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 
"We are  our Father's Favorites Fellows that's the meaning of our Mission of Tuition Lessons "


"And you would like to confirm how the five limbs function now?"

"Yes Krishna?!"

"Right we know that we all are  made partly by the five elements I mean the matters and partly by the sacred souls right ✅ ???"

"  Erm "

"Are they  Made of matter of the five elements  Krishna?".

"Surely Siva"

"Could you tell us how our five limbs of senses finding the difference  qualities between the five material elements on which we all  are made of Krishna ?". 

"Indeed important question, Sarah". 

"Actually the five limps are made of matter engineered by sprit soul ; the five senses are activated  by the sacred souls ".

" That is our prediction too we need evidences an example Krishna Anna".

 "Haven't we witnessed a blind ,but with eyes opened beautifully and normally?"


"What is missing in the eyes?"

"Why doesn't he see?"

"There may  be hundred of reasons such as medical condition Krishna".

"Alright why they are born blind?"

"It's might be their Karma?"

"How do we approve that he had his previous life Krishna?" 

"He dream as a healthy individual , doesn't he smile and cry in his dream?

"Doesn't he?"

"Sure it would be of his previous life mind intelligence and memories Krishna ".

So as a conclusion, these are  simply  empowerment of the souls".


"You are a genuinely genius Krishna why doesour guru insisting us to chant the name of Krishnadoes it has any link to Lord?!".

"Yes the credit is for Lord Krishna 🙏🙌❤".

"Thank you sooooo much Krishna ".

"Can we take a blessing break Krishna Anna "

"With pleasure dear treasures "

"What about other five functions of the five elements Krishna?

"Amazing it's  another  five elegant elements ' 
In order to understand them, we  need  again the  soul  science:

First fast break while  watching the power of the Name of Father 

"With pleasure dear Krishna Anna".
"Wow hats off for our Originator Krishna!!!!!"

"Now we wish  to know what are the actions of them "

"What  they do?"

1) " The fire 🔥 equals?"
"Heat Krishna"; 

2) "The air equals ?"

"breeze Krishna";

3) The earth   equals?
 "Smelling Krishna and...and...and..."

4) The sky equals ?
"Sound to hear Krishna" 

5)" The water equals?" 

"Taste for tonque  Krishna"

"All these  are acting grace of what matter or Sacred soul?".

 "The Sacred Soul's  enchanting energy Krishna." 

"Fantastic 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 !!!"

"Wow we thought the soul or spirit  related only in living entities Krishna!" 

  "Overall,  all are living entities dear sweet souls"

"Including the atom Krishna?"

"Yep the protons ,electrons and neutrons are spinning grace of sacred soul service".

"So the soul is not only in our body, but also in the atmosphere Krishna?. 

"Correct Christina that is how the five witnessing the five actions of the five elements " 
"Have they not been acting ?"

"You mean
1)  the wind
 2) the fire 
3) the atmosphere 
4) the  water  and 
5) the earth etc Krishna Anna?"

"Ohh God grace!!!!  Overall,  all are linked and functions  grace 💗 of the engineering?

 Basically sacred soul and matters working in cooperation with Divine  Dad?. ".


"Evidence Krishna?"
"The BhgawadGita As It is, has the  worsihpabe words of God which  has been explained by our guru"

"Thanks Krishna".

"We want to see them through our microscopes 🔬Krishna ".

"Haven't we learned that being conditioned souls ,we have four faults ?".

"Oh so so sorry Krishna ".

"What are the  four faults   Pamitta?".

"1) Faulty limbs ,
2) cheating propensity,
 3) Living in illusions ,thinking we are not the  souls ,but simply we are the body not the the soul or Super Super Soul. And finally 
4) Making mistakes .

"👏👏 👏👏👏👏👏!"

Let's continue Krishna!"

"What was all about the story  of the 👦 Ram Krishna?"

"It was all about a lovely siblings (brother and sister)."

 "Certainty Subathra. 

1) Ram and 
2) Benz".



 " Sure it might sound a bit bizarre, however we will  know the story soon."
" Ram is his nicest neighbour Krishna.

" Isn'he?."

"!Yeeeeee he too was in the hospital". 

"When was it Krishna was it during his nightmare?"

"Yep during Sam's nightmares Retna".

"Why the neighbour, and Sam were   admitted in the hospital simultaneously Krishna?"

"It was  following a big dispute at their home... his father had beaten his mother, Vanitha"

Ohhhhhhh goodness meee!!!! ?"

"Why was it Krishna?"

...  " As he was demanding her dowry, which he did not get it (as it was a loved marriage)". 

"Ohhhhhhh ".

"Why the child was wounded Krishna?"

"Ram, being a child, went to save his mother, but he too was beaten and hence,  the little lovely boy was admitted at the hospital where he met 

"So sad and soooooo sorry for them Krishna Anna!"

" That is not the end, one year  later, a bomb had fell and hit their house". 

"Oh noooooo again!!!!!".

"Of course, the governments mistakenly killing all the innocents finding no other solutions...but ...but you will never be able to get the loving young child to understand that the Government did not mean to bomb his house- killing them?". 

"What remains with them sir?"  

"The poverty Sudah". 

"He was the brightest little, lovely and  loyal boy with a nicest face and charmingly cheerful character". 

"Sam had been noticing carefully about all these events and writing them in order"

"How Krishna?"

 pretty   structure one after another"

"Why Krishna?"

"To know the features of his Karmas"

"Why was it?
Isn'it a waste of times Krishna?"

" Ha...ha...because we simply forget all of our passed and present worried events  as just nightmares comes and goes don't we Krishna  ?". 

"Can we ignore it Ruby?"

"No Krishna "

"Unfortunately  some elders are far far gone in their own ways with their modern  phones Krishna?".

"Sure sure, but Smiling Sam is not an ordinary young man".

"Yeeeeeeeees he is different and distinct person Krishna." 

" For instance,once his father went to Thirupathi"

'On the way back home, 🏡 ,he met an extraordinary astrologer ". 

"On on the way 🏡 home from India Krishna?", 

"Why was it ?"

"He had shown Sam’s chart to him, as he is a specific astrologer."

" For his astonishment,  you know what the astrologer asked?" .

"No Krishna". 

"Is he a professor?." 

"Father smiled,
" it's me the professor." 
"His astrologer told him actually according to the chart, Sam is  naturally a professor".

"Such a father such a son Krishna Anna". 
" !Well said !Isn't?"

 "Just reading his story is joyfully blessing Krishna?"

"Indeed because it's deal with the gracious divine deed"

"Could we carry on Krishna?" 

"Sure,! When Smiling Sam was  building up each and every event in his life in a structure, with his torch of knowledge of scriptures  which,inturn becomes a blessing seed for the readers."

"Sure Krishna Anna ".  

"What again 😳Krishna ?"

"Sam  clearly understands that it is destiny which  is designing his path way by many  incidences, coincidences and even accidents to guide the audience and students."

 "Oh Yeeeeessss we remember that is how he would be speaking to Marina from his childhood Krishna".

"Perfectly correct Pamitta".
"Being a gifted and talented boy, Sam spotted out how his karmas  especially in his past lives have been controlling him cruelly and happily upto  the present life Krishna". 

" Yeeeeee!!!Just like the claverest scientists' perfect predictions Krishna Anna!".

"Sure !!!However, some of the super scientists are considering it would be a kind of culture".

"Sure Krishna Anna"
"Nevertheless, in order to know the  typical type of cultures, we need to have some knowledge of the  Madam Nature by respecting the scriptures Krishna". 

"So Krishna, we suggest that the material science and the Supreme Science must work in corporation not in competition?"

" Yep! 

"We have no clues Krishna?"

"What was it Rudra ?"

"When and where the bacththy yoga was commenced please 🙏 Krishna?".

"Why all of a sudden you ask this quetion ?"

"Because Rajesh Kanna said that Gita was began from Krishna Loga, Suriya  Loga and finally  our Karma Loga Krishna.

"Have... have you got any footage of Father please 🙏?" 

"Absolutely please follow up below 👇"

We read Lord Krisna first instructed the "Bhackthi-Yoja" 

"Yeah!Who is Vivasvan?"

"Ye  who is it Krishna ?"

"Why didn't you read the message completely Siva? "

"Oh Goodness he is the sun God, Vigneswaran Krishna "

"Where is  your glasses ha ...ha..?"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness he is the sun God Vivasvan Krishna Anna ".

"When was it Krishna... 
wasn't it five thousand pounds years ago Krishna?"

"That was with Arjuna, 5000 years ago "

"Then when did  this happen Krishna?".

"Tremendous Tulsy!"

"We are waiting for the answer Krishna?".

"Erm...erm... with sun God,  Vivasvan about 
120,400,000 years ago   Tulsy ".

"Oh my God I'm being so dumb, dull  and stupids Krishna Anna "

"I know well before Rudra ".

"Ha.ha..,ha..ha...ha...just joking Rudra ".

"Why we deprived from divine scriptures only interested in material study Krishna?"

"What is the meaning of deprived Krishna ?"

"Not allowed or prevent from using Rudra".

"Rudra already there are many universities using the 
"Bhagavad-Gita As It Is " 
as a text book 📖 " 

"So   these deriving from divine planets?"
"What does  mean of derive again Krishna?"

"Rise from or get from or originated from Sarah".

"Oh by the way,   at university the Canadian,  our tutor's nephew did not hear of "Bhagavad-Gita As It Is?"

"He did ,however it might have been  at  the college in his early age, nonetheless which was one of  hundreds manipulated men's Gita  interpretation,  which he had read and disappointed".

 "Was it in his quit eary , early age teenage Krishna".


"Was it Shankarasarya's impersonalism interpretation Krishna?"

" Correct !"

"Please Krishna!Forget about it at the moment,Meera please 🙏 "

"Why we often talk of him?"

" Tell us   why Krishna please?".

"You may have heard about the life of St. Paul. Christina?"

 "Ye Krishna! In the beginning he was bitterly opposed to Jesus". 

"Good girl...good girl I read in one of Baba's quarterly magazine".

"What was it Krishna Anna?"

"One day Jesus appeared in his dream and said...

Do you want  to help me  to say what he said Christina?"

"No problem Krishna... 

"He asked are you not a human being Saul,?
 Is it proper to revile/ criticise one who has done you no harm ?"

"Excellent effort ?"

"Krishna you carry on now ha...ha..."

"Alright..!alrightI'll try !

"He further said ,
"What harm I have done to you... 
Why you are abusing me?"

"Now your turn Christina ha..ha..."

"Okay Krishna, 
"This is sheer folly/ foolishness. You are thereby demean yourself beware.beaware....."

"Bravo ...bravo !After uttering this warning, Jesus vanished. 
When waking up in the morning,  he was self Realised saintly sacsacd realising his defect ".

"We don't assume anyone is bad ,but bad luck some people are disturbed minded due to difficult life style".

"Do you think he is not as bad as we think Krishna?"

" believe it or not, our tutor was using his nephew's name instead of Smiling Sam at the beginning of his writing ".

 "Are you serious Krishna Anna?"

"Yes as a matter of fact, could we share  an  event?"

"When was it Krishna?".

 "Not long ago".

"What was it Krishna?"
 "Once tutor's nephew fell flat in front of his mother ".

" Why...was it Krishna?".

"Unexpectedly happened,  witnessing his mother's compassionate  condition"

"What was it Krishna?"

"She suddenly slided over the melting snow on the road and slipped over and  fell flat and fainted ".

"While both were on the way out Krishna?!".

"Sure ".

"You mean he fell  flat finding his mother laying on the ice Krishna?"


"Oh my God ! Was he too fainted Krishna ?"


"Are you serious Krishna?"

Sound like ...he is  such a sensitive gentle person Krishna? ".


"Where was it it Krisna?"

"Was... was  in Canada Krishna?" 

"Definitely Durga". 

"Ye so  we all are derived by  different, different degrees of the past karma recorded in the black boxes in our bodies as Atman and paramatman Krishna?".

"Sure Sarah"

"Krishna, I know what you meant"

"What is it Sam?"

" To be fair, the education has to take the genuine Father's facts words book in to account first otherwise we try to fly in one wing like Baba said
Krishna 🙏".

"Thank you Sam".

"Welcome Krishna"
"You deserved to have your name Krishna".

"My pleasure Sam Anna". 

"Ha...ha...ha...ha...ha...ha...why...why you called me Anna Krishna?"

"Answer is in your wording students" 

 "Does it like the flight security camera 📷 I mean the Karma works as black boxes Krishna Anna??"

"Sure now there are  black boxes  in the vehicles, too "

"Oh super Peter!"

"Supreme Science works as the security camera Krishna Anna?"

"Certainly this is how the greatest Superior Supreme Personality bring the Supervisor of  the Super Nature and through her the entire creatures?"
"Yeah now we  are coming to the track as elegant  evidences, enlightening us with blessing structures and  all the events with effective evidences from Vedas, inspiringly super natural story Krishna ".

"Thank you Siva Anna ".

"Ha....ha...ha...apology Krishna Anna ".


"Actually the scientists are the students, too  just  like us Krishna Anna."

"Why Meera?"

"For instance, we are reading the poems and annotating or reviewing or analysing which had been already written and given by the exam board",

"What you exactly mean Meera?"

 "The Supreme Lord is the Author; the scientists studying the enchating engineering of the human body function"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness please give her claps to cheer her up".

"You're the cleverest girl ever 👧!!!"

Fantastic 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 

"Thanks Krishna"

"Evidence Meera?"

"The reason why the physics master, in Canada 🇨🇦  I mean tutor's nephew or his son  Krishna's cousin couldn't convince his argument with his graduating sons because  of the on going changes which are based on coming  new, new  theories"

"What do you think  Sam?"
She is correct! It is simply because after his completion of education, there were some changes have been made to the new education system". 

"Excellent efforts 👏👏👏👏"

"But bad luck  why we are comparing the greatest cientists to the learning students?"
"Because the scientists are still being the learners haven't they been changing their minds on a regular basis?".

"Who is to be blamed Krishna?"

"The people who  totally ignored the Genius Engineer's engineering to be blamed". 

"Absolutely  are they capable of  creating even a bee🐝 Krishna?". 


"However, the innocent scientists are considering that they are creating" .




"How could we welcome these kinds of cultures and  childish lectures ignoring the genuine scriptures?"

"Can they be left  unchallenged?" 

"In other words, the universal sacred soul energy is the energy which is controlling all the other energies."

"Exactly like the sun energy maintaining the entire energies, such as chemical energy, physical energy, heat energy, kinetic energy and  electrical energy." 

"Obviously, biologists , radiologists ,astrologists and the technologists are learning and earning while fact finding  may be inventing."

"Correct Christina! 

"Agreed!Certainly no-one is  not creating any thing." 

"Thank you... thank you and thank you roses 🌹 ❤ 💕 😘 is 

"Creating is beyond the capability of humanity".

"Everything we do grace of our sacred souls and the Supreme person PERSONIFIED IN EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US"
When we do not know that Person we are recognised as conditioned souls in other words, IMPERSONALISTS".
" Are you sure....
Otherwise we are  imperfectionists Krishna?"

"Brilliant boys!" 

"Now listen Smiling Sam whenever he feels alone, the nicest nature invites him ?"

"What is it Krishna how does the nature invite him are you kidding or you are thinking we all are dumb ,dull and stupids?"

" Again the science of five senses set heart💕!".

"You mean inciting like women  through their beauty and colours for his eyes Krishna?"

"Out standing". 

" for his  skin Krishna?"

"Elegant evidences" 

", sweet sound of plants and trees lovely  leaves  for his ears Krishna?


"Finally meeeee Krishna". 

...the  fragrance flowers for his  nose Krisna "

"Fantastic, but it's not the end I'm afraid".  

" it's the glass of water for his  tungue to taste  Krishna!".

"Wonderful !!!!wordless we thought we are godless .

"This is how he often  was inspired and invited shared by the five sacred soul service of senses by the nicest nature as treasures".

""Wow wonder  of nature what a new man of nature proving our Papa's passion, compassion and devotion Krishna !

"Appreciate it Pamitta  but some times he  he  would worry in his back garden": 

"Why was it Krishna?".

"All of a sudden, Sam's heart had broken while he was regrettably  looking across the road"

"A group of cutest children from orphan school who had lost their parents during the civil war were walking with their guardians". 

"He was worshipping  worriedly".

 "He still looks soft, sweet, saintly and lovely besides he hurtfully holding his sensational chin in his handsome hands".   

"Thousand of thoughts were thoughtfully entering in his miraculous mind like waves in the ocean". 

"Wasn't he the smartest saint Krishna?"
"Why not 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Roses?"

"Was he a silent warrior against the horror?"

"He is, Subathra".

"Was he an innocent child worrying for nothing rather than forgetting everything and living like an ordinary ignorant by killing the other living organism and eating them?"

"No he had born to be a blessing body but we are  prone to be suffering. 
At least we are waking up from sleeping "

"Sure he is an examplare study book to the fortunate students"

"Then why he is being a riddle kind of puzzle Krishna ?" 

"Let's read what Sam himself was saying in one of his many speeches ":

"OK Krishna "...

"I know many, many children lost their parents and there are parents spending lots of money to have children, but no-one wants to adopt these innocent kids."

 "Finally are all the parents successful in their fertility treatments besides spending a fortune?"

" No." 

"What remain them?"

 "Simply the poverty?" 

...I know many children lost their parents and parents lost their children; people were hurt in the struggle for peace. However, lasting peace is hard to achieve". 

"As Gandhi said, “there is no way for peace, but peace is the way" 

"The truth is the country needs rebuilding from bottom up".

 "The people must have their confidence restored". 

"Hold don't pause a bit please"don't hold don't please!!!!"
"Why Krishna?"
"To be fair,our tutor's Canadian nephew,the physics teacher was also talking some sympathetic projects, too ".

"Did he Krishna?"
"Example Krishna ".

"He worried how innocent investors in charity organisations or projects have been cheated ".
"In fact with concrete evidences and he further  said the country need stability and safety, but more than anything they need food in their stomachs and money in their hands through a proper process and ideal  deal and he has been thinking of it as his future investment"... 

"Isn't it a positive project?"

"Certainly  however it has to be done with worship-able education of Supreme Science then only it will be a worldly   welfare to stop the misery which involve  all the miseries like Baba said
"After all, none of us are not going to live for ever. But the soul is not subject to decay, not subject to decline or ntsubhect to  death". 

"Appreciate it Meera 🙏  "

"Anything else  please?" 

"Could I?"
"Please Sarah" 

"Once we are self realized , the mystery stop there will be no more miseries Krishna" .

"Absolutely appreciate it "

"When we invest in charity, is  equal to investing in divinity, too ...

two in one the charity and the divinity to the eternal liberty I mean for the sacred soul liberty from the birth cycle 🚲 🗽" 

"Only the holy charity"

"Does charity has classes?"


"The  goodness charity for the divinity"

"So so before  doing our charity ,we  have to verify whether our charity is genuine at the same time  improving  poverty and promoting the  divinity together simultaneously ".

"Why Rata?"

"The seva will go to devadi deva and end up our  Karma as an  exchanges  to Dharma "

"Sure grace of our  charities, our karmas vanishing Krishna Anna"

How do guarantee Subathra?" 

"As all the  main religions' scriptures have been  suggesting   ".

"You mean the Jivas/souls will be liberated and go back home 🏡 🏡 🏡 🏡 🏠 🏡 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 eternally??"

"Yeah... Yeah... Yeah". 
"...In this condition, is it intelligence of worrying only...only...only about  temporary assistance  begging Baba for properity , get rid pouerty do not care of  liberty?"

"What do you mean Meera?"

"I mean our temporary assistance must lead them permanent soul resistance in self science study"

" Ha...ha"

"Maha 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️ 🧘‍♀️Mandra Meditation Mission".

"Fanatic, you mean just uprooting the animal principles and upgrading the divine principle as it is being recommended in Vedas". 


"We must get rid of the mystery which causes all the miseries". 


" The cycle of birth on this worthlessly returning to thus mortal world only,only  to  suffer longer to live shorter ". 

"Who is going to care our suggestion could we start the rest of the story please?"

"Ohhhhhhh Yeeeee!!!! "

 "At the hospital, Ram
,his neighbour boy of six asked Sam, 

"Why people do not want to offer their organs to others who were desperately needed ?’’ 

"Oh !That's what he asked him Krishna?". 

"Correct Roses!!!"

 "It would be a pretty painful situation for him Krishna". 

"Absolutely  all because after the bomb fell, Sam had to take him to the hospital".

"In... in the hospital he said that Krishna Anna?! 

"Ye!!! Hearing those kind of words from a cheerful child, Sam's ears had turned ruby red and his cheek flushed blood red".

" He found tears spilling down his cheek. Sam was always fond of him he used to teach him based on Divine Science". 

"Later that afternoon however, he started bleeding heavily....

 ...The doctor’s were shouting for help!!!".

 "No one could explains what was going on, but Sam knew it was serious".

 "At 1.30 p.m. a doctor finally told him the operation had taken place, but there had been a few miner complications".

After a sleepless night, they pronounced his death! 

"Hurtfully his parents had offered his organs to those who were desperately waiting for them". 

"Actually the dead body of Ram had saved five young living bodies, five teens boys life". 

"The fabulous thing was, before his death, he had told to Sam in private that whoever benefited from his organs should not expect dowry". 

"Sam was worrying weeping in ❤ heart 💔 while he was informing the kid's kindest message to the five boys and their families". 

"Their parents had sorrowed and numbed! They all were in the ocean of  tears". 

"Actually, it seems like it was the reasons why the oceans were being turned in to salty water."
"However, fortunately now all the  five boys are  like his neighbours best friends and ever since his Daddy, Ram's father who was an alcoholic did not talk about dowry and stopped drinking alcohol." 

"Sam was silently  sinking in the ocean of tears
He looked like a dried rose plant left without water for many days." 

Today is Sunday Sam was just completed his 🌄 duties 
"Good morning Sam!  Are you OK dear?’’ 
Asked Sam’s Mum, with a cup of milk in her hand. 

I am alright Mum,’’  

"By the way,  Sam remember last year… you had borrowed some money and you said sooner you get employed you would pay me back... but you did not pay my old debt,’’

 "Mom asked, anxiously awaiting for his answer with a beautiful smile".

 “Oh that was an old debt Mom!" 

"Sam said clearing his magnificent voice". 

"Again Sam cleared his voice", 

"Mum! Listen to be honest, I don’t pay the old debts".

"Dad, smiled charmingly and disappeared quickly from there adjusting his elegant frameless glasses". 

"Alright then, what about my new debt, which I paid you last week, Sam????’’ 

"Mum shouted, this time Sam was  without any smile." 

"Oh yes. I remember that! Ohh Mummy....Can I have a kiss Moooooom Lovely Mom".

 "You know one thing  Mum!"

"Mum was exclaimed!" 

 "I just leave the new debt so that  it will become an old debt as well",’’ 

Smiled Sam with an amazing hug by taking his milk from her hand. 

Sita had smiled too happily reminding what his Dad said to his doctor last week. 

"Actually, his Dad went to see the doctor last week because of his right leg was paining. When he said to the doctor that his right leg pains". 

Doctor replied that it was because of his age. 

Sam’s Dad responded,
 "alright doctor my  left leg as same age as my right, leg, but my left   leg is OK! How come you say that is because of age? ‘’ 

Doctor started laughing, removing his elegance glasses. 

Sita looked at Sam’s Dad in saying,
" Such a father such a son!" 
She pleasingly told to herself. 

Next minute, Sam stood in front his Mum in the kitchen in showing her bank account balance. 

He deposited his first month salary on her account which was many time bigger than the amount she had borrowed to him!. 

She was in happy tears and felt shame on her words which cannot be taken back. 
Already a week had passed, Sita and Dad, Charm had gone away for a holiday by themselves.
Sam was unable to join with them as he had lots of work to do. 

It's true his profession has lots of responsibilities.  Being a journalist, he had lots to read and lots to write. Today was Saturday... 

James came to visit ... just to give him a secret surprise after the completion of University studies", it was the very first time he was going to meet him.

As soon as he stepped in to his house,   he heard a supreme sound ...he looked around ! It was a kind of amazing atmosphere hooked him happily .

The bells were ringing ding ,ding,cling, cling  like rhythmic music. 

Wow the birds were singing sweetly.  

Meanwhile, a cute brown puppy who was not barking, but beautifully looking at James, was kind of chocolate brown puppy was indeed happy in watching him by gathering his lovely long ears towards joyful James it was so special dog directed him towards Sam's divined room in the palace.

Suddenly someone shouted, 

"Robbery...robbery...stop man ...stop!!!!" 

"He was scared and turned towards the peculiar sound... wonder it was Sam’s pretty pet ,a parrot looks like a robot." 

"Who are you man?"

 "I am his friend, James"... 

“Could you tell me why did you accusing me as a robbery?" 

"James shouted angrily." 

“Don’t you know who I am ?"

 "Ha...Ha... the pet laughed loudly and lovingly" . 

"Then declared authoritatively,

" listen young man! I am the greatest guardian angel of smartest Sam" .


"Didn't you see my beauty?"

 "In fact, my feathers are the most bright and brilliant colors don’t you feel delight to see me dammit?",

 "No not at all! " 

"Smiled James astonishingly". 


 "Look...look...look at my respectable red, simmering sky blue and golden yellow feathers. In fact,  I am not only a beautiful parrot, but also a skillful bird".

"James was wondering wow what kind 😳 of 🌈 rainbow 🌈 😳 bird!"
"Moreover, I can speak three languages" 

"He smiled surprisingly and asked apologetically", 

“could I go in to see my friend now?" 

"OK, nevertheless, next time behave yourself alright?" 

"James thanked respectfully and carried on walking surprisingly towards the sound he couldn't believe his ears for a moment what was happening in the peaceful palacious 🏠house?" 

"On the other hand, the sound sounded louder and louder; the more he approached, the more  he heard clearer and clearer! 

He listened more and better and better! 
 He smells sensational scent 
"As he climbed higher and higher, he felt happier and happier!". 

"He again remarked the house was filled by softened surprising smell. The most sweetest smells in the world!".

"Wasn't it  so softer and softer?". 

"What a splendor flowers smell!"

" It was indeed a kind of tender." 

"Finally he reached the white marble floor and opened the wonder wooden door".

"He delighted and there he saw a sacred soul worshiping 👏!!" 

"He was sitting on the white bright floor in cross-legged 
stately posture". 

"Oh Goodness! "

"His eyes opened surprisingly!!!"

"Are you here?" 

"Gave him the look of a smiling saint". 

"What a silent sensational saint?"

" Seemed a powerful even a thoughtful and wish fulfilling smartest saint". 

 "He softly chanted the powerful Maha Mantra"... 

" Hare Krishna 
Hare Krishna… 
Krishna Krishna
 Hare Hare 
Hare Rama…
 Hare Rama
 Rama Rama Hare Hare"... 

His eyes were closed, nonetheless still fascinating fantastically!

Joyous James had sat down quietly at the back, trying to participate in the chanting and waited  charmingly. 

After a few moments, Sam welcomed  him with warm ❤ and began talking". 

Actually he sounded like a professional professor. 

His vocabulary was quite philosophical, no wonder it was exceptional terms and phrases he used such  welcoming fresh roses!" 

James listened with amusement which put an attractively affectionate  smile on his face.

 Straightway he reminded what he had learned from a book of a great sage called 


 Best of all; there was a statue of him even in central London are they fools to construct it? No. 

Such sacred saint ,the greatest poet , Thiruvalluvar.

 He wrote, 

‘’Get attached to the one who attached 
to the divine so that 
you will develop the detachment of material 
and the attachment of Divine which is the real engagement leads of enlightenment".

"True 👍 it is the best humans development and it is the greatest achievement of all other temporary achievements".

 James said to himself happily 😊 with a relaxed breath. 
He had been happily remarking every single details delightedly .

Wow wonder devotional decoration of the happy house with a glamorous satisfaction. 

"Oh Goodness! 

"Each and every thing was gracious. What a glorious moment it was!"  

"Absolutely formidable! It was as a fun festival of miraculously magical ceremony of the ceremonies in the heaven". 
"His perfect pray room had straightaway encouraged him to have the same one in  his own home ".

"It's true he thought to have exactly the same room at  his home, too!".

"All because it illuminated his heart as though he was enjoying many, many honey things at once such as all the bells of heaven were ringing while all the birds of entire world were singing". 

He was honestly feeling, had an impression of drinking the divined dripping of delicious nectar from the fantastic fresh flowers while hearing the cute crinkle of gracious golden lovely leaves

"Joyous James enjoyed the clinking of great gold coins". 

"Wasn't it a wonderful music? 
The wonder Nature's natural music was specific. 

"He was amazed in thinking the Divine exists in his happy home with Sam  

"Isn't it  a fabulous way of spending a day in this house. See the roses walled around the charm home". 

A moment later, he was so much happier to have lunch which was served to Lord Krishna first ! 

James noticed with surprise that every single meal Sam ate serving to Lord Krishna before eating!

In addition, they were mouthwatering and he didn't want to waste any single thing enjoying a delicious vegetarian lunch with his best friend.

 He began to talk  about his wedding.

He was listening and carefully looking at him with a sympathetic smile. Unexpectedly he thanked him before finishing his talk.

 It was as nice as the sun rise in the freezing cold winter for James.

 In real, the way he thanked him as though he was a the first man on the moon. 

"By the way, you just thanked me before I completed the whole story especially about the dowry,"

" James said with a pleasing glance". 

Sam just smiled.

 It was fascinating, quite fabulous; every time he smiles his eyes too will be shining and smiling in glory". 

“the face is the indication or index of mind,’' 

said Sam, James looked at him with lots of affection and satisfaction". 

In fact, he was watching Sam as a young girl would, looking at an attractive young boy with young thought he was honestly a wise person. 

Accidentally James set up his hair style in looking on the marbled floor.

 Watching it Sam smiled...

"In fact, you don’t need to worry about your's true James "

‘’Do not see your beauty, just do your duty which will in its own way make you beautiful,’’. 
His throat went dry. A few minutes later, James recalled that he met Marina, but Marina told him that Sam met her and gave his telephone number.

So he just ignored it. Unexpectedly, James' mobile rang.... it was James’ mum requesting   him to return home  urgently, he went home, but reluctantly as he wanted to talk about Marina a bit more as he was in confusion about the number he had. 

Today was Friday, fears gripped Marina’s heart so badly as she had left home to phone Sam passing so many trips in dreaming about him. She was impatient to talk to him after a few years. 

She did her shopping beforehand and headed for the telephone box; she was not rich enough to possess a land phone at home or a mobile in her hand.

For her pleasant surprise, she met one of her old friends from secondary school… "Oh my God why on Earth have I been experiencing these kind of coincidences?

" As a matter of fact, ever since I met Sam, I have been facing surprise after surprise. For the past few years I never met my friends." 

"Then she recalled what her Mum told her about an astrologer who told her that Marina would be meeting miracles after miracles and there would be wonders waiting for her which will teach a lesson to the entire world". 

"cool how are you, smiled Marina’’ 

" I am alright and you,’’ replied Karma her face was so thin,  was  holding her two young children and  she was rushing to catch the bus, but  unfortunately she missed it". 

Fortunately, she saw Marina. What a coincidence like a planned incident! Seeing Karma with two young children, Marina recalled her past school life…

 She had left her studies in Advanced level due to her love affairs. Sam had advised her very politely not to do that kind of unfair affair, but Karma did not change her maddened mind in saying that  she knows what is fair and what is unfair. 

Frankly she was a nice girl, but of course fell in love.It was a deeply disgusting well  in her young age as it was quite childish. 

She factually fell in an emty well without water!Ever since, her happy life had been  vanishing with  her childish love affair. 

Indeed I am suffering 
Marina! Life is simple when we are single, but life is trouble when we are double because the double becoming triple then turning into multiple see my stage!!!!. 

"Oh my God? I am an ignorant... I always miss my studies pleased to see you after long time ", said Karma with a cat smile.

 Then she carried on and on... 
 "it is extremely hard Marina I should have listened to Sam…but…but…but" 

She started crying; her voice cracked...she was weeping like a child.

Meanwhile her children wrongly thought that Marina had made her to cry. They too began to cry. 
She then carried on calming them down ...

" My husband’s family did not like me much. All because of dowry problem. The age especially the teenage is an iron age resulting children having children". 

She brushed up her heating tears.

"You understand what I mean?"

Marina hugged ♥ ❤ she hugged ❤ 💓 back it was so beautiful scenery. 
"It was my mistake of the mistakes , children having children in this condition, how can children look-after the children?" 

She learned a lot better and talk like an intelligent unlike before an ignorant girl...
Marina mesmerised. 
Now reasonably I supposed to be looked after by my parents not looking after my children or running behind the kids. It is extremely serious. Honestly too much. 

She smiled angrily.

 Marina was worried , reminding what Sam often used to say, 
Long suffering for short living." 

Again she said, " it is ever lasting suffer and never ending disaster. 
I just want to see Sam what a shame that I did not listen to him! ’’ 
Marina was so sympathized considering her suffering. 

Nonetheless, she managed to calm her down by comforting and consoling her in talking about the future of the ❤ sweetest children. 

Furthermore, Marina encouraged her to re-continue her discontinued education as a remedy of her tragedy.

 "Suddenly Marina remarked a magazine in her hand with Sam’s picture on it! It was just on the cover!!!! 

"Was it Sam’s Picture...?" 

"Can I see the magazine? "

She asked with a stunning smile  . 

"Yes, of course ,  you are the right person to have this magazine and learn about his mysterious stories I just bought it, could not even look at it. Take it.... God bless you...

" See you Marina the bus has come" 

"Bye! Bye see you later!” 

Smiled Marina sensationally. 
Marina was so upset of her class mate. 

She wanted to speak to her man!" 

Later she had  begun to read the article impatiently it was all about her Sam!: 

"The article was titled : 

"The Wonder Of  The Wonders,’’ 
the surprise of surprises; the remarkable of remarkable!!" 
"The restrictive research result of some American University professors: 

Their  long term hard work resulting the fabulous facts of  many identical twins that are identical not only their appearances, but also in their activities in terms

of illnesses, educations attitudes friends names. Etc...

Nonetheless, the very most incredible similarities were...





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