"Hello !!!....


.... How Are You Doing Students?". 

 "Fine we are fund of this Fantastic Feature of Father's footage and genuinely encouraging  Krishna "

"Sure Sarah today is the  luckiest day ever like the shower of heavenly fragrant flowers 🌹🌹❤️🌹❤️".

 "What a pretty picture of Papah Krishna Anna!"


 Again we repeat that today is the enlightening day for our audience or international students whoever have a great chance to read the message "

"We thought that we are already being enlightened Krishna".

 "Alright you are right however,  please pay pretty attention in today's tuition great hearts" 

"May we know why Krishna Anna?"

"This is our tremendously  confirmed information of our enchanting enlightenment day".

"We wonder why Krishna!" 

"  long we are the  cleverest to clear the meaning  of the science of Self-Realization , this day providing proves of supreme personality of Godhead ".

"We truly appreciate Krishna it's the day not like a normal day but  God 🙏❤️ consciousness with pretty evidences Krishna Anna ".

"Why what is it all about please Krishna ?"

"Again and again telling you as along as we understand   the Ultimate God Head Sri Krishna with our original pictures of our Originator"

"Yeeeee! We got it.... we are blissful Krishna"

"So we are in a  blessing boat towards royal road of  life and finally heading towards, Liberation Krishna from the following cruelty of consecutive cycle of rebirths Krishna 💞🙏❤️?" 

"Well done!

"Well said.. welcome all of you to experience the original outcome".

"We didn't catch up Krishna". 

 "Below we are going to be blessed because of three  footages of Father in Visnu versions ".

"Who is in our hearts Krishna?"

 "Doesn't He One of  the three Visnus Features Krishna?"

" Yeah!Who is IT Rata?"

" idea  Krishna "

"We are talking about the one in our hearts".

"How Krishna?" 

"The one stands on a lotus flower footage of Father, has to be in each and every home like our tutor does daily basis  "

"What he does on daily basis Krishna 💞?  with that footage Krishna 💞🙏?"

"Each time whenever he says the Maha Mantra,he visualises Him in his mind Krishna?".

"Sure Sarah "

"Why we Need the picture Krishna?"

"Does he watch the picture or visualise it in his mind while he says the mantra krishna?"

"Amazing...amazing inner insightful inquiry!!!

"Why are you still silent Krishna Anna?".


"Talk Kanna talk Krishna 💞🙏!"

"At the beginning stage our tutor  was struggling to visualise the footage of Father in Atman form or Brahman or Paramtman form "

"Does It in the Bramah or in other words Atman form Who  lives in each of us Krishna Anna?"

'Both Balarama ".

"What Krishna are you really mean it Krishna?".

"Hundred percent sweet heart 💓💓💓💓💓💓!".

 ''So previously tutor couldn't  visualise the Father's Atman and paramatman froms by heart krihna so he was watching It while worshipping KRISHNA Anna???".."

"But...but...but...blessfully  now he does it without the pictures students".

" closing his eyes Krishna 💞🙏?". ".

" got the pretty Pappa's point of prayer 🙏🙏❤️🙏❤️"

'Thanks Krishna 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄!!;".

" Excuse us! What about the other pictures Krishna?"

"Sorry 💕?. 

  "The One who is  Laying in The Auspicious Ocean Krishna Anna".

"He is Ksirodaka sai Vishnu Krishna?"

1)" Number One Ksirodaka Sai Visnu?"

"Thanks Krishna". 

 "He is the all -pervading Paramatman in each and every individual entity". 

Interesting!  illustrating  with picture wow thanks Krishna Anna" 

" Tremendous teaching !Thanks Krishna Anna" 

"Now who is Garbhodaka Sai Vishnu  Krishna please?"

"Does He is the collective Supersoul of all living  entities Krishna Anna?". 

"Sure super self realized Sarah God bless you!"

2) "Is  He is the Garbhodaka sai Vishnu Krishna?"

"Absolutely Sam sensationally stunning".

"So there are two souls in each of us as duality, ATMAN AND PARAMATHMAN Krishna?"

"Correct not only that , it's not a matter  of ividuality Krishna Anna?"

"Fantastic He is the collective Supersoul of all living  entities . 

"You mean He is living in us and separated from us  Simultaniously Krishna Anna?"

"Brilliant Meera nice answer!" 

3) "Finally who is Karanodaka -Sai Vishnu Krishna?" 

 " I answer Krishna?"


...He is the collective Supersoul of all living  entities.

The  One who is Lying on the Casual Ocean Krishna Anna".

"Bravo the best blessing reply Ruby Retna!".

"Does He is   the Creator of all the Universes Krishna Anna?".

"Wow wonderful Meera mesmerised god bless you all soulfully!

"What does it mean the 

1) Brahma,

 2) Vishnu and

3) Shiva versions in Hinduism Krishna?" 

"You mean the principle deities,  

1) Brahma,

 2) Visnu  and 

3) Shiva Peter?"

"Yes that's all we learned in Hinduism Krishna Anna "

"Is known as Visnu"

"What Vishnu Krishna please?".

 "Ksirodaka-Visnu" .

"Or Vishnu tattva !

Doesn't it Krishna ?"

"You are right Subathra". 

"So out of  the Brahma ,Vishnu Shiva , who is the Paramatma please Krishna?"

"The Vishnu". 

"Wow! We... we see an astonishingly amazing footage of Father Krishna!" 

"Does it Vishnu Krishna?".

"Yeah ".

"What Vishnu Krishna?"

 "What  Vishnu does resident in all of us and separated from all of us Krishna?".

"Does He   live in everyone and separated from everyone as collective soul Krishna?".

"Below we cnfind the blessing footage to encourage in this iron age dear  sttunning students ".

"Thanks Krishna Anna please could we  show it  to everyone Krishna?"

"Of course, but...but...but... only the  goodness class have the adequate understandability of the Supreme Personality Tulsy ".

"The rest Krishna?"

"They follow up some  set up of sectarian Sarah ".

"Haven't we seen  there are hundreds of men and women who are pretending to be the gods and goddess ha...ha...? " 

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees everything explained elaborately Krishna!"

"Correct Balaraman ".

"So Krishna , Vishnu with four hands is the Super Soul Krishna Anna?''

"Sure! Already being explained Rata didn't you Krishna?".

"We did Krishna ".

"Ohhhhhhh   is He the Garbhodaka Sai Vishnu Krishna?"

"Certainly Christina". 

"Does He is the collective Super Soul of all living  entities Krishna Anna?". 

"Sure super self realized Rata ha...ha... ..,God bless you!"

2) "Really  does He the Garbhodaka sai Vishnu Krishna Anna?"

"Yeah really it's from Bhagavad-Gita As It Is students".

"Were They   Coporately Created the Whole Univers and the entire  living entities Krishna Anna?

"Exactly and Simultaneously Seated in  each and every one as atom  even withinthe atom".

"Obviously  Sam, overall all the three Visnus enchantingly emanated From Father, Krishna this picture displays them decently and detailly. "

 "Have you seen students?!

"Wow we can witness Lord Krishna within the Effulgence ,

(Brahma Jyothi )

Lord is Standinging With  Joyous Yellow Golden Garments Krishna" 

"Absolutely Renuga  "

"We are personalism not impersonalism Krishna Anna" 

"Absolutely Renuga  "

"So He is one of the three Visnus emanated or derived from God Krishna Anna?"

"Of course ,He is the first course ,but because of Shankarasarya ,innocent pity people deprived from Divine"

"Unfortunately, but  can the fishes be deprived from the water Krishna Anna?"

"No. Not at all  Siva  "

"By the way, Krishna Anna ...

"How our tutor  had received the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is from his Mother if she herself was  not in Krishna Consciousness Krishna Anna?"

" Amazing inquiry !!!

"To be fair,there are hundred of thousands of peoples who are reading the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, but has each of the reader understood the exact extract and exact 👌 request of Krishna, Peter?"

"In that case, why  didn't he recommend it to  his mother  Krishna?".

"You mean, our tutor failed to follow up his responsibility?"

"Yeah Krishna ".
"Indeed a splendorous question 🌹 💐 🏵 🥀 🌹 💐 🏵 🥀 🌹 💐 🏵 🥀 🌹 the last moment of his mother's departure she must be remembering Lord Krishna".

"What stopped her from happening Krishna?"

"Fantatic inquiry, but  unexpectedly  she couldn't."

"So didn't our tutor  inform her Krishna ?"

" Did, he did but nevertheless, unfortunately  she was unconscious"

" Why he could not help her Krishna?"

 "Apart from informing to his siblings to keep saying the Maha Mantra on her behalf , he could not  force her he has limited capacity like us  students".

"What about s empowerment of metaphysical Krishna?" 

"That is beyond our comprehension sweet hearts 💕 💕".

"We wish his bless liberated her Krishna

...could she  Krishna?"

"We all wish her to be liberated Krishna ".

"Thanks God bless". 

"Please  Krishna Anna... let's  carry on the rest of the story we are desperate of knowing Marina's serious stories". 

"Okay 👌 one two three"... 

"No surprise,  Mum sympathized because of her sympathetic situation,".

 "Let's carry on with the story now Krishna!

"Alright! Marina's Mum  seemed a real Goddess mother to her with her banana yellow sari and orange , yellowish   beautiful blouse with saintly smell on her body ." 

"This is the very first time we have been learning about Luxmy, Marina's mother Krishna Anna".

"Sure Rudra". 


We learned while she was dancing with her Grandma and Marina." 

"Sure Sudah is right".

"She was always an ever loving mother with her ever charming daughter. No wonder, Marina looks  cute, like a sleeping beauty". 

"She ran her saintly fingers through her fair hair proudly it was a sacred scene to be honest".

"I know why ".

"Why Christina?"

"Such a submissive soul beside knowing their life long secret, could anyone excuses like she did Krishna Anna?".

"This is what we must learn to have patience and submissive". 

"Mother, straight away kissed her , running her fingers through her romantic long hair."

  "Does she  resembled  a princess Krishna?"

"Why Sudah?"

"That is how the author writes Krishna ✍".

"Does she Krishna because it's an exceptionally extraordinary history ?"


"Why not have we ever confronted the characters of the noval Krishna?".

"You are the most major example Krishna "

"Yeah it is true Krishna"

"We never realise the validity Krishna ".


"We are not joking  Krishna". 

"As a prove ,there are all sorts of  writings supporting our school studies Krishna "

"Indeed Krishna believe it or not,  we have  improved various writing skills Krishna ".

"Alright then could you tell some examples ?"

  such as:

 "1) Non -Fiction writing Krishna ".

"Then another person ?"

2) Non -Chronological Writing or Report writing 

Or Introduction and Procedures writing Krishna ".

"Sure Krishna this is a matter  of telling us  event after event a pretty personal experience, factually telling the factual events of father in connection with his own original life ".

"Pretty proud of hearing kind of you we want to  work little more to   to improve our English literature and scripture  Krishna Anna ".

"Of course we will ".

"In addition, we worked in  of Recount Writing Krishna."  

"Especially it includes beautiful balanced arguments with pretty persuasion speeches isn't it an adventure glory Krishna?". 

"It's a teacher even  in terms of language features Krishna". 

"Are you all are not exaggerating ?".

"No Krishna ♥ ♥ ♥we swear Krishna!".

"What does it mean swear Krishna?"

"Promise or on oath Sarah "

 "And rgular reading comprehension of grammar Krishna ".

"By the way ,Krishna, we
forgot our grammar practice  Krishna ".

"Does it raining  side Ruby?"

" Ha...ha...! No Krishna you are changing the topic please Krishna ".

"Alright quick revision".

"What...what was the topic Krishna ?"

"Ohhhhhhhh my God!!!

"Excuse meeeeee why we use exclamation mark Krishna?"

"For example, say ,


"How this should be  sounded Sarah?"

"Sorry Krishna?".

"What does it mean Meera?"

"Shouting Krishna" 

"Excellent now look at this ". 


 " we pronounce it?".


"How this should be  voiced Rata ?"

"It's quite different from the first tone of talk Krishna "

"Sure "

" is with a question   tone of talk Krishna "

"Good girl ...good girl"

"Next Sam look at this ?"

"No... ."

"Which inturn is different   from the above Krishna ".

"How do we interpret this Sam?"

"Just a simple NO. with an excuse gesture Krishna". 

"Yes "no" with a pause Krishna".

" Elegant !".

"It may be with a hesitation Krishna ".

"Why Sam?".

"Because the three dots, Ellipsis used to show there is a long pause or something is missed out Krishna "

"Example Sam?"

"It's gone ..." 

"Something lost Krishna". 

"Excellent effort Sam !".

"Krishna , Now Why we use Dash-- like this  Rudra?"

" Why we use Dash-- like this  Rudra?"

"Oh ! It's replace an  additional information Krishna ".

"Example Rudra ?"

"I think  like a bucket Krishna ".

"Pardon Rudra?".
"Bucket Krishna ".


...Krishna you know what does he... he mean is bracket Krishna. 

"Alright could  stop there  inspite of using brakets, we can use dases to improve our level Meera ?"


"Krishna what about the compound sentences ?"

"No problem"

"It's a problem Krishna"

"OK can we simplify it Balaraman?"

"How Krishna?"

"Let's begin with  a couple of  compound words first then SIMPLE sentence and then compound sentences happy?".

"Great idea Krishna". 

"Who is going to commence the compound words?".

"Rata could say a couple of compound words". 

"Erm...Bathroom please "


"Why you all are laughing?"


"We thought of our tutor ..."

"Why ?".

"Each...each time we used to ask him a difficult question, he would be saying ,

"Bathroom please!"

"Ha...ha...ha...he actually did the same thing at the dentist ...we miss him a lot Krishna ".

"True hurry up another compound word Rata".

"Passport Krishna"

"Thanks for reminding me the password of my  passport Rata 
 I have to call the travel agent who is keeping my passport for the last four months ". 

"Now a simple sentence please Peter ?"

"John waited for the train ".

"Sam can you say another single sentence?"

"The train was late..."

"Brilliant boys now who is going to say a compound sentences using the boys   double  smpe p,sentences?".

 "Using the  boys simple sentences Krishna?"

"Yes please ".


"Okay Mary carry on!".

"John waited the train, but the train was  late ".

"Excellent could you tell us how does it work?"

"In order to make the simple sentence into compound sentences, we have to use the co-ordinators Krishna."


"I mean co-ordinating conjunctions Krishna "

"Elegant !Could you tell us what are they Mary ?"

SO , 
NOR , 
Krishna ".

"Thanks that's all for today ".

"What Krishna it's unfair krishna !".

"The rest of them could  we do at the weekend or on another  occasions?"

"Now one more compound sentences please Krishna ?"

" Yeah!Another compound sentences Krishna?".

"Please proceed! "

"Mary went to work .
 James went to the party .
I went home.

"Why you say again the simple Pammita?". 

"Don't worry I'm not finished yet Krishna "

"Mary went to work and James went to the party ,but I went home ".

"Good girl ".

"So basically how does a  compound sentence work?

"Does it is make up of two or more clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction Krishna?"

"Definitely Durga ".

"Thanks so much Krishna!".

 "Could...could we continue to talk of Marina  Krishna?"


"Marina's Mom was at her home sourrounded with green atmosphere fragran flowers ".

Her Mum was pretty surprised , thinking the way she was deeply and peacefully sleeping"! , 

"Yeah  after all she  went through terribly the tuffest time Krishna"

"How on earth she has been keeping an alarming secret of the secrets in her  heart  Krishna it's really hurts Krishna?"

"Of course, because she didn't want to hurt anyone else imaginehow mum  would be wounded? ." 

" Sure Krishna  the present modern children who are having children in the name of  love affairs beforeeven to get married , Marina is much more better Krishna". 
"Exactly Krishna Anna  certainly the love Affair  become a dramatic drama... in my sister's case in London Krishna".

"Why you say love AFFAIR Subathra?"

"Is it wrong Krishna Anna?"

"Definitely dirty it's may means having sexual  relationship in the name of love by watching the ugliest cinemas 🎥" 

"These sorts of affair come suddenly and goes suddenly... kind of cinema because of long term terrible karma and the meals we consume,
"we are what we eat Krishna Anna"..."

"Well said Sam👏 👌" 

..."But her love is certainly a  dharma, divinity and honesty or lawfulness. The guy always being against the Atharma or  the lawlessness in terms of the dowry system for example". 

"She has nothing left ,she is a poor pearl. In this state, seeing a great hearten guy a man of principle with his heroic gentleness and the greatness ,she should be lucky Krishna Anna!"

 "If he still loves her and belongs to a respectable why not?" 

Mother thought to herself.

"She is correct Krishna". 

"However, considering about his parents, is alarming to her heart ♥ k".

"Suddenly her mind questioned her" .

 "They are free. 
Who knows whether they are going to agree or disagree or seeking for property which we don't have at all ?"

 She suddenly glanced at her daughter and remarked her eternal divined smile has been disappeared, she looks so sad,  pretty pathetic. 

"Mum hugged her and kissed her again and again" by running her fingers through her fair hair in saying the mantra, "

Next day, it was a pleasantly perfect day. Laxmi accompanied her to the Krishna’s temple where she often would go. 

While sitting and praying enjoying the temple aroma and with the decent devotees appearance, they were hearing👂 👂 an interesting 👪 arguments.

"What was it Krishna?"

"It was all about the Lord:
 Siva 🙏 
Jesus Church 
⛪ Islam .
The Head Lord of 🕉🛕🕉". 
Hinduism is Siva etc.

"The topic talk was who is God?" 

"Simple, answer was the  creator". 

At least Marina had a chance of forgetting her brother and Sam for a moment Krishna.

"Exactly Rudra!"

More over religion was her strengthened  subject the argument was in English because the children who involved  went to visit to their home land from England.

 "Actually, in English literature, Marina had got "A", star although she is not an English girl, living in a non English speaking country, no chance of practicing in talking".

"Her father had studied all the subjects in English, called London Matriculation or something like that".

"Whereas, Marina studied all the subjects in Tamil language.  Nonetheless, the way she writes wonderfully was attracting the teachers nicely and naturally! It was attractively amusing."

"Even though miner mistake could not be avoided. Especially, whenever she writes poems people adore of it.  The same thing  applys to her essay writing even a story writing or delivering a speech" . 

"She knew their discussions need to be cleared by someone who knows the Vedas because of misunderstandings". 

"Finally it's came to light that one of the child refused to accept to be 🕍 at Krishna's temple  rather than a ⛪ 🕍.

"Why was it Krishna  Anna?"
"Just lack of torch of knowledge". 

"My parents prefer praying 🙏 in the church ⛪ too".

"My parents too",

" down now he is narrating"

"Thanks Rata".

"You mean by misinterpreting  that the Lord Jesus is not Hindus ?"


"My parents say Krisna is for Vaisnava.However 
 the Super most powerful God is Siva"

"Cool... cool down this is the same problem is taking place in the Krishna Temple let's learn what Marina teachers".

"Thanks Rata".

"At the same time, Marina remembered an event it took place when   her dynamic Dad was alive. ".

"So Marina might have been taught by her father ,too Krishna?"

"Absolutely, he was a knowledgeable noble man who was listening the conversation,too in the temple a few years ago.".

"He knows that Marina had learned Lord's words from the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is with lots of inspiration and interests and also the Bible".

"Then he encouraged her to keep sharing the torch of knowledge generously by introducing to every one, explaining what is an  actual divinity is". 

"What happened when her father was alive Krishna ?"

"So she explained to the Primary school 🏫 children from foreign all about what was what; who was who and which was which or witch."

 "Could you tell us what do you mean by which is which is which and witch sir?"

" you all almost know a woman who is capable of making evil magic powers called a 🧙‍♀️🧙‍♀️ 🧹 as in Harry Potter story".

"KRISHNA, we wanted to know their conversation please". 

 " Alright 👍...   
This was how  Marina was speaking while her mother and  dad were carefully listening amongst the devotees  by sitting on the marvelous marble shiny floor"

"Ha..,ha... excuse me I am Marina..." 

"Suddenly a child smiled,shouting,
 " She is my favorite teacher just indicating Marina".

Some other devotees began  interested. 

"Could I help you?"

"Foreign children amazed with her politeness, prettiness and decent approach worth of  watching".

"We don't mind ma'am".

"Mum glancing at her gladly and proudly ".
"Yeah, her mother ,Luxmy was mesmerized what she was talking without any notes or 📚!!! 

"What was she saying Krishna?"

She adjusted her velvety voice with a silver smile in running her angelic fingers through her dark brown long hair. 

 to act or not to act; to be or not to be should be within the control of the main, divine, chain's words, who sustains the entire divines". 
"Ha...ha...Marina  smiled , hugging them affectionately she was wearing milk white blouse with milk white beautiful bottom kind of a long skirt ".

"She already attracted considerable devotees' attention because some of them were the parents of her students".

"We too Krishna Anna" 
"Correct Tulsy."

"Could we continue?"

"Yes please!!!". 

"Marina gazed at the foreign children silently and hearing their doubts deeply and delightedly".

Then tried to answer in one go, to save the time"
"Right can I talk now please 🙏 children?" 

"You are welcome Miss!"

"Knowing the reality about Supreme personality is not that easy as long as we did lots of Karmas sweethearts",

" She smiled friendly at them her white jasmine flowers was all around her fair hair spreading perfume".

"We heard the word KARMA, but we want to miss it ... what is it Miss?"

"It's means children, our bad actions or actions only in the interest of material enjoyment or sensual engagements or the types of arguments  are  not in the interest of the creator ,but 
against Him".

"The entire devotees hooked by her look and worshipabe words especiallyher spiritual out look particularlyher introduction such as" BE OR NOT TO BE , ACT OR NOT TO ACT SHOULD BE WITHIN THE CONTROL 
Wow what a fortitude-- courage; what an attitude in front of multitude-- large number of people!".
"Mother watching her elegant English it was her first time listening her darling speaking in English"!

 Luxmy learned, but can't talk like most of the devotees!

Again Marina adjusted her throat.

"Only in the interest of passion .We wouldn't listen the 
Divine's words which is the law of the Lord. If... if we listen Him, we obtain the liberation from arguments plus  cycle of bad births and the disgusting  discussions!"

The students stunned seeing her winning winning worshipable wordings 
"This is the worth out of all other words  in the world! No matter of the loccations whether it is a churche or temple or mosque". 

"Miss you missed the point  we are Christians". 

"Thanks children could I ask you a question?"

"Our pleasure miss". 

"Did any one see Jesus's father while he was announcing the ten commandments  children?" 

"Marinas's father was among the crowd ,smiling by  mopping and mopping his constant sweat all over his big body".

"How was he doing it Krishna?"
"By taking  his traditional snow white  clothe from his wider solder ". 
"What do you know about Jesus Miss?"

"Foreign kids questioned to herself ".

"Who is Lord Jesus teacher ?"

"The brightest Britain born Srilanka origin and brought up in London asked"

Mum Luxmy worried oh my God how my darling going  to answer ? 
"Marina smiled" ,

"He is son the  of God". 

"Who is his Father Miss?"

"The God".

"Who is the  God?" 


"Who is Mary?" 

"His mother."

"Who is Joseph?"

"Jesus Foster father" .

"What is his wife's name Miss?

"What is his daughter's name?"


"At what age he was curixified?"

30 years".

"What did he do for living?"

"Carpenter work".

"When did he born?"

"2000 years ago".

"Where was it?"

"In Bethlehem". 

"2000 years ago the people of Israel were ruled by the Romans" .

"Correct Miss".

"Mary and Joseph lived in the town of Nazareth,in Northern Israel"

"Oh ye.."

"Why he was killed?"

"He was arrested and sentenced to be crucified." 

"Who crucified  him?"


"Who ordered ?"

"Pontius Pilate."

"Excellent effort darling  mother was clapping 👏!!!". 

Her happiest clapping of hands with her companions with sensational smiles driving away the bad black  birds ,saturn from the  crowd's hearts 💕 .

The power of her pretty sublimated some sensationally sensitive minds and developing Father's faith fantastically and put them in touch with KANNA ! 

"Although we know Jesus is the son of God ,
did Moses see his face while the Father was declaring the ten commandments to him?"

 Her mother was numbed ... sweetly shocked and amazed amusingly and surprisingly! 

"So no one knows the father of all fathers and mothers! Some of the people are misinterpreting by interpreting as a simple spirit!" 

 "All because of our ignorance of the soul without Super Soul !No surprise, The Lord has been disappearing from every one’s eyes"…

"Children! Factually, worth of being human is knowing the Supreme Man or Divined Man who made all the living entities and their living facilities".

"There was a silver silence witnessing the worthy wonder woman".

"This is the main purpose why we  are being human with six senses if we are interested only in the animal principles who have only five sense, we    automatically will be embodied in animal bodies upon our deads ."

"The silver silence turned to golden guidelines in divine line!" 
" Aum...Aum...Aum...!" 

Then she chanted cheerfully Maha Mantra three times!

 The public were wondering and pretty puzzled in peace .

The students  straightaway realised, is the most major mantra in the world next to Maha to mantra such a most powerful power station of Papa!.

"Oh goodness!They recognised that the chanting of" Om" is not a matter of competition" 

"Pardon Krishna Anna?"

"I mean as to who can hold his breath longest is not important ". 


.... when we chant Krishna  Anna, our neighbourhood had complained to their land Lords and we received warning letters  Krishna ".

"Suuuuuuu let's learn what Marina is saying OK?!" 

"Okay Krishna Anna ".
The loccation was  sourrounded by fragrant flowers gardens which time to time spreading them stupendous smells.

Marina smiled ,

"The Om sacred sound is already widespread children"

"Sorry Krishna  Anna?"

 "Yes Marina says it's pervading (spreading ) the atmosphere."


"To be fair , the Om sound  has been there evesince creation began".

"Suuuuuuu  Marina is saying something again!"

"So sweet hearts when we chant, 🕉,we are actually trying to merge our individual vibration with the Divine Vibration softly and soulfully".


"The most important is, the Om is not the sound we make, but the silence we follow  ".

When we water the root, the whole tree will be well off.
So water the root by reading the divinity and  knowing the reality of Supreme Personality this supreme Science will  slash all of our karmic actions together with dangerous doubts and clear our path perfectly and leading towards the  Supreme Personality". 

She straight away saw her an old yellow book titled ,"Sathiya Sai Baba Speak...

"It is a bounden duty of man in this life ,as also in the later lives,to know and experience the Basic Cause of of the Universe ,and all the love of sweetness it evokes in Him ".

"When that is done ,man can have uninhibited Bliss".

"All his misery is due to separation from that Source of all cause of all causes."

 "He is Sath-chith-ananda swarupa -- Krishna?".

 "The Lord’s transcendental form,which has eternal knowledge and bliss".  

"We must become aware of this fact to be happy and blissful of bless.

"He who is the embodiment. Krishna is the visible embodiment of the original Will  Who wished all this universe manifested".

"He who  has to be adored  and remembered in gratitude".

"Why Krishna Anna?"

"He is the root  of the divine tree in the entire universe.
 The universities never teache about it

 If  you have any doubts, .... Please have a look in the web pages namely   Dwarka city. typing "The 5000 old city of Lord Krishna ". 
Is it like the Colombo Port City in middle of the ocean ?"

"This Colombo Port City  is simply as big as the Colombo  city in terms of the surface, but the Dwaraga is  many miles bigger than this".

"Wow the port city as big as big  Colombo ?"
Yeah 269 hectares ".

 ...Sweet ❤🤍💙🧡🖤
! Lord Krishna is  not only created the entire living beings,  plus He is living in each and everyone and everything.

"We can find the prove  under the ocean". 

He was excisting before any of the divined people were existing.

Of course,because no one can't measure the ocean by a spoon.

 Nevertheless everyone needs to remember to remember that He is an unborn and eternal. He is the original.He is not a  mortal it called transcendental. 

This is knowingly spiritual ; he is the  omnipresent; He is the omnipotence; He is the omniscient and He is the Omani benevolent " . 

Her famous father was clapping by his long handsome hairy hands happily by saying "Hooray!"...Here Krishna...Aum Sri Sai Ram "   Then he declared decently, approaching his daughter:

"There was a splendorous voice from the devotees crowd,
Hooray hooray Hare Krishna !".

The Material Nature is called Prkrti it is  the energy of Lord in his different forms."

We people are unknowingly do not understand how little we understand and teaching that only His energy and unnecessarily wasting our own  times and others, too. 

"I briefly tell you the basic best information. Believe it or not,  the religion is  the Science not a question of a set of believes as some people have been writing because of their lack of fund of knowledge" .

"Whatever I say is the briefest best way for the happiest life and loviest liberation at the end".

"Anyone could say anything at any time to any body! Where, where is the evidence to make confidence in your words".

"See for example, the way the French scientist ,Louis Pasteur , he was one of the first to investigate the relationship of bacteria and other micro organisms to human and animal diseases".

"He had to undergo several barriers to convince the peoples --accept his victorious vaccination ". 

"Have any of you have Bhagavad-Gita As It Is?"

(The brahmana of Krisna temple brought it to him respectfully)

"Thanks Krishna"

"Marina's Dad had turned the right page in a matter of minute"

See in the page "326" it has been said by Lord himself that the material creation is Lord Krishna's planetary expansion assumes three Vishnu. 
"Wow people astonished because most of them  knew him".

The first one ,Maha Vishnu who creates the total material energy known as Maha Tattuva. 

The second one garbhodakasayi Vishnu,enters in all the Universes to create diversities in each of them. 

The third one Ksirodakasayi Vishnu is diffused as the all pervading Super Soul in all the universe and is known as Paramatma. 

He is present even within an atom.Anyone knows these three Vishnu ,are absolutely liberated from the material entanglement and go a head towards the golden gate ".

Marina was astonished her enchanting eyes were widely opened phenomenally in hearing her Dad's dynamic quotation and his super self realization!

 Of course, because she had been learning Gita only ever since Sam had provided her on her 16th birthday, but she couldn't remember the exact page at the exact time to defend against this kind of offence of opposing the Supreme Science . 

  Some of the audiences began to whispering-- watching  her dad's sudden appearance out of the audiences. 

He was the greatest ,generous; the richest , the famous and...and....and the presently the most poorest man. 

"On the way home, they met a few men and women with their crossed hands in high  honor of her dad".

The shocking news was the unknown man started weeping in seeing a king walking with his princess with a very very used cloth and their bare foot. 

"Watching the unknown man eager of seeing her father to be the king again Marina was  💔 💔 broken down into tears, Marina was wiping her tears unknowingly glancing at him".

"Wasn't he an intelligent renounced man besides he had lost all of his prosperity or properties and wealth following his respectable responsibilities".

"Her Dad  was smiling at the unknown man by saying",

"just take it easy...take care of you bye now".

 "As a matter of fact, all of his parents' long, long terms of  conserved properties all  had been sold by her generous Dad just to save  the poverty among the communities  as a consequence, he lost all his properties". 

"Still, he is entitled for the eternal liberty from the never ending cruelty in the form of humanity."

Only his temporary popularity had been lost. 

 The Bhagavad-Gita is the mother ,mother will not lie. 

"Merrily Marina had  hugged her great Dad with proud , understanding his generosity and renunciation of all his richness grace of his generous selflessness and fearlessness of this temporary life story". 

"Such a father such a daughter.She always considers the words of the Lord from the Bhagavad-Gita is a mother.A mother cannot say wrong thing .A mother never harm her children knowingly".

We all are the children of the Divine Daddy not the chimpanzee as the scientist claiming .It is simply a cruelty lack of fund of knowledge". 
Marina was pleased , recalling an event of everlasting

The following day, no wonder ,Marina's Mum and Marina were  in the Krishna Temple again because she had a divine dream.

She asked her mother to sit down in a specific area .

Her mother had no idea whatsoever. 

 Marina was sitting at the corner and trying to control her welling tears by managing to repeat the Krishna mantra together with Sai Name ..."AUM SRI SAI RAM" 

 While Luxmi was near the priest on her angel's  name and star. As soon as the priest takes the details from her mother, 
for everyone’s surprise of the surprises:

 A group of people were rushing to see a saint looked like an orange at the beginning from far away then gradually the orange turned in to Baba!

"While he was nearing towards the Krishna Temple, but the saint , rushing to see holy  Marina with his eternal lovely smile". 

Reaching near her, the  saint had waved his divinely empowered  hand and in a second a brilliant flash of light revealed a unique diamond jewel? 

What a marvel ! Everyone was sweetly shocked ...No word, but they realized the Lord Divine speaks in different ways…

"hooray!...Hooray!!...hooray!!!"some children smiled shockingly! 

 It was one of the remarkable radiant ways. People shouted, 
" Hare Krishna...Aum Sri Sai Ram" 

"They were so pleased  in seeing his miraculous palm obviously there was a splendorous calm appeared in seeing the wondrous diamond chain had hung on the surprising saint's softest pink hand, a sublime gold chain ! He turned towards the Great Hearted, Marina". 

"Then the saint moved among the crowed and graciously allowed everyone to see the sacred jewel from close". 

A divine silence remained in watching her diamond eyes.

 "Sooner the chain landed on her lovely long lily neat neck from Baba's miraculous hand, she was perfectly alright her plight disappeared immediately  and miraculously, which was replaced by delight!"

"Her easy smile began to smell miles away like the radiant of sun rays or the ingredients’ in her mother's delicious curry".

The temple was filled in fragrance.Meanwhile, the Brahman began  to do the Arathi/prayer at the same time some golden bells 🔔 🔔 🔔 🙏  ring...ring...and ring 


Called the greatest Saint , she was really, really felt chock...astonished !!!

 "Every one was looking at her neck with sweetest shock! A sweet shock!" 

‘’Dear why you fear when I am here, no fear no tear! 
Dear actually you don't need gold as you are the gold yourself, 

However, I have to show who is who 
miracle is the better way isn't it Marina ! 

"What do you say?". 

As a matter of fact, Jesus did the same things 
then only people could realize what was what and who was who’’ 

the crowd was in heavenly  happy.

What a pretty pearls!


 "How could their eyes had been produce this much  ocean?"

 Instead of smiling, people are wiping their tears  and still enjoying! They could not believe their own eyes...all were in paradise. 

The saint carried on ... 


"Please as Marina, everyone needs to repeat Hare Krisna Maha Mandra and  this gracious mantra especially while you bath  before and after meals; before and after bed should be finished with three times," santhi!… santhi!! and santhi!

 "This will lead all of your hardship to worship  and from mankind to God kind because you are not animal kind... mind it’’… 

Marina could not speak as she did not understand anything. 

"Best of all, Saint  called her name!" 

"That was gloriously glorious for everyone because they know this angelic girl  so it was a greatest event which no one experienced in their lives." 

"Marina! hope for the best, expect the worst; we should expect the unexpected and overcome them to calm the  supreme who is in the realm" : 

"Life is a challenge meet it; life is love enjoy it; life is a game play it ; life is a dream realize it"you suffer because of alienation or separation from divine, without divine, you are an orphan’’.

 It is for everyone… 
 ...Marina! I can understand all of your problems. 

She glanced at him like a child just saw the mighty mother  ;her heart started beating like a thunderbolts; she was washed in tears, tremendous tears; healing tears injecting her blood cells in inspirational mighty marvels".

"She began to realize that life is beautiful crying is not hurting, but enjoyable; praying is duty;it the genuine love of  being faithful to the parents". 

"Dear all will be answered soon  
 Thursday I have a press
interview in this Krishna Temple at the same time all most  all popular paper reporters are presenting that’s include both identical twinkle twins Sam’s",  

"Marina loudly cried saint hugged her motherly,fatherly and godly

"because they are journalists-- paper reporters. Moreover, photographers will be accompanied the reporters". 

 "Marina has gathered her lotus petal shaped palms together like a Goddess in front of lord Krishna to respect the saint".

 "Her beautiful body languages were so sweet ;so soft so sensitive; so seductive!

"Marina I just want to answer something important  following your gracious prayer to Lord Krishna". 

"Remember neither your mother or father is fosters !Are you happy they are your biological parents" 

Marina had begun to weep because it was her serious concern she thought she might be an orphan.

... She had gathered her lotus shaped palms and prayed to him respectfully. 

"He continued ,"They, they are your biological parents unlike your sister 

another Marina lives in London with her Forster parents" 

He went near her and hugged her like a mother.He smelled sensational was he wearing lord Krishna's perfume?

 She exclaimed. He carried on: 

"Similarly, Sam’s brother, Sam lives in London" 

She smiled like a charming princess. 

He never stopped.

"You had born after a long term prayer as well as Sam, but the beauty was your parents were Visnu Bhagawan’s devotees and Sam’s parents were Krisna's devotees".

The glamorous thing is like Lord Shiva 🙏,Baba is  devotees of Lord Sri Krishna.

 He is the God of Gods cause of all causes; force of all forces and power of all powers… 
Take this picture:  As everyone knows, Lord Krishna created the whole world; created the whole universe; created the Gods".

 First He created Bhramma. Bhramma created the living beings"... 

“Listen what is Divine?
 Lord right?
The Lord only  had Created in several forms.
    Bhramma emanated from Krishna ' s body then Bramah created the population. 

Vishnu is the  protector of  the population he is Krishna himself; 

Siva is the destroyer to destroy bad qualities. But.But But  the Lord Krishna is the  creator and destroyer.

Best of all, He is unborn and eternal.
Rest of us are born as a result, need to die and change the clothes.
I have been changing cloth after cloth likewise, everyone is doing.

We must do it until the liberation.
The liberation are available only for the people who comprehend the Supreme Personality certainly you know it...keep it up...keep it up... 

There is no different from London Sam to your Sam both are identical, they are so exceptional. Their Twins births shall witness the oneness like your own twins experience ". 

Marina’s long term battle was nearly over her heart swelled in joy as a child found her favorite toy she was so pleased so relieved... brief ,she could not believe it ! All her prayers had been answered. Her tears were the gratitude   to Baba. 

She felt totally secured and protected. Marina obediently took the viputhy from him.


Hare Krishna


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