"Hi Krishna!"

"Hello students" 

"Please could we revise a little bit of  grammar Krishna ?".

"Yeah restarting what we learned in our last lesson Krishna". 

"Alright ...alright...ready really gladdened hearing all of your enthusiasm and it's sounds awesome?"

"Rudra could you tell where we  left  with some sample of SUBORDINATES CLAUSES?" 

"I'm afraid Krishna, need assistance Krishna?"

" Sam can you assist him?"

"Examples  Krishna?"

"OK...some samples conjunctions:

1) despite 
2) although 
3) Even though 
4) Before 
5) while ".

"Rest I can  manage to carry on , but cannot  complete Krishna". 

"Please say some of the conjunctions Sam".

"6) Since 
7) unless 
8) as long long 
9) after
10) as though
11) until 
12) when etc...etc...Krishna "

"Remember we can add a SUBORDINATE CLAUSE to the end of the main clauses ?"

"Yeah or to the begining of the clauses Krishna ".

"or even after the noun  to create complex sentences interestingly Krishna". 

"I'm again clueless of clauses Krishna ".

 "They are  the group of words  with subject and Predicate or Verb not object Krishna?"

"Yeah For instance, James plays 
No object what he plays football or cricket etc ".

"It wouldn't make sense without the subordinate Krishna?"

"Ohhhhhhh yeah only subject and Verbs so we called them clauses "
"Krishna !".

"Yes "


"Alright once again an exercise OK?"

"Cheers Krishna". 

"Add a subordinate to the start of the sentence to make complex Sentences of your own" .


A) ".........................thousand of  peoples   are dying in Srilanka 
B)    Everyone interested  to go abroad."

"So we fill the dotted green line with the top word Krishna?"

"Sure Sarah ".

"Another  clause which is ending at the end to be added with a clause connective krishna?" 


A) Sam and James are best friends.

 even though 
B)....................James slapped Sam publicly"

"We got now Krishna ".

"Could we continue our dialogue Krishna?"

"Please Krishna ,the last one... 
how we use the subordinate connection after the noun Krishna"


A) The house ................stands next to the pretty pond.
B) Is Sam's home.

"Excuse meeeeee does which is subordinate conjunctions Krishna?"

"No it is their relation we called them relative pronouns which we use with complex sentences".













A) The house ................stands next to the pretty pond.

B) Is Sam's home.

"Is relative pronounce helping to make the complex sentences Krishna ?".

"Sure Tulsy ".

"Right Krishna,  in order to simplify ,could you tell the pairs of simple sentences so that we can easily carry out Krishna?".

"By the way, Retna ,

you successfully used the cordinate phrases ".

"I didn't get that Krishna 

...only thing I used what I learned during the tuition lessons in  the episodes krishna ".

"Elegant to be honest, our tutor varying sentences types in a great technical way .  If we are  looking them carefully and learn them correctly and  learn regularly,   we can learn naturally."  

"OK Krishna...

...good idea right ! "

"Today's topic is types of sentence... happy?"

"Thanks Hare Krishna "

1) Simple sentences 

2) compound sentences and

3)  complex sentences"

"Yes , but don't bring some kinds of new vocabularies such as SUBORDINATE CLAUSES  Krishna ha...ha...".

"Alright Rudra naughty guy ha...ha...

"OK  I'll be  simple today ".

"Just add a word of conjunctions Krishna no nonsense Krishna:

1) and 

2 ) But

3) Or

"Agreed ๐Ÿค ".

"First of all, we make  a compound sentence using each pairs of simple sentences".

 "It's sound simple as a piece of cake Krishna "


A) Sam ate an apple.

B) He rank a glass of water.

"Can I do the first one Krishna?"

"My pleasure Pammita ".

"Sam ate an apple AND he rank a  glass of water Krishna"

"Well done Meera" 

"Second of all,

another person please :"

A) Marina loves Sam.

B) She dislike Rugu.

My turn Krishna could I Krishna?"

"Go on Tulsy ".

"Marina loves Sam, but she dislike Ragu" 

"Thanks next candidate

A) Would you like to carry on studying the episodes?

B) Would you  like to drop  the tuition ?.


"Go on Peter ".

"We would like to carry on studying the episodes or would you  like to drop  the tuition ?.

"Excellent ! Next one "

A) "We would like to continue our higher education  "

B) We want to be educated people.

"Can I Krishna?"

"Why not Balaraman?"

"We would like to continue our education and we want to be educated people.

"Tremendous! Thirdly:

"Hooray Krishna we are much more clear now thank you Krishna !".

"Now add one of the CONJUNCTIONS below: 

 "What does it mean Krishna ?"

"To make each pair of clauses into a complex sentences... using the following conjunctions:

1) despite 
2) although 
3) Even though 
4) Before 
5) while 
6) Since 
7) unless 
8) as long long 
9) after
10) as though
11) until 
12) when .
13) If...

A) Sam was unhappy. 

B) He was  being bullied in the middle of the speech . 


"Please proceed Retna" 

"Sam was unhappy AS he was  being bullied in the middle of the speech" . 

"Excellent effort Retna".

excuse me....erm...erm.....Retna used a word of his own which is not within the list you mentioned Krishna!"

"Ha...ha...sorry Sarah some common subordinating conjunctions such: 



 as long as



in order that 

rather than 


 so that


 whereas etc..,etc...are totally acceptable Sarah ".

"Why Krishna?"

" long as it is successfully  connecting two  independent clauses it's totally fine."

"Thanks Krishna ".

"What about the subordinate conjunction which have more than one word Krishna ?"

"Example Rudra ?".

"in order that 

In the event of

Rather than

As  long as 

As soon as etc... krisna". 

"They are subordinate phases we can use them to make much marks Rudra "

"Thanks Krishna ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜!".

"Next person please "

A) ....................................  Sam gets Marina's address .

B)   He drives to meet her  .  

"My self Krishna !".

"Go on Siva"

"When Sam gets Marina's address, he drives to meet her "   

"Fantastic !".

"Another person please?". 

"A) ..........Sam don't meet her quickly" . 

"B) Marina will be frustrated ."


"If Sam don't meet her quickly,  Marina will be frustrated ."

"Thanks Meera". 

"So sweet of you Krishna although we are being pretty difficult  students, you are   being pretty patience". 

"Wow appreciated the way you  use the complex sentences ,using one of  the Subordinate clauses Meera". 

"You are welcome Krishna!".

"Could we carry on our Great  Hearts ๐Ÿ’• Krishna  even though we delayed your time Krishna?"

"Thanks again Sam  you too using the complex sentences connection, "Even though" which is  one of  the Subordinate clauses ".

"I just realised it that we often come across numerous subordinate in our episodes Krishna ".

"Could we carry on our Great t Hearts ๐Ÿ’• Krishna  even though we delayed your time Krishna?"

"Of course !

One ...two...three...

"Sam looks more smarter  and  more and more fresher today".

For example, this is a compound sentence guys ".

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees "

"Sam couldn't  have been waiting Marina "

"This is a simple sentence Krishna?.

"Absolutely Rata". 

"I will soon see the truth about her ,that there has never been another angel like her in the whole world".

"Wow what a coincidence Krishna! 

This is a complex sentences Krishna he is using THAT like WHICH , like we used for   Sam's house Krishna?".

"Correct let me carry on Meera" 

"Sam was wearing his dark blue silk shirt and  a lovely light beautiful brown cotton trousers, which is a kind of jeans and a best brown  softest sandals suiting to his clothes".

"It sounds there was a pretty portrait in other words, a pretty picture of a decent and discipline devotee  in Sam’s  pray room". 

"".Sure ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Krishna ".

"Remember students a devotees of Lord Krishna is like a guru  that's why Sam having a devotee's picture to decorate his devonal room ".

"Are you sure Krishna ?"

"As sure as the sun rises and sets on daily basis students ,they only helping us and teaching us the purpose of surrendering to the lotus  feet of Father".

"Thanks Krishna ".

"The stupendous thing was, Marina would easily identify his health state or mood state by just looking his fresh decent dresses". 

"We wonder !How Krishna Anna?"
" For example, the colour yellow he usually would wear whenever he would be  under stress, anxiety ๐Ÿ˜ก. Due to the work load".

"As we have already known, his soul friend knows his mentality status just by watching his dresses". 

"Today he is not following  that rules and regulations. He has  an idea of meeting Marina to find out how he could co-operate her financially, he wouldn't like to up set Marina". 
"So he wanted to be impressive expressing the colours she likes Krishna?!"

"He is a man of principal attractive attributes  Krishna Anna".
"Correct Subathra he often contribute his attributes ".

"Hold don't want to know what does mean attractive attributes ".

"In other words it's a matter of skills Rudra".
"Sure Sarah ".

"Does contribute mean share Krishna Anna?"

"Sure !More over, it  was indeed a suitable climate to see his intimate class mate."
"Yes Krishna, the climate plays the biggest role in people's life style and health condition distributing humour ,sun expose activate serotonin level vitamin D ha...ha...ha...".

"He always a man of early to rise and early to bed "

"Definitely Durga!! Nonetheless, it was too late the phone  stopped ringing."

"Does dopamine and endorphins levels increase when we wake up early Krishna Anna ?"

"Absolutely Renuga!". 

" However, Marina only would be available after ๐Ÿซschool Krishna Anna".
"Absolutely Ruby".

"He did not fail to welcome his kindest visitors carefully studying every one's face fragrantly with his repeated smiles and growing affection as a tribute ".

"Does it mean a matter of showing
 gratitude Krishna Anna ?"

"Correct tribute intended to show gratitude Rosy "

"How he was managing to do it besides his stress Krishna?"

 "He suppress  his sad and stress to impress her?"

"They all  know him clearly he sacrifices his life for others  by giving them advice he is a device of divine such as the invisible Wi-Fi connection?" 

"It is his responsibility of giving a lesson of higher order of the Creator doesn't he Krishna Anna?"

"Sure,!.It is to teach and lead the friends, families relatives and students through The tremendous  activities and attitudes of Science of Self Realisation Meera"." 

"Stunning Sadhana Krishna Anna!".

"Definitely we can do it only we delightedly delve devotionally Krishna Anna "

"Absolutely ".

 "Krishna Anna,to be honest, he likes to make all the people happy like him,but peoples are ignorance by following the last class Ignorance Class?"

"Well said chocolate!"๐Ÿซ

"We have to sublimate our daily duty as divine duties all our works as worship like him Krishna Anna ".

 "Certainly Christina certainly the vedic book is mainly made in divine  life outlook ".

"Definitely both hook better than the rest of the characters Krishna Anna". 

"By the way,they, too know the matter"

"What was the  matter Krishna Anna ?"
"Ha...ha...his sacred  secret romance matter and they admired his specific mannered  soul stirring ♥ mate and amazingly  inspired seeing his helplessness."

"Some of the times he looks like an orphan for them"!

"On the other hand, his mother secretly searching for a ๐Ÿ‘ฐ bridegroom".

"That is kind of her Krishna Anna ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’•".  

"Ye with lots of bank balance that's why they left him all alone,not knowing he has no room to any ". 

"In this case, she is being against Sam's policy Krishna Anna".

"Exactly Balaraman".

"Thanks Krishna". 

"Nevertheless, they thought that his ruby romance was a matter of past and  forgotten story".

"In that case, they heard of Sam's friendship already Krishna ?".

 "The neighbours smelled it Rudra "..

"However, his heavenly history continues impressively and compassionately with Veda's Valus Krishna."

"Would we watch a bit in cinema version?" 

"Yes Krishna!".

"Open the flash back playing Rudra:"

"Ha...ha...Happy to see similar ♥ scenes of situation and hearing an astonishingly amazing atmosphere and enchanting environment Krishna ".

"Happy to hear it from you Pamitta". 

"Everyone smiled sweetly at Sam and they found it a matter of thrilling and challenging and soul stirring." 

Above all, The Divine Will" directing both,Marina and Sam".

"Not " The Free Will! which is directing the ordinary living entities like us Krishna Anna?"  

"So Krishna, 
in fact, normally peoples are following towards the...." 

"The Free Will by nature's control?",

"Yes  Tulsy "

"What is it Krishna?"

"Means  we think everything we do, is independent  not dependant of any one else and we like to do what we like not what we have to do following Father's requests  in Gita".

"So Krishna , automatically we are controlled cruelly by the nature called "The Free Will". 


"What happens when we realize the reality of Supreme Personality Krishna Anna?"

"Brilliant in that point , " The Divine Will" controls us  instead of the Free Will,  like both Sam and Marina Sudah" .

"What ??? Are ...are we  in  conditioned Krishna?"

"We are unconditioned as long as reciting the Maha Mantra, Christina"
"Is to do with Divine Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...  when we know what to do and what is not to do, we are under the control of 
"The Divine Will like Sam and his friends"

"Why Sam is being behind Marina Krishna ?...
"Didn't  he find some one else Krishna Anna?"

"What kind of unkind question is it Rudra?"
" Krishna !
Why he is risking himself and being saddened seriously like me Krishna?"
"Why you cry Rudra it's not a big issue take the tissue and wipe away your tears dear".

"Thaaaaanks ๐Ÿ‘ Krishna".

"Many mates asked the same question many times" 

Not knowing that he was a man of
 principle; his  neighbours nor his friends hadn't found anything to do with it or  say". 

"Here we see a conjunction nor Krishna". 

" Sure! Today the nicest neighbours too seriously enforcing him to go straight away  and  see her immediately and they can speak to his parents reasonably, technically and emotively explaining his emotional situation".

"How did they know his personal aspects Krishna Anna?"

"Last night they only brought him dinner he was fell asleep leaving everything open in broken ๐Ÿ’” heartened".

"Now hearing their suggestions,Sam thoughtfully compressed  his pink lips.Then he nodded his head happily and bravely".

"He looked so pity some of the times, but he has got a pretty personality witnessing  the way he handles the matters; even the way he talks; especially the way he smiles."

"Sure Krishna!"
"Above all,the way he thinks and the way he feels sorry for others Krishna".  
"Correct Rata"

"More than anything, he does not worry for himself.These  are exceptionally  inspirational and transcendental qualities Krishna!". 
"Appreciate it Rudra"

"You must invite her for a cup of  tea and introduce her to your parents"
suggested Vanitha, Silva's wife". 

"Unexpectedly Benz,her daughter said, 

"he never drinks tea or coffee as Sam dislike them because they are drugs and addictive even harmful" 


"That's why you too denying drinking coffee, tea Benz?"

 "Sure...sure I hate them Mom!" 

Sam! Please tell my Mum and Dad not to force me to drink coffee and tea even I hate ๐Ÿ– ๐Ÿ– ๐Ÿ– ๐Ÿ– meat eating that's include fish all are rubbish ...why should we kill them and eat them?" 

"She was naturally a nice natured soul. As a prove,now she is already emotional and she likes spiritual path naturally". 

"We are not killing we are just buying them after they are  being killed",

Silva,her father defended . 

"That's means we are encouraging the slaughters to kill them all more and more?"

"Don't we, Papa?"

"She replied regrettably wiping her waterfalls from her eyes." 

"Absolutely! However, Sam didn't want to interphere  in family matter as it is their personal matter controlled  by the Nasty  Nature  according the classifications in three categories  of classes" .

"What are the three classes   Krishna again?".

"1) Goodness 
2) Passion and
3) Ignorance ."

"Well said Ruby ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘!" 

"However, Sam appreciated Benze's reasonable reasons,though."

"Although he keeps his distance; although he dislike seeing them eating whatever they like which leads recycling the sacred souls ❤️❤️❤️birth after birth ".

 "Nevertheless,  unless they understand and give up by themselves, no-one can set up their mind set which they have been bringing up from birth after birth according their Karma".

"Why Krishna ?"
"Because that was how they have been brought up can any one stop them unless they accept the concept of Self-Realisation and keep up chanting the Maha Mandra?".
"Oh yes, it is pretty much difficult to stop them Krishna?."

"Correct Balaraman karma need mandra Meditation that is the ๐Ÿ’Š ๐Ÿ’Š ๐Ÿ’Š ๐Ÿ’Šmedicine !" 

 "If I interphere, they might be putting the blames on me".

"Sam thought silently his smile has gone eventually he was pretending, looking at the phone calmly." 

"Nonetheless, he does not deny the truth and advice the kids , telling them ,"

"What was it?". 

"Please ๐Ÿ™ children try to avoid  eating meats or fish which are against the Supreme 

Science not on the spot, but eventually or systematically  if you can't stop 

it immediately! We can do it slowly and surely .

"So how you are going to grow up...without eating the meats or fish Benz?" 

"Her mother,Vanitha asked her emotionally"

"Why Mum you think only the meat eaters are growing up?"

"She asked affectionately and angrily". 

" Why not, that is providing the proteins it's the science." 

There sre so many things around the market places which have proteins Mum!".

"What about the elephants and giraffes and so many Brahmanas and vegetarians across the ๐ŸŒŽworld being healthy and wealthy Mum?"

"Aren't...aren't they Mom ?" 

"Sam had felt a bit  irritating ye... irritating he was uncomfortable".

More over,his mind was not at his home at this specific moment and most importantly, he knows the people do what they love to do not what they have to do because of Karmas mind set.
"What to do Krishna?"  

"We don't know how to do it Meera?"

 Sam did not  want to force them  apart from writing articles whenever possible. 

"Brilliantly bright Benz talks like that all grace of Sam's advice and articles in general Krishna ."

"Sure sure".

Her mother, Vanitha sorrowfully and emotionally said,

 "She is a big girl now Sam you understand what I mean!?".

" Oh!!!
Now Sam got the point. He decided to talk on both of their behalf intellectually and educationally". 

"Sorry Krishna?"

"He adjusted his velvety voice", 

"Excuse me, in fact if we are in an obligation to consume or meet the need of health and safety  by eating the meats, fair enough",  

"Benz was chocked she stared at Sam sadly and unlikely !"

"Look everyone please ๐Ÿ™!!!We have a solution". 

"Benz was more and more  astonished".

"Sam could not smile at her because of the sympathetical and emotional state!!!"
 "What does Islam say about eating ๐Ÿ– ๐Ÿฅ“ ๐Ÿฅฉ ๐Ÿ– meats?"

 Sam asked and gazed at her father,Silva as he is an Islamic  ☪️ .

"Muslims allowed to do it under the rules of our religion". 

"Mother and daughter thrilled hearing what her father said!" 

Certainly not Sam. Instead he smiled sadly , 

"Absolutely in Islam, eating meat regarded as Halal, which means they are allowed to do it. But...but..but...under the strictest rules of the religion".

"So  Benz! you are allowed to take meat ๐Ÿ– ๐Ÿ– ๐Ÿ– ".

She was still in a confusing state with her open mouth.

Sam forced a false smiled again ,telling her,

"It's not forbidden food,  Benz".

Her face was still saddened why Sam  allowed because he knows the Karma the works we did in the passed is called Karma.

She was one of the  singers in the group to protect Sam to win the speeches  competition.

"Oh really ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž!Ye...and.and?"  she  knows Ram/Sam is helpless.

She thought of the event emotionally that enchanting chanting .

"Could we hear it please Krishna?".

With pleasure sweet ๐Ÿ’• "♥️ ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿงก ๐Ÿงก ...

"Thank you sooo much Krishna".

"Sad Sam didn't know she was also sacrificed her life for him Krishna?"
"Why you say so Sarah?"

" Why not Krishna ... Certainly  Krishna?"

 "Yeah she was standing  and surrounding Sam around the stage  against rowdies threatening and frightening to kill him don't you remember?".
" True Sam did not know many girls like her who had supported his victory duringthe deepest complex competition".

"We are  Hindus ๐Ÿ•‰  Sam".

Her mother proclaimed pathetically. 

"Ohhh so your mother is Hindu?"


"In that case, is unacceptable because Hindus are not  following any rules of religion".

"Ye what they are doing the  opposite of Halal means Haram".

"I am Hindu Sam my husband is Islam our daughter is kind of a mixed match like my dress black blouse with grasss  green sari ha..,ha... ! ..,

"What to do gow to do we do not know Sam?"

"Please take ๐Ÿ™ it easy."  

"Banz has been attained so all you can do is, avoid the Karma" .

"How Sam?"

" Halal meats in the Supermarkets and use it".

"My husband used to buy them when we lived in Germany ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช" ...

Then Silva completed the coversation :

" Correct eventually end it up gradually following the unavailability in Srilanka. Still we are using it in the hope of  giving up slowly and surly Sam. "

"Are you hearing and  happy to have Halal meats Benz?".

"She nodded her head unhappily and reluctantly". 

"Sam hugged her suddenly ... his pearls were dripping on her face!". 

"She was pretty pleased,  thinking like Sri-Ram's beautiful blessings". 

 "True  Krishna the parents using their authority thinking it was their parental responsibility,which they simply copied from their ancestors  scientists interpreting that ancestors are monkeys ha..,ha...we can trust them Krishna ".  

"As a result, we have no original option of following the Originator Krishna". 

"Brilliant ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ wonderful Rata! She merits some applause ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ™Œ please ๐Ÿ™. 

" we are in Benz's position, hearing the fact based story , we are at leased pretty pleased that we too  can adopt up Sam's advice of Halal ๐Ÿ– ๐Ÿ– ๐Ÿ– meats to ,meet our temporary needs so thank you soooooooo much sir"

"Correct Balaraman". 

"We are what we eat Krishna"
"Yes we are not what you eat sweet ❤ ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ–ค hearts! 

"And Sam and Marina are what they eat".

"Aren't they?"

"How can we anticipate every single one of us being in the first class?"

"Why Sarah?"

"Each of us have our own storage of bandage of actions in the past up to present  Krishna".

"Please some applause ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ™Œ ๐Ÿ™ for Sarah. 

"Can you  tell us a bit more of the neighbours please Krishna ?"

"OK just a bit, the neighbours' daughter, Benz who was an adorable sister of Ram". 

"Who is him Krishna?"

"Who was the donor of his organs  for five guys on condition not accepting bribes from brides or bridegrooms".

"Ohhhhhhh the one who died at the hospital following his tragical incident Krishna?"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness got it Krishna ๐Ÿ‘!" 

"Then  Benz neighbour's daughter suggested Sam to give Marina his mobile phone with her inspiring smile". 

"Hearing it, his back born was delighted his face brightened in grace with distinct dynamic delight!"

 "He smiled silently in appreciation and thanking her kind idea by nodding  his happy head".

"Oh goodness,  children are God's gifts, but guidance  and guidelines are different according their parenteral directions". 

Sam's enchanting eyes twinkled shiningly; his head twisted painfully;  he compressed  his lips thoughtfully untill they turned as red as blood lovingly.

It sounded he was worried as he could not bear that she was left pennyless his belly was shaking.

Any way, he is braver than before.
He thinks that he  knows how to hide his emotional feeling , but that is beyond his control, still   it's a blessing to Benz. 

Wow meanwhile, his house was filled with brilliant sun shine like his generous heart filled with gracious thoughts!

"He gladly glanced at the sky! Everyone looked at his long look". 

Ever since he started reading the Divine book, he is being the exemplary of the book and some intelligent people and students are inspired and children are guided gradually by his torch of Knowledge  eventually Sam witnessing wonder characterisations of the children grace of his guidance  ✨ 

Whenever people invite him for any ceremony ,he would give them the Bhagawadgita As IT Is (as a god given guide gift. 

"Here we can spot out complex sentences Krishna !"

"Definitely Durga" 

"He is being a gift to the innocent populations to give them a lift towards the correct direction such a worldly wonderful welfare." 

For his sweetest surprise,there was a delicious  smell of fabulous fast food from his neighbours Benz hand.

Yeah, they had brought him a packed meal  to eat on the wheel while he travels, because Marina lives far,far away.

"Somehow something  sounded like the family had well planned and have been hiding something more from Sam. 

He  had admired while taking their special vegetarian meal beautifully packed in a silver box from Benz's hand .

"Again he wet his lips and  his lips  compressed for a second saying ,

"How I am  going to repay them I am indeed so hungry I couldn't prepare anything else more the fruit salad for breakfast; I am so pleased!"

"It sounded his words caught in his throat thoughtfully".

He smilingly asked them not to do it in the future.He simply dislikes this kind of things.He likes to be independent and dependent of only holy.

 " The Divine Will" they saw his fantastic facial language drawing poems on his cheerful cheeks ♥ ".

"He is an orphan ".

"Why you are emotional Meera?"

"I don't know Krishna!"

"God Krishna is in everyone ๐Ÿ™ Meera"

"Krishna we think some times he didn't want to hurt them by saying,
"take your pack lunch back home " Isn't it Meera it?

". Exactly! Instead, he would do something in a different way". 

"Dosen't he Krishna?"

"For example, in return , Sam teaching their daughter freely Krishna." 

"Can I hug you sam?",

Benz asked Sam sisterly and affectionately which  expressed on all of their faces fantastically with God graces.

"Because they smelled his heart rendering feeling.He hugged her brotherly and had hidden his tears cleverly looking at the sky handsomely."

Her parents felt their heart felt heat tears surprisingly because he is different now they wondered hearing his Quran words of Muhammad it has to do with his enlightenment.

" He is being blessed soul we can witness Braman in his activities and he is different and devotional becomes intellectual individual Krishna ๐Ÿ™ "

"Understandable Siva".

"At the same time,the phone matter  reminded  Sam  an unforgettable event.

 His eyes shone with happiness and sadness, too". 

"While making some fresh drinks for the nicest neighbors,he reminded something no one can't easily forget"   : 
"What was it Krishna?"

 "Once,one of  his mates , Ragu... factually Ragu,who was always  a bit jealous of him at college ".

"Hey Krishna here we can see the subordinate conjunction next to noun RAGU WHO was always jealous of Krishna ".


"Then Krishna?"

"One day, as soon as Sam handed over his mobile phone to Marina on a temporary measure and giving her permission to answer the calls as he went for football practice". 

 "Knowing the matter, Ragu kept  sending her texts messages in saying,"I love you Sam! I miss you darling!! You are my dream Sam!" 

"Cunningly and cleverly, he did not use his own phone because he was very cruel".

"He is a fox Krishna "

"Sure Siva"
... just to make her doubt on him and wanted to  separate them from their godly relationship he well planned though" 

"Such a  jealous individual  Krishna Menan".  

"And then Krishna Anna?"

"He didn't  simply wants  to tease her up,but make her hate him totally."

"He is a bully number one Krishna".

"Certainly "

"This man who put Sam under a bad  circumstances during the speech competition too"

"Definetly Peter".

"I think he was the one wounded Sam because he is a fox Krishna!"

"Excellent effort appreciated ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘Œ,Rudra!" 

"Next Krishna ?"

"In addition,he often would 
argus with Lord Krishna's devotees means Sam's  friends saying that  Lord Krishna was a 
womaniser like Sam. 

He is good at wandering with gang of girls can any womaniser could be a Divine organizer?"

"Ha...ha...pretty pity person Krishna Anna!"

"Sure Retna". 

"Further he shouted,"

"Can a Creator and  divines' supervisor would be wandering behind the girls? 
"That is not the end ,he further asked them,

"Don't you think it sounds  like a person under the influence of wine?"

 "Isn't it an act of swine?"
"Do you think it is unbelievable?" 

"Absolutely it was an illusory or a type of theory like the scientists often do". 

As a respond, Sam described him: 

"Please...please listen Ragu  for instant, at the beginning,the atom was considered to be  the smallest particle in the world as it was the tiniest  invisible substance declared by the Scientists ,but later it was not the case!". 


Sam continued, 

"They found by themselves that there was a kind of solar system within the atom, activating it with some elements such as nucleus, electrons,neurons
 and protons".

"Ragu was wordless for a moment". 

"So, wait and watch the wonder, one day people are going to find out what is what." 

"Ragu roared without any single respect": 

"Stop man stop your stupidity!...

....All these are kinds of chemical reactions and there are no actions or reactions of supervision of divine actions or creation and there is nothing creating anything...

...The scientists are the creators... facts finders... they wouldn't believe what they hadn't seen as simple as that!" 

"Sam smiled hearing the silliness due to his illness or unconsciousness of Divine". 
"Each time Sam smiles put him off with humiliation" 

"Plus, Ragu often would talks like Duriodana because he had an impression that Lord Krishna was an ordinary man like every one else". 

"On contrary, Sam often would argue wonderfully ending up leaving him wordlessly: 

"you may be graduating as a medical student; might be mastered in some material books and servant of it;  perhaps 
you could fool or hook some materialists  
on your side." 

"Ragu interrupted  irresponsibly". 

Sam smiled simply ,

"please ๐Ÿ™ let me complete it thanks".

"But you might fool only some of the peoples  some of the times because of your degree level ,but it's not  all of the peoples all of the times, you have no knowledge of Divine's distinct words in Vedas ... you cannot convince any people who have the righteous knowledge from the brightest Divine authoritative sources" 

All of a sudden Sam's mind was miles away,thinking about his mate Rageskanna how he had been protective from a destructive of Ragu rowdy. He is one of his very best class mates". 

He could not forget anything. So while making his neighbours a fresh orange juice, he was recalling the events regrettably. As it involved with his darling,Marina:

"What was it Krishna Anna?"

"When was it Krishna??"

"On an exam period,while studying science lesson at the college library, there was an amazing atmosphere and educational argument with Marina and Ragu".

'What was all about Krishna?"

About an English scientist,Wegener 

"Why was it Krishna Anna?'

"He had suggested some theory as he saw that the continents had a jigsaw fit,with mountain ranges and rock patterns matching up."

"He further proved that  there was also some fossils of the same animals on different continents had been found in the separated and drifted apart". 

"I remember it Krishna it is in GCSE Science Krishna"

"Absolutely Christina". 

"Most importantly,Wegener also claimed that when two continents collided they forced each other upwards to make mountains although he did not understand radioactivity and relativity if divinity like the divined genuine glamorous gurus are declaring from the words of the Lord of the Lords ".

"We interested this Krishna"

"Thanks ".
..." However ,Geologist did not accept Wegener's theory because he wasn't a geologist and his supporting evidences  was limited" .

"More over, he claimed that the samples element were the books of God, his words were rejected Later,evidences from seafloor had convinced the scientists .

"As a result, the disproved theory was approved; the disagreed fact was agreed". 

"I new it Krishna!"

"Suddenly Marina said,
"Similarly the way Sam's talks sounds to some people contradictory....

 ...However, sooner or later they will certainly agree what they are disagreeing at present",

 then she smiled sweetly saying, 

..."We have to understand that even when we get our degrees,we cannot be 

sure of 100%  that we  are educated after all  in materials because out of 

100 marks allowed , in any subject ,how many we got to be passed and 

agreed to be  graduated ?. 

May be 50%,60,%70%,80%,or 90% ! So  the rest  10 to 50% ,  we ought to make mistakes after mistakes whatever work we do   ...that's mean  we commit mistakes after mistake because of misunderstanding".

" Don't we? "

As long as we are interested in realizing our really permanent identity,we are educated proudly we can proclaim that we are dedicated our time to educate us."  
(by the way, I did not say that,Guru Baba declared to his own college students). 

Then smiling Sam interrupted by giving her a high five stunningly and smilingly: 
Meanwhile Ragu rowdy shouted, 

"Alright ...alright if He was the creator,proprietor,administrator, then,tell me who created Him?"

"Ragu demanded." 

"Sam smilingly replied  ,
"He was unborn,
 ever eternal, 
Super original, 
ever lasting exceptional , 
tremendously transcendental,
mysteriously knowledgeable, 
Totally beautiful", 

"Stop stop stop ✋ "

"Let me complete, Ragu please ๐Ÿ™!" 

"This was an excellent occasion Sam stopped him raising his violent voice just saying ✋ by waving his steel hand angrily!". 

"Sam was angry?"

"Yeeeee promise!".

His velvetty voice suddenly converted in to vilain voice!

"Oh goodness !๐Ÿ˜ณ" 

"He was vibrant and vigilant his eyes were like double bullets ๐Ÿ”ซ ๐Ÿ”ซ gun".

"He is unimaginably capable of answering violently".

"Listen mad man!

,Lord Krisna is seductively attractive,remarkably richest and totally renounced that's means capable of giving everything to the living beings besides the fact all are totally belongs to Him". 

"Ragu rowdy was scared calmed like a cat๐Ÿˆ" 

"Sam often would  say  him to see the evidences under the ocean".


Nevertheless Ragu had denied indecently! 

"The main reason was most of the evidences had been written in English".

"His English knowledge  was limited. So he couldn't and he wouldn't understand the unlimited  distinguished Divine activities could he?" 

"However,Sam would keeps his calm as he learned about the Supreme realm....he only knows it is simply a crime to Supreme insulting the Supreme without consulting with the Gurus who have been interpreting Lord's words since 5000 years one after another consecutively as  descendants without a gap." 

The last direct descendant Guru directly from Lord Krishna was 

Swami Paktivedananta,he is Sam's guru 

Swami Paktivetanta only had bought 108 churches and converted them in to Krishna temples all over the world just by introducing the book of Lord's words,"Bhagavatgita As It Is".  

People who are following crime, certainly not capable to realizes the reality of the Supreme personality. This is  The prime thing  to stop the crime  and get liberated from the birth cycle... we are not a rock to be cycled we are eternal divined souls. 

The other day he expressed while Ragu was insulting the Divine Science: 

"Listen!The Supreme Personality is a matter of Supreme science. See the spectrum of seven colors for example , All are from Supreme white colour. 
"We love this episode Krishna"

"Why Sam?"

"Because all the evidences are  being based on our material science study Krishna"
"Accept your concept Sam".

"Each and every colour  has it's own rate of vibrate. Similarly, each and every semi God such as 

Bhrama  have got their own rate of capacity of divinity".


 "Ha...ha...they all  cooperate with the Supreme God or Personality. He is the prism proves how it provides powers to others ".

"The sub divines are generated from the main divine Lord Sri krishna.This is simply the  Supreme Science Krishna. 

"We all  are entrapped by over karmic reflection and unable to get rid of their affection Krishna". 


Continue. ..

Hare Krishna!".

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