"Hi everybody cool?"

" we feel cold ...Krishna"

"Why Peter why?"

"Current situation like current currency inflation which is increasing on daily basis  so certainly we are limiting the current to control our budgets Krishna"

"So so sorry we can sort it out with Mr Putin Rudra "

"Good joke Krishna Anna!". 

"Excuse me Krishna! What's the central subject matter of Vedas because it's the object matter of our unceasing episodes' education in various conversations, comprehention and divine dialogues as a cutest catalogue to the greatest hearts  Krishna aren't these are the souls assurance and life insurance πŸ’• Krishna?"

"That is the mud on which we make the pot Meera".

"Krishna! The Sciencetists believe that the universe is the conglomeration of atoms in many patterns like a book in many patterns of words ".

What does mean it accommodation Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...ha...Krishna didn't  say accommodation Rudra ".

"That's what I asked Subathra". 

"What does conglomeration mean Krishna?"

" Ha...ha... leave it to me Subathra... "

"That's what I asked what is the foreign word Krishna tell me secretly ". 

"What does conglomeration mean Krishna?"

"  Conglomeration means something consisting of a number of distinct things or a corporation formed by merger or separate firms Rudra". 

" Ohhhhhhh goodness!The Scienceists considering the creation like the salt has emerged from the sea or ice has manifested from water Krishna ."

"Yes Krishna they are correct Krisna that is the concept of tutor's nephew, too ".

"Sure Krishna they are right as the sugar crystals from canejuice ,the atoms have combined Krishna. "

 "Yes Krishna like the  simple word make the compound words Krishna?"

"Why  not as the  simple sentences form the compound sentences Krishna "

"Yeah Krishna finally the complex sentences paragraphs and pages. 
Just by nature becoming a book Krishna" 

" Ha...ha... aren't we shamed on us?"

"Why Krishna?".

"Don't we realise how hard we have been practicing to make a complex sentences using word,compound words ,sentences, compound sentences, clauses,  phrases s and complex sentences paragraphs and pages to obtain a book?".

"What an arrogant attempts in which science engaged today , totally denying  the Divine's credit this is wicket work simply wicket because of our inheritance of our original three characteristics from our previous memories and minds sets:

1) Ego
2) Memories /intelligent 
3) Mind

"Doesn't it  just like denying the teacher and  accepting the education students?"

"Wow!... Wow..,! Wow wordless Krishna we are being thoughtless like the scientists who are godless Krishna". 

"Doesn't it like we are denying the mud and accepting the pot sacred πŸ’• πŸ’• hearts?"

"Does Atman alone is real Krishna?"

"Yes everything big and small every cell and star undergoes change every instant "

"Aren't they super students?".

"Pardon Krishna what about the food we eat Krishna?"

"First the  food we consumed  yesterday, become what in the morning Peter?"

" Then it becomes filthy Krishna "


"What we do with them Rosy?"

"After the filthy food becomes fertiliser Krishna to the plants Krishna and helping us to produce new fresh fruits and vegetables Krishna?"

"Are you talking about our food waste Krishna?"

"Yeah including toilet waste "

"Which provid further food Krishna?".

"Next take the air we breathe students 

"The air which one exhale Krishna ?"

"Correct Christina ".
Others are inhaling  Krishna aren't  we Krisna?

"Soon what is happening?" 

"Soon  Covid 19 setting up Krishna ha...ha...?"

"Does every  minute particles of  system enter the system of other person Krishna?".

" Correct Christina!  See  the sea water becomes the moisture  the air and gathered together as rain-cloud it fill the field and gardens and transformed into edible sweetness students?"

"Absolutely Krishna".

"After that Krishna?

"Nothing is stable our body have all its component cell replaced by new ones during every seven years  period of time". 

"Finally Krishna?" 

"We all are subject to be dead; we are subject to be decayed and we all are subject to be reborn ?"

"Krishna ? Does He subject to be..."

" doesn't subject to be dead ,decayed and declined".

"Hundred percent Krishna! ?"

"All are trivial and temporary we cannot be happy. It is only when we discovered the Atman permanent Papa Krishna?" 

"Yeeeeeeeees only then become bliss and blessed by  being the only worship-able, Parapbrahman,Paramatman Who provides people Atman Peter  how the fish can be deprived from the water can they survive?".

"How can anyone  denying the author and accepting the book that's what Baba say this poor peoples proud  process is doomed ... doomed ...doomed to fail Krishna".

" What does mean doomed Krishna?"

"Fated to  fail ,death or another terrible fate"

"What which is rebirth Krishna?"

"Is this  the atmic reality of man Krishna?".

"Yeah ...yeah...yeah Lord is the atomic reality and He is the Energetic Reality Equals Supreme Personality saintly students" 

"We do apology Krishna "

"Well.,,very well welcome students be brilliant like diamond's bonds with Krishna. Our daily desire always come do not welcome them be calm in welcoming :
1) our Originator 
2) the Creator; 
3) the Father; 
4) the Mother 
5) the Administrator
6) the Ancestor and
7)  the Creation"

Guru  further asked ,

"How can waves be divorced from the sea?"

"Atman is the Truth; Pramatman is the Truth and the rest are untruths".

"What krishna ...
are you kidding Krishna just for a joke Krishna?"

"Whatever have been changing are untruth the basic truth  is Atman which is spiritually oriented from which material oriented ."
" Does the firm base is essential for all these transformations to happen Krishna ?"

 "Without doubt about it  the waves cannot rise without ocean Krishna Baba said didn't he". 

"Ohhhhhhh yeah goodness mee ! Without clay pots cannot be shaped Krishna! "

" Excuse  me  Krisna!"

"Yes please Meera how can I help you?"

"Our apologises what we spoke against you  during the last session,it was totally terrible because you are  not deserve our ill-treatment against enlightenment Krishna". 

"After all , watching the gracious godly  Vedas's teacher's quotations in the video echo the Hero of the zeroes who are claiming proprietorship of the lordship Krishna", 

"What was it Peter?" 

" I like the doctor's  wording 
"There are bad temptations keep come, but we should not welcome them Krishna "

"Yeah Krishna! That's what our tutor's  compassionate conclusion of various episodes which we  have been talking Krishna ".

"  Yes krishna yes as  a result of his resistance and insistence of Mandra Meditation assistance ,  you have  been explaining the Vedas  especially the greatest mantra meditation, visualising Visnu version of Krishna ,three times chanting smilingly, made us to be enlightened Krishna  "


1) The divisions and positions of many men minds sets 

2) The multiple religious regulative principals 

3) The divisions and directions  in various devotions. 

Aren't we are in the top most best position Krishna?"

"True  regulating our monkeys minds is extremely extraordinary because when we heard what we learned from the graceful godly Divine doctor, only we realised the reality of the divinity and how we have been following our responsibilities Krishna". 

"Sure the eternal :

1) mind ,
2) Intelligent and
3) Ego do not abolished 
with the passing body and they are established eternally with the soul Krishna. "

" !!!Not abolished, but established eternally reward winning wording Balaraman thanks ".

" Yes Krishna! They are keep on continuing with our changing bodies like the sacred soul does Krishna.!" 

"We feel goosebumps how dare we ill-treated our tutor as he was trying to persuade his nephew with these gracious godly guidelines in end view Krishna".

"Yes Krishna that is  his point of view at the end view his target to get out of the wicked pathway it's like the London bad budget left the previous prime minister out of her position Krishna".

"Absolutely although the present prime minister previously warned her strongly about her  wicket budget planning Krishna".

"The mind,ego and intelligence are not gross bodies, but subtle sacred minute which cannot be visible to our material faulty eyes or massive microscope machine students ".

"Oh my God seriously so much appreciated our Mission such an extent of eternal and  internal torch of knowledge what a transcendental or spiritual so inspirational so inspiring Krishna!".

"Yeah the terrible and temporary temptations cannot be stopped unless we control our maddened  material minds sacred students"

"Pretty privileged and pleased to hear your Self-Realization sacred souls study Krishna". 

"Excuse me Krishna! 
How Renuga was  assisted by Rajesh Kanna Krishna please πŸ™?" 

 "Surely a serious questions Christina."

 "Sorry if you don't want,we don't mind Krishna".

" I Don’t  mind Meera. Once  , Renuga was in a desperate situation. Worst of all, she was standing in a humongous queue ".

"Where was it Krishna?"

 "In a super shopping center... For her, it was a embarrassment she couldn't bear her ferocious fears".

"What... what happened to her Krishna".

"What was it Krishna ?"

"She hadn't  enough money, but without realising it, she had purchased plenty of goods which were essential of everyday household needs."

"When the cashier asked to pay, she was embarrassed emotionally realising that she  had lost her money".

"Her cheeks were reddened caused her  overwhelmingly a shameful circumstances. She had no much money left. "
"Oh my God that would be a worried scenario Krishna"

"Sure certainly, Rudra"

"And  then Krishna?"

 "She took her purse to do a double see anything left over any where in the corners"
"Her hands were shivering because she had an impression that she had much more money  and started looking every where around the floor. None had been found". 

"Apart from an attractive orange picture of her guru which was left in her hand bag which Marina only offered to her  long agoπŸ‘› πŸ‘œ ".

"She took a look on the pretty picture and held it in her flowery fingers fearfully and saying the Maha Mandra repeatedly and attempting to remove the goods back to the shop sorrowfully".

"At that right moment, fortunately she  found a formidable man behind the queue".

"Who was it Krishna?"

 "It was Rajeshkanna with an adorable lovely orange shirt and black trousers sensationally saintly look and smells sandalwood.

"He added his goods together with hers purposely and asked the cashier to add them up then he gave his orange bank card and paid all together!". 

"Taking only his items and left over the rest to her". 

 "The staff  accepted considering that he might be her family member" .

"She thanked her guru sprinkling some heart broken tears thankfully."

 "Wasn't it a welcoming coincident!??...
 Wasn't it a miraculous  incident???" 

"That satguru  does these kinds of compassionate coincidences."

"Who is Baba Krishna?"

"He is a Satguru" 

"What does the meaning of a Satguru Krishna?"

"Satguru means he knows the Vedas SPONTENIOUSLY" 

"What does SPONTANEOUSLY mean Krishna?"

"Naturally without reading them"

"How Krishna?"
"Ha...ha..,grace of his previous life Punniyas /pious and becomes pandit/schoolar of Vedas Balarama".

So Krishna, the Vedas are eternal ,transcendental and spiritual having these qualities,  it's validating such sacred godly  grace of divinity ?
"Sure πŸ‘Sarah".

"Nevertheless, she looked totally a different person as her golden face was entirely hidden  by her long hair and a large lovely summer hat with a violet bow on it πŸ’œ suiting her violet skirt and black blouses πŸ‘’. As it was a hot day".

"How Rajeskanna knew her helplessness Krishna?"

 " Ha...ha...Rajesh Kanna is good at studying the body languages he is a  decent πŸ•΅️‍♂️ detective,too ".

"What does it mean a detective Krishna?"

"A person whose job is to investigate πŸ”Ž crime". 

"Is he one of  the best friends of Sam Krishna?".

"πŸ’― hundred percent Peter".

"Tell me your friend I will tell you who are you "

"Isn't it Krishna?"

"You never forget that particular proverb Rudra".

"What to do that's the only one I know Krishna πŸ‘".


"And then Krishna?"

" In another occasion, he had visited her home to see her brother,James he was his former class mate! It was a sweetest shock for Renuga !"

"Definitely Krishna?".

 "Not only that, Renuga had found a name on his hand strongly written  nicely in smaller pretty pattern".

"Is it like a tattoo Krishna?"

"Correct Balaraman". 
"What is tattoo Krishna?"

"It is a permanent design made on the skin ".

"Who was it Krishna?"

" Pardon Sam ?"

"The name Krishna?"

"The name was .... secret" 

must be his girl friend ... she thought thoughtfully and silently"   
"Her face was saddened as she could not return his debt back although his action was not expecting any return" .

"Nonetheless, after a few months, when  Renuga was in the library, taking some books πŸ“š and notes,there was a second sad shock for her ". 

"What was it Krishna?"

"She saw a young lady seemingly  his girl friend." 

"What happened Krishna?"

"She suddenly  returned him some thing and said to him", 

*Good bye, but not in a good mood really in an  angry mood blood flashed on her face!*

" Shockingly  Renuga neared and heard
what she told him in totally terrific tone "

"What was it Krishna?"

 " She said that she no longer loves him, but she loves another person!". 

"Finding her attitude of changing a genuinely gentile friendship to a shocking substitute ,relationship,   

Rajeshkanna was puzzled, thrilled regrettably he was worried and was in desperately dangerous even in a sorrowful state  in a cruel circumstances".

 "Renuga called her brother,James and emotionally described the dangerous situation of Rajeshkanna". 

 "Sam is being a brilliant and a victime of that type of emotional condition, James  shared the serious matter to Smiling Sam".

 "He then consoled Rajesh diplomatically using his divinely torch of knowledge and enchantingly empowered him".  

"Eventually he was served from fear of deadly  danger Krishna?".
"Exactly Rata" 

"For everyone's astonishment,Rajeskanna still did not know Renuga  has been caring and concerning of him as a guardian angel and fulfilling her debt  repayments in instalment that he paid to the cashier".

"That is indeed splendid Krishna so kind of her Krishna ".

"Yeah Serva to a suffering Jiva is Serva to Deva"

"Wow who said Krishna?"

"Baba told to Marina"

"Really reassurance like life insurance Krishna".

" Goes around comes around Krishna"

"Definitely Durga!". 

"Meanwhile, Mr and Mrs Silva have some sympathy on Marina and Sam so they called them all for a delightful dinner"

"So Krishna, it is going to be an  additional coincidence to meet them each other together ❤".

"Probably Peter"

 "At least, here Rajeshkanna began to feel sorry and sympathy for the sickness of Renuga ". 

"On the other hand, Mr Silva carried on repeating  some more detail of Marina's meeting ".

" Last night only we came to know that who was Marina because of our daughter introduced her to us'... was as dark   as night we could not recognize the area properly or address to help with Sam"...
Meanwhile Benz had begun serving their dinners devotionally.

"James stood up and praised her pretty decent manner and beautiful behaviour ".

"She suddenly smiled,

 "we don't know whether Sam Anna had his packed parcel or not he is such an orphan". 

"Everyone's eyes were shining".

"Don't worry darling Marina is there 
...apart from that, she  was a decent daughter of a great,the richest, and most generous man... such a  daughter such a father" .

When Silva said that everyone opened their ears and eyes eagerly to know more surprisingly. 
Silva carried on:

"Her father was an appropriate personality to a city with lots of difficulties the way he would thinks and acts, was heroic who belongs to an aristocratic family".

"Hearing his talk, James shocked emotionally more than others" 

Mrs Silva continued:

"Undoubtedly we confirmed her father through our parents that he was the richest individual with a heroic unique personality...
had sold all of his properties and all his belongings to help  the poor public"...

..."Best of all,he knows the fundamental knowledge of Bhagawadgita.For some reason, he was so special.He used to pray the Sun God like Karnna did in Maga Barath" .

"Benz interrupted", 

"We did not understand the reason why she was living in a rented house and interrupted her higher education just at the end of her A level  exam her results were very good".

"She was  as good as gold. I sometimes feel jealousy of her, But  the fate or Karma made an innocent angel in to a dangerous hell. It sounded like an evil spell"...

"The visitors absorptions were unbelievable because the way they described Marina, was jaw dropping information for them".

Benz had interrupted again:

"when she had invited us to her house, seeing her ordinary house,we thought she should be an ordinary family girl,but unexpectedly my Dad saw some photographs of the famous man with his wife and his daughter, Marina on the white wall!

 "Dad said his soul was stirring!"

"It was  hanging on the walls ! Undoubtedly we understood that she was the Princess"

Vanitha carried on:

" ...To be honest, when she hugged all of us and told us her sympathetic condolences on behalf of my son's funeral, we felt sorrowful and fabulously, tremendous honestly we felt a sort of affection and vedic vibration ,a kind of divine vibration from her breath taking beautiful body,which caused us to cry, because we were feeling her slim belly was shaking, shaking and shaking"...

Vanitha was emotionally sitting on her settee.

Mr Silva didn't discontinue:

"Moreover,she did not wear any Jewell in fact,  she was a jewel".

"Gold needn't to be decorated by gold".
"Need it?" 

"She was a mountain of  pure gold. She lives quite far away. As long as our daughter insisted us,we decided to accompany her up to her house,but seeing the unexpected circumstances,we shocked"... 

"To be Franck, last night,while Marina gazed at us with golden tears and  

raised her eyes brows with Divine sorrows, my mind 

immediately collected some pearls in an ocean of divine".

Vanitha interrupted:

"To be fair,seeing them being happy, is our happiness their marriage is our courage...It is our best  target and it is our great  object as a proof,in the early morning we did our level best to send him to meet Marina".

"Suddenly James wiped his tears sincerely in saying the way he treated her in the public bus in front of the public".

"He looked like a crying baby remembering the way she was behaving even Marina was shivering..shivering." 

"Renuga was shocked seriously worried so badly she was her honest fabulous friend".

"O my Goooood! what did you do for her Annaaaaaaa!!!!!!?"

"Every one alarmed when James was worried and emotionally told the total tone of sad  disgusting discuss. !"

"He told to everyone what happened in the blue bus ?" !


"They all terrified! Renuga was sobbing at her brother,"

"What did you do to my friend Annaaaaaa!!!?"

"Seeing the scenario,Rajesh Kanna worried for Renuga more than anybody  because he recently heard she was already seriously sick!".

"This time Rajesh Kanna was extremely sympathised and astonishingly alarmed". 

"Unexpectedly  Rajesh glanced at  Renuga his eyes covered in heat tears for the first time emotionally...

"She suddenly wiped away her tears and forced a cat smile at him".

 "But he found she was more beautiful while she was crying than forcing a cat smile for him".

"For his eyes, she is a dying diamond whereas her brother is a rough diamond  ". 

"She was not a very rich girl and knowing her dangerous sickness, Rajesh Kanna began to show some kind of kindness on her like Sam with Marina he thanked Marina in broken hearted to show him another Marina in the form of Reneuga".

 "It sounded so sweet hardly heart broken πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” situation.

"What a fearful change of   circumstances Krishna!"

"Certainly Christina πŸ’•"

"It is cutest and   complementing each other Marina and Reneuga Krishna?!

"Sure sure"

 "They both have been magnetising magnificently."

Whenever he would  go her house to meet James, she would be wearing welcoming saddened smiles! 

"So similar to Marina. Often she would wear the same clothes still she looks neat, nice devotional and decent. Most importantly tidy.Very, very helpful to her brother and mother".

"Whenever Rajesh had  got lot to do, she would be pleased to help him sleeplessly".

"Straightaway, Rajesh Kanna remembered what Sam told him last week:

" He remembered the way she called her brother emotionally eager to save Rajesh Kanna from the library"

"So Renuga saved me from a big, bad bombarding bridge! Otherwise it would have been hard to cross it such horrendous bridge to cross!!!."

"He recalled suddenly how she was sympathised when she remarked his hand while giving a cup of milk and exclaimed tearfully without her knowledge!" 

"Especially seeing the written name , she was terrified teafully ".

" And he recalled what she said  last time,she told Rajeshkanna",

"Don't worry we are planning to pay a visit to Vengadesher ,Thirupathi  Temple in India and I am going to give my long term coins collection to the shiny black  idol ,which is the mail box of Lord Krishna and certainly the request letter will be delivered to the Lord  and He will assist your reunion with your girl friend".

"At the same time he remarked her shinny compassionate tears was shedding out of her knowledge."

"He wondered how on Earth she knows  exactly where to seek assistance accurately".

Then he watched a video, quickly to  calm him down it was Swami Mukunda Ananda ( an engineer ) thinking of Sam's Uncle now he has been serving the suffering in giving them the torch of knowledge.

Sweet hearts πŸ’• if you  want to see him,just open the  link 

"Actually she had been collecting some money to offer to the temple as a vow of her healing from the kidney failure and trouble,but now she changed her mind. Because she thinks that she has less time to live no point of crying."
"on the spilled  milk".

"That touched him like thousands of inspiring golden needles had poked in to his entire nucleus  like silver bells activated their genius nucleus in his beloved blood".

"He felt genuinely to console her soul by hugging and wiping her tears''

 "No wonder  he stood up and straightaway hugged her generously ❤ thoughtfully and thankfully that was a heavenly view to everyone.!!!"

"It was absolutely amazing of seeing them!!! 

  James was watching a poem a dream !"

"Unexpectedly  Rajesh Kanna's phone rang...for his surprise,  it was an urgent call"
being a barrister,he called  by his office.

"They all shortly and softly left the neighbors 🏑 home satisfactorily ".

"On the other hand, Sam was still  on the way to see his girl .Unexpectedly he too got a call! 

Could we believe it Krishna?

"What a consecutive coincidence after coincidence Krishna!!" 
"It was his Mummy, as his parents sooner arriving home from Singapore, expected him to be prepared for the registration as they have found a suitable bride in Singapore with big bank balance, property and prosperity" .

"Sam was happy of their safety arrival, hearing the horrendous news of MH17 with about 300 passengers had been dead".

"However, he  felt unhappy of hearing rendering or very distressing horrendous news and he felt like heaven to hell; his head heated like volcano πŸŒ‹...hearing his Mum's proposal arrangement!"

"He called Marina in the air like he was πŸ’engaged in the forest fire!"

 "Can any one imagine how  his heart was badly beating like thunders ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡  hurting,  hearing form his own Mum proposal of an unknown individual?"

she was totally interested in dowry" 

"Can anybody come forward to help us to get away from this tragedy?. "

Yeah Sam said that helplessly.

He again called Marina hopelessly!
 Then he called !
His friends unconsciously.

"Then he called Bativetananta! He had a feeling that he had been sinking with the pathetic passengers of MH17!" 

"No wonder, his generation after generation without any consideration of the root of the devotion, seeing the whole world seeking for treasure for their pleasures, or for their sense satisfaction,meeting a great soul often talking about the supreme Soul was great".

"At least the fair air is being on Sam side the nature could not cope to hear his parents' preparation"

 "On the other hand, Marina is envelopes the five elements".

"Yeeee always envelope them enchantingly they never be unfair with this pearly pretty girl".
"How Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...the greatest air was always fair with this greatest pair!"

"That's right Rata well-said".

"Thanks Krishna".
"Where is Marina Krishna?"

"Marina was on the way 🏑 through the open green grass and green trees, Christina" 

"She looked on all four sides! She looked again and again on all four sides !  No-one to be seen any where!"

"She had an impression that her Sam's nice voice atoms are vibrating through her ear drums dum...dum...dum..dum...
tantana....tantana ....tantana 

"Is it from his car Krishna?"
"Yeeeeeeeees from the car which was  pretty near from her home ".

"The water pot was still in her hip in the fold of her angelic arms as her home water is not for drink ,kind of salty water!

"The call really coming from you Sam.  None else could be so soft so sincere ,Sam!"
"Wow the sound waves warmingly  working on their part Krishna!"

 "Correct Christina" 
"It is you my krishna". ...half way through she thinking excitedly sweetly,then she carried on and on walking towards the sound waves welcoming her .

"I fed myself with sensual thrills with glorious feelings and obviously with sweetest melodious sound and your smooth sound wave travels softly and sweetly through the fair air Sam!" 

"It is deliciously tasteful and gratefully fragrance! I am pretty sick of the whole unfair separation Sam".

"She stopped and heard again with so much of pain πŸ’” it was his velvety broken down voice!".

"Why you left me like this? I wish to meet my longed lost lover Krishna!"

"I think and I feel some thing  wrong was happening to my soul which is stirring! Oh my God!",

...Enough is enough Krishna! ?

 "Sam  is your worshiper most importantly he knows you are the only worship-able out of the rest all are worshipers"

" As Baba saying there is only a single God no multiple Gods, You are that single; You are the multiple which is Maya from Your Divine Will which is warningly reminding us how important of being humble to the Single Lord πŸ’•πŸ™ Krishna ❤️".

"Of course, Your Divine Will ✨ is Maya which is  controlled by multiple men such as 
 Lord Siva, Bramha, Vishnu or Jesus... you are the genius we have been learning that you are the one lives in every one and separated from every one that includes Shiva Brahma and Visnu ye you are their life".

Suddenly she was about to fall down on a rock,but escaped miraculously . She shouted again in the air :

"He is helpless. He is hopeless he is calling me in pain. My soul is stirring, heart is bleeding. You are feeling it, Lord πŸ™πŸ‘‘ Krishna because You are a Divine Will".

She stopped and said  sincerely:

"Protect the ones who matter most Ye πŸ™ ✨ ❤ πŸ’™ πŸ’›. 
The subject matter of the Bhagavad-Gita is all about the Five Truths":

1) Iswara-controller 
2) Jiva -controlled 
3) Kala the time existence 
4)Karma all our activities 
5) Parakrity Mother Nature 

"However Karma is not permanent. Then why dear Krishna you still left Sam to suffer?"

"I certainly must take care of this great soul as he is our greatest devotional instrument and I know the value of this man his ambition is the main mission of Baba,too Krishna".

"She sadly wiped away her pearly tears regrettably with a long lovely 🏡️🌹🏡️ breath."

"However,her great heart did not stop thinking of the Divine with extreme pain ":

"Accidentally Marina saw some people were sitting in the lake side and making barbecue, baking πŸ– πŸ₯“ πŸ₯© and 🐟 🐠 🐟 🐟 caused lots of smoke with nasty smell of burning animal with poisoning fuel and drinking beer with the entire friends and family wearing terribly sexy clothes with laughter,laughing and laughter in listening louder music!Straightaway,she remembered his pretty policy,

"My Sam  loves to teach the greatest Supreme Science to the entire population who are simply making the pollution in eating barbecue and drinking alcohol." 

She suddenly sat down broken down in to tears.

"She felt fearful situation of her grateful Soul, Sam!"

"Why has he been left in this serious situation????".

"Lord Krishna see the ignorance population!!!isn't it causing  prohibited sex and increasing the unwanted population which in turn, 
increase the prisons and pollution to destroy the world?"

"Of course, when we eat animals we behave like animals it is the science; it is the fact we are two footed they are four footed what else?".

She suddenly  saddened still  smiled in remembering what Sam said to her 

" Each time he would say "Marina" with his hilarious smile, she would feel so sweet so sweet ❤ she wanted him to call her again and again such shower of pleasure". 

"Marina as every one knows, there is  already a hole in the wall of the atmosphere knowingly, "ozone."All because we are not only ignoring our souls, but also ignoring the atmospheric airs such as ,


On which all living and non living entities  are made of.

"Who is going to understand that  the atmosphere is also acting like a living being indeed it is a living body made of soul and matter?"...

Who is going to agree the stones and rocks are the bones of the 🌎world?
Who is going to agree that the blood of the earth is Lava?

"It is a fact "Marina!" See for example, when we
 eat unbalanced food,we get in to trouble by unwanted sicknesses due to unhealthy blood. 

Similarly,when we destroy the atmosphere, we  unbalanced the carbohydrate or any of the five airs, by pollution, the whole world is in danger such as Ozone, flood!,serious seasons and... and... and earth quake etc...etc "...

Please watch just a bit ?

Where the  root rose from and  the road of our Joyous journey .

Hare Krishna!

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