"Education means universal vision not university lessons lovely students "

"Hello students how are you doing sacred souls?"

"We're well thanks Krishna what a highly elevated education Krishna!".

"Sure Students,  aren't we are the godly guidances; aren't we are the Father's  embodiments and aren't  we are the dependents of Divine Atmans and Paramatman which are the Truth out of the  rest all are the untruth ?"

"So Krisna we all are living grace of  Paramatman does His Body made of Sacred spirit ?".

"Krishna, why we speak always the same subject matter are you crazy ha...ha... just for fun Krishna why you look like a gun Krishna?"

"Yes for endowing us with such lotus blessings bodies, I mean with wonder boon boat to discover our original journey towards the eternal destiny out of temporary worrying world"

" travelling towards the tremendously  glorious world Krishna ".

"Yeah ...isn't it our duty to pay attention and affection which is in the form of  devotion greatest  💕 hearts 💕?".

"We are basically targeting the originator Krishna?"

"Certainly we must be responsible , we must be gratitude and  that's what we are being merciful and trying to be helpful to everyone to get out of the awfully alarming temporary knife to permanent life which is inspiration-ally  long lasting life out  of old age, iron age , bondage mortgage and disgusting disease end up in frequent deaths and continuous rebirths"

"You mean in order to reach our
Divine destiny Krishna?"

"Certainly Christina we must adore Appah like we adore our parents students". 

"We don't adore of our parents because they use us as their dream machines and keep pushing us to study ,study and paddy paddy Krishna ".

"Sure competition students our minds sets have been developed which are drived deeply from our previous bad births bodies. "

"So it is extremely hard to get out of the grip of the mother nature Krishna?"

"Correct  to get out of this corrupt ,  attach with Appah ".

"Yes but he is attached with sprit Krishna".

"What's that Retna ?"

 "I mean it's not Lord Krishna's  sacred soul spirit,  my dad attached with but alcohol spirit Krishna including his blood made of that spirit Krishna" 

"Oh my God   we must be master minded and try  to avoid to be much more material minded sweetest 💕 hearts 💕 "

"Being happy with our parents means do not allowing them to be  unnecessary attached in materialistic magnetic by additional attachments towards Lord Krishna?"

"Pardon Peter?"

"How get out of the attachments does it convert the attachments towards the Divine Embodiment Krishna?".

"Definitely Durga we cannot get out of attachments attacks but ...but...but...we can target the arrow of the attachment to Krishna then we automatically becomes Charm as He is Charma Suder". 

 "It is impossible Krishna everything our parents need is,  enjoying  materials  Krishna". 

"Actually by  paying loving attention and bestowing affectionate services to them is our responsibilities at the sometimes,leading towards learning Lord's lessons is the Divine duty Divinity is our eternity students?"

"Definitely Krishna at the same  time, attraction affection towards devotion ????" ..."

"Sure Sarah " 

"Yeah  practising prayer towards Papah is our Divine Duty see what Renuga did from her fifteen years Krishna"...

"Really complicated circumstances of our human life Krishna!!?" 

"Wasn't she had been seeking for her lost  dad although she was diagnosed with worst worrying kidney disease which is a deadly disease?". 

"Sure so emotional !Excuse me Krishna!

"How can I help you Ruby?"

" We...we heard the same thing happened to Mr Jeyaretna." 

"Sure his children family ,members, relations and doctors did their level best to safe him spending mountenious money in kidney transplantation around 80 lacks "

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness !!"

"However, we heard that  after nearly five years of the treatment with  expensive medication expensive tablets , his heart  failed to function Krishna?"

"Exactly the outer doctors must know the inner Divine Doctor".

"Undoubtedly Krishna!" 

"That's why we are endeavouring every time towards  enlightenment all the  time considering as the right root to water because education of Atman and Paramatman, the inner Divine Doctor is the Supreme subject matter " 

"We have to stop being fools Krishna ..."

"Pardon Peter?"

"Where is Lord Krishna?
 He is a matter of energy!
 Dosen't He Krishna?"

"Yeee!have  been experience deeply difficulty with different deities like different continents; different people; different oceans different opinions it's a headache Krishna stop...stop...stop..!"

"Alright where the continents are standing Balaraman?

"In the same planet Krishna "

"Where are the oceans are established?"

"In the same planet Krishna"

"So does  the Divine Doctor is the One who is  representing as representatives  in different personality of different regions" 

"Qow then why we bother to complicate our life Krishna isn't it a matter of Oneness ??!

"Yeeeeeeeees ...let the people follow up on their own way Krishna ".

"Are all the embassys I mean embassodors of each countries are equal to the presidents or prime ministers of their own countrie ?".

"No Krishna they are just representatives of their countries Krishna presidentis the president and prime ministeris the prime minister Krishna!".

"Ohhhhhhh goodness we got it ,but why then people connect find Lord Krishna in person ?

"Certainly Krishna that's why we concluded as He is a matter of Energy Krishna?" 

"Text 4 in Chapter  nine Lord declared :

 "By Me ,in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I'm not in them"

"PURPORT : The Supreme Personality of Godhead is not perceivable through the gross material senses" . 


(Bhakti -rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.234)

His name fame pastimes etc...cannot be understood by material senses 
Only to one who engaged in pure devotional service under proper guidance He revealed .

"Like the Sun energy spreading all over the planet,  His energy pervaded all over the world ".

"Are we in the proper path Krishna ?"

"As long as we are mad of knowledge, that is Lord Krishna; as long as we are interested in vedas,that is Krishna and as long as we are pleased in praying Krishna, we are in the right Royal Road not blind believe whoever refused,  Krishna,  he is karmy if his guru guides him in a different path,  it is because the so called guru is a fake his tendency is in self motivation not Self-realisation." 

"How Krishna we need evidence Krishna?"

"No problems watch the video please "

"Oh goodness why on earth people are being in blind believe Krishna?"

"Then only  some pretending persons can easily manipulates and manage to bluff the innocent for Money fame ,name motivations  ''

 ''Oh goodness so  surly the fake gurus are deemed to be Divine for the childish followers Krishna?"

''Definitely Durga".

" we don't know how to thank you Krishna !!!!"

" No worries! As long as we all are in knowledge;  that is the goal of the goals ;target of the targets achievement of the achievements and the object of all our subjects sweetest  hearts 💕 

"So this Kally-Yuga offers less suffer to approach Appah with His amazing associates on the streets, chanting HARE KRISHNA?."

"Definitely, definitely Durga!" 

"We must be the babies , listeners not defenders or offenders💓 but helpers by being truthful speech, decent action and devotional thought. "

"Absolutely Meera". 

"What you think of smiling Sam Krishna?"

"He is a man of principle, such an amazing individual of an exemplary of devotional Saint. " 

"Thanks Krishna, but before this tuition, we deemed education meant a matter of  degree Krishna ".

"Now  do you disagree or agree Meera?"

"We deemed it to be Supreme Krishna". 

"Education means universal vision not university lessons students "

"What does it mean, deemed Krishna?

"Considered to be  "

"That's right Krishna ha...ha...I just test you?"


"By the way, krishna do you know what does mean Sundal Krishna?"

"Pardon Rudra?"

"Sundal does it mean wicket or cruel Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...Ohhhhhhh goodness!!! meant scandal ,an action or event causing outrage such as scandal, wicket and cruel Rudra "


"Does Sam is an educated or dedicated person Krishna?"

" Both! Sam is the real bachelor he is a  bachelor of Divine "BD" Balaraman"

"Pardon me Krisna ?"

"We need  effective evidence with example Krishna ?".

"Brahman and Parapbrahman we mean he who moves in Prahman pathway not like an ordinary animal principal  way of  🙏 praying millions of demigods which is merely meaningless unless one  knows the Atman and Paramatman ".

"Ohhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees Krishna "

"How do we identify a purified person who understands Brahman and Paramatman in everyone Krishna?"

"To be honest, if we concentrate our thoughts; our words; our deeds; our five feelings or senses , we are saintly students towards Krishna's services, we are saintly students".

"You mean ;our desires ; our activities  move in Self-Realisation, targeting of knowing Brahman and Parapbrahman, we too become blessed Bachelors of Divine Krishna?"

"Undoubtedly Rata"

"So too Baba said it Krishna from Vedas?".

"We don't catch up Krishna better we backup our tuition of real education to pick up and wake up Krishna?" 

"Alright are you all are delighted?

"Yes Krishna". 

"Today Sam has his own secret of giving surprising event  on Marina's birthday ."

"All of a sudden ,James had found an amazing blue book on Sam’s shiny wooden, brown table next to his news paper , 

The Science Of Self Realiztion” 

"The beautiful blue book grabbed his great attention''. 
'Why Krishna?"

He remembered that it was the book which had been offered to him by a judge in the court.

Ever since, he had changed and also changing the other people  cheerfully.

"What was all about it Krishna?"

It was all about the Supreme Science described by his own Originator 's Guru Bhaktivetanta he is the Bona-fide guru mean s he is direct descendants  from Krishna like Arjuna.

"How Krishna how?"

"There are 31 who had been teaching the Gita without any additional onion openions our guru is the last 32nd from Arjuna." 
"James knows it .His eyes smiled graciously James looks, joyous , brighter James Bond with his golden friendship" .

"His eyes were brilliant blue,was wearing a navy blue colorless shirt with a blue jeans suitably a pretty pair of blue and white light trainees type of denim". 

"He looked simple and elegance his sun glasses rose onto his forehead".  

"Wasn't  his friendship a bond of diamond ?"

 "Certainly Krishna".

Straightaway, Sam changed his clothes, ohhhhh goodness!  A wow white and white with a white sandal matching with his milk white teeth.

White and white with  a black belt resembled a cricket  athlete!

To be fair, he would not comp his hair ever since he lost his girl. But today he did it. 

However, James slightly messed it up his dark brown shiny hair in saying ,

"You look better when you leave your hair messy... so that the air make it more and more messy  at that moment, you run your fabulous fingers through your crazy hair, would be fabulously fair, would make a difference... it would be  magnificently marvelous and a unique style make you a unique personality Sam".

"Unexpectedly, smilingly Sam plucked a white rose and decorated the Lord Krishna's  blue 💙 statue in the middle of the fantastic front garden of fragrance by answering him"...

"Is it sure James?"
 "Hundred percent Sam" 

"Are you sure! Do you think leaving my hair uncombed would be better off rather than combing it James?"

Sure...Sure  sure", replied James joyously. 

"Oh I seeeee....
 ! Now only  I got the clue... because you want  me to be less handsome than you... Ha...ha.  

"Am I correct?"

"Sam smiled sensationally ".


He interrupted...laughingly!

"Mother was watching  and hearing in smiling about her Sam's  fun fair talk tactics that's his gene from his father Charm".

"He is my humour, but now he is going to leave me in tumor... how I am going to live without the Armour( the divine cover normally she is wearing it like Karnnan ) Sam is the Divine Armour for me "

She rushed in to the kitchen. It's true Sam is her Sun and money is her sun rays and that's her sunny.

Next hour, they both stood in the interview hall which had been decorated with a magnificently tremendous tower!

 "Wasn't James is an adorable artistic architect Krishna?". 

 "Yes he is an architect Sarah." 

"The atmosphere  was  absolutely attracting the visitors, surrounded with green trees sensational fragrance and artistic building 🏢🏢🏢 are phenomenally mind blowing".

 "They went  with some other closest friends such as Rajeskanna,Krishna Menan, Ravi Shankar and Rada krishna each of them has been doing some sort of service important".

 "Plus there were some villains too presented  including  Ragu Ram with his gang members".

 "He was a kind of   villain, who told Sam that he will be death like Gandhi or Martin Luther King and...and...and many other heroes".

"At the same time, for their sweetest surprise,the tremendous temple was  overall overwhelming with  overcrowd of people because of a greatest press interview with blessing Baba".

 "Meanwhile, other foreign news paper reporters,.cameramen and some important  peoples had been arriving , arriving and arriving from every parts of the world".

"All of a sudden, an amazing additional Sam!"

Oh God! "

People thought that there was only one Sun ,but seeing two wasn't it terrific?

Tremendously...terrific so specific it was outstandingly heroic appearance which made a difference! 

"No wonder, some girls eyes were wondering in spying the two inspiration-ally splendor and gorgeous guys". 

"James surprisingly  noticed the London Sam ,too was wearing white and white with a black belt !!!!! " 

 "Oh Gooooooood!"

 Joyous James thanked to God witnessing the gorgeous creation cutely.

"White and white!!!! What an interesting identical twins!"

" James exclaimed excitedly and emotionally !".

On one hand, everyone was amazing watching the secret of these sweet gorgeous guys gracious good look with exclamation marks on their elegant eyes !!!!!

Their fantastic faces were like loyal Lord's leaders  with lots of question marks! Some public were with their  open mouths".

"Wasn't it a splendor even wonder?"

Their walks and their talks; their styles! Their gestures greatly expressed exactly there is Krishna in association with all these activities! "

"Accidentally James glanced at a signboard marked: 


"In other words, the identical Sams and Marina's personalities were 100% identical!"

"Can any intelligent could describe the reason behind their hundred percent identical creations apart from their Guru, A.C Bhavedanda Prabhupada or Baba?"

"However Krishna's  devotees  describe the Science". 

They realize the force behind these forces?

Best of all, the twins sensational scent smiles began  to illuminate the silver star lights like fragrance flower 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌹❤️🌹! ,"

They were the shiniest  silver sun rays

On the other side, another angel oh goodness !...

 "London Marina! Happily heading towards her soft Srilankan merrily Marina!

The Maha Mantra was on the Baby blue loud 🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊 speakers"

"Oh yeah , Grandma gladdened greatly opening her both hands in emotions together with all their parents!"

"She told them some advice 
Do you want to watch that?"

"Yes Krishna"

"Well said Krishna". 

"They were wearing waving softest synthetic heavenly half saries in iridescent. What a decent descendants of divine !".

"Yes described as a proven presents from another like our guru is a descendant of lord Krishna as 32nd teacher of scriptures!"
"What is Iridescent Krishna?"

"It is showing bright colours that  seems to change when seen from different angles ".  

"The long skirts with beautiful borders in silver turns to gold in different angles that kinds of effective and attractive ". 

As red as red roses! What a star look with their star welcoming beauty!
Whereas the villains were looking at them cunningly like eagles with their eager eagle-eyes!"

"The dirtiest foxes were not invited,  their  presences panicking both blessed birds , twinkle Marinas!

 "Oh goodness!"

"Are they Goddesses?"

"God is there"

Peoples shouted surprisingly!

 "Oh hhhhh grace 💗 it sounded gloriously glamorous lovely lily  ladies moon lit illuminated from their eyes and decorated the hall beautifully bright!".

No wonder,which made the people
confused with the scientists theories about the evolution.

To be fair, they were like moving magnificently marvelous golden temple lamps...adequate height, accurate wait!
"Some shouted look!!!Look!!!!

"Who are they?"

"Supremely superb... 
...Wonder women?" 
"There was a warming welcoming as it was already informed in the same Krisna temple 🕍 when she was blessed by Baba with ruby reward". 

 "The entire area was surrounded with attractive aromas astonishingly unbelievable scents smelling softly which was so sweet".

"On the other hand, the grey umbrella of the atmosphere began to be fair with these double pairs, was inspiration-ally protecting the people from over heating". 

"What an  inspiring charming when the shining golden lamps were walking in wearing heavenly half waving saris!"

"Their out fits are heavenly gifts such an outcome 💗 no wonder their half saris were  welcoming outstandingly!

"They are  jeweled by their beautiful smiles!"

"Wow! It was a splendor  gracious !!! It had made people forgot to breath like Marina did while witnessing Sam's  Charm father!". 

"Needn't to say, their parents had began to wipe their silver tears spilling from their nicest eyes as pretty pink pearls".

"Nothing surprising in watching  the best blessed boys were enjoying over joys 
astonishingly just by looking their identical angels ankle bells through their super half saries"

What a wonderful world ❤️❤️ their best bangles bells are heard happily as though some jewels falling from the sky replacing the rain?

Yeah! It was something like infusing an excellently confusing sweetest perfume of Divine? 
Lord Krishna !!!

"London Marina exclaimed in seeing her sweetest sister with glittering eyes!!!"

What a wonder women  waking witnessing them, the sleeping ignorance class people's minds sets waking up"

As though  the walking golden temples appeared in front  of the public what an unknown confront!? "! 

They shared  the most memorable experiences, kind of happy thoughts as though they just bought the entire gardens in the world.

Can we imagine each complementing the other with enlightenment! 

"They were treasures, enchanting treasures see the enjoyments in the faces of their heroes gold mine yes such divine!"

 Lots of peoples were anxiously awaiting the adorable answers of the wonder women and the miraculous men.

 These angelic angels and their attractive  heroes! 

Wow wordless, seeing each other after their long term separation !"

Suddenly Blessing Baba stood in front of them! 
With the blue book called "The Science of Self-Realisation" 
in his hand!"

How fascinating wow fascinating like the fascinations in the faces of the babies.

"Pardon Krishna?"
"Like the  crying babies resting in the laps of their mothers!!!"
"So cute 🥰 !"

"Full of Father's protection; full of joys and full of smiles on their long pink lips".

"What a pretty package of peace ✌️ the greatest strength of mother is unshakable "

"Certainly  💕 even if the sky collapses and falls, would the babies calmness and their joys disappeared?" 

"No Krishna!"

...they would be smiling like smiling Sam with diamonds  travelling from their faces".

"Exactly!!!!They felt like that they  have been seated on their fathers and mothers  laps"

"In fact, today is Krishna Jeyanthy means the birthday of Lord krishna,too."

" Unexpectedly  Baba called both supremely identical twins and proudly said smilingly and publicly:"

"Remember, these two twinkle twins stars are the evidences of the Divine existence".

Some of the audience were clapping 👏🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 waves of vibration touching the sky!!!

"In real, these people have lots of respect in every aspect in my heart"...

"Please don't be upset of hearing this news...
...Marina(s) and Sam (s) ,can you come forward?"

"Saints smiled".

"Dear children! 

 Please, please understand how little we understand about the  unbelievable administration of the amazing Lord of the Lords, Krishna."

..."Can you imagine the way Marinas and Sams' being interestingly identical activities and identical looks?"

 "Didn't they hook you?"
Ha.,,ha...he laughed lovingly! 

 "Of course, I can read from your lovely look...

... You might have seen these types of people in your life,but have you ever thought of the Divine actions behind these reactions within their actions????." 

 " Have you????" 

"He walked while talked reminding what Sam does.

He too smilingly walked with his silk garment a kind of rose cutest colour".

"Can anyone tell us the reason of identical people are acting identically?"

"After a moment, he said, 

"Don't worry children I will tell you because you wouldn't answer this kind of question".

..It is divine duty of man to  know the Basic Cause of the universe. 

All our  misery is due  to separation from that Source of all .


Since man too  is a spark of the same First Cause,he too made of the same components . 

The Gopis and Gopalas  though they were not learned, they knew that Krishna was the visible embodiment of that Will ...Divine Will who manifested.

"Of course ,you would say it is because of the identical DNA had been split in to two" .

"This is material science , but let me tell you the Supreme Science!

 Oh yeah, Supreme Science. Definitely you may answer the questions in material science".

  "Nevertheless, People take lots of time to realize the reality of the Supreme Personality's Supreme activities". 

"Man today tends to see only the   money 💸💸💸💸💸💸 leaving aside the vision of  the One  Originator.

 No competition no confusion which only lead to confliction".

"Excuse me Krishna  what is confliction?"

"It's serious disagreement Sarah".

"Thanks 👍"

"Because which is incomprehensible to the ordinary peoples even having some ordinary degrees from some ordinary universities''

*Baba blessed 🙏🙏🙏 the couples with waving hands*

"Then he turned towards the reporters".

"Listen lovely reporters describe to the whole world that  you can only understand a small degree of books knowledge". 

 "Our degree knowledge will be  vanished if we do not work in the same field of degree,all are forgotten because of our shortest memories...ha...ha..."

"To be brief, university wouldn't understand the universe.They so far understood just 4 % out of 100% of the greatest technology,of the cosmology."

"Blessing Baba took the white towel and mopped his pearly sweats".

 Then smiled:

"Please understand such as the biology, astrology, radiology, technology, numerology are based on cosmology energy which is the Universe". 

"Did...  did anyone learn  this in the universities?"

People 's eyes were staring at Baba thoughtfully in complexion!

"He carried on,
" Factually, you might have learned the time took to the scientists to discover the distinctive, description of the distinct evolution by researching and studying the mutation, variation following the Natural selection and the domination and recessive in the activities of the cells developments within the body...

"He smiled allowing some time to the paper  reporter taking the points especially  the heroes".

"We are forced to see these everest and mountainous evidences to prove you that we all  are controlled by the Divine through our divine souls".


People's eyes asked eagerly  watching him like eagles because of their were  unbelievably sharp and doubtful. 

"He re-continued...asking ,

"Am I correct?"

"No one was capable of realizing the fact he was going to make".

"He smiled in saying softly and sweetly":

“ It is according to our actions and reactions,we have been classified in to three classes,some are controlled by their ignorance activities ; some are controlled by their passion activities whereas some are controlled by goodness activities following our past and present actions and reactions namely Karma".

"Excuse me...I am extremely very, very sorry to interrupt you Divine Grace!... 

..."in that case, why there are mostly the people who are deeply devotional only selected or elected to be the greatest  sufferers?”

"Wow...Wow...Wow....It was Renuga, James's single  sister who has been suffering in experiencing kidney failures"...

 "Suddenly, She began to wipe her heart broken salted regret rain which were dripping...

drip ...drop...drip...drop her tears dropping like silver pearls on the fresh flower"!.

"Then she carried on smartly using Sam's microphone apologetically: 

"Being an ordinary woman, seeing the extraordinary people have been struggling, and worrying in spite of following divine paths'

She stopped and crying like a baby.

"Her belly was shaking her brother, James was hugging in wiping her tears'' by his bare hands". 

''meanwhile their mother, Gayatry was embracing them wordlessly"

 "I am asking ,Why...why...  for instance, both identical pairs are suffering from their young ages!? 


Her worried words cutely caught again  in her dried throat.


 "Could you explain  us Divine Grace ?"

"Certainly regrettably Renuga was compassionately questioning regardless her 💔 bleeding heart". 

"Factually, she has a secret of the secrets even we can say it's a sacred secret".

" Actually from her 15 years, she had been researching for her fondest father with the help of the developed technology, in the internet service". 

"Why Krishna  ❣️?"

"It was as soon as she came to know her serious sickness, she was so, so serious in finding her British Dad".

"Oh goodness sad for her Krishna"
"Now she is in her late teen wearing a half sary grass green colour and banana yellow blouse; her hair was left loose just being washed fragrantly". 

" She stopped wearing jewels! In any case, she doesn't have or need".

"Hearing her hurtful honey heart rendering  💔 voice, many people were thrilled,moved emotionally was a kind of thriller and puzzled without their knowledge, they looked at her compassionately though". 

"In fact, she was usually a reserved characteristic, but hearing one of her best friends had died last week, she had been badly affected". 

"Obviously she fears whether she, too might pass away before seeing her adorable Dad due to her kidney disease which had been deteriorating her health condition bad  to worse."

"Watching this, the sky was suddenly saddened and immediately it was tired of holding a gigantic grey umbrella, started showering slightly and sensationally's beautifully exchanged to blue and grey clouds ☔☂️☔☂️☔☂️! 

"The Sun was silent nevertheless unhappily watching for the out come and her out fit kind of  simple half sary".

 Swami  worried...then answered amazingly: 

"Dear darling! 

"We know so many people in so many countries who are considering the money is their subject matter and it is their Divine". 

He adjusted his emotional throat".

"Then he said:
"To be fair, you asked a good question "...

..." listen everyone!" Good people and Lord's conscious people, who have been following the Lord's rules and regulations are in troubles double than other ordinary people and some times devotees are even in terrible conditions because if we do not have the troubles,we will not think of the king of the kings; the cause of the causes. 

Consequently, we must  take birth after birth up on our horrible deaths".

Nevertheless,the one who knows the one who lives in every-one will join the Divine One ,no more birth namely salvation...

This is why Christians are doing charity, yeah!?
"Only to approach the Divinity."

"We don't care of having birth after births”,another angry voice from an unknown person". 

"The saints sincerely serious now ignoring the other one ,he carries on with Renuga."

"Dear Renuga!"

"She was surprised to hear her name was pronounced by the Guru, Mystic guru  Baba and she was standing as a golden statue!  

"She had began  wiping  ...crying for joy. 

People sympathised."

"Listen every one this is from Gita page 100 text 27 Lord said",

"One who has taken his birth is sure to die,and after death one is sure to take birth again. Therefore,in the unavoidable discharge of your duty,you should not lament means worry why you worry?".

"The greatest thing is, besides you have been suffering in kidney disease, you are worried for other people! Darling!"
"Baba wiped away his tears!!!" 
"Oh goodness!!!! The ...the entire audience carried on crying!!!!!"

"You worried of your friend who passed away last week" .

"Aren't you?" 

"Renuga  shocked, feeling faint and excited in wondering again in considering how on Earth Mystic   Baba knew what her heart feels and the mind thought ?"

"Her beautiful body was shaking in sweetest chock of divine!"

"In weeks time you will cry for more and more joy then you will know how little the Lord  loves you dear".

"Renuga darling please pay a pilgrimage visit with all of your families and friends to Thirupathi vengadesar in India please do not request any materials."

"why you fear when Divine is there?”

"Rajesh Kanna on the   other hand looked at  Renuga  trying to hide his emotional tears by noticing her welling tears, he was worried like a woman and cried like a woman" 

"He knows her life threatening kidney trouble. Not only that, once he saw a note in her desk saying,

"Dad I wanted to see you before I die because I have been suffering from kidney failure which can't be treated with our poor income".

"Accidentally the mystic  Guru glanced at  Rajesh Kanna...whereas Rajeshkanna glanced at his hand  ...where he wrote  his lost lover's name by a knife .

"But for his surprise of the surprises,  miraculously her name was almost disappeared instantly!

 Although which was written by a sharp knife!"

"The saint had waved his hands and blessed him sincerely".

Please could you tell us in a simple way how we have been controlled by the divine?" 

"A British generalist asked politely."

"Listen everyone!"

"It is a greatest question factually we all are controlled."


By giving us a particular time to take our births and a specific time to die".

"It is after completing our given times and given duties."

" Especially,taking in to account of our bad actions and the good actions..."

 "Oh yeah! Just just following the times of births and the deaths."


"Simple, there is a divined link with the cosmology and the nine planets namely solar system......Believe it or not,they are controlling us as a result, we have been experiencing good life and bad or sad life during our  lives...

"You know how?"

"It is  by their movements. Our engagement in goodness and badness have been controlled due to our life styles have been filed in divine as diary."

" Yes! The planetary movements can be calculated by the perfect astrologers perfectly. This is it"...

"Unexpectedly,people noticed the way the Srilankan Sam was reddened regarding rewarding regrets in  Renuga's situation".

 "Worst of all, he could not console her brother, James who was crying loudly! In fact, he was not a crying baby". 

Watching his only lovely sister's serious status of borrowing up Sam's microphone and telling her terribly heart 💔bleeding history publicly".

"Mrs. Jonathan, James and Renuga's marvelous mother. She was an example of a pure love . 

She was a graduated teacher in London she loved Jonathan, a class mate in the uni and married legally without her parents knowledge".

 "But her Parents considered they had married illegally, consequently,she was separated from her husband by force from London"...

..."Now she was shocked to know the sweetest secret of her lovely loyal daughter's hunger of her fondest father". 

"She felt as though she was in the mouth of a crocodile!"

 "Can any one imagine of being in the mouth of a crocodile,  but no more....  

....Only sooner hearing Baba blessings"..

"She, too was extremely thirst of him! Her heart had been in a state or feeling of broken down into pieces 💔 yes  broken in to pieces...

"She lost her peace. The reason why she did not marry anyone else".

"Moreover, although Mr Jonathan was seriously sick and had been admitted in the hospital due to a life threatening disease, just after her first few weeks of marriage, learning he wouldn't able to be a father, cause of his mysterious medical condition, she, Mrs Jonathan  begged and  requested regretted the doctor to freeze his sperm as she wanted to have only his children."

"As a result, firstly James born in a kind of fertility treatment. 

There after again following the same treatment, Renuga was born ". 

"Nonetheless nonsensical  parents separated  while her fondest father was in the hospital seriously ill". 

"She had no idea what happen to him neither her children."

"She, Renuga  would be always keeps her father's picture in her purse preciously".

"Mrs Jonathan would talk to her children about her royal romance from time to time"

 "Why Krishna?"

"Only to make them cry."

" Now she was in a pool of tears seeing his both children were in rain from their enchanting eyes. 

However happy ending".

"Last of all, please have an eye on a picture and a WhatsApp message shared by our tutor with his cousin, Srirangan who shared him a picture of Sankaracharya with his wordings read:

*गेयं गीतानामसहस्रं*
*ध्येयं श्रीपतिरूपमजस्रम् ।*
*नेयं सज्जनसङ्गे चित्तं*
*देयं दीनजनाय च वित्तम् ॥ २७॥*

Regularly recite from the Gita, meditate on Vishnu in your heart, and chant His thousand glories. Take delight to be with  the noble and the holy. Distribute your wealth in charity to the poor and the needy.

The above black letter is from Srirangan 

Below the blue writing is our tutor 's response to him:

"Wow you become blessed because 

the Braman ; 

the Atman ;

the Paramatman;

 the Visnu all are Krishnan.

Sivan and  the above Shankaracharya are Yogies.* 

Shivan is the favourite Yoges and devotee of Krishna.

Shankaracharya is Shivan devotee because his father is a Shivan devotee,too.

Shankaracharya is a godly gifted and talented child for his parents, studied  Hinduism in a particular school of Vedas and eventually become scholar.

Thanks for sharing Ranganna

Go a head God a head.
God bless 🙏

"Excuse me Krisna!

"I'm hearing Sarah" 

"Does duty means  the country, the culture and the 
community Krishna?"

"Correct Balaraman these
are  part of our responsibilities as long as we are in the bonding work and being in bondage of iron age, we have to comply with the Mother Nature's Management under Siva's agreement as Lord Shiva  is the favorite devotee of Krishna and carer of uncared people of Supreme Personality of God head. "

"Oh my God how can we get out of this continuous agony many not even care of this principle  Krishna please ?"

"Rupa Goswsmi says that as long as we are in this material world,we have to act we cannot cease acting".

"What where Krishna?"

"In Chapter nine  of Bhagawadgita as it is"

"Don't worry sweetest hearts ...when we work for selfish service we have to stick with that ''.

"If we work for Self-Realization Krishna?"

"We only please the Holy God not the demigods headed by Shiva's commandment who is Krishna's deepest devotee in fact, Lord Shiva is a Vaisnava". 

"What ? Are you kidding Krishna?" 

"No Lord Krishna's sport, Leela"

Is knowing the Originator and being grateful and gratitude is a must to be liberated Krishna?"

"Yes ".
"Why Krishna is it because 
who sustains the many, 33 million of demigods Krishna?"

"In addition, whoever following the demigods even they are invited to their planets, that is temporary". 

'Noooooooo it's too much Krishna!'

"In their planets we have to die; we have to get old ;we have to suffer from disease".

"Why Krishna why?"

"Contamination like pandemic 
 quality of conditioned  soul."

"Why Krishna?"

"Pursuing I mean by following their ego, intelligence and minds, even we went to their planets we will be kicked out as soon as our storage of pious period passed."

"Are their planets are like human planet kind of temporary Krishna?"

"Yes little bit long life"

"That's awful that's it Krishna ?"

"Provide prove KRISHNA,?"  

"Have you ever seen how Brahma looks like?''

'Yes he looks old with milk white beautiful beard like cinema hero Achit Krishna.




"Have you ever seen how Lord's wives look like?''

"Yes they look like just like young adolescence,,( just from teen to twenty five )Krishna ''

"So krina ,unless we analysed and realised, we work, work and work in different bodies only to satisfy our senses like demigods Krishna?"

"Of course! Realisation is the liberation  Krishna  is the cause of all causes?".

"Thanks 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Krishna "

"So knowing God through demigods step by step like Srilankan  express  pretty progress and impress of Papah Realisation and leading towards 
 the liberation Greatest 💕 hearts 💕 ".

"Krishna so we all are pretty pity people knowing nothing , nothing at all about the Sacred Soul?"

"Sure certainly Lord Krishna  is Atman , Lord Krisna is Paramatman; Lord  Visnu is Krishna's embodiment , and all are derived from Divine".

"Does it mean Prama Yythy Krishna?"

"Listen our major matter is knowing Krishna"

"So Krishna is our  subject matter ?"

"Obviously He is the Originator, but bad luck unknowingly we are working harder and harder to become better and better in material comfortability not spiritual stability "

"Worst of all,  we are  considering it is as our object matter only to leave them upon leaving the material body Krishna".

 Certainly overall , we are behind some gurus who only concern or care of our deadly present body not godly Divine Daddy. Isn't it a tragedy for everybody Krishna?"

"Unmistakably Siva".

"Oh my God Krishna! Fortunately we are on the Royal Road in watering the root Krishna?"

Correct !In this way, we will be freed from bondage to work and its auspicious and inauspicious results means positivity and negativity will be .
 cancelled mean no karma no rebirths

"Dot the pot; the clay and    the Potter is our Original Papa 💓💕 Krishna?"

"Absolute truth 💗💯'



Hare Krishna!

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