"Krishna...Krishna...look ...look!".

"Please Krishna we better begin the narration with my favorite  mantra   !"

"Why not Peter?"

"Thanks Peter marvelous mantra!"

"See there are millions of common women who have been interested in common conditions of life whereas some women are uncommon like some men they are more attractive than the common community to the Supreme Personality".

"Why Krishna in that case,  Lord Krishna is being discriminative like  racist we mean separatist in all the countries"

 No He is transcendental by showing partial to some of his devotees and making them transcendental too".

"What does it mean Krishna?".

"Spiritual Jewels and spiritual angels"

"Evidence Krishna?".

"Sure Lord  said in Gita Text 29:

samo ham sarva bhutesuna me dvesyo sti na priyah 
Ye bhajanti tu mam bhaktya ,the tesu capt aham "

"We didn't get the point KRISHNA  is it in Sanskrit Science Krishna 💞"

"I  envy to no one, nor I'm partial to anyone, I'm equal to all .But whoever render service unto Me in devotion, is a friend to me".

'Oh I want to be His friend Krishna '

"That is why we wonder what the weather going to be Krishna we haven't our  umbrellas with us image if we were in this weather condition to go and meet our favourite characters 
 Krishna ☔  ☔ ☔! "

"Yes Krishna what kind of reaction of the bond ?".

"You mean the reaction of  chemistry in the atmosphere following the present of  Sam and  Marina Barbara?"

"Sure Krishna... we do not know whether it is the bond elements, between oxygen and hydrogen ,water molecules or Marina and Sam covalent bond of divine diamonds Krishna?".

"Let's see  whether it's the hydrogen bonds in H2 0 or different types of bonding so called  Divine Level Chemistry glory". 

" O.K ! two three :

"Excuse  me Krishna! Hold on please my teacher asked me to tell her how to cook my favorite vegetable dish Krishna as part of my home work because of my construction of description "

"Do you need help or you  know it Rosy ?"

" Krishna I can do it ".

"Can you intruct to us Rosy?"

"But she requested to use times connectives Krishna"

" What are they I have no clue Krishna?".

"Anyone could help her please I have the same problem Krishna?"


"Can you Meera?"

"Oh simple we use:

1) First 
2) then
3) next 
4) soon 
5)  and then
6) afterwards and
7) finally .

"Thanks Meera". 

"Ohhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees can I try now Krishna?"

"Certainly Rosy how you cook your favourite  dish Rosy?"
Anyone come up and help her please ".

" I can do it Krishna "

"Please proceed your INTRUCTION Rosy". 

 " 1) First take some water in a sauce pan Krishna ".

"Alright I have taken Rosy".

"2) Then put the egg in the water Krishna".

"Pardon Rosy?" 

"Please do what I say Krishna!" 

"3) After heat the water till it boils Krishna ".

"Okay Rosy".

"Done Rosy ".

"4) Next simmer gently for three minutes Krishna ".

"Right keep up below boiling point Rosy ?"

"5) Yeeeeeeeees Soon lower the heat to simmer Krishna. "

"Alright pretty well done your vegetable dish Rosy ha...ha..."

"I have not completed Krishna!!!"

"6) And then turn off the heat Krishna"
"Done Rosy". 

"7) Afterwards,take the eggs out of the water Krishna".

"I have taken it Rosy "

"8) Finally the vegetable is ready to eat krishna!".

"What is it called Rosy?"
"My favorite vegetable dish Krishna ".


"Could we commence our narration Krishna?"

"Brilliant no more vegitable Rosy ha...ha... we thought you're  an  intelligent Rosy".

"Thank you Krishna". 

"Okay Krishna". 

"Could we commence our narration Krishna?"

"To be fair ,seeing the sweetest couple watching each other with pleasures,the Nature activating the five elements which are  showing their inner tender in outer atmosphere". 

" Yeeeeeeeees that's how they are in an unimaginable moods Krishna it is mind blowing feelings Krishna?"

"Thank you so much Krishna"

"🙏welcome Peter."..

 "What a delighted situation for Marina and Sam!!! 

"Exactly! Each and every beat of their hearts felt fabulous!"

"Wow !".

"Meanwhile, some of the glamorous  grey clouds were cooling them down  with the help of some generous green and shiny branches of the tremendous trees ". 

"What a fantastic freezing and beautiful breezing Krishna!".

"Who was there to appreciate the greatest act of the greatest Nature ignoring the scriptures and keep on killing the innocent creatures Krishna?"

"Don't we understand how the Nature classified us in three Classes?"

"What does it mean Krishna?"

"When we are being  in the worst class, eat what we like and not to do what we have to do,  we are classified as Ignorance Class Krishna?"

"Krishna, I think that we are in the Passion Class
attracted to  achieve all our ambitions in begging the demigods and hugging them up ha...ha..."

"Whereas the Goodness Class  are being like Sam and Marina.

"Surely Subathra". 

 "Their life styles are the examples of their excellent effort of education for the whole world Krishna"

"Correct Balaraman"
"Listen everyone"

"We are listening Krisna "

"Every living entity under the influence of material nature, has a particular type of body and particular type of psychological and biological activities."

"Ohhhhhhhh how many functions?"

"There are four classes of functioning"

"Pardon in the three material modes of nature?" .

"Hundreds percent "

"Those who are purely in the mode of Goodness are called?"

 "Bramanas. "

"Those who are purely in the mode of Passion are called?"


"Those who are in the modes of both passion and ignorance are called?"

" Vaisyas."

"Those who are completely in the mode of ignorance are called?"


"And those those who are less than that are called?"


"However , these designations are not permanent."

"What does it mean?"

"We can change it"

"How does it happen?"

" By developing devotion to Divine Daddy"

"In order to get outside the conditioned life?"

" Exactly become unconditioned mean Liberationon from birth cyclical movements by enlightenment."

"Evidence please Krisna?"

"Chapter7 Text 13 in Bhagavad-Gita"

"Oh goodness now we understand how the nature going to divide us and design our future births Krishna".

" Super understanding Sacred souls"
"So Krishna , does Super Nature  has been controlled by the Supreme power?"

" Ha.., to avoid the serious suphur rain and in the pain path of material desires Pamitta"

"No one knows it Krishna....does any one know it Krishna?"

 "We are under the Nature's controlled classes Siva".

"Every-one thinks it was naturally happening Krishna"!

 "But not Sam or Marina".  

"Krishna please carry on with our glory".

"OK...OK and ok...."
" Are they both still on the green grass Krishna?"

 "Yes it is indeed splendid such  great hearted couple 💓❤️❤️ ".

"So why in Srilanka young man called Krishna often sharing videos seeking helps to the young women separated although they had been love married krisna ?"

"That is everywhere as long as there are shiny green leaves, there have to be some yellow leaves as well following filthy films forgetting healthy Values of Vedas". 

"Please tell us  little bit more about Marina's life style Krishna!"

" Alright!!! Her house is pretty and fragrant the atmosphere  is fairly supreme....

 "She would often wakes up by listening the cutest animals' sweetest song after song!"

"What kinds of animals Krishna?"

"Especially her pretty pets such as monkeys, birds, parrots".

"We love them Krishna even the view was wow eye catching, mind blowing  and mouth opening Krishna!"


"She wanted to call him, but  shame on  her  ,word cought in her throat".

"She wanted to give him back the prettiest blooming perfumed plant he planted or gave her on her cheerful cheek Krishna ?"

"Absolutely out of filthy films some are healthy film as well" . 

"Does the rest remaining in the video could we watch it Krishna?"🙏

"Without fail Tulsy".

"Nevertheless, she was pretty shy. She spys him through the  corner of her elegant eyes it's looked lovely though Krishna".

"Why women are like that Krishna?"

"Amazing question Renuga!"

"According to Vedas,
they are naturally designed to be like that."

"Why Krishna we need the best answers?"

"As we all know, there are three gunas/ mind sets okay Sudah?

"What are they Krishna?"

1) The Sathwa-guna

2) The Rajas-guna

3) The Thamas-guna 

"In other words, how do we call them Meera?"

"Is it as same as

1)  The Ignorance
2) The Passion and 
3) The Goodness Krishna?

"Good girl you  got it give her some  cutest applause👏 please". 

"Krishna, does the Prakrithy ,the Nature is feminine?". 

"Sure sure Sarah.

"Krishna does Marina too has all these three gunas?!" 

"Absolutely even Rata has all these three gunas in limit"

" Krishna the general women have Sathwaguna,Thamasguna and  Rajasguna in ample measure ?". 

"Yes... yes... yes".

"They born and brought up with them"

"What is ample Krishna?"

"Quite enough or plentiful".

"Certainly Christina", 

they are by nature helpful;
 they are by nature tender
 they are by nature compassionate and
They are by nature humble and trustful only when they have been maintaining the SATHWA-GUNA ".

If they do not practice Mandra Meditation, they are not an ideal woman according to the vedas."

"Why Krishna what is the prove Krishna?".

"Once Lord Krishna with His friends, He wanted to have some meals because their packed meals were run out and they  felt  hungry."

"Mmmm I love eating temple meal with sacred blessings delicious taste and divinely perfumed Krishna ".

" We too already mouth watering because we didn't have our breakfast mum forced us to the tuition class as it was late Krishna". 

Ohhhhhhh goodness so so sorry Subathra dntworry Lord Krishna had sent some  boys to request food from brahmanas who had been making meals for major yaga  supplying super feast as the boys were like Subathra today".


"But the men had refused to give them any food before the festival begins, or not being served to themselves. "

"Then Krishna had advised them by-pass the men and ask the women behind the house who had been cooking for the feast"
"What does it mean feast Krishna?" 
"A large  amount of meal making a special  occasion, 🌹💐🏵🥀🌹💐 Roses".

"Then Krishna?"

The women had agreed to offer them some fabulous food fresh and fragrant flavours?"

"Ha...ha...ha...they immediately supplied super meals and they themselves had  carried up to Krishna,  forgetting their duty of cooking for the Yaga". 

"Next they have a good measure of Thamaguna they are timid and shy etc...".

 "Is it good that the women are such Krishna?".

They have been endowed by nature with only a small measure of Rajaguna recedes". My grandmother said Krishna "

"What does it endow mean  Krishna?"

"Provide with property or permanent income Siva". 

"Rasasguna making the woman aggressively bold ,adventures and desirous of freedom from restraint Krishna my mother said Krishna". 

"What does it, restrain  Krishna?"

"Keep controlling  stop from moving or acting freely"

"Example Krishna?"

"Their parents restrictions or husbands controls Sudah".

"But bad luck when they are not in the packthi-yoga, they are unable to be humble and simple ". 

"The day when Rajosguna is accepted as a mark of womanhood will mark the beginning of the end of femininity" 
(Baba said). 
"What does Baba mean Krishna?"

"If the women go out of control more than necessary because of Rasasguna( means Passion Class) ,they are no longer lovable. "

"You are being rude krisna here in Britain  they cannot be home bounded Krishna!!!"

"Cool down why are you shouting Rosy ?"

"And... and as a result, becoming like bossy, busy and crazy of money jewels and interested properties value not Vedas value in end view like some of the eastern university leavers left in western style of life they often go restaurants with their friends and arriving home pretty  late Krishna ".

"Sure  Rata isn't it antisocial behaviour?" 

"Absolutely Krishna!" 

"And waking up at antisocial time Krishna".

"In addition, loosing automatically healthy and wealthy life style Krishna". 

"Yes krishna early to bed and early to rise,  make the man wealthy and healthey Krishna?!" 

"When we care on in these types of lazy and crazy  behaviours, our siblings,  and parents following up as a set up rules and regulations regularly Krishna ".

"Sure ! This types of threatening life styles reducing the happy hormons and COLLAGEN.  This out look of life, will soon give old look in joung age Krishna ".

 "Could you tell us an example vedicaly so that we can remember why women have to obey man Krishna?"

"OK Meera": 

"The Jiva (Atma) is the controlled. Right?"


"Who is Jiva Krishna ?"

"He is our Sacred Soul, individual soul "


" The  Easwara is the controller. Right?"

"Yeah, who is Easwara Krishna?"

"Easwara is the Supreme Lord, Krishna".

"The Super Nature is acting as a wonder wife of Lord Krishna and monitoring Karmic people". 

 "If the wife pretending to be a husband, it is out of culture; out of scriptures and out of Nature".
"Ohhhhhh....Ohhhhhhh we got it Krishna".
"When we turn the key towards right, the door 🚪 opens and when we turn the key  towards  left , the  door will be closed". 

"Definitely Durga". 

"Absolutely  give her some 🍫 🍫 🍫 🍫 🍫 🍫 🍫 please ".

"Thanks Durga". 

"Please carry on the Great Hearts 💕!" 💕 ""

 "Marina  could not pronounce a word, but wetting her long lips which were dried  as pink as a  rose".

"Super Sam glanced at her hip not in a bad motivation...  just thinking how on earth  she was carrying a massive copper pot , brown colour on her slim hip!"

"!!In deed difficult he noticed that  her hip  was squashed by the pot in the hot weather". 

"She was not worried of anything;  she  is  phenomenally glamorous and glad... gazed at Sam affectionately forgetting her pain tired and lost most of the water 💦💦💦💦💧💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 on her body!"

"If it was a cinema of India ,by now there would be thousands of songs would be carried on and on, but that's not a suitable thing to describe this lovers Krishna".

"Ha...ha..,correct Retna it was the loveliest holy status. Simply they are wordless...what a wonderful warming state of them in calm realm!" 

"We understand why the circumstances forced them!!! Wordless Krishna".

"If it was an English cinema, it would have been  bombarded with lips kisses,however their status were like lotus fragrantly fabulous status Krishna". 
"Definitely Durga!". 

"They did not loose their control
 they are self-possessed;
they are self-confidence and they are self-respect, they enjoyed the fragrant molecules from the lotus flowers through the air as they know the purpose of the purposes of being human is understanding the status of mankind." 

"They knew how to control like Rama and Sita, their uncontrollable feelings . In fact the atmosphere is displaying their inner interests on the baby blue sky Krishna".

"Correct Balaraman". 

"Was it true that there was a bridge made by hand with the help of massive monkey from India up to Srilankan to rescue Sita Krishna?".

"Yes or no  Krishna?"

"Yes students" 

"Evidence Krishna?"

"Please 🙏 open the black veil Pammitta".

"Unbelievable Krishna God bless you 🙏🙏"

"Could we carry on Krishna?"


Impossible to explain even the moon was blinking her eyes at hidden sun... impossible to imagine; impossible to see; deeper, tender, sweeter and softer which has the power of melting any one's heart!...

He looked at the sky in thanking to the divine to create such  fairest figure remembering his father's favourite poem ", 

"Could we hear or watch melodious poem Rudra which suggests Krishna?"

"Why Rudra?" 

"Just  in favour and honour of Marina and Sam couple Krishna it's my parent's  favourite, too Krishna?".

"Thanks Krishna".

"No worries may be at the end Rudra "

"No problem Krishna". 

"Sam smiled charmingly, for her astonishment, he took his formidable flute after long time which was in his black back trousers pokets!"

"Marina's elegant eyes brown  balls were shivering, shining and smiling when she saw his fantastic flute she loves him because he  copys Lord Krishna and he acts like Lord Rama".

"Sooner his lips touched the flute, she glanced at him like a Goddess luxmi he layed a phenomenal tune to his moon as she often used to ask him to play...because it was her ruby radiant rays". 

"It expressed the impressive long term delayed delighted loyal love and supremely sensational kind of the top most best silent love was smelling  in additional attractive state."

"That was her favourite song ever,
Smiling Sam played it in his honey flute fantastically"…
"What is the title of the song Krishna?"

"I’ve been alone with you inside my mind":

"This was the song she had sang in a function before leaving the college Krishna?".

"When was it Krishna?"
"Correct before leaving the college".

"Wow I wish I was Marina Krishna ".
"Beautiful idea Rosy who wish that you were  Sam then?"

" I sit next to Rosy Krishna?"


! By the way,when she had sung, you could have heard a pin dropped!".
"Was it Krishna?"

 "Sure! The entire people or audience were mesmerised miraculously".

"Rudra why you look at Rosy like that  ?"

"Because...I'm demonstrating how Sam does it with Marina ".


"Sam good at reading  her mind and  good at peacing others in offering their desires at the correct occasion dynamically".

"We wonder what kind of class mates Krishna?"  

"Distinct devotional and decent class mates,  Christina" 

"After a few years of disappearance and Ruby reappearance, they both sounded superbly magnetic, musical instruments from Lord Krishna's abode isn't it Krishna?" 

"Sure !!! It’s called simply "Supreme Science with material science connective and seductive". 

"Interesting indeed inspiring Krishna!"

"Undoubtedly Sudah it describes the absolutely amazing productive of perfect pleasure...which amazingly suppressed all their worries impressively and it expressed like the sleeping Rata beauty. 

"Such a pretty impressive moment Krishna".

"The sweetest melody in the universe heard in the years of a loyal lady who  loves a loyal sacred soul". 

"All her worries during the past years would have been vanished very fastly and miraculously Krishna?"!

" Correct Christina!Both sat on the green grass under the shade of the superbly green trees! Regardless of her, wet velvet garment they felt fantastic ! 

"Rudra take your seat please!"

"What's wrong Rosy?"

"Rudra is sitting beside me Krishna "


"Meanwhile, the warmest air out side was wonderfully infused to the confused couple which tremendously produced  enhancing electrons to warm them up and calm them down charmingly even her   wet clothes had been dried considerably and sublimely."

"Obviously which  tripled their charm and warmed them up with golden cutest calm lovingly. It seemed  like they were in the realm of Lord Krishna aren'tthey Krishna?".

"Appreciate a matter of fact,they were the example of a divine couple in the heaven.They were wonderfully very, very comfortable with the feeling of their closeness".

 "Wasn't it called happiness  in goodness class Krishna?" 

"Their genius genes have been magnificently magnified their tenderness. Again the fair air beautiful breezes made them feel so pleasing...

She bit her sensual lip sensationally when he gazed at her tremendous hip in taking a sip of fresh water left on a brown pot in the ground!

 ...It tasted like a divined nectar juice as though she had made it from the  freshest  oranges from heaven. 

At the same time, the giggling green grasses had grown a bit more and more just to see her fabulous tip of exciting lovely lips. It increased her femininity and made her more and more pretty.

"Seeing this devotionally emotional couple, even the inspirational lovely trees have been fanning, fanning and fanning  them in dancing and kissing each of their branches in shining while doing their excercise .

"On the other side, her pet parrot had a sweet shock!!!". 

"However,Marina's  pretty pet 🦜 parrot was an exceptional, hiding from Sam" . 

"Why on earth a pet was hiding from Sam Krishna?"

"All because she was the one who had left her husband from Sam's home".

"Are you joking Krishna ha...ha...ha...hilarious Krishna ha...ha...ha...we love it Krishna"

"Ye hundred percent Peter".
"Why the parrot 🦜 left the pair over their Krishna?"

" Her promise was,  "Unless Marina and Sam engaged , the pair parrot wouldn't return to her husband's cage"

"What Krishna?"

" unless Sam and Marina's long term friendship has come to a happy conclusion Krishna?". 


"Ha...ha...ha...hilarious Krishna so cutest Krishna" 

"Such a brilliantly rightful and greatly thoughtful, lawful such a parrot in the world excising Krishna?!!!" .

"Now no wonder,the prettiest parrot was in tender and she was so, so pleased to see the sweetest scene of the greatest hearts...

"She stood up to see more closer while they are together with peace and pleasure!"

"Again Marina gave a tremendously mesmerising target by her honey attractive arrow in widening her stupendous eyes brows like Arjuna's bow and arrow"...
"Wow! Who is going to win the war Krishna, Aruna or Krishna?". 

"Both because there is no competition just a matter of corporation, Ruby "
"It was enchanting exceptionally enchanting, seen in this material world as in the spiritual world, he was in the garden of golden roses again in finding his treasure Krishna". 

" ha...ha.....undoubtedly!Unexpectedly, her wonderfully cheerful eyes refused to see his eyes".

"Why Krishna?" 

"Why not?"...

"At the same time, her thoughtful pets such as pigeons, parrots, squirrels and monkeys surrounded together around them".

"However, her monkey, Rna ,a miraculous monkey with divine understanding said,

" Ssshhhhhh!..."don't distract or disturb them just watch the scene ",

That's what he meant.. by curiosity, the special monkey asked the clever  pretty parrot,

"What is his name ?"

"The pretty colorful and the proudest parrot replied",

"Hare Krishna
 Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna
Hare Hare;
Hare Rama
Hare Rama
Rama Rama
Hare Hare"

"Rna broken down in to smile by shouting" ,

"Isn't it too long name ?"


"Are...are... you crazy ?" 


"No one could not understands the cleverest monkeys' language,but the parrot ,yes"…

"I know something about the mantra. Of course, I do not have a man mind or  body, but still have a man brain". 

He was silent for a moment.

"Certainly, certainly when we stand behind a donkey, it will kick. That, that is my situation... no body listen to me all because of my Karma",
"Monkey Rna 🐒 🐵 added emotionally to the proudest parrot". 

"I have been provided this body".

"He could not wipe away his tears."

"At least next body should be a human body for me ,I hope so. Reason being, graciously I know the activities of the divinity and my actual identity is sacred soul".

 "For example,when we recite the mighty empowered mantra, it vibrates miraculously". 

"Then what is happening Rna?"

"The vibrations' particle passing to the ear".

"Pardon how Rna?"
"Through the air

"Where .. the VIBRATION derived from? "

 "From the ears hair ". 

"Wow next Rna?"

"Next  the ear drums vibrate".

 " Wow !!!After that Rna?"

"The bones I mean the tiny,tiny bones within the ears vibrating". 

"Later what's happening  Rna?"

"The brain getting the message of Mandra became it's godly empowered ". 

"This is how the vedic vibration passing to the Lord of the Lords ears through the atoms of the universe as he lives in everyone and separated from everyone" .

"Finally the parrot said the truth to Rna :"

"Believe it or not, it is the truth. Factually, I lived at  Sam's home with my husband".

"Are you joking parrot?"

"Noooooo my God! Practically all of the times I used to hear these names". 

"However, my husband is so skillful a real man with manly skilled, he often used to say " ,

"What was it what did he say could you tell me pretty 🦜parrot?"

"Wife, you don't understand much English that's why you confused with his real name and a mighty Maha  Mantra like Hindus don't bothered of Bhagawad-Gita".

"Furthermore,he had been  arguing some times,saying that his name is "Sam” 

"That's right your husband must be a brilliant man"

"Let me finish it monkey 🐒 "

"Mind my name is Deva Rna "

"What..what is the meaning?"

"There are three missions of us".


"Listen number one Deva-Rna the debts to be repaid to the Gods.

"My second  brother's name is Rishi-Rna.

"What is that?".

The debts owed by man to the gurus, sages and seers.

"My younger brother is Pithr-Rna, the debts pay to the parents".

"What a Vedic names !Who named you monkey  ?"

"Behave yourself proud parrot!"

"Marina's Grandma did it"

 "So that other animals like you can be blessed with wisdom and get out of the animals kingdom to human kingdom like the Human kingdoms trying to be promoted from human being to divine being in Divine Kingdom".

"Alright  alright you are a specific person you too mind my name is Guardian Angel"

 "Alright it's my mistake my apology"
"By the way,  my husband said that the long ,long names are the names of the Divined Man who is the cause of all causes including the  the universes"

"Sure certainly your husband is correct he must be an intelligent man dear Guadian Parrot" 
"I said Guardian Angel ok last warning monkey ⚠️ !"

"OK cool down this woman is crazy"

"Then often he would be telling me that 
factually, there is no different in between the Lord Krishna Himself and His names Themselves." 

"The monkey laughed....  laughed ... and laughed with appreciation".

His laughter was so funny for the prettiest parrot .

 She was watching him carefully and adviced him, 

"Listen Rna, better you smile, but don't laugh like that it's little bit funny and scary ok?" 

"Rna started laughing more and more". 

" Hearing it, Marina's mother looked out and found Sam and Marina outside the house!!!
Oh goodness!
She wondered because she was searching for her delightful daughter was delaying to bring  the drinking water". 

"She was unable to believe what her eyes were witnessing!"

 "Sweetly shocking Luxmy called her mother silently Marina's Grandma is the sportive and active looks magnetic and magnificent too at her age with her milk white sary and blouse Matching to her cotton white short hair like indra Gandhi."

 "She adjusted her throat  and took a moment to study them carefully". 

"She straightaway realised the reality of Sam". 

"She told her daughter, Luxmy delightedly that this boy is a brahman"

"How did you know Mom?"

"  I saw him while he made his speech. Remember I accompanied my grand daughter, but she didn't know I was watching  within the crowd.

"You didn't tell me mum!"

"Because I heard someone was going to attack him and I was warning them in watching."

" If any one had touched him, Mom what you would have done ?"
"Ha...ha...I would have answered single handedly darling"
"You mean he is a  bramana mom?"

"No darling,  I meant Brahman... I mean a self-realised sacred soul". 

"We don't need to worry about her friendship he looks some one empowered in spiritual science my grand daughter designed to be or destined to be his helper or partner darling."

Then she had gathered the courage to thank to the Divine and pleasantly called them inside  the house.

On contrary, Sam was pleased seeing her mother and grand mother.

"What did he say to them Krishna?"

 "As usual, he had gathered his palms together in honor with his sacred smile!
Marina's Mom is wearing a simple soft orange sari white blouse annexed with a saintly slightest smile was playing in their pink lips with  their yellow and red thilakas/ marks or symbol of lord Krishna in the middle of  their  foreheads!"

"Wow! it was a symbol of Lord Krishna's devotees Krishna!".

"Indeed, it sounded like a fruit fell in the milk". 

"Then Marina kindly asked him to come inside the house respectfully and she pushed open the half opened wooden door!" 

 "What an exceptional novel Krishna!". 

"Thank you Rata".

"While entering in her romantic  house, he looked everywhere for Marina's mother and grand mother again, but he could not find them nowhere!

"I could not see your mother and grand mother  any where!!" 

Sam smiled.

"Oh! they will be in a minute" grandma is doing her gardening work around the garden". 

"I am here! ...

Take your seat please"

Said her mother softly and respectfully like silver coins dropped on the floor, her voice.

After a long time,Sam held Marina's hand while entering the house she was warmed such soft and sweet feeling!

 The fresh flowers closed their eyes seeing that particular scene which they expected since long time.

As the little grains of sand makes the mighty land, his hand touched feeling so good as touching the mighty hand of the Lord Sri Krishna for her. 

As the little drops of water makes the  original ocean, his few words of kindness filled her mind in kind and straightaway she smiled sensationally",

"Thank you for your unexpected visit it was like an unexpected rain for the paddy field after a long term hardest dryness Sam."

"He smiled at her in response".

 All the bells of the whole Krishna's Temples in the whole world seems to ring together sounded like all the lovely birds of heaven seemed singing .

 "Meanwhile, all the flowers of the whole world seems to be bloomed beautifully whereas all the wind of the whole world seemed to bring the fragrance of all the flowers across the world".

Mother was there in admiring the scene in keen. She was quit for a while!...

"A young man like him probably have women lined up to miles, but how this golden mountain came in search of a girl living in poor house?"

Sam silently watching the surrounding in green plants and trees and flowers throughout the white windows?

"Of course, miracles happen often. However, this is miracle of the miracles!"

"That's  what Marina's mom thought in pleasant shock still she was in a bit doubt in terms of his parents decision!"

"Marina sat close to him. Suddenly her Mum shot her a warning look!" 

"What a look?"
"Why Krishna is it scary?"

"It suddenly took all of her sensational ideas and she went and cooking  some milk for him  emotionally". 

"But still Marina was hooked by his stupendous look". 

"What was it Krishna?"

"For some reason, Sam could not or would not meet her glamorous was in fact a magnetic grace in her healing gaze.

Mum had brought him a white  cup of milk which Marina had prepared and took a seat opposite him very, very hesitatingly, but being obedient.  

Marina benefited the situation to change her  wet long satin shiny skirt .

Suddenly, happily she studied herself in the mirror for a moment as she was in front of the mighty man who empowered by the divine knowledge".

Moreover, Marina was studying  how Sam was admiring the beauty of her long hair against her shoulders.

 It was accidentally left like that, but suiting her the best" .

"Suddenly, sweet,lilly smile appeared in her fragrant face while watching at the mirror to see how she was looking like without any make up such a gracious grace just because of her goal sudden arrival!" ...

 She thought thoughtfully for a moment how he was reacting and answering her :

...“Each time whenever I asked him anything instead of
answering, he was studying me and answered in one word or two or smiled."

"Anyway, she was not in this world; she forgot everything which were needed to be discussed". 

"She was studying that Sam was in dream then she joined joyfully ":

"Rudra here we are going to publish your parent's song as the dream scene of Marina and Sam. 

Are you all happy?"

"Why you think this song suits the situation Rudra?".

"Because of Raghu rowdy's arrogant attitude and attachment to Marina Peter ".

"Oh let's see Rudra"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness godly couple pretty poems so sweet of situation  thanks Rudra ".

"Could we start the rest Krishna?"

"Sure sweet song 😜 students alright 
Marina was looking for a skirt for replacement, but could not be found. Basically she did not have much garments.

 "The reason why, she was not bothered to change it in the first place Krishna?". 

 "You are right Meera nonetheless, it was almost dried as her body was so hot following his eyes shots like divined  shots".



Hare Krishna !

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