"Hello Krishna who are these colourful crowd of children Krishna?"

"Saint-Mary  Primary school children".

 "Where was it Krishna ?".

"Are they waiting for me Krishna ha...ha...?"

"Ha...ha...certainly Rudra they would be excited to see Sam,  wouldn't  they  Krishna?  !". 

"Of course , they love to see the man who attracted their decently divined teacher."

"You mean,merrily Marina Krishna?"

"Sure Retna ".

"It's seems like it's a fascinatingly lovely location of fragrance, Krishna".

" Hum...hum..."
"Where is Marina Krishna?"

"Marina was pretty  busy as bee with school children and teachers and she seemed transformed herself as an adorable smiling embodiment such a  sweetest situation  . 

"Wow we wish we were with them Krishna!!!"

"Sure!!! She felt so sensational she measures mesmerisingly all the magical and musical  circle of God's blissful miracle was within herself as though she was  sensing the Father is being  within her as the  Creator, motivator and Actor of peace and prosperous". 
"How Krishna ?"

"Her face was illuminating inspirationally as though it is her wedding day and sharing Grandma's pink pudding with an unbelievable aroma hhhhmmmm!!!".

" we entertain your language skill Krishna have you used complex sentences using subordinate at the middle Krishna?"

"Of course, narrative must be attractive to be effective it's depends on the way we say ,how we say and the language we use isn't it Krishna?"

"Sure Sarah it's encouraging, enhancing and expresses readers enthusiasm students. " 

"Could we practice a bit of suffixes and prefixes to make new branch words with a root word "LOVE "to describe Marina and Sam please Krishna "

"No problem who is capable...
 Pamitta could you?

"Okay Krishna I don't mind Krishna "

"Can..can... I  Krishna?"

"No thanks ha...ha... Rudra take your seat please...please ".

"One two three go a head Pammita" 

"Marina is  loving Sam sincerely and seriously their love story is a kind of  glory for us .Reading their past loved events fantastic flashback  sometimes breathtakingly beautiful such a lovable .

In fact, Sam loves her honestly. Now both of them are teaching us their lives lovingly . The great ๐Ÿ’• Hearts ๐Ÿ’• is their lovely history ".

"Absolutely Pammitta  thank you soooooooo much studesnts this is how we have to write and speak in order to improve vibrant vocabulary".

"Does it enough or we need  more students?"

"That's enough for the moment krisna". 

"There is a mistake Krishna !!".

"What was it Mary?"

"We suggested that could we practice a bit suffixes and prefixes to make new branch words right Krishna?

"Correct Christina" 

"Pammitta  only formed words which based on Just    SUFFIXES" 

"What does it mean Christina?" 

"Simple! What does PREFIXES mean krishna?"

"Didn't I tell you that I'm excellent in English and passed the four states of exams for foreign travel?"


"Anyone comes up with answer please I'm here only to question Alright!"


"Can I Krishna?"

"Certainly Meera !"

"SUFFIX a part added at the end of a word to form another word not added in front of the words Krishna "

"Does Pammitta  following the  principles Krishna?"

" Oh my goodness!!!


"Again question Krishna!


"In the follow-up lessons we sort them up sit-down please  this is what I just get rid of this ridiculous tuition Mission sooner or later ".


" Cool down Krisna's yet to come's not the end Krishna "


"Excuse me Krishna!"

"How can I help you Peter?"

"How come although in Tamil areas there are not much productivity even though peoples are being well-off Krishna?"

"That is a great question  of economic establishment Sarah ".

"Does it sound economic establishment or economic
 destruction Krishna?".

"Sure as we all know, foolishly following the war, most of the people are fled and keep  going out of  the country. Do... do not blame me '.

'Sure Krishna as we know ,rest of the people  trying to get rid of the country, too including  Sam"

"That's what we worried Krishna" 

"Yeeeeeeeees even Sam is planning to leave Marina students!"

"What about you Krishna ?"

"Oh my God! I'm frustrated today "

"It's yet to come Krishna because we too frustrated Krishna". 

"Okay carry on stupids sorry sweet chocolates ha...ha..."

"So who is going to develop the destroyed districts due to the  disastrous circumstances if ...if...if...all are aiming to foreign Krishna?"

"Don't worry we can support them financially what else we can do students?."

"Kind of us ,but the productions are under threat still we keep trying to get rid of the country Krisna why Krisna why don't you speak to Sam Krishna isn't it sounds crazy Krishna?". 

"Yes Krisna Peter is correct it's crazy Krishna!"

"That's right Krisna! It's causing disruption than the production to our rest of the innocent population Krishna if all  the great minded people are self minded what would be the future even though we are funded?!!! "

"We think of our helpless and hopeless families Krishna!" 

"What's wrong with you Pamitta when each one keeps the front door clean ,the street would be clean ,too simply when we develop each of our families financially, the financial crisis can be better off?"

"But why does Sam does this Krishna?"

Sam has to be with his parents and support Marina Krishna please Krishna because this episode going to talk about Sam's travel we remember reading it earlier Krishna!" 

"Aren't the rest of the youngsters going to step up  Sam's footsteps foolishly Krishna?" 

"Stop it !!!Wonder !What's wrong with all of you today?...

 ...See... see the present serious scenario what is the futures hold of the youngsters like me in this country of printing paper and using them as money like a zero  added high digit disgustingly dangerous with zero values?"

"Oh you mean nonsense of numbers which have no  valuation Krishna?"

"Hundred  per cent..hundred per cent it's only...only the penny value...who
is to be blamed?

Does... does the fate itself or the innocent people ourselves?"

"Of course... of course we understand the people who left earlier eventually returning as we cannot be younger for longer  that... that is another concern for us Krishna "

"Sure  the Tamil areas are less productive ,defective and destructive in comparison to our past productivities or even the present positive activities of Colombo and...and...and... because of politic problems obviously we are the most victims students. " 

"Is it Krishna?"

"Yeah how long we can rely on foreign family members what about our future sit in my situation that is called empathy sitting in your comfort and criticising the vulnerable is not sympathy or empathy dammit???

"Suuuuuuu....Suuuuuuu listen everyone !!!!Krishna is in temper I mean the tendency of easily getting angry."

"Yeah we remember what is the temptation like the doctor ,divine devotee described decently "

"Exactly,the temptation is the desire  to have or do something especially ...especially.... something to do with  wrong or something that causes this desire it's not easy easy to resist temptation "

"What...what...what you all are whispering between you guys ?"

"Ha...ha...nothing nonsens about you Krishna we have no way of making you sense Krishna ".

"Do... do you think we can expect the children of the  foreigners follow up their parents  pathway responding responsibilities of their left over families in their own countries guys?

"Suuuuuuu silence Krishna is in temptation " 

"Aren't they are on their own way so called  western way ;we have no way students ".

"Sure Krishna" 

"Have we any other remedy students ?".

"Why you speak like someone who has been left homeless, hopeless and penniless Krishna when there is a will ,there is a way Krishna  ?"

"Even...even the bank of Srilanka has announced to earn in dollars to survive in the present situation students?"

"That doesn't mean leaving the vulnerable families at their vulnerable age Krishna we are talking in general krishna each and every young man mind set become with hidden motivation krishna "

"We may be generously investing to the mother land ,but how long Krishna ?

"Sure Krisna there are sad news of the future life of the people who had already left our mother land and settled in foreign lands Krishna and why you do not prevent Sam from going to foreign Krishna he is a rich man Krishna ?"

"Alright let's  get started our narration students you are putting me under pressure !"

"Thanks Krishna our apologies Krishna".


Hope you remember according to Marina's Grandma's plan, Sam relaxed and slept over and the message have passed to Marina's school cheerful children secretly and they love sharing secrets ha...ha...and whispering each other ha...ha... ".

"Oh the children were so happy! In  addition , it is an auspicious pooja feast festival day too and it's  a special day so they decorated the school with banana trees and washed the school hygienically. 

Moreover,they all were quite enthusiastic and curious  of knowing and seeing the Smiling Sam". 

"Again complex sentences Krishna !"

"Why not ?"

"The children wanted to clarify  how he looks like; how he  talks like and how he smiles like most importantly they have been told to clear their doubts in science sessions?"

"How did you know Pammitta?"

"I have read it Rudra "

"Why people calling him smiling Sam Krishna?" 

" Because  he is Ruby?"
"Thanks Rudra. 
...What types of questions they are expecting him to be answered Krishna".

"I'm sorry I have no idea  what you all are thinking ? ": 

"We can ask him , "How did he attract Marina so deeply Krishna?" 

"That is a bit embarrassing Rudra " 
"Just for fun Krishna".

"May be we can ask "What is the specialty in his activities Krisna?"

" Good!Because the seva to any suffering jiva is Seva to Deva which is his pretty policy "

"What ?"

"Why Krishna you speak different language?" 

"Human life means serving each other Subathra".

"Why Krishna?"
"In our lives, we have to accept it as a duty and we need to be a servant of the society according to our  capabilities and generosity haven't we heard what K.Soul does".

"No Krishna!"

 "It is  a very simplest way of feeding the craws especially during the snowfalls in London?"

"What's that Krishna?"

"We will discuss of it in future in different episode okay?"

"Okay Krisna". 

"What is the best service krishna?" 

"The actual duty is serving Lord Krishna . That's what we have learned in the Bhagavad-Gita which is OUR CONSTITUTIONAL POSITION" ,

"But... but bad luck, we are in the ignorance class Krishna "

"Of course,  some of us in the passion class of faults finding and proudly sharing  at the same time it's  impossible to find our own faults ; some of us serve cats not Krishna ;some of us serve dog not Krishna and some of us  serving our families not Krishna  "

"And some of us serve craws Krishna ha...ha..."

"The  help rendered by Divine , we have to pay it back this as a debt Krishna".

"Oh you mean  Sam has a genuine keenness and readiness  to serve others not expecting any return Balaraman?"

"What they did to Sam  Krishna?"

"Absolutely! Amazing question  because already the school children and teachers had supplied sufficient support to Sam during the competition of speeches  sweet hearts ๐Ÿ’•. "

"According to Baba, the very eagerness of service will render power and super skills necessary for our own required of any service Krishna"

"Sure Sarah "

"Does Sam is a golden-voiced man of principle Krishna?"

"That's the question of the school children great  hearts ๐Ÿ’• ♥️ 

 "What kinds of questions Krishna  ?"

"Up to them :

"Has he silver tongue Krishna?"

"Wait and  watch ".

"Has he guides by Lord, God Krishna within his ❤heart Krishna Anna?" 

"Let's see Rosy" 

"Is he a   self-realized person Krishna?"

 "Who is  him in real Krishna?

"Ha...ha....ask every questions you wish "

"And...and why his twinkle twinkle brother acting exactly like him Krishna?"

 "Where does  he live and where he came from Krishna?" 

"Why he has been doing this Divine service as devotional service Krishna?"

 "What is his aim or motivation Krishna?"

"Most importantly how he has been helping the children in science with Supreme Science simultaneously Krishna?". 

The day has been rolled ,today  is Sam's birthday 

 It was Marina and her colleagues amazing arrangement .

It seemed a stream of ice-cream for the children! 

Yes he did ...indeed it's a divine deed for them !

Yeah he attracted them! 

 Their eyes said to them ,he deserved to have Marina's friendship !

On the other hand, his parents,relations and friends all were helping in decorating the Krishna Temple,which was situated near by Marina's home.

Seeing his stunning smile similar to the  magnet pole generating electricity within the motor for the Science teacher .

Meanwhile, the Heard teacher  considering him as a B.D. 

"What does it mean B.D Krishna?"

"Bachelor of Divine, Balaraman but from the universal ๐ŸŽ“ University ".

"Does this degree is actually existing Krishna ha...ha...?"

"Yeah even in London at Cambridge University you can achieve this Divine  degree, Pamitta"

On the other hand ,Sam was waking ,watching the atmosphere smelling the fragrance flowers and thinking of the poverty in the community. 

His smile seemed symbolic of sympathy his milk white teeth smile like some kind of electromagnetism ,improving the serotonin levels within the body of everybody.

 What an energy of awesome while seeing him!!! Making them  more attractive!!.

"For the children's astonishment,he shines as an invaluable glamorous gem among greatest gems" .

He was the very picture of humanity.
Often lovely gestures make his own personality grace of his divine deals and direction"

He often spoke in sweet words which genuinely pleasing like pearls drops on the silver floor. 

The Lord of the Lords lives in eveyone but in him ,he expresses the reason why people impress each time he address any messages .  

Sam thought of his uncle Mukunda and sang the greatest global godly Mantra of universal prayer. 

Suddenly their Sun, Smiling yeah Sam shined in front of the children for their super surprise with a Gayatry Mantra:!

"Could we watch how he has been capturing their hearts ๐Ÿ’• Krishna?"


He straight away said an amazing 

"HI ... Hellooooooo how are you doooooing?" 

They all smiled sweetly forgot to breath and forgot to  greet him back unbelievable!!!

Meanwhile the neighbourhood children surrounded him!

"Teachers astonished amazingly as those children have no means to education such  poorest ,afraid of attending to the school because of poverty ".

All of them felt fantastic;
they felt a kind of mesmerisingly magnetic in him which is  magnificently effecting them; they did not close their opened mouths!
 They felt like that they wanted to hug him similar to a smiling baby! 

"Happy Birthday To You!" 

They all said  cheerfully and smilingly.

" Wow! Now we know why Marina teacher was in enchanting emotion, year after year", 

"Whispered a child to another child ".


"exclaimed another child!.

Smiling Sam smiled pretty surprisingly and politely, thinking, 

"it must  be Marina's  family's arrangement !".

"They all smiled simultaneously and constantly consecrating on his smile".

"Teacher asked us not to disturb him unnecessarily",

Whispered another cheerful child cheerfully, who was wearing a wow white garment with his milk white teeth. 

They felt automatically precious as their  minds sets are generating intellectual questions impatiently, just enjoying his present !

 All of a sudden a golden child cheered up!

"Please tell us some thing that we should not forget in our life Sam Anna?."

"He smiled and  his eyes shined then he compressed his pink lips. Meanwhile his handsome hands naturally planted on his heroic hip winningly!".

"Without a slightest doubt he was the most marvelous man and an exciting boy friend any girl ever had. He was actually a widely fun and humours person,too ".

Once,  it was  when he was in Primary school, some one told him that the whole world was going to be destroyed as a matter of natural disaster.

As a response, he said,

"Cool so we do not need to go to school"


That was when he did not learn about the soul.

Means ๐Ÿซ schooling is a kind of suffering even though he was a cheerful boy and only child to his wealthy parents.

"Had he answered in this manner Krishna?!"  

"Yeah !!His parents had a shock the way they were pressurising him in material studies ".

"This is how each and every child has been pressurised in this world for material benefits Krishna."

This time he smiled not with his mouth ,but with his brilliant brown eyes!
"Wow! How Krishna?" 

"When he spoke to the children, his eyes would flash! They looked carefully, they actually saw shiny, twinkle,twinkle little graceful golden spark dancing in the middle of each of his eye!"

"Really Krishna?"

 " Erm...erm...!Imagine how his mouth smile would be?"

" OK  kids! I ask every one of you to use your body as a chariot for reaching liberation ,muckthy/liberation.

"That's what Baba and the three vedantic schoolars suggested'.

Marina thought  to herself and she was silently smiling the fascinating fragrance from the food item which the teachers brought up with a  baby blue delicious cake".

"What is liberation because there are so many liberations:


2) people would like to be separated from different communities;

3) there are fighting against the country to country.

What... which liberation Sam meant?"

"Students we all are Embodiments of the Divine Atman, and crown creation out of entire living entities". 

Sam smiled . 

Teachers found him as the Kingdom of wisdom !!!

Students smiled sensationally hearing his worshipable wordings. 

"We are  the support boats of Papah and promoters of Papah.... 

This Kalli-Yuga offers more facilities for liberation than any previous one, great men and women who have lived exemplary lives of virtue of Vedas... we have to read about them and be self-realised great hearts ๐Ÿ’• "

"Who are they Sam?"

Such as Jesus, 






Ramanujacharya ,

 Swami Bhaktivetananta and 


"Oh good luck we thought only Shankar but there were another two together three in line Krishna ๐Ÿ’ž?"

"Exactly read their names under their pictures please ''. points ,evidence and explanations no nonsense or blind believe in his speech or talk.

"Our education must equip us with a discrimination sharp enough to discover Divine Dad". 

He reminded to everyone how would look like
Lord Chaitaniya Maha Prabhu to the  teachers with his silk garment which Marina's Grandma's great  gift on his birthday.  

Children are in real sweet shock hearing the intellectual man's inspiring sharing" 

No wonder teachers exclaimed in inspection!!!.

They saw all the great men and women were with him together!!!

Then  he smiled, saying 
"That is the Science of self Realization"

"We don't need  Self-Realisation  Sam Anna we are young not old enough to understand the Science of Self-Realisation!"
"Ha...ha...but you need education" 

"Why  Sam Anna?"

"Which must be on the foundation of devotion ".

"Based on that knowledge only we have to  study, study Sam ?"

"Yeah that is the real education following which, we study and achieve our material achievements this is called humanity and enlightenment then only we are the real human"

"Otherwise? "

"A pretty   child shouted by curiosity."

"It's not wise... It will take years to explain and millions of millions years to suffer".

"Do you prefer children?"

Sam smiled  affectionately.

On the other side, his terrific talk was echoing, echoing and echoing  enchantingly everyone was enjoying in hearing his  vedic advices because of the dome shaped Gopuram/tower in the beautiful baby blue Krishna Temple, obviously his nice voice was echoing! 

"Supreme sound waves reflected back to them from far away throughout the School!."

The fact was, Sam stood one side of the dome, so that they could hear even other side of the blue building where the secondary science classroom!

"It was matter of  meters away where ,merrily Marina and her neighbors, secondary school science teacher were standing outstandingly and happily hearing without much difficulty!"  

"The way sound waves waving and informing  was sort of miraculous Supreme Science,

Meanwhile !Wow...Wow...Wow... what a wonderful kind wind messenger?

"She smiled , thinking scientifically":

"What kind of science would be in there Krishna?"

"Sam just said smilingly how on earth we ignore the elegant engineering of the ๐Ÿ‘‚ ears"

"People's hearing engineering system is so miraculous "

"Why what is happening Krishna in fact?"

" Haven't we learned about the many many  nerve cells, the 3 mm long lovely stirring  up the bone?",
 "Oh Yeee!!!" 

"How many nerves cells again  Krishna?"

" I think about "30,000" Meera".

"So  Krishna, it's   the vibration in corporation  with the tiny hairs
in the semi circular canals in our ears Krishna?"

" Surely Excellent effort Meera". 

"Dum dum dum the ears drum the nerves changing the sound energy in to electrical signals!"

"Oh my Goooooooood!. 

"This is insightful story Krishna"

"What is Rudra saying Krishna?"

"He means improving one's inner self-science that's means insightful"

 "Overall , when the Science teacher was explaining the system of Divine of the hearing engineering of all the living entities, they did not interest it much, but whilst Sam doing it, they are showing their enthusiasm overwhelmingly".
"Then Marina heard more clearly" :

"Has it been naturally created without an engineer?"

”The children smiled , running towards the dome where  Sam was  standing surrounded together with entire school ๐Ÿซ pupils together with colourful neighbourhood".

"Charm Sam is a significant seed sprouts sweetest flowers and grew in to a tree and fulfilling his destiny from childhood to adult hood he always thinks of his fatherhood nd lov hi neighbourhood ".

"Unsurprisingly  Marina's inspiration of humor mirrors on her fragrant face and  she was  wearing a soft silk sary in white colour with a black blouse of golden border both  the sari and the blouse matching miraculously ". 

"He was a man with two twinkle knowledge without him, I would be like a bird with one wing."

"Suddenly Sam glanced at her thinking what her grandmother said secretly in the morning about  Marina's famous father which emotionally reminding his favourite favourite film scene with  pain  ".

"What was it Krishna could we watch it places Krishna ?"

"No objections Meera ".

 "Ohhhhhhhh goodness wordless such a famous and generous father Krishna?"

"Sure Sarah!". 

"Then she reminded what her Gurus are advising: exactly the same thing exactly the same what Sam said" 

"Bhaktivedanta Swami  advising,
"One knowledge is for live on and other knowledge is to live for "

 Baba, too said that"

"The children were watching, watching and watching  charming Sam  cutesy and impressively!"

" For some reasons, Sam worrying well before thinking of leaving  Marina soon. Because he is  unlikely to leave her as Sam  is isolating at his  own home like an orphan". 

"Doesn't matter Krisna".

"Why Peter?"

 "There are  lots of  people who are in the same scenario of   isolation across the ๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ—บworld now a days Krishna...but we all have our own dreams" 

"Please give him ๐Ÿ™ some applause thanks brilliant !".

Then the science teacher from secondary school, politely asked the students to get back to the school with her wider smile she was wearing a yellow sary and brown blouse like the sari  border it was five centimeters width .

"As soon as they all have been seated ,again in the inspiring dome of the school brown bricks building  surrounded by amazing shiny green trees with beautiful breezing".

"Sam thought of  his returning home. He obviously  saddened".

  "However, adjusting his hurtful ๐Ÿ’” throat and running his handsome fingers throw out his waving hair which was talking on and on and dancing delightedly grace of the wonder and kinder wind in tender, he  forcing a silver  smile ".

It was a stunning sun shine to every body within the school! 

"He  was worried,  watching his watch watchfully  as he has to go to Colombo ,too to obtain his Pass port on his brother's request!"

 "It was impossible to imagine a good bye to his loving parents; a good bye to merrily Marina ;a good bye to  Srilanka;a good bye to his friends;a good bye to all his poetic house ; a good bye to the cute neighbourhood children.


"Only to settle her dowry matter!
Leaving mother land and going to England!" 

"One of his hand had reached to his head and touched forcefully his head and he suddenly  thought ,

"what a sudden decision which going to make lots of difficulties, but he decided to make a distinct difference in her life"
 "His heart has been weakening from time to time in reminding that he has to make difficult decisions".  

"Actually Sam wanted to cry in hugging his parents, begging them not to do that ! ".

"Besides, he forced a formidable smile,which
reveals how realising the need for self realization for self-improvement which in turn vastly improve the quality of ones life smile  in the midst of so much of struggling  ".

"We embark on an intellectually joyful journey when we are being with you"

"Marina smiled at him ๐Ÿ’•!". 

" Listen children! I wouldn't have enough time to be with you ,but obliged to tell some summary of science".


A cheerful child questioned.
He glanced at the science teacher.
She smiled saintly and respectfully at him.

He then exchanged his eyes towards the crowd of the cutest children. 

"I prefer explaining enchanting thing which is  leading us towards the best blessful progress and also  which can lead us in  building a better sense of affection ,attraction and devotion  for our future life O.K?"

"They nicely nodded their happy heads happily and honourably."

"Children! please wake up!"
He wiped his sweats by his white tissue  because his heart had just broken down in to piece  and he feel hot!" ...

"Why Krishna?"

"No peace left for him while leaving everything in Srilanka".

"Working harder and harder for something we don't much care is called stress; working harder and harder for something we love is called passion and working harder and harder for something we worship is ๐Ÿ’˜ called  affection attraction and devotion ".

"He burst in to laughter and he was thinking ,"long,long suffering for stupid short,short living".

"Marina did not get the point of his emotional state as she did not know that he was planning to leave her for a couple of years for her safety and security" .

"She was talking to one of her friends innocently so innocently.

Then Sam thought thoughtfully":

" Please listen children, the world wouldn't understand the divined complex currents fantastically flows and functions in every living being and none living things!" 

"How does it ?" 

"A child of secondary asked politely". 

"Such as convection,conduction and radiation. Absolutely, these forces are not controlled by themselves.
 But by Lord Himself ".

"What how?"

"They all hooked and looked at him respectfully and faithfully hearing his winning voice of emotion magnetising them marvelously". 

"The Supreme Energy only controlling them which called Super Nature". 
"Example please". 

Another student asked enthusiastically.  

"The  Sun energy is an amazing example”.

"Unexpectedly some other secondary children ,too gathered together silently in listening his talk enthusiastically. 

"Sam welcomed them wonderfully by his enchanting  eyes  elegantly".

"Then he smiled ,saying,

"Right this is all about  the Supreme Science in relation to the martial science".

"It was mouth dropping for the children because they adored him unknowingly!".

 "They sensed his sensational sensitivity and suffering in his sympathetic smile and velvety voice especially his understanding of his constitutional position as  he is not subject to be a  servitor of a cat or a servitor of a dog, but  servitor of the Creator who is the motivator  .Yes he is an actor of the creator who is the administrator!" 

"How they would miss him?"

 "However, as every one knows, some of them were interested in the ghost stories not God stories". 

"Pupils nodded nicely and submissively" 

"As long as you all have been learning science, again I would like to link the material science with the Supreme Science".

 "Is it OK for you?.".. 
"Yes Sam".

" Well so that we can easily comprehend the confusing mysterious Supreme Science"

"Sure...sure Sam"...

They smiled softly and respectfully.

"Alright! We all are moving and functioning on the Earth or Universe graciously grace of fantastic forces, right ?"


"It's a Supreme force"  .

"What kinds of forces Sam ?"

 "Such as living things, food chains and food webs all around the world or universe have been sustains in energy of divine forces".

They pretty promptly nodded nicely their happy heads in appreciative.

"Now can you say how does it function please ?"

"The Sun for example, providing  most of the energies from  Energy Resources  Sam Anna".


"Such as sun light energy transforming onto photosynthesis Sam Anna ".
"Excellent  effort any one else?"

"Even when the plants  and also  dead plant and  dead animals  helping the fossil fuel Sam Anna". 

"Exactly ?"

"Then the sun heats the  atmosphere causes winds Sam  Anna".
"Correct how !"

"Firstly it is warming up the land and waving through out the oceans only to  cooling down the land not to be over hearted Sam  Anna "


"The land being cool down  through the winds Sam Anna?".

" Yeah!On the other hand , the sun heats the whole world causing chemical reactions and then the sun light helping us to generate electricity ,too".

"We wonder how Sam electricity is human made ?"

"Ha...   There are five items to remember :

1) Fuel we use to boil the massive boiler in the power power station 
2) then the steam piped onto 
3)  the turbine next 
4) the turbine turn the generator finally the turbine 
5)  transferring the energies to the grid.

 "From where we can see how the 
government distributing the electricity across  the country ".

"Excuse me how the sun has been transformed onto electricity Sam Anna?"

"1) The  sun energy transforms onto chemical energy 
2) The Chemical energy transfer onto heart energy 
3) the heart energy converted onto kinetic energy 
4) The Kinetic energy changes into electrical energy 
5) finally the electric energy helping us to cook our meals and supply our physical energy" 

"How does the weather changing ?"

…In fact, the heat energy from the sun energy is making most of the energies. Nothing moves by itself!

 Of course, they are functioning in invisible substances such as  atoms which have the engineering to generate the energies ."

"Excuse mee when was it Krishna?"

"It was in the early morning ๐ŸŒ„ in the assembly hall they sacrifice all of their prayer time to profit in sharing Sam's  Science Suuuuuuu just listen please."

"This force from Super Nature, exterior energy dear children" . 

"The material scientists are only annalists." 

He walk around. 

"They did not make any thing apart from learning little things and writing what they are discovering with some practical practices predictions and confirmations"...

...apart from the exterior energy, there is an inner energy. It  is the soul energy. Sooner they move away from the bodies, we all are no bodies,but the miracle is,the inner energy never ever disappears and ever ever reappears in different different bodies no body study about this Sacred Supreme Body "...

"Teacher smiled at Marina she too joined her emotionally as her hero going to return ๐Ÿก home sooner".
"Factually, the outer energies are the same because any energy we use,never ever disappears and ever ever reappears.All the different sorts of energies around us can be changed into other sorts of energies in rotation".

"Examples, we all learned that an electric clock works because of the  chemical energy inside its batteries is changed to electrical energy".

He stood up and walked a bit while talk.

"For instance,when the alarm rings,electrical energy is changed to sound energy".

"Likewise, our energy comes from the food energy we eat or consume. As we  have learned, our body changes chemical energy in to kinetic energy and store in chemical energy as well."

Science teacher appreciating his language of togetherness so compelling and compassionating.
"Over all ,all the energies which we  are taking from the sun energy. The sun energy has been controlled by the Divine energy."

"He look at them stupendously".

 " As an example, actually, we need three things to generate fire such as :
3)heat=fire ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ“› fire right?

 "Do you agree ?"

"These elements are controlled by the Super nature created by Supreme Personality of God,  Krisna 

It's not simply  appearing from no where".

 "Do you disagree?”

"Unexpectedly there was a voice",

"Sam how the weather has been controlled by the interior Nature or superior nature?"

"He stopped for a while and studied his time , thinking  the way children were thinking; they were not clever enough to realize the point he was making in the middle of his long trip" .

"The way some one questioned was simply related to the material science only".

"It’s too difficult to teach the Supreme Science to the kids. Then he carried on slightly worriedly" :

Well...well ! The atmospheric pressure helping the weather to change every things around us which are   absolutely  made of energy of divine."

"Here again the atoms which are working in the energy of Super Nature in the form of electron, proton, neutron in the nucleus of the atom”.

"What about the solid liquid and gas?"

"Asked by  an amazing student ".

All in all, all are working grace of Divined Supreme Soul 

" Again I repeat that the  Sun energy has been controlling all other energies. As a result ,The Sun energy changes in to many ,many different energies and most importantly the energies never disappear,but keeps changing obviously."
"Almost all the children agreed his advice" 

" is it the Same thing to the:
 1) water ๐Ÿ’ง cycle 
2) Air cycles, 
3) Rocks cycles,and 
4) atmosphere cycles etc..,etc...?".

Correct children! The energy never ever disappears we   have been learning in the material science... 
…Example, the sun energy is being taken by the plants for photosynthesis and changed in to chemical energy to our  health as food energy".

"As we know,the animal and humans eat them, it will be turned in to kinetic energy, physical energy etc"...

"As we know,the Sun energy can be turned in to 
1) solar energy 
2) Geothermal energy or
3) electrical energy ....

 And... And....  and the electrical energy can be changed in to sound energy or sound energy can change in to electrical energy." 

"Similarly, the heat energy can be converted in to kinetic that could change in to electrical energy." 

"Don't we have  learned them as material science ?"

"We did”,

"Said a secondary girl gladly" .

"Can I ask you a question please?"

"A child smiled".

"Go a head!" Sam encouraged him".

"I always wonder how the wind works?"

Sam smiled dazzlingly !

"Alright! We obviously  have learned the Earth is hotter at the Equator ,in the middle than at the poles, North and South because the Equator is nearer to the sun"...

 "I mean the middle part of the Earth called Equator that we have studied in material science". 

"Am I correct?”

"Yeah!" .

"Right !Result, the air rises over the Equator as it warms up and sinks over the poles,I mean either sides of the Earth are called North and South poles".

 "Am I correct?"

"Yes ! "

" Actually the domestic radiator is the similar function of the wind work of the Super Nature". 

"However,the Earth and the sun engineering  by the Supreme Engineer". 
"Science teacher smiled sensationally and satisfactorily embracing Marina mesmerisingly and empathetically. She loves ๐Ÿ’˜ his teaching technique it's tremendous"

"Whereas the heater engineered by the human being. Still within the the humans, the inner divine force supporting their activities amazingly".

"Sam ,where are the main three energies are coming from?" 

"Another secondary smiled".

"This sets up of  huge energies are classified as  convection,conduction and radiation are again made of   heat energy which is generated from the Sun energy".

by the way, haven't we learned?"

"We did ,but we did not understand anything just memorised to pass the test that’s it".

"Sam smiled thinking of their states of science studies innocently accumulating only the ๐Ÿ“š knowledge  . "

like an ordinary soul.This is called “Supreme Science”.
Sam knows it and dying to teach to the children as the adults advanced in ignorance and hard to change their long term illusory stories of Divine onto a great glory.

 ..."Children understood his understanding of unimaginable Supreme Science".

"Dum Dumta....Dum Dum Dumta",Someone was calling Sam.

Dad calling me because I got to go to Colombo …I am afraid as I must leave you all… bye now!".Applause ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ attracted him 
mighty man's birthday of 23 years  was unexpectedly   unbelievable he hadn't got much time left". 

"Besides, later during the lunch break, teachers have been discussing of  decent Sam's intensive care."

One of them said: 

"No wonder, all know him as a mighty messenger. Every one knows, he was an explorer of the splendor creator who was the inventor of the Universes.Unlike University studies."
Another teacher smiled:

"Actually, and factually the university studies are similar to painting the cage of the bird without feeding the brilliant soul of the body of the bird in the cage!"....

...."How could any one welcomes a happy permanent human life?"....

 "Is it reasonable?".
Another one quoted:

"No one cares of the God Krishna science". 

"The words confirmed it  about 120,400,000 years ago".

"It has been clearly noted in the 
"Bhagavad-Gita As It Is" - 

"page,193.As long as the message was forgotten disconnected, Lord Krishna returned again 5000 years ago to renew the universally renowned wisdom to Arjuna".

..."More over,in Gita page , 232 Lord described",

"the purpose of all scriptures is to arrive at the status of complete knowledge to release from the illusory, maddened material ghost garden",
"Headteacher appreciated".
Hearing finally what  he saying :

" Pretty pity people have forgotten the lotus words and driving their lovely lives deprived from divine  without knowing they all are originally derived from divined souls  and must return to the Father by satisfying Him". 

"Isn't it similar to a drink drive ha...ha?" 

"Could we hear again the Gayatry Mantra Krishna?"

"Please proceed Peter !".

 Continue. ..


Hare  Krishna 

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