Episode 12 D

"God Morning Krishna". 

"God bless you students". 

" Are there are five TRUTHS  Aspects and the rest are untruth aspects Krishna?"

"Sure Subathra " 

"We wonder what does the Gita talk exactly about that five facts Krishna we are without a clue ,but with millions of Demi gods Krishna ?"

"Don't worry without the path of demigods, the Fullest God's guide line is difficult ".

 "What are the categories of five  factors Krishna which are extremely hard to recognise Krishna 💕 "

"Yeah Krishna"

 "It is deeply difficult to analyse sweetest hearts 💕 ...

"What are they Krishna in the shortest form please Krishna?"

1) Sath- 
2) Chit-
3) Ananda
4) Nama (Name)
5) Rupa (Form) from Vedas. Mentioned  Vedanda and Upaniahads

"Thank God we thought we totally lost of our penance ,prayers and austerity for the demigods Krishna "

" thankfully nooo our parents are not that fools ...
Please cool down they know that the human form of life is the best boon ".

"What is the evidence which is resistance Krishna because we think that we are lost just blindly  being with multipilicity Krishna?"

"Chapter Seventeen of Bhagawadgita
 As It Is has the evidence  great 💕 Hearts 💕 "

"Cheers Krishna if you are personal , we mean not on line ,we would have touched your foot and get blessed throught your palm on our head as you are empowered, enlightened and advanched Krishna in vedic torch of knowledge Krishna."

"Appreciate it...really appreciate of your complement, comments and commitment sweetest 💕 hearts 💕 "

"Having heard the happiest news, we surprised  of considering of our parental devotional service to  the demigods are still a foundation of our construction of eternal  temples  pillars Krishna ".

"You mean towards the demigods devotional path Peter?"

"Yes Krishna ".

"Listen submissive  souls , how we can build the walls without having the foundation? 

"Difficult Krishna difficult because we cannot be born blessed like Lord Krishna who was able to respose President Putin sorry ...sorry...I mean  demonised Putana who was trying to kill Krishna by feeding Him poisonous  breast milk ".

"Ha...ha... elevated response Rudra" 

"Knowing Krishna step by step is the best way like nursery, primary, secondary ,college and university then universal Unique isn't it Krishna?".

"Obviously , the demigods are the worshippers of the only worshipable, Lord Krishna great hearts 💕 "

"Certainly Krishna !"

" However, we cannot top up and step upwards towards the top floor without stepping the rest of the floors step by step students ".

"Oh goodness  we got the pretty points of rewarding rules and regulations of three Classes namely Ignorance, Passion and finally Goodness Krishna?"

"Fantastic...fantastic it's called THE DIVISIONS OF FAITH ". 

  "Wow!   Is... is the topic's name of Chapter Seventeen of Bhagawadgit youa Krishna?"

"Yeah in which it's been beautifully explained  exactly about our classes of faiths according to our various mode of nature  in previous life ".

"Are you kidding Krishna my mother dosen't care of Gita Krishna why Krishna??"

"Ha...ha...we evolve in particular type of faith which we involved in the past ,following our evolve of evolution ,forwarding towards Father or... or backwarding far away from Father's  favours".

"Oh why Krishna?"

These all are depending deeply due to our previous actions and preparations which in turn, turning and tuning  our mindsets in various sets like the  immune system upsetting which reacting  as allergy to certain certain foods for certain, certain individuals".

"Godly guidance Krishna God bless you Krishna !"

"Just hold on a second,  the Goodness Class devotees only undertake amazing activities of Gita'.

Oh you mean the Ultimate Unique Personality of God Head cannot be comprehend to the ordinary people like us as he is Extra Ordinary Krishna?".

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness so the devotees of Lord Shiva can be considered to be in Goodness  Class Krishna?"

"Certainly Christina however for liberation, we have to aim not only  the  the higher, Lord Shiva but  ,but the highest ,Lord Krishna"

"Thanks Krishna still scary Krishna because of China lock down Krishna".

"Cool down at least the lock down provided a chance of putting some interest in Supreme Science sacred souls ".

"Are you hundred percent correct Krishna?"

"Don't worry we all are elevating step by step little by little learning the ladder to reach Lord of the Lords".

"Why all are false and the Lord Krishna is the Truth Krishna?"

"You already forgot the five fundamental factors of Father students ?"

"Our apologises Krishna we are new students Krishna". 

"Whatever changes is false see for example we used to be  child , children ,adolescence and going to be middle age eventually old age and are we going to rest or keep up maintaining our bodies?"

"No Krishna" 

"Why ?"

"Because we are subject to decay, death and decline Krishna".

"Excellent effort ,but Lord Krishna?"
"He is not subject to death, decay or death Krishna ".


"He is the Atman and He is the Paramatman Krishna "

"Appreciated!!! Applause 👏?" 

"Why you all are  ...take your seat God bless you all "

"So the demigods die Krishna?"

"Definitely Durga !"

"The universes die Krishna ?"

"Yes even the material science studies saw evidence that the  universe changes sweetest hearts 💕 ".

"Good God bless Krishna!!!" 

"Thanks great hearts 💕!" 

"What a cutest coincidence Krishna!"

"Why Subathra?"

"Sam was being asked the same question by Marina's Mum Krishna".

"Yeah for sure ...could we listen them Krishna?"

"My pleasure Pammita". 

"Would you mind sharing my favorite vibrant vedic videos which echos our Hero I mean our Originator's Orders Krishna ".

"With pretty pleasure Ruby"

"Mesmerisingly marvelous music Ruby"

"Thanks friends!" 

"Could we commence our conversation please Krishna?"

"Absolutely Balaraman...
Smiling Sam said systematically,

1) The First one is 

the  Science of Supreme Soul, Easwara which is the controller of the individual soul, Atman. 
"He looks at her while he walks she shook her head following his saintly personality "

2) "The second one is the Science of individual soul, which is  controlled by the Easwara, Super soul,Paramathman".

She was warmed wordlessly and gladly glanced at him"

3) "The third one is the Science of our Karma, our eternal activities like the black box in the flight monitoring our activities ✈️  ."
"She smiled sincerely, while he was indicating the blue flight ✈️ wondering his memory".

 She was wearing a sort of sandalwood sary and suitable blouse even she smells veeputhy, (holy saintly sacred ash) 

4) "The fourth one is the Science of excisting time of life -- our span of lifeand 
 She was hooked of his sacredly shortest description of a humongous volume Vedas which are in many many books of Blessings!"

"Yes Krishna  needs ages to  be educated".

"5) The fifth one is the science study of  the Nature Ma'am". 

"5) Does the fifth one is the Mother Nature called Parakirithy  Krishna?"... 

"Sure  Nevertheless Sam was telling on his memory line not on line alright "  .

"Thanks Krishna" 

"Hmm mmmmmmm interesting".

She embraced him  unknowingly, unexpectedly and unimaginably inspired. 

However, while embracing,  she smelled a sacred secret on him she excitedly exclaimed,but enchantingly ! 

"Oh my God are you the little loviest boy I used to feed together with my Marina in  the Primary School very often?"

"Could you turn around !"

Sam was thrilled!!!". 

"There must me a beautiful black ⚫ mole behind your 👂 ear let me see please!". 

Sam turned around submissively.

" Luxmi was emotionally wiped away pink pearls from her  eyes!! 

Yes she was as famous as a Queen "

 "Oh my Goooooooood!" 

Sam was wordless,  thoughtless and  puzzled" 

"Was... was it you darling?"

"Sam excited he expressed his excitement in his facial language fantastically it was such a fragrance festival for him".
"I was thinking you are an unknown and uninvited individual!". 

Sam was shocked sweetly 

"I am soooooo sorry dear! Don't you recognise me I never asked your name may be I forgot it?"

Sam couldn't get the point 

"I used to feed you ..I used to embracing you all the times equally my daughter, Marina".

"How dare we left you to sleep in the visitors house?"

"Let me see what is the bandage in your hand ...when did this happen !?

 "Is it painful dear?"

 Her affection has grown to the highest extent endlessly 💓 her body languages were so so sweet".

He nodded his head  with a long lovely beautiful breath sadly.
"Yeah  Sam nodded his head obediently  wiping his tears like a little boy again with lots of rain from his charming yes ". 

"Let me remove the bandage ".

"Can I ?"

He nodded nicely noticing her motherly manners unbelievably .

"My goodness still bleeding". 

 "He kept on wiping his welling tears of happiness remembering how she had been changed she was even prettier than Marina she used to wear like queen! Was the life is such shortest! Was it such saddest ?"

"She quickly cleared and cleaned it with antiseptic and plastered pretty professionally". 
Sam was awesome he was trying to picture her how she used to treat him like her own baby boy!"

" A moment later she gave some fresh orange juice to Marina and asked her to give to Sam who was sitting and talking together with their neighbours such as teachers and Grandma's friends."
"This is an amazing climax Krishna!"

"Certainly Sarah".

"Does Marina work today Krishna?"

"The Head teacher has granted her day off seeing her emotional state students".

"Cool it's such a relief for her good Headteacher Krishna our headteacher never give off day whenever we are in emotional state Krishna". 

"Suuuuu! '

" All of a sudden, some one who is much more better in vedas was watching him , wondered why people ere considering Sam as a saintly stunning person with winning wisdom?"

 "What speciality he has got???

Is... is he gifted and talented?!"

"He decided to show off his pandith in Vedas by asking him difficult questions publicly to humiliate him".

 "Hi Sam! " 

He was wearing  white and white clean shaved and nicely combed". 

"I'm a retired Headteacher ,we heard about you... I have a deep doubt, could you sort it out ha...ha...? ".

Meanwhile, Marina gave him the orange juice joyfully and sitting in front of him as her Mum didn't appreciate her sitting next to Sam.

Sam smiled at her 💕 taking a sip and she was watching his lips how happily entertaining the juice , tasting it rolling up his shirt sleeve .

 Sam suddenly  watching her hip through her white transparent sary feeling sorry for her pot sitting on it in the hot weather.
"Why we must say the Maha Mandra  in all possible opportunities?"
Sam glanced at him thoughtfully.

"Could...could you answer me Sam?" 

He smiled adjusting his nice voice as usual

Marina smiled simultaneously. 

Grandma approached knowing the motivation of such a difficult question because she knows the gentleman he is such a knowledgeable individual.

" Sam carried on:" 

"There are five airs on which the soul is floating in the heart sir 💕".
Grandma straight away gave him a hand kiss by her both palms and smiled with her marvelous mouth of one tooth is missing in front upper yaw.
Sam continued:
 " It is the same case in each living beings. Only human beings are capable of realising the science of Self-realisation".  
Marina was pretty pleased of her Grandmother's attitudes and she  asked her to do the same to her on the spot before the warmness and the  charmness vanishes from her pretty palms.

  Grandma was gladdened like golden garden with a silver smile and did the same palms kiss on her cheerful cheeks as well.

Marina was soooo pleased because of the  same palms kissed Sam. 

The same thing she did while  Grandma gave him a hand kiss last night.

 As a matter of fact, last night when she had served the dinner to Sam,Grandma was watching him as he was not eating. 

Suddenly she had been thinking what her neighbour, science teacher told her, how lonely and lovely he is, she decided to feed him up like a God mother. 

"Whaaat Krishna 💞🙏?"

"Ye why not God Krishna is in everyone and separated from everyone students..."

 "Does anyone cares it students ?"

 "No one cares it, but this one cares so everyone cares him with charm isn't it Krishna Anna?". 

"Certainly Christina!"

"It was a godly act she was feeding Sam emotionally, sympathetically , empathetically and motherly, remembering what the science teacher told her every single second ".

"Witnessing that, Marina was hugging her affectionately and asked her  
to feed herself unknowingly just like a cheerful child".

For everyone's  sweetest surprise, suddenly Sam said, 

"Grandma nooooo it's  my meal not enough for me!!!

.... she is going to finish it all and leaving nothing for meeeee!!!"
"They all smiled and cried it was  cutest all were emotional simultaneously."

"What a wonderful world 💕 while we share our emotions and devotions Krishna!"

" Correct! Rosy! It was indeed a pretty poem both of them had been fed by Grandma last evening. it was remarkably unforgettable Ruby river". 

"Her mother wiped off her 💓heart  felt ,pink pearls wordlessly by watching them through the white wide window's transparent white curtain".
"They all ended up burst into laughter  If love 💕  lovingly".

Meanwhile the Headteacher doesn't want to leave him alone. 

"Don't  forget meeeeee!!!!!...

"Which are the five airs  on which the Individual soul and the Super soul are floating Sam?"

"The gentleman questioned astonishingly at the same time, other relatives and friends are concentrating carefully while still decorating because the entire crowd going to come and taking him to the greatest Krishna temple in the world" 

"Sam smiled and saying the answers:

1) Apana, waayu

2) Udana, waayu

3) Dyana, waayu

4) Samana, waayu

5) Vyana, waayu.

By the way, to be Frank, Smiling Sam used these five airs' names to name the five tremendous teens to whom Ram offered his organs that is his  gracious goal of teaching the devotees.

"The Headmaster was wondered and opened up his mouth like a crocodile

 "Ye his yaw dropped!" 

 Then Sam detailed it:

"Nevertheless,the airs are filthy, ugly because of the people's ignorance of divine activities".

"Fortunately, by repeating the mantra every possible opportunity ,these five kinds of airs will be purified from material maya contamination!" 
Headteacher's tone of talking was shocking. 

"As a result, people could become cleverer and cleverer; clearer and clearer in realization of the valuation of the sacred souls and thus devotion development like a dusty mirror is being cleaned clearly as a result, we become blissful ."

The Headteacher understood how little he understands what Sam understood".

Grandma and Marina mesmerisingly maintaining their emotional feelings holding each of their fingers by sitting next to next nicely .

"This is the ladder leading towards the glorious liberation with beauty, prosperity,eternity,liberty and spirituality in their present lives and liberty of the cruelty in their after life".

"Who are you young man?

... I have been practicing Yoga longer than your age but still did not know what you know!??"

Head teacher smiled fatherly and friendly?

Ha...ha...we cannot see the air that surrounds us ,that we inhale and exhale every moment of our lives. How then can we see the minute atom and the particles of energy inside it?"

"Grandma wiped off her happiest emotions in swallowing her nectar from her empty mouth with her great astonishment and enlightenment". 

Marina wanted to kiss her Ram from yesterday, but missed it because of  the tightest time during the time

Later  she said a good night through out the opened window lovingly last night with delight!

Sam carried on:

"...With our limited  knowledge, how can we visualise Brahman?",

"Yoga means the preparation process of  union with Supreme Personality of God Head and the Jivatma has to be yoked with Paramathman".

"The gentleman was pleased now he has forgotten hie  ego eased easily ;he has gave up his pity proudness and he became his honest devotee on the spot".
"In this Kaliyuga it is impossible of any yoga practice instead meditation 🧘‍♀️ of Maha mantra is the yoga which is more practicable prayer pleased by Lord Krishna,  Caitanya  and our guru 🙏". 

"Marina mesmerizingly watching her Grandma remembering what she said to her mother about Sam" .

"She straight away told  Marina's Mum that he is a Brahman the people who are coming up and claiming that they are God or goddess are good as God only only as long as they are  following the scriptural instructions and educational construction like Sam's Self Realisation"

"What is Brahman Sam?"

...the basic Divine Force that manipulates as the subtle energy within the  invisible atom is called Brahman"

Marina put her angelic fingers on her pink lips  💗 in inspiration ✨!"

Sam kept going on and on as people gathered together with their opened mouthes automatically.

"Of course, when the vision is purified into it's most subtle aspect, as suksma- buddhi and when we are equipped with the jnanachakshu the wisdom eye as Arjuna was, then we can identify the Divinity that lies behind the minutest form or particle".

"Marina went and took his hands and put onto hers unknowingly!!!". 

"Grandma did the same knowingly! What...what a warmest hands  kisses and blesses like they are holding the holy hands of Jesus  which gave them more marvelous feelings than the cheeks kisses such a blesses of Lord's lotus fragrance to make difference in their lives!".

"He elegantly embraced them affectionately and attractively  whilst they had a chance of feeling fragrance of his breathing and his body ordour magnificently". 

"The happiness of our lives depends on the quality of our thoughts of the Science of Self-Realised state" .

" Sam's study's system mixed with science systems are amazingly attractive, deductive and productive "

 "Marina makes sure of his five doctors"

 "Whaaaaaaaaat Krishna?" 

1) sun shine,
2) water 
3) rest in fresh air 
4) Divine dance and 
5) balanced diet 

"Moreover, there are another interesting impact of knowing another five elements’ fantastic functions, That is to say, there are  five elements controlling the souls".
Said Sam.

 "In fact, they are covering the souls  away from Godly knowledge to lead us towards Maya in other words, illusion like dream, nothing real ". 

"However,once, any one  acting in devotion, he or she will conquer the agitation of mind and let it  be controlled by “ the Divine Will from Free Will Which leadleadsTowards Devils Dance

"What ?", 

Head teacher excitedly exclaimed. 


 " Moreover  from Vedas's verdicts,
Baba  confirming it,too  he says that man has five (sheaths) "covering up as  caps of our individuality from divinity".

"What are they Sam?"

"Could...could you describe  all the five one by one Sam?"

Grandma and Marina suggested sweetly 

"1) The Anna  again (material) 

2) Pranamaya (Vital) 

3) Mana maya  (mental)

4) Vijnanamaya (intellectual) and the 

5) Ananda-Maya (blissful)". 

Sam carried on and on...

"Bhagawadgita saying and confirming  them."

 "How does it function dear describe ?
What are they Sam?"

Marina's Mum asked .

1) The first one is the matter, 

2) The second one is the brain, 

3) The third one is mind, 

4)  The forth one is the intelligence

5) and the fifth one is the soul/Super soul ".

As long as a soul has been linked with the Super Soul, naturally any person could act like Sam, as he would be controlled by the “Super Soul” not the “

Super Nature” 

Sam is a true trending torch of knowledge .

His guru,  Swami Bhaktivetananta  was a divine preacher,wrote the Gita only the words of the Lord nothing else and published all around the world in 56 languages".
"For everyone's astonishments, the Head teacher  stood up and smiled: 

" I would like to bless 🙏 this beautiful boy who is qualified the best birthday ever".

"Do you know what I mean?"

 The demigods cannot award benedictions to their devotees without the permission of the Supreme God.

"It has been said in the Gita.Page 352. Now let me talk about the birthdays what my guru said alright!"

"Visitors  had nodded pleasantly and peacefully to the politest principal priest wordings now not like before with his ego he is a great honourable person now":

1) "First birthday when he or she comes from his Mum's tummy.

At that point, the child being neither holy nor unholy.

2)Second birthday, when he or she begins his or her divine studies.

3)"Third one when he or her gained wisdom! In other word it's called knowledge of Divine. 

Knowing his identity. 
Means trying to know the Inner inspector or doctor by self-Realization 

Self is, the soul our body is garments of God.

 Realizing the sacred  soul,  is to get out of the temporary garments means  bodies repeatedly and regrettably births,we need to know :

"Who we are?"
How  have we have been created or born?

"Why we have created or   born?

Why we have  been suffering? 

"What has to be done to be liberated?

 What happens after death?

How to find the remedy of all these tragedies?

4)The fourth one is all about realizing the complete. Whole. 

We all are incomplete. 

"Lord is the only person  Who is the complete Whole".

The absolute Truth is of devotion is, Lord's Comprehension of the truth is the liberation...

 "First of all, my best birthday wishes to you and Marina,

 My best wishes and lord’s blesses with Jesus kisses”.

Unexpectedly the Headteacher required Sam's assistance .

Because he always do something to the society as a welfare thought of the people affected mentally physically and financially following the civil war.
"He always test the tremendous people to know whether they are genuinely great and deserved."

Now he would like to take Sam to meet those victims of civil war in Srilanka, 
just by offering them something as we have been doing generously, is gentle great and humanitarian,but is it a permanent remedy of opening their eyes of the inner Doctor?

Our Guru's  guidelines is, giving them vedic knowledge and encourage them to become yogic  not karmic because the pandemic has been widespread.
 There is nothing better than  vedic advices for the victims it is the supreme personality of Godhead Krishna". 


"The enlightenment encourage anyone's life externally and internally which is the real eternal welfare". 

  He asked Marina's  Mum to accompany with him to the camp as they love to see them all .
Marina was hesitating as they kept on troubling Sam not leaving him a bit of rest or relaxing or excersice  ,sounds not  fair.

Her Mum frankly told them that he is restless.
"No worries better you take him for a walk and let him have his meal after a wonder walk and wash up feel fresh  🚿 🛁 🛀,"
"Could we  ask them to pay a visit over here we can arrange them a vehicle it doesn't cost that much?".
Grandma sympathised on them  and asked Sam at what time his friends and families going  come up.

He said three four hours or so from now.

Marina loves 💘 that idea of walking washing relaxing and ...and ...and". 
Other visitors have been served cakes and drinks none of them prepared to go home untill Sam leaves home.

 Previously people often  being  negligence. 
Nevertheless, seeing the day to day death and disastrous diseases, deadly viruses consecutive corona contamination, many many mutations multiple vaccinations ,they  suddenly woke up fortunately. 
As a prove, someone was saying 

Especially, when I heard the news of  pandemic millions of innocence patients; hundreds thousand of  doctors, numerous nurses millions of key workers died, I decided to be blessed before anything happen and take me to the hell.

Another one shouted:

"See the economics down turn which impacts flight companies closed down people lock down big and small companies closed down". 

"Worst of all, the disappearances of the flights as it's  happened in Malaysia or Singapore one after other!"

While they all busy , talking ...talking  and talking Marina and Sam went on walking with Grandma.

 For their surprise,grandma took them to show her garden first.

Sam helped her to water 💧 the plants such as correct, 🥗tomatoes.

She felt as though she knows him since many months.
Marina did not allow Sam works hard so she too supported in watering.

  Grandma found both of their friendship is a godly golden ship. They both became more comfortable began to be beautiful playing by chasing each other.

Grandma was watching them playing .
When she called them for lunch, she couldn't find them!

She was scared!.

"Where are you Sam?"

Where are you Marina?"

"The Guardian Angel said,
 "suuuuun!!!! they are playing behind the house?"

"Sorry Angel what they are playing?"

"Hide and seek grandma?"

"Hide and seeeeeek?"

"How come...isn't it only one supposed be hidden and another one supposed to be seeking". 

"Not both of them... I never heard that kind of play?"
"Suuuu don't disturb them Grandma". 

"Grandma we are coming!!"  

"Here you are!!!!!
"Have you been playing hide and seek together Sam and Marina?"

"Ye we can't play all alone Grandma" 

"Paaarrrrdddonnn meee"

"Marina  does he correct ?"

"What did he say grandma 👵?" 

"He said we played hide and seek together".

"Whaaaaaat yooooooou  said Saaaaaaam?" 
"He was playing the flute Grandma. I was listening" 

"Oh My goodness I was in terror attack stop being behind the house now come on... let' serve our lunch I am not going feed you anymore you are being naughty children".

"As soon as they had their lunch, walk and relaxed,  the Head master brought the vulnerable victims who had badly damaged and discouraged". 

Master explained their disastrous circumstances which forced them to be victimised .
Sam gathered his palms  together to welcome them and seated them around him.   Sam sat in the middle, but  calm.

Head teacher describes repeatedly and regrettably:

"Sam, the actual reason being, a group of their community youth and also the local students had been sent to foreign for ever never returned".


Asked Sam sadly. 

"Their  flights ✈️ were crashed". 
Sam's face saddened and  blakened

Teacher continued :

"Sam the remaining youths  who had missed the flight ✈️  returned 🚢 🚣‍♂️ 🚣‍♀️  home by boats, but no body survived because of the boats had sunk!" 

"Had they been returned from India?".

Sam asked sorrowfully.

"Absolutly", responded Headmaster pretty promptly. 

"Worst of all, all of the boys were only child for their families and the reason why they  had fled the country to India, was to save their lives during  the civil  war."

"Sam stood up and was embracing everyone eager to help them"

"We are the parents of those who lost their lives sir".

"One of the victims explained emotionally ".

"Sam hugged him ❤ heart brokenly 💔". 

"As a consequence, being their parents, we  have been dying in serious sorrowfulness".

Another mother muttered. 

 "I supposed to go with them, but I hadn't enough seat to join them. "

A young student shouted sorrowfully.
Meanwhile Marina and her Mom served them some meals as prasadam after being served to Lord Krishna deity".

Sam helped his grandmother to bring the meals pots from the kitchen. 

"So any thing is possible any time any where for any body"

Sam sadly said serving them prasadam with Mahamantra in a pink printed 💗 cards.
 "Thank you Sam".

"Why are you thanking ladies and gentlemen?"

 "We heard of your path  before sending  our children but..but...but we refused to accept your Maha Mandra Meditation Mission in Ignorance".
After few months madness, one of our friends met us in a market and proudly declared, 

"Following Sam's sacred pathway  is my pathway because after death material or even ...even  education will not continue the soul... only the spiritual or transcendental knowledge will support at least to obtain or again a human body to be liberated".

"If we ignore, it would be an agony by leading many many birth in many many bodies that's include animal bodies and bacteria organisms".
Another mother declared decently bowls her head

..."we have been struggling in the cycle of births.It is a life,but animal life".  
A genuine gentleman answered 
This is the words of Veda. 

"Please forgive us not respecting the Maha Mandra".

"What...what is Vedas while we consuming the prasadam we would like to   listen them ". 

Marina mesmerizingly serving them more and more prasadam appropriately 

"Veda means the four original scriptures: 

3)Athrva and
4) Yajur based on  words of the God of all the Gods from Gita. "

"Sam's talks means divine's spoke.
So the one who understands the reality, understands the divinity of the Supreme Personality, understands the quality of humanity."

The honorable Headteacher described respectfully.

"As a result, we will be the souls of liberty from the cruelty of birth after birth upon the death after death". 
Said Grandma.

This is  the Supreme Science...Simply  chanting the Mantra:

"Hare Krishna
 Hare Krishna
 Krishna, Krishna
 Hare Hare
 Hare Rama
 Hare Rama 
Rama, Rama
 Hare Hare!"

Sam sang sensationally in his heavenly flute.

"At least at every possible opportunities,  it will be the only holyb remedy of all tragedies of every body. That's all. You all are liberated!!!"  

"We all are provided all every assistance not only for the present life, but also for our future lives because which have been guaranteed by a universal Divined Insurance cooperation.

 We mean, there are insurance cooperations before the death and particularly nearing the old-age. We all are having the laughable life insurance without thinking the incomprehensible soul assurance".

Ladies and genuine gentlemen, we all know that all the passengers had their travelling insurance when they took the disappeared flights in Malaysia, but have they been rescued ?"

"Have they?"  

"No sir!"! 

"We have an inspirational insurance of after death is the mantra which our original Guru always advices."

Worst of all, today seeing the heading news of news papers about the landslide in Afghanistan and reading the confirmed death of over two thousand, we woke up for ever never and we  going to sleep again without remembering the Mahamantra."

 "In this circumstances if we are simply interested only in enjoying the ugly and ignoring  the holy knowledge,it would be exactly like the goats are happily grassing while their family members have been taken to the slaughter houses ".

The greatest Headmaster was amazed he removed his elegance glasses and thought for a while as his thought caught in the throat  .

"He watched his wrist witch again ... he was running out of time. 

But still he didn't want to leave the miraculous man unknown to others ". 

"As long as there is a death, there will be a rebirth as long as there will be a rebirth there will be a birth 

"life contains the seed of death so does the death contains the seed of life",

 "Sam has been explaining the divine deed in details.

He ...he is the seed of my Divine knowledge..."

"Nonetheless, in general, people desired for self enjoyment and not out of love for the sake of love", Baba said.

Love for the sake of love means for the sake of Lord's love. 

...When we are in material love, we simply attracted by the illusory and temporary beauty. It is material science".

I didn't say this. But Baba did ".
"He said to serve people who are suffering like  "

"Please remember regularly that learning the supreme science is our duty towards the  divinity to be liberated from the control of the Super Nature" . 
"The Headmaster glanced at Marina and said what he was watching while talking to Sam"

"In real, it is the duty of all duties.
Marina, your  seductiveness in following the Lord's consciousness is superb supremely 👌 Super. 

So does Sam and you are in Divined Love what a ruby romance I watched in the morning God bless you both beautifully!"

Most people, however, in their fascination for

 sensuous pleasures leading towards the danger...
...Sam's pleasure is to teach the whole world about their object of the objects among all subjects." 

"When they respect his divine request, they understand the target of all targets". 

Just watch the power of Krishna name which empowered a young man to be the servitor of the Creator KRISHNA



Hare Krishna 

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