"Hi !!!"

"No wonder  we all know who is him sweet hearts ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️"

"Thanks 🙏 Krishna thank you for introducing our own tutor in your own  way Krishna!".

  "Of course, we all know that  ✍️Mr K.Soul is the author, writer and a private tutor Krishna ".

"Education must enable us to discriminate between blessed and unblessed light and dark  grace of his gurus we all are going to be blessed beautifully Krishna".

"Yeah Krishna! Mere mastery of books does not entitle a man to be known as a grown  educated person  Krishna".

"Exactly...Exactly  is... isn't it like a fawn (a baby ungrown deer) Krishna?"

"We don't catch up your point Rosy !"

"Could I tell you a little history ?"

"We always love your history or stories "

"Thanks Retna !

Once there was a  great gentleman he was an elegant and elderly. However he was sick  who was unable to walk, but still he walked witnessing  a fondest fawn had been left by her mother  deer it was so cute". 

"Where was it Rosy?"

"In India. It was  happened accidentally because the fawn couldn't walk with a wounded front right leg so her mother was disappeared unknowingly?"

"Then what happened Rosy?"

"He had rescued it and took her  home and treated the baby deer dearly then fed her up , but bad luck  his sickness was becoming bad to worse deeply deteriorating suddenly he became more and more ill and consequently after days later he had turned terminally  ill and passed away sorrowfully. 

"Oh goodness !".

"However , the great man was worried while he had died ,thinking of the helpless fawn which was  left hopessly in the middle of his treatment "

"What is the correlation of the story and our mission of tuition Rosy?"

"Let her complete please Peter".

"Cheers Krishna and then the kindest King ended up being encased in the form of a deer in his following birth Krishna ".

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness we know why Krishna" 

"Why Pater?"

"He had passed away ,worriedly  thinking of the formidable fawn in the forest without help within the dangerous predators environments?"

"Yeeee krisna this is from my Grandma's memory from Vedas and she forgot the name of the king Pater . It's not a matter of myth Krishna"

"What does mean myths Krishna?"

"Traditional story kind of tale not real".

"What does predators mean Krishna?"

"The animals that living in killing and eating other animals Balaraman ".

"OK that's including human being  Krishna we are dangerous animals Krishna". 

"That's why Krishna is on line only and being impersonal aren't you Krishna?" 

"Sure sweet heart 💜💜💜!".

"Krishna should ourselves take this human form if we mere living is the goal ?"

"Great quality question Siva. Whatever happens, happens by Krishna only thing, there are two persons, one in Krishna Consciousness and the other in material Consciousness, working on the same level, may appear to be working on the same plateform , but there is a wide gulf of difference in their respective positions. 

"What does mean Krishna Consciousness Krishna 💞🙏?"

"Awareness of Krishna's administration, His creations and our relationship with the Lordship "

"Do  we work as a worship to Lord Krishna?"

"Sure! In awareness of the Divine Dealership as a gratitude with clear understanding of  the 33 millions of His substitutes are His assistants. Not Himself so we must  not be in blind believe and being behind so many pretending people who are manipulating in the motivation of money sweet hearts ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️". 

"Wow that's  kind of gulf difference Krishna?"

"Certainly the person in material Consciousness is convinced by false ego that he is the doer of everything Sarah". 

"What does consciousness mean Krrishna?"

"The state of being aware Meera "

"Sorry Krishna ❤️?"

"We don't know that the mechanism of the body is produced by material nature mother nature Meera ".

"Which works under the supervision of the Supreme Lord Krishna?"

"Absolutely!!!The materialistic person has  no knowledge that ultimately we are under the control of Lord Krishna" 

"So Krishna,the person in false ego takes all credit for doing everything independently by himself not God's involvement lack of enlightenment?"

"Definitely Durga". 

"We somehow wonder why not Krishna we work hard 🤣😊🤣 Krisna?

", Yeah Krishna, there are some kindest  YouTube workers working harder and harder even hardest to help out the poorest and as a result, some generous gentle people support them from foreign sincerely and seriously does it mean which is also is a matter of grace of Lord Krishna aren't you manipulating us Krishna?"

"Hundreds percent Peter we need the answer Krishna ".

"Could we watch a YouTube Krishna?"

"Why Pamitta ?"

"The gentle graduate guy called Krishna supporting suffering people by introducing to the world?"

 "It's a cutest coincidence let's learn more about them" 

"Are you joking Krishna ?"


"No Krishna  does not waste his time unnecessary

"Go on then everyone agrees with her?"

"It's Saturday we can manage it's depending what kind of program Krishna "

"We are saddened Krishna the young lady had several events including viruses attacked her Krishna 💞". 

"Wow although it's a bit long , what a frightening   world Krishna at the same time there are people follow up Baba's pathway Krishna!!!".

"What kind of people who are coming forward to helping these kinds of poor people Krishna?"

"All kinds but when we often being supportive we become goodness class who can easily become Krishna consciouess "

"Impossible to imagine and unable to avoid tears Krishna we would like to share with our little savings Krishna  ". 

"Why not which expresses our goodness and God conscious ,but we have to make sure of the poor people what we are doing".

"Does it mean work for frutive activity and senses gratification Krishna?''

This is both sense of gratification and also work in devotion.However, step by step if we step in this type of engagements we have to work in devotion students".

'How Krishna how'. 

"Simple ..explaining the template of knowing the temple which are our humble human forms of bodies provided by Papa for the purpose of perfection in devotion for liberation from the fearful situation". 

"How Krishna how?"

 "By reminding the receiver about the motivation of our help is a matter of satisfaction of our Originator"

"Wow !

How Krishna how!"

 "Pretty promotion of Papa not puppy and become Gopies and Gopalas" 

"Oh you mean by telling them to receive our Maha Mantra and recite it regularly or like the guy keep reminding them of God for the Ignorance especially his name is Krishna 💞''

"God bless you Pammitta well said well done and welcome your gracious guideline dear divine mini teacher ha..ha..."

"What about the war and worries  Krishna are they govern by Lord Krishna,  too ?"

"That is the symptoms of our   ignorance  of the  Originator Balaraman ".

"Does it mean Ignorance Krishna?". 

"We had involve in series of serious births we  don't know that this gross and subtile body are the creation of material nature, under the order of the Supreme Personality of God Head sweetest 💕 ".

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness what a mission of tuition Krishna?"

"By the way, our mission Krishna does it Krishna's actions?"

" Definitely...definitely...  being   perfect persons of proper service with God Consciousness,  we must maintain our mental activities in  engaging   Krishna service on behalf of Krishna in Krishna Consciousness. 

"Evidence Krishna please?" 

 "Text 27 Chapter Two in Bhagawadgita Lord says:

"The sprit soul bewildered( puzzled) by the influence of false ego thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by the  three modes of material nature ".

"Thanks Krishna". 

"In fact , the ignorance people do not care of the soul.

 In addition,  in Chapter two,text 29 of Bhagawadgita again it was confirmed by Father" 

"What was it Krishna?"

"Be wildered by the modes of material nature,the Ignorant fully engage themselves in material activities and become attached. But the  wise should not unsettled them ,although these duties are inferior due to the performer's lack of knowledge." 

" If we live like an ordinary animal, our souls could have been encased in the form of fawn ,birds, or beasts  Krishna?"

"Excellent effort Retna "

"Our mesmerising minds; inspirational intelligence; distinguish discrimination; amazing ability of anticipating the terrible future  isn't it important of improving our torch of knowledge Krishna?"

" Definitely Durga we can recognise a person's personality of 

1) Ignorance 

2) Passion 

3) Goodness 

By his own actions don't we?".

"How Krishna ?"

"It's difficult to ordinary people to understand the extra ordinary glory and history of our own souls in evolutionary history"

"We can understand Krishna ".

 "Alright!! From the evaluation of soul of millions of years of transmigration of the souls from body to body from lower  body to higher and elevated  body, our knowledge developed and  elevating  little by little . 

"What Krishna?"

"This boon body is so so rare  such a  boon boat birth of Blessing Bridge although... although being temporary  , can direct us to Divine Dad or will back to animal kingdom from  human kingdom due to our actions as reactions or reflection which is called karma sweetest hearts 💕." 

"Definitely without the mastery of inner  instruments and instructions of the Vedas, we are without visa for liberation from continuous cycling and recycling Krishna."

" Nonetheless during Kallyuga, just a matter of Maha mantra is enough Krishna 

"Is... isn't it such a sacred chance of get out of the mystery which involves us all the miseries Krishna?"

"Sure congratulation although this is a terrible Yuga ,the Maha itself is  indeed a godly gift as a remedy of all tragedies Subathra".

"Certainly not could we hear Krishna?"

"Yes Krishna !"

'Does...does any demigods mantra could have the capacity of liberty like Krishna mantra Krishna ?"

"No...the demigods are surviving grace of  Lord's Atma and Paramatman if Krishna moves away from any of them means he or she died. "

"There is no one can claim to be an educated person  unless... unless... unless understands the Supreme Personality of God 🙏❤️ Head Krishna and his unique maha mantra Krishna".

"Congratulations Pamitta !"

 "Do we   see any sign of this in present education system Krishna????". 

"There is no attempt to awaken the Divine in Man Krishna, but...

 but ...but grace of K.soul 's gurus, we all are entitled to be educated Krishna".

"He is the one insists everyone to involve the awareness of the inner engineering Krishna ".

" True he is the one who promotes his gurus obesianly obeying him although he never met him in person Krishna."


" Yes Krishna,! Now wow no wonder we all understand that the Divinity that is dormant decisive in the very centre that is our Reality Krishna ". 

" He says what his gurus are saying no nonsense Krishna".

"We all miss him Krishna ".

"Last week I saw him walking in the  green grass,  a massive  meadow''.

"What is the evidence  Peter?"

"I took a photo ."

"Then I noticed what he was ... "

"What ...what was he doing Peter?"

"Wow !!!!

....he was feeding  the crows and some kind of white and grey seabirds and pugoen!"

"Are you joking Peter was it because of the heavy snow falls?"

"Undoubtedly understandably... they are desperate to eat their usual prey such as warm and insects as all being covered by heavy snow ?"

"Certainly being better and great  person, doesn't mean must be spending millions, but knowing how we can  be useful and blissful to everyone including the helpless animals  such as crows, orphans animals which make much,  much more difference Krishna"

"Doesn't it Krishna?".

"Sure students!" 

"I know it was unbelievable incident Krishna however grace of today's rain, most of the snow is thankfully disappeared ,melted "

" Excuse me Krishna! Isn't  it  hard to look after the pets in london and they cost a few thousand pounds to buy but....but....but..."

"What is it Peter?"

"Whereas, is it reasonable of  leaving the mouthless birds desperately hungry especially during the winter, is it humanity Krishna 💞?"

"Meanwhile, imagine witnessing a man feeding the  crows  !"

"True Krishna ".

" Ha...ha...Some people were wondering and seems surprised  unknowingly  watching him with their wider eyes and whispering to each other Krishna"

"We don't catch up Peter?"

"You know how people are restricted to have their pets Krishna ".

"Why Rudra?"

"The law does not allow them to dirt the public places or green grass  Krishna".

"Interesting we appreciate it Peter".

 "For instance, the pretty people  daily accompany their lovely pets to exercise in such massive meadow and  playing with them."

"Fantastic surprise to hear it!"

"Nonetheless nonsense happen at that point only Krishna"

"What was it Peter?"

"Their pets poo poo on the green grass only💩

"Pardon Peter? ?"

"Do their toilet?". 

"Ohhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees "

"After they must pick them up with their hands covering up with a plastic bag Krishna? "

"Really Ohhhhhhh goodness oh God!!!!" 

"What happened Peter?"

"Could you show the picture please   🙏?"

"When I watched him ,I straightaway realised  how to be simple, humble and make our Papa Baba or Lord Jesus advice Krishna"

"Would the general  people  walk with their dogs with plastic bags to clean up after their dogs dirt in the green grass Peter?'', 

"It's pretty normal in western countries Krishna ''.

"wonder witnessing our tutor  spreading brown bread well sliced to feed them up !!?"

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees I too saw him Krishna !"

"We need to learn lesson from him Krishna ".

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees!". 

Worship Krishna ; Praise Krishna ; Please Krishna  and ...and... and.. become KRISHNA 


"Whatever we do, it's not us, but Krishna

"  Himself this is how the five factors function"

"We haven't seen any crow in London Krishna !"

By the way ,how the five factors function please in this circumstances Krishna? "


1) Doesn't the first one is the place or the body Krishna?",

"Correct Christina next please ".

2) second is the worker Krishna "

"Excellent effort  the third one please Peter".

3)"  The third one endeavor our hard work  Krishna "

"Super next Balaraman please". 

4) The forth one is our  senses work on the energy of Lord Krishna ".

"Brilliant the final fifth is the  Father Krishna "

5)" True finally The Supreme Soul Krishna!"

"In that case, Mr Soul is  the actor of  the Originator Krishna?".

"Sure we all are the actors of  the Creator  Rata ."

'Pardon Krisna?'

"Could we see the pictures please Krishna?" 

"No worries here we are sacred souls!!!"

"Can we see our tutor's right hand is in the Karke overcoat pocket and the left hand in the black bag?"

"No Krishna!" 

"Shame on us we didn't even notice this of such little little details Krishna why Krishna?"

"He has been reciting the Mahamantra by counting the brown beads or rosary"

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees Krishna what a living evidences Krishna ".

"Not only that, the Holy act is, he brings blessing prasadam after being prayed in placing the meal in front of the Krishna deity in order to help up them to return to father Krishna". 

"Are you kidding Krishna? Expect the birds as human forms to learn more and return to dive Dad Krishna?"

"Absolutely great hearts 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕!"

"Thanks it is eyes opening living evidences yeah when one walk with Gita ,he doesn't dislike anyone including the crows Krishna". 

"So he knows whatever he does does it  to Divine Dad Krishna?"

"Definitely Durga". 

"Could we commence our Mission message please with our dedicated devotional  song Krishna ?"

"Yes Krishna what else we could do for Mr K Soul?"

"My pleasure treasure"

"We love 💕🙏 Krishna" 

"What else did Mr Charm say  Krishna?"

"We are making ourselves fools of the fools. Of course,  a swine🐖 cannot understand the Divine or the  cause of all causes which uses us as tools to run the mortal world by issuing us his immortal souls ha...ha...," 

'' Wow we have no clue What kind of   tuition Krishna ha ...ha...!". 


"So Krishna mortal means it is not permanent?" 


"And then what he does Krishna?"

"A small smile walked around his lovely lips charmingly".

"Why Krishna?"

"Another Sam from London was just next to him".
"Was he?"

 "Next Krishna?"

"Sam's smile too arose around his sensational lips amazingly".

"Meanwhile, Jaffna Sam joined
them joyously!".

"People were watching,watching and watching the twinkle twins."

"They resembled a cooperative jewels with their seductive smiles"

" On the other hand, both beautiful birds were pleasing many men mesmerisingly." 

"Both Marina's fair hairs had been wind blown magnificently while they had opened the windows simultaneously of the glamorous "Meeting Hall" !

"Where they all meeting together?."

"Surely....their lovely long hairs had been left down,which had pleased the people pleasantly."
"Wow! Non on earth do not know what is store for any one".

"Both Sam(s) elegantly eyed at both Marinas unexpectedly".

"It was simply a rainy of honey" 
,added the smiling crowd stunningly".

" Apart from them,in the meeting hall,there were some smiling young girls and boys who were enjoying their enchanting excitements"

"What ?"

" Looked like gems and jewels such as diamonds,emerald, pearl, ruby, Peridot ,sapphire,Opal,topaz and turquoise.

"Furthermore, most of them  have been reading the twins tremendous story on line, too".

"Best of all, the five teens were in keen support who had been the receivers of the organs from Ram, Benz brother Krishna".

  Ye we know"Benz's best brother.

"Correct Christina 💕"

 "They all were standing as their bodyguards "

"We don't get it  Krishna?"

"Ha...ha..they.... Ha...ha...they had a kind of same dresses ... their trousers were white with navy blue shirts ,dotted in tiny tiny white spots and milk white smiles".

"They hooked some of the young girls and the girls  looked at them for some reasons".

"Whaaaaaat we never been introduced these characters yet Krishna!?"
"Cool down they are here for the very first time as body guards and they have multiple skills people nicknamed them Karate Kids

"Indeed they have been accompanying them from the very beginning  of the journey".

"Was it because of the gang members Krishna?" 
"You got the 
keys Rata".

"They are outstandingly awesome more than handsome".

 " Nevertheless it was a little bit of hurtful circumstances for them"

"Why Krishna ?"

"While  witnessing both twinkle twins were extremely emotional".

"Pardon Krishna?" 
"Whilst hearing their heroes heart broken 💔 loud loud hearts beats,"Tic...tic...tic...tic"... and watching their great actions,expressing the evidences of divine assistance and existence ".

" On the other hand, Benz's friends loved their actions. 

They were the example of the brave boys resembled gems and jewels more or less they were same age group".

"Although there are so many material minded people,were in the crowd,these divined minded people attracted the most".

"It was something like the precious mineral.''
"Pardon Krishna?"

"In fact,besides the world is made of minerals,only the particular gems and jewels are spectacularly valuable".
"You mean the valuable minerals Krishna?"

"This is how the people in the path of Supreme science looks better and be clever by recognizing the both knowledge as both wings of beautiful birds".

"Reporters from all around the world were watching the astonishing twins identical actions in expecting excellent news to be written".

"Needn't to say how important and thrilling event Krishna?"

"Absolutely Retna".

"A challenging story involved with the Divine history providing a morality after morality to each and every intelligent people , who have been reading their story on line in wondering their wow actions".

"Ha.,,ha...thaaaank yooooou Sudah!!!!" 

"You are deserved Krishna".

"Suddenly Mr Charm discovered  Krishna Menan within the crowd he was wearing a half trousers in kakey colour and a navy blue shirt with a brown sandal". 

"He straightaway asked him",

" By the way, we pleased to know that you have been publishing our story"
"He smiled slightly!"

"By the way, we saw you in Jaffna.  We thought your passport is with a travel agent don't you  go to foreign?".
"Man proposes God disposes Krishna". 

"It was not much surprising for Krishna Menan so he was still in silence with a slight smile hiding within his mouth".

  "Mr Charm continued",

"Would you mind telling us are you spying us?

"Are you kidding Krishna?"

"You are the publisher of the Great Hearts 💓❤️ no?"

"There was no response from him he resembled Obama in his young version except his everlasting smile."

"Even  his smile is hesitating to come out of his mouth like his words".

"Could you tell me  what is his actual name?"
"What is his aim?"

"You mean the writer Krishna?"


"Mr Charm's tone of talking and questionnaire were pleasant  and gentle / respectful and decent". 

"As usual, Krishna Menan was speechless for a good moment".

"Why Krishna?"

"Yeb he is normally like that he is a man of opened minded not opened mouthed".

"Interesting in introducing a specific character for the very first time Krishna!"
"It is difficult to get a word from opened minded people Krishna".
"That's true untill they are familiar, they wouldn't talk much like my brother "
"Correct Christina I too have got a sister and also a brother". 

"Have you Peter?"


"Actually they are pretty less Karmic and pretty yogic from their births grace of their past Punniya /pious."

"Charm smiled watching his peculiar character of man of  a  few words!"

"Then again Mr Charm continued excitedly":

In fact, my friends are surprisingly pleasant by saying the writer's sweetest way of expressing the reality of divinity within each and every living entity is pretty unique form than other authors."

"We wonder way  he has been writing this story on line?"

Of course,  appreciated his unique work and certainly not going to claim compensation against him Krishna Mena ha...ha... ". 

"Of course, because the children are interested to know about the  Supreme Personality with   points,evidences and explanations around the world it's a Good and considered to be a God's gift to the world". 

Another voice voiced from behind Mr Charm.
And again another

"It is so challenging ,thrilling and amazing. More over, millions of children are addicted to the computer". 

"Excuse me Krishna can I narrate because hearing someone talks if himself doesn't seem comfortable Krishna 💞".

''Good idea please proceed Peter". 

"Krishna  Mena still being still no  word yet".

Again  the same voice:

"All of a sudden, Krishna Menan replied reluctantly with a slight smile,

"I am  so sorry about it... when I asked the writer about  his name to publish on line on the regular request of the readers, he simply smiled in saying ,

"My name is "Soul".

"Pardon Krishna Menan?"

"Ye K.Soul Nava... and he repeated K.N.S. ! 

"K" stands for Krishna 
"N"stands for my Dad and the 
"S" stand for soul."

"Impressive it's the very first interesting impression I ever have!!!"

"Professor facial features were quite appreciative  and certainly not apprehensive"

"What is apprehensive Krishna?"

"Worried or afraid Rudra".

Krishna Menan carried on:

"He has advised me that the humanity have a duty of understanding the divinity Besides they had left it aside and living upside down". 
 "Did he?

 Obviously ?"

Mr  Soul said  that realising our identitg of eternity is the prime duty out of all other responsibilities. So I am doing the prime duty for the divinity".

 "At the same time, all have been crowded" 

"They all looked sweetly surprised and resembled gentle gems...they naturally hooked by their conversion compassionately !"

"Marina gazed at Sam!
 Immediately another Marina gazed at her London Sam, astonished!"

 Mr Charm stared at the sky like our genuine Bona-Fide Guru even our Sams do so quite often.
More over,His Divine Grace A.C    Swami Brahbupada often does ".

  "People were pleased to be placed there".

Then Krishna Menan restarted,

"When I asked him, "Why ?"

"He again smiled",

Krishna Mena, then only our past deepest deeds of cruel Karma will be deleted decently and we can be liberated lovingly from the bad births cycle with  perfect peace. "

"This is called constitutional position"

"Means man born for serve the Divine in torch of knowledge to get rid of the permanent bondage due to the  past ignorance actions in this iron age"

Then Mr Charm  asked him again",

"Alright serving the Divine by knowing the torch of knowledge does not mean  spending most of your time in writing the Divine story by dedicating the life educating us for free while some do not even  understand this Divine Ship 💓!?"

"I used to discuss this types of inquiry with him sir like some other overseas students, ye  they all are in cooperative with him in a productive way".

"What did he respond Krishna Menan?"
You agree or disagree all are Lord's actions and  no one is free although we are having multiple degrees"

"Pardon it's sound prophetic".

"True he talks like he writes 
 saying, including a tree is not free "

"To be fair, I am one of the readers now I always think of his writing dream of it and practice it."

 "What is your own opinion of his opinion Jaffna Sam 
smiled friendly"

In fact he doesn't like anyone's option his opinions he likes only Originator's opinion". 

"London Sam interested". 

Mr Soul described:

"We have  been helping all the innocence populations to understand their souls' eternity and divinity and also the relativity to the Supreme Personality .
Basically ...basically our life foundation based on Braman in other words Atman,  we all are living grace of Atman in  VISNU version of Krishna". 

"So Krishna,
 have you been working as a messenger how he is getting the accurate information from here?"

"Jaffna Marina asked him softly and friendly" 

 "I don't think he is relying on my massage I am not working as a messenger, but publisher he has more supports from more students in overseas. I am one of the many". 
 "Why Krishna why?"

"Because our lives are eternal if the younger  readers realize it and following  the regulative principles, lead them freedom of birth,their past bad deeds will be deleted and as a result, we all are liberated from the cycle of pain chain."

"What do you mean Krishna?" 

"Means our problems will be removed like the wind removing the grey clouds and leaving the radiant of Sun illuminate our lives for ever at present and after the dead ."
 "Everyone enhanced!!"

"What Krishna?"

"Every one  enlightenment hearing Krishna Menan's  arguments  and answers"

"This is the very first time he spoke much as all around him interested and insisted him".

" With much more relief  and relaxed, Charm gladly thanked him and  gazed at his great sons and gazed at merrily Marinas with pretty fear of his wife's division Vision".

"Worst of all,his wife's side being on her side beside knowing his generosity and spirituality !" 

"They were exclaimed in looking at their mothers.The mothers stared at each other surprisingly doubtfully".

"No wonder,the author has been proving our twins living evidences as the concrete proves for the Lord's existence and the Lord's cute controls of all the living entities throughout the eternal or immortal souls and the Super soul". 
"Added London Sam with his happy smile...

   "Definitely we will try to meet him in the future". 
"Jaffna Sam smiled and nodded nicely and happily"

"Whether any one approve or disprove these concrete evidence make him to prove that his  readers are thankful to him".

"Replied Marina excitedly,"

"All these events are taking place during their lunch break in the Golden Temple?". 

"Yeah!The professor promised to himself that this unknown writer must be world known by his blessings  bridge certainly this message will reach to all the punniya Atmas purified people."

"All of a sudden his elegant eyes were fixed on the blue sky after coming out of the temple having holy prasadams . Entertaining the aroma of the auspicious temple".

"Yeah the greatest professor was thinking seriously, seeing the blanket of atmosphere stretched 100 of K.M and keeping  warm like we use the blanket at very cold night, is not a kind of action of none man reaction".

"He smiled like his sons."
Then he thought  ,

"Especially at night,when the planet faces away from the sun keeping us warm.During the day,the blanket become a sunscreen instead.! Oh goodness what a phenomenal facts the writer trying convey!"

"What is convey Krishna?"

"Transport or communication of ideas or feeling", Peter"
"Meanwhile Mr Charm began to think again as a new professor "

"What Krishna?"

"Oh goodness can we imagine how many layers laid one after another in the atmosphere! Only  to protect the living organisms from the high intensity of the sun rays by the greatest Originator." 

"Like we ourselves realised by reading the episodes krishna?"

"Ye he has been walking in watching the wonder work, remembering exactly the names of the Five Spheres 
 that stretch in different different altitude in the atmosphere". 

"Wow we wonder has they  been divided in to  five  layers Krishna?"

"Hundred percent Peter."

 "Five different layers in the atmosphere to protect us Krishna?"

"What are they  in what altitudes have they been
placed ?"

1)Exosphere which is covering up 10 to 10,000 KM 
2 )Thermosphere 80 to 700 KM.
3)Mesosphere 50 to 80KM.
4) Stratosphere 12 to 50 KM.
5)Troposphere 0 to 12K.M

"However, realizing it, is depending on the intelligence of the readers Krishna".

 "We can easily understand how heavenly constructions are these Krishna!!!

"Thanks Meera"

"And then professor thought:

"The writer's worry is that we, scientists are being extremely ignorance".

"Why Krishna?"

 "Although being the analysers of the facts,we are still thinking that these are simply happening without any one's guidance".

"Mr Charm felt a lot guilty of the scientists ignorance".

"Of course,some of  his colleagues were challenging nonsensically against the Divinity that is absolutely not humanity according to Mr Charm."

"He approved the facts based on episodes and started sharing within his friends and colleagues," 

"We really really accept  his concept Krishna".

"Good...Good...👍 thank you Siva"

"Sure..sure...he is absolutely right considering the Earth,a huge beautiful ball of rock moving through the space at 3000 meters speed per second".

 "Can we imagine how it would be possible without an engineering?" .

" Krishna!
In addition, weighing nearly 6000 million,millions,millions tonnes heavy; simply hanging on the space!!!It  is not a none divine nonsense act."
"Certainly Christina". 

"Krishna , now we realise the reality why ...why Mr Charm was welcoming the Lord's words as Lord's Laws".

Any way, It is depend upon the readers past and present actions or karmas to understand the Super Nature's supreme episodes  sir"
"But ... but due to the karmic reactions ,there are million men misunderstanding the mission of human beings apart from concerning about their ambitions of well being".


Then Mr Charm considered
" Our children,
the twinkle twins, although they had been separated from their births, their actions are 100% identical"! 

"Don't we think that we all are forced to believe that an everlasting engineer is inspirationally engineering the entire universe's?" 


"The whole people were adorably admiring the twinkle twins beauty". 


Why Krishna?"

"Seeing  the girls hairs were down, even the wonder wind had wonderfully blowing and coiling them up on their angelic faces and their heads to make them more and more romantic".

"It was enchantingly magnetic.
Oh goodness! Their golden gazes meeting every one's gladdened gazes with stunning smiles."

"Their actions had spoken better than the golden crowns. For an awesome astonishment, both Sam's took their fabulous flutes fantastically" .

"It was indeed an unexpected action .It was incredibly awesome such handsome twinkle twins!"

"Suddenly the silver sun shone down up on the window glasses to hear their wow music and watch the happiest heroic heroes enrichment !"

"As it was charmingly thrilling and extremely challenging ".

"Meanwhile,the silver moon too shone down up on the window glasses to illuminate and enhanced her husband, Sun". 

"The moon was a bit jealous of noticing the loveliest princess dark brown eyes ,which were awesomely matching together with their dark brown hairs with their chocolate color bags". 

"At the same time, the people's happiness had shone graciously through their passionate eyes with compassion !

"What a wonderful world?"

"The boys were so radiant !"

"Have they loaded with Lord's love energetic  ingredients ?"

"Have they injected the enlightened, impressive, inner energy atoms to their body?"

" Because they enchantingly attracted every one within the huge crowd".

"Wasn't it wow and eye catching?"

 "Yeah it was dynamic when they both played identically !  It was dynamically romantic ; eye catching; heart touching and  words missing! "

 "In addition,they were wearing identical illuminating smiles and milk white dresses!" 

"Everyone, every single person was impressed and it expressed through their mouth dropping smiling!"  

" shocking ! Each complementing each  other oh goodness !" 

"Seeing their tears on pearly pair of lovely girls who were following the Goodness Class people pleased".

"Pretty people have been gladdend and on the spot, clapping, clapping and clapping to encourage them"  .

"It was very persuasive, could any one believe,that the way the surrounding of the garden's colourfully fragrant flowers were producing more and more perfume in dancing delightedly and constantly contributing their perfumes?!"

" It was indeed splendid".

"Yes sir surly  they did". 

"All the people felt splendid; the parents did ; the gurus did; the paper reporters did; the cameramen did every single child did it. Indeed splendid!"

"Wasn't it the sweetest event ever?"
"It was a greatest hardship for them in discovering the distinguish relationship of the loyal lordship through these cherish children's relationship." 

"Wasn't it  remarkably unimaginable information for the whole world?"
"Definitely Krishna!"
"Wasn't it emotionally inspirational impact Ruby?"

 "Baba reappearance was warming welcomingly blessing and illumined ".

"Saintly men were looking at the emotional crowd and thanked to the Lord of the Lords Krishna graciously".

" The priest of the temple again, he was wearing a  kind of golden garment with a brown garland and a few rosaries with rose pink petals in his ears."

Unexpectedly the crowd had found a  brown dog 🐕 near by the spacious temple front garden green grass!

"The chubby 🐕 dog was leading or helping a poor blind woman who was wearing a green saree". 

"And then they saw another two 🐕 🐕 dogs. 
For their amazement,they were helping to the police men to spot out the criminals".

"The 🐕 🐶 were working for the people and they are paid by providing them all every facility". 

Laughing saint, Baba indicated or pointed at the dogs🐕 🐶 " .

"People were watching towards his pointing direction and found out the dogs 🐕🐕  as though it was the first time they had seen  them". 

"Meanwhile, the saint,Baba told everyone, 

"Please I beg all of your additional attention could you have a look at the dogs' activities ...

"Haven't we seen how they have been helping and earning their living grace of their learning and training?".

"The men do the same unless,unless the people understand the divinity by realizing the reality of the sacred soul, we are equal to dogs mentality."

"Unsurprisingly and undoubtedly people were watching the dogs carefully in guilty of their ignorance activities against the spirituality." 

For every-ones astonishment, there was a rich man, smartly dressed; perfectly perfumed even  heavily and decently walked and elegantly, entered in to the crowd!"

 "People attracted by his dress and gold chains around his neck!"

  "By approaching Baba, he was gathering both of his palms together with welling tears!".

" For some reasons, it sounded that he was deeply,deeply desperate to talk to him" .

"As soon as he had reached him, he began  to cry,"Krishna...Krishna...,Krishna...How can we over come from these kinds of material mentalities?"  

"Then He kneeled down submissively," 

"Your Divine Grace!"
 Hearing his stunning voice ,everyone turned towards him!
"I am a criminal and living in stealing or robbing the rich people or even poor people blindly".
"Undoubtedly unbelievable personality !
Every one shocked!"

"They thought that he must be the richest man in the world and just...just ,,  came to visit in order to  donate something to Baba as charity" 
"He began to cleans up his tears with a multi coloured tissue".

"Certainly today, too I came to do the same shame on me".

"People were in puzzling mood and in a complex condition states"!

"Unexpectedly he had broken in to tears again.Then carried on with pain ,

I am the one who had robbed that young woman's jewels... it was  a few years ago. He had pointed the pretty pity ruby Renuga!"

"The whole people felt goosebumps or in other words,their hairs were standing on shame on him!"

"People glanced at her worriedly and compassionately" 

"Oh goodness! She was the loving sister of joyful James!"

"He kept talking compassionately."

"But when I saw her in her blood tears and hearing her sorrowful story of her Dad's research, I was in the pool of rain in my eyes immediately...immediately I decided to be an honest person in any any cost!". 

"You can call the police and and ask them to arrest me and punish me. Best of all,witnessing the identical twins, particularly their identical actions, made me to identify the unidentified Supreme Personality. "

"But how can a dishonest person like me could be an honest person?"

" Please sir could you help me?"

"Again he had broken down in to rain in praying the Guru genuinely bowing down to his feet". 

"James glanced at Sam angrily and curiously in hearing the mysterious and  mischievous man's miraculous statement "!

"Sam(s) looked at Renuga regrettably  !Renuga stared at the robber tearfully".

"Please calm down we understand the reaction of this man's criminal actions on your innocence faces .But people of Lord consciousness naturally have the quality of forgiveness". 

"The Guru pleased them. Once the guru made sure of their calmness,he spoke to the robber :

"  The Devotional service is the defense against the, offence".

"The lawyers cannot defense honestly against the offences.Fortunate people are realizing  the reality of the divinity whereas the unfortunates people unrealised their immortal identities namely the soul."

"Look here! If you really, really decided to change your arrogant attitudes definitely rather than indefinitely,and attached to the divinity, determinedly, the Supreme Personality certainly,certainly forgive all of  your cruelties whatsoever ."

"Responded the Saint,Baba softly,but not smilingly as usually he does". 

"His eternal smile had been  disappeared while watching Renuga's uncontrollable flood of rainfall  for the second time".

"For everyone's astonishment,the robber had fell down on Renuga's gold leaves legs apologetically".

"Her foot ressembled golden leaves yes she has the gene of Western father". 

"The entire crowd cried without their knowledge in hearing the sudden story which had made James to slap his best friend a few years back".

" Ye. It was just a few years ago. Marina had remembered the heart bleeding event sadly."

"James hugged Sam worriedly and thankfully in remembering his generosity."

"See like this robber, there are so many kinder people are being blind people by negligence of their permanent soul and the Super Soul".

"More over, People are thinking that they are civilized as long as becoming a rich and  driving in an expensive four wheels".

"But it's simply like a swine/🐖 🐷 walks in it's four legs as long as they did not deserve to be rich like the robber did” .

"Then the robber looked at Marina in saying,

"Dear Princess do you remember me?"

 "Once I met your Dad when you had accompanied with him... remember how emotionally I was weeping?" 

"Marina was in a completely complicated status and confused!!!!" .

"He continued,"darling your father was helping the people like a loyally  kindest King".
He has been crying like a child .

"Then he restarted sobbing":

"I saw the King without nothing left for his own life and walking on the street with his princess"

"He took his multi colour tissue and mopping all 
over his face which was washed in rain"

"Particularly you both  with bare footed,I immediately asked the Lord",

"Lord! Tell me Lord weather the Earth had created you or you had created the Earth?"

 "Could you see Lord there are hundreds of churches and temples where we have been conducting daily devotional services and festivals to please you with garlands on top of garlands in fresh fragrant flowers".

"Besides, have you looked our King had gave every thing to others and nothing left for his life how on earth we think that you are an administrator and the creator?"

 "Of course, Lord you just give us  the births and take the births. Who is going to take care of these disasters births after birthes without a King?"

"All of a sudden, he regrettably wiped his tears away. Every-one was  sorrowfully stunned! then he continued":

"Darling from that day, I decided there was no God... Obviously I thought that we have to make our own destiny". 

"In order to make my own destiny, I needed money... I did not have  option as a consequence, I determined to be a robber, to become richer, but ever since I did not see your father!"

"Very recently only hearing that he had died and
studying your story, I really, really realized that 

honesty is the best policy”. 

"Princess! I have never thought that one day I would be in love of Divine back again"

" I did it as you returned to your status of princess, I analysed that there is God."

"People were in astonishment by watching and hearing"

"The enchanting enlightenment of a robber. When they had witnessed the robber's characterization,they did not get angry at him. Because the world changed him."

 "He was a great and gentle man in his past life despite of being a poor, unqualified individual now the robber has been forgiven. "



Hare Krishna !

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