"How to Get Out of  the  Mystery Which Involves Us In All the Miseries ?"
"He is the One Who is Showing the Path Way .There is No Other Way to Get Out .He is the  Only  Way. However, we all Are On Our Own Way As we Are On  a One Way because of Our Karmas.Fotunatley  Caitanya Can Cancel Our Cancerous Karmas"

"If we Disagree Our Guru's Guidance in Greed ,We Are Only Lowering Ourselves to the Level of the Beasts (Vedas Words ).So Let's Get  Forwarded And Get  Rewarded In Father's FOOTSTEPS. Let start our Originator's Conversation:"

"Hi Krishna ! Isn't He The Incarnation of Lord Krishna as Chaitania  500 years back?"

"Sure that's why we called Him Chaitaniya  Maha Prabhu  means Master of the material masters and spiritual masters !"

"Wow wordings are welcoming and warning as well  Krishna, indeed rewarding of reminding and remembering Him Krishna ".

"That's what our guru Swami Prabhupada proclaimed Krishna"

"True total true Christina"

"By the way, any one guess who were our special   guests  Krishna?" 

"Who were they  Christina we can't read your mind Christina ha...ha...?"

"Our parents invited Mr K Soul Nava and his family,  too Krishna"

"Have they Christina are you sure?" 

"Yeah! Just a quick visit only  Krishna" 

"We thought his daughter is far away...

... was...was... she accompanied with them Christina?"

"Yeah ...yeah...that's why I was about to say Krishna ".


"What was the news Christina anything new?"

"He was fun suddenly saddened  Krishna"

"Why was it?". 

 "It was all of a sudden following a telephone call Krishna ". 

"When was it again Christina I think we can guess in what you talk about?"

"On Tuesday Krishna ".

"Could we know where  was the call from Christina?". 

"It was from Srilanka Krishna"

" Why was he saddened Christina because often  he is  unlikely to be a saddened ? ".

"Yeah  he usually remains humour hiding his personal aspects  and show a happy mood in most of the  times Krishna  ?"

''No it's hard for a person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of sad news with a few good news rest of the news are catastrophic up on catastrophic Krishna ".

"We would like to know who was it on the phone Christina again ?"

"It was Tulsy , the daughter of  Mr Jeyaretna  ... remember Krishna?" 

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees we got it ,but please continue we appropriate it such compassionate ". 

"Tulsy went to Srilanka from London Krishna?"

"Yes... yes ...yes".

 "Please better we change the conversation  Krishna sad upon sad Krishna...

See what  we are watching daily, deadly  distress, deadly disasters upon disaster for instance in Turkey earthquakes and  over 19 thousand had died Krishna such a tragic death worse than pandemic look...look how a child protects anotherchild who have been burried under the building duringthe earthquake in Turkey"

"Why we share only this out of 22 thousands died Krishna"

"As K Soul asked to share it" 

"Why what is the reason Krishna?"

"When he saw Tulsy for the very  first time, this was how she was protecting her brother.

For him,  it seemed like she was a mini Mum of course ,not under the rubble or terrible trouble. In fact, she was an easy smiling primary school girl with milk white uniform fond of her brother better than her mother"

"Sure however in comparison to the pandemic period, she must be relieved and relaxed  imagining  it wasn't happened during the pandemic Krisna ?"

"Definitely Durga, there wouldn't have a chance of attending to the last duty ... how many thousand of nurses doctors and...and...and... ".

"So you are telling Tulsy that  the natural departure back to Godhead is much more natural , tolerable even though hard to be manageable by mind than the pandemic or tragic deads what has been happening all over the world Krishna on daily basis Krishna".

" Indeed although her situation is in a compassinative and sympathetic circumstances".

"Absolutely Krishna 💞🙏"

"Yes our Tutor said  that Tulsy  is pretty  Papa's 💓💕 baby her broken down voice over the phone was shocking and expressed him her heart ♥💔 broken status ".

"He could not forget that  they came up to the international airport in Colombo to send them off back to London Krishna? ".

"Correct ".

"You mean  him and his family which was the last event , turned as an everlasting memory for tutor and his family Krishna 💞?".".

"In addition , her  brother   has been employed in different area think might be  an engineering company , we don't know exactly ,but  we are guessing based  on his elegant education ". 

"Worst of all, he works far, far away from Colombo where Mr and Mrs Jeyaretna live  ".

 "What is Tulsy's plan Krishna?"

"To be honest,  I have no idea whatsoever any of you have a better option  as you all are intelligents  than Mr  K.Soul?".

"Sure grandma said from Vedas's wordings that what is night for us is the time for awakening for the self controlled unconditional people; the time for awakening for us is night for the introspective sage".

"Where in Veda Sarah? "

"Chapter two text 69 in Bhagavad-Gita Krishna 💞"

" Ha....ha... This is the first time you speak like K .Soul thanks 🙏 you are correct Retna ".

"What does it mean in relation to their situation Sarah any  correlation?"

"When we Walk on Lord's lane in  line his instructions,it's the life insurance of internally and externally of our  body ,we will calm down automatically because it's a matter of changing the dress Krishna "

"Thanks Sam".

" What does introspective mean Krishna?" 

''Mindfulness,  thoughtfulness and Godconscious "

" Why Hasn't  her    brother  company her by taking transfers or take her to his home where he works Krishna?"


"How is my idea  Krishna ?"

"Not bad idea they knew it, nevertheless his accommodation is restricted  for males and normally unmarried staff  of the company ".  

"Why he didn't marry Krishna ?

If... if I was in his position, I would have been married by now Krishna?"

"But bad luck being unmarried since long  time Krishna ,besides  no one takes care of my matter Krishna "

"We are afraid that is non of our business  Rudra  until we marry, we have only problem of unmarried, sooner we get married,  we will be facing many problems due to the marriage. " 

"You talk very less Krishna... in addition it might   be like something  throwing  pebbles while living in a glass house Krishna".  

"Sure Sarah we can't expect jewels on return of pebbles because you too will  be suggested to be married   Krishna ".

'Please be serious students '.

"Tulsy has been thinking to invite her mother to London what do you think of her planning students".

"Not bad idea Krishna... 

 it will boost her life style in some ways mother can be supportive  Krishna indeed a productive idea for her immigration matter, too Krishna"

"Why Pamitta?" 

"Eventually she can apply for different resident permit for her permanently explaining her loneliness Krishna like my Mom did".

"But she might disagree Krishna"

"Why Mary?"

"Mr Soul said that she doesn't like the weather meanwhile we have to take into account that he is her unique son like only daughter,  Tulsy Krishna." 

"Yes...yes he wouldn't be comfortable and not reasonable of leaving him as an orphan Krishna".

"Sure...sure... unless....unless... he get married Krishna "

"Overall what Mr Soul suggested ?"

"He suggested calming down at least at the moment before  taking decision is better for their  future."

 "Why not Krishna  he is correct ".

"Why he is correct Meera?"

"Hurrying up in taking action in this unforseen circumstances, may ending up worrying because of the reaction of karma in corporate with the  people who decide instantly".

"Wow you speak sensationally Meera!". 

"Thanks Krishna! However, practicing patience,  makes peace of mind which eliminate the worries and stress and strain and eventually everything would be smooth. May be a bit   slow but  sure and concrete certain and decently done  in Divine Dad Devotion Krishna".

"Thanks Meera why you're being so solid of your decision ?"

"Whatever K.Soul says has a relativity of divinity and reasonable reasons behind it"

"We didn't get that Krishna?" 

"Once  don't we remember watching our tutor was  walking, crossing a young mother struggling to control her child of about two Krishna "

Interesting we remember then?"

"Watching the child who was angrily running away from her mother in the green grass ,the mother  was indeed frustrated with a reddened  face Krishna"

"And then?"

"Witnessing them in advance , Mr  Soul  said to the young mother ,

"Please practice patient to experience peace of mind ha...ha... God bless you" 

"What did the young mother respond Meera?"

"She said a big thank for him and watching her daughter calmly and pretty submissively Krishna." 

"What was the little child doing  Meera?"

  "In a matter of minutes, the cutest daughter returned to her mother with a grace in her face ".

"Are you joking Meera?"

"No krisna ...the truth I'm telling the truth Krishna, my eyes witnessed Krishna".

"Thanks God bless you Meera "

"Could we pray for Tulsy and her family please?"

"Unmistakably please open the vibrant   violet video  to echo our prayer"

"Here with we attached what Ranganan shared..," 

"What is it Krishna?" 

" Isn't it a quote from Bhagawadam Krishna?"

"Sure Sarah ! Let's learn what Bhagawadam says okay 👍?"

"We are extremely excited about it Krishna" 

"Who is Him Krishna 💞 ?"

"Narayana means Krishna Paramatman and Atman is Krishnan"

"Why we worship Him  Krishna?"

In the beginning of creation, the Lord of all creatures sent forth generations of men and demigods, along with Sacrifice for Visnu, and blessed them by saying, 

"Be thou happy by this yajna (Sacrifice) because its its performance will bestow upon you everything desirable for living with happily and achieving LIBERATION "

"Wow!!! what is the evidence Krishna and why we have to follow up this instruction Krishna?"

"Vedas Words God's words". 

"Evidence Krishna ?"

"It's from Bhagavad-Gita text ten ,Chater two ".

"Could we read what Sri Rangan uncle shared please Krishna?"

"Yes with pleasure Peter :"

*कायेन वाचा मनसेन्द्रियैर्वा*
*बुद्ध्यात्मना वा प्रकृतेः स्वभावात् ।*
*करोमि यद्यद् सकलं परस्मै*
*नारायणायेति समर्पयामि ॥*

"Whatever is done with the body, speech, mind or the sense organs,
either by discrimination of the intellect, or by the deeper feelings of the heart, or by the existing tendencies of the mind,
the devotee does them all without ownership, and surrenders them at the feet of Sri Narayana".

*Source - Srimad Bhagavatam*

"Krishna we are sorry we don't understand what is it says from Bhagawadam help us please Krishna ".

"Now ! Listen  everyone carefully please...
 Aren't we each time  repeatedly reminding the FIVE FACTOR on which Narayan maintains each individual's activity in other words, Lord Krishna's assistance of actions ?"

"Yeah Krishna" 

"Does it a  quotation from Bhagawadam... Krishna 💞?"

"Unmistakabley Siva" 

"Krisna , the Bhagawadgita was the dialogue in between Arjuna and krishna considered to be the catalogue  for human alright?"

"Whereas  the Bhagawadam is the dialogue in between Sugachariyar (son of Viyasa )and Magaraj Parskchit" .

"OK krisna now we comprehend what an amazing atmosphere! To be fair we feel the breeze air indeed interesting      vibrant Vedic view Krishna 💞🙏"

"The rest we have to read from the quote which Sri Rangan Uncle has shared with our tutor happy?".

"Could you call and ask our Uncle Krishna please we don't have a clue at all Krishna ".

"He lives in France and tutor said each time we call him , the record only response in french but our tutor doesn't know french although he is a french citizen ha....ha... ".

" No KRISHNA I saw him in the French Embassy waiting in the queue to collect my french renewed passport he too was there I think he is planning to to go to Germany and soon Srilankan that's what he was talking to the staff...


"Christina was he speaking in English?"

 "French Krishna but sounds like English we can recognise that he is English Krishna " 

"Good we got  SRI Ranganna  contact number from our family WhatsApp".

"Better you try  Krishna" 

"Alright I try because I don't think he appreciates sharing his personal contact    number with anyone else otherwise  Christina you can help us as you can speak French" 

 "Sure KRISHNA 😃😃😃"

"Hello I'm Krishna Menan speaking uncle how are you doing Uncle?"

"AUM Nama Shivaya ...

...come to the point how can I help you Krishna?" 

"Would you like to know anything about the football player Platini???

 I can pass it to my cousin, Laxmi ha...ha...?"

"Ha...ha...No Uncle it's all about your message of Bhagawadam to K.Soul Nava ".

"Oh  Nama Shivaya ...

I'm in Lord Shiva's path way Krishna Mena "

"Would you mind explaining the definition of the message you shared with our tutor Uncle?"

" It's a Cup of tea  Krishna ...

However, whatever is done with the body, speech , mind or senses organs,either by discrimination of the intellect, or by the deeper feelings of the heart, or by the existing tendencies of the...mind,the devotee does them all without ownership, and surrenders them at the feet of Sri narayana (KRISHNA )

"So Uncle what does it mean please?"

"Aum Nama Shivaya". 

"Thanks uncle bye...bye"

"What does it mean Krishna?"

"Aum Nama Shivaya "

"Krishna it doesn't make sense Krishna!" 

"Why don't we contact Our tutor Krishna?"

"Alright then calm down please" 

"Hello I'm Krishna Menan speaking have you got a few minutes of spare time just a few minutes with us Mr Soul?"

"Why not Krishna Menan?"

"Why not any questions Krishna?"

"We would like to know exactly the  meaning  of the message which you shared from Uncle , Srirankan please 🙏"

" Oh wasn't it in  English ?

However, whatever is done with the body, speech , mind or senses organs,either by discrimination of the intellect, or by the deeper feelings Of the heart, or by the existing tendencies of the...mind,the devotee does them all without ownership, and surrenders them at the feet of Sri narayana (KRISHNA )

"Oh goodness!!! What does it mean please 🙏?"

the devotee does them all without ownership, and surrenders them at the feet of Sri narayana (KRISHNA )

"What does it mean Krishna?"

"the devotee does them all without ownership, and surrenders them at the feet of Sri narayana (KRISHNA )

" Oh Krisna we got it , what ever we do , we are not ownership,  but Narayana does on our behalf Krishna?".

"That's what does he say Krishna?" 

"Hundred percent" 

 "So Krishna we are Narayana's devotees as well as our tutor   . 

Don't we?"

"Exactly  ". 

"Krisna, what ever our tutor does, he is   not ownership , but Narayana does on his  behalf Krishna?".

"So the nature does not interrupt us or interfere in our involvement in devotion to Krishna?"

"Certainly , what ever we do which are not on our own  ownership , but Narayana does on our  behalf as long as we are submissive students of Divine Grace A.C Swami prahbupada ".

Thanks 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Krishna"

"Now hurry up Christina we have not much   time left ".

"On the way returning home,  Mr K.Soul was seated in a black shiny leather front seat of their grey car needn't to repeat it is shiny ha...ha..."

"Did we ask all this details Christina?"

 "Ha...ha... I know just listen Siva English lesson is also our mission right Krishna?"


"When our tutor was seated in advance,  I was pretty curious...wondering why he wasn't  in the driving seat as usual!? .

"Oh that's mean it's not their first visit Christina?"

"From my primary school , we are like family friends of  them Krishna"

"Interesting please proceed Christina ".

"Meanwhile, his daughter was walking towards the car .Watching her    through the half opened grey car door, K.soul was overjoyed  with her black leggings ,black shoes , green jumper and a beautiful overcoat, kind of black and sandle wood yellow kind of glow and fresh fragrance from her  shampooed  flying fair dark brown hair".


"Then Christina?"

Sooner she was neared the car,

"Well today you  are you going to drive the car Vengadesan....ha....ha...".

Smiled tutor .

"She smiled as usual with her pony tail and milk white teeth,

Trust me ! Reminded Iswariya".  

"What did she say as an answer to him  Christina?" 

"She  smiled again saying ,

"alright ....are you  ready to go Dad ?"

"she was  indicating her indicative finger towards the blue sky while widely opened the door

ha...ha...while saying to Our tutor ?"  

" Yes she  was  indicating her indicative finger towards the blue sky ha...ha...

A moment later 

"Yeah...! it is  where Mr Jeyaretna has been dad"

"Are you ready dad to meet Uncle Jeyaretna? "

 Ha...ha  we were  watching... watching  and amazed how her dad was  bursts in to laughter until his eyes heated up with shiny rain!

"It was  not the end...Krishna "

 Then she said, it's an auspicious day  to go  Dad"

"Her Dad was repeatedly laughing loudly it was so lovingly  memorable moment for all of us because he doesn't care of his departure as he knows that's his liberation."

"Now we can guess  Christina ".

"Of course ,finally his son ,Krishna had joined with them with his mum and  drove the car with a broad smile and stunning vibrant voice saying ,"bye...bye!!!"

"Thanks for sharing it Christina our condolences to Tulsy Visagan and  Meena aunty Krishna".

"Thanks Christina...we love it take your seat Christina ".

"Hello students "

"We didn't have the opportunity of associating with Him,   Krishna?"

"With whom Siva?"

"With Chaitania Maha brabhu Krishna ".

  " Correct Christina dancing with Him is the best blessings Krishna?"

"What we have to do Krishna as an ultimate action ?"

"We have to take the necessary steps, at least little by little which  at least change the atmosphere at least  bit by bit  we improve eventually  having better and better births  if we all sing our sacred Mantra  , it will change our path way significantly and our hearts will, be cleansed crystal clear 🔮"

" Krishna, we are placed in a wrong environment; wrong planet and  wrong education atmosphere?" 

"It is with this high purpose in view, that this 



"Designed by whom Krishna ?"
"By Lord Krishna"

"When was it Krishna ?"

 "When He was here five hundred years ago as Chaitania Maha brabhu"

"You mean 5000 years ago Krishna ?"

"No... it was 500 years ago".Lord Krishna came as Chaitania Mahabrabhu "

"So Krishna when we adapt with
 this qualities,the environment is apt to clean the atmosphere?" ,
"What does it mean apt Krishna ?"

"Appropriate  to Sarah"

"What does appropriate mean Krishna ?"
 "Suitable to"

"Haven't we been witnessing the Hare Krishna Association all over the 🌎🗺🌏🌐🌍 World chanting and 💃🕺👯‍♀️👯‍♂️💃🕺👯‍♀️ dancing?"
"We do Krishna "

"Why they are doing it Meera?"

"To cleans the atmosphere Krishna simultaneously purify their hearts 💕 ♥ ❤ ."

" Sorry Rata?" 

"Inturn which can purify our hearts  💕 💕 "

 "Our what?"

"The five airs on which  the soul is floating eventually become happier with God consciousness"

 "Thanks Rata please 🙏 some 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏applause are appreciated!!!"

" Excuse me what is SATHANAI Krishna?"
"Can you say it again Peter?"

" "Oh!! It is a challenging.

"SURE It's it's  Tamil Sam". 

"What is the best SATHANA Krishna?"


"Still why we all are struggling to  be like the thief in pure Hearts to be able to please the Absolute  Truth   ?

"Fantastic question?" 

"As we all are attracted ,attached as a result we  affected and  attacked by the  three forces".

"How the world is in  function Krishna?" 

"Is it  grace of God's  three energies Krishna?  :
"Definitely Durga" 

"Does it Omega3 Krishna?"

"Good joke Rudra!". 

" three energies are 

...1) Spiritual Energy 
...2) Material Energy and 
...3) Marginal Energy 

"Bravo Balaraman bravoooooo!"

"What are the three forces Krishna?"

"Sorry Sarah?"

"As we all are attracted ,attached as a result we  affected and  attacked by the  three forces Krishna".

1) Desire,
2) Greedy and 

 3) Anger 
"We never ever learn these aspects Krishna!"

"Correct Christina" 

"What made an ordinary man to become too angry against  God Krishna?"
"Greatest inquiry Retna". 

"There is a thief hiding within everyone's heart"

"Who is that stupid Krishna?"

"'s me Krishna!!?"

"What what happened to you Rudra?".
" Sometimes I steal 🍫 chocolates Krishna like butter theift, Lord Krishna ha...ha...".

"Ha...ha... everyone is not going to come forward and accept his or her guilty like you Rudra"

"Not bad of being frank Krishna".
"Please Krishna who is that   robber ?"
"You mean the hidden thief within our hearts  Subathra 💕?" 
"Yes Krishna"

1) His name is KAMA, (desire)".

 "Oooooo yoooooouuu meeaaaannnn our desires Krishna?"

"Undoubtedly  students" 

"When our desire is successfully gained, there is another second  thief". 

 "Come on Krishna stop using that word thief it sounds like you are targeting my behaviour Krishna"

"Why Rudra?"

"Because once I have stolen successfully,  I repeatedly enjoy carry on stealing them  regularly and  repeating on and on carrying on  my  stealing habit , but only sweets at 🏡 home".

 " your robbery training starts from home Rudra?" 
"Unfortunately yes, but not interested to be a professional robbery Krishna"

"What the thief Force does Krishna ?" 

"Good or bad could be both  ?"

"As you said, we are  being more and more greedy to have more desires Krishna". 


"Who is the second thief Krishna ?"

"I already told Rata", 

"What is his name Krishna?"

"2) His name is Lobha, (greedy)"
"Are you serious Krishna?"

 "Our conversation includes important information from Vedas sweetest hearts "

"For example, we use others brain 🧠 in writing ✍ our exams". 

"Don't we?". 
"You mean copying?"
"No have we written any of the study books 📚📚📚 on our own?"

"No Krishna"
"We just memorising them and putting in the questionnaire papers and passing the exams"

"Ha...ha....true totally our brain depends on others that is our education which based on others' education such as various books merits" 

"We too Krishna"

"Yes we too nonetheless be careful what is blessful and awful"

"Pardon Krishna?"

"We are using basically our Gurus  brains blessfuly Subathra".

"Nevertheless, it is not ours, but gurus Krishna"

"Ha...ha...that is pure to cure ourselves stupids sorry sweet students",

"Then what we learn from school books are pure too Krishna"

"Ha...ha... our Gurus information are from Vedas Meera"

 "Vedas are the blessing science books 📚📚📚 Krishna?"

 "They are books related and written by others Krishna"

"Ha...ha...the purest  Vedas's information are from Universal Father".
" Ohhhhhh yeeeeeeeees my apologise Krishna. Thanks thousands times Krishna"
"You are welcome 😊 Subathra" 

"Could you tell us the third thief Krishna?"

" Alright  Meera when someone's greedy and unfortunately his ambition is unsuccessfully ended, there is another thief wakes up to sets up his muddled up minded terrible task"

"Oh my Goooooooood why you always staring at meeeee Krishna?"

"Just for pudding Rudra!

"Ha...ha...ha...It's not pudding  kidding Krishna !"


"When our greedy was unachievable, 

...What we do Rudra?"

 3) "We become gangsters ,rowdies, but like crows ".

"Excellent effort, corporation even  in completion which explains from what body we have been evolved in evolution  "

"Pardon Krishna?".

"Hatred, angry , violence, ego  and harm on the person who is stopping us from achieving our targets like tiger movement Krishna".

"Good...good...that's what happened to the thief standing in front of Baba Krishna".
"Who was his enemy Krishna?"


"Why Krishna why he didn't respect God?"

"Because he did  not interest in the Science of Self-Realisation sweetest hearts  ♥ !"

"Now we talk about Madam Mission...any of you  know Madam Teresa?"

"Ye we can see her in white and blue saree Krishna"

"Brilliant! Thanks 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 Roses "
"Who is she ?"

"She is the greatest and nicest  nun Krishna"

"Yeah the nicest nurse of Lord Jesus proved how  Lord's blessing can be achieved  single handedly and she accomplished thousands of   serving centers for the poor ,vulnerable and seriously sick individuals. "
 "Goooood girl"

"How did you know that Krishna?"

 "Stop asking silly questions from Krishna Rosy"

" Ha.,,ha...thanks Meera ...Mother Teresa had appeared in front of the robber". 

"She had died Krishna!"

"Listen no one dies especially the godly saints are always in invisible forms "

"Pardon meeeee!!!"

 "No wonder we often wonder, but it is the reality" 

"  From time to time, they will appear only to those genuinely 💘 love God and they advice them in assisting the right paths".

"But non of the audiences did not see her Rudra!"

"She is a saint ❤ definitely she would have done it Krishna because someone kept her picture on a very sick patient as a result, he was healed 😀!"

"How did you know it Sarah?"

"My mom told me Pamitta "
"Alright appreciate 💞 it" .

"Here in this case, she had blessed him tearfully and she wiped his tears motherly and invisibly by her bare hands and blessed him beautifully."

"Why not?"

 "She is such a saintly sacred soul Krishna ?"
"Correct Christina!" 

"Why she appeared to a robber Krishna?"

"He was the one who gave her 47 rupees and asked her to use it for her charity service!"
 "Such a rich robber gave her only 47 rupees Krishna shame on him!"

"Please listen and be opened minded not open mouthed that is closed minded Rudra"

"My apologies Krishna"

"When was it Krishna?"

"A few years ago Sam"

 "Why he insulted her in this manner Krishna?"

"Pardon Peter?"

"He is a rich man he could have given her much more than that?"

"True , but  let me explain what happened exactly". 

"She did not refuse it Krishna?"

"No. Instead she straightaway re- minded someone special".

"Who was it Krishna?"

"A beggar".
"Are you kidding Krishna?"

" Ha...ha...she met a poorest beggar,
"However he was a well-wisher, long long time he had been planning to save some money to give her as charity" 
"Did he give her Krishna?" 

" Yes he did" . 

However, he hadn't any 💰 money on the particular day when he saw Mother Teresa!"
"Oh poor person Krisna"

"Although he had been staying there, begging impatiently, nearly the whole day, he got only 47 penes in the hottest weather"

"Where was it Krishna?"

 "In India"
"It's not right Krishna".

"He gave his entire income to her and asked her not to refuse it because it was  his whole life dream"

"She was alarmed astonishingly standing still,  inspired ,watching his wider 
worship-able smile and decided to be  submissive to him. Thanking him and thinking in her mind, 

"Oh God!!! If I take this, he would be penniless, foodless and if I refuse it, he would be in sadness".

"So... so she accepted his God consciousness with kindness."

"In deed sweet of him Krishna"

"Do you understand how the fabulous five factors are fortifying?"

"What is the correlation of this 47 penes to 47 rupees Krishna?"

" Intelligent and intellectual  inquiries,Mary!"

"We are your students Krishna!"

"Thanks the robber told her I can give 47 thousands, but that is not Dharma  because I am a robbery please forgive me the money was not earned in a right way except the 47 rupees which I earned hardly".
"So honest of him Krishna".
"So Dharma means righteousness Krishna?"

 "Sure Subathra". 

Although he was a well-wisher witnessing a king was on the street with his Princess, he had changed his mind to be a rich robber in order to help to the King minded man in anger hatred etc...".

Unfortunately he did not see the King ever since he became a rich robber in a wrong path way. 

The King had  died and for his bad surprise, he didn't know his address.

On the other side, the parents who had adopted the twins innocently, had been inquired by the paper reporters

"What was all about the reports Krishna?"

"All  about the twins identical activities".

"They kindly answered  to the reporters commonly as they were running out of time". 

"Who Krishna?"
" We are talking about Sams Sarah ".

"The results of the research made surprising reading the most incredibly remarkable and especial remarks are to be found in the case of Sam's and Marina's  inspiring identical out of many other identical twins. 

"What are they Krishna?" 

"For instance ,at school Jaffna Sam and London Sam like English and they love  English literature, Science and not much interested in Maths"

"Sooooo amazing Krishna!" 

"Correct Christina 💕".

"After College Krishna?"

 "Since leaving colleges, both  have been working as journalists". 

"Really Krishna?"

" Ye . Both men fell in love with  another identical twins"

 "Both called Marina Krishna?.

"Best of all, both of their homes are identical such as gardens, pets names, the meal they love, the colours they adore; the sports they interested etc...etc,"

"But what can be the explanation for these remarkable similarities Krishna?"


" I am serious Krishna!!!"

"Is it all sort of accidences or coincidences or genetic Krishna?"

"What you meant Meera?"

"Research into the lives of these remarkable similarities is it all pure coincidence , or some way genetic Krishna?".

"These research into the lives of  twins is forcing some experts to admit that our personalities may partly due to Nature".

"Wow 🥺 don't we  have the greatest evidences?".

"Certainly Balaraman!"

"All of a sudden,the robber gave back Renuga a heavy gold chain which he was wearing".
"That's  great 👍 Krishna!"

"It sounded that he honestly honoured his heart broken down words". 

"Obviously, it was  as a replacement of her robbed jewels although they were a few numbers of jewels,he returned all in one".
"Did he Krishna?"

" Sure !!!"

"Nevertheless, she was not in a good mood to accepts or rejects it or understand anything about it...

However, he had  put his heavy gold chain on her snow white  foot. It resembled a miracle to every single people... 

Especially for the  journalists. The camera men were shooting lots of shots like a group of army attacking the enemies during the war!"

"We love the way of your describing Krishna".

'Thanks 👍 ".

"The reporters were crowded around them". 

"Why we have to be worried about our liberation so quickly Divine Grace?”

"Asked a reporter hurriedly".

" the temple Gurus were astonished in hearing his inadequate question in this wonderfully warming circumstances. 

However,one of them  politely answered amusingly.

"Factually, our super Supreme  father worrying in compassion by considering us like the tiniest  ants on the streets,  at any time can be killed",

"The person who questioned was astonished" 

 "Mopping his sweat by milk white towel, Baba answered" :

"As we never know the departure which has been waiting each and every one at the door step; it could be at any moment  yeah anything could happen. It could happen to anyone anywhere for any body ,at any time!" 

 The journalists shocked!!!" 
Reading their exclamation ❗❗❗❗❗ marks, he carried on:

"Such as the landslide, flight disappearance, forest fire, floods 🔥 😍 Covid 19, bird flu,crisis,Variant,Mutation or inevitable incidences and accidences ”

"The reporters were worried, but appreciated".

"Still the saint carried on":

“The reason why the Lord laughs  witnessing the insurance companies saying  to the customers that they will save them".

"What's wrong with the insurance companies?"

"All because the souls of our bodies are belongs to Divine Authority Body,"

"Pardon Prabhu?"

 We have been  left under the complex control of the Super Nature 's responsibility ”


"Extremely sorry Divine Grace Prabhu! "

"Could you tell us in an easy way to write it down so that the readers could easily read and gladly grab it?”.

"The Saint smiled softly and said", 

The Super Nature is under the control of the Supreme Power/Father" 

As a result,
when the peoples ignore Him, He too, could ignore them"

"Isn't it natural?"

"You are  right!" 

"That is called Nature".

"The journalists began to get the points faithfully, respectfully and sincerely. "

"Just...  just renewing their bodies according to their desires Prabhu Divine Grace?".
"So being thankful is our own benefits 💖💓💖?"
"If not Prabhu?" 

" Ye! The danger is  next body  could be any body human body or even animal body”.

Sorry Prabhu could you explain it?"

It might be an animal body all depends on our understanding of our eternal identity called sacred souls"

“ You mean the people could transform in to animals as long as carry on living by ignoring the Science Of Self Realisation?"

"That's it ...we will be in the hand of Mother Nature she is like all the mothers fond of children and accepting whatever they request them!"

"Aren't they?" 

But the dicision derived from Father.

So, you think that we should not enjoy our lives and only pray... pray... and pray that's what you mean ?" 

"Another journalist shouted ".

"No dear! We must enjoy our lives in remembering our Father and caring his creation "

"How Prabhu?"

 By being gratitude in saying  the mandra , following the Vedas and serving vulnerable ".

"Don't you experience in your life that our lives are  simply just a few hours of cinema?".
"Sure so so short Baba"

"Why you say so that Prabhu?" 

"Another journalist requested.
Smiling saint carried on",

 "Dear no one knows what is their fate or destiny. Nevertheless, many think that  they make their own destiny." 

"Of course, each and every one makes his own destiny Prabhu."
"In that case, we all are in the same case as ants on the streets 🐜🐜!!!"
"We do apologise Prabhu".

"Nonetheless, making our destiny with the guidance of divinity is the beauty of being humanity to make assurance and enhance our insurance for the sacred souls"

"Why we mean how Prabhu?"

 "Which are not subject to decay ;not subject to decline or not subject to death.”

"He suddenly pointed out his finger towards the rich robber"…

“Have you seen the man's activities?" 

"He finally understood the God and as a result, he is  acting  like a humble human of compassion .In turn,it  will make his path of life in divine distinct direction ”.

We do not get it Guru!” 
"Alright!  our everlasting identity are the Souls and the Super Soul ...
...Realizing it, stopping the continuing cruel cruelty knowingly the rebirths as the reactions of our present ignorance actions without devotional development ".

"Thanking you whole heartedly Prabhu"

"God bless you all!"

"Suddenly some journalists surrounded the twinkle twins smilingly".

"Wow journalists going to interview the journalists wasn't it wonderful Krishna?"
"Sure sure Peter 😜"

"Hi Sam! 
...What do you think about the talk of the Gurus?"

"In fact, knowing the Lordship means releasing from the human hardship".
"We wonder how you both are using English literature pretty nicely".

 "Thank you". 

 "Simply satisfying the stomach by happily following the principles of animals such as    eating,mating,defending,offending,learning,earning,
sleeping not enough".

"We already entertained that kinds of enjoyments in our past lives such as  dogs and cats".
 "Pardon Sam?"

 "Even a dog can act  in that ordinary principle , but the dog or a hog cannot understand the God."

"The gurus in the temple 🕍 happily smiled in clapping their hands handsomely".

"Hi Marina! would you mind sharing a few words ?"

" Jaffna Marina glanced at Jaffna Sam!" 

"He had blinked at her beautifully! That's all her soul inspired and expressed ,

" Well! 

"Our lives became a nonfictional information tuition to the entire nations or most of the population across the world as we speak what the Lord of the Lords spoke 5000 years ago".

 "Ha...ha... we understand ".

"You mean we must meet challenge and find out the blessing 🙏 bond?" 


"People began to wonder the way the inspiring identical were acting identically. They had forgotten the time passed breathtakingly ⌚their watches  !.

"Meanwhile smiling London twinkle twin said,

Unless, unless... they are well founded phenomenal understanding of the Creator, our lives become extremely terrible even horrible like we are experiencing at present such as forest fire, heat waves flood
and blaze across 🌎  🌎 the world" . 

"So please, please think about the root cause of all causes which is the SATHANA which is Baba's Best Expectation".
"Why ? 
...What is the point of sacrificing our lives in reciting the Maha Mantra?"
"Because it is the liberating golden 🔑🗝🔐. Keys"

"We will be liberated if we turn  the key towards right by opening the Divine Door.  The Rightest route."

 "If we turn blind eye, it's like we are turning the key towards left to close the Divine 🚪 Door "

"So what?"
"The dirtiest cycle misery will carry on  troubling terribly "

So you means sort out the Mystery which involves us in all the mysterious in our  life?"


"Then the journalist asked London Sam" ,

"It would be appreciated if you could share a few words with us".

 Smiling Jaffna Sam encouraged the England Sam by his beautiful body gesture. 

The loccasion was lovely 🏵️🌹🌹🌹🌻🌹🌹🌹🏵️🌹 the atmosphere was awesome 👍.
What a remarkable fragrance flowers 🌸🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷!!!?

"The beauty was, these twins are experiencing the most confusing difficult that was becoming the stepping stones of their stupendously sincere human lives"

"Why ?"

 "By realizing we all are under control of the Supreme Personality of God Head and obviously it is being a lesson to the entire population" 

"Thank you indeed great guidance",

"Smiled all the journalists at once.

"Suddenly a journalist from India asked, looking at the temple pramana/priest who was very well  known of his mysterious knowledge of reading the cause of any disasters"

"Excuse us  honorable gentle Guru!..."
He was wearing charming fragrant flowers garlands 
with yellow 🌞 sun shining clothing" 

"Would you mind telling us publicly the reason of the tremendous twins' severe separation without the knowledge of their own parents?"

"This question was the most important question out of all other questions to the guru best of all to the audiences,too".

 "The guru smiled softly in saying this is the reason why they all came to visit us",

He adjusted his throat.

"In fact, it was a tragedy, 23 years ago there was an accident!"

All the audiences are surrounded enthusiastically.

" I mean there was a fire in the hospital where both Marina's and Sam’s mothers had been admitted for their labor of the births".

"People could not believe their eyes!!!!"

" In fact, after their children had been delivered, there was a fire ...Parents were informed that their children were unfortunately burnt down to death!" 

"However, as long as their parents asked the evidence such as the bodies ash, the authority bodies did not and could not provide it!"

 Even the fire men or fire fighters failed to provide their ashes.

Later Mr. Charm filed the case against the hospital. 

"The hospital investigated. "

No remedy was found many years later, the case was nearly closed, but Mr. Charm requested their  reconsideration. 

"He is  the greatest scientist who was a great friend of Marina's father, who was a generous and richest man in the city."

He appealed the case demanding them to examine their DNA in the burnt ashes, but meanwhile, the greatest man ended up being poorest man eventually passed away.

"As a result, after long term of investigation, it came to light that the nurse who had looked after those  delivery sold the kids to foreigners who were genuinely and sincerely even desperately  seeking for children to be adopted".

"Mr. Charm carried on the case ,but kept the secret between him and the adopted parents for some compassionate reasons."

 "It was  following their unsuccessful long term attempts of having kids of their own. Even their fertility treatments were unsuccessful I mean foster parents, (adopted parents)"

"Needn't to say that the nurse purposely fired the hospital" .

The audience alarmed 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 sorrowfully!!!!

"Now she is in jail, but we don't like to say more detail for the security of her life".

"When the foreign researcher had involved in this matter of identical twins study, 
Mr Charm provided all the information eventually Marina's Mom provided Marina's details on condition, the matter must be in secret"

"Hearing it, Sam's mother was angry like frost🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 at Mr Charm".

"Marina was sympathised and glancing at her Mum's innocence secret life".

"The news was extremely sorrowful and awful particularly for their parents and Sam's best friends". 

"This was another shocking alarming news for both Marinas and both Sams"

"Moreover, the entire crowd was shouted",

"Oh God"...Oh goodness, they did it several times desperately".

"That was the end of the interview today". 

hear the above please little by little we become less little and more learned loyalists.
God bless you sacred souls 




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