The Divine Embodiments of Pure Atmans's Hearts  Are Broken Down in Tears and Fears Just Witnessing Worries Around the World. 

They Teach that every name is ,But Father a part of His body,  a Ray of the Supreme He is the Precious Gem .Our Challenge   is Recognising the One  Who supports and Sustains The universe.

The Hinduism is in Tension Even , Even in Devotion Not Even Listening The Reality of Divnity and  Blindly Following Multipilicity Due to Some Irresponible Interpreters of Vedas. Now the whole Hinduism in Racism , separatism And... And..,And .

"Hello Krishna !"

"It's seems super ❤️ serious science wordings Krishna ".

"Ha...ha...leela ! Let's get started Krishna ".

Krishna why within the same Hinduism,  different , diffrent demigods with no knowledge of the Supreme Personality of God Head? "

"As we all are elevated from various families who are from different degrees or levels of self temple torch of knowledge"

"We don't catch up speak up Krishna about self temples !" 

"We are temples of Brahman in other words, Visnu in detailed saying, Krisnan" 

"In addition,  we had been living as animals previously Aren't we?".

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees Krishna Rudra's brother had urinated on his father's face and smiledlike monkey"

"How old was he?"

"Six months old Krishna "

"Ha...ha...alright !



" That animals instincts and impulse are still resident like we are living in different countries with residence permits."

"What does mean INTINCT Krishna?"

"That is an innate pattern of behaviour not the result of learning or experiencing. 

"Example Krishna?"

" For instance, infants have they been told or taught to dring mother milk on her nipple as soon as they had born?"

"Krishna being   offensive!" 

"No Krishna is teaching Rosy...'s matter of education biology subject Rosy are you crazy Rosy?

"Krishna, I meant Rudra  is looking my... ".

"Rudra behave yourself right?"

"Krishna it's not a matter of bad attitude, but natural aptitude in other words instincts Krishna why she hasn't worn her bra Krishna?".

"Pardon Rudra I haven't worn my bra for years like my mum because of our nature it's natural and hygienic and  freedom?"

"Alright. ..alright be polite there are so many characters of people we have to be careful. "

" So Krishna,  the instincts or impulse or aptitude from innate mind sets are from our previous personality why I'm being blamed ?".




"Ohhhhhhhh what is another word for instinct krishna ?"


"So Krisna it is hundred  times sure... our previous practice of animals principles such as eating, mating, learning, earning , diffending ,offending ,breeding ..and... and ...and are still resident in ourselves?"

"Definitely Durga "

"Thanks Krishna indeed a great deed of exploration of our seed of breed by the way ""What does mean bread Krishna". 

"I said breed Rudra"

"Dosen't matter Krishna what does it mean fault finder ?"

"Mate and then produce offspring Rudra".

"You mean having children Krishna?"

"Correct Christina "

"Krishna,  we didn't need advice in immigration or biology issues only Divine details Krishna ".

"Sure...sure the previous practice of animals principles in our animal lives  such as eating, mating, learning, earning , diffending ,offending ,breeding ..and... and ...and are still resident in ourselves"

"Ohhhhhhh goodness why you revealed our negative characters Krishna isn't it an offensive Krishna ha....ha..?"

"See ...see...!!!As  they can't be removed on the spot our innat aptitudes and attitudes sweet hearts πŸ’• unless learn Lord's law"

"What are they Krishna?"

"The animals instincts still resident  these inhuman characters are to be slashed by our Originator's literature of treasure ,Vedas".

"How Krishna please my Grandma's last desires are eating different dishes of various animals? ".

"This kinds of unkind characters are to be slaughtered great hearts πŸ’• ".

"Impossible Krishna she loves going to the slaughter house in person in order order fresh meat  with origina odour πŸ₯© of meat  Krishna".

"Listen all of you ,what we need to do is, slaughter our cruel characters on the post our minds they are the  sacrifice places"

"Of  our monkey minds is the post of( Bali peedam)  Krishna?"

"Absolutely Rosy ".

"What is it called Krishna ?"

" There are five layers to cross called 5 Kosas."

"We eat more than five disasters Krishna "

"I said KOSAS Rudra"

"Could you demonstrate decently with a vibrant video Krishna I can share with my grandmother ?"

"No worries Smiling Sam going to demonstrate it to Marina we can watch it okay?"

"Even in our Christianity, we have some conflict and chaos Krishna"

"Sure sure" 

"Why Aum/OM Nama Shivaya and Hare Krishna have different opinions Krishna?"

"Yes why different sections in devotion Krishna?"

"As we learned, there are three distinctive disciplines in devotion like :

1) The ground floor 

2) The second floor 

3) The third floor "

"You mean the degree of understanding:

1)  the sun rays 

2) The sun surface  and 

3) The sun  planet Krishna?"

"Exactly excellent effort brilliant boy"

"In this staircase there are so many who have reached the first floor Krishna?"

"Correct Christina ".

" In  the second floor not much men Krishna?"

"Ha...ha... Happy to hear it Meera "

"And ...and the  best floor Krishna?"

" Unless we reached to the   best floor, we won't  have the capacity or knowledge to 

 understanding of Krishna".

"We just stop at "Aum Nama Shivaya" Krishna?"

" Definitely Dorga difficult for them .They are very good the second floor 🀣 "

" We are at lower stage of knowledge or higher stage Krishna please?". 

"We are at the  topest floor fragrance flowers πŸ’!"

"Wow couldn't get it Krishna; could not believe our ears Krishna!!!??? 


"In other words,

1) Atman understanding stage, the sacred soul only 

2) Brahman understanding stage, the Bramah Joythy /effulgence only 

3) Bhagawan (Paramatman) understanding stage the Father, Krishna "

"Enchanting explanation such in detail Krishna we are excited Krishna?"

"When we are in the first floor, we are like in the Primary school no advancement neither  enlightenment Pammitta "

"Yes ...yes...yes Krishna can I have a kiss kiss Krishna?".


"No Pammitta Krishna has mountainous women he doesn't care of you kiss ha.ha...."

"When we are in the second floor, we are at Secondary school advance to appreciate Brahma "

"What's wrong Rudra?"

"Cool down Krishna I'm talking about Krishna "

"What have you been whispering to her Rudra?"

"Cool down Krishna I'm honestly talking about Krishna ha...ha..."

" So Krishna people interpreting the Pramah Joythy, effulgence as the Impersonal Braman,but not Krishna?"

"Absolutely, to be honest,  Sri Rangan from France spoke and answered in that manner". 

"Are you crazy Krishna ?"

" general like my brother ,lazy people want easy path thinking God is a matter of  Power Station Krishna?"

"Certainly!  When we are on the top floor, we are at College πŸŽ“ degree stage with courage advance stage only on original step , Realizing the reality of Supreme personality ,Appah Krishna "

"Yes... yes... yes ...the responsibilities of our services of auspicious Mission of Tuition is in high order of Originator not for ordinary students only for extraordinary Punniya Atmas( pious persons).

What is the benefit of being in the topest floor Krishna?

Get Out of the cruelty of cycling and recycling like bin we are not bin but divine getting out of our sin following our nonstop:on 

1) births 

2) dearths

3)  old ages 

4) diseases

"Aren't you exaggerating Krishna?"

" I replied the responsibilities of our services of auspicious Mission of Tuition is in high order of Originator not for ordinary students only for extraordinary Punniya Atmas( pious persons

"Evidence Krishna?"

"Chapter Thirteen in Bhagavad-Gita Meera"  

"We remember Krishna it has to lead our sacred students and through our students all other students".

"Definitely Durga could you repeat it?"

"We remember Krishna it has to lead our sacred students and through our students all other ".

"There are two types of people one do not deny Divine, but deny God ".  

"My brother asked why Krisna?"

" There are two types of people... one do not deny Divine, but deny Lord Krishna?".  

"You mean  instead, we put the credit to some deities such as Shiva , Power Station , satgurus and... and... and we  are being careless like  reckless drivers, deprived from Father Krishna?".

 "Absolutely careless of our future after departure Krishna?."

 " Surely! We worry only worldly welfares not godly welfare isn't it unfair Krishna".

"Correct Siva it's because of our interest concerning present pleasures ?" 

"Certainly it's called senses gratification Meera". 

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness Krishna !"

"Another type of people krisna ? "

"We are accepting Krishna πŸ’žπŸ™ understanding the fact and five factors as long as  there is a creation, there is a creator; as long as there is a birth, there is a death and as long as there is a death, there is a rebirth".

"In fact, according to the Vedas, we have  taken birth according to our activities and our desires we have to have the cycle on and on keep on carrying on Krishna?".

"Obviously Tulsy ".

"How we provide prove that we have a cycle Krishna please?"

" There are thousands of children remember their past life our main characters will teach us decently in detail we better do not waste our sessions Tulsy".

"Does the elements are created Krishna?"

"Yes  Balaraman"

"How does please it manifests Krishna ?"

"1) From the  air ,fire is generated is it clear it's a simple science alright?

 "Certainly Krishna "

2)" From the  fire, water is generated okay?"

"Unmistakably Krishna". 

3 ) From the water , earthe becomes manifested clear? ". 

"Unchallengeable Krishna "

4) From the earth,varieties of manifestations take place any doubts  about it?"

"No Krishna" 

5) this is the form of the atmosphere the sky satisfactory answer? ".

"Thanks Krishna?"

"Welcome πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„!"

"We learned that in each atom recycling Krishna if it so,  how does it function Krishna?"

"For instance see the Turkish earthquake how many thousand have disappeared they will reappear sooner just as from ether, air , fire ,water and atmosphere are  generated.

"How Krishna?"

"For instance, the big, big building blocks have been dismantled during the disasters haven't we witnessed?". 

"We ...we don't deny Krishna?".

" No Krishna it's Like the people become ashes after death Krishna".

"Are we going to remain as atoms like the building blocks become earth by earthquake by dismantled Krishna?"

" Of course ...of course course of time ,this unmanifested items of the buildings will be manifested again new buildings".

"Then why we worry let the nature be the administrator Krishna "

"But mind the new buildings can be a slaughter houses or prison houses".

"Does it exactly like atheist take back to animal kingdom lack of wisdom Krishna?"

"Why not Balaraman?"

"This is   why we worry Krishna?"

"Hundred percent Peter !"

"We are not materials krisna we can't drive 

recklessly Krishna".

"However the  materialistic people are in danger Krishna "

"Krisna ,we too are maddened in materials?". 

"Of course, but we are trying to control by saying the Maha Mantra don't  students?"

"We are still finding deeply difficult Krishna!!!".

"Absolutely Pammitta Can we ignore what Caitanya claims students?"

"No Krishna no it is  nonsense of following trasnmigration of repeated cycle misery of births, deaths , old ages and diseases Krishna "

 "Baba said,  it is mostly a question of the final goal that man sets before himself in life .The goal has to be the Realisation of Unity of the self with the Paramatman, Bhagawan, Krishna πŸ’ž ".

"How what is the very simplest step we can set up to hurry up our lost time Krishna?"

" The only original option is, reciting the Maha Mantra great hearts "

"Does it is the only gate way Krishna?".

"Unless we become KRISHNA Consciousness, we are acting like atoms only to be dismantled or unmanifested and manifested again  ".

"By the way, we are responsible of manifesting the dismantling building  Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...ha... Fools...fools.fools .. how many times we have repeated that the creation began from the subtle state of Atman, Bramah in us like the universe began from the subtle invisible sacred soul?"

"Have you called us fools Krishna πŸ’ž?"

"Yes of course,  coolπŸ‘"

 "  Krishna we heard you called us  fools"

But you didn't  Krishna sorry about it Krishna".

"Doesn't matter may be you become clear in listening and  concentration keep it up ha...ha..."

"Could we watch the young man, Krishna who has been helping the vulnerable people as we already watched a couple of his videos Krishna?"

"Our pleasure Subathra" 

"Please open the violet veil students "

" Excellent effort Subathra  !!! That is our Papa's path  way of Divine Radiant Ray".

"What is it Krishna?"

," The path of Lord Krishna or Divine Sadadana"

"Does it mean challenge  Krishna?'"

"Yes πŸ‘ which makes the super students from the position" I" to the position "We"

"Could we continue  by we connecting to the team Sam team workers students ?"

"Yes we are pleased Krishna!".

"Sam was emotional ,was nearly broken down to rain. Still after a few minutes of silver silence and many many long breathings, he has  determined to break up the confirmed news now to Marina determinedly",

"She looked at him hurtfully thinking,
He looks like a saint when he was sitting in a pretty poster in cross-eyed eyes and crossed leggs.

She guessed he is a man of Self-Realised 

She asked what he was doing I  meditation he told her

Open the video it will echo 
"When everyone watched it, they astonished amazingly". 

"We learned this Krishna!"

"Surely Meera 
1)  the firstlayer is material
Ths secondlayer is mental 
The third layeris intellectual 
The forthlayer is viral and the fithe layer is Spiritual ".

"Does it Aum Nama Shivaya Krishna?"

"Yes it is Brahman Realisation above that we have to realize Krishna if not. Aum Nama Shivaya Krishna". 

"We love to move on I  to the story Krishna".

Alright o e two three:

" Please don't go ...don't go I cannot imagine to leave πŸ’” you in the same airport ".

Thought Marina. 

"Yeah so sad for her Krishna because she  
 may not Krishna".

"Pardon Mary?".

"She would or wouldn't be allowed to be accompanied Marina  Krishna".

"Pretty pleased Pammitta that's what in Marina's mind too!".

"Please don't say anything darling

That's what Marina's mind speaks. 

"Remember the day I met you last month, I have decided to join my twins brother".

She looked at him remembering the remarkable moments at her home with lots of charms dropping the water pot from her slim hip and stayed in front of him as a helpless ruby refugee.

 "I always remember them Sam "

"Her voice was shaking.

Yeah she couldn't say, but nodded her head unlikely  !"

"In fact, finding no way,  on the way , I had to called my brother and he had happily invited me to join him in  London and he already arranged a job in his press company,  as a paper reporter".   

Marina missed many of her heart ❤ beats what he said was a terrible terror mirrors on her eager eyes  .

"As everyone knows, it won't take years, I would soon return home and meanwhile, Ram's parents suggested  doing all the necessary arrangements to propose you as my bride in front of my Mom".

It had taken a good ten minutes to Marina to glance back at him hurtfully and heartbreakingly.

All of a sudden  they all enjoy hearing the best song ever in blue πŸ’™ 🚌  bus radio:

"What was it Krishna?"

“Do you really want to hurt me ;do you really want to make me cry… ?”

"What a fantastic Western music?"

"Lyric is heart touching ♥ sir"

"Quite pleased". 

"Could we hear it?"

"No worries:"

"We know the singer who sang Hare Krishna Mandra,  

Boy George Krishna!"

"Definitely Durga"

 " Is Bow Down Mister too sang by him Krishna?"  

A Marvelous music ;a sort of magic! Put pretty shinny sign of rain on each and every passenger's grace faces pathetically."

Meanwhile her glance was not just an idle glance at Sam, but a real regrettable lovely look which hooked the passengers πŸ’•♥️πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ§‘ beautifully. 

He handle her hand like a flower in his hands. Looking at a drawing she had in her hand.

"What is it Krishna?"

It's just a real hand made handicrafts 
Sam exclaimed asking what is the significance of her handicraft hand ?

She sadly said a helping 

🎢 🎡 πŸͺ• 🎼 

"Are you going to leave me again?"

 Her eyes asked attractively. 

"So your dad was correct!" 
 Again her eyes talks!!

"I was fortunate of having a friend like you and at the same time, unfortunate to leave a friend like you"

She thought thoughtfully.

Although Uncle, Charm told me the fact, I had an impression that your parents would be reconsidering their  decision based on your compassionate circumstances, but...but...but...

"She was undoubtedly unable to understand how to talk and what to talk". 
"So that we would not hurt our parents as a 
result, we are deserved to have their blessings it is equals to the blessings of Divine; that's equal to the blessings of the Lord Sri krishna - God of all Gods".

Marina immediately held his hand tightly; her plight and delight couldn't cope with her heart.

"We understand Krishna"

She  knew that he was a manly man . Unfortunately, 
she didn’t want to leave him at all as he was her soul.

"We know Krishna" 

"How an individual soul going to live without the Super soul Krishna?"

" Who controls her Jiva as Easwara Krishna?"

"Braman controls by Paramatman both Braman and Paramatman are resident in each of us 
honorabl gentle students 

"Hundred percent Krishna?"

"This is what Krishna was teaching to Arjuna in Kuruchetra chocolate "

"Marina was so emotional  just thinking of missing her devotional man. 

She silently left his hand from her gorgeous grip as she noticed her mother moves from left  side to  right side. 

Her lips,pearly pink lips were shivering. Her hip was pumping, her heart beat was banging. She was quite afraid of leaving him to overseas.

She was crying within herself because she knows there are enemies against him. 

Sadly she recalled an event once, some zeroes decided to attack her heavenly hero behind the High school backyard.

They seriously surrounded Sam and threatened him to stop giving stupid speeches against the dowry... 

Particularly Ragu was heading the group...reason being, they wanted to get plenty of money from their life partners.

Moreover, they were extremely jealous of genius and gentle great heart's popularity and his attractiveness grace of God's Consciousness.  

At that point, Marina was in the second floor and unexpectedly, seeing the indecent, irresponsible, idiots, immediately she informed to the authority body,the way of threatening her hero by many zeroes,she never wants forgive them. 

She straight away called the Head Teacher and all the teachers had warned them badly. But they shouted at him in saying,

"you are a dead man"

"They must be in the most worst  Ignorance class in the world 🌎 Krishna!"

"Certainly Christina" 

She regrettably glanced at the  smartest Sam in thinking the past worst event ever.

"Her concern is, 

"What is concern Krishna?"

"Worry Pamitta"

"Her worries are ,
while each and everyone thinks in selfishness, and foolishness, ignoring the lord Consciousness, by  ignoring the future of the soul,  why...why should only Sam suffer for ever with  vedic torch of knowledge, devotionally, intellectually and spiritually ?"

"All because he is not in blind believe of many Grace  of 

his SADHANA Krishna", 

Thank you Meera , "like Baba's words: Ego fights ego "

"What is ego Krishna?"

  "A person's senses of his own values Peter .  As a consequence, man tends to see 
You mean 
 leaves aside 
"THE VISION OF THE ONE, Lord the Lords  Krishna?".

 "Correct Christina". 

"We eventually encounter ego"

"What is encounter Krishna?"

"Confrontation Rudra" 

"What is confrontation Krishna?"

"Unexpected meetings or facing "

"Thanks Krishna"

"We encounter enemies, competition, 

"What is conflict Krishna?"

"Disagreement, an arm struggle or a different of opinions like what is happening in Ukraine and Russia  Meera" 

"No wonder which leaving our lives in sorrowfullness , disappointment and despair like we have a major repair at home, but which is being left us in flood of disrepair ignorantly".

"We got it then gradually be deteriorated the entire 🏠 house Krishna"
"What does mean  deteriorating Krishna?"

"Become more and worse Subathra". 

 "As a result, lack of consult of Vedas, the world 🌎 worriedly becoming a battle field"

"We agree with you Krishna".
"It's become as bad as the medical field"

"Paaarrrrdddonnn Meeeee Krishna?"

"Why you are comparing the greatest medical field Krishna?"

" the medical field what the specialist doing?"

"They  can diagnose and treat only with the illness of particular field?"

"Aren't they?"

"Exactly what are they Rata?" 
"By the way sweet πŸ’–πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“ hearts!!??
  Answer one by one, leave a chance to other students too Rata?"

" Ye sir.They diagnosis  the illness  in  only a particular aspect Krishna.

"Examples please πŸ™" 

1) "the eye Krishna" Brilliant!

... Rata  next please.  

 "the nose sir" Excellent  effort Peter next 
"the throat Krishna" Good girl next 
 "the stomach sir" clever boy next
the liver Krishna" Splendid Sarah 
Another one ?

"the heart sir" Bravo Balaraman now enough" 


Go a head Durga "the skin Krishna"
Brilliant boy!

"That's all for now"

"It's not fair it's my turn now Krishna" 

"OK the last answer Ruby "

"The ears Krishna"

  "Tremendous Durga!"

"Do we know why we have been telling all these little little details 🍫🍫🍫🍫?"

 "Can I Krishna?"


"... foolishly we  forget that these are all unified by the organism called the  body Supreme Body.
"Could you give an example again please πŸ™" 
"GP", for instance Krishna"

"Pardon Peter !"

"In London  we  called GP our (doctor)   (General Practitioner) single handedly covering all these patients"

"Why you take the GP as an example Sam?"

"Because they have to cover all aspects of treatments"

"Excellent effort Sam"

"Can I carry on?"

"Please  Krishna πŸ™" 

 ..."Then , the GP doctor referring them  to the appropriate specialists as we spoke so called specialists of eyes, nose, ears, liver, lungs etc...etc". 

"Definitely Durga please πŸ™ she deserves some πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ clapping πŸ‘ πŸ™Œ 

"This is how it's function with the Father in our bodies as Atma and Paramama"

"Pardon Krishna?"
"Remember we have learned how Father forwarding us to different, different demigods finding our different different desires and diseases?"

"Yeeeee we remember He  said in the Gita".

"Amazing... Amazing... Amazing Subathra!" 
"So sir Lord Krishna πŸ™ is in each of our heart right ?"
"Ye as Atma and Paramama Pamitta"

"Does he Krishna?"

 "Absolutely Rudra" 

So  once He is identifying our desire, He is sending us towards the one He had appointed to fulfill it as a specific specialist "

 "You got the pretty point Peter." 

"He deserves some clapping πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ please Krishna". 

Krishna in Mahabarata, He sent Arjuna to Lord Shiva to obtain a specific weapon ?"

"Did He Krishna?"
"Exactly Meera good girl greatest effort". 

"When we are going to understand that watering to the root satisfying the entire πŸ‘ͺ family 🌳 tree automatically.?????"

 "You mean pleasing  the greatest Lord Krishna by Maha Mandra, the demigods satisfied automatically and decently!"

"Hundred percent Sam"


" How Krishna?"

He is the universe
 He is  the individual soul  /Athma 
He is the Super soul /Paramathma/Bhagawan 

"Overall all,all these are inseparably unified".

"Now we back to the narration please πŸ™" 

 "I know what Sam knows and do what Sam does to safe many, but Marina couldn't encourage him not to be isolated from her views".
Marina was weeping in her heart ❤ !

"Ohhhhhhh God!!!! Why  you saw me Sam in my life?". 

"On the other hand, Marina was a bit calm finding her dreams are realizing". 

  "However, unfortunately regrettably seeing them  happening ".

"She looked very beautiful though her sister is too white due to the environment factor . Even the westerners would like to be brownish kind of golden brown like Renuga and James look like" 

"Amazingly her elegant eyes were studying Sam's extra ordinary eyes which were excellently well framed by his long eyebrows and thicken eyes lashes".

"Fortunately somehow she  gathered some courage and decided to hide her sorrowfulness to preserve Sam's safety and security as she reminded how sensitive he was following her ☎️  calls". 

 "She knows the best way of encouraging him is discussing of divinity and enlightening others"

"Marina forced a false smile holding back his fingers like flowers" 


"He turned delightedly towards her studying her decent dress,: eye catching  yellow sary with two inches or three inches violet border and a violet blouse with a black sandals."  

"Fresh flowers, his favourite flowers, 🌸🌷🌹🌷🌹🌹🌹🌺🌹🌹🌹🌹 jasmine flowers on her back bun"

"Wow her fair hair, sweetly smells"

"Especially when the blue bus side window slightly opened by Sam for fresh air "...

I have been anxiously expecting to ask you about the meaning of the Mantra which some sort saintly elderly  couple called, 

"A saintly couple have been ... ."

 "Have you ever heard Sam ?"

" wonder who are they Marina!!! 

"Each time he pronounced her name, she adores of it such a particular pronunciation so astonishing".

"The way she respects the words of the saintly couple made him inspired instantly". 

"Then he ran his fingers through his shiny  hair and then polity nodded his head", 

Marina can you say the mantra please because... I always  say the Hare Krishna Mandra on our Bona-fide  Guru,  Prabhupada's request  and when I bath, I say Gayatry Mantra on the kindest request of Baba"

"Having more genuine gurus are not prohibited in Vedas Marina".

"Could you say  the mantra?" 

"Of course:






"Sri Bhgavathi


Sri Bhgavathey


"Sam was concentrating, closing his long eyes".

 "Alright the first word "Om" means the Absolute Truth the root word and the sound of all creation and all  the mantras. 
Does it Krishna but why some of us confused with Aum Nama Shivaya Krishna?"
Suuuuu listen what Sam said 

Om means Sri Krishna O.K"

"Is it Krishna?!" 

"Thank you Sam!”.

"The second word, Cha/Chit/Anantha means 


2) all knowledgeable and

3) blissful means happiness is also 

 Sri Krishna.... 

"O.K?!!!Marina !!"

"Oh I see! Thanks a lot Sam!"

"She glanced at him happily and faithfully ." 

"She was listening submissively and faithfully and respectfully "
"Why they have been accused as a frodulant?". 

"We know now a days , there are so many money motivated people around the world 🌎".

"She held  his hand in overwhelming happiness".

"He hugged her softly and tenderly... Marina went to the realm of Lord Krishna imaginatively !!!!"

"He hooked her just by his look... such a charming guy because of his tremendous decent, discipline and knowledge of Divine"

"Then he said smilingly",

“The third word, Parabrahma means,
Suprime Braman... 

that’s means who lives in everyone's heart means Sri Krishna."

"Oh my goodness has this small mantra contains all these contents?"

"Sam smiled".

"The forth one is Purushothama ?" 

"Well!  That’s means the God Head, that's means Sri Krishna".

"Fifth one namely... 
means the super soul of all souls means Lord sri Krishna ".

"Finally, Sri Bhgavathi Sametha Sri Bhgavathey Namaga means his energy represents through the Mantra".

"But  they manipulated saying that they are Kalki Bhahawan and Krishna Himself"

"She couldn't believe her eyes .

It was amazing he can answer any thing concerning Supreme Science."

"Straightaway she sweetly recalled about her brother in London, who recalled his past life memories .

Oh Goodness! What a glory?  

"Some serious snacks fake the facts from Bhagavad-Gita".

"Do you think Sam?"

"Marina, when I first heard this tremendous Mandra, begun to research". 

"Did you what did you discover?"

"Ended up finding all the said names in the mandra  were in Gita"

"Undoubtedly Sam"
"I think in pages,12, 13 and 14" .

"Then another occasion I was invited to a pretty  pooja party in a happy home with so many devotees of the couple you said, "Amma Bhgawan".

"Taking the Gita in my hand,   gave a godly speech thinking they are Arjuna's party".

"Have you ha.ha...I can imagine how it would have been..?" 


"Then Kanna?"

 "I realised some sort of serious misunderstanding of Lord Krishna like Duriyodana's party".


 "The family members and the devotees went to visit them and get blessed by this couple".

Where was it  Sam?"

"In India Marina ".

  "Like many millions across the globe in paying pretty much money?".

"Definitely when I watched the audiences who dismissed the idea of Lord Krishna is the Supreme, but admitted the adea  of Amma Bhgawan is the Supreme".

"Saying Lord Krishna is just a matter of an avatar as  everyone else such as hundreds of fakes followers in blind believes  around the world ".

"Ohhhhhhh goodness meee then Rama it's a cruel chaos like Russians invasion in Ukraine ?"

"What do you think Russian invasions?" 

"It's a chaos you mean a comp.completel.complete disorder and confusion?"

When Moscow had ordered troops in Afghanistan 

43 years ago 

Over ten years 15000 troops or soldiers would die their.

"But here in Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ how many died ?"

"In how many years?"

"Three weeks"

"Which is weak Marina?"
"Because of Afghanistan πŸ‡¦πŸ‡« invation , many many years
Communist part collapsed in Moscow "

"What happened to the couple called Amma Bhgawan Sam?"

"Matter of months they came to know that the couple's collections of mountainous materials in their possession". 

"Marina couldn't believe...such a stupendous sacred soul !".

"She wanted to talk with  everything as he is leaving the country". 

"Moreover, he is exceptionally holy...a lovely loyal person and very good at thrilling and mysterious science studies".

She suddenly glanced at him smilingly.

"He smiled at her tenderly."

 "She called him softly."

"A last question"

"Go ahead Marina!"

"Sam  glanced at her necklace in his wide, wise, eyes which were saying"

"wow…wow…wow… What is it dear?" 

"Baba offered me the glamorous chain”.

"He smiled lovingly!"

"Last month her rented house arrears was cleared  by the remittance of her wonder brother. In addition, he
kindly asked her to carry on her medical study. 
It's her dream.

"As she was  good in science. As a result,she finally had began to upgrade her subjects in “A2” which she couldn't continue and complete earlier."

"She was pleased to ask about the people talking of their
past lives most memorable memories like her brother in London"

"Every one fell in love and felt it was romantic when he played her best song in his spectacular flute,  was awesome. She did not expect that in the middle of the tremendous trip".

"Why Krishna ?"

"You could have heard a pin dropped while he was playing the fantastic flute ,fooled every one and all were absolutely mesmerised magnificently. The five girls and the five boys danced constantly and compassionately"

"How she is going to leave him Krishna ?"

"The surrounding was extremely beautiful beaches besides the grey clouds surrounded by  valuable valley after valleys very very nice to watch them.

"Suddenly rain has been vanished!"

"Where was it Krishna?"

"It was in the cool city in Kandy, central  province  of  sweetest touristic and attractive area  in Srilanka Retna 
"Such a greeny?".


"Have a go on video it will help us to be healthy and wealthy"

Hare Krishna 

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