"Hello 👋  everyone are you happy?"

"Yeee! We're Happy Krishna "

"You are elegant Krishna this is the picture of K.Soul Nava on which we were discussing in our last session Krishna?"

"Absolutely you can see the black bag hidden in his solder meanwhile his brother's best friend, Lambotharan took the picture 🖼 while his brother was stationing or parking the car in the airport to pick him up to Vengadesan temple in Germany". 

"Does  he look like he was kicked out by the demigods from their planet Krishna ?"

"Ha...ha...he does he does Rudra?

"I'd like to know how you all react of this act yes his act is to teach about the actor Krishna 💞🙏?"

 "Certainly the Creator"

"We wish K.Soul Nava was with us right now in person not talking to him impersonally Krishna "

"Yeah does he still work in Citizen Advice Bureau in London Krishna? "

" they kicked him out after five years or so  ha...ha..."

"You're joking Krishna!"

"Why was it Krishna was it because he was kept on  telling them the truth that Lord Krishna is the Father of Lord Jesus ?"

" Ha...ha...joking Krisna in any case it's deeply difficult to describe it unless we are the luckiest Krishna?"

"To be honest,  you are correct Rudra"

"Ha...ha...ha...tough time  for our tutor in teaching the toughest subject matter of Truth to the  population Krishna!"."

 "You are strange and amazingly idealist Rudra "

"What ... could you control your tongue 😝 Rudra ? "

"Why you are upset Retna we are learning English there are many reviews and views in different point of views such as :

1) story reviews,

 2) TV program review,

 3) book review and today,

4) Vedas review and 

5) Cinema reviews 

"Why we waste our time in his picture review Mary?"

 "We do this as  devotional education at the end view you might view students?"

"So... so he was kicked out of the demigods' planet and certainly he is going to be kicked  back  home, Gologa  from our temporary materialist world  Krishna?”

"Why not Krishna that's why he smiles?"

"In real, our guru Prabhupada keeps  saying ,go back  home "

"From where Krishna?

We... we were kicked away   because of our ignorance of God 🙏❤️ Krishna 💞?"

"Was our Guru's first book's title  was the same Krishna?"

"Yeeeeeeeees "

"To be honest, who named our tutor, K.Soul Nava Krishna 💞?"

"Why Shiva?"

" His parents or his initiated guru because they only have the responsibility and authority according to the ritualistic Krishna ?"

"Didn't I tell you not  ask me difficult questions ?"

"Ha...ha... "

"Ha...ha... "

"Ha...ha... "

"Ha...ha... "

"Having said that,  have you heard a film in Tamil titled  ,

"Thai Mahaluku Kaddiya Thalli ?"

"What does it mean Krishna?

We...we don't get  your kunndakka Mannddakka... what kind of title of this film Krishna ?"

"Oh goodness, for instance if we ...we wear our engagement ring by ourselves? ".

"You mean  not being exchanged between the couple as the  engagement rings Krishna?".

"Correct usually  the rings are supposed to be exchanged  by the partner right ?"

"Yeah Krishna" 

"However, for some reasons in the film ,the mother had to do it to her daughter not as a ring, but as a sacred thread traditionally ".

"Ohhhhhhh goodness?" 

"Does it difficult to understand sweet hearts 💕?"

"God grace that sounds sacred secret kind of unique and specific Krishna?"

"But there are rites (a prescribed form for ceremony) and  rituality need to be pursued in front of the priest or bramana  in the wedding Krishna!"

"Sure in Mr K.Soul 's case?

"It's simply the same case"

"Alright Krishna there are four forbidden attitudes need to be restricted by promising or taking oath    in front of the guru of initiation Krishna ! "

"What ?"

"♥ Krisna, while getting the godly rosary in accepting 16 rounds of 108 Maha Mantra chanting  Krishna and...and...and "

"Sure surprisingly we are feeling goosebumps while hearing your highest honourable knowledge of Vedas  Meera and Sam   ."

"Did Sri Rangan Uncle do it professionally Krishna?"

"He isn't Krishna's  devotee his Goddess ,Amma as she is  Krishna devotee💞 ?"

"Did Sri Rangan Uncle had his initiation Krishna?"

"Absolutely he is much much more better than our tutor he did it by his goddess, but unfortunately her devotees are advised not to be bothered of Vedas as it's far far massive river of Ganga"

"What kind of restrictions Krishna 💞?"

"Just Aum Nama Shivaya and...and... and we don't know exactly "

"What about the meat Krishna?"

''Only chicken ,may be much  mutton pink pork , fresh fish and.. and".

"Wow we like Amma rather than Krishna she allows a lots lovely living special species Krishna 💞"

 "Sure as a matter of fact, once Srirankan Uncle accidentally ate the bone or drumstick unfortunately  it's stuck in his throat (murungacai) and ambulance took him to the hospital and he had to be there for many days , several kilos lost as a consequence. Finally his goddess Amma had  rescued him . "

"Then why he had been to the hospital if she had treated him Krishna?"


"Suuu! Forget about it ".

"Cheers Krisna "

"What are they the  four forbidden rules of Krishna devotees Krishna please? "

"Any...anyone knows them please because I sometimes only sometimes eat like Sri Rangan Uncle?"

"Oh my God such an uncle such a nephew!".

"Suuuuu answer my question". 

1) with chanting  Hare Krishna, we have to pursue:

2) Not eating meat ,fish or eggs, not killing animals etc.

3) No use of intoxicants 

4) No illicit sex Krishna.

"Thanks Balaraman". 

"Obviously! K.Soul Nava has been following the rules and  regulations students like us he is not an ignorance that's why he  named himself K.Soul Krishna ?".

"Krishna, have you ever regretted?" 

"Certainly Christina just ...just  before the country currency foolishly floating, K.Soul kindly asked me to distribute household needs to the poor peoples in Srilanka "."How did he predict perfectly Krishna?"

That's why we wonder although Sri Rangan Uncle and myself have been following Amma's requirements".

"Krishna have you fulfilled his request?"

"No my apology"Krishna how did he know that the people are going to be foodless?"

"Can you stop talking about him please  ?"

"Krishna, Madam Teresa named by herself actually Teresa is a name of a sacred saint we can see the saint statue  in each of the church Krishna .In addition , Martin Luther Kings was not his name , he named it Krishna".

"Really !Fantastic facts  finder Thusly!" 

"What about the Thilaka on his forehead Krishna 💞 ?"

"Yes Krishna why he doesn't put it like all other Krishna devotees Krishna ?""Ha...ha...!

To be frank, naturally he has the thilaka in his front head in a smaller version great 💕 hearts ".

"Krishna,  we are not deserve to be fooled we can't see  anything  at  all" 

"Ha...ha...have a look carefully we can see slightly in the middle of his eyebrows, two fine lines in parallel can you?"

"No Krishna no !"

 "Any...  any one you have done eleven plus grammar school test ...?"

"Oh you mean our grammar school entrance exam, VERBAL AND NON VERBAL  Krishna?"

"What does it mean I don't know what  bell  whether it's church bell or temple bell  "

"ha...ha... we said verbal reasoning and nonverbal reasoning Krishna 💞"

"Ha...ha... however here in this planet,too our tutor  has been irritating us Krishna ".

"We didn't catch up Ruby?".

"For instance, tutor troubles Sri Rangan Uncle and Sai Baba's devotees Krishna...

 doesn't he Krishna?" 


"Why he doesn't leave them alone Krishna?"

"What's wrong with you ?"

"Simple Krisna!  Aren't...aren't we all are wandering behind many money motivated demigods without understanding the Vedic Victorious Vengadesan's prayer for the objective of liberation from the dangerous repeated recycling ?" 

 "Exactly K.Soul's  question is why we are wandering behind the demi gods such as deities and living demigods who are claiming to be demigods one after another only to have repeated Chewing Gum or what?"

"Elegant applause 👏 Renuga!"

 "Thanks Krishna". 

"We just pour the water to the root and  be liberated !"

" Krishna 💞 as some swamis are cought in red-handed such as Amma Bhagawan and Nitiyananda ".

"No they aren't Krishna"

"Yes they are "

"Silence soooo "

"  Krishna, Shankaracharya, Amma, , Baba and...and...and... are they demigods Krishna?"

"Certainly you all  might be  demigods in your passed lives sweet hearts who knows it's being said in Gita so so clearly 💕" 

 "Are you crazy Krishna?"

" That is because we all are under the spell of a 🧙‍♀️ witch woman (Madam Nature)great 💕 hearts 💕 ". 

"Ha...ha...oh we understand K.soul was sent off from  the demigods' planets where the demigods are presenting  in persons aren't they Krishna?". 

"No it's a matter of joke isn't it Rudra?"

"No it's true 💗 for the argument shake Krishna".

"Here in this planet at our temples... ,  the same demigods who are personified in deities versions great 💕 hearts ".

" Really krisna !!! How K .Soul is going to manage to get on with them Krishna?". 

"Ohhhhhhhh what a wonderful argument  Pammitta! We... we are astonished hearing all of your inquiries it's inspiring!"

"Krishna!We are afraid"

"Why Subathra?"

"K.Soul will have terrible trouble here more than there in the planet of demigods krishna". 

"Of course,  we are discussing in a hypothetical manner Krishna my apology, but nevertheless we are not unintelligently talking Krishna". 

"What does HYPOTHETICAL mean Krishna?"

"Matter of conditional like if we won the lottery, what we would do?"

 "In others words Krishna?"

"Imagination Ruby.

Like ... like the scientists imaginatively named that the world created by a matter of "Big Bang" ha...ha...".

"It doesn't sound that we are  imaginatively considering Krishna".

 "We are providing all our evidences   Krishna" 

"Interesting Rudra interesting could you repeat Pamitta please ?"

"Oh we understand"

"What you understand Ruby?"

 In the demigods' planets they are presenting  in persons Krishna, but here there are personified in deities versions Krishna". 

"Please encourage her with our applause 👏 "

" Anyone remember exactly what we were talking in our previous session please?"

"No problem can we check on our phones Krisna ?"

"Excellent effort  any one read it loudly? " 

"Every living entity under the influence of material nature has a particular type of body and particular type of psychology and biology ".

"Certainly Balaraman .There are four classes of men functioning in the three material modes of nature"

"What are they Krishna 💞🙏?"

"Those who are Purley in the mode of passion are called ksatriyas" .

"Those who are in the mode of both passion and ignorance Krishna 💞🙏?"

 "They are called vaisyas". 

"Those who are completely in ignorance Krishna 💞🙏?" 

"They  are called sudras  💞🙏"

"Those who are Purley in the mode of Goodness Krishna?"

"They called brahmanas "

"and those who are less than that Krishna?"

"Are...  are animals.
However ,these destinations are not permanent like at the moment we are American, Indian or Srilankan ;Hindu ,Muslim and Christian blissfully, behind these temporary illusory energy entertainment in delusion with demigods devotion temporary bravery, Papa is there with permanent glory prepared to protect the children from illusory energy with torch of knowledge.    "

"Wondering, but why we are wandering behind the demigods deities and demigods living gurus Krishna??? !!!"

"It's because he always irritating them saying they are not deserve devotional services ?"

"A little question please KRISHNA ".

"What's that Rudra ?"

"Krishna ,what do you think smart people have in common?"

Asking questions is a super sign of an intelligent person Rudra ".

"Is  it Krishna?"

"Sure Rudra ".
"I too have a deepest doubt regarding Sri Rangan Uncle's  sharing"

"What was it Krishna?"

"It's enough to have faith in one aspect of God. You  have  faith in God without form. 

That is very good.

 But never get in to your head that your faith alone is true and every other is false. 

Know for certain that God without form is real and that God with form is also real .

Then hold fast to whichever faith appeals to you". 

"Wow what a wonderful quotation Krishna our tutor going to be ashamed on him Krishna"

"Who asked Krishna ?"

"Sri Ramakrishna "

"Who is Sri Rama Krishna?"

" The guru of Vivekananda"

"Could we call K Soul Krishna as you said asking questions is the sign of brain  or smart?"

"No worries but ask only intellectual questions okay because he often says dogs are equally intelligence like humans unless we are Krishna conscious, we ought to admwhat our Guru, Swami Prabhupadah is correct that there is no different look at the video footage:

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeeeees ha..!ha..."

"By the way, before any inquiries, we have to revise repeatedly especially our previous episodes as K.Soul  wouldn't welcome any ignorance attitudes". ." 

"Krishna I have an impression that we have been answered to this question in episode 15C"

"Look...look I'm correct Krishna can I read Krishna?"

"Those really learned leaders of society are:"

"Pardon ?

Those really learned leaders of society like":

1) Brahma, 
2) Shiva,
3) Kapila,
4) the Kumaras, 
5) Vyasa,
6) Devala,
9) Prahlada,
10) Bali, 

"We thought that they are our gods Krishna!" 

"They are learned and learning leaders still...Still ..still they have no much ideas of Lord Krishna ".

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness please proceed Krishna "

"And..and...and later on
1) Madhaacarya ,
2) Ramanuchariya ,
3) Sri Caitanya

Many  many others who are faithful philosophers educators, scientists, etc 

"Are they 
surrender to the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of God Head, the all powerful Authority Krishna?".

"Absolutely dearest divine Embodiments" 

"But those who are not actually philosophers, scientists ,educators who pose themselves as such for material gain, do not accept the plan of path of the Supreme Lord great hearts 💕 "

"Why Krishna why?"

"They have no idea of God. 
They simply manufacture (make up ) their own worldly plans and consequently complicate the compassionate communities"

"Evidences Krishna?"
"Look at the law book of Lord Krishna sweet hearts 💕 "

"Text 15 Chapter seven happy?"

"What is this Krishna? Is it  the one that  Sriangan uncle  shared?"  

"Correct "

"God bless you Krishna could we continue our tuition Krishna it's sound a bit big argument ha...ha...?!"

"We better not contact K. Soul as  our guru, Grace AC Prabhupada's major mission is liberation automatically regulative senses  gratification, self satisfaction and also material improvements with enlightenment not begging only ...only...for food, temporary and sort out our  miseries".

" Baba Said several occasions:
 "soulve the mystery which involves us all the Miseries ".

"Our tutor  says holds to the Supreme God what ever religion we are in".

 "Certainly not like Sri Ramakrishna saying :

"God with form is real .God without form also real".

 "We don't disagree he might have meant of our souls and Supreme Soul Krishna  " 

but...but...his devotee Swami Vivekananda denied God ,
 great 💕 hearts 💕 "

"Who is to be blamed he himself or Swamis Vivekananda Krishna?"

"Was he Krishna ?

"But...but he translated the Bhagawadgita Krishna! "

"Swami  Vivekananda Krishna!".

"That's the main maddened mistake not only him, but also there were hundreds of people interpreting the Gita  on their own opinions like him".

"Are you certain Krishna?"

"The reason why our original guru, AC   Prabhupada's properly translated as it is no nonsense and  in over 56 languages ".

"Thanks God! No one cannot cheat no one anymore Krishna "

" Oh yes as a consequence, his above guru keeps saying Easwara not Krishna" 

"Definitely !This is why the impersonalists  increased badly see how seriously Amma keeps up her devotees like well frogs". well frogs going to measure the ocean Krishna Sri Ranganan changed how Canada nephew changed and how hard for the truth to be taught Krishna still they are saying that they are on the correct concept? "

"Wow asking questions is the sign of intellectual Krishna my  brother asking thousands of questions Krishna"

... does it mean he's going to be a  smart boy Krishna?"

"It's depends to whom he asks questions and how he get answered Rudra" 

"Our guru Swami Bhaktivetananta's second son once he was accompanied with him to a wedding ".

"Did he Krishna?"

"Yes Rudra !
Being an intelligent, he asked him hundreds  of question about the wedded couple while they were sitting  within the crowd of people".

"And then  Krishna?"

"All of a sudden everyone burst out in to laughters "

"Why Krishna?"

"He asked his father, "Did you marry 

Ha...ha 😂 !"

"By the way, we wonder why is the sky blue Krishna?"

"It's because of the reflection of the ocean I think  Rudra".

"Oh yeah Krishna 👍".

"Why do the cats meow Krishna 💞?"

"Just to say hello... hello Rudra...

" Ha ha ha it's a matter of common knowledge Rudra ".

"Why the cocks are crowing in the early morning  Krishna and disturbing our sleeping quite early morning 🌄 Krishna?"

"Because it's their duty . Duty is Divine and our work is worship". 

"What kind of unkind duty is that Krishna does a cock has duty are you crazy Krishna??"

"It was respected by even Lord Krishna , as they had been created by Him for that auspicious purpose Rudra"

"I'm sorry 🙏 didn't get the point Krisna?"

"Simple when we wake up quite early  at the time they crow,  it's authentic and auspicious time it's called Brahma mukurtham in Tamil it's Vedas' words Balaraman".

"Wow so Krishna... it's worth of hang out with smart people like you Krishna "

" Thank you for the compliment Rudra  ?"

"I wonder why Rudra said that kind of  flattering wording Krishna ha...ha...

"No Rudra is not flattering Krishna actually Krishna is teaching us new ,new news which are non-existence in ordinary school study and as a result, we are improving our intellectual interestingly and stunningly with sacred  skills such as speeches, arguments and conversations based on any topic especially in divine science which is exceptionally extra ordinary for the human being to be blissful Siva ".


Are you  Rudra?".

"No Krishna! There is always interesting things to learn from our sessions Krishna". 

"Yes Krishna  this is why we always spend lots of times with you Krishna" 

" As a matter of fact,how often you exercise Krishna?

"Every time whenever I feel tired and board Subathra" 


"Why Krishna is it science Krishna?"

"Yeah! Because the brain and body corporate each other in addition happy hormones are accumulating each time we do that Rata ".

"What kinds of exercise Krishna?"

"Delightful dance and enchanting chanting what else students?"

"So there is nothing else could  be delightful or what Krishna?"

"Rudra's route is different like to have  a partner ha...ha... Krishna "._

"Next Krishna?".

"Prioritize eating healthy food to be good as good as prasadam. I mean  after serving to the deity of Lord Krishna"

"After that  Krishna?.

"Keep a diary and spend a few minutes in noting down thoughts and events". 


"Why Krishna ?"

"Will improve language ,communication skills and vocabularies Standard  and also 
    share    what we   learned   and it's a matter of reading various books and our discussions are often based on blessings aspects ".

"What else Krishna?"

"Take short breaks and learn to be organised and observe Originator beautiful students' attitudes such as their beautiful behaviour ,how quickly they become righteous and how lovingly they attain lasting lessons  of leadership because Lord devotees never perishes.

"What does it mean Paris Krishna isn't it the capital of France Krishna?"

 "Ha...ha...I said PERISH Sarah it's means 

be destroyed ,decay death Rudra" 

"So the persons who are  ignoring Krishna, considered to be a saddened souls  as they failed the goal of the goals  Krishna?"

"True it's a massive mistake which worriedly leading us  to miscreant Retna "

'Isn't  a mischievous for  them Retna ?".

"What does it mean, mischievous Krishna?"

"Intended to cause trouble Subathra ".

"Miscreant Krishna?"

"Wrong doer"

"Evidence Krishna?" 

"This should be understood in the Seventh Chapter the Lord says that one who is engaged mischievous activities cannot become a devotee of the Lord. One who is not devotee of the Lord has no good qualifications whatsoever". 

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness what a mesmerising tuition Krishna !!!"

"Could we commence our Mission Tuition Krishna?"

"Absolutely Peter three, two and one:

" As we remember that they are still in the middle of their journey  and Sam was talking to his mother in a different  tone but not rude .
Let's listen their conversation okay students his mother was reading a book children book?" 
"Every body ready?

" Already Krishna" 

"Yep one two three":

"Mum, the reason for your doubtful question regarding your regular reading of scientist's fiction story like the young children reading the Harry Potter story rather than reading the nonfiction Divine story where you could have found a factory of facts Mom"
"She gazed at him with her proudest position in sitting crossed legs with her expensive garments  and loads of jewellery around her neck.

"What you learnt is just a pretty predictions Mom!"

"Of course, everyone learns from the books what's wrong with you Saaaaam?"

"Ha...ha...alright Mum calm down ...calm down I am coming to the point!''

She often shows off her university qualifications like every body else which could have been forgotten as we often work in the same field which we learnt and consider Sam as a child not noticing his elevated education of devotion.
"We are fools and we are  foolishly thinking all the universes and the spectacular solar systems,the galaxy garlands  are blindly forming automatically ha...ha...!"

Yeah Sam burst out with loud laughter lovingly whilst hugging his mother lovingly!

"What kind of unkind people we are?" 

Marina was  moved  hearing his intelligent rhetorical questions with incredible evidence!

"Amazingly at the same time she hooked by the look of the stupendous mountains smilingly by looking at the admiration-ally adorable views after views in enjoying the soft breeze throughout the grey Toyota van windows which were left half-open." 

"Oh Goodness! Marina   still remember, hearing this in secondary school not only that,on the spot, Sam had spotted out the misinterpretation of the descriptions by the  scientists easily!"

"What 😳!" 

"As  it had been named the plate boundaries which were the cause 
of mountains's constructions ". 

"Oh Yee we too remember Krishna!" 

"Destructive Boundaries Krishna 💞"  !”

All of his friends were wondered!And they Concentrated  towards him silently to clear their doubts.

Sam adjusted his throat smilingly 

"Marina study's each of his actions happily and smilingly like most of his friends did"

The scientists predictions are some of the times upside down Mum ” 

The passengers smiled sweetly together.

Yeah, the destructive boundaries only made the walls of mountains in order to protect the world's cute continents by continents. "

Thought Marina!

Oh my God!”,

" Said Marina silently to herself surprisingly and thrillingly."

All in all, the continents have been secured by the mighty mountains walls after walls Mom".

"Who is going to distinguished the distinctive  Divine development and He is  responsible of the constructions of mountain walls if you have  such doubt about the Divine 's act like some atheists  ?” 

Thought Rajesh kanna 

Sam looked at his mother joyful and pinched her cheeky cheek cheerfully and smiling which looks so cute of sharing their conversation.

Often put pretty smiles on everyone’s faces fantastically.

No wonder, some of the passengers do not even understand what was he trying to explain such a scientific way of talking!

Mom the volcanoes eruptions are the weapons and building blocks of Divine.None living thing helped to create the planets for the living things!  "

Each time passengers  felt delighted of being with Sam and hearing his heart touching valued  words of Vedas'with science study. 

'Krishna, you don't describe how certain characters look like'.

" Alright...alright Krishna keep cool 👍can I describe Krisna on your behalf Krishna 💞 ?"

'Okay try Sarah"

"Ha...ha...first of all ,Krishna Menan that was our present narrator  a kind of  chocolate colour and an unintelligent 
guy ha..MHA... joking 😃😃
...adequate hight and adequate weight doesn't smile ha...ha... joking Krishna".

"Stop...stop... let Krishna Menan describe Rudra". 

"Thanks Meera .
Alright already  Rudra described about me and let me talk about the the rest of them first of all, we all know that  Rajesh Kanna was a light chocolate colour".


"Try Rosy "

"His nice nose  was practically  straight  and handsomely shaped . " 

"Well done 👍 Another candidate please ".
"Can I Krishna?"

"Why not Subathra?"

" His  nose, eyes  and ears are  like statue  .His milk white teeth doesn't   appear unnecessarily like Krishna; 

"Next person please'. 

"They were awesome; both Krishna and Rajesh Kanna were moderately hight and handsomely bodily hairy as most of the manly men in eastern countries ".

"Thanks Siva !"

"Next student please ?"

"Whereas James was a golden man a British born super strong and a bit taller than them obviously he was a good looking guy with his light brown hair and sky blue or ocean blue eyes Krishna".

"Thanks Mary another one ".

"Sam was two in one... during the summer he is light brown chocolate and during the winter,he is lightest brown chocolate Krishna".

"Correct Christina "

"His actions were counted and his attraction had been increased by his affection towards others. Result, multiplied his friends.Apart from that,his style was  remarkably spectacular and unique ".
"Brilliant Balaraman !".

let me carry on now Okey?
One... two ...three 

The sun 🌞 smiled happily!

Not only the way people look has been taken in to account, but also the knowledge they gained and the way they practice them in the right times is too counted students."

"Yes Krishna the way Sam thinks was dynamic what a jasmine flowers !".

"Sure Sudah", 
"For instance ,some of the times, teachers would be thrillingly agreeing his adorable advice and living evidences that they never ever thought in that way!"

" "

"Go a head Sam it's in deed interesting that the Sam I mean  our class
 student, Sam going to talk about the main  character, Sam please keep it up "

"He was a moderate  in height and moderate in weight, a wonder man, tied body cut ,six packs  with an accelerating velvety voice with vibrant Vedic torch of knowledge."

"Nice to hear it Sam now back to Krishna please 🙏".

" Thanks  Mary ,his eyes were different. They have a magnetic sensation as he  some times smile by his eyes only especially whenever he made jokes".
Sure sure Sam take your seat please if you carry on, I might be loosing my joyful job ha....ha....

"As a matter of fact, once Sam had forgotten to remove his socks before jumping in the swimming pool, his class master asked him whether he always  wears his socks."

"no Krishna ! Only when it is cold teacher."

"Every one had broken down in to laughter, but his eyes only smiled like 💎 ♦️ 🔹️ diamonds".

"He often do not smile at his own jokes".  

"What's his regular routine Krishna ?".

"His regular routine is divinic:
Bearing the five doctors in his mind;

"Who are they Krishna?"

"1) The fresh air
2) Excersice 
3)Sun shine
4) Balanced diet and 
5)Reasonable rest".

Making sure of accumulating brain chemistry of mood motivation, hormones that promote happiness such as serotonin

 "If everyone maintains  in this way, we can save lots of things especially the innocent doctors who are suffering because of the life styles of the Ignorance Class population Krishna".

"Definitely Durga" 

 "Early to bed and early to rise; enchanting exercise,balanced diet no coffee or tea because they are toxic or drugs according to the science studies Vedicaly or even material scientifically Krishna".

"Absolutely  Siva"

"More over,he is  faithful to Divine and faithful to his parents and teachers especially super submissive ".

"Ragu and his friends were  watching every thing in their  fox eyes" .

"To be honest, why they allowed or accompanied them Krishna?"

"Sam doesn't like the idea of discrimination"

"What does it mean discrimination Krishna?"

"Many meanings, here we say treating differently because of the character or colours for example Peter". 

"We got it Krishna".

" In fact, Ragu was not spectacular, but peculiar  not good looking; some times he looks like a villain with his bushy facial hair Krishna ha...ha..."


 "Cool down Sarah!"

 "Pardon me Krishna!" 

 "Don't worry . By the way, facial hair would not suit him as it suits to Sam; his eyes were so small and he was a jealousy and  has got evil black eyes most of the time he likes smoking,drinking coffee and teas that's caused him quick temper" .
"Oh my goodness take your seat Peter!" 

"Remember no discrimination alright Peter!" 

" Correct! More over,he had born to be a villain due to his past karma".
"We thought so Krishna"

"Worst of all, he fell in love with Marina. Today luckily he had been listening to his music that was his happy hobby". 

"He constantly using earphones 🎧 childishly damaging his listening power Krishna... ha...ha.."

"As a matter of fact, he was about to meet an accident last week while he was seriously listening to the music on the street ,and crossing the busy street. In turn, he had shouted at the innocent driver in indecent words".

"All most all the passengers in the blue 🚌 bus were  concentrating Sam's talks with his Mom..."

"Wasn't it a grey van Krishna?"

"My apology actually it's a blue 💙 🚌 this time because of the number of people had been increased ".
"Sam do not ignore my question!"

"She , Sam's  Mom warned him proudly ". 

"Mom! Factually, the volcanoes form on the destructive plate boundaries as one plate is forced down ,magma ,a kind of orange soup made in molten rocks  forced its way up through the plate above eventually cool down so the mountains form over destructive 
 zone at the same time the sea spreading formed over a constructive zone".

"Marina was seriously thinking for a while by recalling her memories ".

"Why Krishna ?"

"Ha...ha...!!!Even though she had got a "C" for Chemistry a"B" for Biology a "B" Maths and "A*" for English, in her year 13 ,she was astonished amazingly the way Sam was interpreting the material science activities  in connection with the Supreme Science!"
"It... it was like the Supreme Power is the main electricity flowing from the power station to the house holders and fulfilling all their energy needs ."

"It was not the first time he was talking like this student s! 

"Undoubtedly and unimaginably a gifted and talented Krishna " ! 

"Ha...ha...!!!A decent and disciplined intelligent student ",

"Certainly  "

This is how the teachers often would say when he was absent to school."

"Without doubt about it Krishna "

"Absolutely! An intelligent student Expressed he had born to be a lovely,loyal leader! "

"Krishna, imagine a Prime Mister or a King acting like him instead of being Putin in Russia  ?" 

"Oh goodness! Wondering  hearing our students talking like judges  in justice minds sets"

 "Thank 🙏 you 🙏 Souls! ".

"Mum the world made of magma and the mountains too, made of magma or lava . In other words, melted rocks and minerals."

"What Sam?"
"As our human bodies are the building blocks of our blood cells, the world is the building block of blood of the earth"

Yes so too the earth Krishna Sam is correct Krishna "

 "Thanks dear Sam  father told  me by nature ,you are born as a professor now you proved it Sam "

 " So which is basically  the blood of the earth; the rocks are the bone;they contain different categories of substances you said.

"What are they Sam?"

"Such as igneous , sedimentary metamorphic mum  ".

"Mum had impressed and ran her softest fingers through  out his shiny hair motherly in blowing air onto his forehead because he was sweating like his father ". 

 "She did not finish:

I wonder even your  father doesn't describe it to me in a similar way compared to the blood of human!"

"Yes, Mum such as 

2) nucleus,
3) chromosomes,
4) genes and 
5) DNA ...

other sub minerals are made such as limestone, sandstone created the planets".

 "One in the constructive zone and the other in the destructive zone?."
"Yes "
"Basically the mountains made in the destructive zone."

"Sam can I tell you some thing?"

Mum interrupted him.

 He looked at his Mom calmly. 

"OK Mum proceed"

"What ever you said it was the pure material science  Sam".

 "Do you disagree?"

"His mother yelled!"

James and his friends were not happy when some one shout at Sam weather they are his father or mother.
Sam smiled affectionately.

Sam happily rose his left hand to slap high five to cool  down his friends fascinatingly".

"Every one had slapped him happily high fives,low five,and side five,but not Marina!.
"She was afraid to his mother".

"Could we leave him a chance to complete his conversation?"
Marina thought .

It's true she had continued her discontinued studies on her miraculous brother, Krrishna's kindest request.  who remembers his past life.

Her brother kindly required  her to fulfill her ambition of becoming a Divined doctor.

Real reason being, her brother had got some tips of her relationship with Sam making her life so hardship. 

He wanted to give her a tremendous task so he asked her to carry on her discontinued education"

We know why Krishna  the  empty mind is a dangerous place"

"Sam too agreed her suggestion of completing the incomplete discussion ".

"All of a sudden, Ragu rowdy had removed his ear phones and shouted,

"you fool foolishly saying everything ...everything have been done by your Krishna!".

"Are you crazy man stupid stop it ?".

"When are you going to stop this kind of maddened stories adamant?"

"It was an unpleasant reaction to his friends.They looked at him angrily."

"What is adamant ?"

"Refusing to change your mind Balaraman"
"Oh goodness Ruhu is a stubborn stupid subordinate person Krishna "

"What does mean subordinate Krishna Anna?

It does mean lowering rank  and less important. 

"What does  mean stubborn ?"

"Determined  not to change the mind Rudra"

"Like Russian President, Putin ?"

"Sure Sarah". 

"What does mean suborn Krishna ?".

"Pay or persuade to commit an unlawful act".

"Unusually Sam ignored him."

"Can I beat him up now?"

"The Karate  boys badly hurt and  wanted to beat them up".

"Was he with his gang Krishna ?".

" James yelled. "

"No.Stop being short tempered man!"

"Smiled Rajesh Kanna and Krishna, that's me."

"All right Mum all right let me tell you a bit clearly .  

"The scientists had not understood the earth's constructing contractor namely the Creator."

"How they are going to agree about the Divine 's interior energies designing by His exterior energies?”.

"This time all were confused a bit and concentrated carefully":

“Mum! The interior , "Superior Energies"  (Souls) and the exterior energy is,
"Super Nature" 

"Eye witness is, He manufactured mountains including the entire world, by moving the plate boundaries under the oceans , using his 
Exterior Energies”

"Mum was a bit confused, but still was concentrating":

“At the same time, His Interior Energy has been maintaining  the sacred souls , being Superior Soul  
"Within all Sam?".

"Yes Mom! I mean in the hearts of all to administrate the world through them whatever we claims that  we have  been manufacturing (making), actually Him even a bunch of grass will not move without His assistance Mum "

"Wait...wait...wait Who moved what?"

"Sita smiled for the first time"

"Smiling Sam  said softly,"

" How on Earth these phenomenology of plates work had been misinterpreted ?”

His friends asked him to take it easy smilingly".

He smiled  and blinked at Marina with humongous humour

 Marina was astonished amazingly.

The radio activities are the energies of Divine Mom!.

such as
2)conduction and 
3) radiation 

"Are His exterior and interior energies." 

"Could you imagine the  magma would blindly construct this phenomenal world without instructions of an engineer or a supervisor or a administrator ?”

"His Mum was surprised and impressed!

"She was wordless!"

“Mom! On one hand,  the way the tectonic boundary moves towards each other and constructed the mountains as instructed ".

"On the other hand, see the way the tectonic plates move away from each other and the gap in between them have been filled in lava eventually cooling down to form the surface called the crust,which is  many miles thicker" .

"So how the mountains have been made correctly around the continents?"

"Mom do you think the mountains had been created correctly as walls around each and every continent and have been protecting them by the scientists?"

  Ragu was worried because he could not answer his question despite of being a graduated doctor.

"could not understand much thing about science explain me in a simple method can you because I forgot ?"

His mother exclaimed enchantingly.

"The rest of the crowd were a bit puzzled the way he was trying to describe to his mother who had  much idea about science she was so good in science a graduated house wife."

Marina too was confused of hearing his dazzlingly  decent  knowledge with point evidence and explanations.

She understands the prettiest point Sam made, but unfortunately science studies seems like denying divine intervention in illusion ,Maya cause of deepest Karma impious actions in the previous series of births.

"Mom! As we are building houses with five non living elements:
1) Sand
3) Iron
4)Water and 
5) Wood...

the Nature's forces using the lava as the building blocks supplied and supported by the same five elements."

1) Sand
3) Iron
4)Water and 
5) Wood
"Is it difficult for you to understand?"

"What are you talking about?" 

"What wall who told?"

 "Do not interpret the mountains as walls right! 
You often complicate us with the soul and now wall "
"What is your goal Sam?" 

"It is mostly a question of the final goal that man sets before himself in life.The goal has to be the Science of Self-Realization of the unity of the self with the Paramatman, Papa,  Baba said ".

"Did the nature construct any of the walls in any corner of the planet?

"Shouted  Ragu angrily" .

"James stood up like a 🌋 volcano wow!"

"Smiling Sam smiled at him",

"Please take your seat James"

" Krishna ".

"Why not Rudra ?"

 "Krishna Menan pulled him politely back to the seat   ",

"What about the walls of Grand Canyon in Arizona?"

"What wall where is it ?"

"In USA Marina"
,smiled .

"It is 350 KM long and 1.6 depth KM in places." 

Replied Krishna Menan  showing evidence in his smart phone" .

Yeah he is light speed in researching things. 

"Ragu was numbed ...wordless!"

"He wanted to show off to Marina that he was an academic, but he was humiliated by her instead! shame on him".

"Let Krishna narrate again Rudra" 

"Okay  Mom in some places tectonic plates move towards each other causing abduction. Although seems to be destructive,  it is being construction!"
"Hummmmm Hummmmm  happy Sam".

"This is the production of Supreme service. ..can you Look at the massive mountains Mum!?" 

"How they have been wonderfully walled around the continents in order to protect the populations from erosion  prevent from destroying!",

"Smiling  Rahjesh Kanna thrilled in looking at his friends,James and Krishna Menan!"

"They enchantingly exclaimed  👏👏👏👏👏  👏👏 
Their handsome hands handsomely clapping with their handsome smiles!" 

"Looked like athletes had just won their Olympic Championship...  It was awesome". 

Sam's Mum hugged him happily  her delightful eyes enveloped with shiny sparkling warm water  delightedly".

However,what ever you said were discovered by the scientists,but nevertheless their predictions are not perfect. Nonetheless,who is going to agree your Supreme Science based argument? Even your college mate,Ragu had disagreed"

Every one surprisingly smiled and  shockingly shook Sam's hand , saying,

It was indeed  a balanced argument, in spite of two against one, still you won the match"
"Smiled James .Sam smiled in return  saying,

"thank you...thank you...thank you... God bless you all as long as you realize the souls and the Supreme Soul"

"Krishna Menan had served them some kind of tasty food made by his Mom.

"Oh it's you Krishna?"
"Sure Meera it was me now I'm narrating it ha...ha
"It was yummy...indeed yummy kind of  yellowish jelly and mouth watering juicy. Every one enjoyed it appreciatively best of all,the flavor was favourable".

"Everyone said" ,

"Fantastic...fantastic mmmmm so tasty delicious "  .

The velvet seated blue 💙 bus as passing through the rivers and waterfalls and the night black shiny road.Suddenly,

"Sam saw a cute cow was sitting next to her  mother in a green field and refusing to leave her with tears !

"Why Krishna?"
"As her mother cow was taking  to the slaughter house to be killed to meet the need of meat eating entities!".

"Oh goodness let's listen the vibrant video which echoes encouraging education sweet hearts 💕 

" Finally   have a go with the video below Just say hello to Govinda. 

"And have a look at the message what Sri Rangan Uncle has just shared from Shankaracharya ".

*भज गोविन्दं भज गोविन्दं*
*गोविन्दं भज मूढमते ।*
*सम्प्राप्ते सन्निहिते काले*
*नहि नहि रक्षति डुकृङ्करणे ॥ १॥*

Worship Govinda, worship Govinda, worship Govinda, Oh fool !
Rules of grammar will not save you at the time of your death.
"Ohhhhhhhh goodness the five factors of Father informed Sri Rangan Uncle how hard of reading his quotation of Sri Rama Krishna "

"To be fair ,we wish K.Soul Nava was with us right now in person not talking to him impersonally Krishna"

"Yeah not for fun  does he still works in Citizen Advice Bureau in London Krishna? "

" It's not for fun Rudra  they kicked him out after five years or so  ha...ha... as he was unable to be flexible. "

You're joking Krishna!"

"To be fair,  you are correct Rudra ha...ha...tough time  for tutor in teaching the truth.  "




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