"We are back Krishna" 

"I'm great students "

"Pardon Krishna?"

"I mean we are your loyal students of coming regularly although you  make mistakes ha…ha…”

Pardon ?”

in grammar Krisna…ha...ha... joking"

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeees did you pass the foreigners travelling entitlement exam of English test Krishna?"

"I already answered the question ha...ha..."

"Stop wearing the disgusting dress Krishna that's why you couldn't make it Krishna "

"Could we watch the video with  your exam dress Krishna?"

"Whaaaaat does it mean? 

…I've no idea whatsoever what are you talking about?"

"The dress you had worn in India and even  for the English exams Krishna do you remember?”

"Ohhhhhhhh! To be frank,  it's a matter of prank guys"

"Could we watch it Krishna anyway?"

"No way !!!anyway no problem"

" Krishna?


"Super Krishna don't worry about the English exams Krishna..."

"Why do you think I worry ha...ha....?"

“We... we don't want to miss your tuition Krishna".

" Sure I don't worry... how dare the same question our tutor asked me when he was in a  frustrated mood?". 

"When was it Krishna?"

"When he came to visit Srilanka "

"What did he ask Krishna ?"

" Why you have failed?"

"What was it Krishna?"

"You mean  the English exam for foreign Krishna ha...ha...?"

"Yep "


"I was deeply disappointed...!!!"

"Why wasn't it for your own safety and security Krishna ?"

"How ... how he  could  have asked  like that me ? ?"


"Was  it my fault ; 

is it my mother language or is it reasonable of chasing someone like me who is so busy in business ?"

"You're joking Krishna.!ha...ha..." 

"Ha....ha.....although everyone knows I'm very good at English exams?".


 "In addition ,Canada Anna thought it  was simplest joke and supported  me financially for the registration fee a couple of times ,too".

"You're  kidding Krishna ".

"Don't  I  share my maximum  support with  students who are experiencing stress whenever  sitting for the test with my dress?"

 " Ha...ha...with dynamic dress you mean it Krishna??"

"Of course,  because the stress and distress of the students during the exams had been exchanged into entertainments !"

"Ha...all grace of your decent dress Kuwait?"

"Absolutely 💕 hearts 💕 "



Ha...ha...!!! Ha...ha...!!!


"For sure ,we are puzzled  of your  leela Krishna ha...ha...

"We really, really respect  those who  tell the truth .No matter how hard it is Krishna".

"Thanks to be honest, it's indeed hard to imagine how my destiny put me in tough  and tight time"

"Why was it Krishna?"

"No wonder tough times and troubles are due to our Karmas Krisna " 

"My... my karma not Dharma?"

"Due to our parents and grandparents karma too Krishna "

"Are you sure Sarah?"

"Yeah because when my parents went to visit India to do some shopping for my brother's wedding, they met an amazing astrologer who told that our foreign children have been undergoing western culture is of their grandparents' Karmas" 


"Oh dear thank-you so much  at least now we all are deserved to be blessed soulfully with sacred credits in our brains bank balance sweet hearts 💕 ".

"Correct krisna" 

"Once K. Soul was saddened unknowing what happened to the bank balances of Grandma,  my sister  and...and...and "


"Still...still addition financial problems had been sorted out “

We don’t get it!”

"Such …such as withdrawal of mortgage jewels interest payments etc...etc..."

"Why your voice broken down Krishna take it easy we know it's part of our generation and genetic  correlations Krishna ".

"Stop being emotional Krishna" 

"Yeah  Krishna we are transcendental we mean spiritual and eternal need to save our sacred souls better than secure the materials goals which would be disappearing at any moment disappointedly  "

"Sure Krishna remember the five factors of Father how he leading us Krishna" 

"would you like to get started Krishna?" 

Why not students!".

"Who is the cutest child Krishna we wish to know to be frank  Krishna?"

"So soft child why does this baby showing her pink tongue Krishna ha...ha... ?"

"That's a secret Balaraman"

"Please share with us at least some of the stories Krishna ?"

"Her...her mother forcing her to eat eat"

"Every...every times Krishna?"

"Ha....ha...the baby doesn't eager to eat properly Krishna ?"

"Yeah she refused to eat" 

"Evidence Krishna?" 

"Shut up we already discussed I can’t back up!” it a court order or court case to be proved by evidence ?

Are...are you crazy Ruby?"

"My apology Krishna we wonder  you Look so handsome  Krishna "

" Ha...ha...!!!Alright then ! I'll tell you an event. "

"Hooray..,hooray !!?"

"Once our tutor wanted to check her condition".

"How come Krishna?"

"Yeah he is not a doctor to check the baby's condition Krishna?"

"Suuu!!! Simply a practical practice OK?"

"When was it Krishna?"

 "When he had  paid a visit to France,  he checked her by carrying the baby, but he was   thinking the poor baby would  be as light as feather"

"We don't catch up Krisna !"

 because frequently Kanna complaints her condition ".

"We got that point Krishna" 

"In order to  measure how light weight the baby would be for her age he affectionately carried her with a natural smile".

"You mean just by carrying her in order  to measure her up Krishna?"


 A ...a few minutes later  he returned the baby  back to her  parents with agonising  back pain and he astonishingly told how heavy and healthy she was with tied muscles unbelievably  cutest colour , amazing activeness and attraction !!! .

"Pardon Krishna?"

"Yes true... trust me the tutor had found the beautiful baby was such a healthy and heavy child !".

"Ha...ha....he got back pain ha...ha... aren't you exaggerating"

"No not at Allonby!

On the spot, he concluded that as long as they had a baby pursuing prayers and pujas for five years, they both fond of her "

"We got it Krishna ha....ha..."

"Excuse me Krishna!"

"What's that Retna ?"

"Isn't it a copyright issue of using the pictures of anyone and everyone Krishna?"

"In that case, we wouldn't be able to use our pictures on line  students".

"Ha...ha... ...Krishna leela again Krishna ?"

"Oh ! Krishna is the only One  who becomes many as Baba's words, multiplicity must realize the unity for the liberty but that doesn't mean all the same God"

"Yeah Brahman ,Krisna lives in each and everyone in different forms students ".

"Have a go on the  video sweet hearts" 


"Love it Krishna simply adorable Krishna?" 

" But prior to our lesson,  please  little prayer to our Originator and a  little review of the Administrator Krishna !"

"No worries Meera "

"Where is the cutest child's parents Krishna?"

"Have a go through it... it will echo our prayers and parents are grace of Papa and  Ammah "

"Excellently incredible Krishna!!!
 Krishna is the chief living being parents of all Living Beings ?"

"Yap God guides you Meera"

"Wow! Any story of this bestowingly stunning and  glowing statue  below Krishna ?"

"In fact, frankly talking about the chareters  including our own family, K Soul describes the tremendous Divine discipline in relationship"

"How does he describe?

"In a practical way decently by correcting our faults one by one to realise the One to become oneness"

" What...a God consciousness!".

"What's  the name of the father of the cutest child Krishna is it personal quetion Krishna?"

" it is professional question hearts 💕 "


"I think his name is as same as  Lord Buddha but hard to spell accurately anyone helps me please?"

"May be Chithathan Krishna" 

"Definitely Durga "

"Definition please carry on Krishna?

"The purity or consciousness".

"Pardon  ?"

" Once we come to that position"


" The...the puriest condition only we realise the reality of Supreme Personality great hearts  we need eligibility knowledge, knowing the reality like Buddha did💕 "

"Is it  true Krishna ?"

 "Oh Goddesses we can see the grace glowing on the face of the baby Krishna?"

"Oh because it's Vedas' worded name Krishna 💞"

"What is her name Krishna?"

"Vedas name again" 

"We don't get that point Krishna ?!"

"Suruthy of course we don't know we spell exactly may be Surudhi" 

"We never know that Suruthy means Vedas Krishna!?" 

"Suruthy is the original name of the verbal root of Vedas children"

"So does it mean the name  of the  spoken version of Vedas before being  written version Krishna?"

"Absolutely amazing congratulations Sam".

 "Sam, your name is fame by itself whereas when we suggest sacred sweet names to new born  children, there are some people who ignore them totally irresponsibly and ignorantly".

"What does it mirror Krishna?"

" Showing the Ignorance Class characteristics  " 

"Evidence Krishna?"

"Doesn't it seem like  demon of ego leads towards  ghost not toward God Krishna 🙏 ?"

 "Sure which persuades us to join the devil dance Krishna".

"Ha...ha... with its gang of envy, greed, ego etc Krishna".

 "To be fair, our tuition teaching us solutions which can overcome these horrific mentality "

"Why Subathra we shouldn't be self-praising people , but self realising people ".

"I mean as  our mission sublimate or transform our small mindset to big mindsets and be blessed mindfulness and thereby ensuring calmness with God Consciousness and peace of mind Krisna".

"Surely tutor's personal events educating us that no matter of taking birth as a first family member ;middle family member or last family member, but the matter is one who is  conquering the Ignorance Class is   good 

and the one conquering the Passion Class is  very good 

and the one conquering the Goodness Class is excellent?" 

"Well said Sam! Well done unless we practice bramana life style, we are not bramanas only because we have born in a braman family  ".

"To be rid off our sin , we need to direct all our activities towards good thoughts ;good words and good deeds Krisna"

"Who said that?" 

"Baba said from Vedas  Krishna correct?"

"Sure this fantastic  statue was a specific present to K.Soul Nava and his family ".

"Wow! Again K.Soul involed in this event?"

"Surely ".

"Does ...does it bestow blessing like glowing Krishna ?"

"Obviously Mary" 

"When was it Krishna?"

"It was when they went to visit my sister home students ".

"Where was it Krishna?"

" France 🇫🇷 ".

"What is the correlation of that cutest child   as the episode picture and to this dialogue Krishna?"

"Not only the child, K.Soul use all of us as mesmerising musical instruments of enlightenment with little bit of entertainments Krishna "

"What's the child's mother's name Krishna ?"


" Seems..,seems like a child name and can be  considered as a male name Krishna 💞"

However ,Krishna says in Gita,


"Exactly Peter her parents keep on calling her Kanna from her childhood that's  all" 

"Kanna lease 's parents?"

"Undoubtedly "

"Please carry on our story Krishna" 

"All of a sudden,  while my sister and her husband were in conversation with our tutor and family , the mobile of her husband rang,  ding...dong..ding...dong...

"A telephone call in the middle of their conversation Krishna?!"

"Who's family  Krishna again?".

"She  is my only sister  who was  married not long ago and settled down in France"

"What is her name Krishna?"

"She has got her family name ,but we called her Pretty Ponna".

"Why Krishna what does it mean Krishna?"


"Is it because she loves gold Krishna ?".

"Does she Krishna?"

"Every one likes gold Krishna "

"Of course, my sister is special angel".

"Example Krishna?"

"Her spouse before marriage had told  Kanna Akkah's family "

"When was it Krishna?"

"While proposing my sister ".

"Was he had been proposed by Kanna's family Krishna?,".

"Certainly through her husband relationship"

"Ohhhhhhhh we can see the correlation Krishna !".

 "Ok let him continue Suuuuu silent please!!"

"That he  didn't mind   gold or property and he told them  which is up to them anyway as a gentleman."

" she should be a blessed baby  Krishna !"

"Sure... we still decided to share  her the partition from our family property as a memory mansion of mayor ,our gradpa with six or seven bed rooms "

"Then Krishna?"

"She totally refused"

"Was she krishna ?".

"She should be the best  jewels Krishna !!!"

"Was it because of  her husband doesn't interest like Smiling Sam Krishna?"

"Or she might have worried of her disabled brother krishna".

 "In addition, she knows that Srilanka in poverty in comparison to France isn't it Krishna ?"

"Or might be her partner doesn't mind of the dowry Krishna?".

"By the way , has  she  married with a business man Krishna?"

"Yeah apparently yes but following the long term pandemic I'm not so sure of their present change of circumstances".

"That's why Krishna". 

"Undoubtedly Subathra that's what we thought because more or less, owns his proper properties as well"

"Pardon Krishna?"

"Until, our aunty had called K.Soul ."

"What's wrong Krishna?".

"She refused the family mansion as it was a matter of partition"

"Sorry Krishna?"

" She wanted  to have the entire property  or she was prepared to go with empty handed "

"Oh goodness who is the landlord Krishna to be frank!"

"The Father."

"You mean the Super Soul Krishna?"


"Sorry Krishna?"

"I mean Lord Krishna sweet 💕 hearts 💕?"

"Alright who is the  Land Lord at the time of the proposal  of your sister Krishna?"

"Our Grandma  ?"

"Before her Krishna please?"

"K.Soul "

"Are you kidding Krishna?"

" In fact , super Soul Krishna is the landlord right?"

"Certainly Krishna !".

"However , thinking in  material terms and condition , K. Soul is the one who had invested to Grandma's property".

 "Oh for the purpose of purchase Krishna?" 

"Correct. Please remember to remember that the K equals Krishna".

 "ha...ha...and the Soul equal Brahman ".

" purchase the basic partition of that house Krishna?"

"Absolutely Sweet hearts 💕 "

"So  we wonder basically the mansion was a parcel or part of a specious home Krishna?"

"Certainly Christina". 

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness what a mesmerising method of explaining Krishna so basically non of us is landlords of any land Krishna?".!!!!"

"Fantastic our applause 👏 Peter "

"Was it their dowry property Krishna we mean your parents dowry property Krishna?"

"Yes the  half house "

"Then another half 🌗 belongs to whom  Krishna?

" Does it it personal question or professional question Krishna my apology Krishna?"

"Both personal and also professional Balaraman "

"That was belongs to somebody else who had  already sold the partition house to our grandparents." 

"You  complicate us Krishna!" 

" Cool down,  ha...ha...Kanna, the mother of the baby above had written to K.Soul or mail messaged to him on my parents behalf."

"Why Krishna?"

 "To purchase the rest of the property as well which was belonging to the previous landlord as he was seeking a buyer".

"Interesting indeed interesting Krishna?". 

"And then Krishna?"

 "When he came to visit with his brother, the founder of Kurinchikumaran , they both faithfully fulfilled their request in contributing each other( fifty fifty) brotherly".

"So they both bought the rest half of the mansion  on Kanna's request Krishna?"

"Sure but...but...but...the beauty was  they didn't claim any  proprietorship or ownership in any relationship ".

"Why Krishna the whole world is behind the money?"

"Sure they knew it's belongs to Lordship".

"Sure...sure...Krishna ".

"They simply...simply satisfied Kanna's request and returned foreign after attending to Kanna's  sister's wedding.  I remember the day  when I was struggling to wear my tie, don't remember the colour of the tie with my grey suit."

"And then Krishna?"

 "So that K.Soul shorted out ha... ha...I was quite young and as usual, silent guy,but still remember the smell of the tie which might have been  stored somewhere in the kitchen or chiken hut ha...ha..."

"He...he didn't complaint Krishna?"

"No not at all, but  I didn't know what he would have been thinking."

"And then Krishna?"

"On  their second visit, they disappointed witnessing the haunted house following the civil war even the friendly trees broken the walls and enjoying happily  in the haunted house, which had been left unattended during the war totally destroyed condition of  the property ."

Now it's comes to light that our parents might have shared some words such as my sister is being the only female, our house can ber hers."

"Ohhhhhhh  yeeeeee so they only grew a greedy in their child mind deeply which had been planted in her innocent heart  and  gradually grew up with branches Krishna ?"

"Understand the points you made Rosy even K.Soul had the impression that was a habitable house before visiting in person soon as they saw it, they spent their  entire saving to save the sinking ship in the ocean lack of rescuers ".

"And then  Krishna?" 

"They ,they had refurbished and modernised the mansion as it was badly damaged and they considered it as a memory temple  of their  Papa ,our grandpa because he lived there before his departure".

 "Therefore they had invested  many times much much more than the home value of the purchased time price. Besides being badly shouted  "  .

"Who was it Krishna?" 

"Certain ,certain characters cannot be named and shamed alright?"

" You're sometimes being rude Krishna... "

"Alright then who is Kanna Krishna ?"

 "Suuu let Krishna talk Ruby!!!"

"All in all, one of the three members is disabled so overall two of them have to take care of him and honestly and equally the property was shared lawfully Krishna?

 "Yes krishna , as her  parents basically   possessed only the half house as their lawful  dowry and the rest half 🌗 was not the dowry Krishna if they didn't take in to account of the simple reason even law, who is to be blamed Krishna ?"

"In addition, the spacious and  placious house  was left over unmaintained unreasonably Krishna "

"Sure Sarah , certainly christina and Peter  you all amazing thank you so much"

"You're welcome Krishna ".

"Frankley Kanna's  husband is my sister's  husband 's friend and business partner  or work colleague and basically she is my step sister or cousin whatever". 

"Oh  the above child's  mother Krishna?"


"Ohhhhhhh what was it for Krishna?"

Sorry Sarah?"

" What was the telephone call  for Krishna in the middle of their conversation in France?"

"Pardon Sarah?"

"The call Krishna! "

"We don't know  Retna!!!

"After that Krishna?"

"Following the call,  my sister's husband drove directly and hurriedly  somewhere. after whispering  to my sister".

"What had  he whispered Krishna?"


" I don't know Rudra , he had whispered something to my sister Rudra"

"What was it Krishna?" 

 "Suuuuu Rudra!!!!Are... are you crazy 🤪 he said whispered okay?"

"On his return, he brought  a big brown beautiful packet "

"What was inside the brown big parcel Krishna?"

"Keep quiet Rudra!" 

"Later it came to light "

"What was it Krishna?"

"When our tutor's family opened  the pretty parcel in London only they discovered the dazzling , yellow yield glowing illuminating inspiringly the statue of the Rata Krisna " 

"Does it glow at night Krishna?"

"Certainly Christina?" 

"What was the size of it Krishna?"

"Approximately one foot high and half foot wide Rudra "

"What a friendship of kind relationship Krishna !"

"Definitely Durga "

"What was the conclusion of the mansion matter Krishna?"

"K. Soul' s brothers from Germany had concluded it successfully ".


 "With a formal agreement in submitting the deeds in front of the lawyer under  signing of the  siblings with parents that the mansion is always being in equal ownership of the three siblings  out of them, one is disabled".

"What did K.Soul say Krishna?"

"After K.Soul had spoken to his sister, Savithiri who is my mother and aunt,  mum's  sister described my angelic sister that is a matter of a family property it has a sacred sentimental value we will one day review exactly so that you can comprehend our original point of view ".

"So how old is our K.Soul Krishna?"

"I'm afraid, our souls  too are K.souls as k. Stands for Krishna thus only Lord Krishna knows all of our ages of the souls ...

"By the way,Ranganna shared ,says quite the mind the soul will speak ".

Bhudah said "

"It's not the answer we expect Krishna !"

"A beautiful face will age ;a perfect body will change but a beautiful soul will  always be  beautiful soul "

"The lawyer shared from London,the young father .

" us Krishna our episodes definitely educate the greatest hearts 💕blessfully 💕 "

"Bad luck K.Soul has the second victim of this dispute like his elder brother's dispute Krishna "

"Unmistakably, but all are Kanna's order alright so  there's no harm".

" ...ambiguous and glorious thanks Krishna ".

"Sure certainly God bless you all ".

"Excuse me  krisna does ...does  Krishna Society is worshipping the cows Krishna?" .

You mean the ISCKON The International Society of Krishna Consciousness Ruby?".

"Sure Krishna" 

  "Krishna, does Lord Krisha love  cows?"

"He adores them and they love Him more than he loves them Subathra"

"Why we often find foolish conversation on line Krishna  ?"

"What does it mean Mary?"

"Sort of faulty leadership learning and followers unintelligible questions of Vedas and answers too were unrelated to Vedas Krishna ".

"Sure oh goodness in comparison to the education of ISCKON, Hare Krishna Society, The media  answers are childish even committing errors everywhere Krishna?".


"Absolutely Peter if we didn't know our bona-fide guru Bhaktivetananta, we would have been one of them . Sort of  illusion  (not real ) ".

"What about the demigods Krishna?"

"They too are unreal students"

"Why Krishna?" 

"Even we happen to settled in their planet, one day or other, we are obliged to  be returned to the temporary world where we are struggling seriously".

"What ?
We...we wonder why Krishna?"

"Whatever changing, which  are not real including the universes are unreal Krishna?".

"Correct Christina ".

"What about Lord Krisna ?".

"He the Atman and Paramatman the Only Real Holy to grant us holy days from filthiest fear of daily disaster"

"We didn't catch up Krishna!?" 

"If Krishna moves away from  the demigods' hearts, they are gone because they too prone to change their bodies when they die sacred souls ".
"So they are subject to take another body like us Krishna ?"

"Absolutely but they live longer in one body we live long in different, different bodies "

"Are we all are untruth  Krishna?"

"Unfortunately it's the fact except the Atman  And Paramatman".

"Which is the fact  Krishna?

"Yeah who is the Truth Krishna?"

"Answer is within your question Balaraman" 

"Atman and Paramatman Krishna".
"Sure Sarah no doubt about it "

"What is happening in  the blue bus Krishna?".

"Every one would be  shame on  those who are killing the innocent animals Krishna ".

'Undoubtedly ,while witnessing the worst and tragic of pandemic by humans to the innocent cows sweet heart 💜❤️💞❤️💞"

 "You mean watching when some slaughters were pulling the mother cows separating from the calves Krishna?". 

" Certainly!We too   extremely shamed on them Krishna" .

"Sam remembered  what London Sam,too told him".

"What was it Krishna?"

"How the cows are slaughtered in foreign countries including in London and loaded to be exported".

 "Isn't it exploitation?".

"What is exploitation Krishna?"

"Make use of something unfairly Rata"

"I am bursting with pride of being human being at the same time breaking my heart with pain in seeing the way we people are treating the animals."
"Worried Marina's Grandma genuinely saying". 

"What kind of people we are Krishna?"

"Luckily I don't eat even egg although some people considering eggs as vegetables like Rosy's build egg story last time  Krishna "


"Really Rudra we saw him eating egg Krishna ...

are you joking Rudra?"

"Yeah I eat only the joke Krishna that's  vegetable my mum says".

"Pardon we did not understand Rudra !"

"I don't eat the white substance in the egg, but eat  only 

the yellow joke the yellow inner part of the egg Krishna ".

" mean the yellow yolk Rudra ?"

"Yes that's what I said Krishna ".

"but my nice eats entire egg she is not vegetarian like me Krishna ".

"Ha...ha... you mean your niece, daughter of a person's brother or sister Rudra?"

"Yes you are good at fault finding Krishna like Lord Krishna does"

"Why Rudra what's wrong with Lord Krishna why you blame Him are you crazy Rudra?"

"No Krishna Lord Krishna makes everything messy thus we all became crazy"

"What do you say Rudra?"

"Why we are in a competition by living  in a competitive world and  in a complicated condition of life isn't it because of Him Krishna?"

"Ha...ha... sure several sections of religions;several continents; different languages; different colours; separate minds sets of people classified in three classes and leaving them to live in the same globe tesult insult for goodness people because of a few dools like Putin krisna  ". 

"Yes Krishna! In addition,different Gods and Goddesses why Krishna?"

"Ha...ha... some time you are so superior thinker Rudra". 

"Our applause 👏 Rudra !!?"

"Let's get started okay guys!"

"See the way the cutest calves are refusing to leave their  mothers! The cows are  🐄 🐄 🐄 having the same soul as human beings".

" Exactly!  My God!"

"Why they have been  created Sam?"

Asked James compassionately. 

"In order to feed the men by their milk James".

"For their bitter surprise, another extreme 😈 event  a violent view"

"What was it Krishna?"

 "It was a painful and awful moment!"
"What is it Krishna?"
"A  leaping lion was catching  a massive grey rabbit in mid-air attack!" 
"It's not fair Krishna" 

" Unexpectedly 🐶 Ragu and his companions barked,"

"Stop crowing  like crows seems uncivilized citizens!!!"

"Everyone look at them unhappily". 

 "Are  you all coming from another planet?"

"They were wordless watching them shouting against the compassionate  comments and complaints of inhumanity"
"We  are  doctors!"

"Ignoring them aren't we educated?",

Meanwhile , the passengers were  worried, looking at the rabbit which lost half  life shivering ,shaking and suffering fight for survival!"

"They all worried at the bleeding rabbit's in the mouth of the hungry lion. It was a regrettable state with overwhelming sadness"

"What are you going to say for this act what's wrong with you fools ?
 Killing and eating the animals to survive ourselves like the biggest animals eating the smallest?

"This  is simply the "Food Chain ?"

Alright,they are just animals Right! 

"Are we?"  

"Grandma voiced very politely" 

"Unfortunately we are classified as animals too Grandma".
"They  responded irresponsibly" 

"Of course,we are animals according to the science studies because of our life styles as we are pursuing the same principles as animals.". 

"What does she mean Krishna?"
"I mean what are the animal propensity in other words interest or tendency?"

"1) Eating 
 2) Mating
 3) Learning 
 4) Earning 
 5) defending
 6) offending and
7) Reproduction ".
"Does propensity mean tendency I mean interested Krishna?"

"Correct Subathra"

"Reproduction you mean making chicken Krishna?"

"Ha...ha...yeah they are making chicks and chicken 🐔 🐥 🐔 🐥 🐔 we are making children.

"What difference does it make Krishna?"

"Ha... ha...only difference, we are eating them  totally🐔 chick🐥 chicken 🐔 🐥eggs 🥚 🥚 🥚 and 🐄 and calves. Finally cow".

"How we are proudly claiming that we are civilized and compassionate citizens Krishna ?"

"Do you appreciate it Krishna"

 "Certainly we are uncivilized students automatically we have a higher chance of returning to the animal kingdom from human kingdom ?"

"True unless we are Self-Realised, we are four wheels animals they are four legs animals.

  "What is the point of having two three cars in one family  with four wheels  and barking with horns Krishna ?"

"Ye worst of all, some Srilankan fixed a horn in front of their cars saying that they are  Tamil Tigers Krishna?"

"What does it mean, horn please Krishna?"

  "Which mean both a hard bony growth on the heads of cattle, sheep,etc  and also an instrument sounds a warning sound in their vehicle"

"We marry and make  marriages ceremony spending most of our money 🤑💰💰💰🤑💰🤑 thinking that we are deserved to be blessed , but living beast life of killing hundreds of innocent animals for the wedding,  ignored Lord Buddha's Instruction ."

"So we are deserved to be blamed Retna" 

"Yes Krishna?" 

"No worth of  being human being unless learning about the reason of our creation and finding the remedy  of this tragic pandmic of tragedy ?"

👏 👏 👏 "
" Krishna! Realising the first  Chief Living Being of all Living Beings and teaching it to the entire population including our children is an act of a guru, saint and sages no?"

"Super surly you are correct Peter "
"Could we return to the bus 🚌 👌 ?"

"Of course Pamitta":

"Passengers bitterly surprised having  heard the conversation ". 

 "Driver smiled because he is a physics teacher and driver, accepting and appreciating Ragu gangsters arguments"

"It was another shocking news for them and realised why he is being a driver despite of being a teacher?!".

 "Can any one appreciates such a mid-air attack!?".

Driver too supports to the doctors.

'They speak like the 🐸  frog lives in the well!"

"What does it mean Krishna?"

"We can't explain  the 🐸frog  in the well and  the frog in the ocean 🌊  to compare the size of their habitats''

"Can we Krishna?"

"  Krishna!"

 "Let's continue"

"  Ragu's colleagues were there ,too in supporting his suggestion smilingly like 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 snake"

"However,the animals have no common senses as we have and simply we are the crowns of the entire creations" .

"Shouted his colleagues collectively" 

"We are the best out of the rest,"

"Why?" Asked Benz . 
They have no consciousness"
Another smiled!

"Have we got consciousness?"

"Aren't we have been behaving like alcoholics who have no consciousness due to the influences of alcohol?"

"Sam asked them sadly his voice was broken 💔💔💔💔".

"No worries we are killing the animals because they are animals what's wrong with it?"

 "Man mind your tongue".

"Again  they described them scientifically ".
"The animals are not subject to be punished by karma, but when the people do that,we are subject to be punished as it is Atharma/arrogant against Dharma". 

"Have you got any object?"

 Sam asked seriously. 
"The driver was thoughtless" 

"Is this your teaching of Dharma at school thus you're driving the mother nature does not turn blind eye"

"Mind your own business man".
Said the driver indecently .

"Can the people murder other people?"

"Thou shalt do not kill"

The Father of the fathers said as the  6th commandments out of the ten commandments"

 "What is your name again gentleman?" 

"My name is Christ",

 answered driver to Sam's question".

 Sam was so so sorrowful.

He could not find a word. He was speechless for several minutes.

Others did the same!

 "Marina was sitting in the middle, sandwiched between her mother and Sam's mother".

"So pity of her Krishna"

"Surely Sarah surely" 

"She was a bit bored of the situation Rata"
"We got it Krishna I would be in the same circumstances if I was her Krishna"

 "You are right" 

The way driver smiled and supported the doctors was... was insulting.

 In addition, he went to university doesn't care of Universal science as they are unaware.

Baba said ,"fools have all the knowledge, but  no knowledge of themselves"

Marina's Grandma moved towards Sam with her supreme white sary and snow white blouse. 
The passengers pretty pleased and wondered hearing her wording and her personality. 

Wow her fair hair, fragrance cotton white hair was on the  air.She looked energetic,yogic and magnetic. 

Oh goodness ! Electrifying look of a saintly sacred soul with Vedic  vibrant vibration illuminating on her face.

"Do not say thing you don't know. Sam is someone not like everyone. He knows the one who lives in every-one in practice and in his personal experience ".

She immediately did a beautiful bun in her fair hair enthusiastically and energetically. 

Then she carried  on :

"1) Tharma 
2) Kama
3) Artha
4) Moksa means 

5) Peace that is Sam's Mission mind it men"

Marina was in the happiest heaven. She knows that she plays Karate once she comes forwards she wouldn't go backwards wow!.

So fun Krishna 

"Would you mind telling us the meanings of the five facts you said Grandma?"

Benz asked her politely .

Because Benz is good at calming them down with crown charm and torch of knowledge.
"Does she?"

" Hummm!!! She can tactically tackle any disasters  diplomatically". 

Grandma smiled:

"1)Dharma means righteousness 
2) Kama means desire 
3) Arthar means wealth
4) Moksa means liberation and in total achievement makes peace. 
 5) Peace  "
"Excuse me Grandma what sort of Yoga is it?"

"This is Karma Yoga darling  .

Sam suggests Bhakthy-Yoga in Maha Mandra 

"Who suggested  Karma Yoga Grandma ?"

"Vedas , Prabhupada's Baba ...and... and... and there are many who knows Vedas darling" 

"Which is better one Grandma ?"

Maha Mantra 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️  is the best one Benz darling ♥ 

"Bhackti Yoga is essentially for the Kali-Yuga." 

"Surely Benz darling". 

"So at the present age Bhackti- Yoga is the best Grandma?"
Marina asked 

"What about Yoga-Meditation 
 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️ Grandma?" 

'That is deeply difficult see what Rajani is doing... going and   coming ".

"How we can achieve the Karma-Yoga practice" successfully Grandma?"

"As long as you are young, it may be difficult  of Maha Mantra practice, if concentrating in Maha Mantra is hard,  it is not out of question, unless 
 you have the courage, first earn wealth". 

"Why Grandma?" 

" To be honest, honestly we all have lots of desires"

'Hundred percent Grandma'
"Then  Grandma?"

"You invest part of your wealth towards charity in promoting the Vedas like Sam has been doing"

 "That is  one of the major  reasons why, Sam would like to join his brother". 

'Benz thought by looking at Sam sincerely'

"Grandma, does Sam covers Bakthy Yoga?"

Or he does  Karma Yoga   🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️?"

'Yes he does both darling!", 

"How did you know Sam is doing Bakthy -Yoga too Grandma?"

"I watched his speeches in promoting Gita and Maha Mantra darling".

Sam was wordless warm water  rolling from his eyes and walking here and there on his cheeks !

Best of all, behind Grandma , the five teens (Karate boys )have been monitoring from the morning 🌄  in the partition or portion of the blue bus while getting additional advice from Grandma. 

"Wow... wow... wow... honorable intellectuals who know what is spiritual , transcendental and devotional to delight Krishna". 

"On the other side, both mothers were a bit fat just..
Just   a bit fat not like elephants  though, but double the size of their children , in terms of their weights still look lovely". 


"Poor Marina would be saddened to be sandwiched Krishna!"
" Ha....ha...Certainly Christina" 


"It was their fault,  since a few months, they stopped their exercise such as  walking and jogging and interested in watching TV obviously they had gained their weight significantly." 
"Why Marina has been left in that situation there are so many seats💺 💺 💺 free Krishna?!

I don't knooooooow moreover, Marina had to fold herself up, her knees jammed under her chin".

"Oh goodness me Krishna!'.

"Unexpectedly Krishna Menan got an idea" .

"What was was your idea Krishna Mena ha...ha..isn't it  a bit oquate to narrate Krishna?"


"He asked the driver  to stop for a real break, the driver  had stopped in a green great picnic place".

As a matter of fact, only the driver,  Christ and doctors drinks tea and coffee others drank some fresh fruit juice and fruits and...and...and...

"Unexpectedly Marina called Sam anxiously while they all were  drinking and eating eagerly ".

His Mom had been monitoring each and every   movements of Marina. 

"Why you called him?"

" Sita asked  by her eyes"

" Understanding her eye language from the beginning of the journey, Marina changed the truth or mend the truth like Lord Krishna 🙏 "

"Excuse me aunt can I have some jam please"

"Take it I thought you called my  Sam"

"OK! take it ",

At the same time, the karate boys were in joys as though they had found some favorite toys hearing and watching Marina's Grandma's intervention they are willing to give a lesson to the bullying bad rowdies who were talking  nonstop nonsense".

Benz didn't appreciate  that the karate boys handle and end up causing severe seriousness 

She tactically  wish to change their moods .

Luckily all of a sudden, Benz recalled  that she has completely forgotten her pretty performance

So softly  whispered to Marina's Grandma. 

"She smiled and borrowed the tremendous radio from the boys.

And grandma whispered to Marina and  they all encourage

Grandma  even decided to practice with  Benz for fun!".

"Grandma Krishna?"

"Ye! It was fantastic fun no one expected 👏😀👍😄

 Finally Benz was convinced to carry out her competition dance in front of everyone:" 

"Why Krishna?"

" She was running out of time she has  to do her  final performance at college soon but running out of time due to the tough time".

"Has she forgot?".

"Exactly bad luck she has forgotten".

Wow! Now fortunately seeing the cement platform in an adorable atmosphere, she luckily reminded.

Then she was encouraged by Marina and her  Grandma to practice it in that amazing atmosphere ,

"Could we watch it?"

"Why not please open the green curtain Meera!".

"We love it sir!". Brilliant 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

"Sure All of them amazingly appreciated her performance!!!

"Sam was the  warmest out of all of them".

"Was he Krishna ?"

"Why Krishna??"

"Yeah his sad mood has been transformed  to good mood like all of the passengers of the blue bus".

"A moment later, when they returned to continue their journey,  the boys exchanged their partition in the blue bus with Marina and Sam".

"After a good relaxation in the air ,James saw some signs of rain and lighting strikes, he remembered  that Marina was  pretty fearful of thunder in real from her childhood and especially when the lightning go together with thunder".

"What a friendship it is the big boys best planning to separate them to give  a cheering  chance to let them  talk open heartedly in privacy ?"

  "They could not wait to renew their relationship after long, long travelling".

 "Yeah, during entire journey, Marina was sandwiched apart from their sleeping period purposely".

"Fortunately, there was a thunder and lightning went together".

"All three big boys were over joys." 

"Unsurprisingly she was  frightened of a thunder particularly with lightning strikes".

"Her face was troubled; her angelic eyes were looked  as though she was watching the tennis match seriously left and right".

"The air had blew her long hair as James had opened the windows ".

"Her angelic fingers ran through. She was trying to lean herself  towards Sam unknowingly because of thunders strikes".

"Why sir does she really scare of thunder?"

 "Definitely Durga" 

"I too Krishna"

"Did I ask you Durga ha...ha...?" 

"Having seen and heard the thunder and grey clouds ☁️ 🌥🌦⛅, Sam had grabbed her palm automatically  asking her",

" Alright Marina!Are you Ooooo.Kkkkkeeeeyyyy?".

"The volcanic eruptions can bring diamonds to the Earth's surface" 

"Whispered Rajesh Kanna to his friends in ambiguous language"

"What does he mean?"

"You know the diamond 💎 is from volcano 🌋🌋?"

"Is it Krishna!?"

"They expect some diamond 💎💎💎 on their friends' relationship sir".

"Brilliant boy Peter 👍!"

"That was an unforgettable event of diamond eruption in watching their romance...but no touching each other in any wrong motivation".

"Meanwhile sympathised  Sam  told her,

"in fact,thunder is simply the sound of lightning? "

"How come lightning make such horrible sound vibration like the world going to be collapsed on our heads Sam?"

" He smiled again" ,

" Remember we used to study in science Marina ! ?" 

"You know the bolt jumps through the air ,it is very hot it can reach a temperature of 30,000 degrees?"

"Yes I remember it Sam".

"It heats the air around it very quickly and causes this it's simply the electricity".

"She rose her face towards him".

So why it explore so so seriously as though the entire world going to be destroyed?"

"He smiled" ,

"While the temperature of the bolts increased , it heats the air around it very quickly .Result, the heat makes the air expand  or get bigger and bigger so suddenly that it pushes against the air around it and create a shock wave the waves travels through the air and our ears detect it as a loud boom as simple as it".

My Mom said it is because the Lord is angry so he is making this kinds of disastrous actions like volcanoes eruptions thunders etc."

"Absolutely it is true although the scientists have been claiming these are the actions of electricity,electron,proton,neutron , which are caused by the Super Nature".

"Even the electricity we make in the power station is based on the sun energy .The coal ,oil, fuel and the gas we use to burn the fire to heat the  massive boiler in the power station to generate electricity,all are totally based on the Sun".
"She was nodding her head promptly and enthusiastically". 

"The sun was not the production of the so called scientists Marina". 

"She smiled charmingly"

"The Super nature controlled by the Supreme power,who is our  Original Father.”

"He had paused hurtfully in considering the cruel comments of the scientists angrily".

"Then glanced at her gladly ",

“Marina,finding out an action or the reaction of the atmosphere does not mean they are is no engineering".

Sure Sam the more we analyse the action the more we must realize the Devotion". 

"Correct! Factually, we are able to do many things such as learning, analyzing, investigating, treating,
 discovering things and inventing technology  but all grace of the greatest Super Soul in relationship with the individual soul".

"You mean  the interior energy and the exterior energies belongs to the Superior Body Sam".

" Certainly Marina we study biology and realize how we have been made or born grace of an egg of the mother and a sperm of the father. That  doesn't mean we can be unfaithful for our parents"

 "Can we?"

"She appreciated him in nodding her head pretty often with her happy smiles appearing and disappointed like the moon behind the velvety silver clouds . The so called scientists need to wake up to get out of the minor mind set to major, mind  set to discover the real reasons of existence our cycle and recycle  : 

1) Why we are here? 

2) Where were we before this birth?"

3) What is going to happen after death?"

  4) Who is the Engineer?"

5) "When we are entitled to be liberated, but obviously our minds sets are preset according to our previous pious and impious"

"Having heard her heavenly torch of knowledge , Smiling sam shocked seriously and sweetly". 

" So we cannot blame them Sam?"

"Sure..,sure !Can the matter could have made the incomprehensible miraculous engineering within the bodies such as designing divine embodiment like you Marina??"

"She hugged him happily what a view!" 
I astonished hearing your velvety voice while Benz was dubbing Marina!".

"Thanks Sam".
"See the function of an organ such as liver which is doing 500 different duties at once do you think this is a matter of matter Sam?" 

Well done …well done Marina!”
Brilliant 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
"Her friends were clapping their hands happily".

"They all were amused of hearing her rhetorical questions!"

“ Wasn't she a beautifully best bride for the smartest Sam?” 

"Asked James to his friends". 

“After a long term battle ,they seemed sweetly settled down in a corner where Grandma and the five fabulous Karate kids were sitting"

"The surrounding of their friends seemed to be a garden of golden roses for them" . 

"Each time they talk, peoples are proud and  enhancing their science knowledge with enlightenment."

Just following Sam’s  path will not incur any karma".

" On the other hand, Ragu's eyes were evil!"

"Oh dear!"

 "He was shooting both of them".

"The way he brilliantly explained the Divine act within the radio activities, and the scientific reasons behind the thunder bolt,Rajesh Kanna's musical eyes were opened delightedly."

 "No wonder Rajesh Kanna  remembers Renuga whilst watching Marina pretty often he began to think of Renuga".

"Rajesh Kanna astonishingly and thoughtfully watching them and thinking who is Sam in real!?:"

"Some of the times he talks like a Guru; some of the times he talks like a specialist; some of the times he is   confusing the scientists and all of the times he ❤ cares and concerned of  Supreme Daddy what a man?" 

"We are proud of being  your friends Sam 💜 Rajesh Kanna smiled"

"As usual, Krisna Menan was listening every single thing It was a type of jingle or pearly bells made of holy words in lovely jewels for him".

"Something sounded like listing a lecture of a professor in the heavenly university". 

"Seemingly he had been recording some of the events. They certainly knew Sam's  torch of divined knowledge".

"They were peaceful and patience  and silver silent... even golden silent.In addition,they sympathetically allowing them a chance of being in perfect privacy" .

"No wonder,Sam's  stunningly winning the Divine's love . It is called "Backthi  Yoga" or devotional path."

"He was explaining  the people both sciences :

1) the  material science and 
2 )the Supreme Science.

"Why Krishna?"

" Because he was a modern Yogi!" 

"Obviously,Ordinary people do not know him".

"Yogi means the one most of the time concentrating in devotion and it is the best duty out of all other duties for the humanity".

"Because we all are servants of ordinary humans whereas , Sam is being the right servant of extra ordinary Divine?"

"The servant of the creator”.

"No one could not understands him whether he is a journalist or a scientist or a novelist or an amazing transcendentalist means a faithfully perfect spiritualist"  .

"Of course,there are lots of  people behaving badly in wearing saintly clothes or masks their characteristics, whereas he is not wearing any saintly clothes"

"He is reluctant to visit even to a church or a temple! Still,still following saintly path and leading others  towards  his godly path".

"All in all, all of his friends had bathed in the divined knowledge grace of him except some rowdy whose minds sets muddled with money and monkey  do not accept his concept".No

"At the same time,unknowingly merrily Marina wish  sat more and more closer and closer to her lover " . 

"His words were precious and pearls reminding prince Buddah which were comforting his entire friends in thinking that they were not alone, and explaining them that they were born for some reasons ,plus there is a concrete confidence in  Divine forceful controller".

"Luckily while he got some stunning snaps with his smart phone camera, she had spoken to him about her wonder brother's tender supports and she kindly requested him to say some thing about her miraculous brother's mysterious memory ".

 "James rose his right hand to slap krishna Menan for high five in saying,"

"See I told you she has lots of things to talk to him"

"Smilingly Sam did not surprise of her brother in London!. 

"Moreover,for her super surprise,he saw Marina some unbelievable similar stories on his phone all about some peoples  wonderfully  having  some super memories of their previous lives".

"Marina was in heaven!...She could not believe her eyes while hearing  the stupendous statement of a five years old Scottish boy about his past live story.

Astonishingly she asked him,

"what was the website address Sam?"


"Sooner she typed by her self to make sure of the web site address, she was pleased!"

"There are nearly 2500 have been claiming their past lives miraculous memories! She suddenly kissed his hand!".

"No! Marina you must give it  on his cheek".

"James said in his body language,with a friendly smile".

"Merrily Marina's fresh face flushed as red as rose . 
She took his hand in to her warm grip".

" She felt charm when she felt him in her  palm".
:Still  Marina was calm as his mother and her family Sitha were there,too...  but not near her. A opaque curtain separated from them ",

"All are comfortably seated enjoying tremendously  in the air conditioned  bus". 

"What a surprise!The sun light delightedly lightening through the windows of the shiny blue bus 🚌. "

Her growing affection glowing like the silver sun light glowing them through her delighted windows of the  blue bus 🚌.




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