It is mostly a question ❓?❓⁉️

"What is our original goal ,?"

"What is our final goal ???"

"What is the body? "

"No body dies".

''So dear souls the final goal that man sets 
before himself in life ????

"The goal has to be what  ?"

"The Science of Self-Realization" 

God Morning πŸŒ„ πŸ™Sacred Souls ✨

"God Morning πŸŒ„ Krishna !" 

"Could we continue our tuition Krishna we wonder who is the back beauty angelic girl Krishna?"

" No problem !Ready steady go ,she is one of our main charecters ,Merrily Marina !"...

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness she looks goddess Krishna!!!"

" By the way, have you successfully achieved your target of high level in English I mean your 500 words story writing skill?"

"We have three weeks to work  it out Krishna and we are in the process , targeting success using our session as access ha...ha..."

"Have you understood the language features of the last lesson could you spot out one by one ?"

"Yes, Krishna the characters are our own family members Krishna, difficult to say the good ones and the bad ones mighthurt the families"

"What does mean the word stereotypes Krishna?"

"Why you all are being forgetful???
How... how many time you've been told not to ask difficult questions!!!"

"Alright ! It has got many meanings "

"We know Krishna what does it express in terms of our story Krishna?"

"For example Krishna?"

" we have to make sure that  the readers have to be convinced by the characters qualities which are   based on what social groups we belong to."

"For  instance  Subathra?"
"A mother in law often acts against her daughter in law talking  in favour of her son as well as the a daughter in law being in favour of her daughter Krishna?"

Excellent effort OK Pammitta "

"The rescue are male  it's stereotypes Krishna brave and kind Krishna?".
"Absolutely Peter" 

"The grouping event are all about the pond and finally it was almost managed and resolved Krishna? ".

"Correct Christina". 

"We write in the past tense, although dialogues might have moved into different tenses Krishna? ".

"Undoubtedly Sam!"

"We wrote in the 1st person (I Me) and we discussed in 3rd person( he, she, they  ) Krishna ".

"Sure Sarah "

"We often write chronologically Krishna using time connectives such as first,then ,next after that, later finally etc. Krishna."

"Fantastic Meera even use the colour code following up the gender, for girls we  use pink ,violet and and for the males we use blue brown black etc...!"

"We described characters as either good or bad Krishna"..

"We used verbs senses feeling, colour words, connectives etc...
We carefully discussed to make an impact on the readers with precise and effective use of adverts, adjectives, metaphors and similes Krishna "

"Excellent ,enchanting  congratulations!!! Applause πŸ‘!!"

"We're wondering why we are attracted on her personality even though she refused to show her graceful face Krishna!"

"She knows that Sam is fully qualified human to reach the ABODE of Supreme Personality ".

"We're confused with so many saints, seers,philosophers, swamis demigods and prophets come up with various  vedas which muddled up our minds'wake up   Krishna!"

"Sure please Krishna simplify why  our Originator being with fragrant flowers ?"

"Yeah our Father with lotus flower Krishna ?"

"Yes like Marina with blooming jasmine fragrants flowers, Lord Krishna being with pink pretty lotus flowers why Krishna?"

"Krishna, when we work and worship seriously and sincerely, time to time there are some  obstacles like our computer connect drop out occasionally how to optimise them so that it leaves us alone in tranquillity Krishna?" 

"If we encounter problems in the computer or phone ,we are obliged to endeavour,   checking the router connection to the broadband and power by following the guidelines to optimise our devices correct?"

"Certainly  Krishna in connection with madam vs scooter connection?"

Ha...ha... !"

Ha...ha... !"

"Modem vs router  ha...ha....Rudra! Funny fellow "

"What is the morality of the story we studied because our teachers are very strict Krishna? "
"The most interesting inquiry thank you Meera in this case, the morality of the story has a glory".

 "What does it express Krishna?"

"Whatever we do, do it with worship of Krishna. 
To be honest,  in the story we discussed of temporary glory in illusory by changing the land Lords besides not knowing the Land Lord of the land Lords in real ".

" we work in PACKTHY-YOGA Krisna !!!???"

"Absolutely  Peter !"

"However, we are working in devotion like Arjuna was fighting in calling Krishna's name?".

"There are five factors of a flower in other words, five levels:
1) Covered
2) Shrunken
3) Budding 
4) Blooming 
5) Fully Bloomed."
"We don't understand  Krishna!"

"Please open the black veil to verify the Vedic vibrant answers to our confusion"

"Interesting, inspiring and so sensational Krishna "

"What does the word Merrily mean Krishna?".

"Cheerfulness liveliness and God fellings Balaraman".

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness we're already smelling her beautiful black bun with milk white jasmine flowers Krishna!" 

"We are pretty curious why she doesn't want to see us Krishna?"

"Excuse me Krishna is it because of  an unforeseen event Krishna  About a WhatsApp message Krishna what's it Krishna?"

"It's our tutor who messaged to Mr Jeyaretna,GSK Production Manager  Uncle."

"Interesting indeed interesting why Krishna doesn't she know that we all are going to meet Mr Jeyaretna sooner or later Krishna?"?"

 ''It's a personal matter Siva following his unexpected journey towards God Heard students".

"Unbelievable! Could we read it Krishna?"

''Absolutely Pammitta we already did!


"Seemingly we learned this previously Krishna "

"Sure being an important lesson, it has been shared in the face book simultaneously when we   discussed in the session". 

"Really krisna?".

"Yes Renuga you were absent" 

"Certainly Renuga you  were absent "

"What was all about it  Krishna ?"

"An unforeseen event". 

"Oh everyone experiencing wrong things happening often but do we publicly  publish them Krishna or teaching based on the event Krishna what kind of tuition Krishna?"

"But we  are trying to educate the remedy to everybody using the tragedy and vedic wordings in order to solve the mystery which involves us in all the miseries"

"That's great thanks Krisna my apology Krishna"

"Excuse me Krishna!

What  can I do for  you ?"

"Do we take birth again and again???

Does  it true Krishna?"

"Yes look at the flooding countries Krishna!

 Look at the worst war Krishna !

Look at the earthquake Krishna !!!

Where is your Lord Krishna!"

"Krishna isn't it arrogant attitudes of Lord Krisna in creating ourselves and killing us in a disgustingly  dangerous way , does't it a kind of deliberate way ? And even dangerously disgusting acts .

Do you think it is  the Divine directs these actions?"

"Listen lovely students each step of human life is in danger zone we born not to spent all of  our times in abusing on the phone human  life is a boon before this we used to be various animals still there is time bomb so before the the bomb explore, , prepare ourselves to be elevated to eternal abode by graduating godly qualifying certificates in devotion." 

"Pardon Krishna?".

This is what Gita teaches that attaining repeated birth amongst the species of demoniac life, O son of Kunti ,such persons can never approach Me. Gradually they sink down to the most abdominal types of existence "

Text 20 Chater 17.

"Students, vedically proven by Baba ,too "

"What was it Krishna?"

"Purified persons purity minds  conquer Thamas Guna  by Rajas Guna and Rajas  Guna through Sathwa Guna in other words, win the  Ignorance Class by the Passion Class and  win the  Passion Class through the Goodness Class and then finally win  Krishna Consciousness to get rid of dangerously disgusting disastrous gun  life great πŸ’• hearts πŸ’• ".

"Evidence Krishna?"

"Have a look what a young mother and father talking of their baby boy who had died in a fire attack in America".

"Certainly ,there are sad and  bad journeys among some temporary life journeys ignoring the main gate way of the pathway isn't it Krishna?".

"What went wrong Krisna so especially the people lost their life in disaster due to  scandals and tragedy, quickly returning as humans again Krishna?"
"Obviously, but not the people lived long life in learning Lord's law like us ". 

"Self-Realised people fortunately  have a cheerful chance to be liberated like Jeyaretna Uncle for instance".

 " Brilliant ...correct Krishna?".

"Isn't true that Mr Jeyaretna was one of our long term keen readers of episodes Krishna?" 

"How did you know that Ruby?".

"We met our tutor on Sunday   and he told us Krishna". 

"Can we read it  KRISHNA?"

"Of course πŸ’“πŸ’• but as we know it's the previous passage!"



"We are curious Krishna ".

"Does  the golden conch has been shared by Mr Jeyaretna Just before his departure in th  early morning prior to his journey Krishna"

"Exactly Meera "

" That's why  we wonder why Marina did not show her grace face Krisna is it because of this event Krishna?"

"Right as a tribute could we pray for him πŸ™ πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š

"Do a few  Nama jabam please :

"Now time to narrate Krishna". 
Alright three,

"Oh God! it was extremely lovely! then the sky was wearing an azure blue sari to confuse her" . 

What is omen Krishna ?"

"An event seen as bad or good sign in the future" 

"Thanks  Krishna ".

"She felt so happy! She is so different from others. She often study the beauty of the Super Nature like a poet". 

"We know Krishna "

"Meanwhile, her miraculous mind was reading in the mirror!"

Then she changed her dress to navy blue" .

"Finally ,she decided to wear her ruby red sari with ruby red blouse ...She looks like a pond of ruby now!
"How Krishna? "

"What Krishna we wonder whether  she already turned as rich as a princess ?!" 


"When she had only a couple of clothes, she didn't have these kinds of problems, it was simple like school children's uniform, but as soon as she had lots of garments, great problems too accumulated, sweet hearts πŸ’• .

"What does mean accumulated Krishna ?"

"Gained" collected or increased ,Sam "

"She usually does not behave like that,all because of  her  miraculous brother had asked her to buy these kinds of things with his foreign money he is so fond of her"...

"Ha... Ha...we wish we had a miraculous brother, too Krishna !"

"Good degree of greedy Rosy!"

"The time was running out it was 7;30 AM."

"At the same time, in Sam's charm home,

"Krishna Home", Krishna !"

"Absolutely Peter".

"People started to arrive with laughter,laughter and laughter!"

"An unexpected call from Marina's  Head teacher, where she had been working as a pupils teacher".

"What was it Krishna ?"

The Head teacher requesting her to be their urgently because there was not enough staff! Two other  teachers were absent because of stressfulness".
"Oh can I refuse Marina alarmed!?"

  "Why Krishna ?"
"She signed the contract of employment to be flexible"
"That doesn't mean she refuse her life changing pilgrimage Krishna !"

" We understand  Christina, but when she had signed the contract,she can't refuse so she was deeply dismay now"

"What is dismay Krishna ?"

"She was displeased sort of distress resulting from an unpleasant surprise". 

"What would happen if she still unable to attend to her job Krishna ?"
"Let's see what she was saying Rata"

"Oh my God! I  signed the contract I have comply according to the rules and regulations, if I refuse, it would be  a breach of contract! That's means breaking  the  law."

"She began to wipe her overflowing pearls from her pearls eyes like a ruby baby."

"No wonder,after a while,her mother informed to Sam through Benz  that was the worried case and she was at work". 

"Merrily Marina too, mailed  a sadden message in golden pearls dripping apologetically. But only  through Uncle Charm"

"Meanwhile, they were almost ready ! Such as Silva,James ,Kalki ,RajeshKanna,  , Purusothama, , Parasurama, Ragurama ,Vaikuntha, Narasimma,Narayana, Sri Krishna, Krishna menan, Krishna, Sri Rangan, Sri nivasan  and Vengadesh".

"They  decided to go to Naloor first. (In Jaffna, Srilanka)".

"Then  Vengadesar Temple at last in India. On Baba's kindest request" .

"Vengadesher is Lord ...Krishna himself. The stupendous Temple situated in  Thirupathy,the God of all Gods". 

"Most of the people go there as it is one of the top most best temple and very very miraculous one ...any kind of serious vow can be successfully successful such an unbelievably astonishing even adorable idol...quite riddle and puzzle for the European people though" .

"No one knows how on Earth the idol in that temple  being the  representative of Lord Krishna. Exactly like a mail box entire enveloped information will be collected by the staff and send them to the Divine and certainly will be answered in action Krishna".

Lord Sri Krishna represents  in the form of Vengadesar in Kali-Yuga Krishna?!"

"Absolutely as a main Kali -Yuga God of the Gods has been representing at every angle as  different different form of idols" .

"But the creator is Him. However, lots of people or devotees do not know that fact because they are in the gear of ignorance neutral gear of divine knowledge ;some are in the gear of passion whereas some are in the gear of goodness and the rest are in the gear of ignorance."

"Only the goodness class are in the correct gear to drive the car like a star others drink drive directions in diversity not unity".

"All because of the past Karma, no one knows or interested to know the eternal soul has been recording their Karma of cause ,in the past Yuga deities worship was worthy , but unfortunately in this Kali-Yuga deities worship is not recorded in Vedas out of four Yugas Kali-Yuga is the worst and also best for the Krishna devotees ".

We all know that there are four Yugas and we  know that there are also 4 processes:

1) Satya-Yuga  , Tapastya
2) Treta -Yuga ,Yagna and sacrifice 
3) Dwapra-Yuga ,Diety worship 
4) Kali-Yuga ,Harer πŸ™ nama.

"We didn't  catch up Krishna !"

"Please watch the video which echoes everything elegantly by a Krishna devotee K.Soul required to share it with you".

"Really ? We all are stunningly submissive to him Krishna please proceed Krishna we can't wait so exciting ha...ha..."

"What is Karma Krishna ?"

"Arrogant actions; Dharma and devotional service are being recorded and;accumulated then reflects as the reactions positively and negatively,Siva" 
"Who is Shiva Krishna ?"

"He is Vaisnava"

"Pardon Krishna?"

"He is Athi-Yogi of Lord Krishna πŸ™"

"Why we don't care of Lord Krishna then?"

"We are in Ignorance Class only Siva is our God that is Vedas words"

"If we are in Goodness Class Krishna ?"

"Lord Shiva, but as long as we are are being submissively following Lord's Shiva".
Being with Lord Krishna is a matter of being submissively pursuing Kirtana chanting to be liberated from repeated mystery which causes all the miseries "

"We become Krishna's  devotees"

"Does Lord Krishna lives in Siva too as Atma and Paramatma Krishna ?"
"Yes in Gita Siva told to his devotees ,"if you want Moksa, I am out, go to see Lord Krishna in the form of Vishnu πŸ™ "

"Nevertheless,when the people understand the Supreme Science,their actions have no reactions! 

"As a result, no point of being slave of work.Only the people who are subject to take birth, ought to follow the Karma others are released from them and joining with Lord Krishna, the divine Soul". 

"Briefly saying, the God is the sum total of all the souls and the total energy of universe."

"However as long as people are grabbed by the three mode of lives such as 

1)Goodness ,
2)Passion and

they are subject to follow rebirths in order to cover up their reactions of their actions due to  their never ending desires of temporary enjoyments".

"So Krishna according to Vedas,the Ignorance people's god is Lord Shiva?"
"Hundred percent πŸ’― however eventually we can  be elevating to Goodness by being with Supreme Personality of God Head, Krishna "

Can we change them?

"Our personal  experiences expressed we are slave of tongue πŸ‘… taste" 

"Let's recapture the rest of the story please" 

"Wow! A beautiful silver grey van ! A luxurious large van plus perfectly air-conditioned ready, at the gate. "

"Again remember we are talking about their journey of last week right!?"

"The wonder was, driver was reading Srimad Bhagawavtam first canto-part one. It was the description of Vedas based on Gita by Sugadeva Goswami" .

"The same driver was arguing with Sam,"why can't we kill the Animals and eat while the animals were killing each other?"

"What happened to him Krishna ?"
"How did he change Krishna you said Sivan devotees are different and difficult?"
Ha...ha...what was his name Peter?

"Christ Krishna "
"He stopped eating meat or fish or egg! He stopped drinking even coffee or tea!!!He loves Sam’s gang like a bestselling song".
"Indeed it is an amazing climax Krishna!!!

"How Krishna?"

" Miracles happen Meera".

"Some of them
came with their loving families that's include Renuga, who was the only thoughtful sister, but sorrowful even though  beautiful and most importantly helpful treasure of James."

 "Her adorable Mum,and  James's wife,Santhy too were there. She was going to be the heroine today. "
"What Krishna ?"

"Means the woman's courage and heroic act going to be admired by the characters including the inspiring idol".

"It's going to be a compassionate riddle.

On the other hand, Rajeskanna's sorrowful love  story... worrying  most of his best friends  particularly Renuga". 

"Nonetheless,Rajesh Kanna worries were only about Renuga! Besides he did not forget his girl as he couldn't do it easily as he thought" . 

"Could any one do it?" 

 "Pretty hard Krishna "

"It was so hard for him! However, after the event of the greatest saints press conference, he was able to tolerate, but not  completely forgot her. "

"As a prove,he still had her picture at home he did not destroy it!

"Why not Krishna she is dishonest?"

"Because he did not forget her Rudra!

"Didn't he Krishna ?"

"Nonetheless,today he brought with him all of his collected gold in the riversides from his childhood with his elegant Grandpa he was some one so sweet so steady behave like his own daddy."

"Ohhhhh so sweet breath-taking poem Krishna !"

"In fact,from his attractive acts, people can identify the beauty in older people".

"They seems more kinder people better than the younger who have no much compassionate appreciation"

"As a matter of fact,there are million of Grand parents have been looking after their grand children exactly like Rajesh's Grand Dad."

"The pity is their greatness are not taken in to account by the ordinary peoples".

"True Krishna  ! Shame on them"

"Correct Retna it goes globally,all  over the world! It is exactly  similar to the ignorance class peoples who do not bother to care of the Father of all fathers namely Divine Father" .

"However the present Prime Minister of Great Britain just awoken up and has taken in to his golden compassionate consideration and planning to be supremely supportive to the super heroes".

"Are you Correct Krishna?"

" Yes. Isn't it providing prettiest evidences that the 
Divine excising in every-one and separated from every-one and at least some one out of many following the goodness class?"

"Although there are lots of financial difficulties in all over the world especially at the present moment Great Britain had been affected so so badly in comparison to other European communities some peoples are leading them lovingly and loyally."

"It was a beautiful story of his part... Today he was going to offer the precious gold powder powder  to the Vengadesar as a vow!...

"Wow... What a Vow Krishna ?...

"He was different now!

 "Ho goodness! Ever since he came to know that she has been fighting for her life,she had won his affection so strongly". 

 "What Krishna ?"

Rajesh Kanna adores Renuga better than his negligence woman destroyed his dreams totally .

Honestly he would like Renuga's recovery she has to be healed. He considers her as a best friend ever.

Rajesh Kanna lost his father and mother during the war although he was not an activist neither his parents.

"Ever since his Grandpa was replacing his irreplaceable mother and father.He has been worrying for his future as he too has been ageing.He was a nicest man".
"The cutest reason why , Rajesh called him Dad"

"The other day when he had a cup of drink from the neighborhood,the gentleman brought the half drink to him!"

"Hoo gracious Krishna his girlfriend dismissed his love Krishna ?"

"Such a greatest Grandpa in the world still fit with sense of self".

"The poetic beauty was, when Renuga would give some thing to eat to Rajesh from time to time on the request of his family, he would take the half to his Grandpa."

"They would be wiping their tears! She would be numbed the way he left helpless even by his girl friend".

"It was a splendor journey. They were ready to move. Only the holy Marina's family was missing Krishna?"

Surev! Sam was sitting hearing the saddest news ever Moreover,he was already so emotional while waving good bye to her parents".

"His Dad was shocked due to Marina's absent.He was a gentle man and he was wholeheartedly happy to accept her as his daughter in law with proud. Meanwhile, his wife was delighted of her absent".

"No one knows the people's mentality according to their previous actions and as a result controlled  by ignorance gear to expect more and more tears"

 "In fact, Sam's father did not accept any single penny as dowry besides this,mother refusing to accepts a bride without dowry!"
"Why Krishna ?"

"Mad world thinking that money πŸ’° is a wonder world Sarah! ".

"Sam golden face  saddened! It was like the Sun flower missing the Sun... he was silently putting his generous face in both of his palms by sitting in  between James and Rajeskanna". 

"He was there ,but his heart wasn't there...Can anyone agrees with it?"
"We do Krishna we do"

"He was in such helpless state...what a fate!
What a fate!! Who would have thought  that it would come to this state?"

"He is a guy enjoys helping each other. Some times he would be crying; some times he would be feeling like a plant without water; some times he would be doing the both drying and crying in his heart or within himself."

"When the fish  cry in the ocean,who would be bothered about it?"

"...His own life mate could not join him!"

" Wasn't it  his fate Krishna?"

"Correctv! As the clouds clouding the Sun rays, his happiness had been hidden behind the curtain of cruel world".

"He was still sweet looking silent person and suddenly he swallowed a golden infusion. He is someone loved nothing better than her good future".

"Krishna his blessings thought already πŸ™ blessed Marina with fortune πŸ™ "

"Yes ! He was so handsome and any one's heart could immediately capture.His eyes would be shining like diamonds when he would joins her".

"Really we trust  it Krishna !".

"The journey just began.They were looking at the lovely birds with beautiful colours flying above them".

"He would be more and more  charm when he thought of her".

"Does he Krishna!!" 

"It was the worst thing he expected to happen today Krishna!".

"Man proposes God disposes",

 Krishna Menan said to himself sadly he was sitting just behind him regrettably. 

"Sam was remembering he said the same to his father about his foreign matter so he knows his  long silence has lots of stories".

"How could anyone thought about something else Krishna?"

"It was the most wonderful chance of being with her company no Krishna?".

"He unexpectedly wiped his rain which he had been suppressing for the last an hour journey".

"Where Krishna ?"

"From Jaffna to International Airport in Colombo Meera"

Still his beauty illuminated everything around him.Yeah!!! The sun light fell through the window of the van and the kind wind fanned him with regrets.

The golden sun light was unable to believe his eyes.Everyone in the van seemed to be a bit worried to be honest.

They too,would welcome and appreciate her company in this joyful  journey.

As there is a saying,
"Tell me your friend I will tell you who are you", His friends know that he is the main tank of Divine water that they have been drinking through the taps in each an every trip".

They respect every single word from his  loyal lips.When they saw him thinking by himself like a professor,one of them said,

"Great minds think alike".

"There is always a woman important behind every man important",

said James worriedly to Krishna Menan"

Sam marvelously moistened his lovely  lips as they were keep on drying  his throat .  

"He always faced any type of difficulties with courage of his friends and families  with humorous, but when he misses his Miss, it upsetting him hurtfully"

 He hadn't eyes as blue as a mountain lake,but Divine written in golden pen in his heavenly eyes.

"Marina consider his eyes has divine photons."

"The beauty was,when he was over joy or over sorrow,he reminds his Divine Mantra.Nonetheless,today his heart was missing beats after beats!"

" He could not consider of his healing cutest mantra Krishna?!"

"If that was the case,he could have calmed him down Krishna".

"Definitely Durga."

"But he couldn't concentrate on mantra...his heart hardly  killing him little by little"

"Correct Rudra why you are crying?"

"I don't know Krishna "

" Cool down Rudra Sam too wanted to cry loudly like a child, but was speechless". 

"He would be expecting to share so many things something important to Marina  in person Krishna ".

"Surely Rudra". 

 "He was helpless feeling like friends were taking him  to the slaughter house that was how he worried."

"What a pity of him Krishna !!!"

" Sure Sarah "

"O God! It seemed feeling his fearful state,even the van's engine cried ,Ho...Ho...Ho...Ha...ha...ha   in fact,he moves painfully because  he was  overheated as though the engine fan was in repair  and stopped working such heat"

Unexpectedly, Sam was given a colourful, delicious mouth watering fruits salad that was one of his favourites foods.

 "Yeah beautiful ruby  Renuga served him with lots of amazing  affection".

"He thanked her glancing through his crystal clear eyes warm up water  remained in his enchanting eyes".

She suddenly felt a golden arrow pursed  into her weakened heart.

"No surprise,it was tasteless for him! "

At the same time, every one says it was tasteful.

 His prophetic and philosophical mind was worried remembering last journey with Marina:

"What is the point of eating a delicious fruits salad while I lost the point of taste?" 

He felt like he got a cold and lost the point of his taste .
However, his aim is to make the point or let the people know the main Divine point within  the human form of life ...because people are living without any point in their life..

"See the ears if we can't hear,what is the point of having them?
Similar to the eyes or a tongue .We have five senses like animals in addition another sense of consciousness to be distinguished from the animals, but we still living like the animals ...ordinary living beings of five senses just following the principles or propensity  of eating, mating, learning, earning, defending, offending, sleeping and calling these are the enjoyment in human  life!"

"The educated  doctors were trying to save the people by advising them to eat regularly red meats to meet  needs whereas he and his friends and families are eating only vegetables ,fruits and salads with plenty of liquids result they have been experiencing healthy life style and long life span ,but the people who are following the material scientist path, are unexpectedly discovering some incurable disease?"

"Then after killing thousands of people,we identify that the red meat is the cause of all these causes better eat white meats such as fish or chicken". 

After killing few more thousands,  then would suggest them to eat vegetables and fruits what a world Krishna?"

"As a matter of fact, we eat unlimited meats unnecessarily as a consequence,unnecessarily passing away ".

"Leaving our invaluable  loving souls helplessly before at least teaching them the real divine path! Result,the forest are bombarded with animals.Who are they in the forest?"

"They used to be human and they used to follow the fabulous material science ignoring the Supreme Science!".

" Is it the way of living as a human ?"

Thought Sam.

It's a mistake! For example, if we missed a point in the calculation, the whole calculation  is in  mistake.

So we people are making mistakes because of missing the point of human life .See what I am  doing?  

"When I missed my girl, I feel as though I missed the point of of living or going to the Temple"...

"After all, I am trying to correct the missed point of others life. At the same time,I am unable to control my senses especially feelings!! What a man of foolishness!".  

"How can I  make others life cool because we all are in the same pool of fools without a tool?"

He began to feel guilty of him...the reasons why Suddenly Rajesh Kanna pulled out Sam's cute flute from his blue bag and gave to him with a child smile. 

He glanced at him ,but his silver tears unable to stay on his red eyelashes and dropped as silver pearls and broken down in to shiny silver powders.

"However,he was good at hiding his emotional feeling in pretending he was alright."

Accidentally, he saw others too worried for him or concerned of his loneliness.

 He easily won deeply some of  their love in fears of his Mum's misunderstanding of his generous act to the community"

Somehow,he accepted to play the cute flute,wearing black and black. Nonetheless it suits him like white and white.No wonder no one was careless of his Divine Path. 

Still he was unable to hide his emotion.

For every one's astonishment, Rajesh Kanna looked a happy baby today.

He believes that his vow will be successful. He decided to offer his long term collection of gold powder of his wedding ring to God".

.Yes! from his childhood ,he had been collecting gold powder for his wedding ring".

 As a matter of fact, ...he had been collecting  tiny by tiny  in gold grains in  many, many times from the riverside  sand with his Greatest help of gentle Grandpa. 

Only to make his wedding ring on his Grandpa's ideal idea.

Unfortunately  it came to light that  his girl had found another substitute."

" Was it  an attitude of a human being without a bit...a tiny bit  of  gratitude of his helps and heart πŸ’” state Krishna ?"
"We are what we eat aren't we ?" 

He thought regrettably. 

Worst of all, his family's jewels a considerable amount of jewels assets had been deposited  in her bank account during the war for a safety measure,but she had refused to return them"...

"In return, he heard that she had been enjoying with her new substitute in his motor bike?"

"Ohhhhhhhh goodness discussing demoniac Krishna !"
In this circumstances,how can he ignore his friend's only holy sister... she often goes around and around him and helps him even in his case works?"

Particularly in her spare times she would be writing his case works professionally. Can any one bear it  her hurtful  hurdle after hurdle...?

Each time she would call him ,"Rahjeh kanna", he really really feels lovely and wish or wanted her to called him again.

 "Now she was in dangerous situation... how on Earth he leaves her helplessly?"

"Hundreds percent  Krishna!" 

" He  will prove that  he is following the footsteps of his greatest  golden friend, Sam" .

She had been suffering from kidneys troubles.

The other day on krishna Jeyanthy day. The way she was questioning Baba at the press interview in her broken heart... with overflowing tears was  killing everyone notable Rajesh Kanna.

He did  not  know why,but if his kidney had matches to her,he would  be pleased to be her donor.

In fact, when he suggested that to her brother,James 
Renuga totally refused as she thought that he should be a healthy man and the people need this kind of gentle man.

After that enchanting event she was enhanced to be alive, but somehow she lost her confidence of her survival as soon as she heard one of her friends had died recently.

Worst of all, her hunting for her lost Dad from her childhood  was a Divine Poem.

He wants to write a poem in her life.The reason why,he suggested about his intention of her transplantation.

She was told by the doctor that her kidneys are damaged, but not so, so badly in comparison to other patients.

Nevertheless, advice-able  of being transplanted as soon as possible!!!"

Nevertheless, a suitable donor to be found. She was not the only one,there are  millions of people have been waiting for the transplants.

In Britain for example, there are over 3 million patients have been waiting managing their lives with the supports of machines

 She has to under go for a severe operation. It would be  quite expensive process that may or may not affordable.

Of course,  James was prepared to be her donor in the first place as long as her mother was so weak to do so. 

"However, his wife disliked the idea at all. She turned to demoniac disgustingly .

 In spite he married her in following Sam's divine policy of  not taking or expecting any single penney from her".

Of course, she was protecting her husband,but she has got some selfish senses seriously.

More over,she has no interest in devotion or self realization.She adored of eating meat."we are what you eat"that's it.

Renuga was someone so devotional ever since she learned a lesson from Sam only before she was an average  student. 

Now wow!Renu. Inspirational and emotional. Best of all,  friendly. She was adorable girl to steal her family's hearts every time they see her.

"She was as a bed of roses and sunshine. It was a special and cherished feeling while she was near!." 

The family's loving days always filling with laughter and love all because of this saintly lovely young lady who was hunting for her lovely daddy.

"Hearing Sam's policy about the Supreme Daddy,forced her more and more to search her father".

She misses his love.Before anything going to happen to her life,she wishes to thank her Daddy to gave her a human life and as a result,she understands the reason of being human being is a best boon  boat to
realize the divine and get rid of the cycle of the rebirth.

She teaches as a private tutor.... being her own boss without depending any one. 

Nonetheless, her missing fabulous father was her bitterest story. 

Sometimes she would be weeping  as some people had to hurt her so badly by saying,

you are a single mother's child; you don't have a father ...then how you have born?".

Any way, luckily she got an old photo of her innocent Dad. She often would prove them that she has a fabulous father. 

Very nice looking young man, similar looking of her brother, James".

"Unfortunately she still not find her great Dad who was separated by her Mum's parents... years ago.

" That was to say, her parents were  at the final year of completing state of their graduation in teaching". 

Renuga's Dad loved her Mum so seriously. In spite her parent's disagreement, her dad decided to marry her in any case. 

"Her  Mum, too was in genuine love. But sooner they married, Renuga's Dad,Jonathan was admitted in the hospital. It was just a few weeks of their marriage".

For Mrs Jonathan, it was like some one pouring boiled water when she heard the very bitter surprise, the doctor informed her that he has no chance of  survival because of his serious sickness. 

Being genuine lover; seeing the unfortunate ,Mrs Jonathan  politely requested the doctor to conserve his sperm as she was told there is no chance  of  having children in the future even if he successfully treated his present  medical condition.

 Having seen her river of tears. Doctor sympathised. Worst of all, even he happened to be survived sooner his sperms going to be lifeless. On her sympathetic request,the sperms had been  frozen- before to be too late.

      Soon she was separated by force while she was pregnant of Renuga.

Obviously James was born in  fertility treatment.
Ever since, no contact as she was restricted so dangerously.

Suddenly, in the van, James  was shouting at her of her strong decision of  vowing?

She has been saying that she is going to vow at Thirupathi Vengadesh offering her long term money collection for the purpose of Rajes Kanna's successful love affair reunion with his lover!

Unexpectedly Rajesh kanna was silently but compassionately listening the whole conversation.

"Oh God... Lord... my heart filled with divine fragrants"...

He thought !!Sensationally, 
"when one door is closed many more are opened",

Said his friend Krishnamenan in astonishment and admiration. But he was in sweet shock!

"Today was  Friday, all finally arrived to Tirupathy Vengadeshar's Temple, For the amezement of Renuga, Rajesh Kanna gave a little parcel of gold to the priest and  vowed on behave of  his best friend's  sister Renugas survaval from her disastrous diseas
and did a puja on her name."

He was praying in his eyes closed,but rain drops  fallowing through his eyes

.All he was asking the distinguished Divine was, Renuga needs to be healed. 

After all, he had been collecting the gold for his wedding ring!

its' not a simple thing... even he did not think of his own wedding ring it's not just an ordinary thing Rajes kanna  was deeply praying the vengadeshar in other word, Lord Krishna in closing his wide  eyes; his tears  spilling without his knowledge!" 

 James was astonished !Amazed!shocked! was speechless!

Meanwhile, Renuga eyes stream   sliding, flowing ,rolling down her soft cheeks from her eager enthiastic eyes marvelously.

All she was requesting was, Rajesh Kanna has to be reunited with his girlfriend that's it.

. "Wow... Wow... what a vow!!! You are suffering of kidney disorder no?" 

Besides,why you did not pray for a miracle of your health and safety?! 

Instead, you bath in tears for his lost how?" 

"Why... Why you do this?"

"Lord Vengadeshar asked her.?"

Meanwhile, all other friends gathered together. They all started  chanting the wonder mantra most of them were stunned!  Everybody prayed very emotionally !!!

Today for the amezement of all the devotees, all the participants experienced a dvine presence charging  with divine fragrantsenergy !

Which was warming flowing through their bodies! The chief priest invited all of them to receive arathi and prasadam".

He gasped in wonder as he waved the lamps in front of Lord Krishna's idol, to the amazement of all, the idol was sweating !!!.

Small beads of sweats trickled down the body. Wonder of all the miracle happened! Lords Krishna's in fact from the Krishna's idol's cheeks were trembling. Tears in every single eyes!!!

The priest exclaimed. It was in deed God was in present or made his presence through the idol of Vengadesar.

"Unexpectedly, Jame's hand phone was ringing. It was his Dad, Jonathan After an emotional talk, with every one Jonathan compassionately called his  darling daughter!!!

As he was prepared to be her donor, More than any one, Rajesh Kanna was over the moon for her health.

"As a matter of fact, Jonathan miraculously survived living in London always searching for his lost lover  ".

He had read an article today only with the contact number of James!!!!

It was the identical  Sam in London did that following his brother's urgent request.

When the  conference took place,both Sams were numbed in hearing Renuga's heart breaking news.Being paper reporter in London,both decided to do this Divine work to her and their friend,James's family.

"Could we watch a compassionate condition of a family and how Krishna helps?"

"WHY WE WATCH IT Krishna ?



We love KKrisna!

Thanks πŸ™



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